TALEEM CITY INSTITUTE Ameenpur, Faisalabad Name: Subject: 1- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Computer Science-10 Class: Test Type # Type 6 - Short Test (MCQs=6, SQs=8, LQs=1) Total=30 Syllabus: Unit-1, (6x1=6) Circle the correct answer. ____have become an important part of our daily lives. Software ( اسٹف وریئD) Programming ( رپورگاگنمC) We can solve several problem ranging from complex mathematical problems by_____ All ( امتمD) CPU ( یس یپ اوC) Time: System ( مٹسسB) Computer ( ویپمکرٹA) تس Place ( ہگجB) Area ( اریایA) در :رپورگاگنم ےک امتم امہ آالت وک ااھٹک رکےن ےس رپورگاگنم ______یتنب ےہ -1 .1 .2 .3 .4 :ریغتم اک انم ________ےس رشوع ںیہن وہ اتکس ےہ Underscore ( اڈنروکسرB) Digit ( دنہےسA) .6 */ (C) Answer the following questions: What is programming language? Date: وجاب ےک رگد دارئہ اگلںیئ۔ GUI ( یس الی آیئB) // (B) Alphabet ( رحوفC) CLASS-10 :اک اکی ______ ویزر ارٹن سیف ےہIDE CLI ( یج ویآیئA) کم ن ٹ :یٹلم النئ ی س_______رپ متخ وہےت ںیہ An IDE has a ______ user interface. None ( وکیئ یھب ںیہنD) Simple ( اسدہC) Multi-line comments end at: || (D) Variable name cannot begin with a_____: T.Code 432485 :________ امہری زدنیگ اک اکی امہ ہصح نب ےکچ ںیہ Printers ( رپرٹنB) Computers ( ویپمکرٹA) :ںیمہ راییض ےک دیچیپہ وساالت ےک لح ںیم دمد داتی ےہ A collection of all the necessary tools for programming makes up a programming____: Environment ( اونارئٹنمD) Circle ( دارئہC) All ( امتمD) 2- Roll#: 03126987979 (8x2=16) What are commonly used programming language? Which thing we need to have for proper work? Give example from daily life. List down five reserved words in C programming language. Where we need to include header files? Discuss the main parts of the structure of a C program. Define Character Constants and give example. Define Floating Point-float. (8) Attempt the question in detail. 3. What is Programming Environment? Explain Integrated Development Environment (IDE) & what is the role of Text Editor and Compiler for IDE? \\* (A) .درج ذلی وساالت ےک رصتخم وجاابت ےئھکل رپورگاگنم وگنیلجئ ایک وہیت ںیہ؟ اعم وطر رپ اامعتسل وہےن وایل رپورگاگنم وگنیلجئ وکن یس ںیہ؟ یسک یھب اک م وک رس ااجنم دےنی ےک ےیل ںیمہ سک زیچ یک رضورت وہیت ےہ؟روز رمہ یک زدنیگ ےس اثمل دںی۔ تس رپورگاگنم وگنیلجئ ےک اپچن یک۔ورڈز یک رہف رحتری رکںی۔-C .5 -2 .i .ii .iii .iv ںیمہ ڈیہر افزلئ اہکں اشلم رکےن یک رضورت وہیت ےہ؟.v تخ رپورگام یک اس ےک امہ ےصح اتبںیئ۔-C .vi رکرٹکی القتسمت یک رعتفی رکںی اور اثمل دںی۔.vii ولفگنٹ وپاٹنئ ڈاٹی یک رعتفی ایبن رکںی۔.viii .درج ذلی وسال اک یلیصفت وجاب ےئھکل نٹ تح رپورگاگنم اونارئٹنمن ایک ےہ؟ ا یگرڈٹی ڈوٹنمپلی اونارئٹنمن یک واض رکںی ۔ زین.3 ںیم رکدارایبن رکںی۔IDE ٹسکیٹ اڈیرٹی اور اپمکرلئ اک ﺗﻌﻠﯿﻢﺳﭩﯽﭨﯿﺴﭧﺳﯿﺮﯾﺰ اس�ل�������2022ا��ہ�ام��س�كاورا������اور�ى����ر��۔�ى� ت ���رىوئىئبساا� �taleemcity.comڈاؤ�ڈ����۔���Paidقى ى�تاا َ������۔ �)������(Paidت ����� ب��م�رڈز����ن��ِ�ر���ر���۔ ����� ى����ب�بكل�اور�ا���ظ����۔ � ٹ�،����Paid:ى����بب�كل��۔��ف�اداروں���ا���ر��۔ ٹ س� ،���� پچ ىئئپ��روا��،ف�اور���ں���۔������ڈ��اور� ىئئبس��ا�����۔ � � 2500� ��� � س �۔� �PDFر � � ادارے � �م اور ��� �� آرڈر�� � �� 30-40ا�ر� �دى���۔�ڈ�� �Wordرم�������،ادارہ��ر�ا�����۔ ئٹئ ٹ ٹ آپ��ن���ز����۔ا��وہآپچ ىچىئپ��روا��،ف�اور�� ىسئس��ہ�ہ���۔ Free Series Paid Series ★★★ ★★★★★ Partially Yes No Available on our website Yes Will Share via Email or WhatsApp Yes No Features Test Quality Test date sheet Test Syllabus Institute Name/Logo Availability ر��ادا�����ر:آپ��ر��ز�/ا�ى���ا�ؤ��زر����۔ ��ادا����45�30 ا�رآ�����اورڈ��و�ہا� ����Zipرت��دے���۔ را��:وا�ا�� ،03126987979 :ل��03024710165: ﭘﯿﮉﺳﯿﺮﯾﺰﮐﯽﺳﯿﻤﭙﻞ ﻓﺎﺋﻞاسﭨﯿﺴﭧﻓﺎﺋﻞﮐﮯآﺧﺮﭘﺮدیﮔﺌﯽ ﮨﮯ۔ TALEEM CITY INSTITUTE Ameenpur, Faisalabad Name: Subject: 1- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Roll#: Computer Science-10 Class: Test Type # Type 6 - Short Test (MCQs=6, SQs=8, LQs=1) Total=30 Syllabus: Unit-2, Circle the correct answer. A_______is a device that takes data as input, processes that data and generates that output. 0.667 (D) 1.5 (C) In C language, ___________operator is used to check for equality of two expressions. = (D) iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. 2 (B) Date: Time: تس _______perform operations on Boolean expression and produce a Boolean expression as a result. What is the purpose of escape sequences? What are escape sequences? Why do we need them? Write a program that finds and displays the right most digit of an input number. What is the difference between unary operators and binary operators? What is meant by precedence of operators? What is meant by precedence of operators? Which operator has the highest precedence in C language? 1 (A) -1 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 _______ وبنیل ارپسکیزنشی رپ آرپنشی رسااجنم دےتی ںیہ اور وجاب یھب اکی وبنیل ارپسکینشی وہات ےہ۔ Assignment operator ( ااسٹنمنئ آرپرٹیزA) Logical operators ( اللکیج آرپرٹیزC) .6 == (B) (8x2=16) Answer the following questions: What is the purpose of scanf() function in C language. What is the use of getch() function in C language? Give example. در وگنیلجئ ںیم _______آرپرٹی ہی کیچ رکےن ےک ےئل اامعتسل وہات ےہ ہک دوC ارپکینشی ربارب ںیہ ای ںیہن۔ < = (C) ش ii. CLASS-10 _______اکی ااسی آہل ےہ وج ڈاٹی وک وطبر ِان ٹپ اتیل ےہ اس ڈاٹی وک رپوسیس رکات ےہ اور آؤٹ ٹپ داتی ےہ۔ compiler ( اپمکرلئC) computer ( ویپمکرٹB) interpreter ( ارٹن رپرٹیA) all ( امتمD) C language offers_______to display the output, and )آؤٹ ٹپ داھکےن ےک ےیل_____اور اصرفC-Language( وگنیلجئCscanf function to get input from user. نشکنف ایہم رکیت ےہ۔scanf )ےس ان ٹپ ےنیل ےک ےیلUser( getch function نشکنفgetch (B) printf function نشکنفprintf (A) scan function نشکنفscan (D) print function نشکنفprint (C) printf is a built-in function in C programming language رپورگاگنم وگنیلجئ ںیم رکسنی رپ______داھکےن اک اکی ٹلب ِانC printf to show _____on screen. )نشکنف ےہ۔Built-in( output ( آؤٹ ٹپD) input ( ان ٹپC) data ( ڈاٹیB) information ( اافنرنشیمA) What is the output of the following? float result = 3 / 2; float result = 3 / 2 دنمرہج ذلی یک آٗوٹ ٹپ ایک وہیگ؟ ن Relational operator ( ریلی ل آرپرٹیزD) i. T.Code 432486 وجاب ےک رگد دارئہ اگلںیئ۔ (6x1=6) Asthmatic operator ( آرھت کٹیم آرپرٹیزB) 2- 03126987979 ! = (A) .درج ذلی وساالت ےک رصتخم وجاابت ےئھکل نشکنف اک اامعتسل ایک ےہ؟scanf وگنیلجئ ںیمC () نشکنف اک اامعتسل ایک ےہ؟اثملgetch وگنیلجئ ںیمC دںی۔ اپیکس وکیسسنئ اک ایک دصقم وہات ےہ؟ اپیکس وکیسزسنئ ایک وہےت ںیہ؟ ںیمہ ان یک رضورت ویکں وہیت ےہ؟ اکی رپورگام ںیھکل وج ان ٹپ ربمن اک بس ےس داایں دنہہس ولعمم رکے اور اےس اظرہ رکے۔ ویرنی آرپرٹیز اور ابرنئی آرپرٹیز ںیم ایک رفق ےہ؟ -2 .i .ii .iii .iv .v .vi آرپرٹیز یک رتحیج ایک وہیت ےہ؟.vii وگنیلجئ ںیم سک آرپرٹی یک رتحیج بس ےس زایدہC- آرپرٹیز یک رتحیج ےس ایک رماد ےہ؟.viii ےہ؟ (8) Attempt the question in detail. .درج ذلی وسال اک یلیصفت وجاب ےئھکل 3. Write a note on: (i)Unitary operator (ii) Binary operator ) اورپرٹی یک رتحیجiii( ) ابرنئی اورپرٹیii( ) ویرنی اورپرٹیi( : دنمرہج ذلی رپ ونٹ ںیھکل.3 (ii) Operator precedence. TALEEM CITY INSTITUTE Ameenpur, Faisalabad Name: Subject: 1- 1. 2. 3. Roll#: Computer Science-10 Class: Test Type # Type 6 - Short Test (MCQs=6, SQs=8, LQs=1) Total=30 Syllabus: Unit-3, 5. 6. 2- i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. T.Code 432487 CLASS-10 Date: Time: تس (6x1=6) Circle the correct answer. وجاب ےک رگد دارئہ اگلںیئ۔ ٹ ٹ در س ی منٹ کت We need to ______a set of statement for a number of س ےک اکی ےصح وک اکی اخص دح ______ ںیہ۔ مہ times. analyze ( زجتہیD) summarize ( الخہصC) repeat ( ُد رہاےتB) execute (ٹ ازگیویکیٹA) ٹ س ی من ٹ س یک______ااسقم ںیہ۔ وگنیلجئ ںیم رٹنکول-C There are _______of control statements in C language. 5 (D) 4 (C) According to the______all the statements are executed in the given sequence. Loop structure ( ولپ رٹسرچکB) ئ 3 (B) Selection statement( نشکیلس ٹنمٹیٹس ٹC) ٹ س ی من ٹ س وسنمب رکان اچےتہ ںیہ وت اںیھن ٹنمٹیٹس ےس اکی ےس زایدہif ارگ مہ اکی __ ےک ادنر ےتھکل ںیہ۔ parathenes ( واونیB) bracket ( ربٹکیA) else (B) if (A) ںیم ارگ رشط وپری وہ اجےئ وت______ٹنمٹیٹس ےس وسنمب رکدہif-else سٹیٹمنٹ س یتلچ ںیہ۔ ______executes the set of statements under if statement if the condition is true. if else if (D) if else (C) ںیہ۔ The if, _____structures cover all the possible decision marking scenarios. all of these ( ہی امتمD) if-else (C) ےتکس ________رٹسرچکز ولصیفں رپ ینبم امتم رظنم انومں رپ اامعتسل وہ else (B) (8x2=16) Answer the following questions: What is conditional logic? What is mean by control statement? How many type of control statements in C language? What is sequential statements? Define selection statements. Write name of selection statements types. Describe general structure of the if-else statement. Write a program that takes a character as input and displays “DIGIT” if the character entered by user is a digit between 0 to 9, otherwise displays “NOT DIGIT”. Attempt the question in detail. 3. What is a Control Statement? How many types of control statement provided by C language? Explain. -1 .1 .2 .3 conditional statement ( ڈنکلنشی ٹنمٹیٹسA) sequential control ( وکیس ی ل رٹنکولD) If we want to associate more than one statements to an if statement, then they need to be enclosed inside a___ block ( البکD) comma ( وکامC) 2 (ٹA) ٹ س ی من ٹ س دی یئگ رتبیت ےک اطمقب یتلچ ںیہ۔ ______ےک امتم نش 4. 03126987979 .4 .5 .6 if (A) .درج ذلی وساالت ےک رصتخم وجاابت ےئھکل -2 .i .ii .iii .iv رشموط قطنم ایک وہیت ےہ؟ سٹیتمنٹ رماد ےہ؟ ایک ےس رٹنکول ٹ س یٹمنٹ :رٹنکولٹ نٹ س یک ینتک ااسقم ںیہ وگنیلجئ ںیم ٹC ئ نش سیم وکیس ی س ایک وہیت ںیہ؟ رٹنکول لٹیٹمنٹ س .v نشکیلس ٹ ٹ نٹس یک رعتفی رکںی۔ ش س س یلیک ن ی م .vi س یک ااسقم ےک انم ںیھکل۔ ٹنمٹیٹس اک اعم ڈاھہچن ایبن رکںی۔if-else .vii "DIGIT" اکی رپورگام ںیھکل وج اکی رکرٹکی ِان ٹُپ اتیل ےہ اور ارگ وہ دنہہس وہ وت.viii "رپٹن رکات ےہ۔NOT DIGIT" رپٹن رکات ےہ ورہن (8) .یلیصفتٹ وجاب ےئھکل درج ذلی وسال اک سٹیٹ ن سٹیٹمنٹ م س ایہم رکیت ےہ؟ وگنیلجئ ینتک مسق یک رٹنکول-C س ایک وہیت ںیہ؟ رٹنکول.3 تح واض رکںی۔ TALEEM CITY INSTITUTE Ameenpur, Faisalabad Name: Subject: 1- 1. 2. 3. Roll#: Computer Science-10 Class: Test Type # Type 6 - Short Test (MCQs=6, SQs=8, LQs=1) Total=30 Syllabus: Unit-4, Circle the correct answer. _____programming languages provides data structures in order to store and organize data. 03126987979 T.Code 432488 CLASS-10 Date: Time: وجاب ےک رگد دارئہ اگلںیئ۔ (6x1=6) تس ______ یک رپورگاگنم وگنیلزجئ ںیم ڈاٹی وک وفحمظ رکےن اور رتبیت دےنی ےک ےیل ڈاٹی :ےک ےیل ڈاٹی رٹسرچکز وہےت ںیہ None of these ( وکیئ یھب ںیہنD) High level ( اہیئ ویللC) Middle level ( ڈمل ویللB) Low level ( ولویللA) ئٹ _______is a container to store collection of data items ”_______ اکی رنیٹنک وہات ےہ وج ڈاٹی آ مز ےک ومجمےع وک اکی اخص رتبیت ںیم in a specific layout. “:وفحمظ رکےن ےک ےیل اامعتسل وہاتےہ Data structure ( ڈاٹی رٹسرچکB) loop ( ولپA) array ( ارےD) control structure ( رٹنکول رٹسرچکC) نش تق If we do not initialize an array at the time of ڈرئیلکنشی ےک و ارے وک ا ی الزئ ںیہن رکےت وت ںیمہ ______رکےک ارگ مہ یلیمنٹ نش declaration, then we need to initialize the array :ارے ےک ا س وک ا ی الزئرکان ڑپات ےہ در -1 .1 .2 .3 elements_____ 4. 5. 6. 2- i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. four by four ( اچراچرD) three by three ( نیت نیتC) two by two ( دودوB) دنمرہج ذلی ںیم ےس وکن یس ولپ یک مسق ےہ؟ For loop ولپFor (A) Do-While loop ولپDo-while (C) کی ٹیس یک________ ےک ےیل ولپ فلتخم رپورگاگنم وگنیلزجئ ںیم دہاایت ےک ا :رٹسرچکز اک اکی یہ ہفسلف اامعتسل وہات ےہ Which one from the following is kind of loop? While loop ولپWhile (B) All ( امتمD) Different programming languages follow similar philosophy in the loop structures for _____a set of instructions. ن decoding ( ڈوکیڈگنD) fetching ( فیچ گC) excecuting ( ازگیویکیگنٹB) (8x2=16) Write a program that stores the ages of five persons in an array, and them displays on screen. How we can use variables as array indexes? Give example. What is the use of loop structure? Give an example. repeating ( رکتارA) :ولپ اک وہ ہصح ےہ وج بس ےس ےلہپ ازگیویکیٹ وہات ےہFor_______ نش declaration ( ڈیکلرنشیB) Initialization ( ا ی الزئنشیA) ______is the first part to be executed in a for loop. none ( وکیئ ںیہنD) loop ( ولپC) Answer the following questions: How we declare an array? Define array initialization and give example. one by one ( اکی اکیA) .درج ذلی وساالت ےک رصتخم وجاابت ےئھکل ےتکس مہ ارے وک سک رطح ڈرئیلکنشی رک ںیہ؟ نش ارے ا ی الزئنشی یک رعتفی رکںی اور اثمل دںی۔ اکی رپورگام ںیھکل وج اپچن ولوگں یک رمعںی اکی ارے ںیم وفحمظ رکے اور رکسنی رپ داھکےئ۔ ےتکس ںیہ؟ اثمل دںی۔ وریی ایبلز وک وطبر ارے اڈنسکی ےسیک ا امعتسل رک .4 .5 .6 -2 .i .ii .iii .iv ولپ رٹسرچکاک اامعتسل ایک وہات ےہ؟اثمل دںی۔.v ولسپ اک اع م ڈاھہچن ںیھکل۔.vi ولپ ےک ڈاھےچن وک ےنھجمس ےک ےیل ولف اچرٹ ںیھکل۔FOR .vii ولپ وک اامعتسل رکےک ارے ںیم ںیتمیق ےسیک ڑپیھ اجیت ںیہ؟اثمل دںی۔.viii Write the general structure of loops. Write a flowchart to understand the for loop. How to Read values from Arrays using Loops? (8) Attempt the question in detail. .درج ذلی وسال اک یلیصفت وجاب ےئھکل یلیمنٹ ےتکس کت 3. What is Data Structure and Array? How we can access ںیہ؟ ڈاٹی رٹسرچک اور ارے ایک ےہ؟ ارے ےک ا س مہ ےسیک راسیئ احلص رک.3 تح array elements? Explain with example. اثمل ےس واض رکںی۔ TALEEM CITY INSTITUTE Ameenpur, Faisalabad Name: Roll#: Subject: 1- 1. Computer Science-10 Class: Test Type # Type 6 - Short Test (MCQs=6, SQs=8, LQs=1) Total=30 Syllabus: Unit-5, Circle the correct answer. A good problem solving approach is to divide the problem into __________ parts of sub-problems. 2. 3. Multiple smaller ( وھچےٹ وھچےٹD) ______provides us with functions that allow us to solve a programming problem using the divide and conquer approach. High level language ( اہیئ ویلل وگنیلجئB) All ( ہی امتمD) _______functions perform commonly used mathematical calculations, string operations, input/output operations etc. library function ( الربئریی نشکنفB) 4. 5. 6. 2- i. ii. iii. built-in functions ( ٹلب ان زنشکنفD) CLASS-10 Date: Time: وجاب ےک رگد دارئہ اگلںیئ۔ تس یسک یھب ےلئسم وک لح رکےن یک ایھچ ِتمکح یلمع ہی ےہ ہک اےس____وصحں ںیم :میسقت رک دای اجےئ Two smaller ( دووصحںA) Four smaller ( اچر وصحںC) _______ ںیم امہرے اپس زنشکنف وہےت ںیہ وج رپورگاگنم ےک وسال وک لح رکےن :ےک ےیل میسقت رکےن اور حتف رکےن یک ِتمکح یلمع اامعتسل رکےت ںیہ در رپورگاگنم وگنیلجئC (A) Assembly language ( ایلبمس وگنیلجئC) گن ان ٹپ اور آؤٹ، رٹس آرپزنشی،____ زنشکنف اعم وطر رپ راییض ےک اسحب اتکب :ٹپ آرپزنشی وریغہ ااجنم دےتی ںیہ vi. What is the function of int largest (int, int, int);? vii. Write down the general strcture of a function definition. .2 .3 standard function ( ڈنیٹسرنشکنفA) نٹ ی ج integer function ( ا ر نشکنفC) :اکی نشکنف وج دارئے اک رداس ِان ٹپ ےل اور رہبق ررٹین رکے الہکاتےہ The general structure used to make a function call. :نشکنف اکل ےک ےیل ڈاھہچن اامعتسل وہات ےہ function_name(value1, value2, ..., value3); (B) function_name(value1, value2, ..., valueN); (A) function_name(value1, value2, ..., value5); (D) function_name(value1, value2, ..., value4); (C) (8x2=16) Answer the following questions: .درج ذلی وساالت ےک رصتخم وجاابت ےئھکل Define functionand give example. نشکنف یک رعتفی رکںی اور اثمل دںی۔ Write down advantages of functions. زنشکنفےک وفادئ ںیھکل۔ What is the advantage of function reusability? )اک ایک افدئہ وہاتReuseability( نشکنف اک دوابرہ اامعتسل What is the use of function signature? What is the purpose of int square (int);? -1 .1 C programming language A function that takes radius of a circle as input and returns the area of circle int larger (int, int, int); (D) int square (int); (C) int is Vowel (char);. (B) float area (float); (A) سٹیٹمنٹ There may be multiple _________statements in a :س وہ یتکس ںیہ ______اکی نشکنف ںیم اکی ےس زایدہ function. none ( وکیئ ںیہنD) function ( نشکنفC) calling ( اکگنلB) return ( ررٹینA) iv. v. viii. T.Code 432489 (6x1=6) Three smaller ( نیت وصحںB) 03126987979 .4 .5 .6 -2 .i .ii .iii ےہ؟ ن سگ نشکنف نیچر اک اامعتسل ایک ےہ؟.iv سگ );اک ایک دصقمint square (int نشکنف یچر.v ےہ؟ ن سگ );اک ایک دصقمint largest (int, int, int نشکنف یچر.vi ےہ؟ ن ش یفی ی ن اک ڈاھہچن ںیھکل۔ نشکنف ڈ.vii ررٹین رکے ارگ ربمن رفمد1 ںیھکل وج اکی ربمن ِان ٹپ ےل اورprime)( اکی نشکنف.viii ںیم اامعتسل رکںی۔main)( ررٹین رکے۔اس نشکنف وک0 وہ وت ںیہن وت Write a function is Prime() that takes a number as input and returns 1 if the input number is price, otherwise return 0. User this function in main(). (8) Attempt the question in detail. .درج ذلی وسال اک یلیصفت وجاب ےئھکل 3. What is mean by Function in C language? Explain وگنیلجئ ںیم نشکنف ےس ایک رماد ےہ؟نشکنف یک ااسقم اور وفادئ لیصفت ےس ایبن رکںی۔-C .3 function types and its advantages in detail. �ںآ�ادارے��ماور���ام���د��۔ Your School/Academy Logo ()������آپ�را��رىوا�ا��رٹا����د�د����۔ Test #1 Time: 1:20 Hour Chapter-wise Tests Date: _______ / _______ /_______ English Class-9th Student Name 03126987979 :�وا�ا Roll No Total Marks: 40 Objective Part Q.1 Tick ✅ mark the correct option. 8x1=08 Choose the correct form of verb from the columns A, B, C and, D. Sr# Questions A i. The Earth---------Around the Sun. Revolve ii. He--------The Truth. Speak B Revolves C Revolved 1×2=2 D Revolving Speaks Speaking Spoken Choose the correct spellings from the columns A, B, C and, D. Sr# A B C D iii. Ristrain Restrain Restrian Ristrin iv. Chaos Choas Chaose 1×2=2 Choes Choose the correct meaning of underlined word from the columns A, B, C and, D. Sr# Questions 1×2=2 A B C D v. Their Eloquence and Memory. weak strong healthy fluency vi. I Shall Not Abandon the True Faith. hate strong give up like Choose the correct option according to grammar from the columns A, B, C and, D. Sr# Questions vii. The Police Dispersed the Crowd. viii. She is a clever girl; The underlined word is 1×2=2 A Material noun B Countable noun C Abstract noun D Uncountable noun Noun Article Adverb Adjective Subjective Part 2. i. ii. iii. iv. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Write short answers to any three of the following questions. 2×3=6 Why was holy Quran sent in Arabia? What type of land Arabia is? What was the first revolution? What was the mission of Holy prophet (S.A.W)? Translate the following paragraph in Urdu. 1×4=4 The Arab’s possessed a remarkable memory and were an eloquent people their eloquence and memory found expression in their poetry. Every year a fair was held for poetical competitions at Ukaz it is narrated that hammad said to caliph Walid bin yazid: I am recite to you, for each letter of alphabet, one hundred long poems, without taking into accounts short pieces and all of that composed exclusively by poets before the promulgation of Islam. Write a Letter OR Story on the following: 1×5=5 Write a letter to your friend congratulating him/her on his/her birthday. OR Write a story on the topic of “The Muslim Brotherhood”. OR Dialogue b/w teacher and a student. Read the following passage carefully and answer to the questions given at the end: 1×5=5 Once a stag was drinking at a stream. He happened to see his reflection in the water. He was pleased to see his beautiful horns, but when he saw his thin legs, he felt sad as he thought they were ugly. Suddenly he saw a pack of hounds at a distance. He ran as fast as his legs could help him. Soon he left the hounds far behind. He had to pass through a thick forest of bushes. His horns got caught in a bush. He tried hard to pull his horns out of it but all in vain. By now the hounds had come up. They fell upon him and tore him to pieces. Questions: 1. What was the stag doing? 2.What did he see in the water? 3.What made him sad? 4.Why did he run? 5.How did his legs help him? Use any Four of the following phrases / words / idioms in your own words. Determination, Delegation, Quietly, Urge, Ignorance Translate any Four of the following sentences into English ��ال��ہ�۔ 8. (iii) ( ��آج��م��دار����۔ii) ( �آپ��س���؟v) 1×4=4 1×4=4 ( آپ���رو�ر���۔i) ( آپ���وں�ا�ام���؟iv) Change the voice of the following: 1×4=4 (i)The boy makes the picture. (i)She likes apples. (iii)Why is he mending the chair? (iv)We use milk for making cheese For Call: 03024710165 �ںآ�ادارے��ماور���ام���د��۔ Your School/Academy Logo ()������آپ�را��رىوا�ا��رٹا����د�د����۔ Test # Time: 1 Hour Math Class-10h 03126987979 :�وا�ا Chapter: #3 Date: _______ / _______ /_______ Student Name Roll No Total Marks: 30 Four possible answers A, B, C and D to each question are given. The choice, which you think, is correct; fill that circle in front of that question with marker or pen ink in the answer book. Cutting or filling two or more circles will result in zero mark in that question. 1 3 A 5 A A B C D B C D B C D 2 A B C 4 D A B Q.1 Tick ✅ mark the correct option. In a proportion, a: b:: c : d b and c are called…………… 2) In continued proportion 𝑎𝑎: 𝑏𝑏 = 𝑏𝑏: 𝑐𝑐, 𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 = 𝑏𝑏 2 , 𝑏𝑏 is said to be proportional between 𝑎𝑎 and 𝑐𝑐 3) In proportion 4: x : : 5: 15,x 4) If 𝑢𝑢 ∝ 𝑣𝑣 2 , then 5) In proportion 7: 4: p: 8, p=? 6) In ratio x: y, y is called. A A A A A C Third B Fourth C Means 75/4 B 4/3 C 3/4 𝑢𝑢 = 𝑣𝑣 2 B 14 B 7/2 Relation � B Antecedent 𝑢𝑢 = 𝑘𝑘𝑣𝑣 2 ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) 𝑝𝑝2 −𝑞𝑞2 a) b) 32/7 Consequent C �ر 𝑝𝑝−𝑞𝑞 Define theorem of componendo-dividendo and joint variation. None ��� (2 ���۔ D None D 12 ���۔x�4: x : : 5: 15�� (3 D 𝑣𝑣 ∝ 𝑢𝑢��؟2 �( ا4 𝑢𝑢𝑣𝑣 2 = 1 �ا��۔p �: : p: 8 4:7�� (5 D دو�ى D -14 ���y�x : y� (6 None ��� .6: 𝑥𝑥: : 3: 5������ اx (iii 𝑝𝑝2 −𝑞𝑞2 �� �ا���م,𝑝𝑝2 −𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝+𝑞𝑞2 𝑝𝑝3 +𝑞𝑞3 (iv 𝑝𝑝−𝑞𝑞 3𝑎𝑎 + 5𝑏𝑏: 7𝑏𝑏 − 5𝑎𝑎���� 𝑎𝑎: 𝑏𝑏 = 7: 6��( اv ئ ( �ئلہ��و�اور��ك�����؟vi 8,7,6��( �����مvii Find the fourth proportional to 8,7,6 ( �اور��س�����؟اور�لد�۔viii Define ratio and direct variation with example. 6𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 D �ا��ں۔3: 4 اور2𝑝𝑝 + 5: 3𝑝𝑝 + 4�� ���م�۔اp (i تف 𝑥𝑥−𝑦𝑦 ��و��ا�ا��م, 𝑥𝑥 2 − 𝑦𝑦 2 (ii 𝑥𝑥+𝑦𝑦 If 𝑎𝑎: 𝑏𝑏 = 7: 6, find the value of 3𝑎𝑎 + 5𝑏𝑏: 7𝑏𝑏 − 5𝑎𝑎 𝑠𝑠−3𝑝𝑝 𝑠𝑠+3𝑞𝑞 D ن �� �ر�ذ��ا�ت���ا�ت�۔2�ا م�ب�ر 2 × 8 = 16 Find the third Proportion 𝑝𝑝3 +𝑞𝑞3 ,𝑝𝑝2 −𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝+𝑞𝑞2 Find the value of 𝑠𝑠+3𝑝𝑝+𝑠𝑠−3𝑞𝑞if S=𝑝𝑝−𝑞𝑞 �و 𝑢𝑢𝑣𝑣 2 = 𝑘𝑘 Subjective Part Q.2 Write detailed answers of the question: C ��ـــــــــb�در�نbاورa�a:b=b:c ,ac=b2,b��� C Find the value of p, if the ratios 2p + 5 : 3p +4 and 3 : 4 are equal 𝑥𝑥−𝑦𝑦 Find mean proportion 𝑥𝑥 2 − 𝑦𝑦 2 ,𝑥𝑥+𝑦𝑦 Find 𝑥𝑥, if 6: 𝑥𝑥: : 3: 5. Means C ��ر B ��� c اورb �a : b : : c : d�� (1 Fourth �� Q.2 Write short answers of the following: i) A درﺳﺖ ﺟﻮابﭘﺮ� ﮐﺎ ﻧﺸﺎن ﻟﮕﺎﺋﯿﮟ۔ B Third �ا 6 D 1x6=6 1) A C ن �� � م �ر�ذ��ا�ت���ا�ت�۔3�ا ب�ر 4+4=8 If (𝑎𝑎, 𝑏𝑏, 𝑐𝑐, 𝑑𝑑 ≠ 0) 𝑎𝑎 ∶ 𝑏𝑏 = 𝑐𝑐 ∶ 𝑑𝑑 then prove 𝑎𝑎6 + 𝑐𝑐 6 ∶ 𝑏𝑏 6 + 𝑑𝑑6 = 𝑎𝑎3 𝑐𝑐 3 : 𝑏𝑏3 𝑑𝑑3 𝑠𝑠−3𝑝𝑝 𝑠𝑠+3𝑞𝑞 6𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 + ������مS=𝑝𝑝−𝑞𝑞�ا 𝑠𝑠+3𝑝𝑝 𝑠𝑠−3𝑞𝑞 (a 𝑎𝑎6 +�������(𝑎𝑎, 𝑏𝑏, 𝑐𝑐, 𝑑𝑑 ≠ 0) 𝑎𝑎 ∶ 𝑏𝑏 = 𝑐𝑐 ∶ 𝑑𝑑 �ا (b 𝑐𝑐 6 ∶ 𝑏𝑏 6 + 𝑑𝑑6 = 𝑎𝑎3 𝑐𝑐 3 ∶ 𝑏𝑏 3 𝑑𝑑3 For Call: 03024710165 �ںآ�ادارے��ماور���ام���د��۔ وا�ا�03126987979 : Your School/Academy Logo )������آپ�را��رىوا�ا��رٹا����د�د����۔( اردو Class-9th Chapter-wise Test _______Date: _______ / _______ / Total Marks: 40 Test #1 Time: 1:30 min Student Name Roll No در��اب�� ��ن��۔ ا��ز�دہ�ا�ت������اب��ر��۔ (1 آپﷺ�۔۔۔۔۔۔را��ر��ار�۔ (2 ���ڑے��ؤں�ں�ز��د��؟ ا� � ا� (3 ب ب �دى ا� (5 ا���ا���ر��؟ �� ان���ادف�ن��؟ ا� ��ت،آ�ر (6 ا� ا��م ��������ش��وۃا���م����۔ ا� د�� (4 �ر �ا���د�۔ �� ب ب ب ب �� 1x6=6 ج ج ج �� ج د�دار�،د� ج �� ج �� د ا�� د �ل� د �� د دا�ن�، د ا�ق د �ت �ب ش � �ا�� م د�� ����� �م�،ص �وت ﺣﺼﮧاﻧﺸﺎﺋﯿﮧ 2۔ درجذ��������۔ 2×2=4 �ے������ادا�ا ����م���اادا�� �������ں���ا �م��ا�������م 3۔ درجذ���رے�����۔���ان���،ماور��ہا�ظ�����۔ 1×5=5 آپ��ااور�م�����ڑىد��سر�اور�ڑد�۔�آ�رﷺ��ش� ����آ�����،آ�تﷺ��� ِ �با�ؓ�۔��ں� ؓ �۔ڈ���ڈ����ر�د���آ�۔ 4۔ درجذ��ا�ت���ا�ت�۔ .i .iii 3×2=6 .ii �تا�ؑ��ن���اد�؟ ر�ل�كﷺ��ت����ل �ت���؟ 5۔ درجذ������۔ ِ �ت�ىﷺ .iv �تا�ر�ا������ت�ا�مد�؟ ��"�� ِد�د�������؟" 1×5=5 6۔ �����ى�ل�������،اور����م��۔ 7۔ ��در�ا�����ا�����۔ 1+3=4 1×5=5 ���م���������م�۔ � ������مڈا�����در�ا��۔ 8۔ ���������ا�����۔ ب�در�ن�����۔ "����"��ان�������۔ � ��اورطببببى ى ب For Call: 03024710165 1×5=5 �ںآ�ادارے��ماور���ام���د��۔ Your School/Academy Logo ()������آپ�را��رىوا�ا��رٹا����د�د����۔ Test #2 Time: 1 Hour Physics Class-9th 03126987979 :�وا�ا Chapter: #2 Date: _______ / _______ /_______ Student Name Roll No Total Marks: 30 Four possible answers A, B, C and D to each question are given. The choice, which you think, is correct; fill that circle in front of that question with marker or pen ink in the answer book. Cutting or filling two or more circles will result in zero mark in that question. 1 3 A 5 A A B C D B C D B C D 2 A B C 4 D A B Q.1 Tick ✅ mark the correct option. 1) A 2) A 3) A 4) A 5) A 6) A C B Torque �رك B Deceleration ��ڈ A sprinter completes its 100-meter race in 12s its average speed will be: 100ms-1 B C Power �ور D C Retardation �ر�رڈ D C C Velocity ��و ٹ Displacement ڈسپپلى ى��ننٹ B C Velocity ��و B iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) C Velocity ��و D D Distance �� Deceleration ��ڈ D Distance �� ستپلى ى�� ٹ :�����������( ��ك��ڈ ننٹ�و6 ( روز�ہز���و��اروں�ا��ن�۔i ��دوڑ����۔اس�او���م��۔100��12( ا��ڑىii ( �اورو��اروں��ق�ن��۔iii Differentiate between rotatory and vibratory motion. What is difference between positive acceleration and negative acceleration? Define Terminal velocity. �( رو�ىاوروا��ى����ق�نiv ز ٹ ( �ز�انىكس�رر�اورننىگ ىننووانىكس�رر����ق�؟v ( ��و�������۔vi ( ���������وا���اتىكس�رر����؟vii Can a body moving at a constant speed have acceleration? Convert 36Kmh-1to meter per second. Q.2 Write detailed answers of the question: Acceleration �اى ىكس�رر ن �� �ر�ذ��ا�ت���ا�ت�۔2�ا م�ب�ر 2 × 8 = 16 How are vector quantities important to use in our daily life? A sprinter completes its 100-meter race in 12 s. Find his average speed. Differentiate between scalar and vector. �������������۔36 (viii ن �� �ر�ذ��ا�ت���ا�ت�۔3�ا م�ب�ر 4+4=8 a) Drive third equation of motion. b) A car has a velocity of 10ms . It accelerates at 0.2ms−2 for half minute. Find the distance travelled during this time and the final velocity of the car. -1 ( �ز����_____���۔4 Time �� By dividing displacement of a moving body with time, we obtain: Speed � 8.33ms-1 :�������( �۔���اف���ا5 Q.2 Write short answers of the following: ii) D 8ms-1 The area of speed-time graph represents. Speed � Both B and C دو�ںB اورC ��دوڑ����۔اس�او����۔100��12( ا��ڑى3 12ms-1 B D Velocity ��و نن ٹ ( ى ىگ ىىٹى ىوواى ىكس�رر��__���۔2 A change in position is called. Speed � C ( �ر�ذ������ارو���؟1 Negative Acceleration is also called: ٹ س Displacement ڈ پپ�ىىم ىىننٹ B درﺳﺖ ﺟﻮابﭘﺮ� ﮐﺎ ﻧﺸﺎن ﻟﮕﺎﺋﯿﮟ۔ Which of the following is not a vector quantity? Force �رس A 1x6=6 Subjective Part i) 6 D ( �اف��د�����ى�واتا��۔a ��ا��ر�و10ms-1 ����۔�آد0.2ms−2 ����اتىكس�رر ( �������ے�؟�اس�آ�ىو����م�۔b For Call: 03024710165 �ںآ�ادارے��ماور���ام���د��۔ Your School/Academy Logo 03126987979 :�وا�ا ()������آپ�را��رىوا�ا��رٹا����د�د����۔ Test #1 Time: 1 Hour Biology Class-9th Chapter: #1 Date: _______ / _______ /_______ Student Name Roll No Total Marks: 30 Four possible answers A, B, C and D to each question are given. The choice, which you think, is correct; fill that circle in front of that question with marker or pen ink in the answer book. Cutting or filling two or more circles will result in zero mark in that question. 1 3 A 5 A A B C D B C D B C D 2 A B C 4 D A B Q.1 Tick ✅ mark the correct option. 1) A 2) A 3) A 4) A 5) A 6) A B Iraq �اق B Book of Bu Ali Sina on medicine is: B Iran ا�ان Water �� B B 93 ii) iii) iv) v) vi) What are Parasites? Give an example. Ecosystem ��ا D C How Biology is related to other Sciences? b) Write a note on unicellular and colonial organization. D Molecular Biology �������ئىكئىوو :( ����ن�ا�ا2 England �ا Al-Haywan ا�ان Population ��� ( �و��ثىكثىوول��ل�۔5 Protein/Starch ��/��و D Sodium Chloride ��ڈ��را ئى�مئئف ٹ ( �ت�����وا�ا ى ئس��اد�۔6 C Subjective Part Q.2 Write detailed answers of the question: a) C ( �������ب�۔3 D 91 2 × 8 = 16 D 90 ن �� �ر�ذ��ا�ت���ا�ت�۔2�ا م�ب�ر ( ��و��ئىكئىوو�اور�و��ئىكئىوو���قوا���اور�ا���لد�۔i ٹش � �����اور ( ��روںاور�دوں��لد�۔ وii ٹ �ٹٹىك � پ ( �ر رر�آپ��اد��؟اس�زرا��������؟iii Differentiate between Morphology and physiology. Differentiate between vegetative and reproductive organs. viii) D Al-Qanun-Fil-Tib �ا��ن�ا Define population and community. What is meant by bio element؟ D Pakistan ��ن C Differentiate between micro molecules and Macromolecules with examples. Define tissue, also give examples in animals and plants? What do you mean by Horticulture and how it is related to Agriculture? vii) B ز ٹ ز ( ز��وہ��ں��اروں��ئئىئ� رى���������۔4 Glucose ��ز Q.2 Write short answers of the following: i) C The total number of elements in nature are: 92 Physiology ���� C Biosphere ��� An example of macromolecule is: A درﺳﺖ ﺟﻮابﭘﺮ� ﮐﺎ ﻧﺸﺎن ﻟﮕﺎﺋﯿﮟ۔ C Al-Nabatat Al-Wahoosh B ا��ت ا��ش The part of earth where communities of living organisms exist is called: Habitat �� 6 ( ز�����تىكتىوو�������۔1 Immunology ���ا�ى�نىوو Jabir Bin Hayan was born in: D 1x6=6 The study of the molecule of life is called: Anatomy ��ا C �������( ���اورiv ( �ر���اور������قوا���؟v زز آر���ق����۔ ( و��اورر�وڈ� رvi ئن ٹ ( ��ائى�ئى� ب���اد�؟vii ( �ا����؟ا��لد�۔viii 4+4=8 For Call: 03024710165 ن �� �ر�ذ��ا�ت���ا�ت�۔3�ا م�ب�ر ����( �����دو�ے���مa زئ ( ����اور ىb ���آر�����ٹ