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Future Career Day Worksheet

A Day in the Life of my Future Career
Picture yourself doing your career in the future and describe in DETAIL what a typical day might be like
for you. Pay attention to your feelings and your senses (touch, taste, feel, smell, and sight). Concern
yourself with more than just the work. Think about your family, friends, and your perhaps your hobbies.
How do you feel in the morning, as you get ready for work? What are you doing for breakfast? What do
you do at lunch and dinner? How would you feel at the end of your workday? How would you spend
your evening?
Assume you will be working from 9am to 5pm and if you need to adjust the times for your career then
do so accordingly? Please answer all questions in Red or Blue font.
7am Getting ready for work. What would you wear? What are you eating for breakfast? If you plan to
have kids what are you doing with them in the morning? (3 to 6 sentences)
8am Traveling to work. How would you get there? What kind of car are you driving? What kind of
music are you listening to? How far would you travel? Would you work from home? (3 to 5 sentences)
9am Walking into work. Walking into work. Describe the setting or the work environment? Do you
have a desk? Who else is there? What kind of greeting do get from them? (2 to 4 sentences)
9am to 12pm Morning Job Tasks/Duties. What would you be doing during this time? What tasks and
responsibilities would you carry out for the specific times? (3 to 6 sentences)
Noon Lunch. Where would you have lunch, and with whom? What would you eat? Would you socialize
with co-workers? Clients? (3 to 5 sentences)
1pm to 5pm Afternoon Job Tasks/Duties. As the day goes on, what else do you see yourself doing. Do
you see yourself handling some special problems or challenges that might arise in your career? What are
they? (3 to 5 sentences)
6pm Going home. How do you feel at the end of the day? What might you be thinking about or about to
do before the evening? Do you plan to play sports or go to the gym? Any hobbies? How about your
children? (3 to 5 sentences)
7pm and on Evening. How would you spend your evening? Would you need to bring work home? Would
you be with your family? If so, what would you be doing with them? How about dinner? What would
you be eating? (4 to 6 sentences)