RMIT University DETAILED DESIGN REPORT PROC 1025 Project Design – AMINE REGENERATOR Brennan Raymakers Monday 5th October 2015 1 Executive Summary The amine regenerator column is an important application in the process of natural gas extraction and purifying. The acid gases are dissolved into the solution by an absorption tower, in which the product is therefore sent to the regenerator column that regenerats the amine solvent by steam and heat, ideally breaking the molecular bonds of the dissolved gases and separates the two states. The gas extracted in this unit comprises of carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen sulphide (H2S). Through this report the methodology, ideology and implementation of certain processes of regenerator column applications will be investigated and once delegated, the mechanical design will be engineered according to the maximal beneficiary plausible to both external and internal stakeholders. Within the Amine regeneration column, certain considerations should be met in order to ensure appropriate choice of process selection. The main design considerations that are prevalent throughout industry including distillation, absorber and regenerator columns which consist of vertical columns or towers that use trays, in which the different arrangements and their applications will be investigated. Due the large flow rates, the construction will require two carbon steel regenerator columns that are inherently designed with twenty sieve trays made from stainless steel. The total cost for both columns in the current year 2015 is US $1,435,584.8. The regenerator column will treat 981.6 tonnes of gas dissolved in a solvent flow rate of 2571.64 tonnes MEA (monoethalamine) each day. The reboiler analysis will also be conducted and designed mechanically within the report to best suit the strippers operation, in which the total power input required is 49MW using steam as the heating medium. Other major components involved in the extractors operation are omitted within this report as the sole operation surrounding the stripper (including reboiler) is discussed and designed. The total life of the column is taken as 20 years along with entirety of the plant which will require specific attention in maintenance and quality grading inspections to ensure high operability. RMIT University | Executive Summary 2 Contents 1 Executive Summary ......................................................................................................................... 2 Contents .................................................................................................................................................. 3 2 Table of Figures .............................................................................................................................. 6 3 Table of Tables ................................................................................................................................ 9 4 Nomenclature ................................................................................................................................ 10 5 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 12 6 Literature Review and Assessment of Alternatives ....................................................................... 13 6.1 Packed Column ..................................................................................................................... 13 6.1.1 Cost of Packing ............................................................................................................. 14 6.1.2 Operation of Packing .................................................................................................... 14 6.1.3 Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 14 6.2 Tray Column Bubble Cap Application .................................................................................. 15 6.2.1 Operation of Bubble cap ............................................................................................... 15 6.2.2 Comparison & Summary .............................................................................................. 16 6.3 Tray Column Valve Application............................................................................................ 16 6.3.1 6.4 Operation of Valve ........................................................................................................ 17 Tray Column Sieve (With Weir) Application ........................................................................ 18 6.4.1 Operation of Sieve ........................................................................................................ 18 6.4.2 Comparison & summary ............................................................................................... 19 6.4.3 Cost Analysis of Tray Variations ................................................................................... 19 6.5 Tray Column Size Calculation & Comparison ..................................................................... 20 6.5.1 Sieve Tray Example ...................................................................................................... 21 6.5.2 Valve Tray Example ...................................................................................................... 22 6.5.3 Bubble Cap Calculation ................................................................................................ 23 Table 2: Bubble Cap Calculation Data, (Perry 1997) ........................................................................... 23 6.5.4 6.6 Results ........................................................................................................................... 23 Conclusion & Justification of Tray Arrangement ................................................................. 23 6.6.1 Tray Efficiency Comparison ......................................................................................... 24 6.6.2 GEMI Stakeholder Relevance ....................................................................................... 25 6.6.3 Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 25 6.7 Reboiler Arrangement Selection ........................................................................................... 26 6.7.1 Natural Recirculation Reboiler ..................................................................................... 26 6.7.2 Forced Circulation Reboiler .......................................................................................... 27 RMIT University | Executive Summary 3 7 6.7.3 Thermosyphon Reboiler ................................................................................................ 28 6.7.4 Kettle Reboiler .............................................................................................................. 29 6.7.5 Reboiler Summary ........................................................................................................ 30 Equipment Design Regenerator Column ...................................................................................... 31 7.1 Mass & Energy Balance ........................................................................................................ 31 Table 5: Energy Balance of Regenerator ............................................................................................... 31 Table 6: Mass Balance of Regenerator.................................................................................................. 32 7.1.1 Tray Specifications........................................................................................................ 32 7.1.2 Number of theoretical trays........................................................................................... 33 7.1.3 Actual trays ................................................................................................................... 33 7.2 Tray Hydraulics..................................................................................................................... 34 7.2.1 Design Procedure .......................................................................................................... 34 7.3 Relevant Data & Assumptions .............................................................................................. 35 7.4 Summary of Design Results .................................................................................................. 36 Table 10: Summary of Design Results .................................................................................................. 36 7.5 Detailed Design ..................................................................................................................... 37 7.5.1 Top and bottom diameter calculation and comparison.................................................. 37 7.5.2 Liquid flow arrangement ............................................................................................... 40 7.5.3 Provisional Tray Design ................................................................................................ 41 7.5.4 Entrainment ................................................................................................................... 46 7.6 Weeping ................................................................................................................................ 48 Expressed in kilopascals, the pressure difference is ............................................................................. 51 Lmd = liquid flow rate downcomer kg/s ............................................................................................... 53 7.7 8 Safety and Environmental Considerations ............................................................................ 55 7.7.1 Safety Considerations ................................................................................................... 55 7.7.2 Environmental Considerations ...................................................................................... 55 Equipment Design Kettle Reboiler ............................................................................................... 56 8.1 Area calculation .................................................................................................................... 57 Table 14: Data obtained from energy balance....................................................................................... 58 9 10 Mechanical Design of Reboiler..................................................................................................... 63 9.1 Internal Velocity .................................................................................................................... 63 9.2 Tube Layout & Bundle Diameter .......................................................................................... 63 9.3 Dimensions of Kettle Reboiler .............................................................................................. 65 Mechanical Design of Regenerator ........................................................................................... 66 RMIT University | Executive Summary 4 10.1 Materials of Construction...................................................................................................... 66 10.2 Overall Vessel ....................................................................................................................... 69 10.2.1 Height of vessel............................................................................................................. 69 10.2.2 Dead weight of column ................................................................................................. 69 10.2.3 Vessel Support- skirt design .......................................................................................... 71 10.2.4 Vessel Heads and Closures ............................................................................................ 75 10.2.5 Head and vessel thickness ............................................................................................. 76 10.2.6 Vessel Erection and Transportation ............................................................................... 77 10.3 Maintenance .......................................................................................................................... 79 10.3.1 Fouling .......................................................................................................................... 79 10.3.2 Cleaning ........................................................................................................................ 79 10.3.3 Alarms and trips ............................................................................................................ 80 10.4 Mechanical Illustrations ........................................................................................................ 81 10.4.1 10.5 Manway......................................................................................................................... 84 Flanges & Nozzles ................................................................................................................ 85 10.5.1 Flange types .................................................................................................................. 85 10.5.2 Lap-joint flange ............................................................................................................. 87 10.5.3 Flange Face ................................................................................................................... 88 10.5.4 Gaskets .......................................................................................................................... 90 10.5.5 Nozzles .......................................................................................................................... 91 10.6 Functionality of Column ....................................................................................................... 92 10.6.1 Start Up Procedure ........................................................................................................ 92 10.6.2 Steady state operation ................................................................................................... 93 10.6.3 Shut down procedure .................................................................................................... 94 11 Data Sheet ................................................................................................................................. 95 12 Process Instrumentation & Control Diagram ............................................................................ 96 Table 28: PID Controls ......................................................................................................................... 97 12.1 Process Variables................................................................................................................... 97 12.2 Process Control ..................................................................................................................... 98 12.3 Level Sensors & Control ....................................................................................................... 99 12.4 Flow Sensors & Control...................................................................................................... 101 12.5 Temperature Sensors ........................................................................................................... 103 12.6 Pressure Sensors & Control ................................................................................................ 104 12.7 Equipment cost.................................................................................................................... 106 RMIT University | Executive Summary 5 13 2 References ............................................................................................................................... 108 Table of Figures Figure 1: Structured Packing ................................................................................................................. 13 Figure 2: Random Packing ..................................................................................................................... 13 Figure 3: Cost of Packing Materials ....................................................................................................... 14 Figure 4: Random Packing, [Engineering Data Book. 2004] .................................................................. 14 Figure 5: Tray vs Packed MEA System Comparison, Hall, Stephen. (2012) ........................................... 14 Figure 6: Bubble Cap [Engineering Data Book. 2004] ........................................................................... 15 Figure 7: Bubble Cap Gas Flow [Engineering Data Book. 2004]............................................................ 16 Figure 8: Valve. [ Walas, S.M.. (1990)] .................................................................................................. 17 Figure 9: Sieve Tray, [Coker, A. Kayode. (2010)] .................................................................................... 18 Figure 10: Tray Cost Analysis, [Coker, A. Kayode. (2010).] .................................................................... 19 Figure 11: Tray Cost Analysis, [Perry, Robert H. Green, Don W. 1997].................................................. 19 Figure 12: Cost of Materials, [Perry, Robert H. Green Don W. 1997] .................................................... 20 Figure 13: Sieve tray Design, [Perry, Robert H. Green, Don W. 1997] ................................................... 21 Figure 14: Tray Design Pass, [Perry, Robert H. Green, Don W. 1997] .................................................... 22 Figure 15: Tray Efficiency Comparison, [Walas, S.M.. (1990)] ............................................................... 24 Figure 16: Application Comparison of Trays, [Hall, Stephen. (2012)] ................................................... 24 Figure 17: Natural Circulation Reboiler, [Hall, Stephen. (2012)] ........................................................... 26 Figure 18: Forced-Circulation Reboiler, [Hall, Stephen. (2012)]............................................................ 27 Figure 19: Thermosyphon Reboiler (horizontal), [Hall, Stephen. (2012)] ............................................. 28 Figure 20: Thermosyphon Reboiler (vertical), [Hall, Stephen. (2012)] ................................................. 28 Figure 21: Kettle reboiler, [Hall, Stephen. (2012)] ................................................................................ 29 Figure 22: Overall Regenerator ............................................................................................................. 31 Figure 23: Regenerator Column ............................................................................................................ 31 Figure 24: Tray Efficiencies, (Sinnott 2009) ........................................................................................... 33 Figure 25: Single Pass Column & Tray, [Moss, Dennis R. Basic, Michael M.. (2013)] ............................ 36 Figure 26: Picket Weir, Sinnott, Ray K. Towler, Gavin. (2009)................................................................ 36 Figure 27: Flv Vs K1, , Sinnott, Ray K. Towler, Gavin. (2009) ................................................................. 38 Figure 28: Dc Vs Volumetric Liq Flowrate, (Sinnott 2009) ..................................................................... 40 Figure 29: Flow Arrangement, (Coker 2010) ......................................................................................... 41 RMIT University | Table of Figures 6 Figure 30: Angle Relation ...................................................................................................................... 42 Figure 31: Ad/Ac Vs lw/Dc, (Sinnott 2009) ............................................................................................ 43 Figure 32: Ah/Ap Vs Lp/dh, (Sinnott 2009) ........................................................................................... 45 Figure 33: FLV Vs Ψ, (Sinnott 2009)....................................................................................................... 47 Figure 34: liquid height vs K2 ................................................................................................................ 48 Figure 35: Ah/Ap Vs Co.......................................................................................................................... 50 Figure 36: Downcomer Backup ............................................................................................................. 52 Figure 37: Kettle Reboiler Arrangement ............................................................................................... 56 Figure 38: Reboiler ................................................................................................................................ 56 Figure 39: Pitch Arrangements, (Sinnott 2009) ..................................................................................... 63 Figure 40: Mechanical Design of Kettle Reboiler, (Sinnott 2009).......................................................... 65 Figure 42: Material Selection Summary ............................................................................................... 68 Figure 41: Stainless Steel Metallurgy, (Moss 2013) .............................................................................. 68 Figure 43: Skirt Arrangement, (Moss 2013) .......................................................................................... 71 Figure 44: Supporting Skirt Dimensions, (Sinnott 2009) ....................................................................... 72 Figure 45: Vessel Domed Heads, (Sinnott 2009) ................................................................................... 75 Figure 46: Torispherical Head................................................................................................................ 76 Figure 47: Typical Trucking Compliance Audit, (Moss 2013)................................................................. 77 Figure 48: lifting lug dimensions ........................................................................................................... 78 Figure 49: Lifting lug, (Moss 2013) ........................................................................................................ 78 Figure 50: Low level trip, (Lieberman 2009) ......................................................................................... 80 Figure 51: Typical Sieve Tray Arrangement, (Moss 2013) ................................................................... 81 Figure 52: Column outer dimensions .................................................................................................... 82 Figure 53: Sieve tray dimensions .......................................................................................................... 83 Figure 54: Column internal & external applications ............................................................................. 83 Figure 55: Manway Illustration, (Arnold 2008) ..................................................................................... 84 Figure 56: Welding rock flange.............................................................................................................. 85 Figure 57: slip on flange ........................................................................................................................ 85 Figure 58: Lap-point flange ................................................................................................................... 85 Figure 59: screwed flange ..................................................................................................................... 85 Figure 60: Blind flange .......................................................................................................................... 85 Figure 61: Lap-joint flange measurements ........................................................................................... 87 Figure 62: Lap-joint flange dimensions ................................................................................................. 87 RMIT University | Table of Figures 7 Figure 63: Spigot and Socket ................................................................................................................. 88 Figure 64: Narrow faced flange ............................................................................................................. 88 Figure 65: Full face flange ..................................................................................................................... 88 Figure 66: Stripper Operating Actions .................................................................................................. 93 Figure 67: Process Instrumentation Diagram (PID) ............................................................................... 96 Figure 68: Float Level Control,[Battikha, N.E.. (2007).] ......................................................................... 99 Figure 69: Level Measurement Comparisons, [Battikha, N.E.. (2007).] .............................................. 100 Figure 70: Orifice Plate Pressure Sensor, [Battikha, N.E.. (2007)] ....................................................... 101 Figure 71: Flow Measurement Comparison, [Battikha, N.E.. (2007).] ................................................ 102 Figure 72: Temperature Sensor Comparison, [Battikha, N.E.. (2007).] ............................................... 103 Figure 73: Temperature Sensor Thermocouple, [Battikha, N.E.. (2007).] ........................................... 104 Figure 74: Pressure Piezoeletric Sensor, [Battikha, N.E.. (2007).] ....................................................... 104 Figure 75: Pressure Measurement Comparisons, [Battikha, N.E.. (2007)] ......................................... 105 RMIT University | Table of Figures 8 3 Table of Tables Table 1:Example Data ............................................................................................................................ 20 Table 2: Bubble Cap Calculation Data, (Perry 1997) ........................................................................... 23 Table 3: Overall Summary Tray Type [Trambouze, Pierre. (2000) ...................................................... 23 Table 4: Reboiler Comparison, [Hall, Stephen. (2012)] ......................................................................... 30 Table 5: Energy Balance of Regenerator ............................................................................................... 31 Table 6: Mass Balance of Regenerator.................................................................................................. 32 Table 7: Tray Parameters ....................................................................................................................... 32 Table 8: : Relevant Data (obtained from energy & mass balance) ........................................................ 35 Table 9: Assumed Values for Design .................................................................................................... 35 Table 10: Summary of Design Results .................................................................................................. 36 Table 11: Liquid Flow Arrangment ........................................................................................................ 40 Table 12: Energy & Mass Balance of Reboiler ..................................................................................... 56 Table 13: Relevant Data......................................................................................................................... 57 Table 14: Data obtained from energy balance....................................................................................... 58 Table 15: Relevant Data Assumed According to Operability ............................................................... 59 Table 16: Relevant Data Obtained ........................................................................................................ 60 Table 17: Pitch of Tube Parameters, Reboiler, (Sinnott 2009) .............................................................. 63 Table 18: Kettle Reboiler Summary...................................................................................................... 65 Table 19: Metallurgical recommendations for MEA (Ropital 2009) .................................................... 67 Table 20: Insulation Properties ............................................................................................................. 67 Table 21: lifting lug dimensions............................................................................................................ 78 Table 22: Column manway sizing .......................................................................................................... 84 Table 23: Tray manway sizing ................................................................................................................ 84 Table 24: Flange location and dimension ............................................................................................. 89 Table 25: Gasket sizing .......................................................................................................................... 90 Table 26: Nozzle Properties .................................................................................................................. 91 Table 27: Data Sheet ............................................................................................................................. 95 Table 28: PID Controls ......................................................................................................................... 97 Table 29: CAPCOST data ...................................................................................................................... 106 Table 30: Exchange rates ..................................................................................................................... 107 RMIT University | Table of Tables 9 4 Nomenclature A Ad Am Ao Avg.MWt C CS Ct Cw D Db Dm do Ds E Ey Fouling Fp g h h2 hb Hc hd hd Hh Hi Hnb hnb Ho how how hr Ht ht ht Hv hw hw k1 Kl l Lm Lmd LMTD Lt Lw lw Lw M Ms Ms Area downcomer area, clearance of plate spacing area of pipe average molecule weight of vapour seismic coefficient Carbon steel corrosion allowance correlation factor to account for nozzles, manways, internal supports diameter bundle diameter mean diameter of vessel outer diameter of tubes inside diameter of skirt joint efficiency youngs modulus heat transfer to compromise fouling Correlation of Prandtl constant gravity height of from base to knuckle radius height of head downcomer backup heat transfer of condensation dry plate drop downcomer pressure drop height of head enthalpy of feed heat transfer of pool boiling Pool boiling heat capacity enthalpy at exit weir crest crest height residual head height of trays pressure drop total pressure drop height of vessel height of weir height of the weir data constant Thermal conductivity of liquid condensate length of tubes liquid flow rate liquid flow rate downcomer log mean temperature difference tray spacing, m Liquid flow rate minimum, weir length liquid weight gasket factor maximum bending moment wind stress RMIT University | Nomenclature 10 n n1 ni no Nt Nt P Pc Pi Pr Ps Pv Pw Pw Qc r1 r2 Rc Rok S SS Ss Ζ¬ T t t ti Ts Tsk Tsk Tsk U V Vi VL Vm Vs W Wc Wi Wl Ws Wv WvT ρL ρV σbs ποΏ½i ποΏ½L ποΏ½m ποΏ½v ποΏ½sc ποΏ½st ποΏ½ws standard mol quantity data constant molar flow rate of feed molar flow rate at exit number of trays number of tubes, Operating pressure Critical pressure safety pressure (10% above operating pressure) Prandtl Number: ratio of critical pressure to operating pressure thickness of plate volume of plate dynamic wind pressure, 1280 N/m2 (Sinnott 2009) plate weight Critical heat flux radius knuckle radius knuckle radius radius outside the skirt stress at knuckle point Stainless steel maximum allowable design stress horizontal tube loading operating temperature thickness of vessel thickness insulation thickness standard temperature conditions thickness of skirt thickness of the skirt thickness of skirt overall heat transfer coefficient velocity volume of insulation volume of liquid in vessel vapour flowrate standard volume conditions dead weight of the vessel calming zone insulation weight wind loading unperforated strip dead weight of vessel total weight of vessel liquid density vapour density bending stress density of insulation density of liquid density of vessel material density of vapour compressive stress tensile stress deadweight stress on skirt RMIT University | Nomenclature 11 5 Introduction The stripper column will be inherently designed around the mass and energy balance required to power an entire natural gas processing plant. The design basis therefore will reference data and conditions specified for the mass and heat necessities which are part of the preliminary stage of the project (see report one for feasibility study) The column has twenty stages and twenty stainless steel sieve trays that operate at a pressure of 130kpa and an overall temperature of 110Cβ° in order to vaporise the water to steam and strip the gas from the amine solvent. The amine solvent concentration is 30wt% as feed to the column. The variation in applicable trays are discussed, as well as a comparison of packed vs tray columns in which the conclusion will be based on all valid parameters of engineering, environmental and economical that are classified according to all stakeholders internal and external. All matters of mechanical infrastructure, mechanical design and mechanical transportation and operation are specified in depth and great detail, enabling the report to not only assist, but found the basis for the construction of the unit. The process variables and instrumentation of the stripper unit along with the necessary controls required for the overhead condenser, reboiler and pipelines are illustrated and outlined enabling operation of controls. The capital cost estimation was estimated using CAPCOST and applying the relevant conversions to represent the plant location in Cartagena, Colombia. RMIT University | Introduction 12 6 Literature Review and Assessment of Alternatives 6.1 Packed Column Traditionally, columns used in industry are designed with a tray assembly due to their wide range of applications and selectivity; however the alternative to tray columns presents other advantages found in packed columns. There are generally three types of volume used in packed columns called random packing, structured packing and grids. Random packing is a design that utilises delegated pieces of material that are filled throughout the column forming no apparent unison or order. The packing types differ depending on the desired surface area, pressure drop and operational conditions. Structured packing is an assembly of material that is desired from calculations predicting and specifying particular geometry and necessary orientation of packing structure. These specific types of packing come in two arrangements called knitted-type (mesh) or sectioned beds made of corrugated sheets. There are various types of readily available packing’s that have specific attributes of crimps, surface personality and the utilisation of perforations. Figure 1: Random Packing Figure 2: Structured Packing An alternative to both structured and random column packing is called grids. These grids are conventionally used for applications involving vacuum operation and minimal pressure type systems. The packing operation seen in the industry is well manifested amongst low liquid loading applications such as glycol dehydration. Packing has the advantage over tray columns in that the surface area is substantially higher than packing and intimate contact can be established between materials. RMIT University | Literature Review and Assessment of Alternatives 13 6.1.1 Cost of Packing Figure 3: Cost of Packing Materials Comparing the cost of packing to tray columns and considering the operating conditions (see figure 5) the packing as an alternative to tray column costs up to 3 times the amount, and has relatively similar operating conditions analysis for the use of MEA in an amine regenerator column. 6.1.2 Operation of Packing 6.1.3 Packing, Conclusion Figure 4: Random [Engineering Data Book. 2004] Figure 5: Tray vs Packed MEA System Comparison, Hall, Stephen. (2012) In conclusion, as an alternative packing column in use of on amine regeneration column stripping hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide, this selection is not sufficient when in comparison to economic comparison to a tray column, and according to the GEMI analysis of external and internal stakeholder investigation, economic performance is of high significance. Since the particular conditions require no special consideration for a substantial increase in surface area, the use of tray remains justified and is further discussed in detail in the following selections. RMIT University | Literature Review and Assessment of Alternatives 14 6.2 Tray Column Bubble Cap Application The tray column is a design that is very common in industry and is an alternative to the packed column depending on the utilisation of the unit, these columns can contain variational types of trays that can be engineered to provide better operational conditions depending on properties such as substance characteristics, viscosities, flow rates, densities, contact surface area, retention time, corrosivity and more. Shown in Figure 6 is a visual representation of a bubble cap tray [Engineering Data Book. 2004]. 6.2.1 Operation of Bubble cap The bubble caps in compilation with the weirs and downcomer sections sustain a specific liquid level on the trays. The liquid flows down through the volume of the columns by pressure and gravity alternating direction with each tray. The gas flows up through the trays via the bubble caps and orifices which create a contact mix between the solvent and gas [Engineering Data Book. 2004]. Because of the design of a bubble cap, it is the alternative to sieve and valve trays as the bubble cap design is the only method that is able to prevent liquid from weeping through orifices that are designed for gas flow, and is only intended for vapour allowance. For the design of a valve of sieve tray, the gas velocity parameters must be specifically engineered and controlled to prevent the phenomena of weeping from occurring [Engineering Data Book. 2004]. The bubble cap design Figure 6: Bubble Cap [Engineering Data Book. 2004] also contains the highest reliability for turn-down ratio averaging at 9:1, while sieve ratio is 3:1 and valve tray is 5:1. [Engineering Data Book. 2004] The valve and sieve trays are commonly chosen due to their cheap cost benefits and high capacity and capability in which is greater than bubble cap over the same design parameters. The working site of the bubble cap is called the “slot” at which the point of location of bubbling occurs. The initiation of the bubbling action is caused by either of two possible shapes being rectangular or trapezoidal. The trapezoidal capacity is demonstrated to give a high capacity limit while rectangular gives better performance at lower gas rates (Coker 2010). RMIT University | Literature Review and Assessment of Alternatives 15 6.2.2 Comparison & Summary The capacity of bubble tray is relatively high,however, iss less than sieve or perforated and efficiency is the same as any other tray (as efficiency is due to optimal operating conditionswithin theedesignn). The entrainment of bubble tray compared to sieve and perforated is about three times as much (Coker 2010). The flexibility status is the highest of all tray selections over both high and low vapour and liquid rates and also is permissible for positive drainage of solution from trays. (Coker 2010). The bubble cap applications remain practical excluding extreme coking conditions, polymer forming or high fouling system production. Its best attribute is that it can maintain operation through extremely low gas flow rate operations and weeping is prohibited due to the geometry of bubble cap (Coker 2010). Figure 7: Bubble Cap Gas Flow [Engineering Data Book. 2004] The major disadvantage of bubble cap is that the cost is significantly higher, so when good operability conditions are present within the process, the use of a bubble cap design would be unsuitable as the use of its application would not be necessary, and would perform at an economic and engineering loss (Couper 2010). 6.3 Tray Column Valve Application The valve column trays contain valves that have a retractable or lift-able cap that moves in height proportional to the gas velocity and flow rate entering the orifice (shown in figure 7). The caps are generally located about 0.25 cm from the base of the tray and rise to a maximum of 0.81cm .(Walas 1990). The design of a valve tray is more complex to design than an alternative sieve tray, however, they tend to remain at a cheaper purchase cost due to their trait of pertaining larger holes and thicker plates which require less support from the column and lower their expense of construction.(Walas 1990). RMIT University | Literature Review and Assessment of Alternatives 16 6.3.1 Operation of Valve Valve trays are often regarded as the intermediate choice between bubble caps and sieve plates as they contain some of the benefits over both solutions by incorporating a mix of advantages and disadvantages that deliver special characteristics. For example, they allow for better control and flexibility like a bubble cap when gas flow rates and velocities may be diverse, it can have inherit design to counteract the loss of efficiency by having variable valve configuration closing and opening at certain strengths (bubble cap also has properties to allow for flexibility) however sieve trays are limited (Richardson 2002). The major disadvantage with valve and bubble cap alike is that they operate poorly with highly fouling conditions as they raised distance from the plate allows for capture of material and trap materials which greatly decreases efficiency. The valves on the plate are either designed from metal discs or metal strips. The cap is connected by what is called the legs, which control the vertical displacement of the valve, and in some special cases it is possible to design a cap that is plausible in fully sealing the valve from liquid by designing the valve to remain closed when gas limits are insufficient limited (Richardson 2002). During operation when the gas velocity is greatly decreased for any reason, the efficiency also greatly declines as the liquid passing over the bubble caps or perforations has minimal contact Figure 8: Valve. [ Walas, S.M.. (1990)] with the flow of gas (Stewart 2014). It may even be possible that at these conditions the solution can travel over the whole column area without contacting any vapour at all. In this circumstance there are no compensations to alter this phenomena except change the operating conditions (Stewart 2014). During operation for any reason if this does occur, valve trays can incorporate a specific design that consists of differing types of valve rates called “heavy” and “light”. As the vapour rate declines during the process due to any reason, the specific valves will orientate themselves accordingly and begin to close (Stewart 2014). As the tray pertains both heavy and light sites, the heavy valves will close primarily before the light valves, allowing for re-direction of gas flow in which will increase its quantity over the light valve orifice allowing for liquid-gas contact which sustains the process (Stewart 2014). With the inherit design, the operating conditions if temperamental may benefit from this design in weeping considerations are considered and altered to mitigate where possible (Stewart 2014). RMIT University | Literature Review and Assessment of Alternatives 17 6.4 Tray Column Sieve (With Weir) Application 6.4.1 Operation of Sieve The performance of sievetrays iss likened to that of a bubble cap and even more the valve tray as the basic mechanical characteristics are the same (Coker 2010). Instead of having either bubble caps or valves, they’re replaced with sieves of perforations throughout the distribution in the plate that can be orientated accordingly. The gas rises vertically through the orifices in the plate into the liquid causing contact and mixing (Richardson 2002). The sieve tray is said to one of the cheapest designs when on its own (Coker 2010). The major disadvantage that is seen with sieve trays is that they have very poor flexibility as they have little selectively (Coker 2010). It cannot be engineered to account for weeping or flooding conditions in its mechanical inherit design, instead, operating parameters hold the responsibility for system production (unlike bubble tray and valve which give high selectivity and contribution). Any low vapour rate that occurs will cause weeping and reduce overall efficiency (Coker 2010) Figure 9: Sieve Tray, [Coker, A. Kayode. (2010)] RMIT University | Literature Review and Assessment of Alternatives 18 6.4.2 Comparison & summary The uses of sieve trays are stated to be utilised only when very specific conditions that do not fluctuate. However, because of the design of the sieve tray, it’s operability is good for conditions of fouling as they’re cleaner than the alternative (Richardson 2002). The action through the perforations known as bubbling causes any solids or contaminants to travel down from each tray till the exit as there are no raised hindrances from the plate unlike both bubble cap and valve (Richardson 2002). When the design range is appropriate for operation, sieve trays are the preferable choice of tray as they have better performance and capacity ranging from 1.5 to 3 times as much as either valve or bubble. Sieve trays produce lessened rates of jetting action causing frothing and the entrainment levels measured from the surface of the plate are averaged to be a third less than bubble cap (relatively similar to valve) for the same dimensions. 6.4.3 Cost Analysis of Tray Variations As seen in figure 10 and figure 11, the most expensive tray type is the bubble variation being considerably high, followed by the valve orientation, and the cheapest method of regeneration column shown to be sieve tray. Since amine is a toxic substance in the particular environment; stainless steel will be required to ensure long term insurability of duration of the regeneration unit were specified. (Richardson 2002) Figure 11: Tray Cost Analysis, [Perry, Robert H. Green, Don W. 1997] Figure 10: Tray Cost Analysis, [Coker, A. Kayode. (2010).] RMIT University | Literature Review and Assessment of Alternatives 19 Figure 12: Cost of Materials, [Perry, Robert H. Green Don W. 1997] 6.5 Tray Column Size Calculation & Comparison A comparison of column size for sieve, valve and bubble-cap are calculated in the following example in order to calculate the size differential. The parameters will remain constant; the following conditions are used… (Following example and equations, (Perry 1997)) C3 Splitter containing 24 inch tray displacement with 80% flooding operation. Table 1:Example Data Parameter Value Vapour flow rate 271,500 lbs/HR Vapour volumetric flow rate 27.52 CFs Liquid flow rate 259,000 lbs/HR Liquid volumetric flow rate 1100 gpm Vapour density 2.748 lb/Cu ft Liquid density 29.29 lb/Cu ft RMIT University | Literature Review and Assessment of Alternatives 20 6.5.1 Sieve Tray Example (π·π) = πΏ ππΊ 259100 2.75 √ √ =οΏ½ = 0.2924 πΊ ππΏ 271500 29.3 (ππΏ − ππΊ) 29.3 πΊππ οΏ½πππππππ‘π¦ = π·π × √ = 0.24 × √ = 0.746πππ ππΏ 2.75 − 1 πΊππ οΏ½π£ππππππ‘π¦ = 0.8 × 0.746 = 0.597πππ ππ£ 27.52 π·πππππ‘πποΏ½πποΏ½ππππ’ππ = οΏ½ √π = √π οΏ½ = 7.67ππ‘ × ππ × 0.597 4 4 Figure 13: Sieve tray Design, [Perry, Robert H. Green, Don W. 1997] RMIT University | Literature Review and Assessment of Alternatives 21 6.5.2 Valve Tray Example ππ ππποΏ½πΉπππ’πποΏ½11, π·πππππ‘ππ = 9.4ππ‘οΏ½(ππποΏ½πππ π ), 7.6ππ‘(π‘π€ποΏ½πππ π ) ππ 2.75 πΊππ οΏ½πππππππ‘π¦οΏ½(ππ) = ππ£ × √ = 27.52 × √ = 8.86ππ‘ 3 /π ππΏ − ππ 29.3 − 2.75 Figure 14: Tray Design Pass, [Perry, Robert H. Green, Don W. 1997] RMIT University | Literature Review and Assessment of Alternatives 22 Bubble Cap Calculation 6.5.3 πΆπππ’πποΏ½π·πππππ‘ππ = 0.0956 ( 0.5 ππ£ πΎ × √ππΏππ ) 271500 0.5 = 0.0956 ( ) 4.2 × √29.3 × 2.75 = 8.11ππ‘ Table 2: Bubble Cap Calculation Data, (Perry 1997) T RAY SPACING (IN.) K 18 24 30 <30 3.4 4.2 4.7 5.0 Wv = vapour rate (lb/hr) ρV= vapour density (lb/cuft) ρL= liquid density (lb/cuft) Results 6.5.4 Sieve tray = 7.67 ft Bubble cap tray =8.11 ft Valve tray = 9.4ft (one pass), 7.6ft (two pass) 6.6 Conclusion & Justification of Tray Arrangement Type Bubble Cap Valve Sieve with Weir Sieve without Weir capacity Average High High Very High Flexibility Excellent Good Average Poor Entrainment High Moderate Moderate Moderate Pressure Drop High Average Average Average Cost High = 2 to 3 Moderate = 1 to 2 Low = 1 Low Maintenance Fairly High Moderate Low Low Plugging Tendency High Moderate Low Low Design Well known Well know by suppliers Well known Less well known Recommended Applications Low liquid flow rate Very wide range If flexibility unnecessary If plugging expected Market Share 5% 70% 25% Specific applications Table 3: Overall Summary Tray Type [Trambouze, Pierre. (2000) RMIT University | Literature Review and Assessment of Alternatives 23 6.6.1 Tray Efficiency Comparison Figure 15: Tray Efficiency Comparison, [Walas, S.M.. (1990)] From the following illustration, sieve and valve perform better than bubble cap over several comparisons concerning different solvent utilisation. Sieve valves also perform slightly better than valve, as it can handle larger capacities and are cheaper to purchase and operate. Figure 16: Application Comparison of Trays, [Hall, Stephen. (2012)] RMIT University | Literature Review and Assessment of Alternatives 24 6.6.2 GEMI Stakeholder Relevance From the GEMI analysis (see feasibility study) of intern and external stakeholder validity and relevance investigation, economic performance of the financial status, ease of maintenance and repair and waste generation and management as the proclaimed key indicators were rated of significance. In reference to worksheet 2a and 2b, it is appropriate to incorporate the stakeholder validity into the contribution of the process selection as outlawed in the following report. Sieve tray regeneration columns are the cheapest to produce and operate. Because they have high fouling tolerance and simplistic design they’re easy to incorporate man holes and therefore the easiest and readily available access for both maintenance and repair. 6.6.3 Conclusion The sieve tray design is also the most known design and the easiest to operate in production, Since the specific design is relatively constant conditions requiring little flexibility without extreme low or high vapour rates and no specific requirements outside normal operability of regenerator column design, sieve trays with weir is the ideal methodology to be used proving most suitable and beneficial economically, mechanically and operationally optimal. RMIT University | Literature Review and Assessment of Alternatives 25 6.7 Reboiler Arrangement Selection There are many types of reboiler designs that can be implemented according to certain parameters that may require special consideration or attention in the regeneration column [Engineering Data Book. 2004]. The main types investigated and considered are Natural circulation, forced circulation, thermosyphon and kettle reboiler. The delegation of each type of reboiler is classified to certain criteria in which are then evaluated depending on the priority and significance of each key attribute. The general selection criteria for reboilers are [Engineering Data Book. 2004] ο· Heat transfer surface prerequisite ο· Area and piping required ο· Ability of ease and cost of maintenance ο· Fouling occurrence ο· Stability of operation controls ο· Cost of operation and capital ο· Column and skirt elevation requirements. 6.7.1 Natural Recirculation Reboiler Figure 17: Natural Circulation Reboiler, [Hall, Stephen. (2012)] Natural circulation reboilers are the most prevalent of all reboilers found in industry. This type of system is designed in two differential systems, one through reboiler and recirculating reboiler shown in figure 17. RMIT University | Literature Review and Assessment of Alternatives 26 All the liquid at the base of the regeneration column is directed into the reboiler where the system partially vaporisers the solution. The fraction of unvapourised solution is withdrawn from the reboiler with the exiting bottom product, the remaining vapour is returned into the column. The recirculating boiler operates slightly different in that the liquid and vapour are permitted to circulate according to the pressure difference show in figure 17 (b) as the liquid static head pressure . [Engineering Data Book. 2004] 6.7.2 Forced Circulation Reboiler Figure 18: Forced-Circulation Reboiler, [Hall, Stephen. (2012)] In a forced circulation reboiler, also known as a “pump through” reboiler, all the liquid from the bottom tray of the regeneration column is pumped into the reboiler which may occur as many times as economically plausible in order to regular vaporisation rates within the stripper [Engineering Data Book. 2004]. This particularly type of setup is utilised when high pressures exceed the use of conventional designs such as natural recirculation. The main advantage consistent with forced recirculation is that it possess the ability to stringently control circulation rate of components and can handle viscous and solid pertaining substances , however its operational cost is high than natural circulation, which if applicable is more suitable [Engineering Data Book. 2004]. RMIT University | Literature Review and Assessment of Alternatives 27 6.7.3 Thermosyphon Reboiler Figure 19: Thermosyphon Reboiler (horizontal), [Hall, Stephen. (2012)] Figure 20: Thermosyphon Reboiler (vertical), [Hall, Stephen. (2012)] Thermosyphon heat exchangers as shown in Figure 19 and 20 can be either horizontal of vertical. The Thermosyphon reboiler has a construction arrangement that generally contains a relatively simple design consisting of simply a one tube pass shell heat exchanger [Engineering Data Book. 2004]. The main attribute of this design is that it is capable of relatively large surface area heat transfer rates due to its design and requires simple construction and piping. The Thermosyphon due to its primitive application has high tolerance for potential fouling and has a good level of controllability of circulation rate and vaporisation [Engineering Data Book. 2004]. The vertical arrangement sits close to the stripper and usually is built with additional column skirts which make maintenance difficult. The horizontal type is similar in nature to the vertical however it has less skirt height (as it doesn’t require as much circulation head, i.e pressure). The horizontal type thermosyphon can be either natural or forced in its circulatory system design [Engineering Data Book. 2004]. RMIT University | Literature Review and Assessment of Alternatives 28 6.7.4 Kettle Reboiler Figure 21: Kettle reboiler, [Hall, Stephen. (2012)] The kettle reboiler is designed with relatively different configuration and applications of its boiling approach. Liquid from the bottom of the column is directed driven by gravity into the boiler. A weir is established within the kettle design that maintains the desired liquid height. The tube bundle is fully submersed within the aqueous phase. As the fluid is vaporised it is fed back into the column for further stripping of material [Engineering Data Book. 2004]. The un-vaporised solution is fed from the bottom as product. The approach of the kettle reboiler makes it easy to control and no multiphase flow or circulation rate needs to be integrated or considered. The kettle reboiler simply acts as an extra tray in the column in which control of vaporisation can be employed. Because of vapour disengagement phenomena that occur as subset, the kettle shape is formed which has larger construction costs than alternative designs, however because the external skirt requirement is reduced the overall cost is balanced [Engineering Data Book. 2004]. RMIT University | Literature Review and Assessment of Alternatives 29 6.7.5 Reboiler Summary Table 4: Reboiler Comparison, [Hall, Stephen. (2012)] Reboiler type Kettle Advantages ο· ο· ο· ο· Extra piping and space High cost Fouls with dirty fluids ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· One theoretical tray Ease of maintenance vapour disengaging Low skirt height Handles viscosity greater than 0.5cP Ease of control No limit on vapour lead One theoretical tray Simple piping and compact Not easily fouled Less cost than kettle ο· ο· ο· ο· Difficult maintenance High skirt height No control of circulation Moderate controllability ο· ο· ο· Good controllability Simple piping and compact Less cost than kettle ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· No theoretical tray Accumulation of high boiling point components in feed line, temperature may be higher than column Too high liquid level could cause loss of efficiency Fouls easier Difficult to maintain High skirt height One theoretical tray Simple piping and compact Not easily fouled Lower skirt height than vertical Less pressure drop than vertical Longer tubes possible ο· ο· ο· No control of circulation Moderate controllability High skirt height Ease of maintenance Lower skirt height than vertical Less pressure drop than vertical Less cost than kettle One theoretical tray Handles high viscous solids-containing liquids Circulation controlled High transfer coefficient ο· ο· ο· ο· No theoretical tray Extra space and piping compared to vertical Fouls easier Accumulation of higher boiling point (may be higher than stripper temperature) ο· ο· Vertical onethrough Vertical natural circulation Disadvantages ο· Horizontal once through ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· Horizontal natural circulation ο· ο· ο· Forced circulation ο· ο· ο· ο· ο· Because of the operating conditions and the nature of process, the delegated mode of heating is a kettle reboiler as it can handle high flow rates, orientation is suitable, is tolerable with the type of solvent and is the conventionally most preferred. RMIT University | Literature Review and Assessment of Alternatives 30 7 Equipment Design Regenerator Column S-10 7.1 Mass & Energy Balance S-11 H-103 S-12 S-9 S-9 S-12 S-15 MEA Regenerator Column DC-102 S-10 S-14 Figure 22: Overall Regenerator S-15 DC-102 H-102 S-16 S-14 Figure 23: Regenerator Column Table 5: Energy Balance of Regenerator DC-102 99% Efficiency Temperature (β°C) 110.00 45.00 110.00 110.00 90.00 Pressure (kPa) 245.00 150.00 130.00 130.00 130.00 Mass Flow (Tonnes/hr) 144.70 67.52 73.99 108.35 114.69 Density (kg/m3) 908.43 943.20 0.95 0.795 950 Components / Streams (Mmol/hr) S-9 S-12 S-15 S-10 S-14 Methane 0.18 (g) 0.18 - (g) 0.18 (g) - (g) Ethane 0.01 (g) 0.01 - (g) 0.01 (g) - (g) Propane 0.00 (g) 0.00 - (g) 0.00 (g) - (g) i-Butane 0.00 (g) 0.00 - (g) 0.00 (g) - (g) n-Butane 0.00 (g) 0.00 - (g) 0.00 (g) - (g) Pentanes 0.00 (g) 0.00 - (g) 0.00 (g) - (g) Nitrogen 0.01 (g) 0.01 - (g) 0.01 (g) - (g) Carbon dioxide 0.20 (g) 0.00 0.00 (g) 0.19 (g) 0.00 (g) Oxygen 0.00 (g) 0.00 - (g) 0.00 (g) - (g) Hydrogen Sulphide 0.84 (g) 0.01 0.00 (g) 0.84 (g) 0.25 (g) Water 4.17 (g) 3.71 4.09 (g) 3.75 (g) 4.13 (l) MEA 1.04 (l) 0.01 0.01 (l) 0.01 (l) 1.03 (l) Triethylene Glycol - (l) - - (l) - (l) - (l) Air - (g) - - (g) - (g) - (g) RMIT University | Equipment Design Regenerator Column 31 Table 6: Mass Balance of Regenerator Mass Balance (Ton/hr) Temperature (β°C) 110.00 110.00 45.00 90.00 110.00 Pressure (kPa) 150.00 130.00 150.00 130.00 130.00 S-9 S-10 Components / Streams S-14 S-15 Methane 2.87 2.87 2.84 - - Ethane 0.33 0.33 0.33 - - Propane 0.08 0.08 0.08 - - i-Butane 0.03 0.03 0.03 - - n-Butane 0.03 0.03 0.03 - - Pentanes 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - Nitrogen 0.18 0.18 0.18 - - Carbon dioxide 8.61 8.52 0.09 0.09 0.00 Oxygen 0.00 0.00 0.00 - - Hydrogen Sulphide 28.76 28.47 0.28 8.45 0.08 Water 75.01 67.51 66.83 74.33 73.59 MEA 32.15 0.32 0.32 31.82 0.32 Triethylene Glycol - - - - - Air - - - - - 148.05 108.35 71.01 114.69 73.99 SUM 7.1.1 S-12 Tray Specifications The following tray calculations use Perry’s methodology using a stripping factor to determine theoretical stages for a regenerator (Perry 1997). Table 7: Tray Parameters Parameter Value Stripping factor (Perry 1997) 1.4 X2 Liquid mole fraction feed 0.23 X1 Liquid mole fraction exit 0.0025 X2° Liquid mole fraction of equilibrium feed (pure steam) 0 X1° Liquid mole fraction of equilibrium exit) (pure steam) 0 A = S −1 οΏ½οΏ½(Perry 1997) 0.714 Tray efficiency 50% RMIT University | Equipment Design Regenerator Column 32 7.1.2 Number of theoretical trays When the stripping is being done by steam and the liquid feed is diluted with substance, the stripping factor can be used to determine the number of stages in and equilibrium line considering that the efficiency is high. This method is used namely for theoretical tray estimation, and combined with tray efficiency provides an alternative solution than conventional methodologies. Note: this technique is only applicable to stripping operations (Perry 1997). ln [ π= (1 − π΄)(X2 − X1°) (1 − 0.714)(0.23 − 0) + π΄] ln [ + 0.714] X1 − X1° 0.23 − 0 = = 9.8 ≈ 10οΏ½ ln(π) ln(1.4) Because the stripping steam is pure, both X2° and X1° has a data value of 0 as there are no contaminants or other components in equilibrium. 7.1.3 Actual trays Since the theoretical tray quantity is 10, with the design parameter of the 50% efficiency the actual tray amount is calculated in the following. Figure 24: Tray Efficiencies, (Sinnott 2009) According to the above figure, using the viscosity of 0.36 Cp, the design for lowest efficiency is calculated. ActualοΏ½TraysοΏ½(Nt) = 10 = 20οΏ½traysοΏ½(includindοΏ½rebolerοΏ½andοΏ½condenserοΏ½stages) 50% RMIT University | Equipment Design Regenerator Column 33 7.2 Tray Hydraulics 7.2.1 Design Procedure The methodology consistent with the approach to designing the regenerator column follows a systematic procedure that act as steps ensuring key parameters, requirements and foundations are correlated and synchronized. The steps to the approach are outlined as the following marginal guidelines 1. Calculate maximum/minimum vapour and liquid flow rates and top and bottom of column (from mass balance) 2. Estimate and gather system properties 3. Select plate spacing 4. Calculate the column diameter at top and bottom and design for the largest section (For this design we will use a uniform diameter as the largest as it greatly reduces capital cost of column) 5. Classify the liquid flow arrangement across plate tray 6. Provide tray layout specifications such as: downcomer area, active area, hole area, hole size and weight height 7. Check satisfactory operation conditions with the weeping rate 8. Check satisfactory pressure drop of column 9. Check downcomer backup 10. Assure correct operability according to estimated dimensions 11. Check entrainment values are satisfactory 12. Finalise design RMIT University | Equipment Design Regenerator Column 34 7.3 Relevant Data & Assumptions Table 8: : Relevant Data (obtained from energy & mass balance) Data Value Liquid flow rate (bottom) Lm 5.5 ππ π Liquid flow rate (top) Lm 9.3 ππ π Vapour flow rate (top) Vm 13.3 Vapour flow rate (bottom) Vm 1 Density liquid ρL 950 π3 Density Vapour ρV 0.89 π3 Surface Tension ποΏ½ 0.036 ππ π ππ π ππ ππ π π The amine regenerator column will be based on the top diameter conditions as this is the delegated uniform diameter of the entire tower (assumption justified by calculations below). Table 9: Assumed Values for Design Parameter Value Plate Spacing 0.9 m Percentage flooding 70% Turn down ratio 80% Hole diameter dh 10mm Ad (downcomer area) 12% of Ac Plate thickness 10mm Weir height hw 40mm Ah/Ap 0.01 Unperforated strip Ws 50mm RMIT University | Equipment Design Regenerator Column 35 7.4 Summary of Design Results Table 10: Summary of Design Results Parameter Value Column Diameter, Dc Top = 2.8m Bottom = 0.79m Chosen uniform diameter Dc 2.8m, as top diameter is the largest Pressure drop of plate Ht 118.54mm Pressure drop of column βππ‘ 1.00kPa Actual vapour velocity Uv 21m/s Fractional entrainment ψ 0.07 Downcomer backup hb 190.23mm Downcomer residence time tr 22 seconds Perforated area Ap 0.19m2 Number of holes per tray 6165 Number of trays Nt 20 Height of stripper column H 19.1 metres Figure 25: Single Pass Column & Tray, [Moss, Dennis R. Basic, Michael M.. (2013)] Liquid arrangement across tray Cross flow single path Tray spacing Lt 0.9 metres Weir type Picket-weir Number of strippers 2 Flooding regime Froth mechanism Figure 26: Picket Weir, Sinnott, Ray K. Towler, Gavin. (2009) RMIT University | Equipment Design Regenerator Column 36 7.5 Detailed Design The following calculation is to only to provide primary justification in choosing the uniform diameter of the column by comparing the top and bottom parameters and measurements. The actual design methodology follows after this comparison, and is in full detail, considering all plausible conditions and reporting all calculations and ideology to the design of the column. Top and bottom diameter calculation and comparison 7.5.1 Top diameter calculation ππ£ = π π ππ ππ οΏ½ οΏ½ × οΏ½π΄π£π. πππ‘οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½ππΏοΏ½π»2 π = 950 3 ππ ππ π π ποΏ½v= density of vapour =, kg/m3 ποΏ½l= density of liquid, kg/m3 P= pressure of system, kpa Ps= standard pressure conditions, kpa n= standard mol quantity, mol Vs=standard volume conditions, m3 Ts=standard temperature conditions, K T= operating temperature Avg.MWt = average molecule weight of vapour ππ£ = 101.325οΏ½πππ 1οΏ½πππ 1οΏ½ππππ 273π ππ ππ ×οΏ½ ×οΏ½ × × 36.36 = οΏ½0.89οΏ½ 3 3 130οΏ½πππ 0.022415οΏ½π 1000οΏ½πππ 383π ππππ π The density of vapour at the top of the column primarily consists of water vapour (highest fraction at 62% of the mass, while hydrogen sulphide and carbon dioxide balance). The density calculation is applicable for our conditions modelling with an assumption of ideal gas behaviour. By using a correlation that describes the conditions of a plate, taking into account both the liquid and vapour limits, we can use the FLV (liquid-vapour flow factor) in order to calculate a constant K1 that we can use to determine necessary velocities in of the particular conditions (Sinnott 2009). πΉπΏπ = πΏπ ππ£ 9.3 0.89 √ οΏ½√ = = 0.022 ππ ππ 13.34 950 Where, Lm= liquid flowrate, kg/s Vm= vapour flowrate, kg/s RMIT University | Equipment Design Regenerator Column 37 Figure 27: Flv Vs K1, , Sinnott, Ray K. Towler, Gavin. (2009) With an assumed plate spacing of 0.9m (see assumptions) πΎ1 =0.13 using the Flv values as an indicator ππ − ππ£ π 0.2 950 − 0.89 0.036 0.2 √ π’π = πΎ1 √ οΏ½οΏ½( ) = 0.13 οΏ½( ) = 4.77οΏ½π/π ππ£ 0.02 0.89 0.02 The upper limit velocity denoted in this case in the above equation as uf is the velocity of vapour rising through the sieve plates contacting the fluid (the reflux of water condensate in stream 12) Recommended by Sinnott it is advised to calculate the flooding vapour velocity design as 70% of the upper limit vapour velocity uf in order to provide good operability of flooding conditions that will prevent phenomena such as weeping to occur as ππ£οΏ½π·ππ ππποΏ½π£ππππ’ποΏ½π£ππππππ‘π¦ = 0.70 × π’π = 3.34οΏ½π/π qv = Vm 13.34οΏ½kg/s m3 ππ£ 15οΏ½m3 /sοΏ½ = = 15οΏ½ ,οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½π΄ = = = 5.6οΏ½m2 οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½ π ρv 0.89οΏ½kg/m3 s π’π£ 3.34οΏ½π/π RMIT University | Equipment Design Regenerator Column 38 Assumed value of downcomer area was assumed as 12% of column cross sectional-area denoted as Ac. This is a standard design specification for tray columns as stated and recommended by Sinnott. π΄π = 0.12π΄π , π΄π = π΄π − 0.12,οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½π‘βπ’π οΏ½π΄π = π΄π /0.88 π΄π = 5.6 = 6.37οΏ½m2 0.88 , 4 × π΄ποΏ½ 4 × 6.37οΏ½m2 πΆπππ’πποΏ½π·πππππ‘πποΏ½π·π = √ =√ = 2.8π π π Bottom diameter calculation (This is the same methodology as used above, just different conditions at base of column) πΉπΏπ = πΏπ ππ£ οΏ½√ ππ ππ = 5.46 0.89 √ 1 950 = 0.11οΏ½οΏ½ οΏ½πΉππποΏ½ππππ£ποΏ½ππππ’πποΏ½πΎ1=0.13 ππ − ππ£ π 0.2 950 − 0.89 0.036 0.2 π’π = πΎ1 √ οΏ½οΏ½( ) = 0.13√ οΏ½( ) = 4.77οΏ½π/π ππ£ 0.02 0.89 0.02 ππ οΏ½ππ£οΏ½π·ππ πππ = 0.70 × π’π = 3.34οΏ½π/π οΏ½οΏ½qv = Vm 1οΏ½kg/s m3 ππ£ 1.16οΏ½m3 /sοΏ½ = = 1.16οΏ½ ,οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½π΄ = = = 0.433οΏ½m2 οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½ π ρv 0.89οΏ½kg/m3 s π’π£ 3.34οΏ½π/π Assumed value of downcomer area was assumed as 12% of activated area οΏ½π΄π = 0.12π΄π , π΄π = π΄π − 0.12,οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½π‘βπ’π οΏ½π΄π = π΄π /0.88 π΄π = 0.433 = 0.5οΏ½m2 0.88 4 × π΄ποΏ½ 4 × 0.5οΏ½m2 πΆπππ’πποΏ½π·πππππ‘πποΏ½π·π = √ =√ = 0.79π π π Top diameter 2.8m < Bottom diameter 0.79m RMIT University | Equipment Design Regenerator Column 39 Because the top diameter is larger, this will be chosen to design the regenerator column as a uniform diameter which saves with complications and large capital cost as two diameters at such a larger difference is extremely expensive and very difficult to mechanically design for support (not logical), Therefore fixed column design is the top diameter of 2.8m. All formulas and relationships reference: (Sinnott 2009) 7.5.2 Liquid flow arrangement Based on the liquid flow rate from the mass balance of 9.28 kg/s, the liquid volumetric flow rate in order to calculate the type of flow 9.28ππ π3 π3 π πΏπ = = 0.00977 950ππ π π π3 Table 11: Liquid Flow Arrangement Volumetric FLowrate π3 0.00977 π Diameter 2.8 metres Pass Single Flow Cross Figure 28: Dc Vs Volumetric Liquid Flow rate, (Sinnott 2009) RMIT University | Equipment Design Regenerator Column 40 Figure 29: Flow Arrangement, (Coker 2010) 7.5.3 Provisional Tray Design Based on the column calculation, the diameter per stripper as π·π = 2.84 m, the following tray parameters are designed accordingly to accommodate operability such as flow rates, weeping, entrainment and other specifications. Since the perforated area Ap will be subsidised by mechanical instruments such as support beams and rings, as well as the calming zone of the tray, the perforated area must be calculated with all considering design parameters. For a column diameter of 2.84 meters, it is recommended by (Sinnott 2009) to have an unperforated strip Ws equal to 50mm surrounding the edge of the plate, this is to account for as the calming zones as ππ = ππ = 50ππ Wc= calming zone Ws= unperforated strip To calculate the mean length of the calming zone, or unperforated strip, the relation can be used as ππ = οΏ½ (π·π − π€π ) πππ 360 Where θs is relation between the angle subtended by the chord, chord height and chord length, it can ππ€ be found by the using the following figure, and the ratio between π·π RMIT University | Equipment Design Regenerator Column 41 Figure 30: Angle Relation Since ππ€ 2.20 =οΏ½ = 0.77 π·π 2.48 θs therefore equates to 99 using figure 30. The mean length of the calming zone is therefore ππ = οΏ½ (π·π − π€π ) πππ π × 99 = (2.48 − 0.05) = 1.98π 360 360 The area of the unperforated strip can then be calculated as π΄π = οΏ½ ππ ∗ π€π = 1.98 ∗ 0.05 = οΏ½0.099οΏ½π2 The calming zone length is ππ = οΏ½ π€π + οΏ½ ππ€ = 0.05 + 2.20 = 2.24οΏ½οΏ½π2 Where lw is calculated from the following figure using the assumed recommended weir height βπ€ = 50 mm RMIT University | Equipment Design Regenerator Column 42 Figure 31: Ad/Ac Vs lw/Dc, (Sinnott 2009) From π΄π π΄π × 100οΏ½ππ οΏ½ πππππ πΏπ π·π graph π΄π = 0.12 π΄π The weir length therefore can be calculated from the correlation shown in the figure and described by (Sinnott 2009), ππ€ = οΏ½0.77οΏ½ × π·π = 0.77 × 2.84ποΏ½, ππ€ = οΏ½2.20οΏ½mοΏ½οΏ½ The calming zone area is then calculated by: π΄ππ§ = οΏ½ ππ ∗ οΏ½ π€π = 2.24 ∗ 0.05 = 0.11οΏ½π2 οΏ½οΏ½ The total unperforated area therefore is calculated by π΄π’π = 2 ∗ οΏ½ (π΄π + οΏ½ π΄ππ§ ) = 2 ∗ (0.099 + 0.11) = 0.422οΏ½π2 Since the perforated area is simply the area that is not unperforated, we can find this as π΄π = οΏ½ π΄π − οΏ½ π΄π’π οΏ½οΏ½ Aa as the active area is found by π΄π = οΏ½ π΄π − 2οΏ½π΄π Where, RMIT University | Equipment Design Regenerator Column 43 π΄π = 0.12π΄π , π΄π = π΄π − 0.12,οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½πβππππππποΏ½π΄π = π΄π 0.88 Because An Can be found by m3 15 ππ£ s = 5.6οΏ½m2 π΄π = = π’π£ 3.34 π π Where οΏ½οΏ½qv = Vm 13.34οΏ½kg/s m3 = = 15οΏ½ οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½ ρv 0.89οΏ½kg/m3 s The cross sectional area of the column can be found, π΄π = 5.6 = 6.37οΏ½π2 , ππποΏ½οΏ½π΄ποΏ½ = 0.12 × 6.37 = 0.76π2 0.88 Therefore the Active area can now be found to be π΄π = οΏ½ π΄π − 2οΏ½π΄π = 0.76 − 2 × 0.76 = 4.84m2 π΄π = οΏ½ π΄π − οΏ½ π΄π’π = 4.85 − 0.422 = 4.42π2 οΏ½οΏ½ In order to calculate the number of perforations per plate, we can use the area of holes vs the area of a single hole in order to determine their count, π =οΏ½ π΄β π΄π Since π΄β = 0.1π΄π = 0.1 ∗ 4.84 = 0.484οΏ½π2 And the area of a single hole calculated from the assumed hole diameter as 10mm, π΄π = ππβ2 π0.00102 =οΏ½ = 7.85οΏ½ × 10−5 π2 4 4 The number of perforations per plate is therefore equal to π =οΏ½ 0.484 = 6165οΏ½βππππ οΏ½ 7.85οΏ½ × 10−5 To conform this value, we can check the hole pitch with the following figure π΄β 0.484 =οΏ½ = 0.11οΏ½ π΄π 04.42 RMIT University | Equipment Design Regenerator Column 44 Figure 32: Ah/Ap Vs Lp/dh, (Sinnott 2009) ππ As we can see from the figure, π = 2.7 which is acceptable as it is between 2 and 4. We can further β π justify by showing that ππ > 2.5 × πβ. Using the correlation ππ = 2.7 dervied from the figure, we can β show that ππ = 2.7 × 10 = 27 πποΏ½πππ ππποΏ½ππππππ’π = 2.5 × 10 = 25 Since 27 > 25, this pitch and these conditions are correct and suitable. RMIT University | Equipment Design Regenerator Column 45 7.5.4 Entrainment Entrainment is an important design parameter to include as it greatly impacts the way the tower performs and how the stripping occurs between the liquid and the vapour. There are two main types of entrainment that occur, one is at high liquid velocity and is known as froth entrainment, the other is low liquid velocity and is known as spray entrainment. ο· Froth entrainment Forth entrainment flooding occurs when the liquid velocity and flow rate becomes excessive to the point where the plate holds a high amount of liquid at each time, possibly causing high flooding and backup levels. As the vapour velocity is then pressurised through the orifices in the sieve plate, the high amount of liquid begins to bubble and froth as the vapour is entrained within the liquid state and is not able to successfully travel throughout the tower accordingly ο· Spray entrainment Spray entrainment is the opposite of froth entrainment as it occurs when the liquid velocity and flow rate is diminished causing the liquid present at any given time on the plate to form collective puddles preventing the flow to essentially cross the sieve plate. As these thin layers of puddles settle on the sieve plate, the upcoming vapour propelled through the orifices contact the collective pools and sprays them throughout the area of the tray spacing. In order to prevent either of the two types of entrainment, we can calculate the conditions of the tower in regard to flooding upon each plate which allows for mitigating the effect, or changing the conditions to reduce the possibility of it occurring at high calibre. The correlation between flooding and flow rate is calculated by measuring the actual velocity based on the neat area of the sieve plate in ratio to the maximum vapour flooding limit. Since the vapour flooding is assumed to be 70%, which essentially is the ratio of vapour velocity at flooding shown in the equation below. (See assumptions) Percentage flooding chosen π 3.34 π’π£οΏ½ π =οΏ½ × 100 = π = 70% π’π 4.78 π RMIT University | Equipment Design Regenerator Column 46 Figure 33: FLV Vs Ψ, (Sinnott 2009) The liquid vapour factor at these conditions calculated from figure 33 = 0.021. FLv=0.021. The correlation between entrainment and FLV displayed in the following figure at a flood percentage of 70% gives an entrainment indications factor of 0.07. From figure 33, Ψ = 0.07 < ΨupperοΏ½limit Since the upper limit is referred to as ΨupperοΏ½limit = 0.1 [Sinnot, 2009] Therefore the entrainment level is satisfactory. RMIT University | Equipment Design Regenerator Column 47 7.6 Weeping The weeping point is known as the limit at which liquid begins to seep through the orifices of the plate and the leakage becomes excessive due to the vapour velocity being insufficient in providing enough driving force to divert liquid from the holes. In order to calculating weeping conditions, it is therefore necessary to measure the vapour velocity to make sure it’s operating parameter is above the limit at which weeping is caused. From Sinnott, weeping vapour velocity limit is calculated as, οΏ½π’π£(π€ππππππ) = πΎ2 − οΏ½0.9οΏ½(25.4 − πβ ) ππ£0.5 The constant K2 which is a measurement dependent upon the liquid depth equal to the height of the weir hw is used to calculated from both the height of the weir and the crest height how combined. K2= hw+ how (mm) Height of the weir crest is calculated, βππ€ = 750οΏ½ ( 2/3 οΏ½πΏπ€οΏ½πππ 2/3 7.147 ) = οΏ½750οΏ½ ( ) = 17οΏ½ππ ππ οΏ½π₯οΏ½ππ€ 940 × οΏ½2.19 lw = weir length, m how = weir crest, mm liquid Lw = Liquid flow rate minimum, kg/s From the recommended turndown ratio (Sinnott 2009), the minimum liquid flow rate πΏπ(minοΏ½) = 0.70*9.28= 7.147 kg/s The weir length is calculated in the provisional tray design section (above) to be lw = 2.20m, and the height of each weir is assumed to be 40mm, k2 can be derived from the following figure, since βπ€ + βππ€ = 40ππ + 17ππ = 57ππ, π‘βππππππποΏ½π2 = 30.2 RMIT University | Equipment Design Regenerator Column 48 With the following data, we can calculate the minimum limit of vapour velocity that causes weeping, so that we can measure the operational velocity in order to check for weeping conditions in the column π’π£(π€ππππππ) = πΎ2 − οΏ½0.9οΏ½(25.4 − πβ ) 30.2 − 0.9(25.4 − 5 ∗ 10^ − 10) =οΏ½ = 17.3οΏ½π/π 0.5 ππ£ √0.89 The actual operating vapour velocity is calculated by comparing the distribution of volumetric flow over the area of the plate with holes Ah (as this is the section subjected to weeping) 12π3 ππ£ 21π π ππ£οΏ½πππ‘π’πποΏ½πππππ’π = = = 2 π΄β 0.58π π Since the vapour velocity at process conditions is greater than the conditions required to produce weeping 21m/s < 17.m/s, our design is sustainable, and can ensure good efficiency. Liquid throw Liquid throw is known as the liquid displacement that travels horizontally over the downcomer weir. With a column that is cross flow single pass, this occurrence proposes no threat to operation as the measure of liquid moving horizontally is namely persistent double and quadruple pass type flows. Hydraulic Gradient Hydraulic gradient is known as the driving force in order to move the liquid across the tray propelled by the difference in the liquid level. For the current design of sieve plate trays, hydraulic gradient is not of any concern is the process as resistance to the flow is justifiable to negligence with such a tray type (Sinnott 2009) RMIT University | Equipment Design Regenerator Column 49 Pressure Drop across the plate and in the Column. Pressure drop is a significant design parameter that holds high levels of validity when it comes to operational efficiency. There are two main variables that contribute to the variation of pressure changes: vapour flow rate through the plates (i.e. orifices) and the static head of liquid displayed on the plate/tray. In order to alter the pressure drop of the column, it must be defined using key parameters. In order to calculate the pressure drop ht, the correlation of the following additional values are equated βπ‘ = οΏ½ βπ + οΏ½ βπ€ + οΏ½ βππ€ + οΏ½ βπ ht= pressure drop, mm hd = dry plate drop, mm hw = height of weir, mm how = weir crest, mm hr= residual head, mm The dry plate drop is calculated by the vapour velocity through the orifice, and the ratio of density of liquid to vapour contact, π’ 2 π βπ = 51 ( π 0 ) ( ππ£ ) 0 π The orifice constant that is the measure of the plate thickness and ratio between the area that is perforated along the tray and the size of the perforations is determined as a constant in the following figure, (Sinnott 2009) Figure 35: Ah/Ap Vs Co RMIT University | Equipment Design Regenerator Column 50 Assuming π΄β π΄π = 0.01οΏ½and the ππππ‘ποΏ½π‘βππππππ π π»ππποΏ½π·πππππ‘ππ = 1.0, where the area consisting of holes in the plate is 10% that of the cross sectional area of the column, (Sinnott 2009) Ah=0.1*Ac. Co according to figure 35 is 0.84. The dry plate pressure drop can therefore be calculated as π’0 2 ππ£ 25.8 2 0.89 βπ = 51 ( ) ( ) = 51 ( ) ( ) = 45.10οΏ½ππ π0 ππ 0.84 950 Where uo is π’0 = οΏ½ ππ£ 11.5 π =οΏ½ = 25.8 π΄β 0.58 π The residual loss is the measurement described as the pressure difference between the pressure drop and the dry plate drop with consideration to the liquid height on the tray. Because of this correlation the effects of bubbling caused by vapour, and the froth personality of the liquid. The equation is calculated therefore as βπ = οΏ½ 12.5οΏ½π₯οΏ½103 12.5οΏ½π₯οΏ½103 = = 13.16οΏ½ππ ππ 950 Calculated from the weeping section, βπ€ + βππ€ = 40ππ + 17ππ = 57ππ, the total pressure drop is therefore βπ‘ = οΏ½ βπ + οΏ½ βπ€ + οΏ½ βππ€ + οΏ½ βπ = 45.10 + 40 + 17 + 13.16 = 118.54ππ Expressed in kilopascals, the pressure difference is βππ‘ = 9.81 × 10−3 βπ‘ × ππ = 9.81 × 10−3 × 118.54 × 950 = οΏ½οΏ½1πππ RMIT University | Equipment Design Regenerator Column 51 Downcomer design (back-up) The downcomer back design is a marginal parameter that certifies the allowance between every plate proceeding it’s former. This is down by ensuring that the tray spacing limit is calibrated to account for the amount of liquid in the downcomer and the frothing height that it is below the level of the plate above. There are two main key occurrences that cause liquid to excessively backup the downcomer passage, downcomer chocking and backup ο· Downcomer chocking is the occurrence when the entrained liquid caused by vapour velocity exceeds a point in which the liquid trying to pass down the column due to gravity is halted, causing chocking and blocking of stream ways. ο· Downcomer backup is the same phenomena as chocking; however it is caused by a slightly different design flaw. Backup is due primarily to the liquid flow rate, unlike chocking, vapour flow rate is irrelevant. When the rate of liquid increases to the point at which the rate of flow in the downcomer is significantly less than the liquid flow rate specified, building up on the penultimate plate occurs and stacking up of liquid in the plate spacing causes liquid to flood and rise up the down passages. Downcomer backup is the measure by the addition of the following βπ = οΏ½ βπ‘ + οΏ½ βπ€ + οΏ½ βππ€ + οΏ½ βππ Where, ht= total pressure drop hw= height of the weir how= crest height hdc= downcomer pressure drop hb= downcomer backup Figure 36: Downcomer Backup, (Sinnott 2009) RMIT University | Equipment Design Regenerator Column 52 All the valid variables have been previously solved in the former sections except the downcomer pressure backup hdc. At the downcomer site, the restrictions occur due to the resistance to flow previously mentioned in any of the two possibilities, for this reason, hdc is calculated as a measure of clearance area, density of flow and the flow rate. 2 πΏππ 2 9.28 βππ = οΏ½166( ) =( ) = 1.63ππ ππ οΏ½ × οΏ½π΄π 950 × 0.01 Lmd = liquid flow rate downcomer kg/s Am = clearance of plate spacing m2 Where Am is equal to the downcomer apron area specified as π΄ππ = βππ × ππ€ where hap is the height of the bottom edge of the apron above the plate, and is recommended by (Sinnott 2009) to be 5-10mm below the outlet weir height. Therefore, βπποΏ½ = βπ€ − 5ππ = 45ππ Where, π΄ππ = βππ × ππ€ = 0.045 × 2.20 = 0.10π2 Since Am = Aap for this particular design, the downcomer backup hb can therefore be calculated as βπ = βπ‘ + οΏ½ βπ€ + οΏ½ βππ€ + οΏ½ βππ = οΏ½118.54 + 40 + 17 + 1.63 = 177.22πποΏ½οΏ½ To check whether these limits are acceptable, we can compare the downcomer backup to the upper limit of frothing noted by (Sinnott 2009) as βποΏ½ ≤ Since 1 2 1 × (ππ‘ + βπ€) 2 × (ππ‘ + βπ€) = 0.5 × (0.9 × 0.04) = 470ππ The downcomer backup is well within the frothing limit as 177mm < 470mm RMIT University | Equipment Design Regenerator Column 53 Downcomer residence time Stated by (Sinnott 2009), sufficient residence time must be permissible for the vapour entrained in the liquid to become stripped in the downcomer. To prevent loss of stripping efficiency caused by heavily aerated liquid, the recommended residence time should be greater than 3 seconds. Since stripping efficiency is due to a pressure constraining the gas from evolving from the liquid, the downcomer residence time may be calculated using a correlation the describes the allowance of vapour through the liquid by measuring the pressure in downcomer, density flow rate and the downcomer area, where tr is π‘π = οΏ½ ππ π΄π βππ 950 × 1.11 × 177.22οΏ½ =οΏ½ = 20.20οΏ½π ππππππ πΏπ€π 9.28 Since 20 seconds > 3 seconds the vapour entrained in liquid has a suitable duration period that allows the hydrogen sulphide and carbon dioxide to be stripped from the MEA solution. RMIT University | Equipment Design Regenerator Column 54 7.7 Safety and Environmental Considerations 7.7.1 Safety Considerations The key safety implementation of controls to be integrated into the operation of an amine stripper column are categorised by three main key aspects considered to be of most valid and significant severity. ο· The breakthrough of gas from the column at the expense of loss of liquid. In order to prevent this from occurring it should be inherently compensated by ensuring that the rating of the piping and control valving systems to adjust back pressuring of vapour (GPS 2010). ο· The return flow of gas due to loss of operational pressure. This can be easily avoided by installing upstream of the feed line one flow valves or shut off valves that do not allow back flow. At locations suspected of this occurrence there should be available personal protective clothing for any personnel in the vicinity (GPS 2010).. ο· When discharge of gas or vapour is released at a sudden time due to any operational issues, it can cause other design parameters to been thrown off calibration. For this reason, relief valves should be installed at necessary locations for emergency discharge or pressurised vapours in closed vessels (GPS 2010). 7.7.2 Environmental Considerations The most significant issue of the amine sweetening process in regards to environmental harm is the treatment of acid as that is an unwanted product of natural gas processing. The acid gas as a byproduct can only be treated by two plausible means, incineration of flaring. However, it is possible to use the acid gas as a commodity for sulphuric acid production plants as hydrogen sulphide is a product used as feed stock (EPA 2000). Because the cost of hydrogen sulphide is low for purchasing, it justified as an economic loss to process the hydrogen sulphide by isolating, purifying and then transporting to a sulphuric plant If there are none locally. In order to reduce the levels of H2S discharged through flaring and incineration, an elevated flare stack should be implemented so that dispersion of the gas can be a result, reducing high concentrations and therefore harmful effects (EPA 2000). A significant aspect worth monitoring is that catastrophe of unprecedented occurrences such as spills of substances, fires and other environmentally threatening misfortunes. In order to mitigate such areas, it should be taken as strict caution to safely operate equipment within reasonable process conditions such that when a threat is confronted, there is time and ability to diminish the potential effects before they occur (EPA 2000). RMIT University | Equipment Design Regenerator Column 55 8 Equipment Design Kettle Reboiler The following design is based on a kettle reboiler that is selected from the literature review in analysis of alternative schemes. S-14 Kettle Reboiler (H-102) S-15 S-16 Figure 38: Reboiler Figure 37: Kettle Reboiler Arrangement Table 12: Energy & Mass Balance of Reboiler H-102 99% Efficiency Temperature (β°C) NO 90.00 110.00 110.00 Pressure (kPa) 130.00 130.00 130.00 Mass Flow (Tonnes/hr) 114.69 73.99 40.70 1,029.02 949.95 1,221.70 Density (kg/m3) 0.00 Power (kW) Components / Streams (Mmol/hr) S-14 S-15 S-16 Methane - (g) - (g) - (g) Ethane - (g) - (g) - (g) Propane - (g) - (g) - (g) i-Butane - (g) - (g) - (g) n-Butane - (g) - (g) - (g) Pentanes - (g) - (g) - (g) Nitrogen - (g) - (g) - (g) 0.00 (g) 0.00 (g) 0.00 (g) - (g) - (g) - (g) Hydrogen Sulphide 0.25 (g) 0.00 (g) 0.25 (g) Water 4.13 (l) 4.09 (g) 0.04 (g) MEA 1.03 (l) 0.01 (l) 1.02 (l) Triethylene Glycol - (l) - (l) - (l) Air - (g) - (g) - (g) Carbon dioxide Oxygen RMIT University | Equipment Design Kettle Reboiler 56 Table 13: Relevant Data Data Value ρ Solvent Density (Water + MEA) 1000 kg/m3 Steam Density ρ 2.227 kg/m3 Steam Flow rate 5 kg/s Thermal Conductivity kl 0.75 j/s.m.K Viscosity Steam µ 0.001 kg/m.s Heat Capacity Steam cp 2.347 kJ/kg.K Saturation temperature at steam conditions 153 π ° Fouling Factor 10000 w/m2.k Reference Sinnott, Ray K. Towler, Gavin. (2009) 8.1 Area calculation temperatureοΏ½ofοΏ½feedοΏ½s14 = 90π ° , inletοΏ½steamοΏ½temperature = 300π ° , CondensedοΏ½steamοΏ½outlet = οΏ½ 40π ° οΏ½ outletοΏ½vapour + liquidοΏ½temperatureοΏ½S(15 + 16) = 120π ° In order to accurately depict the temperature different between the exchanging heat streams, we can use the log mean temperature difference (LMTD) as a value for constant flow rate and thermal properties. LMTDοΏ½οΏ½ = οΏ½βππππ− βππ ππππ οΏ½(300 − 40) − (120 − 100) οΏ½= = 104.88οΏ½π ° βππππ ln (βπ ) 300 − 40 π ππππ ln ( 120 ) 100 In designing any type of heat exchanger, since we are calculating the overall heat transfer coefficient as a value in order to size the reboiler, we must first assume an appropriate value so that we may be able to continue with the calculations and provide the necessary data variables. This process may take numerous iterations until the initial assumed value is similar to the outcome given by the calculations. In this case we have assumed a value of Assuming U= 3500 w/m2.k RMIT University | Equipment Design Kettle Reboiler 57 Where Q is calculated from energy balance as a means of flow rate (molar) with its energy capacities (enthalpies) π = π΄πππ»π − π΄πππ»π ni= molar flow rate of feed, mol/hr no= molar flow rate at exit, mol/hr Hi= enthalpy of feed, kj/mol Ho= enthalpy at exit, kj/mol Table 14: Data obtained from energy balance Component Enthalpy in (s-13) (Hi) at 90 °C Water 6.8 MEA 49 kj mol Enthalpy out (s-15+16) Mol flow In Molar flow out (Ho) at 110 °C (s-13) (ni) (s15+15) (no) 48.5 kj mol kj mol 53.503 kj mol 4129497 mol hr 4129497 mol hr 1029105 mol hr 1029105 mol hr Using the data obtained from the energy balance, we can calculate the amount of energy required heating the incoming stream from the bottom of the column s-14 and the amount of heat required for s-15. π = π΄πππ»π − π΄πππ»π π = (4129497 × 6.8 + 1029105 × 49) − (4129497 × 48.5 + 1029105 × 53.5) π = 49089 ππ = 49.09οΏ½ππ π Therefore the total area at these parameters is calculated by using this value of power in the following correlation where, π = π × π΄ × πΏπππ·,οΏ½οΏ½ π΄= π 49.09 =π΄= = 133.5π2 π × πΏπππ· 3500 × 104.86 U= Assumed heat transfer coefficient, w/m2.k A= area required for specified heat transfer, m2 LMTD= log mean temperature difference, C° RMIT University | Equipment Design Kettle Reboiler 58 Since this is the total area of the required power to operate two regenerator columns, the size of one reboiler is therefore, π΄= πππ‘πποΏ½π΄πππ 133.5 = = 67π2 2 2 Number of tubes Table 15: Relevant Data Assumed According to Operability Parameter Value Thickness of piping 5mm Length of pipe 8m Inner diameter of pipe 25mm Outer diameter of pipe 30mm The number of tubes can be calculated by finding first the area of one tube, which is calculated from assumed values that are recommended for certain design standards (Sinnott 2009). Using therefore the area of one tube, we can calculate the necessary total number of tubes by dividing the required area based on our assumed energy values. Area of one pipe Ao = (π × ( ππ ) × π) = (π × (30 × 10−3 π) × 8π) = 0.75οΏ½π2 1000 Ao= area of pipe, m2 do= outer diameter of tubes, m l= length of tubes, m Nt= number of tubes π΄ 66.7 ππ‘ = ( )= = 177οΏ½π‘π’πππ π΄π‘π’πππ 0.75 RMIT University | Equipment Design Kettle Reboiler 59 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient Calculation Table 16: Relevant Data Obtained Data Value Water Density ρ 1000 kg/m3 Steam Density ρ 2.227 kg/m3 Steam Flowrate 12.8 kg/s Thermal Conductivity kl 0.75 j/s.m.K Viscosity Steam µ 0.001 kg/m.s Heat Capacity Steam cp 2.347 kJ/kg.K Saturation temperature at steam conditions 153 π ° Fouling Factor 10000 w/m2.k Change in temperature (Δt): Saturation temperature - Inlet temperature = 153π ° –145π ° = 8π ° In order to calculate the overall heat transfer coefficient of the kettle reboiler, we use a correlation that combines the necessary parameters that are involved in collaborating with the overall energy output. The overall energy output is found by the sum as, 1 1 1 1 = + + π βππ βπ πππ’ππππ Where, U= overall heat transfer coefficient, w/m2.k Hnb = heat transfer of pool boiling, w/m2.k Hc = heat transfer of condensation, w/m2.k Fouling= heat transfer to compromise fouling, w/m2.k RMIT University | Equipment Design Kettle Reboiler 60 Heat transfer coefficient involved in the condensation around the internal piping is calculated by 1 1 ππ 2 × π 3 − (βπ)βπ = 0.95 × ππ × ( ) × ππ‘ 9 µπ × Ζ¬ Kl= Thermal conductivity of liquid condensate, W/m.C° Ζ¬= horizontal tube loading, g= gravity, m/s2 Nt= number of tubes, ππ πππ‘πποΏ½πππππππ ππ‘ποΏ½ππππ€οΏ½ ( π ) ππ 5 Ζ¬= = =οΏ½ = 0.00353 ππ’πποΏ½πππππ‘βοΏ½(π) × ππ’πππ οΏ½ππποΏ½ππ’ππππ πΏ × ππ‘ 8 × 177 Therefore, the overall heat transfer in respect to condensation of hot steam cooled, settling in and around the piping of the kettle reboiler can be found as, 1 1 10002 × 9.8 3 π€ (βπ)βπ = 0.95 × 0.75 × ( ) × 497−9 = 5635.74 2 0.001 × 0.016 π .π During the process of heating up liquid within the reboiler, the nature of the process is termed as “pool boiling”, which is essentially the behaviour of having the heat source (pipe work) submerged in a stagnant pool of liquid. This data value is correlated by several values where, βππ = 1.167 × 10−8 × ππ 2.3 × ΔT 2.333 × πΉπ3.333 πΉπ = 1.8 × ππ 0.17 + 4 × ππ1.2 = 1.8 × 0.0060.17 + 4 × 0.0061.2 = 0.76 ππ = π ππππ π π’ππ 130οΏ½πππ =οΏ½ = = 0.006 ππ πΆπππ‘πππποΏ½ππππ π π’ππ 22064οΏ½πππ βππ = 1.167 × 10−8 × 220642.3 × 82.333 × 0.763.333 = 128013 π€ π2 . π Fp= Correlation of Prandtl constant Pc= Critical pressure, kpa Pr= Prandtl Number: ratio of critical pressure to operating pressure P= Operating pressure, kpa hnb= Pool boiling heat capacity, w/m2.k RMIT University | Equipment Design Kettle Reboiler 61 To check the operability in regards to capability of the current parameters, we must ensure that the plausible energy required to be produced by the kettle reboiler is within the limits of the design. This can be found by calculating the critical heat flux which must not be exceeded, to compare our energy output. The critical heat flux is found by, πποΏ½ π€ = 367 × ππ × ππ 0.35 × (1 − ππ)0.9 π2 Qc= Critical heat flux, w/m2 ππ = 367 × 22064 × 0.0060.35 × (1 − 0.006)0.9 = 1201204.91 π€ π2 π€ π€ Since Pool Boiling < Critical Heat flux, system is satisfactory. 128013 π2 .π < οΏ½1201204.91 π2, The overall heat transfer coefficient can now be calculated as all parameters have been checked to be satisfactory. By adding each heating coefficient, we can find the overall and compare to our assumed initial value for similarity in which will determine whether we are required to iterate again, or the parameters are suitable which will justify the kettle reboiler efficient for regeneration heating. π€ Since the fouling factor = 10000 π2 .π 1 1 1 1 = + + π βππ βπ πππ’ππππ 1 1 1 1 = + + π€ π€ π€ π 128013 5635.74 2 10000 2 π2 . π π .π π .π π = 3505.69οΏ½ π€ π2 . π The estimated heat transfer coefficient was 3500w/m^2.K which after the design procedure produced through iteration a final value concluding the overall transfer coefficient to be 3506 w/m^2.K. This value is proved satisfactory based on the foundations of the parameters utilised and assumptions stated. Formulas - (Sinnott 2009) RMIT University | Equipment Design Kettle Reboiler 62 9 9.1 Mechanical Design of Reboiler Internal Velocity To avoid excessive entrainment the maximum allowable velocity which is calculated through the characteristics of the steam heating the liquid which Is MEA solution, the velocity should be found to be no greater than ππΏ − ππ£ 0.5 1000 − 2.227 0.5 π ππ£ < 0.2 ( ) = 0.2 ( ) = 4.32 ππ 2.227 π Since the operating velocity through tubes at operational conditions is ππ ) 5 π π × π΄ππποΏ½πποΏ½πππποΏ½π2 = × 0.75 = 1.7 ππ 2.227 π π·πππ ππ‘π¦ 3 π πΉπππ€πππ‘ποΏ½ ( The velocity comparison of between maximum and operational area 1.7m/s < 4.32m/s we can specify that the tube dimensions are satisfactory, and the velocity of the vapour passing through them. 9.2 Tube Layout & Bundle Diameter Table 17: Pitch of Tube Parameters, Reboiler, (Sinnott 2009) Using square pitch with a two pass kettle reboiler (U tube) Figure 39: Pitch Arrangements, (Sinnott 2009) RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Reboiler 63 By using the constants recommended by Sinnott, it is possible to find a recommended bundle diameter for the amount of tubes submerged in the liquid. This is an important feature of the design as if the pipes are not correctly submerged, the pool boiling effect will greatly be reduced and the heat transfer load compromised at the exposed piping, which could lead to damage of the reboiler. From table 17 K1 = 0.156 n1 = 2.291, The bundle diameter is therefore, 1 1 ππ‘ π1 177 2.291 π·π = ππ ( ) = 30 ( ) = 647ππ πΎ1 0.156 Db= bundle diameter, mm do= outer pipe diameter, mm k1= data constant n1= data constant Nt= number of tubes Therefore the overall shell diameter required for the reboiler recommended by (Sinnott 2009) to be an additional 75mm clearance illustrated as follows is found to be, πβππποΏ½π·πππππ‘πποΏ½ = οΏ½π·π + 75πποΏ½ = οΏ½722ππ RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Reboiler 64 9.3 Dimensions of Kettle Reboiler 722mm 647mm 8m Figure 40: Mechanical Design of Kettle Reboiler, (Sinnott 2009) Table 18: Kettle Reboiler Summary Specification Value Overall heat transfer coefficient 3505.70 w/m2.k Type of Heat Exchanger U tube Kettle Re-boiler Number of tubes 177 tubes Shell Bundle diameter 722mm Design velocity through tubes 1.7m/s Passes in reboiler 2 (one U tube) Area of each Kettle Re-boiler 67 m2 Number of Kettle re-boiler 2 Tube Pitch Square pitch Flow rate of steam 5kg/s Maximum Velocity 4.32m/s Pressure Drop Negligible RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Reboiler 65 10 Mechanical Design of Regenerator 10.1 Materials of Construction The solvent used in the amine process is MEA (monoethanolamine) which was delegated through the previous report (see feasibility study) through analysis and comparison to be optimal for the specific operation and conditions. Throughout the process of the regenerator column, solvent (MEA) entering at the top is relatively rich and at high temperature. The corrosive severity therefore is high which poses risk or corrosion to equipment and machinery, however it should be noted that amine itself is not overly corrosive, but instead the corrosivity severity is catalysed but the conditions and presence of acid gas, high temperatures (particularly heat transfer surface corrosion) and high velocity and flow rate (Hartson 2007). Throughout the regeneration step of sweetening as the product uses amine as a solvent carrier, wet gas erosion is a frequent occurrence that is observed in industry and a notable risk, namely at the exit product points of the acid gas (Ropital 2009). For this reason it may be observed that the condenser, reboiler and regenerator column top can experience high erosion rates due to presence of high concentrated acid gas, in order to control this, observations conclude that maintaining that gas flow rate between 7-9m/s can significantly reduce corrosion occurrence by mitigating the possibility of accumulation (Ropital 2009). The following conditions are advised in order to reduce the corrosivity effects of amine solutions in carbon steel plants (Hartson 2007). ο· Amine concentration – MEA: ≈17.5% by weight or lean< 0.09/rich<0.44 ο· Temperature of the reboiler < 131°C ο· Flow rate within the piping constituting MEA, <2m/s ο· Heat stable amine salts Due to these issues of corrosivity, the material selection is recommended through the selection of the following table which a hybrid use of stainless and carbon steel is considered. RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Regenerator 66 Table 19: Metallurgical recommendations for MEA (Ropital 2009) Sweet Feed Sour Feed Corrosion resistant alloy (304) Corrosion resistant alloy (304/306) Heat exchanger Shell Tubes Carbon Steel Corrosion resistant alloy (304) Carbon Steel Either option Regenerator column Shell Internal structure Carbon Steel/Resistant In spots Corrosion resistant alloy (304/316) Carbon Steel Corrosion resistant allow (304) Condenser Shell Tubes Carbon Steel Corrosion resistant alloy (304/316) Carbon Steel Corrosion resistant allow (304) Reboiler Shell Tubes Carbon Steel Corrosion resistant alloy (304/316) Carbon Steel Corrosion resistant allow (304) Mechanical Unit Amine rich piping The reason to delegate the following compositions of carbon steel and stainless steel in different areas of constructions of each unit is to reduce where possible the economic margins of capital cost. It is of course most recommended to build, with considerations in mind, all equipment with stainless steel including the shell but dramatically increases the capital cost. However, it is plausible to combine the regions as mentioned in the above table for the following process. Since external casings and shells have no direct contact with the operational substance, namely at operating conditions, the severity of corrosion is greatly reduced allowing for plausible use of materials that do not require corrosivity mitigation. In order to reduce corrosion, fouling and scaling occurrences in the pipes, industrial lagging will be utilised namely in the regenerator feed and exit pipelines (TIAC). The recommended lagging insulation for high temperatures is ο· Calcium Silicate ο· Mineral Fibre – High temperature Since calcium silicate is widely available and is a slightly denser material (200kg/m3) as opposed to mineral fibre (130kg/m3), the insulation will have the following properties (Sinnott 2009). Table 20: Insulation Properties Material Density Thickness Thermal capacity (373 k) Calcium Silicate 200 kg/m3 75mm 0.063 w/m.K RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Regenerator 67 Typical stainless steel properties are shown in the following figure as a comparison. Due to the corrosion occurrence, stainless steel 304 will be used as construction material, however carbon steel is applicable as casing but as high recommendation, frequent inspection and quality grading should be conducted to monitor the conditions of the carbon steel in case of leaking or spills occur (Moss 2013). Figure 41: Stainless Steel Metallurgy, (Moss 2013) The equipment material selection delegated is identified in the following table as a calibration of both carbon steel and stainless steel. The justification of this is to reduce cost where possible by integrating the carbon steel selection in locations that are not prone to corrosive behaviour or threat. However, if there is large concern, special alloys can be arranged to support corrosion occurrence that can also be malleable and easily constructive into the necessary equipment, as stainless steel has poor high temperature behaviour as it has high levels of expansion. Therefore the following material selection is advised. Equipment Material Selection Corrosion Allowance stripper column CS 6mm Trays 304 SS Nozzle’s 304 SS Stripper flash drum CS Demister SS Kettle reboiler Channel Tubes 6mm 6mm CS SS Condenser 6mm Tubes 304L SS Shell CS Figure 42: Material Selection Summary Where, CS= Carbon steel SS = Stainless steel RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Regenerator 68 10.2 Overall Vessel 10.2.1 Height of vessel The height of the stripper column is found by calculating the number of trays and the tray spacing area. The closures consisting of two torispherical heads and the top and bottom make the additional to the column length (see design summary for tray and plate spacing specifications). Since the height of the column trays is as follows π»π‘ = ππ‘ × ππ‘ = 20 × 0.9 = 18π Ht= height of trays, m Lt= tray spacing, m Nt= number of trays Therefore the total height of the column is π»π‘ + 2 × π»β = 18 + 2 × 0.54 = 19.1π Hh= height of head, m 10.2.2 Dead weight of column The weight of the column as a stainless steel vessel considering internal insulation and tray weight, the dead weight of the entire structure can be estimated by the following correlation (Sinnott 2009) Total weight of vessel is equal to ππ£π = ππ + ππ£ + ππ€ + πΏπ€ = 75.70 + 199 + 4.13 + 120 = 394.10οΏ½πποΏ½ Where, ππ£ = πΆπ€ × π × ππ × π·π × π(π»π£ + 0.8 × π·π) × π‘ × 1 × 10−3 ππ£ = 1.15 × π × 7999.5 × 2.84 × 9.81(19.8 + 0.8 × 2.84) × 12 × 1 × 10−3 = 199ππ Assuming a liquid volume of 10% and the density of MEA, we can calculate the weight of liquid in the vessel at any given time to be, π·π 2 2.84 2 950 × 0.1 × ( ) × π»π£ × π 950 × 0.1 × ( ππΏ × ππΏ 2 2 ) × 19.8 × π = 120ππ πΏπ€ = = = 1000 1000 1000 RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Regenerator 69 The weight of each tray in this case constructed of stainless steel, is the volume of the tray vs the density of material, therefore the weight of the accumulated value of every tray is pressure applied inside the vessel accumulating to the overall weight, 10 ππ£ = (π΄π − π΄π) × ππ‘ = (6.37 − 1.11) × ( ) = 0.05π3 1000 Weight of all plates therefore, ππ€ = ππ£ × οΏ½ππΏ × ππ‘ = 0.05 × 950 × 20 = 413πποΏ½πποΏ½4.13οΏ½ππ Considering also the weight of insulation required, by measuring the volume of thickness and the density of selected material we can calculate the contribution of insulting effects to the total weight of the vessel. The weight of the insulation can be found by taking the overall volume of the insulation by its density, such as ππ = ππ × ππ = 37.84 × 200 = 7569.20οΏ½πποΏ½πποΏ½75.70οΏ½ππ Where, πποΏ½ = οΏ½π × ( π·π 2 2.84 2 75 ) × π»π£ × π‘π = π × ( ) × 19.8 × = 37.84π3 2 2 1000 Nt= number of trays or plates WvT= total weight of vessel, kN Wv= weight of vessel, kN Cw= correlation factor to account for nozzles, manways, internal supports, 1.15 (Sinnott 2009) ποΏ½m= density of vessel material, stainless steel 7999.5, kg/m3 Dm=mean diameter of vessel, m g= gravity, m/s2 Hv= height of vessel, m t= thickness of vessel, mm Pw= plate weight Wi= insulation weight, kN Lw= liquid weight, kN VL= volume of liquid in vessel, m3 ποΏ½L= density of liquid, kg/m3 Pv= volume of plate, m3 Pt= thickness of plate, m Ac= cross-sectional area of column, m2 Ad= downcomer area, m2 Vi= volume of insulation, m3 ποΏ½i= density of insulation, kg/m3 ti= insulation thickness, mm RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Regenerator 70 10.2.3 Vessel Support- skirt design There are various methods of vessel support that differ according to the required number of beams, support load and stress. The most common types of support are ο· Skirt supports ο· Leg supports ο· Saddle supports ο· Lug supports The most common use of support for vertical vessels is a conical or cylindrical outing shell known as a skirt. The skirt connection to the vessel can be attached through three main connections: lap, fillet or butt welding directly onto the vessel body (Moss 2009). The supporting is designed to uniformly distribute the weight of the vessel over the load to minimise stress. Conical skirts are generally more expensive then cylindrical support in terms of fabrication, and is frequently noted to be an overdesigned necessity for most vessel circumstances, however if the vessel is tall they provide better support and higher strength capability (Moss 2009). Figure 43: Skirt Arrangement, (Moss 2013) The skirt supporting infrastructure consists of the shell being supported by the skirt at the base of the column. The flange at the bottom transmits the necessary load to the functions illustrated in the above figure. Openings are provided in the skirt body to allow for piping, maintenance and access. The typical dimensions of the skirt are shown in the following figure. RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Regenerator 71 Figure 44: Supporting Skirt Dimensions, (Sinnott 2009) Since the diameter of the column is 2.84m, the overall dimensions supporting the vessel are as follows, Measurement Length Vessel diameter 2.8m Maximum weight 1350kN V- skirt height 1.58m Y - beam spacing 0.25m C-skirt base width 2.50m E-skirt radius 1.10m J-inner skirt radius 0.625m G-bolt spacing 0.150m t2 16mm t1 12mm Bolt diameter 27mm bolt holes 33mm RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Regenerator 72 Dead weight stress on skirt In order the check the over skirt is satisfactory with the vessel, using the vessel weight being stainless steel including internals such as trays and insulation; we can use this to calculate the actual stress applied on the vessel support rig. ππ€π = ππ£ × 1000 394.10 × 1000 π = = 3.70 = 1650πποΏ½ π(π·π × 1000 + π‘π π)π‘π π π(2.64 × 1000 + 12)12 ππ2 Where, ποΏ½ws= deadweight stress on skirt, N/mm2 Wv= weight of vessel, N/mm2 Ds= inside diameter of skirt, m Tsk=thickness of skirt, mm Bending stress in skirt The bending stress in the skirt is ππ 5121.70 × 1000 × 1000 π πππ = 4 × =4× = 12.98 π(π·π + π‘π π)π‘π π × π·π π(2.72 + 12)12 × 2.72 ππ2 Ms= maximum bending moment, kN.m Tsk = thickness of skirt, mm Ds = inside diameter of skirt, mm Wv= total weight of vessel, N σbs = bending stress, N/mm2 Wind loading applied on skirt Wind loading stress can be calculated by assuming dynamic wind pressure and wind loading as ππ = ππ€ × ππ = 3646 × 1280 = 5121.70οΏ½ππ. π Ms= wind stress, kN.m Pw= dynamic wind pressure, 1280 N/m2 (Sinnott 2009) Wl= wind loading, 3646 N/m (Sinnott 2009) RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Regenerator 73 Seismic load The stresses due to seismic loads such as vibrations, shutters and earthquakes can be calculated using a constant, weight and thickness of skirt material, this is found to be 2 πΆ×π»×π 2 0.8 × 19.8 × 394000 0.0135οΏ½π ππ π = οΏ½ × οΏ½ = ×οΏ½ = 2 2 3 π × (π ππ ) × οΏ½ π‘π π 3 π × (2.84 × 1000 + 16) × οΏ½12 ππ2 C= seismic coefficient, 0.8 W= dead weight of the vessel, N Rok= radius outside the skirt, mm Tsk= thickness of the skirt, mm Strength of skirt Analysis of skirt strength must then be tested to prove sustainable under such loads, in order to determine the strength of the skirt we must calculate by two main measures, compressive and tensile. It is very important to make sure that the stress of the skirt is well within the limit of the skirt strength, the calculations are correlated by taking into account weld efficiency as 0.7 and base angle of the conical skirt at 80°. The young’s modulus is a constant value recommended by (Sinnott 2009) ππ π‘οΏ½πππ₯ = ππ × πΈ × πππΡ² = 89 × 0.7 × 0.98 = 61 π ππ2 π‘π π 12 π ππ ποΏ½πππ₯ = 0.125 × πΈπ¦ × ( ) × π πππ = 0.125 × 200000 × × 0.9 = 108.10 π·π 2.72 × 1000 ππ2 ποΏ½st= tensile stress, N/mm2 ποΏ½sc=compressive stress, N/mm2 Ss=maximum allowable design stress, 89 (Sinnott 2009), N/mm2 E= joint efficiency Wv= dead weight of vessel, N/mm2 Ey = young’s modulus, 200,000 N/mm2 ππ π‘οΏ½π΄ππ‘π’ππ = οΏ½πππ − ππ€π = 12.98 − 3.7 = 9.33 π ππ2 ππ ποΏ½πππ‘π’ππ = πππ + ππ€π = 12.98 + 3.7 = 16.65 π ππ2 Since the tensile and compressive stress exerted on the skirt is less than the maximum limit , the skirt strength and thickness is well suitable for the load present. π π < οΏ½61 2 ππ ππ2 π π οΏ½ππ ποΏ½πππ‘π’ππ < οΏ½ππ ποΏ½πππ₯πππ’ποΏ½οΏ½16.65 οΏ½ < οΏ½108.10 2 ππ ππ2 ππ π‘οΏ½π΄ππ‘π’ππ < ππ π‘οΏ½πππ₯πππ’ποΏ½οΏ½9.33οΏ½ RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Regenerator 74 10.2.4 Vessel Heads and Closures Cylindrical vessels have various possibilities for end of vessel closures and heads that are designed according to operational requirements and cost. The four principle types of heads include (Sinnott 2009) ο· Flat Plate ο· Hemispherical heads ο· Ellipsoidal heads ο· Tori spherical heads. The selection of plate to be used consists by classifying the relevant conditions and minimal cost available. Flat plate heads are the cheapest of all designs; however they’re very limited as they are only permissible for small Figure 45: Vessel Domed Heads, (Sinnott 2009) and low pressure vessels. Their main operation is to cover man ways (Sinnott 2009). Torispherical heads (also referred to as dished ends) are said to be the most utilised design in industry as they can withstand pressures of up to 15bar however when systems exceed 10 bar they should be critically analysed as they became an economic loss compared to ellipsoidal above such ranges (Sinnott 2009). Hemispherical heads are the strongest designs due to its shape in which is capable of twice the pressure of a tori spherical head and the same thickness (Sinnott 2009), however their cost is high. The measure of strength is due to the welding necessary in design, as a chain is as strong as it’s “weakest link” the vessel head is as strong as the welding joint. Since hemispherical contains no welding it is the strongest, however unnecessary for this particular design as the pressure is not excessive. Because the pressure is maximum 150kpa, there is no need for hemispherical or ellipsoidal as torispherical design is well capable for operation, and is the cheapest of domed vessel heads RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Regenerator 75 10.2.5 Head and vessel thickness In order to find the height of the head, we must first find the thickness required under the relevant conditions. According to (Sinnott 2009) the thickness can be found by adding the corrosion allowance and calculating the torispherical correlation with recommended joint efficiency and knuckle radius as 0.7 and 0.135 to collaborate an inherit safe design specification. According to (White 2009) a good corrosion allowance for the amine sweetening step in the regenerator column considering temperatures averages 100 C°, 6mm is a good compensation figure as too large increases cost, and too small will cause to damage of vessel. The thickness of the vessel will be uniform to the head. π‘= 0.885 × ππ × π π 0.885 × 0.265 × 1.5 + πΆπ‘ = + 6ππ = 11ππ π × πΈ − 0.1 × ππ 103.421 × 0.7 − 0.1 × 0.265 Where, S= stress at knuckle point, N/mm2 E= joint efficiency Pi= safety pressure (10% above operating pressure), kpa Rc= knuckle radius, mm Ct= corrosion allowance, mm Head Height The height of the vessel head can be calculated according to (Couper 2010) by the following correlation specified specifically for torispherical heads β2 = 0.1935 × π·π − 0.455 × π‘ = 0.1935 × 2.84 − 0.455 × 0.0011 = 0.54π Figure 46: Torispherical Head Where, r1=radius, m r2=knuckle radius, m h= height of from base to knuckle radius, m h2=height of head, m Do=outer diameter, m t= thickness, m RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Regenerator 76 10.2.6 Vessel Erection and Transportation Vessel erection can be carried out in numerous ways, depending on the weight, height, angles, characteristics and material of construction (Moss 2013). The methods used in industry to lift vessels and columns consist of ο· ο· ο· Single cranes Multiple cranes, Gin poles During the transportation of the unit, there will be different modes of erection established as certain lifting is exhibited in the harbour for shipping and a different requirement for docking and unloading, for this reason it is justified that the listing arrangement should not be designed to dictate the erection variation of choice, but instead remain only as a consideration. (Moss 2013) There are specific legislations that dictate clearances that must remain permissible for the mode of transport utilised. These standards are consistent with railroads, shipping and trucking laws that govern the allowed weight and height to safely move equipment where necessary. A typical trucking audit is shown in the following illustration that clearly states required compliance. RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Regenerator Figure 47: Typical Trucking Compliance Audit, (Moss 2013) 77 Lifting Lug design Because of the type of vessel being relatively tall at around 20 metres in height and weighing 27 tonnes including insulation, the best method of erection is using a rigging crane. This method allows the column to be lifted vertically by having two attached lifting lugs on either side of the column. A typical lifting lug is illustrated in the following diagram, Figure 48: lifting lug dimensions Figure 49: Lifting lug, (Moss 2013) For a vessel inner diameter of 144inch or 3.6 metres, the recommended top lug measurements corresponding to 27 tons is illustrated as (Moss 2013) Table 21: lifting lug dimensions Weight (ton) Shackle size (ton) Lug thickness A mm B mm C mm E mm R3 mm W1 mm Gusset thickness mm D3 tP W2 m mm mm 254 152 457 76 13 13 N/A N/A N/A mm 0-30 35 25 356 RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Regenerator 78 D1 mm 60 10.3 Maintenance 10.3.1 Fouling During the operation of the amine regenerator there shouldn’t be any solids in the solvent or solution, and fouling quantity should be relatively low, however it is recommended to have what is known as a candle filter placed within the regeneration amine cycle. Candle filters are simply pressure filters that are used for polishing of solutions, generally used as low moisture cake filtering (Hartson 2007). Due to maintenance and other phenomena, it is possible to get contamination of solvent by means of solid infiltration. If the solids exceed to a limit of 20 mg for every 100ml, Vacco filters should be installed upstream of the contaminated location, and then followed by an activated carbon filter to mitigate hydrocarbons (Hartson 2009). 10.3.2 Cleaning Cleaning for the amine regenerator should be a rare venture as it does not require frequent cleaning because the nature of the internal components should be clean, with little suspended solids within the solvent. However, if scaling or solids become a contaminant, it is recommended by (Lieberman 2009) to clean the tower in the following manner, ο· Obtain a clear sample of the contaminant or fouling component to test whether it is dissolvable in HCL ο· Fill the tower with a HCL solution strength between 5-10% in concentration with 1% corrosion inhibitor and uniformly dilute a surfactant agent throughout the mixture ο· Circulate the mixture from the column top to bottom while monitoring the acid strength so that damage to equipment of material grading is avoided ο· Rinse the tower with water for a prolonged duration and then completely drain of all fluids ο· Refill the stripper from the top with low concentrated KOH circulation and then circulate the liquid before draining ο· Rinse the tower with water extensively and thoroughly before expecting the column conditions RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Regenerator 79 10.3.3 Alarms and trips The need for trips and alarms in this particular process it relatively low compared to other process plant where they contain extreme conditions and high velocity machinery the pose great danger as they’re both difficult to operate and possess hazardous chemicals. The alarms located within the regenerator are at the base of the column where there is a low level and high level alarm to alert the operator of the liquid conditions. Because of the danger mainly to the equipment if there becomes a critical low level of liquid which causes overheating of the process, the operator and onsite personnel will be warned with an alarm that sounds before conditions escalate (Lieberman 2009). The same method is used for high levels of settling liquid to prevent spillage. Figure 50: Low level trip, (Lieberman 2009) A trip would be advised to be installed at a specific parameter of liquid level both low and high that would cut the feed or cut the drain accordingly, rectifying damage or disaster. RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Regenerator 80 10.4 Mechanical Illustrations Since the chosen method of stripper was delegated to be plate a plate instead of packed column, the internals consist of 18 stainless steel sieve trays (excluding reboiler and condenser stages). Each sieve plate has the following internals and is constructed as illustrated in the figure below. Figure 51: Typical Sieve Tray Arrangement, (Moss 2013) RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Regenerator 81 Column Diameter 706 mm Head thickness 2.84 m Vapour nozzle diameter 12 mm Feed nozzle diameter 88.32 mm 64.5 mm Top reflux nozzle diameter 19.2 m Column Height 12 mm Tray Spacing 0.9 m Wall Thickness 313 mm Bottom reflux nozzle diameter Liquid nozzle diameter 313 mm 0.54 m Head height Figure 52: Column outer dimensions RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Regenerator 82 0.05 meres 6165 holes per tray 0.49 metres 10 mm 0.76 m2 5.57 m2 2.84 metres Figure 53: Sieve tray dimensions Figure 54: Column internal & external applications RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Regenerator 83 10.4.1 Manway Column Manway Manways are personnel access through into the column. They’re designed to allow a person to pass through for inspections and maintenance. This is displayed in the above figure in a typical sieve plate. It is recommended by (Arnold 2008) that any vessel with a diameter larger than 36inch or 0.9meteres should have a minimum manway size of 18inch (0.45 metres). Since the designed stripper column is 2.84 metres in diameter, the manhole diameter will be designed to a 0.45 metre dimension (Arnold 2008). Within the manway it is also recommended to have two 100mm holes as flange inspection openings. The material covering the manway is referred to as a devit which is a movable opening that allows safe and easy opening, and should be 0.3 metres in diameter for convenient access (Arnold 2008) Recommended for the stripper column there should be a minimum of 6 manways for a 19 metres column, to allow access at various degrees of vertical length. A typical manway is shown in the following figure (note that the column man way is different separate to the tray manway) Table 22: Column manway sizing Manway Orientation Circular Manway diameter 0.45 metres Flange inspection openings 100 mm Devit diameter 0.3 meters Manway quantity 6 manways Tray manway Tray manways are an important design of columns as they provide personnel access up through the centre of the column. The recommended width and length per tray is 430mm by 430mm to allow for manoeuvring. Table 23: Tray manway sizing Manway Orientation Square Length* Width 430mm * 430mm Manway Quantity 18 (per tray) Figure 55: Manway Illustration, (Arnold 2008) RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Regenerator 84 10.5 Flanges & Nozzles There are several types of flanges that can be used to various applications. The primary types used most frequent in industry are (Moss 2013) 10.5.1 Flange types ο· Welding rock flange: welding rock flanges have a long tapered hub between both the flange and the welded joint. This feature helps reduce the continuity of stresses applied and breaks the tension between the flange and branch, also increasing the overall strength as it’s tolerance limit is increased Figure 56: Welding rock flange ο· Slip-on flange: Slip on flanges are cheaper than welding rock and are easily removed and aligned, there application is designed in a way so that they are able to slip over the pipe of nozzle and can be attached externally by welding. However, they have relatively poor performance when considering shock and vibration loads, and are about 2/3 that of the strength of a welding rock flange ο· Figure 57: slip on flange Lap-joint flange: Lap point flanges are used for pipework infrastructure. They are an economical when are used in combination with expensive alloys as the flange itself can be made from inexpensive carbon steels, also isolating corrosion points. Because lap joint flanges are both easy to assemble and align they’re favoured for low pressure vessels and also supplied without a hub which reduced their capital cost. ο· Figure 58: Lap-point flange Screwed flange: Screwed flanges are used to connect screwed fittings to the flange. They can be useful in the sense that in the circumstance of having alloy piping which can be difficult to weld they can act as a suitable and strong substitute. Figure 59: screwed flange ο· Plate/blind flange: plate flanges are simply flat plates that used to cover flange connections and manways of a vessel. Figure 60: Blind flange RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Regenerator 85 In order to determine the type of flange to be used in the design of the vessel mechanics, it is advised to use already preconceived designs as custom design flanges are very expensive to fabricate. In order to classify the necessary properties of a flange, there are several flange standards that categorised each variation according to their quality grade, which is primarily measured by temperature and pressure response. Due to the nature of the process containing corrosive conditions because of the temperature and property of vapour and gas, it is strongly advised to use a corrosion resistant flange which constitutions an alloy that can withstand the design specifications. Since our particular stripping column is operating at very reasonable conditions as the pressure is very low (150kpa maximum) and the temperature not rising above standard design procedure of 110Cβ°, we will not require any specialised flange fabrication. For this reason the considerations for the inherit design of the flange will be based upon the seating force limitations rather than the flange limitations, as low pressure conditions are easily withstood by the flange itself. The following recommendations for low pressure flanges is the design of ο· Minimising where possible the overall gasket width to reduce the force required to seat the gasket upon the flange foundation ο· Use smaller bolt sizes with more bolts in order to minimise the bolt circle diameter and therefore reducing the moment arm which will decrease the necessary flange thickness ο· Make use of what is known as hub-less flanges to minimise to cost of forgings (considerations can be either lap joint or plate flanges) To meet these conditions, the chosen use of flange will classified as lap joint because it both is easy to align and requires not hub. The specific dimensions are discussed on the following page. Classified by the ability of each flanges to withstand pressure, lap joints are in the lowest class classified in imperial units known as 150lb. Since our design as previously mention will not exceed 150kpa, the low pressure lap joint is the most suitable and not higher strength is required. In order to allow to give uniform compression of gasket impacted by the flange, it is important to calculate the bolt spacing limit to consider even stress loads through all bolts. It is recommended by (Sinnott 2009) that the bolt spacing to be no less than 2.5 times than of the bolt diameter itself, which will allow manual tool clearance such as a spanner or wrench to readily manoeuvre. RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Regenerator 86 10.5.2 Lap-joint flange Figure 61: Lap-joint flange measurements Figure 62: Lap-joint flange dimensions RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Regenerator 87 10.5.3 Flange Face When it comes to choosing a type of flange face, there are two main classifications that describe the basic application. The two primary variations are (Moss 2013): ο· Full faced flange: This is simply a flange where the face contacting area covers the entire outside including the bolts and the face of the flange itself. These designs are only suitable for low pressure operating conditions and are inexpensive compared to other arrangements. Because the area required for the gasket is large, there is a high bolt tension in order to provide good sealing application ο· Narrow faced flange: Where the face contacting perimeter is found within the circle of bolts. This is the most common type of flange as it can withstand reasonable operating conditions and is relatively simple in design. It however does cost more than a full face flange but provides a larger variability due to their increased level of tolerance. The most common type of narrow faced flange is the raised-face. Other types of flanges do exist called plain face, such as spigot and socket. These arrangements are the strongest design as they prevent blowouts due from excessive pressure. Their inherit nature is due to their design holding the plain face in place by friction between the gasket and flange surface. Figure 65: Full face flange Figure 64: Narrow faced flange Figure 63: Spigot and Socket The narrow faced flange is the most suited to the design, since full face is tolerant for low pressure vessels which is what we are operating, however, for insurability in case of over pressuring of the system, it is inherently safer to incorporate narrow faced as it has a high tolerance and will be able to withstand any extremities that are unprecedented (i.e. pressure relief valve failure). RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Regenerator 88 Flange sizes at each nozzle location corresponding to the figure illustrating each dimension. Each flange is a stainless steel lap joint flange with a stainless steel gasket thickness of 10mm. Table 24: Flange location and dimension Flange location Nozzle size Diameter mm Piping size standard (actual) A mm B mm C mm D mm R mm F mm H mm I mm J mm Weight kg, per piece Feed 88.32 88.90 190.50 91.40 23.90 30.20 9.70 108.0 4 19.10 152.40 3.81 Column top 706 610 812.8 616.0 47.80 11.30 12.70 663.4 20 35.10 749.3 86.60 Top reflux 64.5 60.30 152.40 62.50 19.10 25.40 7.90 77.70 4 19.10 120.70 2.03 Bottom 42 42.20 117.3 43.7 15.7 20.6 4.8 58.7 4 15.7 88.9 1 Bottom reflux 313 323 482.60 328.20 31.80 55.60 12.70 365.30 12 25.40 431.80 26.10 RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Regenerator 89 10.5.4 Gaskets The gasket material used for the flanges of the stripper column are stainless steel corrugated metal in order to prevent corrosion, and therefore leaks ensuring long time durability. The minimum gasket thickness should be greater than 10mm for a stainless steel gasket. Because of the material being relatively dense, there is a limit at which the gasket must be fastened into place so that it is properly seated within the flange. This factor is called seating pressure. In order to determine the correct internal pressure minimum to apply to the flange and gasket bols, we need to take into account the gasket factor, and the minimum seating pressure yield strength. Recommended by (Sinnott 2009) the gasket factor is 3.5 and the minimum seating pressure of 44.8 N/mm2. Therefore the necessary applied pressure will be π΄πππππποΏ½ππππ π π’ππ = π × ππππ‘ππποΏ½ππππ π π’ππ = 156.8 π ππ2 Where, M= gasket factor With this type of necessary pressure it will require machine assisted torque in order to securely fasten a gasket with such a seating pressure. Table 25: Gasket sizing Material Stainless Steel Seating pressure 44.8 N/mm2 Applied pressure 156.8 N/mm2 Gasket factor (M) 3.5 Minimum gasket thickness 10mm Number of gaskets per column 5 RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Regenerator 90 10.5.5 Nozzles In order to specify the correct nozzle size, we need to consider the velocities at each nozzle location whether it’s liquid or vapour. Once a feasible assumed value for vapour or liquid pipe velocity is established, we can calculate the required area and therefore diameter of nozzle necessary in the column wall. The following calculations have been made to determine the main 5 nozzle locations at which are located at feed, top reflux, column top vapour exit, bottom column liquid exit, bottom reflux. The diameter of nozzle inlet, 4 0.5 π· = (π΄ × ) × 1000 π D= diameter, m A= area, m2 Where the area at each nozzle location is, π΄= πΏπ + ππ (ππ£ + ππΏ) × π Lm= liquid flow rate, kg/s Vm= vapour flow rate, kg/s V= velocity, m/s ρV= vapour density, kg/m3 ρL= liquid density, kg/m3 Therefore the following calculations can be made at each nozzle, Table 26: Nozzle Properties Nozzle Feed Top outlet Top reflux Bottom outlet Bottom reflux Velocity 5 m/s 27 m/s 3 m/s 5 m/s 15 m/s Flow rate 29.12 kg/s 22.63 kg/s 9.28 kg/s 6.49 kg/s 1 kg/s Density 950.89 kg/m3 2.89 kg/m3 1000 kg/m3 950.89 kg/m3 0.89 kg/m3 State Liquid Vapour Condensate Liquid Steam Area 0.006 m2 0.29 m2 0.0033 m2 0.0014 m2 0.078 m2 Diameter 88.32 mm 607.76 mm 64.41 mm 41.71 mm 313.80 mm (See energy and mass balance for operating details) RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Regenerator 91 10.6 Functionality of Column 10.6.1 Start Up Procedure Proceeding the pre-commissioning have been satisfactory of all equipment and piping utilised in the regenerator column and all valves are checked for operation start up, filing of the stripper can begin. The reboiler should be primed prior to filling the column and temperature approaching operating level as liquid is filling the tower simultaneously. The condenser overhead the column should also begin running at the same time as reboiler which may present to be unusually cooler as the column gradually heats up (this is okay as the overhead vapour will soon begin to increase in both velocity and flow rate as the partial pressure gradually increases from the reboiler power input) Careful monitoring of reboiler should be stringent as low liquid levels will cause a rapid increase in temperature as there is no thermal resistance from the inner tubes heated by steam to the kettle reboiler shell (this is the reason for reboiler priming as initial start-up is to check high liquid levels within reboiler shell, properly submerging the inner tubes). As the liquid is filling the base of the column and heating up, careful operation should be monitored, flow rates on constant check, pressure and temperature balancing in order to reach a careful steady state operation where it will run continually. Pressure relief opening lines should operate from the controller room in case of any unprecedented start up procedures prolapse and pressure or temperature reaches to high. Check the overhead and bottom flow rate grading quality to ensure stripping process is established and that the there is sufficient amount of vaporised steam passing through the column into the condenser. All reflux loops should be open, and efficiency approaching maximal. Once the expected steam rates are passing overhead and being looped back into column the reboiler can enter a stead state condition as increasing in further temperature is unnecessary. RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Regenerator 92 10.6.2 Steady state operation Process Parameter Corrective Action Inclination in operating pressure 1. Failure of pressure/valve controllers 2. Valve stuck shut and hinged 3. Damage to outlet gas lines at column top. Inspect for unintentional closed valve (freeze up if cold weather) Declination in operating pressure 1. Failure of pressure/valve controllers 2. Check Valve control unhinged and stuck open 3. Check Obstruction to gas lines entering or exiting stripping column Inclination in temperature (outside of condenser) 1. Low cooling water flow rate 2. Damage to cooling water pipelines 3. Temperature transmitter or valve damage, ineffective operation or dull transmission signalling to control Variability in reflux flow rates 1. Levelling transmitter is faulty 2. Valve false operation 3. Reboiler heating conditions incorrectly operating Reboiler energy input temperamental 1. Pressure fluctuation within inlet of heating steam 2. Incorrect transmitting of flow controllers 3. Heating steam supplied to reboiler is compromised Figure 66: Stripper Operating Actions RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Regenerator 93 10.6.3 Shut down procedure Before beginning with shut down, inform all operators of concern the procedure will proceed. Shut off feed pumps and gradually reduce valves but keep the bottom and overhead valves open slightly longer as the primary objective is to remove all corrosive components first, and then water. Once the feed valves begin to close the flow of MEA will reduce and the column will begin to decrease as it drains out the bottom. Because of this, the reboiler will reduce its steam flow rate and start cooling down, however because the draining rate is higher than cooling rate, the vaporised water from the top reflux will continue to cycle. As the gas is removed out of the MEA solvent and there is no longer any solvent incoming, the bottom column will be drained of liquid and recycled back to the absorber to be treated upon start up (as it will continue dissolve gases). The reboiler by this stage will be fully closed by the condenser will be reducing to ensure all water is returned to the column and down the plates enabling a pre-wash effect to clear materials of corrosive substance. However, because MEA is not corrosive as low temperatures the cleaning process is relatively simple as it is only necessary at low calibre compared to other sections of the plant. Moreover, an external washing source will still be required. Once the column levels are cleared to be empty, a fresh water source will be directed into the top reflux nozzle and should allow for a prolonged duration for water to coherently pass down the column, over plates and through holes removing where possible remaining substance that may cause fouling or corrosion. Once the satisfactory washing time is completed, inspection is possible through either manway concerning the column, and once conditions are satisfactory, the operation can be fully closed. RMIT University | Mechanical Design of Regenerator 94 11 Data Sheet Table 27: Data Sheet Capacity Operational mode Solvent feed rate (30wt%) Gas feed rate Steam inlet rate Operating Conditions Pressure Temperature Heating mode Residence time Pressure drop (column) Power Materials of Construction Vessel internals Vessel shell Vessel heads and closures Insulation Trays Reboiler shell Reboiler pipes Gaskets nozzles Flanges Vessel dimensions Vessel dead weight Vessel head Vessel orientation Inner diameter Height Vessel wall thickness Vessel head thickness Head height Reboiler bundle diameter Reboiler length Reboiler inner pipe diameter Reboiler pipe thickness Vessel internals Tray thickness Tray spacing Tray type Holes per tray Vessel support Skirt support Skirt thickness Continuous 107.15 tonnes/hr 387.34 tonnes/hr 75 tonnes/hr 130 kPa 110 Cβ° Kettle reboiler 22 seconds 1 kPa 49 MW 304 Stainless steel Carbon steel Carbon steel Calcium silicate 304 stainless steel Carbon steel 304 stainless steel 304 stainless steel 304 stainless steel Carbon steel 39 tonne Torispherical Vertical 2.84 m 19.2 m 12 mm 12 mm 0.54 m 722 mm 8m 25 mm 5 mm 10 mm 0.9 m Sieve 6165 Conical 16mm RMIT University | Data Sheet 95 12 Process Instrumentation & Control Diagram S-11 Cooling water PC V-4 Gas PT S-13 V-5 TT FC FC LT S-13 S-10 V-6 S-12 TT FC S-9 Steam V-2 TT FC S-15 Steam LAL HAL V-3 FC LT S-14 feed S-16 S-9 Bottom product V-1 Figure 67: Process Instrumentation Diagram (PID) RMIT University | Process Instrumentation & Control Diagram 96 Condensate Table 28: PID Controls Equipment Rig Controls Valve Controller Justification Action Regenerator Reboiler Flash Drum LC (V-1) Regenerator AO R Prevents Column from Bottom, Level overflowing and mitigating control spills TC Steam feed, (feed) temperature overheating, controls feed (V-2) control temperature TC (V-3) Steam feed, PT (V-5) AO AO R R Prevents column and reboiler temperature temperature to overheat, also control controls rate of heating Gas Product, AC R pressure control LC (V-6) Prevents column from Condensate Prevents overpressure, backflow and vessel damage AC R Prevents overflow of liquid AC D Prevents overheating and Product, level control Condenser TC (V-4) Cooling Water, temperature boiling of flash drum liquid control and increases cooling rate 12.1 Process Variables The Process variables related to the control scheme of the amine regeneration system including heat exchangers (reboiler, condenser, feed heat exchanger) consist of 3 transmitter types being temperature (stripper bottom, stripper temperature, feed temperature and distillate temperature) pressure (flash drum pressure) and level (stripper liquid level, flash drum liquid level). The controls that are translated through signal variation and operate accordingly include flow (temperature and pressure transmission) and pressure (pressure transmission). RMIT University | Process Instrumentation & Control Diagram 97 12.2 Process Control From the previous process the feed is fed into the column via a heat exchanger that controls the feed temperature by means of hot steam contact controlled by a valve (V-2) that is AO in order to mitigate possibility of overheating which increases corrosivity, toxicity and loss of efficiency as the MEA is required to operate at a specific temperature to be stripped of acid gases. The control of the level situated at the base of the column is through the feed injection into the column. The regenerator is equipped with a high level alarm and a low level alarm in case of dire need, the operators and any on site personnel can be warned of severe operating conditions. For this reason the feed valve is AO as it’s better for the column to run hot than to cause leak of backflow down piping. The reboiler is controlled by an AO valve in order to prevent over heating of the column, this is controlled via a temperature transmitter that receives signal via measuring the operational conditions of the base of the column. The condenser situated at the top of the regeneration column is equipped to control temperature by means of varying the flow rate of cooling water through the tubes. The condenser cooling water feed is an AC valve as fail safe is better to have extra cold rather than vapour passing into the flash drum. The flash drum is measured by two parameters, pressure and level. The pressure control is through an AC valve to ensure low pressures rather than fail safe high pressure. The level of the flash drum is controlled by the condensate that is exiting the flash drum and syphoned for either reflux or further processing. This valve is also an AC to prevent flooding of the flash drum. All valve signalling is operated through the use of a pneumatic signal denoted by the double slashed signal, this is because the pneumatic signal opposed to electrical or digital as the signal diminishes instead of shutting off which is necessary in high production utilisation and because the use of an actuator must remain attached to the valve processing constantly (Carlos 2003). All control identification is located in the control room and not on-site as plant capacity is too large for manual labour control. RMIT University | Process Instrumentation & Control Diagram 98 12.3 Level Sensors & Control The type of transmitter than signals the control of levelling from the stripper bottom and the flash drum is specified to utilise the float application (see figure 68 for comparison of all sensors).The float transmitter works by having a float that is generally a hallow ball that sits on the surface of the liquid at the amounted location (Battikha 2007). The position of the hallow ball acting as a float is a direct measurement of the present liquid. For maximum accuracy and high sensitivity, the ball is designed so that it will sink in the greatest middle section, illustrated in the following figure Figure 68: Float Level Control,[Battikha, N.E.. (2007).] The function of this application requires the liquid to have a specific known gravity (in this case, MEA and water at operating conditions, see design section) location (Battikha 2007) The float indicator is both simple, cheap and a reliable mode of measurement. Because it is a mechanical design it has a large life span and can be used in harsh operating conditions, whereas electrical may cause safety hazards and susceptible to breaking under high temperature and pressure conditions (Battikha 2007). RMIT University | Process Instrumentation & Control Diagram 99 Figure 69: Level Measurement Comparisons, [Battikha, N.E.. (2007).] RMIT University | Process Instrumentation & Control Diagram 100 12.4 Flow Sensors & Control From careful analysis of different flow rate sensors used for the temperature and level controlling of the flash drum, feed and feed temperature to the column, steam feed to the reboiler, and feed of cooling water to condenser (see PID). Due to the conditions and nature of the pressure being relatively and low flow rates not extreme and an easy application, the orifice plate design is most well suited (Battikha 2007). The orifice plate in comparison to conventional methods such as venturi pipes, magnetic sensors, flow nozzles, pilot tubes and others, the design provides attractive advantages (see figure 70 for comparison). Because the application of pressure measurement is simple in this case, the benefit of having an easy install, transmitters apply to all sizes, stainless steel and any material can be used, there are no moving parts and there availability and documentation is very widely known, as well as being reputable (Battikha 2007). Figure 70: Orifice Plate Pressure Sensor, [Battikha, N.E.. (2007)] The accuracy of the orifice plate is solely dependent upon the properties of the substance being viscosity, density, temperature and may require frequent calibration location (Battikha 2007). However since the mode in which it is being utilised is constant operational condition and low pressures, this design is well suitable to the circumstance. With the use of chemical seals the mitigation of freezing and plugging can be achieved (Battikha 2007). RMIT University | Process Instrumentation & Control Diagram 101 Figure 71: Flow Measurement Comparison, [Battikha, N.E.. (2007).] RMIT University | Process Instrumentation & Control Diagram 102 12.5 Temperature Sensors Used in the control scheme of the MEA regenerator of temperature transmitting, the temperature is monitored to control flow. In reference to the PID, stream 9 & 10 and steam feed to feed heat exchanger and reboiler. The chosen method of measurement is thermo coupling for the particular design (Battikha 2007). Thermocouples have a wide range of application and can handle large variations of temperatures and calibration specifications. They’re self-powered controllers that are advantageous as they are shock resistant, resilient, simple and not expensive (Battikha 2007). Their accuracy tends to vary with temperature but is generally quite high in comparison to other modes of measurement. Their applications can lead to quality depleting through the use and adverse conditions (Battikha 2007). Figure 72: Temperature Sensor Comparison, [Battikha, N.E.. (2007).] RMIT University | Process Instrumentation & Control Diagram 103 Figure 73: Temperature Sensor Thermocouple, [Battikha, N.E.. (2007).] 12.6 Pressure Sensors & Control In the process control scheme for the regenerator system, there is only one component that utilises a pressure transmitter located in the flash drum separation of gases and the pressure is vital to its operation and efficiency, and is controlled by the outlet flow rate of gas via a valve in stream 13 (see PID). The chosen method of pressure sensor in an analysis seen in figure 74 delegated for the specific gas control in the flash drum is classified as the piezoelectric transmitter. The methodology of this design consists of a diaphragm in which the pressure is activated according to its severity which translates as stress onto a crystal (generally quartz) (Battikha 2007). As the strain is applied to the crystal and electrical signal is produced and is converted as output to an indicator (Battikha 2007). These types of sensors are resilient and little in size. Their application gives high frequency results with an output of good linearity that not require constant maintenance and calibration, however, piezoelectric sensors can be sensitive to temperature variability and can react poorly when the system pressure rises above specified calibration (overpressure of the system) (Battikha 2007) Figure 74: Pressure Piezoeletric Sensor, [Battikha, N.E.. (2007).] In figure 74, a comparison of pressure gauges are compared an analysed specifically to their environment and application RMIT University | Process Instrumentation & Control Diagram 104 Figure 75: Pressure Measurement Comparisons, [Battikha, N.E.. (2007)] RMIT University | Process Instrumentation & Control Diagram 105 12.7 Equipment cost In order to calculate the bare module cost of a regenerator column, the following assumptions based on the data of this design report are considered ο· Diameter of column = 2.84m ο· Height of column = 19.2 m ο· Operating pressure = 130 kPa ο· Material of column = carbon steel ο· Material of sieve trays = stainless steel ο· Number of trays = 20 ο· Insulation material = ceramic (for estimation) ο· Number of columns = 2 This bare module cost is simply a reference a real price may vary as certain parameters were omitted in the calculation such as internal fittings and piping. From these parameters, the estimated cost using the CAPCOST application is as follows, Table 29: CAPCOST data This estimation is found in US $ 619,000 in 2008, therefore to calculate a more accurate value we will take into account the inflation rate for the year 2015, using CEPCI (Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index) the adjustment can be correlated as, πΆπ΅π 2015 = πΆπ΅π (2008) × οΏ½ πΆπΈππΆπΌοΏ½2015 πΆπΈππΆπΌοΏ½2008 According the CEPCI the Chemical Engineering annual index for 2008 from CAPCOST was 500, and for the end of 2014 which is the most recently reviewed period, the final index was 579.8. By using these index figures we can calculate using the inflation percentage to find the actual bare module cost for the most recent period. πΆπ΅π 2015 = 619000 × οΏ½ 579.8 = $717,792.4 500 Therefore the base module cost in 2015 for two amine regenerator column is US$ 1,435,584.8. RMIT University | Process Instrumentation & Control Diagram 106 Since the plant is located in Colombia, the exchange rates will be calculated using a location factor in Brazil as it is the same continent and relatively close proximity for calculating purposes. Recommended by (Sinnott 2009) the location factor is 1.14 which is based on 2003 data, therefore the 2015 exchange rate adjustment from U.S dollar to COP (Colombian pesos) is based as (x-rates) Table 30: Exchange rates Currency Year Value US to COP 2003 US$ 0.000392 2015 US$ 0.000325 πΏπΉ(πππ) = οΏ½1.14 × ππ₯πβπππποΏ½πππ‘ποΏ½2015 0.000325 = 1.14 × = 1.16 ππ₯πβπππποΏ½πππ‘ποΏ½2003 0.000392 Therefore the overall cost in Colombia for the current year, πΆππ π‘ = 1.16 × 1,435,584.8 = 5,123,933,440οΏ½pesos 0.000325 RMIT University | Process Instrumentation & Control Diagram 107 13 References Arnold, Ken Stewart, Maurice. (2008). Surface Production Operations - Design of Oil Handling Systems and Facilities, Volume 1 (3rd Edition). 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