WORLD LITERATURE AND CIVILIZATION LIT 102 MS. HANNAH MARIE SUZANNE S. CALLEJO OVERVIEW OF LITERATURE Meaning of World Literature Literature, History and Culture Introduction to World Literature Period Literature derived from the Latin term litera which means letter = writing formed with letters knowledge of books “story of man” story of man Literature deals with ideas, thoughts, and emotions of man man’s loves, griefs, thoughts, dreams and aspirations reproduction of man’s experiences blended into one harmonious expression goes along with society = mirror of the society mirror of society Literature goes along with society . “literature expresses the feelings of people to society, government , to his fellowmen, and to His Divine Creator. “The WORLD” “The WORLD” Question: Is there an analogy between creating a map and creating a work of literature? Both mapping and writing are ways of expressing an understanding of the world; just as maps create visual representations of the world, literature creates mental representations of the world. It’s important to note, however, that both mapping and writing are subjective—this means that they are created according to the point of view their authors. of WORLD LITERATURE touchstone of local culture an influence on a regional culture, part of the fabric of global community WORLD LITERATURE According to David Damrosch “literary works that circulate beyond their culture of origin” This means that World Literature is a broad network of literature that interacts in the spaces between cultures, and must be read outside it’s cultural context. WORLD LITERATURE It is about stepping out of our neighborhoods, regions, cultures and ethnicities and placing ourselves in the larger context of humanity. CIVILIZATION What makes civilization great? What holds people together? culture CIVILIZATION What is the primary means by which this culture develops and passed on? communication •Civilizations are grand communities of people held together by communication. The histories, concepts, ideas, beliefs, and expressions of a grand community are contained within its great literary work. PROSE Fiction • Novel • Short Story Non- Fiction Essay DRAMA POETRY Lyric Poetry Narrative Poetry •It is written in normal paragraph-style language. •includes groups of lines (verses) in stanzas •It applies rhyming that makes it different from the other. •uses carefully selected words to create strong pictures •“Dran”- to act or to move •It imitates human experiences intended to be acted on stage. •includes cast, narrators, scenes and dialogues. •Non- Fiction writing that is based on fact, real people and real experiences Essays Biographies Autobiographies Articles •Fiction - series of imagined facts which illustrate truths about human life -made-up from author’s imagination Short Stories (myths, legends, folktales, fables, fairy tales, tall tales) Novels •Lyric “lyre” (a musical instrument) •It is a poem intended to be sung. Sonnet – 14 lines Elegy - express kament or grief Song – different themes or emotions •Narrative Poetry -it tells a story and follow an order of event. Epic – long and majestic poem that tells the adventure of a traditional hero Ballad – short and simple narrative poem composed to be sung •Dramatic Poetry Dramatic Monologue – Soliloquy