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Psychology in Sports: Personality, Motivation, Arousal

Psychology Assignment 1 - Help sheet
Personality factors and assessment of personality
Trait Theory
o Unstable/Neurotic, Stable, Extrovert, Introvert
Martens Schematic View
o Psychological core, Typical response, Role-related behaviour
Psychodynamic Theory
o Instinctive Drive, Ego, Super Ego
Situational Approach
o Behaviour influenced by situation and circumstance
Interactional Approach
o Situation and Personality
Social Learning Theory
o Modelling and Remodelling
Pick 2 Factors, describe
and explain how they
may impact on sports
Use some examples to
show deeper
Motivational Factors
Need to Achieve (NACH)
Need to Avoid Failure (NAF)
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Attribution Theory
Self-Determination Theory
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation
Arousal – performance relationship theories under competitive pressure
Individual Zone of Optimal Performance (IZOP)
Drive Theory
Inverted U Hypothesis
Catastrophe Theory
Pick 2 arousal theories, describe, explain
and analyse how differing levels of arousal
and being able to control it can affect
sports performance.
Use some examples.
Stress, Anxiety and Sports Performance Under Competitive Pressure
o Eustress – Good Stress
o Distress – Bad Stress
o Trait
o State
Describe, explain amd analyse using
examples how stress, anxiety and
self-confidence can affect sports
performance and you can control it.
Use examples where necessary.
Self-Confidence and Sports Performance Under Competitive Pressure
How does self-confidence affect performance?