STUDENT’S MUSICAL RUBRICS Criteria Pitch Accuracy 4 Confidently sings all pitches correctly. Style/Interpretation The performance of the piece is beautifully executed with both appropriate style and interpretation. Rhythmic Confidently Accuracy performs all rhythms correctly. Musicianship Student performs the piece with appropriate dynamics, phrasings, and articulation. 3 Sings most of the pitches correctly with few errors and tracks well in musical score. Most of the piece is performed using correct style and interpretation. Most of the rhythms are performed correctly, with few errors. Most of the dynamics are followed, and most of the articulation signs are observed. Most phrases are performed correctly. 2 Many of the pitches are sung incorrectly, but student tracks well in musical score. Some parts of the piece are performed using both style and interpretation. 1 Most pitches are sung incorrectly and student is not able to track within musical score. The style and interpretation of the piece is not executed during performance. Some basic rhythms are performed correctly; however, has challenges with some rhythms in specific measures. Some dynamics are observed. Some articulation is performed. Some phrases are complete and musically accurate. Most of the rhythms in musical score are performed incorrectly. No dynamics. No use of articulation. Most phrases are performed incorrectly.