PARTS OF TEACHING INTERNSHIP PORTFOLIO 1. Title - this must be creative and contextualized - make sure each has a different title, avoid similarity 2. Acknowledgment - mention here the people you are indebted to in your journey towards the completion of your teaching internship 3. Approval Sheet - the format shall be provided by the college - make sure you encode the names and other information CORRECTLY 4. Certificate of Completion - the format shall be provided by the college - make sure you encode the names and other information CORRECTLY 5. Curriculum Vitae (CV) - use the CV format you submitted as requirement for internship 6. Certificate of Readiness - attach your Certificate of Readiness issued by the college, and duly received by your respective cooperating school 7. Assignment Order - attach your Assignment Order issued by the college, and duly received by your respective cooperating school 8. Daily/Weekly Journals - include in your journal the day to day/weekly happenings of your internship, be it good or bad - you may include your thoughts, feelings, things you need to get done, a gratitude log, etc. 9. Weekly Pre-Service Teachers’ Off-Campus Performance Evaluation - the format of the performance evaluation is provided by the college - make sure you have a weekly evaluation duly signed by authorities 10.Daily Lesson Plans and their Evaluation Sheets - attach all the required number of lesson plans with their corresponding evaluation sheets duly signed by authorities 11.Final Demonstration Lesson Plan and its Evaluation Sheets -attach your final demonstration lesson plan and its evaluation sheet/s 12.Pictures/Documentary During Daily and Final Demonstrations - provide at least 10 pictures with captions that capture your daily or final demonstrations, or any school activity you are part of (3 pictures per page) 13.Experiences and Reflections on the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) Domains -read back the PPST domains and write your personal experiences and reflections on it relative to your teaching internship experience - this part shall be in 1 page only 14.Teaching Philosophy -in 1 page only, state your own teaching philosophy anchored on any educational philosophy 15.Critique Paper - the format and sample shall be provided by the college - kindly ask your program head for the copy - this may be done by group 16.Letters/Testimonials from Students - you may ask your students to write anything for you, at least 3 letters will do. - paste the letters in a long bond paper. 17.Sample Outputs of Students - provide any outputs of your students made during your demonstration, at least 2 pages. 18.Daily Time Record (DTR) - attach your DTRs per month duly signed by authorities Paper Size Margins Line Spacing : 8.5” x 13” : Left – 1.5” Top, Bottom, Right – 1.0” : 1.5 *The portfolio should be ring-bound. *Do not add/paste designed borders on the side.