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Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) Presentation

Computer Integrated
 Instructor: Dr. Tran Manh Son
 Email: sontm@hcmute.edu.vn
 Phone: 0919 1971 39
Rules in Class
 Attend at least 80% of class hours
 Complete all home-works and assignments (If any)
 Assignment (50%)
 After each chapter will have one assignment/homework.
 Final Project (50%)
 Student have to complete a small project and present in
the class.
Textbook and References
 [1] Hệ thống sản xuất tích hợp, Đặng Thiện Ngôn, Lê Chí
 [2] Automation Production System, and Computer
Integrated Manufacturing, Mikell P. Groover, 2015
 Sofware:
 Factory_IO
Contents of This course
 Chapter 1: Introduction
 Chapter 2: Overview of Manufacturing
 Chapter 3: Elements of CIM
 Chapter 4: Material Handling and Identification
 Chapter 5: Manufacturing Systems
 Chapter 6: Quality Control Systems
 Chapter 7: Process and Production Plan
 Chapter 8: Just-in-Time Manufacturing, Lean
Contents of Chapter 2
 Part 1: Life cycle of Product
 Part 2: Overview of Manufacturing
 2.1 Several Concepts
 2.2 Production Quantity/Product variety
 2.3 Production Performance
 2.4 Manufacturing cost
Part 1: Life Cycle of Product
2.1 Concepts
2.1 Concepts
 Purpose of this course:
2.1 Concepts
 Purpose of this course:
2.1 Concepts
2.1 ConceptsConcept
Development Circle
of a Product
Part 2: Overview of
2.1 Concepts
 Manufacturing : the application of physical and/or chemical
processes to alter the geometry, properties, and/or
appearance of a given starting material to make parts or
Technological process
Economic process
2.1 Concepts
Manufacturing Industries
 Manufacturing Industries: Produce, supply goods, and
Primary Industries: Cultivate/exploit
natural resources (Agriculture, Mining)
Secondary Industries: Produce products
Tertiary industries : Services (Bank,
Education, Entertainment..)
2.1 Concepts
 Continuous production: the output of the product is
Process Industry
Discrete Manufacturing Industry
 Batch production: when the materials are processed in finite
amounts or quantities
Process Industry
Discrete Manufacturing Industry
2.1 Concepts
 Manufacturing Operations: convert raw materials into finished
processing operation
Assembly operation
Uses energy to alter a
work part’s shape,
physical properties, or
appearance to add
value to the material
Two or more separate
parts are joined to
form a new entity
2.2 Production Quantity/Product variety
 Production quantity refers to the number of units of a given
part or product produced annually by the plant
 Product variety refers to the different product designs or types
that are produced in a plant.
2.2 Production Quantity/Product variety
 Layout in manufactory:
 Product product remains in
a single location during its
entire fabrication.
 Products include ships,
locomotives, and heavy
Fixed position layout
2.2 Production Quantity/Product variety
 Layout in manufactory:
Process layout
 equipment is arranged
according to function or
 Ex. The lathes are in one
department, the milling
machines are in another
 Material
required to move parts
between departments
 Inventory tends to be high
2.2 Production Quantity/Product variety
 Layout in manufactory:
 groups of similar parts or
products can be made on
without significant lost time
for changeovers
Cellular layout
 workstations are arranged
into one long line/ into a
series of connected line
 Assembly line: cars and
household appliances,
main boards.
Product layout
2.2 Production Quantity/Product variety
 Quantity-based manufacturing classification:
 Low Production (Job Shop): Low quantity range of 1–100
units/ year.
Specialized and customized products.
Products are typically complex, such as experimental
aircraft and special machinery.
 Medium Production: medium quantity range (100–10,000
units annually). Batch production
 High Production: high quantity range (10,000 to
millions of units per year) (Mass Production)
2.2 Production Quantity/Product variety
 Layout and production quantity
2.3 Manufacturing Performance
 Cycle time analysis: The cycle time Tc is the time that
one work unit1 spends being processed or assembled
 Tc = cycle time, min/pc
 To = time of the actual processing or assembly operation
 Th = handling time, min/pc
 Tt = average tool handling time, min/pc (tool handling
time consists of time spent changing tools when they
wear out, time changing from one tool to the next ).
2.3 Manufacturing Performance
 Production rate: expressed as an hourly rate, that is, work
units completed per hour.
Operation Cycle times
 Production rate:
Type of Production
• Job shop production
• Batch Production
• Mass Production
2.3 Manufacturing Performance
 Job Shop Production: Quantities less than 100 pcs. If Q=1
 Tp = average production time, min/pc;
 Tsu = setup time to prepare the machine to produce the
part, min/pc
 Tc = cycle time
 Production Rate:
 Rp = hourly production rate, pc/hr;
2.3 Manufacturing Performance
 Batch Production: (sequential batch processing, Simultaneous
Sequential Batch
Batch processing time(Tbmin/batch)
Tsu = setup time; Q = batch
quantity, pc/batch; Tc = cycle
time per work unit, min/cycle.
Simultaneous Batch
Batch processing time(Tbmin/batch)
Tsu = setup time; Tc = cycle time
per work unit, min/cycle.
2.3 Manufacturing Performance
 Batch Production
 Average production time per work unit Tp
 Production Rate:
2.3 Manufacturing Performance
 Mass Production: quantity mass production & flow-line
mass production
Quantity Mass Production
Production rate(Rp) =cycle
rate of the machine (Rc).
Q is very large,
Flow-line Mass Production
Production rate(Rp) =cycle
rate of the machine (Rc).
Tc: cycle time of production
line. Max To : maximum of the
operation times for all stations
on the line. Tr: time to transfer
work units between stations
each cycle.
2.3 Manufacturing Performance
 Example:
= 0.44 + 2.86 = 3.3
= 0.44 + 2.86 = 11.92hr
2.3 Manufacturing Performance
 Production Capacity:
 Maximum rate of output that a production facility (or
production line, or group of machines) is able to produce
under a given set of assumed operating conditions.
 Determine Production Capacity:
 PC = production capacity, pc/period; n = number of
machines; and Hpc = the number of hours.
2.3 Manufacturing Performance
 Production Capacity:
 Example:
2.3 Manufacturing Performance
 Production Capacity:
 Different machines produce different parts at different
production rates, the following equation applies for
quantity-type mass production:
 n = number of machines
 Rpi = hourly production rate of machine i.
2.3 Manufacturing Performance
 Production Capacity:
 In job shop and batch production, each machine may
be used to produce more than one batch, where each
batch has a different part style j.
 fij = The time machine i is processing part style j /period
2.3 Manufacturing Performance
 Production Capacity:
 Average hourly production output for the plant:
 Rpph = average hourly plant production rate, pc/hr;
 Rpij = production rate of machine i when processing part
j, pc/hr.
 noj = the number of operations required to produce part
2.3 Manufacturing Performance
 Production Capacity:
 Tpij = average production time for part j on machine i,
 Tsuij = setup time for part j on machine i, min/batch
 Qj = batch quantity of part j, pc/batch
2.3 Manufacturing Performance
 Production Capacity:
 weekly plant output:
 Rppw = weekly plant production rate for the plant, pc/wk
 Rpph = average hourly production rate for the plant,
 Hpw = number of hours in the week
2.3 Manufacturing Performance
 Production Capacity:
 Example:
2.3 Manufacturing Performance
 Production Capacity:
 Example:
2.3 Manufacturing Performance
 Utilization: the proportion of time that a productive
resource (e.g., a production machine) is used relative to
the time available under the definition of plant
 Ui = utilization of machine i
 fij = the fraction of time during the available hours that
machine i is processing part style j
 overall utilization for the plant:
2.3 Manufacturing Performance
 Workload: the total hours required to produce a given
number of units during a given week or other other
period of interest.
 WL = workload, hr; Qij = number of work units produced
of part style j on ma-chine i during the period of interest;
and Tpij = average production time of part style j on
machine i.
2.3 Manufacturing Performance
 Adjusting plant Capacity:
 Increase or decrease the number of machines n in
the plant
 Increase or decrease the number of shifts per week.
 Increase or decrease the number of hours worked per
 Increase the
production rate Rp by making
in methods and/or process- ing
2.3 Manufacturing Performance
 Manufacturing lead time (MLT): the total time required to
process a given part or product through the plant, including
any time due to delays, parts being moved between
operations, time spent in queues, and so on.
 MLTj = manufacturing lead time for a batch of part or product j, min;
 Tsuij = setup time for operation i on part or product j, min
 Qj = quantity of part or product j in the batch
 Tcij = cycle time for operation i on part or product j, min/pc
 Tnoij = nonoperation time associated with operation i, min
2.3 Manufacturing Performance
 Manufacturing lead time (MLT):
 Average manufacturing lead time over the number of
 nb: number of kinds of product.
 Job shop:
 Flow-line mass production:
• Tc = the operation
time at a given machine
• Tno = the nonoperation
time associated with
each operation
• no: number of separate
operations (machines)
2.3 Manufacturing Performance
 Example:
2.3 Manufacturing Performance
 Work-in-process: the quantity of parts or products
currently located in the factory that either are being
processed or are between processing operations.
2.3 Manufacturing Performance
 Example:
2.4 Manufacturing cost
 Fixed costs: one that remains constant for any level of
production output
The cost of the factory building and production
equipment, insurance, and property taxes
 Variable costs: one that varies in proportion to
production output. As output in- creases, variable cost
direct labor, raw materials, and electric power to
operate the production equipment
2.4 Manufacturing cost
TC = total annual cost, $/yr;
Cf = fixed annual cost, $/yr:
Cv = variable cost, $/pc:
Q = annual quantity produced, pc/yr
2.4 Manufacturing cost
 Fixed costs:
2.4 Manufacturing cost
2.4 Manufacturing cost
 Direct labor cost: the sum of the wages and benefits paid to
the workers who operate the production equipment and
perform the processing and assembly tasks
 Material cost: the cost of all raw materials used to make the
 Overhead costs: all of the other expenses associated with
running the manufacturing firm
 Factory overhead: costs of operating the factory
 corporate overhead: cost not related to the company’s
manufacturing activities,
2.4 Manufacturing cost
 Factory Overhead Expenses
 Corporate Overhead Expenses
2.4 Manufacturing cost
 factory overhead rate:
 FOHR = factory overhead rate
 FOHC = annual factory overhead costs, $/yr
 DLC = annual direct labor costs, $/yr
2.4 Manufacturing cost
 factory overhead rate:
 FOHR = factory overhead rate
 FOHC = annual factory overhead costs, $/yr
 DLC = annual direct labor costs, $/yr
2.4 Manufacturing cost
 Corporate overhead rate:
 COHR = corporate overhead rate
 COHC = annual corporate overhead costs, $/yr;
 DLC = annual direct labor costs, $/yr
2.4 Manufacturing cost
 Factory Overhead Expenses
2.4 Manufacturing cost
 Factory Overhead Expenses
2.4 Manufacturing cost
 Factory Overhead Expenses
2.4 Manufacturing cost
 Factory Overhead Expenses
Thank You For Your Listening