DARAGA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Salvacion, Daraga Albay LESSON PLAN IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION GRADE 4 March 23, 2022 I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson the children are expected to: • • • II. III. Distinguish the different target games such as Tumbang preso, tamaang tao/batuhang bola and tatsing; Displays joy of effort, respect for others and fair play during participation in physical activities Executes the different skills involved in the games of target games. SUBJECT MATTER Topic: Target games (Tumbangpreso, tamaang-tao/batuhang bola, tatsing). Materials: Ball for batuhang bola, Pictures of examples of target games, Chart for assessment and assignment, Can for tumbang preso, Slippers, Jackstone, Pick-up-sticks. References: K to 12 Curriculum Guide PHYSICAL EDUCATION page 26 of 67 PROCEDURE A. ENGAGE PART I: Pre—Assessment: Provide KWL chart to see what students want to know and what they learned about the topic. B. EXPLORE C. EXPLAIN PART II: Allow the students to name all the target games they know, and they have to explain it how to play (for 5 minutes) The students will discuss their answer to the class and explain how they come up to their answer. The teacher will discuss the two traditional games. “batuhang bola” and “tumbang preso. Tamaang Bola (Dodgeball) Dodgeball is played with 2 teams of 6 players if the game is played indoors and 10 players for outdoor competition. The objective of the game is to avoid being hit by balls the other team is throwing and eliminate the other team’s players. Tumbang Preso For the purpose of making the game enjoyable and exciting, the composition of players should not be more than 9. The principle involved is to hit and knock down the milk can with the "pamato," and for the “it” to put back the can inside a small circle a few meters away from the toe-line. When a player is tag while re-covering his pamato, he becomes the “it”. D. ELABORATE Identify if the statement tells about Tamaang Tao or Tumbang Preso. Write A if it is Tamaang Tao and B if Tumbang Preso. 1. The objective of the game is to avoid being hit by balls the other team is throwing and eliminate the other team’s players. 2. The principle involved is to hit and knock down the milk can with the "pamato," and for the “it” to put back the can inside a small circle a few meters away from the toe-line. 3. An “it”, the one to guard the milk can is chosen by throwing the "pamato" to the toe line by all the players. Whoever player whose "pamato" is farthest from the toe-line is the “it”. 4. Team members throw balls at the opposite team only after they have crossed back over their own “attack” line. Players may never cross the middle line or step out of bounds. 5. If a player hits the milk can and pushes it out of the circle, but it doesn’t fall over, other players may proceed in throwing their pamato at it until it does fall over. It makes no difference if you knock it over within the circle. However, the “it” must place the pamato back into the circle in order to tag anyone once it falls. 6. A player is out if, they hit another player above the shoulders. 7. If the milk can is standing, the “IT” can tag anyone attempting to retrieve their shoe only if the milk can is standing upright in the circle. 8. Players who are hit with the balls are out of the game. 9. The "pamato" must be retrieved immediately once the can is knocked down; otherwise once the “it” has placed the can inside the circle, the one tagged becomes the “it”. 10. Hitting a player in the face eliminates the thrower. E. EVALUATE The students will make a graphic organizer by supply the blank spaces with the facts that they have learned about tamaang bola and tumbang preso. TUMBANG PRESO LARO NG LAHI TAMAANG BOLA REMARKS Prepared by: TUAZON, DEXTER M. III BEED BLOCK 3