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Research Methodology: Action Research Approach

Chapter 3: Methodology: Research approach, methods adopted, data
collection techniques and the Ethical Aspects.
This chapter will provide a discussion of the chosen research approach and techniques used for
data collection. It will be followed by a description and justification of the research design
including research methods adopted, data collection techniques, data analysis used, ethical aspects
and limitations of the research.
3.1. Research Approach
The research will be an action research approach with the aim to evaluate and implement some
changes in practice but will also take a qualitative approach. In the 1940s a German American
professor Kurt Lewins developedd the action research approach. According to Kurt Lewins, this
approach serves two purpose, firstly it will help bring about positive change and secondly
knowledge and theory will be generated. An action research in commonly used by schools,
academic institutions such as universities and colleges with the aim for education reform, progress,
and implementation of new ideas that will bring great benefit to a specific area in an organization.
Action research can be defined as an approach in which the action researcher and a client
collaborate to diagnose or identify a problem that is slowing the progress and development of an
organization and working to find a solution based on the diagnosis. In other words, one of the
main characteristic traits of an action research relates to collaboration between researcher and
members of an organization to solve organizational problems.
The information will comprise of objective measurement rather than subjective description. There
will be a survey that will be focusing on changes and that makes it an action research. The main
purpose of an action research is to bring change in specific area in an organization or to solve
certain situation. An action research helps to solve organizational problems and it encourages
collaboration between researcher and the management team. It encourages teamwork and it
helps the organization to achieve its strategic plan, vision and mission and promote change,
development, and progress within the organization
This action research is relevant to professional practice at the NIHSS, since the NIHSS has an
important role to play in the transformation and modernization of the health service as well as the
social service sector. According to Agosti (2008) learners will have the different options to access
information of their choice through search engines and digital libraries. Furthermore, learners can
access recent and updated information sources, keep pace with new development by viewing
literatures, journals and abstracts from different information sources, databases, web sources and
digital libraries as stated by Chowdhury and Chowdhury (2007).
Since the NIHSS is an educational institution which is preparing the younger generation to become
future health professionals, an action research will bring a lot of benefits to the institution. It will
help find areas of weakness and as a result it will help to implement effective structures that will
help to keep the Information Centre updated. Additionally, it will help to promote access a variety
of information as well as quality information. This will enable learners to be informed on new
development in the health sector around the world.
Therefore, this action research will guide the Institute on new methods and strategies that will help
it find positive reasons for introducing an IS and IT and find ways that it will connect learners to
the world of information. Moreover, it will enable the Institution to find better ways to assist
learners to connect to vast information sources available. Learners can get vast ideas on different
topics from different appropriate information sources that can assist them to provide quality
research work. To do that, learners need to be properly taught on better ways to access these
systems to connect to the right information sources. Accessing the appropriate information sources
will provide the right information to learners at the right time. Implementing these systems can
assist learners to conduct and produce quality research work.
3.1.1. Role of the researcher
The main role of the researcher is to ensure that the research is conducted smoothly and within set
procedure. Firstly, the ethical aspects of the research was considered and this involved seeking
permission to conduct the research at the Institute by submitting a letter to request for approval to
the Director. The researcher was responsible to observe, conduct data collection as well as
conducting the interview. As the assistant librarian, the researcher would like to see the Institute
as an academic institution move forward in the field of information access and research. In the
future, it will be a pleasure to see the Institution become a Centre for Excellence deemed to be
university. The main goal in this study, is to bring the world of information as close to student as
possible. Since NIHSS is an academic institution, teaching young people to become future health
professionals, the researcher would like learners to have access to relevant and appropriate health
and social information to be able to carry out quality task and conduct good research.
3.1.2. Site of the study
The research explored the impact of IS and IT on access to information and research at the NIHSS
and therefore the site of the study will be NIHSS campus. The NIHSS is currently the researcher’s
workplace and the researcher would like to see the change happening for the betterment of the
3.1.3. Selecting Participants
This action research involved 20 participants. This included 6 teaching staff or Lecturers, 3 support
staff, 5 students from the Diploma in Nursing Programme and 4 students from the Allied Health
Department. The research also included 2 participants external to NIHSS which is included one
participant from MOE and one from DICT.
External Participants
These included participants not working at the NIHSS, specifically they were from the MOE and
DICT. The participant from MOE was selected given his role as the System Support Officer in the
MOE, hence his experience in the implementation of information systems in academic institutions
was deemed valuable to the study. The second external participant was from DICT given the role
of DICT as the national organisation responsible for regulating information and communication
technology. People who are external to an organisation are believed to view things from a different
perspective [include citation]. Their experiences are thought to be beneficial in bringing change in
some organisations.
The Support Staff
There were three support staff involved in the study. The Information Technology (IT) Lecturer,
the Student Support Officer (SSO) and the Office Assistant. The support staff are those group of
people working to support teaching and learning through the provision of support services at
different levels. Their participation in this study is believed to be important as support staff are
believed to be in a better position to inform the institution on the best ways to improve institution
services and hence make work run smoothly [include citation].
Since there are three groups of Diploma in Nursing students, one student will be selected from
year 1 and year 2 and 3 students will be selected from year 3. That is, 1 student from 1st year, 1
student from 2nd year and 3 students from 3rd year. The reason for selecting 3 students from 3rd
year in nursing course is because I want to hear their point of view and to really know what is
really going in each class and to be able to analyse across the board the level of information access
and how they conducted their research. I also want to know how things are done amongst them
whenever they have a piece of work to do. Students talks to each other and they know how things
is done amongst them. They heard what each other said and what they do.
Allied health course comprise of Social work course, environmental science course,
pharmaceutical course, and biomedical course. Allied health conduct one class in epach course
every three-year due to a lack of qualified professionals to teach. In this research you will see only
one class in each course until the completion of their three year. Every three year the NIHSS took
in students for most Allied Health course. As mentioned above one student in each group in allied
health course will let you know how things are done in there.
Teaching staff
There will be 6 teaching staff involve in the study. In the teaching group there will be members of
the management team that is, the Director, Studies Coordinator, Course Leader, Full time Lecturer
and Part Time Lecturer. Choosing teaching staff at different level will surely help the researcher
go deeper in her research to know the different needs of each people. They are the ones in close
contact with learners and they know best how to make teaching and research more effective.
Participants was selected at random. After the selection process all participants was given a consent
letter to ensure their approval for participation in the study. Each student participating in the study
was given a letter of consent for their parents’ approval. Since some students are still under the
age of maturity and all have a parent/ guardian responsible for them it is important that parents
become aware of what is going on around the institution. By giving permission to their child to
participate in the study during school time it is considered a respect for both parents and child’s
According to Pickard (2013) Participants need to be clearly explained the purpose of the study and
their role in participating in it. Below are some information that will be discuss in the workshop.
Participant will be informed about the aim, objective and expected outcome of the research.
They need to know what benefits they will bring to the institution by participating in the
study and how they will benefit from it.
Participants will be able to learn a little bit about NIHSS historical background, vision,
mission, strategic plan and the NIHSS future goals.
Participants will be made aware briefly about the current situation at the NIHSS and that
includes information access, research, library facilities and learning resources.
Brief details about IS and IT benefits, and possibility to have better access to information
sources, web base, digital library, and databases for research work and teaching and
learning intervention associated with introducing these systems.
Participants need to know what we except to implement after the study.
Participants will be informed about other institution and how well they have move forward.
Participants that did not attend the workshop due to certain inconvenience, information was passed
on to them personally before giving them the questionnaire and consent form. The purpose of the
study was clearly explained to them.
3.2. Data Collections Methods/ Techniques
Data collected in this action research was analysed using qualitative research methods. Since this
research study will be exploring the impacts of IS and IT Pickard (2013) said that a qualitative
research study starts out with a broad map of the research question or topic you want to explore,
the context in which you will be exploring it and an indication of how you intend to explore it.
This research study used three methods to collect data from participants.
Observation/ Exploration
Each of these methods mentioned have is its own advantage and disadvantages depending on
different circumstances. This study included personal perception, perception from others and
exploration of human behaviours. The reason the researcher used these methods is that the title of
the research begin with “Exploring”, to explore mean to find out every possible impact that the
introduction of theses system will have on access to information and research at the NIHSS. So,
as the researcher it is a must to use every possible means to get the answer to the research question
which is “How will the introduction of information system and information technology assist
learners and staff to access appropriate information and to carry out quality and effective research
work at the NIHSS?
Data in this study was collected in four stages. The first stage was done with participants outside
the NIHSS. The second stage was done with support staff. The third stage was with students and
fourth and final stage was done with teaching staff. The main reason behind this was that as the
researcher I wanted to maintain order and to perfectly apply all the ethical consideration. If too
many people involve at the same time and due to the pandemic situation around, I prefer the study
to be conducted in peace and in order.
The Questionnaire
Pickard (2013) pointed out that questionnaires are without doubt the single most popular data
collection tools in any research involving human subjects. She further stated that the use of
questionnaires in research is based on one basic underlying assumption: that the respondent will
be both willing and able to give truthful answers. Cluett and Bluff (2006) said that a method is the
specific tools and techniques used to conduct a study. They further stated that a questionnaire could
be the best method to select and the most appropriate for several research approaches. According
to Cottrell (2013) questionnaire are useful for collecting data for a range of projects.
There will be 3 types of questionnaire in this study as per Appendix ……..with both open and
closed ended question. But all questionnaires contained more open-ended questions. The reason
for that is that the researcher wanted to give the participants the chance to express themselves via
their response.
There would be one questionnaire for the outsiders (participants outside the NIHSS was described
as outsiders). Their questionnaire contained the research title and the research question.
The second questionnaire prepared for students contained 4 open ended question and 4 closed
The third questionnaire for teaching and support staff contains 2 closed ended questions and 4
open ended question. Teaching and support staff used the same type of questionnaire. All three
questionnaire was different and was prepared with the intention of meeting each group of
participants needs. The researcher wanted to meet the participants at their level of understanding
and to really know what they want according to what they really need.
The questionnaire was in the form of a paper, electronic, a print using Microsoft word or a print
document in PDF format. Questionnaire for students and teaching staff was given to participant
by hands since they were all at the campus that day. Often 2nd year and 3rd year nursing and allied
health students are on work base attachments at this time of the year but due to the COVID- 19
things change. But the researcher was prepared to use other means to send the questionnaire via
email if things were getting difficult. All participants have the academic capability to fill the form
themselves without the help of an adult except in certain circumstance as mentioned.
Participants will have different option to fill the forms depending on their circumstances, but all
students and teaching staff do it by hand.
The different option participants have:
Complete a paper version of the form themselves
Complete electronically in Microsoft word format
Print a pdf copy and fill it and submit it personally
Respond to question verbally whilst I fill out the questionnaire myself
Rees (2011) said that Interview is the second-best method used to collecting data in surveys. It is
one of the most popular tools used to collect data through a conversational medium. Interviews
consists of data gathering through direct interaction or contacts between a researcher and
respondent or participants. It is where the answers to questions are collected verbally through a
face to face methods approach or a telephone or the web. Most of the time interviews are done on
a one to ne basis. Tod (2010) said that during an interview no matter the means of communication
used by the researcher are able or have the ability to describe, explain and explore issues from the
individual perspectives. Based on some circumstance some participants were Interviewed using
normal telephone calls and WhatsApp video and audio calls. Phone interviews are increasingly
used nowadays due to time constraints, location and other situation affecting the participant’s
movements. It said that telephone interview is more costly in terms of time and efforts.
The outsiders and support staff was interviewed via telephone call due to some accessibility
issues. They were asked question featured on the questionnaire and as they gave their responses
their questionnaire was filled by the researcher. They were able to give a very good interview and
the researcher was very satisfied with their contribution and the outcome of the process. But they
were advised to sign their consent form as evidence of their participation in the survey.
The observation methods was also adopted to collects data. Watson (2010) described the
observation methods as an active process by which data are collected about people by looking at
their behaviours, interaction, and events. Rees (2011) stated that observation can also be define as
the collection of data that are visual to visual sensors, whether it consists of the researcher’s eyes
or the use of some means of visual recording. Every day we observe the people around us. We
observe what they do, what they say, facial expression, body posture and of their reaction to things.
Observation is an effective method because it is straightforward and efficient. It does not
Typically require extensive training on the part of the researcher, and not dependent on other
participants. Being in an environment for so many years observation can help you to understand a
lot of things. It can help you to understand when change is necessary and when it is time to move
on. The reaction of others the way they responded to something; it clears the message they are
passing on to you. Sometime a simple sentence said can mean so much things and as a researcher
you need to be clear on these little details. Frustration can be observed in the way people talk and
act. When they had enough of something.
For this project I did not only give questionnaire and interview, but I also observed some of the
participants specially the teaching staff. Pickard (2013) said “Observations are carried out in order
to provide evidence of the ‘here and now’, to discover how people behave and interact in particular
situations.” Green and Thorogood (2014) also talked about ethnography and participant’s
observation, they said that ethnography is commonly used by qualitative researchers to observe
participants. Burns and groove (2007) characterised ethnography as a holistic approach taken by
qualitative researcher to produce a portrait of people. Almost all research involves observation of
some sort, from the most formulaic laboratory experiment to the most natural ethnographic
Observation is a technique that involves systematically selecting, watching, listening, reading,
touching, and recording behaviour and characteristics of living beings, objects, or phenomena. The
researcher believe that all study should involve observation methods to be able to truly know how
the topic have been affecting the person in the environment itself and that can surely encourage
the change and progress.
3.3. Data Analysis
Data in this study was analysed using a qualitative approach. Cottrell (2013) stated that good
qualitative research have good questioning techniques that will encourage participants to express
themselves in detail. She further pointed out that few open-ended questions will usually generate
a great deal of material that will take considerable time to analyse. In this study data collected was
analysed using a data analysis table on a form. All results collected was type on the form which
was analyse. There are 4 groups of participants and each participant was represented by a letter.
Data was recorded in tables 1- 4 from each group of participants that is:
1. Data collected from the external participants.
2. Data collected from the support staff.
3. Data collected from learners.
4. Data collected from teaching staff.
The first two participants interviewed was the external participants. The researcher interviewed
them first due to limited time. The researcher analysed their response step by step and record their
response on a notebook which later transferred on the data analysis form. The outsiders left the
door open for any further explanation and clarification in case needed.
Cottrell (2013) said that good questions are open ended as it encourage a response rather than a
yes or no. She also said that good questions are focused as it will encourage the participants to
respond on the issue you are researching, and it invite participants to consider an issue from
different angle. Following Cottrell point of view the questionnaires was designed with few open-
ended questions which facilitate the researcher to take note of the pattern in the participant’s
Data recorded on each questionnaire was analysed step by step with the research question and at
the same time focusing on the research title. All responses was classified in four groups on the data
analysis form. The focus was the research title and the research question. The researcher wanted
to know the positive impacts, negative impacts, and how the introduction of these systems will
impact research and access to information at the NIHSS.
Data from each group of participants was analysed together. For example, data collected from
outsiders was analysed together, data from learners was analysed together and data from teaching
and support was analysed together since they used the same questionnaire. For each group of
participants question was analysed one by one and recorded on the data analysis form. For
example, question 1 on each questionnaire was analysed and then the pattern identified in each
response was written in the discussion.
All information collected was recorded on a Data Analysis form which was design by the
researcher and will later be interpreted for the finding discussion of the survey. Information will
be recorded per participants/ groups. As mentioned earlier there will be three groups in which the
information collected will be recorded. But it will be categorized according to each group of
participants. The data collected from the participant’s questionnaire will be recorded on the Data
Analysis form in Appendix ……..
Information collected from the observation techniques was recorded on stapled A4 papers and the
result will be discussed in chapter 4 of the study.
3.4. Ethical Aspects
Rees (2011) said that research is not simply about the process of data collection; it is also
concerned with the conduct of the researcher and the way a study is carried out. To conduct a
research there are some standard to follow. Any research involves several stakeholders in an
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organisation. In any workplace policy and protocols needs to be follow. There are responsibilities
ethics and values that all staff in a workplace need to consider before doing anything.
Before the research begin the management, team need to know that there will be a study that will
be going on at the institute, the purpose of the study and the intended group of people that will be
involved. Please find the letter of consent for the director on Appendix….
Informed consent
All copies of consent letters, questionnaire was viewed and stamp by the NIHSS director before
sending to parents for the approval. The reason for that is anybody can prepare a piece of paper
and act like they are doing a research on their own. But when the director of the institution
officially stamped and signed the documents proved and assured parents/ participants that all
procedures was observed and that the study was approved by the director of the institute. Please
find the consent for parents and guardian on Appendix…….
Letter of consent was given to learners, for parent’s approval from the management team. The
letter clearly stated the purpose of the research and the research questions. After receiving the
parent’s approval, the research proceeded to the next step. The whole institution was made aware
that there was a study going on at the institute. The questionnaire was given personally to the
students available by hand. It was also sent to some participants by personal email address to avoid
ethical issues.
Privacy, Confidentiality and Anonymity
Participants was made aware that their privacy was the key in the study and that any information
given will be handled under strict confidentiality and that no harm will be done. Participants were
informed that they have the right to withdraw from the study without the need to explain why.
Participants upon submitting their questionnaire participants was encouraged to separate/ detached
their consent form and questionnaire and placed in different folders. All questionnaire was in the
same folder and all consent letters signed was in the same folder to assure anonymity, privacy, and
confidentiality of the participants. The questionnaire and consent form/ letter signed was kept in
strict privacy under lock and key and care was taken when collecting and analysing the data.
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Analysing data was done in private without public interaction, student, or staff access. All
participants from each group was represented by a letter of the alphabets on the data analysis form.
As a signed of appreciation all participants was made aware that a letter of appreciation will be
sent to them and as for the student participating in the study as per the school policy a letter of
appreciation will be put in their file for future acknowledgement for their participation.
3.5. Research Limitations
All research at some point encountered some limitations. This research limitation was time, sample
size and access to participants. At some point I was confused of my sample size because I was not
sure of the participants. As result I printed out 25 questionnaires just in case some do not return
with my questionnaire and in case, they spoil it. Another limitation was, due to the COVID-19
pandemic there was a change in the way the lecture was conducting classes at the institute. Not all
student was at the campus at the same time. As a result, the workshop was conducted at each stage
of the research with each group of participants. And for those participants that still was not present,
work phone and mobile phone was used to contact them.
Another limitation is that some learners was on work base attachment and it was difficult to find
them or call them to interview because they are not allowed to received personal call during
working hours at the hospital. As a result, the researcher used personal mobile phone to contact
these participants after working hours and that costs a lot.
Two participants had to send members of the family to submit their questionnaire by hands in
sealed envelopes as they were on work attachment and no access to internet.
At the institute, few part time lecturers are quite advanced in age as a result they have no
knowledge about the topic of the research, or the internet and theses part timers was unable to
answer some of the questions.
Due to time limitation and no access to a vehicle the researcher was unable to travel from one
place to another to meet participants that have difficulty to reach the institute. At this point
telephone, WhatsApp and email was used considering costs.
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Some participants despatched their questionnaires sealed in envelops to the institute by giving the
institute driver upon collection of documents at the MOH. And the arrangement was made by
phones with the researcher.
For the outsider and the support staff the researcher conducted their interview first as time was
against us considering the fact that it will be impossible to meet or contact them later. But the
researcher manged to get them to sign the consent letter.
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Chapter 4: Results, Findings and Discussions
Results of the survey
This chapter will present the result of the survey. Cottrell (2013) said that results in survey must be presented in order in which the
survey was conducted. Results will be presented in table from 1-4 from external participants, support staff, students, and teaching staff.
A total of 20 participants participated in the study. The results of the study answered the research question in different ways and raises
new ideas for further study. The results of the study is presented using headings for clarity in the order in which the study was conducted.
Table 1: Data collected from external participants
A total of two participants were interviewed. Both participants were between the age of 40-49 years of age and data collected from them
did answer the research question and bring out innovative ideas for further study on the topic.
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How will the introduction of information
system and information technology assist
learners and staff to access the
appropriate information and to carry
out quality and effective research work?
Introducing information system and
information technology at the NIHSS will
bring a lot of change in the teaching and
learning process.
It will hell NIHSS move from manual
storage of information to digitalizing their
system and move up to higher standards in
the level of their teachings. Due to the
Positive impacts of introducing IS
and IT at the NIHSS
Negative impacts of introducing
IS and IT at the NIHSS
Using these systems can remove
the pressure of bringing all the
students at the campus at the same
time as students can access their
lessons, learning resources and
research materials online.
It will bring a lot of benefits and
reduce the burden of carrying loads
Budget, Human resources and the
cost to maintain the system and
purchasing the items needed to
install these systems.
NIHSS will have to spend some
cash in installing and setting up
theses system and to find the best
professional to teach learners and
current COVID 19 situations at hand it is
best that the NIHSS begin to introduce this
system for the benefits of both learners and
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These systems will help the NIHSS move
from manual storage of information and
move on to digitalize their system.
The NIHSS should set up a genuine
Moodle LMS application for online
classroom teaching and research due to the
current COVID 19 situations at hand.
of stuff at home. Facilitate access to staff on how to use and access
information and research.
these systems. NIHSS will need a
full time or part time IT personal
specializes in this field to monitor
the system and to make sure that
these systems are working
perfectly and up to date.
Updated information, easy access
Introducing IT and IS will surely
to information and faster and
have a lot of impacts specially the
updated technology. Online
budget and human resources.
learning and research. Access
information quickly. Share
information in a fast and efficient
The impacts of introducing Information System and Information Technology at the NIHSS
External Participants
Participants A stated that introducing IS and IT at the NIHSS will bring a lot of change in the
teaching and learning process. She said that talking by experience she has seen a lot of institution
and universities going from manual storage of information to digitalizing their system and some
University introducing EMIS and other information management software have move up to higher
standards in the level of their teachings. She also stated that due to the current COVID 19 situations
at hand it is best that the NIHSS begin to introduce this system for the benefits of both learners
and staff. As stated, we cannot carry the whole information centre/ library on our back, but we
must find positive ways and initiative to bring this information to students.
Furthermore, she pointed out that using this system can remove the pressure of bringing all the
students at the campus at the same time as students can access their lessons, learning resources and
research materials online. She said that it will bring a lot of benefits and reduce the burden of
carrying loads of stuff at home. She said that the NIHSS must prepare to spend some cash in
installing and setting up theses system and to find the best professional to teach learners and staff
on how to use and access these systems. She also added that we will need some full time or part
time IT personal specializes in this field to monitor the system and to make sure that these systems
are working perfectly and up to date. She further stated that her office will offers full support to
assist the NIHSS into introducing the Information management software and to help and guide
learners and staff to use it.
In the aspects of information access and research, she said that with a new set of information
technology installed and a good network setup NIHSS can develop an online digital library that
can be access by learners and staff using some passwords and Users ID at home. But again, she
suggested that the NIHSS need to work in close partnership with other institution so as to get new
ideas on what other institution and universities are doing so as to upgrade their system and to catch
up with them. She recommends that a committee must be set up to work on some guidelines along
with responsible DICT personal in this field.
Participants B said that he totally agreed about the research. He said that it is about time that IS
and IT become our primary resources in information access, research, teaching and learning
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context in Seychelles. He further stated that during his time in teaching field he had experience a
lot of changes happening in IS and IT worldwide. He said that the MOE should start preparing
themselves for the worse and begin catching up with the world of information by introducing
theses system on the curriculum and make it a subject as digital literacy so that learners will begin
to have an idea and knowledge about it. Furthermore, he said that one day it will be difficult to
access physical libraries and information centres due to some circumstance, so it is very important
we start now.
He said that MOE should introduce EMIS or LMS system to facilitate access to teaching materials
and that learners will be able to access everything online even their libraries too. He said by having
everything online, will reduce the stress on MOE and will facilitate access to important information
without the need to go left and right for documents, books or learning materials. Participants B
also stated that the NIHSS need to introduce IS and IT to facilitate proper access to LMS. He
suggested MOODLE a well-known LMS that will support learning at the NIHSS and that learners
can access their learning material and resources using it. He also mentioned that a genuine version
of MOODLE will do the NIHSS a lot of benefits if maintain by qualified IT and ICT personnel.
Having an active and updated IS and IT learners could access online research tools for research.
Using the user ID and Password learners could access databases to retrieve journals, articles,
eBooks, and other resources according to their research objectives. These systems would facilitate
both learners and staff to conduct their research at home without the need to go up and down to
borrowed loads of books.
In the context of the NIHSS he said that introducing IT and IS will surely have a lot of impacts
both positive and negative. He stated that key impacts in Seychelles specially the NIHSS will be
budget and human resources. On the other hands he welcome the idea as stress free and he also
pointed out that NIHSS should move on from manual storage of information and move on to
digitalize their system. He proposed the idea of assisting the NIHSS to setting up and of using a
genuine Moodle LMS application for online classroom teaching and research due to the current
COVID 19 situations at hand. However, he promised to give a helping hand in the designing and
installing a User Interface to bring information to the students as the researcher wanted. The
researcher totally agree with Participant B proposal as this was the objectives of the research. He
stated that the user interface will also include an online library whereby students and staff will be
able to access learning resources, eBooks, and other teaching materials by using a password and a
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User ID. During the discussion we both agreed that NIHSS should partner with other postsecondary institution to gather new ideas for the benefits of the institution to progress further. The
proposal from Participant B on appendix …
External participants believed that NIHSS need to introduce the IS and IT for the benefits learners
and staff to access information and to .conduct appropriate research. They said that NIHSS student
need to be updated frequently so that they can be aware of what is going on around in their field
of expertise. They further stated that, Health information professionals need information to be able
to carry out important task. They need to be updated frequently and keep up to date with recent
development and discoveries. Both participants pointed out that these systems will make access to
information faster.
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Table 2: Data collected from support staff
A total of three support staff was interviewed. One male staff and two female staff. All participants was between the ages of 30-58 years
of years. Data collected from the support staff did answer the research question and bring out innovative ideas for further study on the
Do you know Does
the purpose of NHISS
an IS and IT
have an IT?
in a
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It is a system
that help to
collect data
from different
sources easily
Do you
think an
like the
should have
an IS?
Based on the research question
can you tell me some positive and
negative impacts these systems
will have on NIHSS?
Positive and negative impacts
What impacts
will these
systems have
on teaching,
learning and
research at the
Will provide
access to
faster and
improve quality
of accessing
data without the
need of going in
the library
These systems
will provide
students and
quick access to
their, it will
students in their
These data
should be
strictly well
managed to
avoid access
from outsides.
Therefore, the
system need to
be well secure
How do you
think the
of IS and IT
will assist
learners and
staff to access
and to carry
out quality
and effective
The system
will assist both
parties given
that the data
will be
wherever they
would like to
To support a
process within
a workplace or
to carry out
very specific
system has
for task
structure and
people for both
staff and
The purpose
would be to
give the
student teacher
faster ways to
from the
library without
being there.
with COVID19 it is better
You can access
the information
quicker any
place where you
20 | P a g e
and staff as well
as student need
to keep their
Extended screen
time can result
in health
ramification like
anxiety and
depression. Poor
Made learning
more interactive
Help students
and staff to
better engage
with the
materials that
they are
learning and
have trouble
with. Better
access to
If the file are not It will allow
well protected it many students
might get
and teachers to
damage on the
access the same
system or the
copy of the
system may fail same books at
and if there is no the same time.
backup will
have to do it
access any
Support both
teaching and
instruction and
It will be a
very great
thing to have
nowadays we
need to have
up to date
So, updating
the system
would not be a
off working at
21 | P a g e
will be a lot
Participants C said that he know the purpose of an IS and IT in a workplace and he admitted that
NIHSS currently do not have it. He said that an academic institution like the NIHSS dealing with
people life will definitely need an IS and proper IT system to keep learners and staff informed on
new development in health and specially now with all the new development happening around the
world on medicine, technology and new equipment in health industry. He strongly supported the
idea of the projects, as he stated that this would be the best decision NIHSS could partake by
introducing IS and IT at the institution as it will reduce the amount of student in and out of office,
the library and also it will relieved him from the pressure he is working under right now. He said
often must fix broken computers at the same time teach ICT class. Often, he finds himself going
up and down to organise the network and call the internet provider to come fix the issues. He said
that when one office uses the internet the other offices encounters difficulties to load documents.
The researcher totally supported the statement made by Participant C since as the researcher
encounters difficulties when loading certain eBooks or documents for students. It can take hours
to open a site, an eBook using a PDF format. The NIHSS pays CINHAL database but we do not
use it since the same issues we encounter most of the time. It can take hours to connect or load a
document from the CINHAL database due to network conflict. He said that the NIHSS will need
to spend on new equipment’s and increase on internet capacity and pay full access to databases to
better assist learners to conduct appropriate research. He admits that learners do not have the
knowledge on information access and research and that the management team to introduce digital
literacy to learners so that can use and access these databases for research. He said that even the
MOE should start doing it in school to get learners to adapt themselves to inline research tool. He
said that introducing these systems will assist both learners and staff to access appropriate
information and to carry out effective research. He also talked about LMS which he think will
better help us in the future as a professional centre.
Participant D supported the idea of the research and said that she do not have a big knowledge in
IS and IT, but she can use IT to do some stuff in her related field. She admits that NIHSS need
proper system to help managed information and to help relieve the pressure on her. She said she
heard that some institution are using an EMIS or LMS even though she do not clearly understand
their purpose but of what she heard theses institution has been relieved of their burden. She said
we need to store student’s information in one place. She pointed out that by having an IS and IT
22 | P a g e
well updated students’ information will be recorded in the system which will make it much easier
to access and print out. Currently with the situation she must go through a store full of files to
search for requested document. She said that this is time consuming and frustrating which is not
at all good for her health as most of the time the files have dust. She pointed out that exploring
and analysing on the impacts the introduction of IS and IT will have on access to information and
research shows more positive impacts. The few negative impacts she talked about was human
resources and the budget. But believed that with the help of other partners NIHSS will be able to
do it and that the NIHSS need to start doing it now due to the pandemic situation around.
Furthermore, she said that the situation at hand is frustrating and hope the research will help clear
the situation she is facing.
Participants E pointed out that she is totally support this research and that NIHSS management
team must act promptly to help solve the issues of information access at the institute. Participant
E said she know what is an IS and IT and she admits that NIHSS currently do not have an IS and
proper IT system in place. Participants E said that it will be in the interests of the institute that we
introduce this system to help all of us and that we need to catch up with the world of information.
She said that NIHSS is still behind compared to other institution and that we are still doing things
manually. She stated that NIHSS need to form a committee that will deal information access and
research accordingly and that we need people that have the knowledge and skills to help in this
matter. She confirmed that the situation is frustration and that she totally feel empathy when it
comes to information access as we are still doing things manually and whenever some important
information is needed we have to be going through loads of stuff to find simple information which
we could have get it in just click without waiting time. Participants E said that this system will be
beneficial for both learners and staff as learner and staff can stay home and all will be online.
Participants E said that it is about time the NIHSS introduce LMS whereby all their learning
materials and resources will be online, and leaners can access them by phone or whatever gadget
they have. But Participants E said that it will depend on budget of both sides. For learners it will
all depend on their pocket if they have the means to pay for internet connection and for the NIHSS
it depend on the available budget. Participants E pointed out that introducing this system will bring
a lot of benefits to the institution on both sides. It will surely assist learners and staff to conduct
appropriate research and gives access to important information in a fast and efficient manner.
23 | P a g e
Participants E recommends that the government can gives post-secondary students certain amount
of free internet capacity or GB that they can used for online learning and that can only be used to
access their portal for research and to access databases.
24 | P a g e
Table 3: Data collected from students
A total of nine students participated in the study. Participants was aged between 17-20 years of age. Two male students participated,
and the rest of the participants were females. The reason for that is the NIHSS has more females’ students than male in each course it is
possible to see only one male students per year or none.
25 | P a g e
Do you
know what
is an
n system?
Do you
how to
use a
Can you
explain how
you use the
internet to
research or
to access
Do you
what an
h is
Use the
internet for
my research
by using
google or
scholar, to
find literature
and websites
to complete
Do you
how to
How do you
think the
n of IS and
IT will
learners to
carry out
quality and
would you
like to see at
in the
context of
research and
access to
It will help
us to get
access with
based on our
research, and
you will get
system, by
system in this
school, to
help your
colleagues in
need in the
Do you have a
Introduce a better
system, to
facilitate the
access of
information in our
26 | P a g e
my research.
researching. I
use only
website and
literature that
is up to date,
I access with
the Wi-Fi at
home and
connect with
my personal
laptop. I type
my research
question on
google site
and get
access with
the pdf
on any
system and
will benefit
the students
at the
during this
period we
are faced
with the
Students can
get accessed
Instead of
manual use
of access
which can be
quite costly
to attain the
we as
could get
access with
The school can
create a site
whereby the
student can have a
personal login
account to access
information from
the library.
At school in
the computer
room and at
home –
because there
is Wi-Fi
for me to
information, I
use pdf,
NHS, journal,
and articles
on the
I accessed
and all
sources from
other sites
that are
I usually go
on google, I
do most of
my research
27 | P a g e
too far to
come to
More access
and it can
help submit
on time.
It will help
student to
have access
to the library
to get
going to
search on the
It will be
very helpful,
for example
if we go into
room is
there is no
space for all
the students,
and it makes
it difficult to
More resources
and facilities
needed to access
connection is
slow, and some
computers does
not have internet
connection and we
are not protected
against viruses on
the computer
Is to
so each time
we can have
accessed the
NIHSS should use
the information
To access
library books
28 | P a g e
from WHO
and I watch
videos on
YouTube to
for others
online on a
For instance, No
I cannot use
data for
internet I
prefer to
connect to
Wi-Fi at
home so
when I am
doing my
research I
usually use
google as it is
easy to access
we will have
facility to
It will assist
learners by
making it
easier to
which will
help to
work on
It will allow
students to
have better
access to
thus it will
of diverse
sources of
such as
etc. of
If the school
could get
access to paid
are more
concrete and
reliable it
I recommend that
personnel in
system and
technology be
hired or to simply
apply research
curriculum in the
first semester.
29 | P a g e
from it.
I use google
chrome to
would be
I usually do
research by
webpage link
d by lecturers
to gain access
to reliable
for any given
Since, we
lockdown, as
a student
you can get
access with
for learning.
Student will
get access
from valid
from reliable
sources that
are accurate
I would
prefer an
online library
to better
to the Wi-Fi
network for
all students at
Participant F said he do not know what an IS is but he confirmed that he know how to use a
computer and internet for research. Participant F said that he uses google and access google scholar
to find literature and websites to complete his research work. He also confirmed that he uses only
websites and literature that is up to date and providing good information. Participant F said that he
know what is an online research tools and he confirmed that he know how to use it to access online
resources for example journals, eBooks and articles. But he said that the introduction of IS and IT
will help learners to get access with any information based on their research and that it will help
them to get updated information on different website easily. Participant F said that he would like
to see some change at the NHISS. He would like to see an IS at the NIHSS to help them and other
future learners coming at the NIHSS. He recommended that the NIHSS needs to introduce a better
system that will facilitate access to information.
Participant G said that she do not know what is an IS but she said she knows how to use a computer
and internet for research. She said that she has WIFI connection at home and that she type her
research question in the google search engine and get access to PDF provided. Participant G
confirmed that she do not know the meaning of an online research tool, but she said she know how
to search for journals, eBook’s, and articles. She said that the introduction of IS and IT will benefit
the students at the NIHSS especially with the current COVID-19 situation this will help students
to get accessed with information without travelling too far to come to school. In the context of
research and access to information she would like to see some changes. Instead of manual use and
access of information which can be quite costly it would be best that student get access with online
research. She recommends that the NIHSS can create a site whereby the students can have a
personal login account to access information from the library.
Participant H said that he uses that school computer room and home Wi-Fi connection to access
information. He said he access online pdf, NHS journal and articles on the internet. He said he
know what an online research tool is, but he do not know how to use it for effective research. He
said the introduction of an IS and IT will help him to access more information and it can help him
to submit assignment on time. He admit that he would like to see some changes since the computer
room is small and sometimes there is no adequate space for all the students. As a result, this makes
it difficult to access information. Participant H recommends more resources and facilities needed
30 | P a g e
to access information, internet connection is too slow, and some computers does not have internet
connection and we are not protected against viruses on the computer
Participant I said that he does not know what is an IS but he know how to use a computer and
access the internet for research. She said that she accessed google, Wikipedia and all sources from
other sites that are not helpful. She confirms that she do not know what is an online research tools,
and how to access journal, eBooks and articles for research. She said that according to what she
heard IS and IT will help student to have access to the library to get information without going to
search on the internet. She believe that if NIHSS should implement the information technology so
each time we can have accessed the library. She recommends that NIHSS should use the
information technology effectively.
Participant J said that she know what is an IS and she further stated that she knows how to use a
computer for research. She said that she usually go on google and frequently does most of her
research from WHO. She said that she watches videos on YouTube to better understand. She
confirmed that she knows what an online tool and how to search for journal, eBooks and articles
for research. It will be very helpful, for example if we go into lockdown, we will have facility to
access library online.
Participant K said that she knows what is an IS and how to use a computer and internet for research.
She said that she uses the computer to search for literature and access online database. She said
that she knows what an online research tools and how to access online resources for her research.
She pointed out that the introduction of IS and IT will make it easier for learners to access
information quickly which will help to produce research work on time. Change she would like to
see at the NIHSS is the availability of diverse sources of information such as journals, textbooks,
articles, magazines of different kinds
Participant L said she knows the purpose of an IS and she know how to use a computer for research.
She said for instance, I cannot use data for internet I prefer to connect to Wi-Fi at home so when I
am doing my research I usually use google as it is easy to access various information from it.
However, she said that she does not know about online research tools, but she admit she can search
31 | P a g e
for online resources for research. She pointed out that the introduction of IS and IT will allow
students to have better access to information thus it will improve their research skills. She said she
would like to see some change at the NIHSS in the context of research and access to information
for example more accessibility to information. She suggested that NIHSS should get access to paid
websites where information are more concrete and reliable it would be better. She finally
recommends that specialized personnel in information system and technology be hired or to simply
apply research curriculum in the first semester.
Participant M said that she knows the purpose of an IS and that she knows how to use internet and
computer to conduct research. She confirmed that she
use google chrome to search for
information. However, sha admit that she know about online research tools and how to go about
using it to search for online resources. She said that the introduction of IS and IT will be a good
idea since, we are experiencing covid-19 situation. She said that during lockdown student can get
access with information for learning. But she prefers an online library to better access information.
Participant N confirmed that she know about IS and how to use a computer and internet for
research. She said she usually do research by using webpage link recommended by lecturers to
gain access to reliable information for any given assignments. She further stated that she knows
about online research tools and how to search for online resources for research. She said that
introducing g IS will bring a lot of benefits for the NIHSS as Student will get access from valid
information from reliable sources that are accurate and authentic. But she suggested that there
should be more accessibility to the Wi-Fi network for all students at the institution.
32 | P a g e
Table 4: Data collected from teaching staff.
A total of six teaching staff was interviewed. There was two male staff and four female staff participating in the study. The teaching
was between the ages of 40- 60 years of age. Data collected from the teaching staff did answer the research question and bring new ideas
on the topic.
Do you know
the purpose of
an IS and IT in
a workplace?
33 | P a g e
an IT?
Do you
think an
like the
have an
Based on the research question can
you tell me some positive and
negative impacts these systems will
have on NIHSS?
Positive and negative impacts
What impacts
will these
systems have
on teaching,
learning and
research at the
A wealth of
database which can
be explored by the
staff and students
of the NIHSS
Mostly positive
Reviewing a
literature can
become vast
The traditional
way of accessing
books physically
has its own
advantages onto
reading and
learning which
lacks in the
How do you
think the
introduction of
IS and IT will
assist learners
and staff to
access the
and to carry
out quality and
research work?
It will be of
much assistance
provided the
system and
accepting to the
students when
It is useful in
tracking and
information on
students and
staff and other
important and
books, and other
articles virtually.
This will help in
availability and
accessibility for
learners and staff
wherever they
may be not
within the
Easy accessibility
to information,
thus allowing work
to be done even if
the physical library
or institution is
closed. For
whatever reason it
will facilitate
working from
It would help to
control the number
of students and
staff who access
the physical
library. There will
be more access to
journals in this
accessibility in
terms of numbers
of books and
journals to borrow.
Since everyone
34 | P a g e
journals is an
Possibility of
It could be a
setting and
very useful tool
and methods to
these systems
teaching and
could be
because it
would facilitate
Internet and
accessibility to
power shortage
reliable and
issues may affect sound
access ability
and maintenance However, there
to the system.
may be some
Some students
may have some
difficulties in
through the
May prove
difficult to
ensure safety
and security of
Refer to
question 5
will be able to
access such
without having to
wait for a week
until the borrowed
the documents/
books returned.
friendly because it
may cut back the
number of printing.
It may prove to be
more cost effective
particularly if it is
being ran by a train
personal within.
Availability of
updated and a
variety of books/
35 | P a g e
Yes, it helps to
support everyday
process of
It may promote the
image of the
institution. (Elevate
and more
I think it will
improve not only
the teaching as an
impacts can
happen if the
system is
It will facilitate
the retrieving of
information by
Students will
have faster
access to
resources to
collecting of
storing, and
processing data.
institution but the
processing and
storing of students
misused or the
staff cannot use
it well.
Help learners
and teachers to
appropriate and
wide range of
information easy
and quick.
Information can be
anywhere. You can
compare different
information. Easy
to conduct research
Prone to
students and
staff to
Deter access to
use books.
Information can
be lost if the
system crashes.
It provides
access to
related to the
institution or
Additionally, it
Easy and faster
access to
especially research
information and
published articles
Very costly to
but accessories
to develop the
project and to
maintain it.
36 | P a g e
lecturers, and
team at the
institution. This
will speed up
learning and
other process
production of
reports by the
Improve quality
and outcome
Students will
not be restricted
to the few
books available.
Teachers can
easily access
resources for
teaching and
lead students to
the right
Will facilitate
learning and
teaching even
when student
and staff are off
assists with their
Likewise, staff
lecturers can
have access to
information for
their teaching.
Learners and
staff will not
have to be
present at the
institution, but
they can access
the database
anywhere and
anytime. It will
assist with a
large range of
Refer to
question 5
provide faster
information that
can be accessible
to authorized
anywhere with
37 | P a g e
Important to
store a database
of available
eBooks or
work for
for students and
More information
anywhere if
someone has
Can provide
information to a
larger population.
Bank of available
research work.
Not everybody
will be
comfortable with
using such
Needs to have
technician on a
24-hour basis to
work on failure.
Will provide
recent and
information to
Always need to
have a security
system and
backup system.
If no electricity
or loosing hard
drive may lose
all stored
number of
reading and
evidence base
/credible and
cost effective.
Refer to
question 5.
Teaching and support staff
Participant O confirmed that she knows the purpose of an IS and IT in a workplace and she
believed that NIHSS has one but later on after some discussion she realizes that NISS currently do
not have an IS however she said that NIHSS needs to have an IS installed for the benefits of staff
and learners. However, participant O believe that NIHSS should have a wealth of database which
can be explored by the staff and students. On the other she confirmed that there will be some
negative impacts associated with it. She pointed out that the traditional way of accessing books
physically has its own advantages onto reading and learning which lacks in the technology. But
she said that theses system have mostly positive impacts. Reviewing a literature can become vast
and informative. Updating information through scientific journals is an added advantage. She said
that it will be of much assistance provided the system and network accepting to the students when
Participant P said that and IS and IT will be useful in tracking and storing information on students
and staff and other important and useful documents, books, and other articles virtually. This will
help in availability and accessibility for learners and staff wherever they may be not necessarily
within the institution. He confirmed that currently NIHSS do not have and IS and proper IT, but
she said that that NIHSS should have an IS and IT. He pointed out that IS and IT will have positive
impacts on research as it will give easy accessibility to information, thus allowing work to be done
even if the physical library or institution is closed. For whatever reason it will facilitate working
from home. It would help to control the number of students and staff who access the physical
library. There will be more access to journals in this COVID-19 situation. He said that it will
increase accessibility in terms of numbers of books and journals to borrow. Since everyone will
be able to access such without having to wait for a week until the borrowed documents/ books are
returned. Participant P said that it will be environmentally friendly because it may cut back the
number of printing and may prove to be more cost effective particularly if it is being ran by a train
personal within. Availability of updated and a variety of books/ articles. It may promote the image
of the institution. (Elevate and more attractive). Participant P said that there may be some negative
impacts with theses system however, there is a possibility that setting up and maintaining these
systems could be expensive. Internet and power shortage issues may affect access ability and
maintenance to the system. Furthermore, she said that some students may have some difficulties
in navigating through the system and it may prove difficult to ensure safety and security of
38 | P a g e
information. She confirms that it could be a very useful tool and methods to teaching and learning
because it would facilitate accessibility to reliable and sound resources. However, she admits that
there may be some challenges.
Participant Q confirmed that he knows the purpose of IT and IT. He said it helps to support
everyday process of communication, teaching, collecting of information, storing, and processing
data. He admits that NIHSS currently do not have and IS and IT but he said that an institution like
the NHISS should have it. He thinks it will improve not only the teaching as an academic institution
but the processing and storing of students results. He pointed out that some negative impacts can
happen if the system is misused or the staff cannot use it well. However, he said it will facilitate
the retrieving of information by students, lecturers, and the management team at the institution.
This will speed up learning and other process example production of reports by the managers. He
pointed out that students will have faster access to resources to assists with their learning.
Likewise, staff members, particularly lecturers can have access to timely information for their
Participant R said he knows the purpose of IS and IT. He said that these system will help learners
and teachers to access appropriate and wide range of information easy and quick. He said that there
is no IS and IT at the NIHSS and he believe an institution like the NHISS should have it. In his
response he said that Information can be accessible anywhere and that you can compare different
information. Easy to conduct research work. Negatively he said that theses system encourages
students and staff to plagiarize and they may deter access to use books. He said that Information
can be lost if the system crashes. He said that these systems can improve quality and outcome
knowledge. Students will not be restricted to the few books available. Teachers can easily access
resources for teaching and lead students to the right sources. He said that Learners and staff will
not have to be physically present at the institution, but they can access the database anywhere and
anytime. It will assist them with a large range of information sources.
Participant S said that an IS and IT provides access to information related to the institution or
workplaces. Additionally, it provide faster information that can be accessible to authorized
personals anywhere as long as there is internet connection. But she said that there is no IS and IT
at the NIHSS. At first Participant S said that the NIHSS should not have an IS and IT but after
some explanation she proves to understand and said that it will bring a lot of positive impacts as it
39 | P a g e
will be easy and faster access to information especially research information and published articles
for students and staff. She said that more information will be accessible anywhere if someone has
internet connection and can provide information to a larger population. She said that these systems
will have some negative impact because it is very costly, especially when it comes to buying
accessories to develop the project and to maintain it. She pointed out that not everybody will be
comfortable with using such technology and the NIHSS will needs to have technician on a 24-hour
basis to work on failure. She pointed out that it will facilitate learning and teaching even when
student and staff are off campus and will provide recent and relevant information to students.
Participant T said that IS and It is Important to store a database of available eBooks or evidencebased work for research purpose. He said the NIHSS have an IT facility but do not have an IS and
that an institution like the NIHSS should have an IS installed. He said that positively an IS and IT
will help bank available research work. But negatively it should always have a security system and
backup system. If no electricity or loosing hard drive may lose all stored documents. But there will
be and increased number of reading and evidence base /credible and cost-effective materials.
40 | P a g e
Conclusion summary
The study itself was not an easy one as Seychelles have never conducted study in that field before.
There are no evidence of this study from any sources I have tried to locate or accessed. During the
literature review I come to realize that there had been study about information system, impacts and
other research about and information technology, but all the studies was focusing on their impact
on other topics but not on research and information access. What I have discovered is that
researcher have conducting studies on the impacts of information system on business and
organisation. Few studies proves the benefits of information system on educational institution but
I did not come across any study exploring the impacts of IS and IT on research and access to
information; also how the introduction of these system will impacts research and information
access. But there are studies that proved that information system can make access to information
faster. I access different database even the Northumbria library about the topic of interest what I
was looking for was not found.
In the future these learners will knowledgeable health professionals providing quality service. I
would like to see learners having access to appropriate information and they need to start doing it
now and they need to start developing the interest in conducting quality research for the benefit of
their patient in the future. Participants need to be cleared up any question and doubt they have and
know the type of research being conducted. They need to know what comes out of an action
research and how it will help the organization to go in depth of their problem and find high level
of practical relevant ways to solve the problem. Participants need to know that every development
comes with impacts and that there will be both to face. “NIHSS needs a good information system
to access information sources.
The management team welcomes the idea to introduce these system as it will surely facilitate
access to important information and research. The director supports the idea of the project and she
awaits full support from the DICT to make it a reality.
It was find out that most participants uses google to look up for information and that most of the
time access any link that satisfy him and what he was looking for. Participants F said that he do
not know what an online research tool is, but he get enough information on whatever links he
open. He further stated that sometimes he use information from google and reference as a book
as if he got the information from a book since the lecturer said they need references from books.
Participants F said that he do not know how to search for journals, eBooks, and other articles on
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the internet he only click on a link and off we go. Participants F said the he will gladly welcome
the idea to introduce better system to assist them with their research as he admits he do not know
how to conduct effective research and that most of the time he scores low marks. Participants F
said he would like to see a lot of change at the NHISS beginning by buying and installing proper
computers with genuine programme, more access to internet and a good network system that
have some speed. Participants F recommends that learners should be taught first year on how to
conduct research online and in books too. He pointed out that a lot of students have difficulty
accessing proper information online and often they lose marks in assignments.
The results show that out of 9 learners 3 did not know about information system. But all of the
learners confirmed that they know how to use a computer and internet to conduct research and to
access information. Participants F said that this is the first time he ever heard of the term IS and
he confirmed that he know how to use a computer and use the internet for research. Participants F
said that he usually use google to look up for information and that most of the tome access any
ling that satisfy him and what he was looking for. Participants F said that he do not know what an
online research tool is, but he get enough information on whatever links he open. He further stated
that sometimes he use information from google and reference as a book as if he got the information
from a book since the lecturer said they need references from books. Participants F said that he do
not know how to search for journals, eBooks, and other articles on the internet he only click on a
link and off we go. Participants F said the he will gladly welcome the idea to introduce better
system to assist them with their research as he admits he do not know how to conduct effective
research and that most of the time he scores low marks. Participants F said of course he would like
to see a lot of change at the NHISS beginning by buying and installing proper computers with
genuine programme, more access to internet and a good network system that have some speed.
Participants F recommends that learners should be taught first year on how to conduct research
online and in books too. He pointed out that a lot of students have difficulty accessing proper
information online and often they loose marks in assignments.
Using a computer and internet for research and access to information
Participants stated that most of the time use google search engine to conduct their research and to
access information. 3 participants pointed out that they use webpage and use the PDF, journal
articles fount on the webpage. It was stated by one participant that he she uses google scholar to
find literature from website to complete research work. The same participants said that they type
their research question or the topic they want information about on google and get access to pdf
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provided. One participant stated that he/ she use Wikipedia and all other site that provided the
information looking for. One participant confirmed that he she uses YouTube to watch videos on
given topics and uses google to access a lot of information. One participant said that he uses google
to access WHO website to get all the information he needs.
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