ARKLOW DISPOSAL SITE – TWO YEAR MONITORING SURVEY ARKLOW DISPOSAL SITE he ru se . TWO YEAR BATHYMETRIC, BOTTOM SAMPLING to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot AND SIDE SCAN SONAR SURVEY HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS LTD. REPORT No. PH17008 Co ns en September 2017 Client: Wicklow County Council County Buildings Whitegates Wicklow Town i EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:12 ARKLOW DISPOSAL SITE – TWO YEAR MONITORING SURVEY ot he ru se . REPORT CONTROL SHEET WICKLOW COUNTY COUNCIL Project Name ARKLOW DISPOSAL SITE – TWO YEAR MONITORING – BATHYMETRIC, SAMPLING to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny Client AND SIDE SCAN SONAR SURVEY AND SIDE SCAN SONAR SURVEY PH17008 TOC ns en Project Number ARKLOW DISPOSAL SITE – TWO YEAR MONITORING – BATHYMETRIC, SAMPLING Co Report Name Text Volumes This Report Comprises of Revision D01 No. of 1 Status Draft pending 22 1 No. of Appendices Drawings 4 4 Electronic data *.pdf Author(s) Approved By Issue Date RC JBJ 13.10.2017 comment i EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:12 ARKLOW DISPOSAL SITE – TWO YEAR MONITORING SURVEY Table of Contents A) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................................................... 2 B) INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 3 B.1) SITE LOCATION & DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................. 3 B.2) SURVEY OBJECTIVES AND EXTENTS ......................................................................................................................... 3 C) METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................ 4 C.1) HORIZONTAL CONTROL ................................................................................................................................................. 4 C.2) BATHYMETRIC SURVEY ................................................................................................................................................ 4 C.2.i) Depth Sounding........................................................................................................... 4 C.2.ii)Vertical Datum ............................................................................................................. 4 SIDE SCAN SURVEY ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 C.4) BOTTOM SAMPLING........................................................................................................................................................ 5 he ru se . C.3) to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot C.4.i) Photographic Record .................................................................................................. 5 C.4.ii)Geotechnical Analysis ................................................................................................ 6 C.4.iii) Benthic Analysis ................................................................................................... 6 D) RESULTS ............................................................................................................................ 7 BATHYMETRIC SURVEY RESULTS............................................................................................................................... 7 D.2) SIDE SCAN SONAR SURVEY RESULTS ....................................................................................................................... 7 Co ns en D.1) D.2.i) Identified Targets ........................................................................................................ 8 D.3) BOTTOM SAMPLING RESULTS .................................................................................................................................... 18 APPENDIX A: Equipment List and Specifications .................................................................... 19 Equipment List .............................................................................................................................................................................. 19 Navigation: Trimble AgDGPS 132 Receiver .................................................................... 19 Bathymetry: Odom Echotrac ............................................................................................. 19 Tidal Height: Valeport Tidemaster Tide gauge ............................................................... 19 Side Scan Sonar: CMax CM2 ........................................................................................... 19 APPENDIX B: DRAWINGS ...................................................................................................... 20 APPENDIX C: GEOCHEMICAL SAMPLES RESULTS ........................................................... 21 APPENDIX D: SAMPLING PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORD ........................................................ 22 1 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:12 ARKLOW DISPOSAL SITE – TWO YEAR MONITORING SURVEY A) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Hydrographic Surveys Ltd. was instructed by Wicklow County Council, to undertake a combined bathymetric survey, bottom sampling and side scan sonar survey at the dredging disposal site used as part of EPA Dumping at Sea License S0002-01 off the coast of Arklow, County Wicklow. Dredging took place between May 2014 and Sep 2014. This survey fulfils requirements as set out in EPA Dumping at Sea License S0002-01. The bathymetric survey results with contours were plotted to Chart Datum on and are shown for the entire survey area in APPENDIX B: DRAWINGS Drawing No. PH17008_D01. The sea bed indicates gradual gradient sloping seawards, from a minimum high of 4.7m in the North-West corner to a maximum depth of 12.2m in the South-East corner of the survey area. The Side Scan Sonar results and mosaic are shown in APPENDIX B: DRAWINGS Drawing No. . PH17008_D03. he ru se In general, the side scan results were very similar to the previous monitoring survey conducted in to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot August 2016. The side scan records were dominated by a light gold colour indicating a sandy smooth sea bed. There were some small dark spots on the records, indicating small rocks/boulders. Several targets were selected from the side scan imagery however, none of the targets identified appear to have any relation to the disposal pit. All sample analysis reports have also been supplied separate to this report. This includes; The RPS Laboratories Ltd. Sample Analysis Report (17-65371-1.xlsx). 2. The APEM Ltd. Marine Benthic Invertebrate Analysis Report (APEM Data Report Co ns en 1. P2113.xlsx). 3. The EPA DaS material analysis template report form (Arklow Sep2017 EPA DAS material analysis reporting form v2.xlsx). 2 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:12 ARKLOW DISPOSAL SITE – TWO YEAR MONITORING SURVEY B) INTRODUCTION B.1) SITE LOCATION & DESCRIPTION Hydrographic Surveys Ltd. was instructed by Wicklow County Council, to undertake a combined bathymetric survey, bottom sampling and side scan sonar survey at the dredging disposal site used as part of EPA Dumping at Sea License S0002-01 off the coast of Arklow, County Wicklow. The bathymetric survey, side scan survey and bottom sampling surveys were undertaken on the 18th & 19th of September 2017. B.2) SURVEY OBJECTIVES AND EXTENTS The main objectives of the survey were as follows: Establish seabed depth and profile in disposal pit and surrounding area • Aid in the location of possible obstructions on the sea bed. • Examine and determine sea bed sediments. ot he ru se . • to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny Based on the location of the original disposal pit, the bathymetric and side scan survey area extended to limits 500m north and south and 250m east and west of the disposal pit. The sampling survey was undertaken are pre-designated locations within the extents of the Co ns en disposal pit. 3 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:12 ARKLOW DISPOSAL SITE – TWO YEAR MONITORING SURVEY C) METHODOLOGY A full list of the equipment used on site is given in APPENDIX A: EQUIPMENT LIST AND SPECS. C.1) HORIZONTAL CONTROL Horizontal control for the survey was provided by a Trimble DGPS receiver with broadcast differential signal corrections from monitoring stations. The GPS signal interfaced to the Hypack survey software for logging and for online navigation. The unit has a sub-metre horizontal positioning accuracy. On-line transformation of WGS’84 Latitude and Longitude to Irish National Grid (ING) took place within the survey programme. All plotting of data is to Irish National Grid. C.2) BATHYMETRIC SURVEY C.2.i) Depth Sounding se . An Odom Echotrac single beam echosounder was used to record seabed levels in both digital and ot he ru analogue format (paper trace). The echo sounder has a resolution of 0.01m and was calibrated on to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny site by the bar-check method. A bar check was undertaken prior to and on completion of the survey and is archived in paper format. The sounder was interfaced with the dGPS via Hypack 2016 survey software thereby providing a digital record with related position fixes. Line spacing for the bathymetric survey within the dump site was at approximately 25m intervals, Co C.2.ii) Vertical Datum ns en orientated perpendicular to the coastline, in accordance with the requirements of the survey. All bathymetric levels were reduced to Chart Datum. Tidal variations were recorded at Arklow Harbour using a Valeport Tidemaster vented tide gauge. Tidal height was recorded every 3 minutes for the duration of the survey. Tidal heights were recorded at an established TBM and levels reduced to the required datum, i.e. Chart Datum. The location and results of the bathymetry survey are shown in APPENDIX A: DRAWINGS Drawing No. PH17008_D01 and PH17008_D02. C.3) SIDE SCAN SURVEY The side scan sonar survey was undertaken to identify any potential obstructions located on the seabed surface. Sidescan sonar imaging was obtained using a C-Max digital, dual frequency 100/325kHz, sonar. Data was logged utilizing a rugged CM2 sonar transceiver connected to a PC running Maxview acquisition software. The DGPS signal was interfaced in Maxview and Hypack survey software. 4 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:12 ARKLOW DISPOSAL SITE – TWO YEAR MONITORING SURVEY Survey lines were undertaken at 25m line intervals, running perpendicular to the coastline to acquire a 100% data overlap and achieve maximum data resolution. Processing was undertaken utilizing C Max View processing software and mosaics produced in AutoCAD charts using Hypack survey software. The results of the side scan survey are shown in APPENDIX A: DRAWINGS Drawing No. PH17008_D03. C.4) BOTTOM SAMPLING HSL were instructed to collect 5 no. samples from the disposal pit. The locations of the samples, in line with all previous sampling, were as follows; Sampling Location ID Easting (ING) Northing (ING) 326114 173783 P2 326118 173667 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . P1 P3 P4 173671 326230 173787 326174 173727 ns en P5 326234 Co Table B.1: Sampling locations (ING) The Samples were taken using a stainless steel Van Veen grab sampler. Once recovered the samples were sealed in specialised sample pots and labelled accordingly. A 1 kg sample from each of the 5 no. sample locations were preserved using a mixture of formaldehyde (diluted) and borax (powder form) and sent via courier to APEM Laboratories for benthic macroinvertebrate analysis. The benthic macro-invertebrate analysis results were released on the 11th October 2017 2 no. 450ml pots (one plastic and one aluminium) were collected for each of the 5 no. sample locations and sent via courier to RPS Laboratories for granulometry and sediment chemistry analysis. The granulometry and sediment chemistry analysis results were released on 11th October 2017. C.4.i) Photographic Record Photographs of each samples were taken and are given in APPENDIX D: PHOTGRAPHIC RECORD. 5 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:12 ARKLOW DISPOSAL SITE – TWO YEAR MONITORING SURVEY C.4.ii) Geotechnical Analysis The geotechnical analysis involved the following for the 3 no. samples as specified in DaS Permit S0004-01. Sample No. 1 2 3 4 5 Sample Name P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 Parameters for Analysis 1,2,3,4(a,b,c,f) 1,2,3,4(a,b,c,f) 1,2,3,4(a,b,c,f) 1,2,3,4(a,c,d,f) 1,2,3,4(a,c,d,f) Table 2.2 Parameters for analysis 4. Visual inspection, to include colour, texture, odour, presence of animals etc. 5. Water content, density (taking into account sample collection and handling) 6. Granulometry including % gravel (> 2mm fraction), % sand (< 2mm fraction) and % mud (< se . 63µm fraction). he ru 7. The following determinants in the sand-mud (< 2mm) fraction: to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot a) Total organic carbon. b) Carbonate. c) Zinc, Nickel. Copper, Lead, Arsenic, Cadmium, Lithium, Aluminium, Chromium, Mercury d) Organochlorines including - HCH (Lindane) and PCBs (to be reported as the 7 individual CB congeners: 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153, and 180). ns en e) Total extractable hydrocarbons. Co f) Tributyltin (TBT) and dibutyltin (DBT). g) Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) - Acenaphthene, Acenaphthylene, Anthracene, Benzo (a) anthracene, Benzo (a) pyrene, Benzo (b) fluoranthene, Benzo (ghi) perylene, Benzo (k) fluoranthene, Chrysene, Dibenz (a,h) anthracene, Flourene, Fluoranthene, Indeno 1,2,3 – cd pyrene, Naphthalene, Phenanthrene, Pyrene. C.4.iii) Benthic Analysis All samples were also submitted for marine benthic analysis. Macrofaunal analysis was undertaken in line with the NMBAQC guidance on the 5 no samples and a biomass analysis to species level +/0.0001g was conducted. Results for this analysis are supplied as Microsoft Excel species abundance and biomass matrices along with this report. 6 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:12 ARKLOW DISPOSAL SITE – TWO YEAR MONITORING SURVEY D) RESULTS The survey results and interpretations are discussed below. D.1) BATHYMETRIC SURVEY RESULTS The bathymetric survey results with contours were plotted to Chart Datum on and are shown for the entire survey area in APPENDIX B: DRAWINGS Drawing No. PH17008_D01. The sea bed indicates gradual gradient sloping seawards, from a minimum high of 4.7m in the North-West corner to a maximum depth of 12.2m in the South-East corner of the survey area. A comparison has been made between the current and the previous survey (August 2016). The differences were gridded at a 3 x 3m spacing and are presented in Drawing No. PH17008_D04 as coloured soundings. In general, there has been very little difference in seabed levels across the whole survey area between August 2016 and September 2017. In some areas close to the disposal ru se . site there has been a slight deepening in seabed levels (average of 0.1m, maximum of 0.4m). to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he In addition to the contractual Drawing No. PH17008_D01, an extra drawing, Drawing No. PH17008_D02, is included in this report. This displays the disposal pit at a scale of 1:500, and was produced to assist in the comparison of previous 1:500 scale drawings of the pit. D.2) SIDE SCAN SONAR SURVEY RESULTS Co PH17008_D03. ns en The Side Scan Sonar results and mosaic are shown in APPENDIX B: DRAWINGS Drawing No. In general, the side scan results were very similar to the previous monitoring survey conducted in August 2016. The side scan records were dominated by a light gold colour indicating a sandy smooth sea bed. There were some small dark spots on the records, indicating small rocks/boulders. The numerous side-scan profile lines were processed and a selected number were used to create the final mosaic. Both the mosaic and identified targets were corrected for layback. Due to overlap of the mosaic image when plotted, the identified target positions should be used for locating targets. Several targets were selected from the side scan imagery however, none of the targets identified appear to have any relation to the disposal pit. 7 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:12 ARKLOW DISPOSAL SITE – TWO YEAR MONITORING SURVEY D.2.i) Identified Targets Each file was analysed for possible obstructions on the seabed. The following tables summarise the identified obstructions. Date 19/09/2017 Ark_10 Time 16:50:24 Survey File Event 0 ark16-48-07 X 326277.8 Capture File Y 173990.9 Ark_10.JPG WGS84 Latitude 52 48 7.8398 N to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . Name 006 07 38.5809 W Heading 277.8 Fish Altitude 7.10 Co ns en WGS84 Longitude Notes Range to Target 43.4 Height Above Bottom 0.4 Length 6.7 Width 1.2 Height: 0.4 Length: 6.7 Width: 1.2 8 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:12 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . ARKLOW DISPOSAL SITE – TWO YEAR MONITORING SURVEY Co ns en Image D.1: Target Ark_10 9 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:12 ARKLOW DISPOSAL SITE – TWO YEAR MONITORING SURVEY Date 19/09/2017 Ark_11 Time 16:30:10 Survey File Event 0 ark16-26-51 X 326145.8 Capture File Y 174127.8 Ark_11.JPG WGS84 Latitude 52 48 12.3776 N WGS84 Longitude 006 07 45.4337 W Heading 258.6 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . Name 4.40 Range to Target 18.4 Height Above Bottom 0.1 Co ns en Fish Altitude Notes Length 2.0 Width 0.3 Height: 0.1 Length: 2.0 Width: 0.3 10 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:12 ru se . ARKLOW DISPOSAL SITE – TWO YEAR MONITORING SURVEY Co ns en to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he Image D.2: Target Ark_11 11 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:12 ARKLOW DISPOSAL SITE – TWO YEAR MONITORING SURVEY Date 19/09/2017 Ark_12 Time 14:59:39 Survey File Event 0 ark14-55-25 X 326501.3 Capture File Y 173701.6 Ark_12.JPG WGS84 Latitude 52 47 58.2967 N WGS84 Longitude 006 07 27.0588 W Heading 88.7 ot he ru se . Name to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny Fish Altitude 8.50 45.0 Height Above Bottom 0.2 Length 1.6 Co ns en Range to Target Width Notes 3.4 Height: 0.2 Length: 1.6 Width: 3.4 12 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:12 ARKLOW DISPOSAL SITE – TWO YEAR MONITORING SURVEY Co ns en to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . Image D.3: Target Ark_12 13 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:12 ARKLOW DISPOSAL SITE – TWO YEAR MONITORING SURVEY Date 19/09/2017 Ark_13 Time 09:46:21 Survey File Event 0 ARK09-45-38 X 325902.2 Capture File Y 173320.9 Ark_13.JPG WGS84 Latitude 52 47 46.4906 N WGS84 Longitude 006 07 59.549 W Heading 70.0 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . Name 5.90 Range to Target 27.8 Height Above Bottom 0.1 Co ns en Fish Altitude Notes Length 6.0 Width 1.9 Height: 0.1 Length: 6.0 Width: 1.9 14 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:12 ARKLOW DISPOSAL SITE – TWO YEAR MONITORING SURVEY Co ns en to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . Image D.4: Target Ark_13 15 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:12 ARKLOW DISPOSAL SITE – TWO YEAR MONITORING SURVEY Date 19/09/2017 Ark_14 Time 09:26:49 Survey File Event 0 ARK09-24-19 X 326204.1 Capture File Y 173549.3 Ark_14.JPG WGS84 Latitude 52 47 53.6224 N WGS84 Longitude 006 07 43.1263 W Heading 82.7 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . Name 7.70 Range to Target 34.6 Height Above Bottom 0.0 Co ns en Fish Altitude Notes Length 66.6 Width 23.4 Length: 66.6 Width: 23.4 Raised Area 16 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:12 ot he ru se . ARKLOW DISPOSAL SITE – TWO YEAR MONITORING SURVEY Co ns en to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny Image D.4: Target Ark_14 17 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:12 ARKLOW DISPOSAL SITE – TWO YEAR MONITORING SURVEY D.3) BOTTOM SAMPLING RESULTS Please see APPENDIX C: GEOCHEMICAL SAMPLES RESULTS for a full quantitative breakdown of the geochemical survey sampling results. All sample analysis reports have also been supplied separate to this report. This includes; 8. The RPS Laboratories Ltd. Sample Analysis Report (17-65371-1.xlsx). 9. The APEM Ltd. Marine Benthic Invertebrate Analysis Report (APEM Data Report P2113.xlsx). 10. The EPA DaS material analysis template report form (Arklow Sep2017 EPA DAS Co ns en to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . material analysis reporting form v2.xlsx). 18 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:12 ARKLOW DISPOSAL SITE – TWO YEAR MONITORING SURVEY APPENDIX A: Equipment List and Specifications Equipment List Navigation: Trimble AgDGPS 132 Receiver This navigation unit provides sub-metre differential position accuracy in differential mode. Bathymetry: Odom Echotrac Dual frequency echosounder with an accuracy of 0.10m. Tidal Height: Valeport Tidemaster Tidegauge Vented gauge. Data logged to 1mm resolution with an accuracy equal to +/- 0.1% of the full scale. Side Scan Sonar: CMax CM2 The CMax CM2 dual frequency side scan sonar has a full complement of display, recording, editing, he ru se . marking, annotation, measurement, remote data entry and instant access replay facilities. to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot It has automatic, microprocessor control of the gain profile. All data is recorded digitally and can be processed through the CM2 Maxview programme and Hypack Hyscan Software. The range setting for this project was set at 50m per channel. Co ns en The towfish was deployed starboard side of the boat. 19 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:12 ARKLOW DISPOSAL SITE – TWO YEAR MONITORING SURVEY APPENDIX B: DRAWINGS Drawing Number Description Scale Bathymetry Survey Results – Survey Area 1:2000 @ A1 PH17008_D02 Bathymetry Survey Results – Disposal Site Zoomed 1:500 @ A1 PH17008_D03 Side Scan Survey Results 1:2000 @ A1 PH17008_D04 Bathymetry comparison Aug 2016 to Sep 2017 1:500 @ A1 Co ns en to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . PH17008_D01 20 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:12 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:12 to en ns Co f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny . se ru he ot EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:12 to en ns Co f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny . se ru he ot EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:12 to en ns Co f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny . se ru he ot EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:12 to en ns Co f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny . se ru he ot ARKLOW DISPOSAL SITE – TWO YEAR MONITORING SURVEY Co ns en to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . APPENDIX C: GEOCHEMICAL SAMPLES RESULTS 21 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:13 2 Shaftesbury Industrial Centre, Icknield Way, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, SG6 1HE T +44 (0)1462 480 400, F +44 (0)1462 480 403, E, W Certificate of Analysis 17-65371-1 Issue No.: 1 Date of Issue 11/10/2017 Customer Details: Priority Geotechnical Ltd, Unit 12, Owenacurra Business Park, Midleton, Co Cork Customer Contact: Hugh Power Customer Order No.: P09990 Customer Reference: Not Supplied Quotation Reference: 170915/06 Description: 5 sediment samples Date Received: 21/09/2017 Date Started: 21/09/2017 Date Completed: 11/10/2017 Test Methods: Details available on request (refer to SOP code against relevant result/s) Notes: None Approved By: Matthew Hickson, Laboratory Manager Co n se nt o f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . Report No.: This certificate is issued in accordance with the accreditation requirements of the United Kingdom Accreditation Service. This certificate shall not be reproduced except in full without the prior written approval of the laboratory. Observations and interpretations are outside of the scope of UKAS accreditation. Results reported herein relate only to the items supplied to the laboratory for testing. RPS Mountainheath Limited, Registered in England No. 2772276, a wholly-owned subsidiary of RPS Consulting Services Ltd. A member of the RPS Group plc. Terms and conditions apply - copy on request Page 1 of 10 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:13 2 Shaftesbury Industrial Centre, Icknield Way, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, SG6 1HE T +44 (0)1462 480 400, F +44 (0)1462 480 403, E, W Results Summary Report No.: 17-65371-1 Customer Reference: Not Supplied Customer Order No: P09990 P2 P3 P4 340464 340465 340466 340467 Sample Type SEDIMENT SEDIMENT SEDIMENT SEDIMENT Sampling Date 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 84.5 Completed S/C 8970 Completed 5.67 < 0.10 17.6 5.96 0.03 12.5 5.85 8.59 20.3 5.41 < 5.00 1.5 < 2.00 0.38 Completed 84.7 Completed S/C 8240 Completed 5.69 < 0.10 18.9 6.31 0.03 10.2 4.08 7.90 17.9 5.28 < 5.00 1.5 < 2.00 < 0.30 Completed 82.9 Completed S/C 17000 Completed 8.29 < 0.10 24.2 13.3 0.04 19.2 8.78 17.4 44.3 10.4 < 5.00 1.4 < 2.00 0.61 Completed 83.6 Completed S/C 13500 Completed 7.22 < 0.10 20.7 8.59 0.03 15.7 6.48 11.0 28.5 7.86 < 5.00 1.6 < 2.00 0.41 Completed Sand Sand 293 110 -0.067 3.89 247 2.19 281 99.8 0.042 3.86 244 1.97 3360 11800 3.93 16.8 195 9.72 690 1570 4.17 21.1 245 4.14 1002-53-5 56573-85-4 SOP 208 208 in house M129 in house M129 M129 M129 M129 M129 M129 M129 M129 M129 in house 395 in house 395 in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house Units % f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny 7440-38-2 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 7440-50-8 7439-97-6 7439-93-2 7440-02-0 7439-92-1 7440-66-6 nt o 7429-90-5 Codes N N N UI N UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI N U N U N NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS se dry solids (at 105øC) dry solids (assisted air-drying at <30øC) visual inspection aluminium APEM - Benthic Analysis arsenic cadmium chromium copper mercury lithium nickel lead zinc carbonate % dry matter dibutyltin (DBT) density (on dry solid) tributyltin (TBT) total organic carbon particle size analysis NMBAQC sample type textural group (GRADISTAT) sediment name arithmetic mean (method of moments) arithmetic sorting (method of moments) arithmetic skewness (method of moments) arithmetic kurtosis (method of moments) geometic mean (method of moments) geometic sorting (method of moments) CAS No Co n Determinand ot he ru se P1 RPS Sample No . Customer Sample No mg/kg n/a mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg % ug/kg as cation DW g/cm3 DW ug/kg as cation DW % DW um um um um um um RL 0 0 0 12 0 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.01 6 0.5 0.5 2 0.1 5 0 2 0.3 0 Page 2 of 10 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:13 2 Shaftesbury Industrial Centre, Icknield Way, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, SG6 1HE T +44 (0)1462 480 400, F +44 (0)1462 480 403, E, W Results Summary Report No.: 17-65371-1 Customer Reference: Not Supplied Customer Order No: P09990 P2 P3 P4 340464 340465 340466 340467 Sample Type SEDIMENT SEDIMENT SEDIMENT SEDIMENT Sampling Date 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 -3.66 17.8 2.02 1.13 3.66 17.8 280 1.46 -0.120 1.11 1.84 0.547 0.120 1.11 Medium Sand -4.01 22.4 2.03 0.979 4.01 22.4 267 1.43 -0.089 1.05 1.90 0.516 0.089 1.05 Medium Sand 0.109 3.93 2.36 3.28 -0.109 3.93 130 9.87 -0.197 3.56 2.94 3.30 0.197 3.56 Fine Sand Fine Skewed Mesokurtic 302 Symmetrical Mesokurtic 302 Fine Skewed -0.569 5.57 2.03 2.05 0.569 5.57 257 3.27 -0.049 3.81 1.96 1.71 0.049 3.81 Medium Sand Poorly Sorted Symmetrical 214 54000 302 1.75 1.75 2.25 -5.74 1.75 178 284 442 2.47 263 173 271 421 2.44 248 7.0 233 2720 390 2720 98.8 256 1390 14.1 1290 SOP in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house Units um um phi phi phi phi um um um um phi phi phi phi f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny Codes NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS se nt o CAS No Co n Determinand geometic skewness (method of moments) geometic kurtosis (method of moments) logarithmic mean (method of moments) logarithmic sorting (method of moments) logarithmic skewness (method of moments) logarithmic kurtosis (method of moments) mean (Folk and Ward method - um) sorting (Folk and Ward method - um) skewness (Folk and Ward method - um) kurtosis (Folk and Ward method - um) mean (Folk and Ward method - phi) sorting (Folk and Ward method - phi) skewness (Folk and Ward method - phi) kurtosis (Folk and Ward method - phi) mean description (Folk and Ward method) sorting description (Folk and Ward method) skewness description (Folk and Ward method) kurtosis description (Folk and Ward method) MODE 1 - um MODE 2 - um MODE 3 - um MODE 1 - phi MODE 2 - phi MODE 3 - phi D10 - um D50 - um D90 - um (D90/D10) - um (D90 - D10) - um ot he ru se P1 RPS Sample No . Customer Sample No um um um phi phi phi um um um um um RL Page 3 of 10 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:13 2 Shaftesbury Industrial Centre, Icknield Way, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, SG6 1HE T +44 (0)1462 480 400, F +44 (0)1462 480 403, E, W Results Summary Report No.: 17-65371-1 Customer Reference: Not Supplied Customer Order No: P09990 P2 P3 P4 340464 340465 340466 340467 Sample Type SEDIMENT SEDIMENT SEDIMENT SEDIMENT Sampling Date 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 1.61 134 1.18 1.82 2.49 2.11 1.31 1.46 0.690 0.00 95.7 4.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.04 62.6 31.0 0.05 0.00 0.84 1.64 1.23 0.58 0.00 1.61 127 1.25 1.89 2.54 2.03 1.29 1.44 0.687 0.00 96.9 3.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 58.2 37.6 0.14 0.00 0.54 1.21 0.91 0.40 0.00 2.82 237 -1.45 2.10 7.16 -4.95 8.61 2.04 1.50 11.4 66.7 22.0 4.91 0.72 0.62 2.21 2.91 4.18 1.16 29.3 30.2 1.83 2.25 3.57 5.17 5.67 3.20 2.11 1.90 167 -0.478 1.97 3.34 -6.99 3.82 1.62 0.929 7.97 82.4 9.64 0.00 0.00 1.62 3.05 3.30 3.64 0.69 39.6 37.4 1.11 0.62 2.09 2.64 2.72 1.46 0.11 SOP in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house Units um um phi phi phi phi phi phi phi % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % nt o f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny Codes NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS se (D75/D25) - um (D75 - D25) - um D10 - phi D50 - phi D90 - phi (D90/D10) - phi (D90 - D10) - phi (D75/D25) - phi (D75 - D25) - phi % gravel % sand % mud % very coarse gravel (>32<64mm or <-5>-6phi) % coarse gravel (>16<32mm or <-4>-5phi) % medium gravel (>8<16mm or <-3>-4phi) % fine gravel (>4<8mm or <-2>-3phi) % very fine gravel (>2<4mm or <-1>-2phi) % very coarse sand (>1<2mm or <0>-1phi) % coarse sand (>0.5<1mm or <1>0phi) % medium sand (>0.25<0.5mm or <2>1phi) % fine sand (>0.125<0.25mm or <3>2phi) % very fine sand (>0.0625<0.125mm or <4>3phi) % very coarse silt (>0.03125<0.0625mm or <5>4phi % coarse silt (>0.015625<0.03125mm or <6>5phi) % medium silt (>0.007813<0.015625mm or <7>6phi) % fine silt (>0.003906<0.007813mm or <8>7phi) % very fine silt (>0.001953<0.003906mm or <9>8phi % clay (<0.001953mm or >9phi) CAS No Co n Determinand ot he ru se P1 RPS Sample No . Customer Sample No RL Page 4 of 10 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:13 2 Shaftesbury Industrial Centre, Icknield Way, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, SG6 1HE T +44 (0)1462 480 400, F +44 (0)1462 480 403, E, W Results Summary Report No.: 17-65371-1 Customer Reference: Not Supplied Customer Order No: P09990 Customer Sample No Sample Type SEDIMENT Sampling Date 19/09/2017 se . 340468 ru 56573-85-4 ot he 1002-53-5 SOP 208 208 in house M129 in house M129 M129 M129 M129 M129 M129 M129 M129 M129 in house 395 in house 395 in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house Units % f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny 7440-38-2 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 7440-50-8 7439-97-6 7439-93-2 7440-02-0 7439-92-1 7440-66-6 nt o 7429-90-5 Codes N N N UI N UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI N U N U N NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS se dry solids (at 105øC) dry solids (assisted air-drying at <30øC) visual inspection aluminium APEM - Benthic Analysis arsenic cadmium chromium copper mercury lithium nickel lead zinc carbonate % dry matter dibutyltin (DBT) density (on dry solid) tributyltin (TBT) total organic carbon particle size analysis NMBAQC sample type textural group (GRADISTAT) sediment name arithmetic mean (method of moments) arithmetic sorting (method of moments) arithmetic skewness (method of moments) arithmetic kurtosis (method of moments) geometic mean (method of moments) geometic sorting (method of moments) CAS No Co n Determinand P5 RPS Sample No mg/kg n/a mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg % ug/kg as cation DW g/cm3 DW ug/kg as cation DW % DW RL 0 0 0 12 0 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.01 6 0.5 0.5 2 0.1 5 0 2 0.3 0 89.5 Completed S/C 16300 Completed 9.23 0.17 20.8 12.3 0.03 19.5 8.44 16.6 69.6 8.71 < 5.00 1.8 < 2.00 0.54 Completed Sandy Gravel um um um um um um 3140 4340 1.94 6.58 1070 5.03 Page 5 of 10 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:13 2 Shaftesbury Industrial Centre, Icknield Way, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, SG6 1HE T +44 (0)1462 480 400, F +44 (0)1462 480 403, E, W Results Summary Report No.: 17-65371-1 Customer Reference: Not Supplied Customer Order No: P09990 Customer Sample No Sample Type SEDIMENT Sampling Date 19/09/2017 se . 340468 ru he ot SOP in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house Units um um phi phi phi phi um um um um phi phi phi phi f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny Codes NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS se nt o CAS No Co n Determinand geometic skewness (method of moments) geometic kurtosis (method of moments) logarithmic mean (method of moments) logarithmic sorting (method of moments) logarithmic skewness (method of moments) logarithmic kurtosis (method of moments) mean (Folk and Ward method - um) sorting (Folk and Ward method - um) skewness (Folk and Ward method - um) kurtosis (Folk and Ward method - um) mean (Folk and Ward method - phi) sorting (Folk and Ward method - phi) skewness (Folk and Ward method - phi) kurtosis (Folk and Ward method - phi) mean description (Folk and Ward method) sorting description (Folk and Ward method) skewness description (Folk and Ward method) kurtosis description (Folk and Ward method) MODE 1 - um MODE 2 - um MODE 3 - um MODE 1 - phi MODE 2 - phi MODE 3 - phi D10 - um D50 - um D90 - um (D90/D10) - um (D90 - D10) - um P5 RPS Sample No RL -0.254 3.08 -0.103 2.33 0.254 3.08 1160 4.34 0.254 0.643 -0.212 2.12 -0.254 0.643 Coarse Skewed um um um phi phi phi um um um um um 302 9600 3400 1.75 -3.24 -1.74 211 869 9200 43.6 8990 Page 6 of 10 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:13 2 Shaftesbury Industrial Centre, Icknield Way, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, SG6 1HE T +44 (0)1462 480 400, F +44 (0)1462 480 403, E, W Results Summary Report No.: 17-65371-1 Customer Reference: Not Supplied Customer Order No: P09990 Customer Sample No Sample Type SEDIMENT Sampling Date 19/09/2017 se . 340468 ru he ot SOP in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house in house Units um um phi phi phi phi phi phi phi % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % nt o f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny Codes NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS se (D75/D25) - um (D75 - D25) - um D10 - phi D50 - phi D90 - phi (D90/D10) - phi (D90 - D10) - phi (D75/D25) - phi (D75 - D25) - phi % gravel % sand % mud % very coarse gravel (>32<64mm or <-5>-6phi) % coarse gravel (>16<32mm or <-4>-5phi) % medium gravel (>8<16mm or <-3>-4phi) % fine gravel (>4<8mm or <-2>-3phi) % very fine gravel (>2<4mm or <-1>-2phi) % very coarse sand (>1<2mm or <0>-1phi) % coarse sand (>0.5<1mm or <1>0phi) % medium sand (>0.25<0.5mm or <2>1phi) % fine sand (>0.125<0.25mm or <3>2phi) % very fine sand (>0.0625<0.125mm or <4>3phi) % very coarse silt (>0.03125<0.0625mm or <5>4phi % coarse silt (>0.015625<0.03125mm or <6>5phi) % medium silt (>0.007813<0.015625mm or <7>6phi) % fine silt (>0.003906<0.007813mm or <8>7phi) % very fine silt (>0.001953<0.003906mm or <9>8phi % clay (<0.001953mm or >9phi) CAS No Co n Determinand P5 RPS Sample No RL 14.6 4160 -3.20 0.203 2.24 -0.701 5.45 -0.793 3.87 39.4 58.2 2.37 0.00 2.73 10.4 13.8 12.4 10.5 4.73 30.3 12.7 0.03 0.07 0.65 0.72 0.63 0.30 0.00 Page 7 of 10 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:13 2 Shaftesbury Industrial Centre, Icknield Way, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, SG6 1HE T +44 (0)1462 480 400, F +44 (0)1462 480 403, E, W Report No.: 17-65371-1 Customer Reference: Not Supplied Customer Order No: P09990 Comments RPS Sample Number Customer Number 340464 P1 Visual inspection: Brown, Sandy sediment No Odour No Biota No Anthropogenic Inputs 340465 P2 Visual inspection: Brown, Sandy sediment No Odour No Biota No Anthropogenic Inputs 340466 P3 Visual Inspection: Grey/Brown, Sandy sediment No Odour No Biota No Anthropogenic Inputs 340467 P4 Visual Inspection: Gray/Brown, Sandy sediment No Odour No Biota No Anthropogenic Inputs 340468 P5 Visual Inspection: Grey/Brown, Coarse Sandy sediment No Odour No Biota No Anthropogenic Inputs Co n se nt o f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . Sample Comments Page 8 of 10 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:13 2 Shaftesbury Industrial Centre, Icknield Way, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, SG6 1HE T +44 (0)1462 480 400, F +44 (0)1462 480 403, E, W Deviating Samples Report No.: 17-65371-1 Customer Reference: Not Supplied Customer Order No: P09990 Our policy on Deviating Samples and reference list of Holding Times applied can be supplied on request. These have been implemented in accordance with UKAS Policy on Deviating Samples (TPS63). RPS is not responsible for the integrity of samples as received, unless RPS personnel performed the sampling, and it is possible that samples submitted may be declared to be deviating. Where applicable the analysis method remains UKAS accredited, however results reported for a deviating sample may be invalid. The reason for a sample being declared to be deviating is indicated below. Where no sampling date was supplied, samples have been declared to be deviating. However, if a date of sampling can be supplied, the results may be reissued with the deviating sample status removed. Where the sample container used was unsuitable, the appropriate Holding Time was exceeded, or the sample is flagged as deviating for some other reason, re-sampling/re-submisson may be required. Date Sampled Containers Received plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic Deviating Sample container container container container container Reason for Sample Deviation No No No No No ot he ru se . 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny Customer ID nt o P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 se Customer No. Co n RPS No. 340464 340465 340466 340467 340468 Page 9 of 10 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:13 2 Shaftesbury Industrial Centre, Icknield Way, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, SG6 1HE T +44 (0)1462 480 400, F +44 (0)1462 480 403, E, W Report Information Key to Report Codes U M N S US MS SI USI MSI I/S (in results) U/S (in results) S/C (in results) ND (in results) DW (in units) UKAS Accredited MCERTS Accredited Not accredited Subcontracted to approved laboratory Subcontracted to approved laboratory UKAS Accredited for the test Subcontracted to approved laboratory MCERTS/UKAS Accredited for the test Subcontracted to internal RPS Group laboratory Subcontracted to internal RPS Group laboratory UKAS Accredited for the test Subcontracted to internal RPS Group laboratory MCERTS/UKAS Accredited for the test Insufficient Sample Unsuitable Sample See Comments Not Detected Results are expressed on a dry weight basis se . Where the dry solids value of a sample is low (<50%), reporting limits are automatically raised for all determinants analysed on an asreceived basis. he ot f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny Clay - Brown Clay - Grey/Black Sand Top Soil (Standard) Top Soil (High Peat) Made Ground (>50% Clay) Made Ground (>50% Sand) Made Ground (>50% Top Soil) Other nt o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X Sample Retention and Disposal Co n se Type Type Type Type Type Type Type Type Type ru Soil Typing Samples will generally* be retained for the following times prior to disposal: Perishables, e.g. foodstuffs 1 month (if frozen) from the issue date of this report Waters 2 weeks from the issue date of this report Other Liquids 1 month from the issue date of this report Solids (including Soils) 1 month from the issue date of this report *Sample retention may be subject to agreement with the customer for particular projects Page 10 of 10 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:13 2 Shaftesbury Industrial Centre, Icknield Way, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, SG6 1HE T +44 (0)1462 480 400, F +44 (0)1462 480 403, E, W Certificate of Analysis Report No.: 17-65371-1 1 Date of Issue 11/10/2017 Customer Details: Priority Geotechnical Ltd, Unit 12, Owenacurra Business Park, Midleton, Co Cork Customer Contact: Hugh Power Customer Order No.: P09990 Customer Reference: Not Supplied Quotation Reference: 170915/06 Description: 5 sediment samples Date Received: 21/09/2017 Date Started: 21/09/2017 Date Completed: 11/10/2017 Test Methods: Details available on request (refer to SOP code against relevant result/s) Notes: None Approved By: Matthew Hickson, Laboratory Manager Co ns en to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . Issue No.: This certificate is issued in accordance with the accreditation requirements of the United Kingdom Accreditation Service. This certificate shall not be reproduced except in full without the prior written approval of the laboratory. Observations and interpretations are outside of the scope of UKAS accreditation. Results reported herein relate only to the items supplied to the laboratory for testing. RPS Mountainheath Limited, Registered in England No. 2772276, a wholly-owned subsidiary of RPS Consulting Services Ltd. A member of the RPS Group plc. Terms and conditions apply - copy on request Page 1 of 9 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:13 2 Shaftesbury Industrial Centre, Icknield Way, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, SG6 1HE T +44 (0)1462 480 400, F +44 (0)1462 480 403, E, W Results Summary - Dry Weights, Moisture, Total Organic Carbon, TPH, Organotins & Density Report No.: Customer Reference: Order No: 17-65371 Not given P09990 Customer Sample No Certified Reference Material Customer Sample ID Sampling Date Sampling Time 1002-53-5 56573-85-4 Dibutyltin and tributyltin results have been dry weight corrected Codes N N N U U N SOP Units 397 % In house % 404 % 395 ug/kg DW 395 ug/kg DW In house g/cm3 RL 0.1 0.3 2 2 P3 P4 P5 340464 340465 340466 340467 340468 SEDIMENT SEDIMENT SEDIMENT SEDIMENT SEDIMENT ot he SEDIMENT CRM BCR-646 Assigned Value n/a n/a n/a 770 480 n/a Measured Value n/a n/a n/a 597.5 466.7 n/a Recovery % n/a n/a n/a 77.6% 97.2% n/a Spike on clean sediment Assigned Value n/a n/a n/a 40 40 n/a Measured Value n/a n/a n/a 35.66 38.05 n/a 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 84.5 5.41 0.38 < 5.00 < 2.00 1.5 84.7 5.28 < 0.30 < 5.00 < 2.00 1.5 82.9 10.4 0.61 < 5.00 < 2.00 1.4 83.6 7.86 0.41 < 5.00 < 2.00 1.6 89.5 8.71 0.54 < 5.00 < 2.00 1.8 Recovery % n/a n/a n/a 89.2% 95.1% n/a ns en dry solids (at 105°C) carbonate % dry matter total organic carbon* dibutyltin (DBT) tributyltin (TBT) density (on dry solid) CAS No P2 Co Determinand SEDIMENT to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny Sample Depth (m) ru se . RPS Sample No Sample Type Sample Location P1 AQC spike EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:13 2 Shaftesbury Industrial Centre, Icknield Way, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, SG6 1HE T +44 (0)1462 480 400, F +44 (0)1462 480 403, E, W Results Summary - Metals 17-65371 Not given P09990 se . Report No.: Customer Reference: Order No: P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 he Standard Reference Material ot Customer Sample ID ru Customer Sample No 340464 340465 340466 340467 340468 SEDIMENT SEDIMENT SEDIMENT SEDIMENT SEDIMENT SEDIMENT SRM-2702 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 8970 5.67 < 0.10 17.6 5.96 8.59 12.5 0.03 5.85 20.3 8240 5.69 < 0.10 18.9 6.31 7.90 10.2 0.03 4.08 17.9 17000 8.29 < 0.10 24.2 13.3 17.4 19.2 0.04 8.78 44.3 13500 7.22 < 0.10 20.7 8.59 11.0 15.7 0.03 6.48 28.5 16300 9.23 0.17 20.8 12.3 16.6 19.5 0.03 8.44 69.6 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny RPS Sample No Sample Type Sample Location Sample Depth (m) Sampling Date Sampling Time Codes SOP 7429-90-5 7440-38-2 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 7440-50-8 7439-92-1 7439-93-2 7439-97-6 7440-02-0 7440-66-6 USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI USI SI M-129 M-129 M-129 M-129 M-129 M-129 M-129 M-129 M-129 ICP-MS Units mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg ns en aluminium arsenic cadmium chromium copper lead lithium mercury nickel zinc CAS No Co Determinand DW DW DW DW DW DW DW DW DW DW RL 12 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.5 6 0.01 0.5 2 Assigned Value 84100 45.3 0.817 352 Not certified 132.8 Not certified 0.4474 75.4 485.3 Measured Value 74000 45.6 0.91 306 n/a 124 n/a 71.9 69 452 Recovery % 88.0% 100.7% 111.4% 86.9% n/a 93.4% n/a 16070.6% 91.5% 93.1% EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:13 2 Shaftesbury Industrial Centre, Icknield Way, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, SG6 1HE T +44 (0)1462 480 400, F +44 (0)1462 480 403, E, W Results Summary - PSA Results Report No.: Customer Reference: Order No: 17-65371 Not given P09990 Customer Sample No P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 Customer Sample ID 340464 340465 340466 340467 340468 RPS Sample No Sample Type SEDIMENT SEDIMENT SEDIMENT SEDIMENT SEDIMENT Sample Location Sample Depth (m) Sampling Date 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 Sampling Time In-house textural group (GRADISTAT) S In-house sediment name arithmetic mean (method of moments) arithmetic sorting (method of moments) arithmetic skewness (method of moments) arithmetic kurtosis (method of moments) geometic mean (method of moments) geometic sorting (method of moments) geometic skewness (method of moments) geometic kurtosis (method of moments) logarithmic mean (method of moments) logarithmic sorting (method of moments) logarithmic skewness (method of moments) logarithmic kurtosis (method of moments) mean (Folk and Ward method - um) sorting (Folk and Ward method - um) skewness (Folk and Ward method - um) kurtosis (Folk and Ward method - um) mean (Folk and Ward method - phi) sorting (Folk and Ward method - phi) skewness (Folk and Ward method - phi) kurtosis (Folk and Ward method - phi) S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house mean description (Folk and Ward method) S S skewness description (Folk and Ward method) S In-house In-house S In-house S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house In-house Co kurtosis description (Folk and Ward method) MODE 1 - um MODE 2 - um MODE 3 - um MODE 1 - phi MODE 2 - phi MODE 3 - phi D10 - um D50 - um D90 - um (D90/D10) - um (D90 - D10) - um (D75/D25) - um (D75 - D25) - um D10 - phi D50 - phi D90 - phi (D90/D10) - phi (D90 - D10) - phi (D75/D25) - phi (D75 - D25) - phi % gravel % sand % mud % very coarse gravel (>32<64mm or <-5>-6phi) % coarse gravel (>16<32mm or <-4>-5phi) % medium gravel (>8<16mm or <-3>-4phi) % fine gravel (>4<8mm or <-2>-3phi) % very fine gravel (>2<4mm or <-1>-2phi) % very coarse sand (>1<2mm or <0>-1phi) % coarse sand (>0.5<1mm or <1>0phi) % medium sand (>0.25<0.5mm or <2>1phi) % fine sand (>0.125<0.25mm or <3>2phi) % very fine sand (>0.0625<0.125mm or <4>3phi) % very coarse silt (>0.03125<0.0625mm or <5>4phi % coarse silt (>0.015625<0.03125mm or <6>5phi) % medium silt (>0.007813<0.015625mm or <7>6phi) % fine silt (>0.003906<0.007813mm or <8>7phi) % very fine silt (>0.001953<0.003906mm or <9>8phi % clay (<0.001953mm or >9phi) Bimodal, Very Poorly Sorted Unimodal, Poorly Sorted Polymodal, Very Poorly Sorted Sand Moderately Well Sorted Medium Sand 293 110 -0.067 3.89 247 2.19 -3.66 17.8 2.02 1.13 3.66 17.8 280 1.46 -0.120 1.11 1.84 0.547 0.120 1.11 Gravelly Gravelly Sand Muddy Sand Muddy Sand Sandy Gravel Moderately Very Coarse Very Fine Well Sorted Gravelly Fine Gravelly Fine Medium Silty Fine Silty Medium Sandy Fine Sand Sand Sand Gravel 281 3360 690 3140 99.8 11800 1570 4340 0.042 3.93 4.17 1.94 3.86 16.8 21.1 6.58 244 195 245 1070 1.97 9.72 4.14 5.03 -4.01 0.109 -0.569 -0.254 22.4 3.93 5.57 3.08 2.03 2.36 2.03 -0.103 0.979 3.28 2.05 2.33 4.01 -0.109 0.569 0.254 22.4 3.93 5.57 3.08 267 130 257 1160 1.43 9.87 3.27 4.34 -0.089 -0.197 -0.049 0.254 1.05 3.56 3.81 0.643 1.90 2.94 1.96 -0.212 0.516 3.30 1.71 2.12 0.089 0.197 0.049 -0.254 1.05 3.56 3.81 0.643 Medium Sand Moderately Well Sorted Medium Sand Moderately Well Sorted 302 302 214 54000 302 1.75 1.75 2.25 -5.74 1.75 178 284 442 2.47 263 1.61 134 1.18 1.82 2.49 2.11 1.31 1.46 0.690 0.00 95.7 4.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.04 62.6 31.0 0.05 0.00 0.84 1.64 1.23 0.58 0.00 173 271 421 2.44 248 1.61 127 1.25 1.89 2.54 2.03 1.29 1.44 0.687 0.00 96.9 3.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 58.2 37.6 0.14 0.00 0.54 1.21 0.91 0.40 0.00 7.0 233 2720 390 2720 2.82 237 -1.45 2.10 7.16 -4.95 8.61 2.04 1.50 11.4 66.7 22.0 4.91 0.72 0.62 2.21 2.91 4.18 1.16 29.3 30.2 1.83 2.25 3.57 5.17 5.67 3.20 2.11 98.8 256 1390 14.1 1290 1.90 167 -0.478 1.97 3.34 -6.99 3.82 1.62 0.929 7.97 82.4 9.64 0.00 0.00 1.62 3.05 3.30 3.64 0.69 39.6 37.4 1.11 0.62 2.09 2.64 2.72 1.46 0.11 Very Coarse Sand Very Poorly Sorted Coarse Fine Skewed Symmetrical Fine Skewed Symmetrical Skewed Extremely Extremely Very Platykurtic Mesokurtic Mesokurtic Leptokurtic Leptokurtic In-house ns en sorting description (Folk and Ward method) um um um um um um um um phi phi phi phi um um um um phi phi phi phi Unimodal, Moderately Well Sorted . S Unimodal, Moderately Well Sorted to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny sample type Units se SOP ru Codes he CAS No ot Determinand um um um phi phi phi um um um um um um um phi phi phi phi phi phi phi % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % Fine Sand Very Poorly Sorted Medium Sand Poorly Sorted 302 9600 3400 1.75 -3.24 -1.74 211 869 9200 43.6 8990 14.6 4160 -3.20 0.203 2.24 -0.701 5.45 -0.793 3.87 39.4 58.2 2.37 0.00 2.73 10.4 13.8 12.4 10.5 4.73 30.3 12.7 0.03 0.07 0.65 0.72 0.63 0.30 0.00 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:13 2 Shaftesbury Industrial Centre, Icknield Way, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, SG6 1HE T +44 (0)1462 480 400, F +44 (0)1462 480 403, E, W Results Summary - PSA Size Class & Statistics Report No.: Customer Reference: Order No: 17-65371 Not given P09990 Customer Sample No P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 Statistics* phi φ <-5>-6 <-4>-5 <-3>-4 <-2>-3 <-1>-2 <0>-1 <1>0 <2>1 <3>2 <4>3 <5>4 <6>5 <7>6 <8>7 <9>8 >9 Mean (phi) Sorting Skewness Kurtosis % Silt/Clay Textural Group** Units % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.04 62.60 31.00 0.05 0.00 0.84 1.64 1.23 0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 58.20 37.60 0.14 0.00 0.54 1.21 0.91 0.40 0.00 % 1.84 0.547 0.120 1.11 4.29 1.90 0.516 0.089 1.05 3.06 Sand Sand 4.91 0.72 0.62 2.21 2.91 4.18 1.16 29.30 30.20 1.83 2.25 3.57 5.17 5.67 3.20 2.11 0.00 0.00 1.62 3.05 3.30 3.64 0.69 39.60 37.40 1.11 0.62 2.09 2.64 2.72 1.46 0.11 0.00 2.73 10.40 13.80 12.40 10.50 4.73 30.30 12.70 0.03 0.07 0.65 0.72 0.63 0.30 0.00 2.94 3.30 0.197 3.56 21.97 1.96 1.71 0.049 3.81 9.64 -0.212 2.12 -0.254 0.643 2.37 ns en mm >32<64 >16<32 >8<16 >4<8 >2<4 >1<2 >0.5<1 >0.25<0.5 >0.125<0.25 >0.0625<0.125 >0.03125<0.0625 >0.015625<0.03125 >0.007813<0.015625 >0.003906<0.007813 >0.001953<0.003906 <0.001953 Co Sediment Very coarse gravel Coarse gravel Medium gravel Fine gravel Very fine gravel Very coarse sand Coarse sand Medium sand Fine sand Very fine sand Very coarse silt Coarse silt Medium silt Fine silt Very fine silt Clay he ot to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny RPS Sample No 340464 340465 340466 340467 340468 Sample Type SEDIMENT SEDIMENT SEDIMENT SEDIMENT SEDIMENT Sample Location Sample Depth (m) Sampling Date 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 Sampling Time ru se . Customer Sample ID Gravelly Gravelly Muddy Sand Sandy Gravel Muddy Sand * Folk & Ward ** GRADISTAT classification system (Blott, S. J. & Pye, K., 2001) EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:13 2 Shaftesbury Industrial Centre, Icknield Way, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, SG6 1HE T +44 (0)1462 480 400, F +44 (0)1462 480 403, E, W Results Summary - PSA Wentworth Scale Report No.: 17-65371 Customer Reference: Not given Order No: P09990 Customer Sample No P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 340465 SEDIMENT 340466 SEDIMENT 340467 SEDIMENT 340468 SEDIMENT 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 19/09/2017 Customer Sample ID Units % 0.00 0.00 8.46 4.67 26.93 Granule % 0.00 0.00 2.91 3.30 12.40 Very coarse sand % 0.00 0.00 4.18 3.64 10.50 % 2.04 0.99 1.16 0.69 4.73 % 62.60 58.20 29.30 39.60 30.30 % 31.00 37.60 30.20 37.40 12.70 % 0.05 0.14 1.83 1.11 0.03 % 4.29 3.06 21.97 9.64 2.37 % 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.1 100.0 ru ot to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny Coarse sand Medium sand Fine sand Very fine sand Silt Clay Co ns en Total se . Parameter Pebble he RPS Sample No 340464 Sample Type SEDIMENT Sample Location Sample Depth (m) Sampling Date 19/09/2017 Sampling Time EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:13 2 Shaftesbury Industrial Centre, Icknield Way, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, SG6 1HE T +44 (0)1462 480 400, F +44 (0)1462 480 403, E, W Report No.: 17-65371-1 Customer Reference: Not Supplied Customer Order No: P09990 Comments RPS Sample Number Customer Number 340464 P1 Visual inspection: Brown, Sandy sediment No Odour No Biota No Anthropogenic Inputs 340465 P2 Visual inspection: Brown, Sandy sediment No Odour No Biota No Anthropogenic Inputs 340466 P3 Visual Inspection: Grey/Brown, Sandy sediment No Odour No Biota No Anthropogenic Inputs 340467 P4 Visual Inspection: Gray/Brown, Sandy sediment No Odour No Biota No Anthropogenic Inputs 340468 P5 Visual Inspection: Grey/Brown, Coarse Sandy sediment No Odour No Biota No Anthropogenic Inputs Co ns en to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . Sample Comments Page 7 of 9 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:13 2 Shaftesbury Industrial Centre, Icknield Way, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, SG6 1HE T +44 (0)1462 480 400, F +44 (0)1462 480 403, Report Information Key to Report Codes U M N S US MS SI USI MSI I/S (in results) U/S (in results) Perishables, e.g. foodstuffs ND (in results) DW (in units) he ot to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny Samples will generally* be retained for the following times prior to disposal: Perishables, e.g. foodstuffs Waters Other Liquids Solids (including Soils) ru se . Sample Retention and Disposal *Sample retention may be subject to agreement with the customer for particular projects Analytical Methods TOC Co Metals ns en PAH's and PCB's PSA Density Dry solids at 105°C TBT and DBT Please note: Laboratories RPS Letchworth RPS Manchester (Metals only) ESG Scientifics (TOC only) Thompson PSA only Profiency Testing (PT) RPS Letchworth and Manchester Laboratories participate in the QUASIMEME Proficiency Testing Scheme EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:13 tre, Icknield Way, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, SG6 1HE +44 (0)1462 480 403, E, W y be subject to agreement with the customer for particular projects he ot to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny * be retained for the following times prior to disposal: 1 month (if frozen) from the issue date of this report 2 weeks from the issue date of this report 1 months from the issue date of this report 1 months from the issue date of this report ru se . UKAS Accredited MCERTS Accredited Not Accredited Subcontracted to approved laboratory Subcontracted to approved laboratory UKAS Accredited for the test Subcontracted to approved laboratory MCERTS/UKAS Accredited for the test Subcontracted to internal RPS Group Laboratory Subcontracted to internal RPS Group Laboratory UKAS Accredited for the test Subcontracted to internal RPS Group Laboratory MCERTS/UKAS Accredited for the test Insufficient Sample Unsuitable sample 1 month (if frozen) from the issue of this report Not Detected Results are expressed on a dry weight basis Co ns en GCMS analysis following extraction of the wet sediment with hexane:acetone by ultrasonic and equlibrium extraction. Extract cleaned-up with alumina and activated copper. ICP-MS analysis following microwave assisted digestion in hydrofluoric acid of the dried (<30°C) and ground sediment. Combustion and infrared analysis following carbonate removal with hydrochloric acid. Wet and dry sieving follewed by laser diffraction analysis. Determination of density from the dry sediment by gravimetric analysis of a known volume of sediment. A portion of the wet sediment is dried at 105°C to constant weight. GCMS analysis following the extraction of the wet sediment and subsequent derivatisation. All testing carried out using the <2mm fraction UKAS Test House 1663 UKAS Test House 0605 UKAS Test House 0001 chester Laboratories participate in the QUASIMEME Proficiency Testing Scheme EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:13 ARKLOW DISPOSAL SITE – TWO YEAR MONITORING SURVEY to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . APPENDIX D: SAMPLING PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORD Co ns en Image E.1: Sample No. P1 22 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:13 ARKLOW DISPOSAL SITE – TWO YEAR MONITORING SURVEY to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . Image Co ns en Image E.2: Sample No. P2 23 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:13 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . ARKLOW DISPOSAL SITE – TWO YEAR MONITORING SURVEY Co ns en Image E.3: Sample No. P3 24 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:13 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . ARKLOW DISPOSAL SITE – TWO YEAR MONITORING SURVEY Co ns en Image E.4: Sample No. P4 25 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:13 Co ns en to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . ARKLOW DISPOSAL SITE – TWO YEAR MONITORING SURVEY Image E.5: Sample No. P5 26 EPA Export 27-11-2018:04:00:13