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Kazeem Sanusi Resume: Urban Planning & Infrastructure Expert

Current employer
Current position
Kazeem Sanusi
Development Facilitation and Strategic Planning (DFSP) Limited
Chief Responsibility Officer
Integrated Spatial Development Planning - Transportation; Housing & Urban Development; Infrastructure | PPP | Institutions | Governance
+234 908 874 3021
Degrees and Institution
Certificate, HR for Entrepreneurs – Chairos Services Limited
Certificate, Company Direction Course II – Institute of Directors
Certificate, Company Direction Course I – Institute of Directors
Certificate, Campaign Skills – IRI/USAID/Campaign.ng
Certificate, Management and Leadership Development – MDIS
Certificate, PPP Foundation Course – SA National Treasury PPP Unit and Vulindlela Academy, DBSA
Certificate, Road User Charging and Electronic Toll Collection – ITSSA
Certificate, Road Safety (Planning) for Vulnerable Road Users – SANRAL/PIARC/SAICE
MPhil Transport (Planning and Integration) Studies – Centre for Transport Studies, University of Cape Town
Certificate, Traffic Management & Control Rooms – Africa Roads and ITSSA
Certificate, Transport Policy, and Legislation – Alta Swanepoel & Associates cc
BSc (Hons) Urban & Regional Planning – Obafemi Awolowo University
Employment history
Employer (full name)
01/90 – date
Independent / Freelance
05/12 – 09/14
01/12 – 04/12
07/11 – 01/12
11/07 – 07/09
01/00 – 09/07
01/94 – 12/00
Stewart Scott International
Sun-O-San Nigeria Limited
Flexible Modular structured program
Special Purpose Vehicles – exploratory projects
Country base
South Africa
Effective and Resilient Systems and Cities Expert | Spatial (Transportation, Urban, Infrastructure)
Development Planning and Integration Expert
Integrated (Spatial) Development Planning Expert | Transport Planning Expert
PPP Project Manager
Senior Special Assistant (Economy, Research, Statistics, Planning, Strategy & Technical (ERSPST))
Transport Systems and Spatial Development Integration Planner
Lead, Business Planning, Development and Logistics and Member, Transaction Team
Project (Promoter and) Manager, Luxury Mass Transit Services
Selected Projects
Project Name
Project Name
Project Name
10/20 – date
Employer DFSP Limited
One-Stop Boutique Consulting
Chief Responsibility Officer, Operations, Projects, Relationships, and Partnerships
- Operations, Concepts, Projects, Relationships, and Partnerships (Planning, Design, Development, Implementation and Coordination)
- Responsible for developing and delivering Large-Scale, Transformative Development Project Concepts by deploying strategies such as design
thinking, accumulated competencies, context-sensitivity, amongst others | Project (including PPP) Advisory and Delivery Support | Effective,
Inclusive, Integrated, and Sustainable Systems and Cities Development Planning, Advisory, Delivery, and Management | Strategic Project
Management | Strategic Change Design and Management | Strategic Public Participation in Projects | Project MERV, QC/QA, Management,
Impact Assessment, Tracking, Data Repository, and Mapping | Operating Structure Review and Efficiency Advisory |
06/20 – 02/22
Employer Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT)
Capacity Building on application of Measure, Report and Verify (MRV) Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions for mitigating the impact of climate change
Sector Expert – Road Transport
- Support the In-Country Project Facilitator/Coordinator during the Inception Workshop; assist with preparation of the Inception Report from the
Inception Workshop
- Participation in implementing the detailed work plan for the ICAT project
- Responsible for the sectoral MRV Review Report on Road Transport
- Responsible for the Report presenting the new national Road Transport MRV scheme
- Participate in the preparation and responsible for the delivery of a Project Report presenting the overarching institutional arrangements and
recommendation in Nigeria’s Road Transport sector for incorporation in to an overall national GHG MRV reporting system and design document
for Nigeria.
- Responsible for the delivery of report assessing P&M (Policies and Measures/PAM) to develop NDC indicators/tools for Road Transport Sector
- Participation in the preparation of the Road Transport components for the Final Workshop report
- Responsible for the report highlighting key achievements and lessons learned from the Road Transport sector.
03/17 – 09/21
Employer Halcrow Infrastructure
- AMES-Edo Inland Dry Port (IDP) PPP Gap Analysis and Advisory
- Truck Transit Park (TTP) Demand Survey and Analysis, Spatial Planning, and Economic/PPP Viability Advisory for Nigerian Shippers’ Council
- Drafting of National Policy for the Development of Dry Ports in Nigeria for Nigerian Shippers’ Council
- TTP Location Advisory for FMoW
- Benin and Abuja
- Five (5) TTP locations: Tin Can Island, Lagos State; Orokam, Benue State; Illela, Sokoto State; Benin Bye-Pass, Edo State; and Aviele, Edo State
- Desktop
- South-East Nigeria
Lead, TTP DSA; Spatial Planning and Design Advisor; and PPP Viability Advisor
Project Name
Project Name
Project Name
Project Name
Project Name
Spatial and IDP planning advisory; Project design and equipment’s vs best practise gap analysis and advised on the way forward; Reviewed
stakeholder environment, transaction structures and past capital raising efforts to figure out gaps that led to delay and failure; and feasibility/viability
- Planned, designed, and conducted traffic demand survey and analysis, and optimum traffic, lane, and toll estimation; provided spatial planning
guidance for the Design Team; and supported financial analysis and modelling and PPP feasibility/viability assessment; and
- Developed the spatial and project framework, workplan, team, tasks, and deliverables schedule
- Recce on four (4) South-East roads (Enugu-Umuahia-Aba-PH; Aba-Ikot-Ekpene; Aba-Owerri-Onitsha; Onitsha-Awka-Enugu) to figure out
nuisance intensity level; (in)formal management status; (non-)availability of facilities; land availability for TTP consolidation; etc; identification and
prioritization of TTP locations; Truck Transit Park (TTP) Demand Survey and Analysis, Spatial Planning, and Economic/PPP Viability Advisory
for priority locations #1, #2, and #3
Employer Federal Ministry of Finance, Budget, and National Planning
Medium Term National Development Plan (MTNDP)
Peer Review Expert – Transport Thematic Working Group (TTWG)
Peer review of the Cross-Cutting TTWG Diagnostic Reports/Outputs – STALLED
09/19 - 02/20
Employer FCDA
ONEX-Mpape-Ado/Gurku-Nyanya Bye-Pass linking FCT with Nasarawa State
Lead, Traffic Demand Analysis and PPP Viability Assessment
Planned, designed, and conducted traffic demand survey and analysis; optimum traffic, lane and toll estimation; supported financial analysis and
modelling; and PPP feasibility/viability assessment
08/19 - 11/19
Employer DAWN Commission
Review of and Advisory on South-West Regional Development Objectives
Abuja and Ibadan
Transport Planning and Spatial (Development) Integration Expert
Reviewed Regional Development Objectives and conducted a desktop analysis to define “fit-for-purpose” infrastructure levels of service in view of
changes in the regions’ demographic, social and economic dynamics; Spatial integration of sectoral infrastructure development plans; Highlighted
gaps alongside prerequisite steps and activities for PPP-focused Integrated Infrastructure Development Master Planning
07/19 – 05/20
Employer UNDP-FMoE DCC
Investment and Financial Flow Assessment for actualizing Nigeria’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented at UNFCC Paris COP21
Lagos and Abuja
Lead, Transport Sector
Responsible for stakeholder analysis, mapping, engagement, and management; coordination of data gathering and analysis; determination of climate
change mitigation and adaptation strategies; determination of current investment and financial flows; projection of future investment and financial
flows; Facilitated two-day Business Round Table on Nationally Determined Contribution for South-West Region
04/19 - 09/19
Employer D37 Capital
Car Parking Demand Survey and Analysis and PPP Viability Advisory – non-solicited bid
Abuja, FCT
Project Name
Project Name
Project Name
Project Name
Project Name
Project Name
Multi-Level Parking Demand Analysis and PPP Viability Assessment Lead
Developed the framework for assessing parking demand at three (3) locations in FCT – Gudu, FCTA/FCDA, Wuse Market – STALLED
09/18 – 06/19
Employer Independent M&A Transaction Advisor
Recapitalization Equity Investment in The Infrastructure Bank Plc – a DFI
Independent Transaction Advisor
Sought out potential investors, introduced, presented, and achieved submission of a N15.75Bln Recapitalization Equity Investment Bid and followed
through up to payment of N1.65Bln into the assigned Escrow Account. Project stalled due to agreement clause gaps and unresolved deal breakers
10/17 – 12/18
Employer NESG – National Assembly Business Round Table (NASSBER)
Legislation Review and Advisory
Secretary/Industry Expert, Infrastructure Working Group
Responsible for monitoring the legislative environment for potential opportunities to share valuable, industry/sector-specific technical opinion for a
more robust legislative process and output
05/17 - 06/17
Employer WeirCapacity
Review of Kogi State New Development Blueprint
Lokoja, Kogi State
PPP Specialist / Transport Planning and Spatial Development Integration Expert
Defined and advised on gaps vis-à-vis prerequisite steps and activities for PPP-focused Infrastructure Master Planning. Created a system of structures,
processes, procedures, and requirements to assess, define, develop, and deliver a 360-degree Template for Infrastructure Master Planning and for
anchoring economically viable infrastructure delivery by PPP
01/16 - 03/16
YTO-CAMACO/Chinese Government USD4.5Bln Facility for Agriculture (and Rural Development) Mechanization in Nigeria
Abuja and Zaria (ABU NAERLS)
Integrated Development Expert
Drafted the Concept Note for YTO-CAMACO/Chinese Government USD4.5Bln Facility for Agriculture (and Rural Development) Mechanization
in Nigeria – a key background document for President Muhammadu Buhari’s China visit
Employer TRADOC, Minna
Situational Intelligence Mapping and Trend Analysis Brainstorming/Strategy Sessions
Facilitator, Insurgency Trend Mapping and Analysis
Facilitated a one-week situational intelligence brainstorming/strategy session on “Dissecting, Understanding and Tackling Insurgency” – analysis and
spatial mapping of intel, incidence, trend, inter-relativity of events, etc for projecting future attack likelihoods – time, place, and location
06/15 - 11/18
Employer FMoE DCC
INDC and MRV Stakeholder Sessions
Lagos and Abuja
Identified Stakeholder: Transport Planning and Development Integration Expert
Stakeholder Brainstorming and Strategy Sessions
Project Name
Project Name
Employer Volunteer / Independent Consultant
Development of a National Strategy for Mass Housing Delivery and Slum Upgrading
Identified Stakeholder
Facilitated Breakout Session – Development of a National Strategy for Mass Housing Delivery and Slum Upgrading
05/12 – 09/14
Employer NIAF 2, ASI
Abuja and Kano (primarily)
Team Lead and Effective and Resilient Systems and Cities expert – Integrated Spatial Development Planning Expert | Transport Planning Expert
Production of (1) Preliminary Transport Strategy and (2) Framework for Full Transport Master Plan for Greater Kano; Travel Demand Surveys –
Kano and FCT; Establishment of City Development (Spatial Planning and Coordination) Offices in KNUPDA, Kano, STDA, FCTA and FCT’s
Area Councils and Satellite Towns; Economic Analysis and Planning for Kano and FCT; FCT NYSC Camp Relocation; FCT Master Plan Review;
and Proposed: Bwari Wetlands and Eco Tourism Park; and FCT New City (modeled after Gurgaon, New Delhi); etc. - all with indicative Resettlement
Action Plan drafts; Capacity Assessment and Development Support for KNUPDA, KUTPO and STDA; Solid Waste Management and Sanitation
Scoping (in FCT, Kano, and Kaduna) – Waste Minimization and Recycling Promotion; Trailer Park – FCT and Kano; Workstream Coordinator
Support: Budgeting, Programme Management, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting; amongst several other projects
Supported the Kano State Government in the drafting and launch of a strategy document towards resolving the Almajiri crisis – situational assessment
analysis, mapping, and projection of risks and (re)direction potentials
Project Name
Project Name
Motivated the need to set up Executive Support; Economic, Institutional Political Dynamics and Conflict Analysis and (possible) Resolution (within
supported institutions); and Operating Area Geopolitical, Political Economy and Situational Intelligence (Risk) Analysis micro units/tasks
02/12 – 04/12
Employer PPP Resource Centre, ICRC, Presidency
Dams, Urban Development, Ports, and Transport PPP Projects Advisory
Project Manager
PPP viability assessment and advisory support; Review of projects including but not limited to design, cost and operation parameters and stakeholder
relationship and transaction structures; Project review, figure out gaps that led to failure and define the way forward; Member, 1st National PPP
Summit Planning Team; Lead, 1st National PPP Summit Rapporteur Team
07/11 – 01/12
Employer OHMS, FCTA
Various (listed in description below)
Senior Special Assistant (Economy, Research, Statistics, Planning, Strategy & Technical (ERSPST)) – initial three months engagement
Created, lead, and oversighted the OHMS’s people, processes, procedures, structures, and systems; Coordinated and led interactions with the FCTA
Supervisory Committees of the Bi-Cameral National Assembly including but not limited to budget preparation and defense
Successfully promoted, presented, and secured the Re-Establishment, with a N2.5Bln take-off grant, of the Satellite Towns Development Agency
(STDA) at Federal Executive Council level
Motivated the retrofitting of all FCTA/FCDA owned/responsible buildings and facilities to international best practice standards of Universal
Accessibility; Led Teams/Task Committees on FCT Spatial Planning and Land Administration Review and Reforms; WASH; Public Private
Partnerships; Social Development; Mass Housing and Slum Upgrade; Gap Analysis and Update of Various FCT Resettlement Action Plans;
Vulnerable Road Users, Traffic, Transportation, Environmental and Social Impacts Safeguard; Tourism; Mass Transit Operating License Scheme;
BRT Route License Scheme; Taxi Operating License Scheme; FCT-wide Safety and Security Management; Opening up and integrating FCT localities
Conducted FCT NYSC Camp Standards Review and proposed and oversighted Renovation. Also Proposed and selected new site options for NYSC
Relocation as a Development Potentials Trigger including advisory on development of the Camp Support Zone
Project Name
Project Name
Lead/Standing Committee Member, FCTA Budget Committee; External Party Project (including PPP) Proposals Review Panel; Etc
Employer Gerhardt Hitge Pty
South Africa National Transport Master Plan (NATMAP 2050
Eastern Cape, South Africa
Transport Systems and Spatial Integration Consultant
Responsible for highlighting the interplay and integration gaps and opportunities in the sectoral infrastructure and spatial integration space within the
scope of NATMAP in the Eastern Cape
22/07 – 07/09
Employer SSI now RHDHV
Various (listed in description below)
Cape Town, Western Cape Province, South Africa
Transport Systems and Spatial Integration Planner
Coordinator (multi-disciplinary, -sectoral and -stakeholder teams), South African National Transport Master Plan (NATMAP 2050) Western Cape
Region – characterize and design mitigation of problems and challenges related to (on the one hand - the interface between, and on the other hand the finetuning, alignment and management of) transportation and mobility planning, spatial planning, sectoral planning, housing, human settlement
planning and urbanization, and environmental management processes (policies and legislative frameworks) and outputs in South Africa. (Led to valuetriggered issuance of Exceptional “Transport (and Spatial Integration) Planning” Skills Work Permit by the South Africa Department of Home
Led and Project-Managed Systems Integration Audit, Upgrade Design, and Implementation across the Road, Rail, Marine, and Aviation (land side)
Transport sectors and Spatial (land use) – SA 2010 projects
Lead: NMT Masterplan for Cape Winelands District Municipality (wide-area household, intercept, stated preference, and GPS travel (including travel
diary) surveys, and data analysis and presentation; NMT Network Plan for Stellenbosch Municipality; R300 (a regional highway) Pedestrian Survey
and Reporting Project – resulted in a pioneer proposal to use social context-sensitive spatial planning and design elements to achieve eradication of
crime, suicides, and fatal accidents involving VRUs on the R300; Current Public Transport Records for Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality; Traffic,
Transportation, Environmental and Social Impacts Assessment Reporting on Majuba 4,110MW Coal-fired Power Plant; etc
Gautrain High Speed Rail and Feeder Bus System ITSSA pre-operations Technical Clearance Team; Rea Vaya (Johannesburg) and MyCiti (Cape
Town) BRT Planning and Implementation Support; Golden Arrow Bus Services Route Viability and Subsidy Regime Review and Advisory; Minibus
Recapitalization and BMT PPP and Subsidy Strategy Development Support; Passenger Rail Services Agency of South Africa (PRASA) Structure,
Operations and Subsidy Regime Review; Pre-, during- and Post-Construction Traffic, Transportation, Environmental and Social Impacts; Event and
Facility Security Audits; Event Traffic, Transportation, Environmental and Social Impacts Audit; Universal Accessibility Audit of World Cup Stadia;
Project Name
Stakeholder/Reviewer: South African National NMT Policy; Western Cape Provincial Freight Transport and Logistics Implementation Action Plan;
Gauteng (Johannesburg), Tshwane (Pretoria), City of Cape Town and Western Cape Provincial Government’: NMT, BMT, 5-Year ITP, IDP and
Freight Forums; (proposal and discussions on the need for) Road Accident Prevention Legislation – Deterrent, Prevention, Victim care, Investigation,
Assignment of Liability, and Prosecution; Technical Review Memorandum of the Presidential Committee on Financing Railway Modernization in
Nigeria (2007); etc
01/00 – 10/09
Employer Various (listed below)
Various (listed below)
Lead, Business Planning, Development and Logistics, and Member, SPV Transaction Teams
Marina Express Train Services Limited (METSL) Preferred Bidder, Lagos Red Line – Initial stakeholder analysis, and project and transaction structure
development; Technical Team Project Planning and Project Development Brainstorming Sessions; – 2007 – 2009
Investment & Credit Holdings, LLC (ICHL) (Delaware, USA) – Created and midwifed the Stakeholder Engagement Framework and M&A
Transaction Structure for successful private sector acquisition of controlling stake in the then moribund Urban Development Bank Plc now The
Infrastructure Bank Plc, via a debt-to-equity transaction. Committed to use unpaid, accrued remunerations for the purchase of my block of shares in
TIB upon successful completion of transaction and should the transaction fail, forfeit accrued remunerations – this earned me additional risk equity.
2004 – 2007
Project Name
NUL Nig. Partners Ltd. (Oslo, Norway) – Proposal to acquire the Nigerian Unity (Shipping) Line License – 2003; Investment & Credit Boutique
LLC. (Delaware, USA) – Proposed Indigenous Oil and Gas Sector Local Content Development Fund – 2002; HS Gas Systems Ltd. (Ontario, Canada)
– Supply of Centrifugal and Centripetal Gas Compressors for the Gbaran Ubie Oil Fields – 2000 - 2002; ATX Technologies (London, UK) & Banco
Efisa (Lisbon, Portugal) – Proposed (via a pioneer proposal) a General Multipurpose National Identity Card for Nigeria – 2000
01/90 – 12/00
Employer Sun-O-San Nigeria Limited
Luxury Bus Transport Services; Farming; and Commodity Trading
Project Promoter and Manager
Motivated, developed, ran, and profitably grew Sanusi Express from one (1) to seven (7) Mid-Sized Luxury Buses providing kite-structured Luxury
Transit Services connecting Akure, Lagos, Abuja, and Port-Harcourt neutralizing aggressive route and depot threats from the NURTW while at it
Motivated, developed, ran, and profitably grew Evergreen Transport Limited from five (5) to thirty plus (30+) Buses providing Urban Mass Transit
Services within Lagos State and neutralizing aggressive route and depot threats from the NURTW while at it.
Developed and proposed two strategic solution models, valid till date, addressing gaps in the mobile telephony and real estate sectors.
About me
I am an Effective, Integrated, Sustainable, and Resilient Systems and Cities Expert - I context-sensitively look at the full spectrum of spatial, infrastructure, socio-economy, people,
institutions, natural resources, environment, political economy, situational intelligence, conflicts etc. space, their interplay and impacts on integrated, sectoral-balanced sustainable
growth and development. I believe that any issue is a "system" with many components that have diversities, inter-relativities and/or commonalities and our approach should be
to make sure that the diverse components work together for our common good – balancing the needs of the society, the economy, and the environment to ensure a world within
which we can achieve our respective aspirations at personal, familial, communal, regional, national, continent, and planetary levels.
I have sixteen plus post-graduate (of roughly thirty) years’ of mostly “deep end” multi-sector, multi-national, multi-cultural, multi-responsibility and linchpin experience spanning
Public Private Partnerships; Change Design, Introduction, Management; Integrated Spatial (Universal Accessibility, Inclusive, Sustainable, Urban, Transport, Infrastructure,
Economic) Development Planning; Strategy and Policy Development; Project Data Analysis and Planning; Innovation, Investment and Transaction Structuring, Business
Development, Negotiation, Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation, Quality Control and Management, and Institutional Efficiency; Public Social Obligations Analysis,
Institutional Structure Analysis, Solution/Project Concept Development, Batching by (Economic/Social/Combination) Viability, Prioritization, Scheduling and Assignment to
parties best able to deliver; Stakeholder Analysis, Mapping, Engagement, Public Participation, Relationship Management, Debriefing; Resettlement and Compensation; Project
Management, Project Risk Management, Cost Reduction, Documentation, Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Verification; Situational Intelligence, Incident, Conflict, Crisis,
and Risk Data Gathering, (Inter-Relativity) Analysis, Mapping, Projection, Prevention, Mitigation, and Conflict Resolution Strategy Design; Geopolitical and Political Economy
Risk Analysis and Navigation Strategy Development; Entrepreneurship; Climate Change Mitigation Planning, Investment and Financial Flows Analysis and Monitoring, Reporting
and Verification; etc. My experience covered stints with individuals/firms/organizations in/from Canada, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, UK, and USA
and I am renowned for rapid, intuitive intellectual acquisition of (any) issues or task areas and subsequent development of unique, strategic, and context-sensitive approaches for
unlocking hitherto unseen and/or untapped potentials therein. I am a versatile, positive thinking, confident, self-motivated and incurably optimistic team player, with excellent
project and process management experience; I have been involved in several landmark projects and retain lessons of experience from my several successes and humbling failures
acquired during real-life instances in new terrain, geo-locations, corporate environments and roles, and going ahead to innovate and effortlessly build teams, processes, procedures,
systems, structures and networks required to actualize project, program and organizational aspirations; and I have honed the ability to consistently think in full color and to the
nth order of events in any area of endeavor including but not limited to system-wide and interest-specific Project and Business Development.
I have, over time, developed and maintained intense understanding of (inter-)sectoral barriers and vested interests as well as evolving dynamics within and outside Government
and I retain the ability to strategically develop and nurture productive relationships in local and international government, development, aid and finance communities as the need
arises and I have, in the words of a mentor, “unparalleled understanding of the Nigerian political landscape” with participatory experience at Senatorial and Governorship (aspirant
and then Deputy) Candidate levels respectively – its intrigues, causes, effects, impacts on the country’s socio-economic dynamics and the resultant (dis)inclination of the general
populace to participate in politics and/or take ownership of government decisions and initiatives, even when individual and collective accruable economic, social, and
environmental benefits are obvious. These insights are further complemented with a keen understanding of the Nigerian violent extremism, conflict, and media-driven space’s
dynamics. I have totally bowed out of politics and keen to apply my lessons of experience – towards deconstructing the reservations/disinclination to and challenges of engaging
with the political landscape and public sector players by International Aid/Development, Private- and Quasi-Public Sector Institutions.
I am incurably optimistic about Nigeria and her boundless potentials which unfortunately remain largely untapped or at best underutilized till date. I possess high level intellectual
humility and adaptability skills and I am not averse to program or project opportunities in, including but not limited to, (post-)conflict regions – contributing to conflict resolution,
stabilization, and (re)establishment of permanent, integrated, inclusive, and sustainable socio-economic growth and (re)development.
Referees: Ripin Kalra: Former Senior Colleague, NIAF; University of Westminster, 35 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5LS, United Kingdom; +44 7763 182092;
kalrar@wmin.ac.uk; Johan Kruger: Transaction Team Lead, ICHL and Board Vice Chairman, TIB; 295 Pebble Beach Drive, Eagle Canyon Golf Estate, Honeydew 2040, South
Africa; +27 83 702 0960; johan@afcapconsult.co.za; Phil Erasmus: Former Transport Service Line Manager, SSI; Bldg nr 96, Street 610, Zone 56, Doha, Qatar 001, Doha,
Qatar; +97 432 19803; erasmusps@gmail.com