Mitral Valve Stenosis Mitral Valve Regurgitation Mitral Valve Prolapse Aortic Valve Stenosis Aortic Valve Regurgitation - Results from rheumatic HD - scarring of valve leaflets and chordae tenineae - contractures dvlp, adhesions btwn commissures of leaflets - damaged caused by MI (remodeling), chronic rheumatic HD, mitral valve prolapse, ischemic papillary muscle dysfunction, IE - incomplete valve closure - backward flw of bld - acute = pul edema - chronic = L atrial enlargement, ven hypertrophy→ ↓CO - abnormality of leaflets and papillary muscle or chordae - leaflets prolapse bck into LA - unknown cause – genetic link - DIAGNOSTIC: w/ echo - DRUGS: beta blkrs - TREATMENT: valvular surgery - congenital stenosis discovered in childhood, adolescence or yng adulthood - obstruction of flw from LV to aorta - can also be degenerative or caused by RF - LVH and ↑myocardial O2 consumption - ↓CO, pul HTN, HF - significant mortality rate if untreated - EXERTIONAL DYSPNEA - fatigue - palpitations - hoarseness - chest pain - Acute MR = thready peripheral pulses and cool, clammy extremities - Chronic MR = asymptomatic for yrs until LV srts to fail/ THEN weakness, gradual progressive dyspnea, orthopnea, peripheral edema, murmur - most pts asymptomatic for life - murmur d/t regurgitation - dysrhythmias cause palpitations, lightheadedness, dizziness - IE, chest pain unresponsiveness to nitrates - angina - syncope - exertional dyspnea - normal to soft S1 - ↓ or absent S2 - systolic murmur - PROMINENT S4 - Acute AR = caused from IE, trauma or aortic dissection, LIFE THREATENING EMERGENCY - Chronic AR = rheumatic HD, connective tissue prob, syphilis - backward flw from ascending aorta into LV - w/ chronic = LV dilation and hypertrophy - ↓ myocardial contractility - pul HTN and RV failure - Acute AR = svre dyspnea, chest pain, hypoTN, cardiogenic shock - Chronic AR = asymptomatic for yrs, exertional dyspnea, orthopnea, PND, angina, water-hammer pulses, murmur - antibiotic prophylaxis if MR present - avoid caffeine and OTC stimulants - no nicotine - exercise *KNOW pts medical hx - POOR PROGNOSIS IF SYMPTOMATIC AND NOT CORRECTED - use nitroglycerin cautiously – CAN WORSEN CHEST PAIN Characteristics Clinical Manifestations Patient Education