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Work Scrutiny Guidelines

Is Your Work Scrutiny as Effective as it Could be?
Work scrutiny emphasis will be on the following:
• Decide on a focus related to your
school priority. (4.1, 4.2, 3.2.4, 3.1.4)
Sample Size
• Sample size to include different
groups. Ex. Female, male, G&T, etc.
• Progress in lessons and overtime
Set up impact meetings where
teachers can work with a colleague
focusing on work scrutiny.
•One colleague brings a pre-agreed
set of students’ work/digital
notebooks to the first meeting and
then they alternate at their next
When scrutinizing students' work, the following key questions
may be useful:
Marking and Feedback
•Is marking up to date and in line with the school’s policy?
•Are responses to students' learning helping them make progress by identifying at least one key area for improvement?
Are ‘barriers to learning” being identified and then used to plan future learning?
•Is there evidence of a climate being created where students learning, in the form of finished outcomes, is really
valued? Is there evidence that learners’ successes are being ‘celebrated’?
•Is the learning appropriately dated and does presentation meets the school’s expectations?
• spelling and grammar are improving?
•Are learning objectives very clearly linked to the learning outcomes?
•Is there evidence of practice, where it is appropriate?
Challenge and High Expectation
•Is the work completed/planned linked directly to year/grade group/curriculum expectations?
•Is there evidence of high expectations and learning being challenging enough? Is there, through the feedback, marking
and type of learning provided, evidence of a culture and ethos of challenge and application of learning ( express
activities) excellence being promoted?
•Is there evidence that those requiring intervention are being identified so that all learners make progress? Is learning
appropriately differentiated with evidence conclusive within different books/work?
•Is there evidence that differentiation is achieved by emphasizing deep knowledge and through individual support and
intervention? Is there evidence of deep learning, especially for gifted and talented learners (Use of CAT4)?
•Is there evidence that students' understanding during a lesson is being systematically checked and adjustments made
as needed?
•Are there procedures in place to help students know exactly what they need to achieve? Is there conclusive evidence
of students demonstrating sufficient gains in knowledge, skills and understanding?
•Has progress been rapid enough from the beginning of the year; and last term/ Semester to the present day? Is the
progress beyond international, national and curriculum standards?