Uploaded by Bruis, Jermin Geslani


Gene Therapy, A New Tool to Cure Human Diseases
Science made a huge contribution when it comes to health and medicine. It plays
an important role in diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of different medical conditions.
One of the examples is Gene Therapy. According to the video, Gene Therapy is the
transfer of genetic material into cells and tissues to prevent or cure a disease.
As what I have observed in the video, Gene Therapy is somehow complicated and
needs critical research before it will be used in the public. This is what exactly science is
all about. In order for an invention or discovery to be approved, it needs a scientific
research or approach. In the video, a trial and experiment were shown. With that, I believe
that experiment performs many jobs in science. One of its critical roles is to check theories
and to offer the premise for clinical knowledge. Also, In order to find new therapies for
diseases, clinical trials are necessary, as are new ways of detecting, diagnosing, and
reducing the risk of contracting the disease. Clinical trials will show researchers what
works in humans that can not be learned in the laboratory or in animals.
Moreover, it was mentioned that depending on the issue that is present, scientists
can do one of many things. They can replace a gene that causes a medical condition with
one that does not, add genes to help the body fight or cure illness, or turn off troublecausing genes. Scientists use a vehicle called a "vector" that is genetically modified to
carry the gene in order to inject new genes directly into cells. Also, I learned that Gene
therapy may be used within or outside of the body to change cells. A doctor will inject the
vector carrying the gene directly into the part of the body that has faulty cells when this is
performed inside the body.
This proves that in order to help prevent, diagnose and cure diseases, as well as
to create new medications and treatments that can alleviate symptoms or treat diseases,
medical scientists and doctors are actively conducting research and developing new
techniques. Scientists have been able to investigate diseases at the cellular level with the
use of technology in medical research and develop treatment against them. Overall, I
could say that science and technology is very important in this fast-changing world.
After I watched this video, a realization came to my mind. Since the beginning of
the professional practice of medicine, advances in medical technology have allowed
physicians to better diagnose and treat their patients. Countless lives have been saved
thanks to the continuous development of technology in the medical field and the overall
quality of life continues to improve over time. In today's world, both in every industry and
in our personal lives, technology plays an important role. Healthcare is definitely one of
the most important among all the industries in which technology plays a crucial role. It is
the responsibility of this merger to enhance and save countless lives around the world.