Competitive Programming Coding Club IIT Guwahati Competitive Programming Use of any unfair means is strictly prohibited. The solutions would be checked manually, and any misconduct will lead to immediate disqualification from this contest, and any other contests organized by IIT Guwahati in future Copying code from external websites (GFG, StackOverflow, etc...) is permitted, but the link of the webpage should be present as a comment in your code. This is very important, for not following the above rule will be counted under unfair means We highly encourage you to read all the problems. Timing 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM Coding Club IIT Guwahati Competitive Programming Contest Link Participation Form ( Essential for Recuitment ) Coding Club IIT Guwahati Competitive Programming Make sure to go through the material carefully to ensure that you perform well in the task. Aman +91 8595146099 Akshaj +91 9560920051 Coding Club IIT Guwahati