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Asset Lifecycle Model Creation: 10 Step Guide

10 steps to creating an Asset Lifecycle Model
Step 1 Enter your Model details
Go to the Asset Lifecycle tool in NAMS+ and click
on the Create a New Lifecycle Model button.
Enter the Asset Lifecycle Model Details including
the First Planning Year, the Planning Period and
the Renewal Model Method.
The Renewal Model Method will define how the
Renewal area is set up – whether an Asset
Register can be uploaded or whether to use the
Alternate method.
Although the other activity areas of the model
remain the same for either method, how
renewal information can be entered and the
calculations required will be different for the two
When the Save button is selected a new model
will appear in the Asset Lifecycle Models table.
Click on the model in the Asset Lifecycle Model
table to enter the model.
The method type is visible in the title bar of each
model, next to the version number.
The First Planning Year, Planning Period and
Method are set, but the Model Name,
Description and Version can all be edited by
clicking anywhere on the Model Name, Planning
Period or Version in screen title band of the
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Version 4 (270919)
10 steps to creating an Asset Lifecycle Model
Step 2 Renewal
Although the activity areas can be entered in any order, as the Renewal area will display differently, depending on
whether you have selected Asset Register or Alternate for the Renewal Model Method, step 2 will focus on Renewal.
More information can be found in the Online Help or by clicking on the LEARN MORE… text, underneath the Planned
Budget and Lifecycle Forecast buttons on each activity page.
Click on the RENEWAL
and then select the Lifecycle Forecast
If Asset Register has been selected as the
method, the Renewal Lifecycle Forecast area will
allow additional fields to be included and
uploaded. These include the individual assets,
when they were acquired or last renewed, their
useful life and replacement cost. When an asset
register is uploaded, there are a number of
additional graphs available once the data is
uploaded, such as condition and age profile
graphs, and a few system calculations that will
provide system calculated asset values – such as
Current Replacement Cost (CRC) – from the
uploaded asset register.
If Alternate has been selected as the method,
the Renewal Lifecycle Forecast area will allow
renewal projects to be used in the model.
Click on the + button to add a record or upload a
file to the Lifecycle Forecast area.
The Renewal Lifecycle Forecast area for an
Alternate method model will also allow the 1st
year to be used or the average of the first 10
years. After adding records to the first year of
the area, the + drop down will display additional
options of Use 1st year values or Use average of
10 years.
Use 1st year values will take the sum of any
values in the first year of the activity area and
use it across the planning period.
Use average of 10 years will take the average
value of the first 10 years of the activity area and
use that value in the remaining years of the
planning period.
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Version 4 (270919)
10 steps to creating an Asset Lifecycle Model
The upload feature of the application allows a
template to be completed and uploaded. There
are 3 templates that can be used:
Budget Template – required for all
Budget areas,
Forecast Template – required for all
Forecast areas except the Asset
Register Renewal Forecast area,
Asset Register Template – required for
the Renewal Forecast when the model
uses the Asset Register method.
The templates can be download from the Upload
File area of each activity or can be downloaded
from the Asset Management Documents area on
the main NAMS+ menu/page.
The templates should always have the heading
information in the first row – this can stay in the
upload file as the first row will be ignored when
the data is uploaded.
There are also validation requirements for the
values. All years must be 4 digit integers (not
dates), useful life must be a whole number and
all currency values must be included and only
have integers.
If a file is uploaded that does not fit the
validation rules, a Verification results notification
will identify errors and indicate the row location.
This will highlight the data format that needs to
be corrected before the file can be uploaded.
Click on the Planned Budget
button and then click on the + button to enter
the Renewal Budget records.
Step 3 Asset Values
Asset Values can be entered by clicking on the
large text in the Renewal activity area or by
clicking on the
icon at the top of the page.
Asset Values are required to set the starting
point of the data model. By entering the asset
values in the yellow tinted fields, the growth and
any additional costs percentages (maintenance
and operation activities) can be calculated.
To calculate the Additional Depreciation
Percentage, populate the first four cells –
Current Replacement Cost, Depreciable Amount,
Depreciated Replacement, and Annual
Depreciation Expense – and then click on the
round arrow icon. The calculated values will
now display the Additional Depreciation
Percentage and can be entered in the yellow
tinted field.
The Help
button has a useful
explanation of the formulas used to calculate
these values.
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Version 4 (270919)
10 steps to creating an Asset Lifecycle Model
Step 4 Acquisition
Click on the ACQUISITION
button and then select the Lifecycle Forecast
button. Acquisition forecast
is divided into Constructed and Contributed
(including Growth).
Constructed values can be added by adding a
record or uploading a file.
Click on the down arrow in the Acquisition –
Contributed heading to display the full area.
Assets by Growth values can also be added by
clicking on the + button and will reflect the
growth using the Asset Values (refer to Step 3)
entered as the starting point.
Click on the Planned Budget
button and then click on the + button to enter
the Renewal Budget records.
Step 5 Operation
Click on the OPERATION
and then select the Planned Budget
The Operation and Maintenance areas use the
values entered for the Planned Budget as the
base amount for the Forecast. Click on the +
button to add records to the Planned Budget
Any additional costs will be calculated using the
Additional Operation Costs % and applying that
to any acquired assets (either constructed or
contributed) and added to the expenditure or
forecast required. To define the Additional
Operation Costs %, click on the large text on the
left of the screen or go to the Operation Forecast
area and click on the + button to display Add
Operation Costs % in the menu.
To see the System Calculated value for
Additional Operation Costs %, ensure the Asset
Values have been entered for the model (refer to
Step 2). The Additional Operation Costs % will
display the system calculated percentage and
allow a value to be entered to confirm that this
percentage will be used.
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Version 4 (270919)
10 steps to creating an Asset Lifecycle Model
Step 6 Maintenance
Click on the MAINTENANCE
button and then select the Planned Budget
The Maintenance area uses the same logic as the
Operation area. Any value entered for the
Planned Budget is used as the base amount for
the Forecast. Click on the + button to add
records to the Planned Budget area.
Any additional costs will be calculated using the
Additional Maintenance Costs % and applying
that to any acquired assets (either constructed
or contributed) and added to the expenditure or
forecast required. To define the Additional
Maintenance Costs %, click on the large text on
the left of the screen or go to the Maintenance
Forecast area and click on the + button to display
Add Maintenance Costs % in the menu.
To see the System Calculated value for
Additional Maintenance Costs %, ensure the
Asset Values have been entered for the model
(refer to Step 2). The Additional Maintenance
Costs % will display the system calculated
percentage and allow a value to be entered to
confirm that this percentage will be used.
Step 7 Disposal
Click on the DISPOSAL
to enter data for either budget or forecast costs.
Again, records can be added to either area by
clicking on the Planned Budget
or Lifecycle Forecast
buttons and then clicking on
the + button.
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Version 4 (270919)
10 steps to creating an Asset Lifecycle Model
Step 8 Graphs
After entering all the information in each of the
activity areas, click on the graphs icon
display the Graphs page with all the graphs in
the application.
Individual graphs are also available on each
activity area page underneath the Lifecycle
Summary graph.
Each graph has an icon in the top right-hand
corner which allows the graph to be downloaded
or exported.
Step 9 Reports
Reports are available by clicking on the reports
and will give detailed information that
can be used to summarise budget and forecast
expenditure. Click on the + button to open each
Tables can be exported from the Asset Lifecycle
tool by clicking on the button at the bottom lefthand side of each table.
Step 10 Create Document
Finally, a Word document can be created that
uses the Asset Management template (also
available in the Asset Management Documents
area) and incorporates all the graphs and tables
into a single document. Click on the icon and
follow the prompts to download an Asset
Management Plan
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Version 4 (270919)