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Mansfield & Rossetti: Key Dates & Biographies

Key dates
– 1888 Kathleen Mansfield Beauchamp is born to Annie Dyer and Harold
Beauchamp, residing at 11 Tinakori Rd, Wellington, New Zealand, "a little land
with no history”
– 1898
Attends Wellington Girls' High School.
Publishes first work in High School Reporter.
– 1902
Frequents the musical Trowell family. Falls in love with Tom (Arnold)
Trowell, cellist, whom she calls "Caesar."
Dreams of pursuing a musical career.
– 1903 – June 1906
Enrolls with sisters Vera and Chaddie at Queen's College, Harley Street to be "finished.“
Discovers work of Oscar Wilde. Friendship with Ida Baker.
– December 1906 Returns to New Zealand but cannot settle.
– 1908 returns permanently to England. Reconnects with the Trowell family now in London.
Transfers her feelings to Tom's twin brother, Garnet, a violinist.
Becomes pregnant by Garnet.
– First story published in Morning Post.
– Marries George Bowden, singing and elocution teacher, ten years her senior, at the
Paddington Registry Office.
Wears black to her wedding with Ida as only witness.
Leaves Bowden immediately afterwards.
– Disapproving of KM's attachment to Ida, Annie Beauchamp takes her daughter
to Bad Worishofen, Bavaria and leaves her there, probably unaware that she is
Experiences here provide material for her first collection In a German Pension.
Late June 1909(?)
Has a miscarriage
– 1911 back in England - possibly pregnant again
– 1912 begins living with John Middleton Murry
Mansfield and Murry
– 1913 friendship with D H and Frieda Lawrence
– 1915 – brother Leslie is killed in action in France
– 1916 – circle of friends includes Lytton-Strachey, T.S. Eliot, Bertrand Russell,
Aldous Huxley and Virginia Woolf.
– 1918 – first lung hemorrhage
– Marries Murry
– 1920 Bliss and other stories published: travels/lives with Ida ‘my wife’
– 1922 The Garden Party and other stories published
– 1922 enters Gurdjieff Institute, Paris, seeking a cure
– 1923 dies of lung hemorrhage
– 1830 born in London, father an Italian exile, mother of Polidori family
– Close friendship in childhood with her artistic brothers and sister
– Father was an impoverished Italian tutor, but with a rich circle of friends in art
and politics: Mother devout High Anglican
– Delicate health and sensitive and religious nature
– 1842 first poems printed
– 1848 engaged to James Collinson, Pre-Raphaelite painter
– 1850 first poems professionally published in The Germ
Christina Rossetti as model in her
brother Dante Gabriel’s painting
‘The Annunciation’, 1850
– 1850 broke off engagement to Collinson as a result of his conversion to
– 1862 first major collection Goblin Market and other poems established her
– In spite of ill health, continued to publish successfully for the rest of her life, as
well as do charity work among the destitute: Lewis Carroll pressed for her to be
made Laureate after death of Tennyson
Portrait of Rossetti family by
Lewis Carroll
1st edition, illustrated by Dante
Gabriel Rossetti