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Organization Theory Course Syllabus - Villanova MPA

Organization Theory
(MPA 8002-Online)
The study of the similarities and differences in various formal and complex
organizations, the structures and dynamics of these organizataions, and the
theories applicable to such organizations.
Organization Theory (MPA 8002) is a foundational course in the Masters of
Public Administration Program at Villanova University. MPA 8002 provides
students an understanding of complex organizations in their historical context,
the development of major frames and theories of complex organization, as well
as the implications these present for organizational design, change, and
leadership. In particular, MPA 8002 attempts to relate the value assumptions
and views of humans in their work roles as these are made explicit in a variety of
organizational metaphors, images, and frames.
To identify how antecedents and theories of practice evidence themselves
in leadership practice episodes.
To define and to illustrate the history of complex organizations through a
variety of frames, metaphors, and theories of organization.
To examine and to critique a variety frames, metaphors, and theories of
complex organizations.
To develop the cognitive complexity and insight that will enable students to
utilize multiple perspectives to isolate the organizational issue at the heart of
the problems emerging in organizational functioning.
To formulate a reasonable organization change plan that bridges
organization theory with an organization’s reality.
To explore organizational, administrative, managerial, leadership strategies
that will engage leaders and followers in organization learning.
To locate human responsibility, and thus, ethical behavior, within
MPA 8002 Organization Theory
Bolman, L., & Deal, T. (2008). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice
and leadership (4th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey- Bass.
DiBella, A. J., & Nevis, E. C. (1998). How organizations learn.
San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
McWhinney, W., & Webber, J., Smith, D., & Novokowsky, B. (1997).
Creating paths of change (2nd ed.). Newberry Park, CA: Sage
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition
[spiral bound: ISBN 1-4338-0562-6]. The Concise Rules of APA Style is
not to be used. All work submitted for MPA 8002 must conform with and
will be graded according to APA guidelines.
To complete this course successfully, each student will:
a. complete the required reading prior to class meetings,
b. attend and participate intelligently in all class meetings; and,
c. complete the course project.
It is the policy of Villanova University to make reasonable academic
accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities. If any student has a
disability and wishes to request accommodations to complete the course
requirements, please make an appointment with the professor as soon as
possible to discuss the request. Since there are documentation requirements,
students with disabilities should contact the Office of Learning Support Services
(610-519-5636) or visit the Office in Geraghty Hall prior to scheduling a meeting
with the professor.
Class Participation: 20%
Organization Biography: 20%
Organization Change Plan: 60%
“A”  90%
“B”  80%
“C”  70%
top 10%
top 20%
top 30%
“F”  60%
“N” = incomplete
MPA 8002 Organization Theory
Week: Class Content:
Unit of Study: “Don’t Be Deceived: Leading an Organization is a More
Complicated Endeavor Than Followers Might Believe”
View Video #1: MPA 8002 Course Overview (20 minutes)
View Video #2: Learning to Read as a Graduate Student (10 minutes)
View Video #3: The Course Project (Overview) (10 minutes)
View Video #25: Learning to Write According to the APA Manual
(20 minutes)
View Video #4: Exercise #1—The Organization Biography (10 minutes)
Post Biography to Course webpage
Threaded Discussion: Questions about the Organization Biography
Topic 1: Cognitive Complexity
Bolman and Deal “Making Sense of Organizations”
View Video #5: Cognitive Complexity (20 minutes)
Virtual Class (45 minutes)
Identify five characteristics of organization and how they cause and
impact confusion and chaos in organizations
Describe the reflective practice cycle and how practice episodes
enable leaders to overcome cognitive dissonance
Define cognitive complexity
Compare/contrast cognitive complexity and unitary cognition
Integrate reflective practice with cognitive complexity
Differentiate assessment/evaluation and management/leadership,
discussing how both are “two sides of one coin”
MPA 8002 Organization Theory
Topic 2: Leadership Insight
View Video #6: Leadership Insight (20 minutes)
Virtual Class (45 minutes)
Interpret the 500+ year trajectory of organization theory
Identify how this trajectory enables managers and leaders to “see what
they know”
Explain Lonergan’s eight-step process of insight and how it is
Identify how this process enables managers and leaders to “know what
they see”
Propose how insight challenges leaders to understand their role and
functioning in organizations
MPA 8002 Organization Theory
View Video #7: Completing a Theory Application Form (15 minutes)
View Video #8: Identifying “SMART” Goals (15 minutes)
Threaded Discussion: Questions about Completing a Theory Application
Exercise #1―The Organization Biography
Topic 3: Organizations as Rational Configurations
Bolman and Deal “The Structural Frame”
Download Theory Application Form for Virtual Class
View Video #9: Organizations as Rational Configurations (20 minutes)
Virtual Class (55 minutes)
Summarize the structural scenario and its implications for leadership
Examine the metaphors, central concepts, images of leadership, and
fundamental challenges associated with a structural scenario
Name the five structural elements of an organization, relating each to
the three leadership challenges specified by the structural scenario
Critique how the structural scenario represented a “mental revolution”
that became an “ideology”
Evaluate how the phrase “social architect” can liberate a structural
frame-based understanding of leadership
Assess the strengths/weaknesses and uses/abuses of a structural
Topic 4: The Symbiosis of Organizations and People
Bolman and Deal “The Human Resources Frame”
Download Theory Application Form for Virtual Class
View Video #10: The Symbiosis of Organizations and People (20 minutes)
Virtual Class (55 minutes)
Submit: Exercise #1—The Organization Biography
Summarize a human resources scenario and its implications for leadership
Examine the metaphors, central concepts, images of leadership, as
well as the fundamental challenges associated with a human resources
Compare “pawns” and “origins” using a structural and human resources
Name and explicate the two assumptions of the human resources
Identify and contrast five human resources theories and what they
require of leaders
Assess the strengths/weaknesses and uses/abuses of a human
resources scenario
MPA 8002 Organization Theory
Topic 5: Organizations as Arenas for Constructive Conflict
Bolman and Deal “The Political Frame”
Download and Complete Theory Application Form for Virtual Class
View Video #11: Organizations as Arenas for Constructive Conflict
(20 minutes)
Virtual Class (1 hour)
Summarize a political scenario and its implications for leadership
Examine the metaphors, central concepts, images of leadership, as
well as the fundamental challenges associated with a political scenario
Trace the origins of organizational politics and explore why
managers/leader should expect organizational politics
Analyze what politics requires of leaders
List and describe five assumptions of the political scenario
Assess the strengths/weaknesses and uses/abuses of a political
Topic 6: Organizations and the Search for Meaning and Purpose in Life
Bolman and Deal “The Symbolic Frame”
Download and Complete Theory Application Form for Virtual Class
View Video #12: Organizations and the Search for Meaning and Purpose
in Life (20 minutes)
Virtual Class (1 hour)
Summarize a symbolic scenario and its implications for leadership
Examine the metaphors, central concepts, images of leadership, as
well as the fundamental challenges associated with a political scenario
Compare a “subjective” and “objective” understanding of organization
Trace the development of organizational culture and formulate how
leaders “unearth” it
Evaluate three requirements for leadership that are implied by the
symbolic scenario
Assess the strengths/weaknesses and uses/abuses of a symbolic
MPA 8002 Organization Theory
Week: Class Content:
Unit of Study: “Thinking about Organization Change and Leadership”
Exercise #1―The Organization Biography (revision, if
Topic 7: Scenario Building
Have 4 Theory Application Forms Completed and Ready for Virtual Class
Review Video #5: Cognitive Complexity (20 minutes)
View Video #13: Scenario Building (20 minutes)
Virtual Class (1 hour)
Appraise what a four-frame analysis of organization offers leaders
Using a four-frame analysis, identify and critique how leaders can use
eight core organizational processes to promote organization change
Identify and differentiate between four organizational realities as well
as their implications for leaders
Define “scenario building” and examine what it requires of leaders
Evaluate what a successful scenario evidences, demonstrates,
produces, and serves
Topic 8: Reflective Practice
Download Reflective Practice Worksheet for Virtual Class
View Video #14: Reflective Practice (20 minutes)
Virtual Class (1 hour)
Define “reflective practice” and identify its elements
Describe how “practice episodes” reframe leadership and formulate an
argument that leadership is a learned behavior
Relate these two concepts: “all organization change begins with selfchange” and “leaders resolve issues while followers solve problems”
Integrate “cognitive complexity,” “insight,” and “reflective practice” to
identify and assess the real “work” of leadership
MPA 8002 Organization Theory
Week: Class Content:
Unit of Study: “All Organization Change Begins With Self-Change”
View Video #15: Exercise #2—The Organization Change Plan (20 minutes)
Threaded Discussion: Questions about the Organization Change Plan
Topic 9: People Can Disagree Without Having to be Disagreeable
McWhinney et al. (all with focus on “You, The Agent of
Complete the “Reality Inquiry Questionnaire” in McWhinney et al. book
View Video #16: How People View the World (20 minutes)
View Video #17: Differentiating Between Organizational “Problems” and
“Issues” (20 minutes)
Virtual Class (1 hour)
Describe how most organizational inefficiency and ineffectiveness
represent an organizational dysfunction
Identify the architecture of a seven-step organization change plan that
deals directly with the fundamental dysfunction
Differentiate between “issue” and “problem,” relating both terms to the
work of leaders and followers
Identify and evaluate four worldviews as well as their characteristics
and values
Judge how self-change can provide the foundation for organization
MPA 8002 Organization Theory
Topic 10: Learning to Work with Differing Worldviews
McWhinney et al. (all with focus on “The Modes of Change” and
“Leadership and the Team”)
View Video #18: Working with Different Worldview (20 minutes)
Virtual Class (1 hour)
Explore the leadership work that is involved in “moving” out of one’s
dominant worldview and into three other worldviews
Describe the six modes (“moves”) of change for engaging other
worldviews in dealing with organizational problems
Identify the leadership role and focus, organizing style, planning style,
and approach to conflict management for each mode of change
Differentiate between constructive and unconstructive leader/follower
Elaborate upon how McWhinney et al.’s model differs from Bolman
and Deal’s political frame yet supports Sergiovanni’s reflective practice
MPA 8002 Organization Theory
Topic 11: Making the Right Play on the Right Board
McWhinney et al. (all with focus on “The Games of Change”)
View Video #19: Playing Games and Organization Change (20 minutes)
Virtual Class (1 hour)
Relate the concept of “high leverage” moves to leadership “work”
Identify and describe the six superordinate “boards” and “games” of
organization change
Explore the goals, rules of play, how to win, and the mode of change
for each of the six superordinate boards
Reflecting upon the games of change: a) discuss what organization
change requires of leaders and followers; b) elaborate upon the
challenge confronting leaders; and, c) distinguish six implications for
Topic 12: Selecting a Pathway for an Organization Change Plan
McWhinney et al. (the entire book with a particular focus on
“The Paths of Change,” “Solving the Problem,” and “Tools of
View Video #20: Selecting a Path for an Organization Change Plan
(20 minutes)
Virtual Class (1 hour)
Threaded Discussion: Questions about the Organization Change Plan
Restate McWhinney et al.’s five-step process of organization change
Interpret the idea of a “path of change” and why every path of change
must begin and end in the sensate worldview
Differentiate between a “grand” and a “minor” path of change
Elaborate upon the elements of the two grand paths of change and the
five minor paths of change
Evaluate the process by which a leader determines which path of
change should be pursued
MPA 8002 Organization Theory
Week: Class Content:
Unit of Study: “Building Leadership Density: Getting Followers To
Solve Problems for Themselves”
Topic 13: The Developmental Perspective
DiBella and Nevis (Parts I and III with the focus upon “How
Organizations Learn: Learning Orientations”)
Download Learning Orientations Worksheet for Virtual Class
View Video #21: An Organization’s Learning Orientations (20 minutes)
Virtual Class (1 hour)
Exercise #2―The Organization Change Plan
Explain the purpose of information, the information cycle, as well as
how it is and is not used to promote learning in organizations
Identify organizational behaviors that impede organization learning
Define “learning orientation,” relating the concept to organizational
development and the classical management challenges
Differentiate between the nine learning orientations, their principal
characteristics, and what each challenges leaders to inquire into
Propose how the nine learning orientations offer leaders a mechanism
for thinking about organization change
Topic 14: The Normative Perspective
DiBella and Nevis (Parts I and III with the focus upon “How
Organizations Learn: Facilitating Factors”)
Download Facilitating Factors Worksheet for Virtual Class
View Video #22: Facilitating Organization Learning (20 minutes)
Virtual Class (1 hour)
Submit: Exercise #2—The Organization Change Plan
Define “facilitating factors,” relating the concept to norms that promote
organization learning
Assess what the normative perspective suggests about organizational
development as well as its challenges for leaders
Differentiate between the thirteen facilitating factors, their principal
characteristics, and what each challenges leaders to inquire into
Propose how the thirteen facilitating factors provide leaders/managers
a mechanism for thinking about organization change
MPA 8002 Organization Theory
Week: Class Content:
Topic 15: The Learning Capability Perspective
DiBella and Nevis (Part II)
Download Learning Strategy Worksheet for Virtual Class
View Video #23: Developing Organization Learning Capability
(20 minutes)
Virtual Class (1 hour)
Discuss the concept of “building learning capability,” relating it to
Bolman and Deal’s political frame and McWhinney et al.’s four
Identify three steps involved in developing an integrated learning strategy
as well as the questions, agendas, and goals these steps raise for leaders
Elaborate upon an organization’s learning style
Using an organization to provide “real life” data, assess it as a
“learning organization”
Compare and contrast multi-frame analysis, worldviews, and learning
organization as these assist in developing an organization change plan
Evaluated the importance for leaders of integrating the concepts of
reflective practice, world view, cognitive complexity, insight, and
learning organization when formulating an organization change plan
MPA 8002 Organization Theory
Unit of Study: “Know Your Job and Let Your Followers Do Theirs”
Topic 16: A Practical Theory of Leadership
Bolman and Deal “Making Sense of Organizations, “Improving
Leadership Practice,” and “Epilogue: Artistry, Choice, and
Download Practical Theory Worksheet for Virtual Class
View Video #24: A Practical Theory of Organization and Leadership (20
Virtual Class (1 hour)
Differentiate between: a) “functional theory” and “substantive” theory;
b) “seeing what one knows” and “knowing what one sees”; c)
“knowledge” and “insight”
Examine various ways the metaphor of “investigator” reframes
“leadership” and locates ethical responsibility
Identify and appraise the seven elements of a comprehensive
understanding of organization and how they interact dynamically in a
leader’s mind
Explain the four leadership objectives specified by a comprehensive
understanding of organization as well as three tactics leaders use to
integrate vertical coordination with lateral control
Elaborate upon the characteristics of organizations that require a
practical theory of leadership as well as the challenge this presents to