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ACCT 3311 Exam: Intermediate Accounting Entrance Guide

Intermediate Entrance Exam 2021-2022 Dates:
Saturday, December 18, 2021
Saturday, January 08, 2022
Saturday, May 21, 2022
Saturday, June 11, 2022
Saturday, July 09, 2022
Saturday, August 13, 2022
Registration for each exam will open one month prior to the exam date.
You will need to bring a photo id and a #2 pencil. A Scantron and calculator will be provided to you.
Start Time: 10:00 am
End Time: 12:00 pm
What is the purpose of this requirement?
A student's performance in Intermediate Accounting is often viewed as the single most important indicator of
aptitude for success in the accounting profession. Prospective employers pay close attention to a student's
performance in this course. Unfortunately, many students fail to do well in this course, not because of their
aptitude, but because of their lack of preparedness upon entering the course. It is essential that a student's
prerequisite knowledge be sufficient to prepare a student to succeed in Intermediate. The goal of the exam is
make sure that our students are prepared to succeed, rather than allowing them to proceed to fail.
OK, I understand the goal -- but I'm frightened. What should I do?
First, ask yourself: Have I truly learned what I need to know about basic principles of accounting in my prerequisite
classes (Introduction to Financial and Introduction to Managerial Accounting (also known as Principles of
Accounting)? If you are certain of this, you should pass the exam. If you are uncertain, you should study from your
textbook or other supplemental material such as principlesofaccounting.com. An additional study resource can be
found here:accountingtestprep.com. If you did poorly, you should consider taking (or at a minimum auditing)
introductory classes again. A brief retreat to regroup is not a bad thing if it helps you achieve your longer range
I think I am ready for the exam. Now what?
You should have at least completed Accounting 2301 or its equivalent. It is a good idea to have completed
Accounting 2302 as well, but not mandatory. However, successful completion of 2302 is required for enrollment in
ACCT 3311. Check this site for information about times, locations, and registration processes. The next scheduled
exam is listed at the top of this page.
The exam is given several times per year, usually near the end of each term and again shortly before the beginning
of a new term. Just keep an eye on this website to monitor the exact schedule for upcoming exam dates.
Will the exam change each time?
The questions will change, but the subject matter will not (without prior notice). The exam will consist of 40
multiple-choice questions.
How long is the exam?
You are allowed two hours to complete the exam, and should easily be able to complete the exam within that
time. Plan to use the full two hours to double-check your answers.
How will I get my results?
Your Pass or Fail results will be emailed to the email address given at the time of registration.
What kind of scores can I expect?
You will be scored on a pass/fail basis; however a score of 75% is definitely passing. Individual exams may be
curved upward, and questions that prove to be answered incorrectly by most of the candidates will be tossed from
consideration. If you know the subject, we will do everything we can to see that you pass!
So, once I pass, then what?
The Department will maintain a list of persons passing the exam, and this list will be used to determine who is
eligible to enroll in Accounting 3311. Students not on the list will not be permitted to enroll in Accounting 3311.
Once you are on the approved list (you passed!), you will not need to take the exam again. At the time you decide
to actually enroll in Accounting 3311, you will need to email the Department at accounting@uta.edu and let them
know the specific section in which you intend to enroll. The Department will code MyMav to allow this enrollment
to occur. When you email, forward the email you received confirming you passed. Also include the section number
and semester you wish to enroll.
Note: Even if you are exempt from taking the entrance exam, you will need to get department consent to enroll.
What if I fail?
Be sturdy, dust off, and try again. But, benefit from the message -- "You may not be prepared to succeed in
Intermediate." You should definitely study more -- perhaps retake (or at a minimum audit) an appropriate
introductory course.
How often can I take the exam?
You can retake the exam as many times as you wish. We only maintain records of those who pass. You are not
required to retake any course if you do not pass the exam. There is no mandatory waiting period for taking the
exam again. The only limitation will be the frequency with which we offer the course.
I did really well in my introductory course. Can I get a waiver of the exam?
There are no waivers of the exam requirement. However, if you took your introductory class (Accounting 2301) at
UTA beginning with the Spring 2006 semester, and scored in the top one-third of your Accounting 2301's
comprehensive final exam (with no less than a B on that exam) and a final grade of no less than a B in the course, it
is more than equivalent to this entrance exam and will suffice. Your teacher will need to notify the Department of
your satisfactory completion of this requirement. Otherwise, plan on taking the entrance exam prior to enrolling in
Accounting 3311.
What should I bring to the entrance exam?
Two valid picture IDs and a pencil. Don't bring crib notes, etc. Leave your books at home. No cell phones, cameras,
calculators, computers or other devices will be permitted in the exam room.
What can I take from the exam?
You can take what you brought, but nothing more. The exam will remain the property of the Department, and
anyone attempting to remove the exam will be subject to strict disciplinary measures as provided by UTA's policies
and procedures. Students will be required to sign an agreement not to divulge or otherwise discuss the specific
content of the exam. This is in no way intended to limit student discussion about the general content of the exam.
For example, its acceptable to report that there was a question on LIFO inventory methods, but it is unacceptable
to report that Question No. X was on LIFO and the answer was "C."