2019 Global Market Report Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), the world’s largest cruise industry trade organization, is releasing the latest global cruise passenger statistics. Playing a significant role in international tourism, cruising continues at a paced growth around the world with a 4% increase from 2018 to 2019, totaling 29.7 million passengers. Research also shows North American travelers continued to embrace cruising with an annual passenger increase of 8% (15.4 million passengers) in 2019. Europe experienced a healthy 7.4% increase as new ships were launched in two key markets. The average age of cruisers has been remarkably consistent at 46.8, while the average cruise length has also been stable, at around seven days. As expected, due to a reduction in deployment in Asia and Australia, the number of cruisers in these regions was lower than in previous years. The Caribbean, once again, benefited from the healthy gain in the U.S. market, and the volume of cruisers to the region grew by 6%. The growth in Alaska accelerated with a sharp 19% increase, the third year in a row with double-digit growth. The rebound in the Eastern Mediterranean has accelerated with a healthy 19%, following a 15% increase last year and following a few years of retraction before 2018. While the cruise industry experienced growth in 2019, the emergence of COVID-19 in 2020 led the cruise industry to take immediate and aggressive action to mitigate the risk of the virus—which culminated in a global pause in operations in mid-March. Following the pause in operations, with strict protocols in place, and with the approval and support of local and regional authorities, cruise lines were able to successfully resume limited operations in Europe and other parts of the world. The successes of these initial sailings demonstrate that the new protocols are working as designed, and CLIA and our cruise line members look forward to continue welcoming back passengers from around the world. Gl obalRepor t :2016t o2019 PassengerVol ume( K) Aver ageDur at i on,i nDays Aver ageAge 2016 2017 2018 2019 2016 2017 2018 2019 2016 2017 2018 2019 25, 155 26, 716( 6. 2% ▲) 28, 515( 6. 7% ▲) 29, 673( 4. 1% ▲) 7. 2 7. 1 7. 0 7. 1 46. 7 46. 7 46. 7 46. 8 Aver ageCr ui seDur at i on 2019 11% 2018 11% 27% 2017 11% 28% 2016 11% Upt o3Days 26% 41% 40% 39% 25% 46Days 40% 7Days 813Days 15% 4% 3% 15% 4% 2% 15% 4% 2% 16% 14Days 4% 2% 1520Days 21DaysPl us Aver agePassengerAgeGr oups 2019 9% 6% 9% 11% 14% 18% 19% 14% 2018 9% 6% 9% 11% 15% 18% 19% 14% 2017 9% 6% 9% 11% 15% 18% 19% 13% 2016 8% 6% 9% 11% 15% 18% 19% 13% <=12Year s 1319 2029 3039 4049 5059 6069 >=70Year s PassengerVol ume( K)bySour c ePassengerRegi ons 2016 2017 2018 2019 Nor t hAmer i c a 12, 403 13, 019( 5. 0% ▲) 14, 240( 9. 4% ▲) 15, 408( 8. 2% ▲) West er nEur ope 6, 344 6, 516( 2. 7% ▲) 6, 731( 3. 3% ▲) 7, 226( 7. 4% ▲) Asi a 3, 370 4, 052( 20. 3% ▲) 4, 240( 4. 6% ▲) 3, 738( 11. 8% ▼) Aust r al i a/ NZ/ Pac i fic 1, 370 1, 434( 4. 7% ▲) 1, 460( 1. 8% ▲) 1, 351( 7. 5% ▼) Sout hAmer i c a 791 799( 1. 0% ▲) 883( 10. 5% ▲) 935( 5. 9% ▲) East er nEur ope 205 192( 6. 0% ▼) 213( 10. 9% ▲) 263( 23. 3% ▲) Sc andi navi a/ I c el and 241 229( 4. 8% ▼) 225( 1. 8% ▼) 218( 3. 0% ▼) Af r i c a 144 151( 4. 8% ▲) 154( 1. 9% ▲) 169( 9. 8% ▲) Mi ddl eEast / Ar abi a 112 104( 7. 7% ▼) 111( 6. 6% ▲) 108( 2. 2% ▼) Car i bbean 50 54( 8. 7% ▲) 56( 3. 1% ▲) 57( 1. 0% ▲) Cent r alAmer i c a 39 51( 30. 3% ▲) 47( 8. 3% ▼) 49( 5. 7% ▲) Gl obalRepor t( Cont i nued) PassengerVol ume( K)f orTopCount r i es 2016 2017 2018 2019 Uni t edSt at es 11, 392 11, 944( 4. 9% ▲) 13, 091( 9. 6% ▲) 14, 199( 8. 5% ▲) Ger many 2, 018 2, 169( 7. 5% ▲) 2, 233( 3. 0% ▲) 2, 587( 15. 8% ▲) UK&I r el and 1, 960 1, 971( 0. 5% ▲) 2, 009( 2. 0% ▲) 1, 992( 0. 9% ▼) Mai nl andChi na 2, 113 2, 397( 13. 4% ▲) 2, 357( 1. 6% ▼) 1, 919( 18. 6% ▼) Aust r al i a 1, 281 1, 333( 4. 1% ▲) 1, 345( 0. 9% ▲) 1, 241( 7. 7% ▼) Canada 865 921( 6. 5% ▲) 971( 5. 4% ▲) 1, 037( 6. 8% ▲) I t al y 751 769( 2. 5% ▲) 831( 8. 0% ▲) 950( 14. 3% ▲) Br az i l 465 445( 4. 2% ▼) 510( 14. 6% ▲) 567( 11. 3% ▲) Spai n 480 510( 6. 4% ▲) 530( 3. 9% ▲) 553( 4. 3% ▲) Fr anc e 554 504( 9. 1% ▼) 521( 3. 4% ▲) 545( 4. 6% ▲) Tai wanRegi on 299 374( 24. 8% ▲) 391( 4. 7% ▲) 389( 0. 4% ▼) Si ngapor e 214 267( 24. 4% ▲) 373( 39. 9% ▲) 325( 12. 7% ▼) I ndi a 148 172( 16. 1% ▲) 221( 28. 1% ▲) 313( 41. 5% ▲) J apan 207 255( 22. 9% ▲) 266( 4. 5% ▲) 296( 11. 4% ▲) HongKong 127 230( 80. 6% ▲) 250( 8. 6% ▲) 191( 23. 4% ▼) Mexi c o 142 149( 4. 8% ▲) 174( 16. 6% ▲) 167( 3. 6% ▼) Sout hAf r i c a 132 140( 6. 7% ▲) 143( 2. 1% ▲) 158( 10. 2% ▲) Ar gent i na 163 178( 9. 1% ▲) 187( 4. 9% ▲) 151( 19. 2% ▼) Swi t z er l and 147 152( 3. 2% ▲) 154( 1. 5% ▲) 140( 9. 2% ▼) Aust r i a 125 130( 3. 5% ▲) 136( 4. 8% ▲) 136( 0. 1% ▲) Net her l ands 104 110( 5. 9% ▲) 113( 2. 2% ▲) 123( 8. 7% ▲) Mal aysi a 100 188( 87. 8% ▲) 150( 19. 9% ▼) 121( 19. 6% ▼) New Zeal and 86 98( 13. 5% ▲) 112( 14. 7% ▲) 106( 5. 1% ▼) Nor way 111 104( 6. 8% ▼) 101( 2. 7% ▼) 98( 3. 0% ▼) Vol umeofPassenger s( i nK)t oDest i nat i ons,2019 Atl east4KPassenger sperDest i nat i on Car i bbean/ Bahamas/ Ber muda 11, 982. 6 Asi a&Chi na 3, 977. 4 Cent r al&West er nMed. 3, 211. 0 Nor t her nEur ope 1, 707. 8 Aust r al i a/ New Zeal and/ Pac i fic 1, 177. 7 NAWestCoast / Mexi c o/ Cal i f or ni a/ Pac i ficCoast 1, 164. 9 East er nMed. 1, 226. 0 Al aska PanamaCanal / Sout hAm Bal t i c s 1, 215. 4 807. 1 593. 6 Canar yI sl . 496. 5 Af r i c a/ Mi ddl eEast 515. 4 Ot her Tr ansat l ant i c&Wor l dCr ui se Canada/ New Engl and 303. 7 392. 8 301. 7 Hawai i 243. 1 Expl or at i onDest . 186. 9 Gl obalRepor t( Cont i nued) PassengerVol umebyTr ade( K) 2016 2017 2018 2019 Car i bbean/ Bahamas/ Ber muda 10, 135 10, 695( 6% ▲) 11, 335( 6% ▲) 11, 983( 6% ▲) Asi a&Chi na 3, 386 4, 005( 18% ▲) 4, 254( 6% ▲) 3, 977( 7% ▼) 2, 920 2, 907( 0% ▲) 3, 068( 6% ▲) 3, 211( 5% ▲) 1, 419 1, 569( 11% ▲) 1, 731( 10% ▲) 1, 708( 1% ▼) 1, 020 896( 12% ▼) 1, 027( 15% ▲) 1, 226( 19% ▲) Al aska 779 905( 16% ▲) 1, 025( 13% ▲) 1, 215( 19% ▲) Aust r al i a/ New Zeal and/ Pac i fic 1, 180 1, 262( 7% ▲) 1, 299( 3% ▲) 1, 178( 9% ▼) NAWestCoast / Mexi c o/ Cal i f or ni a/ Pac i ficCoast 1, 209 1, 089( 10% ▼) 1, 126( 3% ▲) 1, 165( 3% ▲) 657 678( 3% ▲) 745( 10% ▲) 807( 8% ▲) Bal t i c s 480 564( 18% ▲) 539( 4% ▼) 594( 10% ▲) Af r i c a/ Mi ddl eEast 390 383( 2% ▼) 370( 3% ▼) 515( 39% ▲) Canar yI sl . 371 403( 9% ▲) 444( 10% ▲) 496( 12% ▲) Tr ansat l ant i c&Wor l dCr ui se 261 288( 10% ▲) 365( 26% ▲) 393( 8% ▲) Ot her 218 318( 46% ▲) 490( 54% ▲) 304( 38% ▼) Canada/ New Engl and 167 205( 23% ▲) 218( 6% ▲) 302( 39% ▲) 190 215( 14% ▲) 218( 1% ▲) 243( 11% ▲) Cent r al&West er nMed. Nor t her nEur ope East er nMed. PanamaCanal / Sout hAm Hawai i Expl or at i onDest . NoTr adeI dent i fied 82 114( 39% ▲) 148( 30% ▲) 187( 26% ▲) 292 220( 25% ▼) 113( 48% ▼) 170( 50% ▲) PassengerVol ume( K)byTr ade&Sour c eRegi onsi n2019 Car i bbean/ Bahamas/ Ber muda 10, 536,24% Asi a&Chi na 3, 475,22% Cent r al&West er nMed. Nor t her nEur ope Aust r al i a/ New Zeal and/ Pac i fic 2, 234,18% 1, 318,21% 963,20% 126,25% NAWestCoast / Mexi c o/ Cal i f or ni a/ Pa. . 1, East er nMed. Al aska 803,2% Cent r alAmer i c a 833,20% Car i bbean Mi ddl eEast / Ar abi a 1, 088,28% Af r i c a PanamaCanal / Sout hAm East er nEur ope Bal t i c s Sc andi navi a/ I c el and Canar yI sl . Sout hAmer i c a Af r i c a/ Mi ddl eEast Aust r al i a/ NZ/ Pac i fic Asi a Ot her West er nEur ope Tr ansat l ant i c&Wor l dCr ui se Nor t hAmer i c a Canada/ New Engl and Hawai i Expl or at i onDest . PassengerVol ume( K)byQuar t er&10Sour c eRegi onsi n2019 2019 Q1 3, 584,15% Q2 3, 956,15% Q3 3, 998,14% Q4 3, 771,14% 1, 171,5% 645,3% 419,2% 464,2% 1, 783,7% 943,4% 2, 173,7% 1, 589,6% 1, 077,4% 794,3% 387,1% Gl obalRepor t( Cont i nued) Aver ageAgeandCr ui seLengt hf orTopSour c eMar ket s,2019 2019 10. 0 Avg.Lengt hi nDays West er nEur ope Aust r al i a/ NZ/ Pac i fic East er nEur ope 8. 0 Mi ddl eEast / Ar abi a Car i bbean Cent r alAmer i c a Sc andi navi a/ I c el and Nor t hAmer i c a Sout hAmer i c a 6. 0 Af r i c a 4. 0 Asi a 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Avg.Age Aver ageAgeandCr ui seLengt hbyDest i nat i on/Tr adeRout e,2019 2019 20. 0 18. 0 Tr ansat l ant i c&Wor l dCr ui se Avg.Lengt hi nDays 16. 0 14. 0 12. 0 Expl or at i onDest . PanamaCanal / Sout hAm Aust r al i a/ New Zeal and/ Pac i fic 10. 0 Cent r al&West er nMed. 8. 0 Car i bbean/ Bahamas/ Ber muda Bal t i c s Canar yI sl . Hawai i Af r i c a/ Mi ddl eEast Nor t her nEur ope Canada/ New Engl and East er nMed. Al aska 6. 0 Asi a&Chi na / Mexi c o/ Cal i f or ni a/ Pac i ficCoast 4. 0 NAWestCoast 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 Avg.Age 54 56 58 60 62 64