PROGRAMME APPROVAL CRITERIA FOR PROVIDERS FALLING WITHIN AND OUTSIDE THE PRIMARY FOCUS OF THE LGSETA Page 1 of 7 PREAMBLE This criteria document has been developed in line with the SAQA policy for the Accreditation of Providers by ETQAs. It should be read in conjunction with the SAQA publication: “Criteria and Guidelines for Providers” as it attempts to outline the requirements in respect to the extension of scope of accreditation by a primary provider (accredited by the LGSETA) or secondary provider (accredited by another ETQA). The criteria document attempts to provide a common understanding and application of the Criteria for the Programme Approval of Providers by the LGSETA. It includes evidence requirements that would ensure compliance to policy requirements for the programme approval process. ETD providers who comply with the policy requirements and meet the criteria requirements as stipulated will be accorded a status of Full Programme Approval for a period not exceeding 3 years. This status will be awarded to an ETD provider who meets all the requirements as stipulated in this document. Provisional Programme Approval for a period not exceeding 1 year. This status will be awarded to an ETD provider who meets the minimum requirements as stipulated in this document. The LGSETA assumes a developmental approach in its programme evaluation process to assist providers to address non-compliances to the requirements and work towards the attainment of a status. It is important to highlight that a secondary provider intending to deliver qualifications and/or unit standards falling within the primary focus of the LGSETA should firstly apply to its primary focus ETQA to extend the scope of accreditation for programme approval with the LGSETA. This is based on the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that has been signed between various ETQAs. The LGSETA will only consider an application from a secondary provider once it has received communication from the primary ETQA granting such permission. It is therefore envisaged that this document would assist in ensuring effective, efficient and economic maintenance of ETD quality standards within local government. Page 2 of 7 1. PROVIDER DETAILS Name of Provider Type of Provider e.g. Private, Public (DoE registration/centre no. required if FET, HET, etc.), Workplace, etc. Where applicable, registration with a recognized professional Body will be required (e.g. RTMC, CPE, etc.) LGSETA Reference Number Type of Application (e.g. accreditation, extension of scope, etc.) Primary Focus SETA ETQA Provider Accreditation Status (if applicable) Provider Accreditation Number (if applicable) Provider Accreditation Period (if applicable) Province, City, Town, Suburb, Municipality Business Premises e.g. Owned, Leased, other Training Premises e.g. Owned, Leased, other Location of Business/Training Premises e.g. Residential Area, Business Complex, Industrial or Other Contact Details e.g. Physical Address, Postal Address, Telephone No. , Fax Number, E-mail Contact Person(s) o Position in Organisation o Telephone Number o Fax Number o Cell Number o E-mail 2. LEGAL AND FINANCIAL STATUS Registration Name of Provider Trading Name of Provider Registration Number of Provider Nature of Provider (Proof to be attached), e.g. o Private Company (Pty Ltd) o Government/Public Entity o Closed Corporation (cc) o Sole Proprietor o Other SARS Income Registration Number (Proof to be attached) Tax clearance certificate (Proof to be attached) Tax Exemption Certificate (Proof to be attached) If an Established Provider (Proof to be attached) o Audited Financial Statements o Cash Flow o Balance Sheet Page 3 of 7 Emerging Providers (Proof to be attached) o Financial Statements o Projected Cash Flow o Balance Sheet Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Compliance (Proof to be attached) e.g. Certificate, Letter, etc. Company Profile with Organogram reflecting all positions and the names of employees (temporary/permanent) 3. LEARNING DEVELOPMENT AND DELIVERY POLICES AND PROCEDURES (Emerging Providers should at least provide policy and procedure statements, and process flows) Learning Programme Design and Development Policy and Procedures Assessment Policy and Procedures Moderation Policy and Procedures Learner Appeals Policy and Procedures Learner Support Policy and Procedures 4. LEARNING PROGRAMME EVALUATION 4.1 LEARNING PROGRAMME ALIGNMENT TO QUALIFICATION(S) AND/OR UNIT STANDARD(S) Title of Learning Programme(s) Evaluated Overall Outline of the Outcomes of Training Purpose and Focus Area of the Learning Programme against the Purpose of the Qualification and/or Unit Standards Alignment of the Learning Programme to Critical Cross Field Outcomes and Exit Level Outcomes Alignment of the Learning Programme Outcomes to the Unit Standard(s) Specific Outcomes, Assessment Criteria 4.2 LEARNER ENTRY, GUIDANCE AND SUPPORT Identified Target Group for the Programme Learner Admission and Entry Requirements Learner Registration Process Fee Structure for the programme Programme Orientation/Induction Process Pre-assessment of Learners Identification and Provision of Support to Learners with Special Needs (e.g. learning and physical disabilities, etc.) Remedial Intervention (e.g. re-assessments, re-training, etc.) Page 4 of 7 Learner Satisfaction/Feedback Survey 4.3 MANAGEMENT OF EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING (Compulsory for workplace providers) Induction of learners towards on the job learning Support of Learners during Practical Learning Structure of on the job Experiential learning Liaison between Theoretical and Practical learning sites Provision and management of logbook/PoE system Provision and process of Coaching and Mentoring on the job Structure and process of Work place assessments and moderations Management of Work place assessments and moderations Availability of trained work place Coaches and Mentors 4.4 LEARNING PROGRAMME DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT Needs Analysis for the Learning programme Learning Programme developed in-house or outsourced (Proof of agreement if outsourced) Methodology for the Design and Development of Learning Programme Learning programme implementation strategy and plan Learning Programme design approach (e.g. Modules, Units, Sections, Chapters, etc.) Learning Programme Outcomes achieved through Modules, Units, Sections, Chapters Sequence of learning delivery and duration Integration of theory and practice in the Learning Programme Methodology and approach in the Design and Development of Learning Material Process in the Design and Development of Learning materials Link of Learning Outcomes in the Learning Material to the Learning Programme Outcomes Learning delivery methods used to achieve the outcomes (esp. should link to the facilitator and learner guides) Relevance and Validity of Content in the Learning Material (e.g. activities, exercises, etc) Demonstration of integration of theory and practice in the Learning Material (e.g. use of case studies, practical assignments) Learning material developed in-house or outsourced (Proof of agreement if outsourced) Use of language and value diversity in the learning material promotes learning Resources to be used in the delivery of the Learning Programme Review mechanisms for the learning programme and material Page 5 of 7 Availability and link of Facilitator and Learner Guides to the learning programme and material outcomes Provision and process to develop and manage the logbook/PoE system available 5 ASSESSMENT AND MODERATION Learning Programme captures the principles of assessment and moderation Assessment and moderation methodology and strategy clearly outlined Assessment and moderation instruments, tools and methods developed to relate to unit standards’ assessment criteria and linked to the learning programme Assessment and moderation implementation process and plan clearly outlined Process of conducting and monitoring assessments and moderations clearly outlined Process for Learner Preparation and Support for assessments (incl. Learner readiness, planning, preparation, etc.) clearly outlined Assessment and Moderation reports compiled Planning, Preparation and Support for moderations (incl. Learner readiness, planning, preparation) specified Assessment records and scoring procedures outlined and kept Liaison with External Moderator on the verification of moderated assessments specified Assessment guides available and linked to the assessment criteria of the unit standards, learning programme and material Feedback provided to learners on assessments Appeals process for assessments clearly outlined 6 ETDP PRACTITIONERS Facilitators, Assessors and Moderators demonstrate the ability to train, assess and moderate against qualification/unit standards CVs, qualifications and employment contracts of administrative personnel relevant to the programme available CVs, qualifications and employment contracts of Facilitators relevant to the programme available Facilitator Code of Conduct developed Facilitator/Learner ratio(s) specified ETDPSETA Endorsement, LGSETA Registration, CVs, qualifications and employment contracts of Assessors relevant to the programme available Assessor Code of Conduct developed Assessor/Learner ratio(s) clearly specified ETDPSETA Endorsement, LGSETA Registration, CVs, qualifications and employment contracts of Moderators relevant to the programme available Page 6 of 7 Moderator Code of Conduct developed Moderator/Assessment quota clearly specified 7 PHYSICAL RESOURCES AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY Availability of appropriate facilities, equipment and tools for delivery of the Learning Programme(s) Compatibility of Learning tools/equipment to Industry Signed contractual agreements available (where facilities and equipment are leased/rented) OHS Procedures and appropriate emergency signs & evacuation plans specified Reports on OHS Compliance available Trained safety representative identified and appointed (Proof of training attached) 8 ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT OF DOCUMENTS AND SYSTEMS Capturing of learner information and data Maintenance of document and learner information system Updating of Management information system Access control (security) to learner information and records Page 7 of 7