Business Plan BBA FINAL PROJECT Final Project Business Plan 1. General Guidelines Business plans are business communications rather than an academic paper. The purpose of such communications is to provide the basis for business decisions. The reward here is for being concise and precise. This is not the place to show all that you have learned in your degree program. Use what you have learned to choose the most critical information to include. The more clearly the business plan can be written, the more effective they will be. In general, business plans are used to acquire capital and to guide the operation. A business plan includes a clear statement of the nature of a business venture, the business opportunity, the steps to be taken to capitalize on the opportunity, and the financial requirements. Research in this option is primarily in quantifying the opportunity and the competitive situation. When used to acquire capital, the business plan must create a clear, coherent, persuasive argument on behalf of the business. When used to guide the operation, the plan must also be clear and coherent as it provides specific guidance for the business. The Business Plan format provides an opportunity for students to develop an actual, workable business plan for a new business or existing company. 2. Guidelines for the Project A business plan does require research. At a minimum, marketing research is needed in order to quantify the opportunity which will include determining the total demand, the unmet demand, how competitors are or could satisfy this demand, how your offering is to be distinctive in this market, and your reasonable sales projections at your proposed selling prices. Marketing research for an existing product in a new market involves an analysis of demographics and customer profiles in markets where the product is currently being sold successfully, and the comparison of such demographics and customer profiles to those of the proposed new market. The proposal should cite the specific sources from which such data are obtainable. One of the most common problems with students’ business plans is the lack of connection between the market demand and the financial statements. There often is little or no foundation for the projected revenue figures cited, including initial sales and sales growth. Make sure this connection is crystal clear since failure to accomplish this task will result in a project that is unsatisfactory. 3. Document Style Guide: Your document should be typed, double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5" x 11") with 1" margins on all sides. You should use a clear font that is highly readable. APA recommends using 12 1 GIFT BUSINESS SCHOOL, GIFT UNIVERSITY, GUJRANWALA Business Plan BBA FINAL PROJECT pt. Times New Roman font. Secondly, all the figures, tables, must be properly labeled like Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, with the source citation if taken from secondary source and references (references would be at the end of the document). 4. Content and Organization of the Business Plan Project Title Page The title page is not numbered. A typical specimen for Cover page and Title page is included in Appendix. Acknowledgement You can acknowledge personalities and entities Project Submission Approval Sheet The format is attached in Appendix Certificate of Project Submission The format of document is included in Appendix. Declaration of Originality The format of document is included in Appendix. Cover Page The Cover page is not numbered. A typical specimen for Cover page is included in Appendix. Table of Contents This table is numbered with lower case Roman numerals. Table of content should be selfgenerated. Executive Summary The purpose of an Executive Summary is to write a brief description of your plan that allows the reader to gain the essence of the entire plan in less than two pages. It is intended to give a busy executive the key information and lead the reader to the sections that will answer the executive’s primary questions. It is not an introduction to the plan, as you may have written in typical papers. This Executive Summary, although positioned first in the project, should actually be written last. In this way, you know what you are summarizing. Writing it earlier will cause it to tend towards a traditional introduction. This section begins the numbering of pages, beginning with “1.” 2 GIFT BUSINESS SCHOOL, GIFT UNIVERSITY, GUJRANWALA Business Plan BBA FINAL PROJECT The Business Plan Project The Business Plan must include the following topics. Various Business Plans organize this information in different orders but this content must be included. Choose an outline, which effectively builds the argument that this project is viable and has an acceptable risk. Introduction Introduction to market opportunity The Company Company Description (proposed new organization) Type of Business and Legal Structure, e.g., Partnership, sole proprietorship Vision and Mission statements Core Values Business Model Business Goals Relevant certifications and legal licenses Management and Ownership Board of directors and Rationale for Members Management staff structure Key managers Future Additions to the Current Management Team Strategic Plan External Assessment/Environmental Scanning Significant factors in the macro environment PEST Analysis PEST Impact Matrix External Factors Evaluation Matrix Clear statement of the opportunities and threats Industry Overview and Analysis The history of the industry Size of the Industry The trend-Where the industry is expected to be in 5 years The key players in the industry Porters 5 Industry forces Analysis Porters Forces Impact Matrix Competition strengths and weaknesses Competitive Profile Matrix Internal Plan Clear Statements of Strengths and Weakness SMART Business Objectives for 5 years 3 GIFT BUSINESS SCHOOL, GIFT UNIVERSITY, GUJRANWALA Business Plan BBA FINAL PROJECT Porters Generic Strategies Marketing Plan Consumer Research and Marketing Strategy SMART Marketing Objectives Consumer Audit – Qualitative & Quantitative approaches to data collection, analysis, and presentation. A complete research plan, with methods to be employed for data collection, sample considerations, and data analysis must be presented. Identification & formation of market segments – demographic, behavioural, and psychographic profile of prospective users Evaluation of market segments Selection of Target Market(s) – the target market strategy Anticipated total Demand of the segment Business Sales expected in 5 years Brand Positioning – Points of Party and Points of Differences Marketing Objectives (to be achieved through marketing mix strategies) o Product Strategy Product Line and SKUs Characteristics, functions, features, benefits of products Packaging Warranty and Guarantee Product related legal licenses and certifications o Pricing Strategy Cost Structure Pricing Strategy (skimming, penetration, prestige) o Promotions Strategy Promotions Mix (Advertising, Sales Promotions, PR, Social Media etc.) Media Planning Media Costs Operational Plan Products/Services Supply Chain, Production, Distribution SMART Supply Chain, Production. Distribution Objectives Complete Supply Chain and Logistics Design Procurement and purchasing Supplier evaluation and policies Production and Service operations Process Production plan (For Manufacturing) o Manufacturing Process o Physical Plant o Machinery and Equipment o Location and Physical facility layout Demographics of location vs. target markets Leasing, Renting, Ownership Labor needs and supply 4 GIFT BUSINESS SCHOOL, GIFT UNIVERSITY, GUJRANWALA Business Plan BBA FINAL PROJECT Wage rates Environmental concerns Physical facility size requirement Worker disability law compliance Ergonomic Issues Layout plan with dimensions Services Operational plan (For Services) o Services Delivery blueprint o Physical facility layout for Service Delivery Demographics of location vs. target markets Leasing, Renting, Ownership Labor needs and supply Wage rates Environmental concerns Physical facility size requirement Worker disability law compliance Ergonomic Issues Layout plan with dimensions Storage and Warehousing Packaging and Unitization Transportation and distribution across channels of distribution Customer Service policies and procedures Inventory Management and control Quality Objectives and Policies Processes Performance Measurement Human Resources Plan SMART Human Resources Plan Objectives A brief organizational chart of the business Employee Recruitment and Selection Who does what, with a brief job description of each position The essential skills required for each position Information on your employee training program (If applicable) Any other relevant information related to personnel (e.g. gaps in your team, training budget) Compensation and benefits Legal Requirements Relevant certifications and legal licenses Product specific certifications and licenses 5 GIFT BUSINESS SCHOOL, GIFT UNIVERSITY, GUJRANWALA Business Plan BBA FINAL PROJECT Financial plan Financial Analysis SMART Financial Objectives Funds required and their uses and Capital Structure Funding requirements over the next three years and Sources of Funding Break Even Analysis Pay Back Discounted Pay Back Internal Rate of Return Modified Internal rate of return NPV Profitability Index Financial statements for first 3 years (Projected) Income statements Balance sheets Cash flow statements Conclusions and Recommendations Conclude whether or not it is a viable business venture ( or a viable business/strategic path for the client company based on Financial Analyses Explain why the student should or should not pursue the business venture at this time (or why or why not the client business should pursue the path under investigation) References This section continues with the numbering of pages. Only sources of information that have actually been cited in the project are included here. Appendices The appendices continued with the numbering of pages from the previous section. The actual titling of the appendices receives letter designations, rather than numbers. Therefore, you would have Appendix A, Appendix B, not Appendix 1, or Appendix 2. This section includes information that is too detailed to be included in its entirety in the body of the project. This would include raw data, sample questionnaires, and detailed computations. This section would also include information that is referred to but is not essential to the project, such as relevant policies, laws, forms, pamphlets, sample letters sent to organizations and subjects, or subject consent forms. 6 GIFT BUSINESS SCHOOL, GIFT UNIVERSITY, GUJRANWALA Business Plan BBA FINAL PROJECT Appendix Title Page Business Plan Project “Fall 2014” “Project Title” Supervised By: Project Supervisor: “Name” Submitted by: “Name 1, Roll No.” “Name 2, Roll No.” “Name 3, Roll no.” “Name 4, Roll no.” “Name5, Roll no.” GIFT BUSINESS SCHOOL GIFT UNIVERSITY, GUJRANWALA FINAL PROJECT 7 GIFT BUSINESS SCHOOL, GIFT UNIVERSITY, GUJRANWALA Business Plan BBA FINAL PROJECT Cover Page TITLE OF PROJECT REPORT <Font Size 18><1.5 line spacing> A PROJECT REPORT <Font Size 14> Submitted by <Font Size 14><Italic> NAME OF THE CANDIDATE(S) <Font Size 16> in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of <Font Size 14><1.5 line spacing><Italic> NAME OF THE DEGREE <Font Size 16> IN BRANCH OF STUDY <Font Size 14> NAME OF THE UNIVERSITY <Font Size 14> GIFT UNIVERSITY: GUJRANWALA <Font Size 16><1.5 line spacing> MONTH & YEAR <Font Size 14> 8 GIFT BUSINESS SCHOOL, GIFT UNIVERSITY, GUJRANWALA Business Plan BBA FINAL PROJECT Project Submission Approval Sheet Title of Project: “ Name of Students: “Name 1, Roll no.” “Name 2, Roll no.” “Name 3, Roll no.” “Name 4, Roll no.” “Name5, Roll no.” Program and Semester: “BBA, FALL 2011” Approved by: Project Supervisor: “Name” Examiner: “Name” Examiner: “Name” Examiner: “Name” Project Director: “Name” GIFT BUSINESS SCHOOL GIFT UNIVERSITY GUJRANWALA 9 GIFT BUSINESS SCHOOL, GIFT UNIVERSITY, GUJRANWALA “ Business Plan BBA FINAL PROJECT Certificate of Project Submission It is certified that BBA final project titled “______________________________________” has been prepared by students, “Name1, Roll no.” ,”Name2, Roll No.”, “Name3, Roll no.”, “Name4, Roll no.” “Name4, Roll no.” has been approved for submission. Project Supervisor: Project Director: 10 GIFT BUSINESS SCHOOL, GIFT UNIVERSITY, GUJRANWALA Business Plan BBA FINAL PROJECT Declaration of Originality We “Name1, Roll no.” ,”Name2, Roll No. ‘, “Name3, Roll no.”, “Name4, Roll no.”, “Name4, Roll no.” hereby declare that the project titled “project title” has been submitted by us in the fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of BBA. This project is carried at GIFT University, Gujranwala Campus. We consciously declare that this project does not necessarily represent the position of GIFT University. We consciously declare that this project is solely our effort and original. If it is found to be a plagiarized work as a whole at any stage, even after the award of a degree, the work will be cancelled and the degree will be revoked. We also declare that confidentiality of the project contents including documents, data, which we have obtained to prepare and complete this project concerning to the client will be ensured. “Name1” _____________________________________ “Name2” _____________________________________ “Name3” _____________________________________ “Name4” _____________________________________ “Name5” _____________________________________ Date: _________________________ 11 GIFT BUSINESS SCHOOL, GIFT UNIVERSITY, GUJRANWALA