Uploaded by Galina Clarke

Anatomy & Physiology Course Syllabus

Anatomy and Physiology (2000350) Course Syllabus
Welcome to Anatomy and Physiology! This course is an inquiry-based course designed to target
and improve students’ scientific process skills: scientific reading, prediction, inference and
deduction, experimental design, problem solving, data analysis and reporting.
Targeted Skills for Students
 Students will extract information from various sources including eText, journals, electronic
databases, videos/visual literature, and other resources. Students will use reading strategies
like journal writing, building graphic organizers, and offering presentations to demonstrate
 Students will develop skills to effectively work in cooperative groups.
 Students will use and apply scientific process skills (observing, predicting, collecting and
recording data, inferring, controlling variables, problem solving, analyzing, etc.)
 Students will further develop writing, editing, and debating skills
 Students will develop skills navigating electronic text and Internet resources
Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 12th ed. Marieb. Pearson Education Inc. © 2018
This is an electronic textbook only. We will have a classroom set.
What you need for this course:
E-mail address (supplied)
50 sheets of loose leaf paper
Consistent Internet access is
Colored pencils or markers, pens
and pencils
Dropbox or other online storage
account (FSW Google drive
See welcome letter for details.
Revised August 2019
3-ring, 1” binder to organize
handouts and other papers
8 dividers are optional but helpful
Login information for e-text
(supplied by teacher)
Ear buds
Flash drive (always good for
2 dry erase markers
Anatomy and Physiology (2000350) Course Syllabus
Course Content
Chapter 1: Overview of Anatomy and Physiology
 Learn how Anatomy and Physiology complement each other
 Learn orientation reference points of the body
Chapter 2: Basic Chemistry
 Learn and reinforce concepts of energy and matter
 Learn and reinforce concepts and examples of inorganic and organic chemicals
Chapter 3: Cells and Tissues
 Learn and reinforce cellular structure, function, and physiology (e.g. membrane transport)
 Learn and reinforce concepts of the tissues in the human body
Chapter 4: Skin and Body Membranes
 Learn about the integumentary system structure, function, and malfunction
 Learn about mucus membrane structure and function
Chapter 5: Skeletal System
 Learn about bone structure and function
 Learn about skeletal system structure and joint and muscle interaction
Chapter 6: Muscular System
 Learn about muscle tissue types and physiology
 Learn about muscles and body movement
Chapter 7: Nervous System
 Learn about nervous tissue and nerve function
 Learn about central and peripheral nervous systems and malfunction
Chapter 8: Special Sensory-Motor Systems
 Learn about sight, hearing and balance
Chapter 9: Endocrine System
 Learn about endocrine organs, hormones, and feedback loops
Chapter 10: Blood
 Learn about blood composition, function, and disorders
Chapter 11: Cardiovascular System
 Learn about cardiovascular system structure and function, and health via sphygmomanometry
 Learn about heart function through electrocardiograms
Revised August 2019
Anatomy and Physiology (2000350) Course Syllabus
Chapter 12: Lymphatic System and Immunities
 Learn about lymph system structure and function
 Learn about innate and adaptive body defenses
Chapter 13: Respiratory System
 Learn about respiratory system structure and function, and health via spirometry
 Learn about respiratory system disorders
Chapter 14: Digestive System and Metabolism
 Learn about digestive system structure and function
 Learn about and reinforce nutritional health
Chapter 15: Urinary System
 Learn about urinary system structure and function
 Learn about kidney health and fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance
Chapter 16: Reproductive Systems
 Learn about and reinforce male and female reproductive system structure and function
 Learn about and reinforce concepts of pregnancy and human development
Revised August 2019
Anatomy and Physiology (2000350) Course Syllabus
Human Anatomy and Physiology
Laboratory Safety Procedures
1. Upon entering the laboratory, locate exits, fire extinguisher, fire blanket, chemical shower, eye
wash station, first aid kit, broken glass containers, and cleanup materials for spills.
2. Do not eat, drink, smoke, handle contact lenses, store food, and apply cosmetics or lip balm in
the laboratory. Restrain long hair, loose clothing, and dangling jewelry.
3. Students who are pregnant, taking immunosuppressive drugs, or who have any other medical
condition (e.g., diabetes, immunological defect) that might necessitate special precautions in the
laboratory must inform the instructor immediately.
4. Wearing contact lenses in the laboratory is inadvisable because they do not provide eye
protection and may trap material on the surface of the eye. If possible, wear regular eyeglasses
5. Use safety glasses in all experiments involving liquids, aerosols, vapors, and gases.
6. Decontaminate work surfaces at the beginning and end of every laboratory period, using a
commercially prepared disinfectant or 10% bleach solution. After labs involving dissection of
preserved material, use hot soapy water or disinfectant.
7. Keep liquids away from the edge of the lab bench to help avoid spills. Liquids should be kept
away from the edge of lab benches. Clean up spills of viable materials using disinfectant or 10%
bleach solution.
8. Properly label glassware and slides.
9. Use mechanical pipetting devices; mouth pipetting is prohibited.
10. Wear disposable gloves when handling blood and other body fluids, mucous membranes, or
non-intact skin, and/or when touching items or surfaces soiled with blood or other body fluids.
Change gloves between procedures. Wash hands immediately after removing gloves. (Note:
cover open cuts or scrapes with a sterile bandage before donning gloves.)
11. Place glassware and plastic ware contaminated by blood and other body fluids in a disposable
autoclave bag for decontamination by autoclaving or place them directly into a 10% bleach
solution before reuse or disposal. Place disposable materials such as gloves, mouthpieces, swabs,
and toothpicks that come into contact with body fluids into a disposable autoclave bag, and
decontaminate before disposal.
12. To help prevent contamination by needle stick injuries, use only disposable needles and
lancets. Do not bend needles and lancets. Needles and lancets should be placed promptly in a
labeled puncture resistant leak proof container and decontaminated, preferably by autoclaving.
13. Do not leave heat sources unattended.
14. Report all spills or accidents, no matter how minor, to the instructor.
15. Never work alone in the laboratory.
16. Remove protective clothing and wash hands before leaving the laboratory.
Source: Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual, 5th edition.
Revised August 2019
Anatomy and Physiology (2000350) Course Syllabus
General Laboratory Safety Agreement
1. Safety apparel (goggles and aprons) will be worn when specified by the instructor as long as
you are in the lab.
2. When burners are being used by anyone in the lab, long hair will be tied back. Long hanging
necklaces, heavy jewelry, and bulky jackets or sweaters should be removed. Keep burners
toward the middle of the lab tables. Use tongs and/or protective gloves to handle hot objects.
Never reach across an open flame or burner.
3. Never taste, eat, or drink chemicals/specimens or smell them directly. Avoid touching
chemicals as much as possible.
4. Activities will be done only as instructed with the specified amounts of materials.
5. Proper procedures for handling all equipment and any additional safety precautions, which
are discussed for specific labs, will be followed.
6. Never leave an activity unattended unless instructed to do so.
7. Horseplay or other inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.
8. Do not remove any materials or equipment from the lab without the teacher’s permission.
9. After completing an activity, all equipment should be put away and materials should be
disposed of as directed. Remember, the sinks are not trashcans; only approved liquids go
down the sink.
10. Before leaving the room, you are responsible for getting your work area and common areas
Cut at the line and only return the bottom signature portion of this syllabus by Friday August 16th, 2014
I have received and read the course syllabus and understand what is expected of a Florida
SouthWestern Collegiate High School science student. I agree to abide by the lab safety
agreement guidelines and procedures listed above. I am aware that failure to follow these
guidelines may result in a failing grade for the activity and/or disciplinary action according to the
policies of FSWC.
Student Name (printed neatly)
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Revised August 2019