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11.1 Linkedin - Docs Compilation

Linkedin 2019 - Docs Compilation
Links to past sheets/trackers
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Comment Screenshots
Standard Messages for Connections
For received and accepted LinkedIn Connection Requests
#10 - Late contact.
#11 - Noticed an interest in something. Talk more about it.
For ending talks with confirming calls
Scheduling a call after connections OK
Call confirmed - Will now send invite to email, if offered
Choosing video call over face to face meet - busy
Said yes to a call, now we offer TWO possible dates for scheduling. Same
Questions from connections about call
What will we discuss?
What are your business credentials?
What do you do?
Explain what you do in regards to software development?
What are you interested in discussing?
What do you use? Why zoom?
Draft Messages Pending Approval
Draft Replies Pending Approval
Past Active Conversations
Comment Screenshots
18th March 2019
● Notes on feedback and improvement can be added directly to the screenshots via
19th March 2019
20th March 2019
21st March 2019
22nd March 2019
1st Post & Comment:
2nd Post & Comment:
3rd Post & Comment:
4th Post & Comment:
5th Post & Comment:
6th Post & Comment:
25th March 2019
1st Post & Comment:
2nd Post & Comment:
3rd Post & Comment:
4th Post & Comment:
5th Post & Comment:
6th Post & Comment:
7th Post & Comment:
26th March 2019
1st Post & Comment:
2nd Post & Comment:
3rd Post & Comment:
4th Post & Comment:
5th Post & Comment:
6th Post & Comment:
27th March 2019
1st Post & Comment:
2nd Post & Comment:
3rd Post & Comment:
28th March 2019
1st Post & Comment:
2nd Post & Comment:
3rd Post & Comment:
4th Post & Comment:
29th March 2019
1st Post & Comment:
2nd Post & Comment:
3rd Post & Comment:
4th Post & Comment:
5th Post & Comment:
6th Post & Comment:
7th Post & Comment:
1st April 2019
1st Post & Comment:
2nd Post & Comment:
3rd Post & Comment:
4th Post & Comment:
5th Post & Comment:
6th Post & Comment:
2nd April 2019
1st Post & Comment:
2nd Post & Comment:
3rd Post & Comment:
3rd April 2019
1st Post & Comment:
2nd Post & Comment:
3rd Post & Comment:
4th post & comment:
5th Post & Comment:
6th Post & Comment:
7th Post & Comment:
8th Post & Comment:
5th April 2019
1st Post & Comment:
2nd Post & Comment:
3rd Post & Comment:
4th Post & Comment:
5th Post & Comment:
8th April 2019
1st Post & Comment:
2nd Post & Comment:
3rd Post & Comment:
4th Post & Comment:
Standard Messages for Connections
For received and accepted LinkedIn Connection Requests
Standard Ending to leave an Intro Message on
Hi <Insert Name>,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <Insert Reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey, perhaps over a conference call sometime.
#1 - Schedule a call.
Hi <first name>,
Thank you so much for sending over the connection request. I see you’re quite an interesting
guy. Would you like to hop on an intro call later this month or next?
#2 - Schedule a call.
Hi <first name>,
Thank you so much for sending over the connection request. I see you’re quite experienced in
<field>. I’d love to learn more. Would you be open to hopping on a chat later this month?
#3 - Made his motives known.
Hi <first name>,
Thank you for sending the connection request. May I ask why you’re looking for connections
within <sector>?
#4 - Potential Partnership.
Hi <first name>,
Thanks for sending over the connection request. Do you have any <software/marketing> projects
we can help you build/work on? Just guessing that might be one of the reasons why you wanted
to connect.
#5 - Recommend us forward.
Hi <first name>,
Thanks for sending over the connection request and for your kind words. I’m currently looking for
either interesting software projects I can work on, or ethical businesses I can help grow. Do you
maybe know of any company I can be of service to?
Would also love to know what your interests are. :)
#6 - Never met someone from <country/place>.
Hi <first name>,
Thank you so much for sending the connection request. I’ve never met anyone from
<country/place>. What are some things you like most about the country?
#7 - Putting their offer to the test. We imply we do something else other than they do. I.e.
Potential partnership opportunity.
Hi <first name>,
Thank you so much for sending the connection request. I’d love to be connected to anyone you
know that needs software developed/other.
#8 - Schedule a call. High potential.
Hi <first name>,
Thank you so much for sending over the connection request. You seem quite an interesting guy.
Maybe we should hop on an introductory call in a few weeks.
Followup in 1 week if they don’t reply:
Hi <first name>, did you get my previous message?
2nd Followup in 15 Days for connections that don’t reply:
Hi <First Name>, just remembered you and realized I never got a reply. Do you not use LinkedIn?
Followup in 3 days for connections that usually reply:
Hi <first name>,
Just wondering if my last message got through?
#9 - Potential hire.
Hi <first name>,
Thank you for sending over the connection request. What projects have you been working on
#10 - Late contact.
Hi <first name>,
Thanks for accepting my connection request. Sorry for the delay in following up -- been swamped
with work.
#11 - Noticed an interest in something. Talk more about it.
Hi <Insert Name>,
I noticed your keen interest in <subject>. Congrats on your work so far.
Wondering what (if any?) are your goals around tech/software/other?
For ending talks with confirming calls
Scheduling a call after connections OK
Beautiful, <Insert Name>. Would you maybe be available on <Weekday>, <Day Number> of
<Month>? I’m free from <Time am/pm> to <Time am/pm>, if that works on your end.
Call confirmed - Will now send invite to email, if offered
Thanks, <Insert Name>! I’ll send an invite over soon. Hopefully we’ll talk <Insert Date>. :)
Choosing video call over face to face meet - busy
Let’s start off with an initial call. In general I prefer face to face meetings, however my schedule is
quite hectic at the moment.
Just leave me an email and I can send over a connection request with bridge info.
Said yes to a call, now we offer TWO possible dates for scheduling. Same Month&Hour.
Wonderful, <Insert Name>! Would you maybe be available on <Weekday>, <Day Number> of
<Month>? Or <Weekday>, <Day Number>? I’m free on both days from<Time am/pm> to <Time
am/pm>, if either work on your end.
Questions from connections about call
What will we discuss?
Agenda would be:
Intros on what each is doing - 5-10 mins
2. Sharing some plans/challenges for 2019 - 5-10 mins
3. Two-way suggestions/brainstorming - 5-10 mins
If that sounds OK as an intro chat, I can schedule a/that call for <Weekday>, on the <Date
Number> at <Time am/pm>.
What are your business credentials?
I currently own 5 companies in various sectors.
Let me attach a brief CV I put together last year and a short deck from one of the divisions at
Maybe it would be valuable to hop on an intro call so we get to know each other better?
I prefer to have 100 great connections than 1000 people I never speak with.
What do you do?
Hi <Insert Name>,
I own a few businesses. One of them in marketing, another in software development, yet another
in organic jams. So quite varied. I attached a CV and a small deck on one of my companies. The
short version is: help businesses innovate and grow.
Explain what you do in regards to software development?
Hi <Insert Name>,
One of the divisions of a company I own (<Insert Name Company>) tackles all aspects of software
development, from ideation and design to delivery and maintenance.
I myself sometimes consult on strategy, feasibility, market fit, UX, etc. Sometimes I’m hired
independently on these fronts, but I prefer to work with my company as then I can guarantee things
will get done well.
Does that answer your question?
What are you interested in discussing?
I just prefer to have more quality contacts than just connections. So I made it a habit to speak at
least once with interesting people in my network so we get to know each other better.
What do you use? Why zoom?
"I actually use Zoom conference lines. This way everyone calls into the same line at the
scheduled time and we can chat there. It’s also beneficial in case someone wants to join via their
Draft Messages Pending Approval
Hi <first name>,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
Richard Heaviside ASAP
Head of Commercial Sales at Esteem Systems - Part of the Roc Transformation Group
Sheffield, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Hi Richard, really sorry for the late reply. Business is going so great that my schedule is at max
capacity. :D I have time to catch up on <>, maybe at <>pm? I usually go to <>, but I'm open to other
suggestions, as well. Let me know if that works for you. Cheers, Robert
John Burgess ASAP
Save Tax, Boost Profits & let Automated Accounts take care of themselves
Leeds, United Kingdom
Hi John, really sorry for the late reply. Business is going so great that my schedule is at max capacity.
:D I have time to catch up on <>, maybe at <>pm? I usually go to <>, but I'm open to other suggestions,
as well. Let me know if that works for you. Cheers, Robert
June 10th
Lexia Schwartz
Vice President at Petsky Prunier
Greater New York City Area
Hi Lexia,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
Simon Whitaker
Chief Executive Officer at Master Debonair
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Hi <first name>,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
Gary Thatcher
CEO & Co-Founder at The Retail Summit
London, United Kingdom
Hi <first name>,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
Lee Bagnall
CEO / Managing Director Outdoor @ JD Sports
Alton, Staffordshire, United Kingdom
Hi <first name>,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
Kevin Houston
Owner & co- founder Carbon Masters
Whitley Bay, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Hi <first name>,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
Craig Wheeler
Chief Executive Officer for the Beate Uhse Group (Pabo 4.0 BV) - Beate Uhse, Pabo and Adam et Eve
London, United Kingdom
Hi <first name>,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
Antreas Athanassopoulos
Chief Customer Officer and CEO Financial Services at DixonsCarphone
United Kingdom
Hi <first name>,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
Neil Saunders
Managing Director and Retail Analyst at GlobalData Retail (formerly Conlumino)
Paradise Valley, Arizona
Hi <first name>,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
James Hickman
CEO Online Home Retail
Worcester, United Kingdom
Hi <first name>,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
Heath Gunn
Chief Executive at Enham Trust
Titchfield, Hampshire, United Kingdom
Hi <first name>,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
June 5th
West-Burnham Eddie sent
CEO at West Norfolk Mind
Peterborough, United Kingdom
Hi Eddie,
Looked over your website and I really liked the style of it: friendly and approachable. The
gardening for health anottmeent service was interesting. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Robyn Lee not sure...
CEO at The Freedom Organisation
Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom
Hi Robyn,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference
call sometime?
Phil Pearl self employed
CEO Mental Toughness
London, United Kingdom
Hi <first name>,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference
call sometime?
Charlie Cook marketing
CEO at Seven Brothers
Hurst, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom
Hi <first name>,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference
call sometime?
June 4th
Nick Orton sent
CEO at BodyPower Ltd
Honiley, Warwickshire, United Kingdom
Hi Nick,
Looked over your website and was impressed. Over 10 years since its founding and BodyPower is
doing amazingly with you as CEO. :)
Would love to learn more about your journey. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Angela Fletcher sent
CEO / Head of Happiness at Happy Futures
York, United Kingdom
Hi Angela,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed by Happy Futures and the cause behind it.
Truly admirable! And Treetops looks amazing in the pictures. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Craie Z Carrera sent
CEO at K.O. Fight Club
Doncaster, United Kingdom
Hi Craie,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed by your summary section. You really care about
the sports industry, and it’s obvious you give it your best.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Ian cobracoyone no?
Chief Executive Officer at Cobra coy military fitness bootcamp
Belfast, Belfast, United Kingdom
Hi <first name>,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
CEO at Hempducation Ltd. Provider of CBD Isolate & Hemp Products Liverpool, Merseyside, United
Hi <first name>,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
Liam Chapman sent
Group CEO at Juice Sauz Distribution & Manufacturing
Nottingham, United Kingdom
Hi Liam,
Looked over 888vapour.com and was impressed by the selection offered. Wild Thing looks to have
potential. :) What’s next?
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
J. Brian Hennessy they contacted us first!
Founder, Stealth-mode Startup // Serial Disrupter // Futurist // Coach // Investor // Board Member
Cedar Crest, New Mexico
Hi Brian,
Thanks for liking my Social Impact Leaders article. Hope it was a good read. :) Looked over your own
recent article SELF-Determinism & Technology. "You ain't seen nothin' yet!" indeed.
Would love to get to know you better and talk more. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
CEO and President at Project-C Ltd
Derby, United Kingdom
Hi Aden,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and saw you worked with NHS. I had a few interactions with them in
the past, and I only have good things to say. :)
Would love to talk about it more. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Markos Aristides Kern sent
Entrepreneur/ Sports Tech Innovator/ Speaker - HIRING!
Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Hi Markos,
Looked over you LinkedIn profile and was impressed. Merging sports with gaming sounds amazing!
This could work for more age ranges than just teens and children. I know I would love it. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
June 3rd
Adam Crofts sent
CEO at Prevayl
Manchester, United Kingdom
H Adam,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was both impressed and surprised by how far Prevayl
progressed under your leadership. 3 months as CEO and you’ve proved the company is in good
hands. :)
Would love to learn more about your journey, you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
Tracey Davies no?
Executive Director at Just Share
Cape Town Area, South Africa
Hi <first name>,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
CEO with a commitment to people, programmes, partners and diversification as a foundation for
successful business growth
York, United Kingdom
Hi Rachel,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed by your accomplishments at YorkTest
Laboratories since your appointment as CEO. Growing your companies value from £320k to £8.65M is
nothing to sneeze at. :)
Would love to learn more about you and your journey. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Valerie Carbone to small?
President at Eyebandz, LLC
Oviedo, Florida
Hi <first name>,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
Joe Bester sent
Director Europe, UK and ME at IoT.nxt & Executive Director at Talent Holdings
The Hague Area, Netherlands
Hi Joe,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed by IoT and how far it progressed under your
management here. 4 years since its founding and over 3 years as CEO in Europe: appears it’s in good
hands. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
John Rush sent
Chief Executive Officer, Director
Phoenix, Arizona
Hi John,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed by the number of med businesses you’ve been
CEO so far: Five is quite the number. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Neil Geoghegan sent
CEO at Clamason Industries Limited
Dudley, United Kingdom
Hi Neil,
Read over the article you shared on AHSS and how it’s changing the industry dynamics. Pretty
insightful on how Clamason works. :) Over 70 years since it’s founding and it’s still progressing and
advancing with the times.
Would love to hear more about you and about your journey as CEO for the past years. Perhaps over a
conference call sometime?
Adam Pigott no?
Chief Commercial Officer at OpenBrix
Leatherhead, Surrey, United Kingdom
Hi <first name>,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
Tommy Matthews sent
Managing Director at Be Military Fit
United Kingdom
Hi Tommy,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed by your experience in the fitness industry.
Writing and launching the first UK based REPs accredited kettlebell instructor course is an amazing
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
May 31
James Moffat sent
Global Channel Sales, Fitness On Demand
Warlingham, Surrey, United Kingdom
Hi James,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed: 13 years of experience in Sales & Business
Development is quite something. Also, congratulations on the new Sales Director position this year!
Would love to learn more about your journey. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Andy Weir sent
Owner of Dryspace Structures Ltd & Inspace Media
Tonbridge, United Kingdom
Hi Andy,
Still loving the new up and coming skydome! When should we expect it?
After seeing your post I took a look over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed by the origins of
Dryspace Structures. Inspace Media was an equally interesting read.
Would love to learn more about yyou and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Chris Barker sent
Chief Executive Officer (& Chief Mischievist) at Spirit Health Group Ltd
Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
Hi Chris,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and website and was surprised to learn you were the youngest
competitor ever in the UK National Brass Band Championships! Always great to learn more about the
man behind the company. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Simon Sugar sent
CEO at Amscreen
London, United Kingdom
Hi Simon,
Thanks for sharing the add about BMW’s CEO retirement. Was surprised it was an actor, I wouldn’t
have guessed. :D
Had to take a look at your Linkedin profile and was impressed by what I’ve read: Over 12 years since
Amscreen’s conception and it’s going great with you at the lead!
Would love to learn more about your journey. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Craig Lister sent
Managing Director of the Green Gym at The Conservation Volunteers
Bedford, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Hi Craig,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed by your passion and commitment to helping
people through both mental and physical improvement. Your work is admirable.
Would love to learn more about your journey. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
May 30
Anthony Rose sent
Founder & CEO, SeedLegals
London, United Kingdom
Hi Anthony,
Again, congratulations on closing the 4$ million Series A! SeedLegals is doing great with you at
the lead. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Glenn Pugh sent
Director at Glenn & Co Independent Estate Agents
Canterbury, United Kingdom
Hi Glenn,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was both impressed and surprised. 25 years experience in real
estate with a background in graphic and product design is really something. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Jonathan DeCarteret sent
CEO & Co-Founder at INDX
London, United Kingdom
Hi Jonathan,
Hope the Malta Blockchain Summit went well. Your trip there seemed to have a high potential for
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
May 28
Chad Bateman sent
CEO at Sensium Healthcare
Redhill, United Kingdom
Hi Chad,
Congrats on making the finals at the MedilinkUK Awards. Over a year as CEO at Sensium and the
company is doing great! Must be in good hands. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Pietro Carmignani sent
CEO UK&IE at Gympass: Helping the world find an activity to love
London, United Kingdom
Hi Pietro,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed by Gympass and the team dynamics there. The
team activities, how you interact with each other… I’m already getting inspired!
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Gary Lockwood SENT
CEO 24/7 Fitness Group
Dudley, United Kingdom
Hi Gary,
Looked over your website and was impressed by 24/7 Fitness. You really got it all! My wife and I
would have loved to have something like that in Sheffield. :)
Would really like to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
Jake Anderson no
CEO @ One Life Social Media - The Worlds No1 Fitness / Wellness Membership Accelerator
Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom
Hi Jake,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
Brett Maloley hmm
Chief Executive Officer at Ladder
Austin, Texas
Hi Brett,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
William Scriven SENT
Managing Director at Benevolent Capital
Los Angeles, California
Hi William,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed by your experience combo: Sports, investment
banking, commercial real estate… What’s next? :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Sophie Lawler SENT
CEO Total Fitness with vast experience in the development & leadership of transformational strategic
change Tynemouth, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Hi Sophie,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and I really liked how passionate and driven you are about Total
Fitness. I see the company’s been in good hands with you as CEO the past year. :)
Would love to learn more about your journey. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
May 27
Eric Toll sent
MD 123Telecom (17k) Office Phones. Internet & Lines. 20th year. Partners Welcome
Cardiff, United Kingdom
Hi Eric,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed. Over 20 years since founding 123Telecom, and
still going strong. Amazing what you did with your company. :)
Would love to learn more about your journey. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Shilo Ben Zeev sent
Chief Executive Officer at 58diagnostics
New York, New York
Hi Shilo,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed by your experience section. CEO of D-Cure,
VP at MEX, Co-founder of LabStyle Innovation, chairman of Mybiotics Pharma… Now CEO and cofounder of Smartzyme Biopharma, as well as 58diagnostics. Any other plans this year? :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Caroline Casey senr
Founder #valuable & The Valuable 500
Hi Caroline,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was surprised to see that besides founder of THe Valuable
500, you're also a TED speaker. Impressive. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Miles Kirby sent
Managing Director at AV8 Ventures
United Kingdom
Hi Miles,
Just read your article at TechCrunch and was impressed. Over a year old and AV8 Ventures is
progressing amazingly with you at the front. Congrats!
Would love to learn more about your journey. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
MAY 27
Eric Toll
MD 123Telecom (17k) Office Phones. Internet & Lines. 20th year. Partners Welcome
Cardiff, United Kingdom
MAY 22 (running out of connections to send messages)
Idan Geva sent
CEO at Butterfly Medical
Hi Idan,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed by your experience section: FlowMedic, Abbott
Vascular, MCS, Biotronik… Butterfly Medical is in good hands. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Craig Marshall sent
Chief Executive Officer, OrganOx
Oxford, United Kingdom
Hi Craig,
Was impressed by your LinkedIn profile and website. Joined OrganOx in December 2016 and by
January you already made CEO. Congrats!
Would love to learn more you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
David Stalker sent
United Kingdom
Hi David,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed. From CEO of Ukactive to CEO of Myzone
EMEA. The company must be in good hands. :)
Would love to learn more about your journey. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Kenny Livingstone sent
ZoomDoc CEO and Chief Medical Officer
London, Greater London, United Kingdom
Hi Kevin,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed by ZoomDoc: consultations by phone, video or
in person, 24/7 availability… Putting the needs of the patient first.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
MAY 21
Anil D'souza SENT
Chief Executive Officer, Tolmar Pharmaceuticals
Greater Chicago Area
Hi Anil,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed. Congrats on making CEO this year! Tolmar is in
good hands. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Gretta van Riel not yet
Forbes 30 Under 30 2018 | 5x Startup Founder | 16 Million Combined Followers on Instagram | $1M
eCommerce Sales in a Day
Melbourne, Australia
Hi <first name>,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
Tina Abnoosi SENT
We are rapidly growing & searching for Medical Distributors specializing in the Dermatology & Plastic
surgery sectors
Paradise Valley, Arizona
Hi TIna,
Looked over TAMA’s website and was impressed. Founder, President and CEO of 8 years, with over
27 years experience in design and manufacturing. Really something!
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Jason Blain sent
President and Chief Executive Officer at Spinal Elements
Greater San Diego Area
Hi Jason,
Looked over Spinal Element’s website and was impressed. From co-founder to CEO of almost 2 years.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Timothy I. Still sent
CEO, President and Board Member at Myoscience
San Francisco Bay Area
Hi Timothy,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed. Over 29 years experience in medical, been
CEO of a few companies…5 that were successfully acquired. All in all, a great track record. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Dave Mazur sent
CEO & President at Mazur Medical Engineering LLC
Phoenix, Arizona Area
Hi Dave,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed. Young, driven, passionate. Almost a year as
CEO of your own company. On the right track!
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Martin O'Connell sent
Managing Director at Symmetry Performance Ltd
Shepperton, Surrey, United Kingdom
Hi Martin,
Looked over your website and was impressed by Symmetry Performance, as well as your story. Glad
to see your dream coming true. :)
Would love to learn more about your journey, you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
Clara Sogunro-Koko sent
Entrepreneur, CEO RSP Healthcare Consortium (Medical| Nursing| Allied Health| Social Care| Training),
SME Media Service.
Dartford, Kent, United Kingdom
Hi Clara,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was surprised. CEO of RSP Healthcare Consortium, CEO of
MyHealthnet Charity, not to mention director of RSP Recruitment AND consultant. Impressive doesn’t
cover it!
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
John Ashley not sure...
President and CEO
Glendale, Arizona
Hi <first name>,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
MAY 20
David A Wright sent
CEO/Founder Nottingham, United Kingdom
Hi David,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed by your experience. Was particularly surprised
to see that experience extend to Asia Pacific and China. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Luis de Luzuriaga sent
Chief Executive Officer BIT Group
Hi Luis.
Looked over your website and was impressed by BIT. A year as CEO and I see the company is in
good hands.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Jeffery Miglicco sent
Chief Executive Officer at PureWay Houston, Texas
Hi Jeffrey,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed by your list of specialties. Your sales
background in B2B and B2C caught my attention.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Peter Saunders no
CEO at Christian Medical Fellowship
St Albans, United Kingdom
Vladislav Mykhaylenko unsure
Advisor / Angel Investor at Vostok Impex Investment Ltd
Russian Federation
Hi Vladislav,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed to see you’ve been an investor at Skolkovo for
10 years. Congrats!
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Brendan Farrell sent
Chairman & CEO at Molecular Warehouse
United Kingdom
Hi Brendan,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed. Over 30 years experience as senior executive
is quite something. Not to mention the list of companies you helped grow. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Jane Chen sent
CEO at Embrace Innovations
San Francisco, California
Hi Jane,
Looked over your website and was impressed by Embrace Innovations. Beautiful to see your work
have such a great impact.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
May 16
Mark Beran, MBA no?
Chief Marketing Officer at Encompass Group, LLC
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Hi Mark,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
Sent Richard Uhlig
Chief Executive Officer at Quadrant Biosciences Inc.
Ithaca, New York
Hi Richard,
Looked over your website and was impressed by Quadrant Biosciences. Congrats on being awarded
the Technology Business of the Year!
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Sent Oliver Burckhardt
Chief Executive Officer at Flower Orthopedics Corporation
Greater Philadelphia Area
Hi Oliver,
Looked over your website and was impressed by Flower Orthopedics. Almost 7 years since you
founded Flower, and it’s still going strong!
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Tim Heatley wait
Co Founder: Capital & Centric
Manchester, United Kingdom
Nigel Woodruff no?
Owner, The Innovation Partnership Ltd
Manchester, United Kingdom
Hi <first name>,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
Sent Michael Singer
Chief Executive Officer at BrainScope Company, Inc.
Washington D.C. Metro Area
Hi Michael,
Looked over your website and was impressed by BrainScope. Almost 11 years with you as CEO and
you’re both doing brilliantly!
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Sent Mark Street-Docherty
CEO at Elucigene Diagnostics
Dry Doddington, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
Hi Mark,
Looked over your website and was impressed by Elucigene. 2 years as CEO and I see the company
has been thriving under your care. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Sent Joel E. Barthelemy
Founder, Chief Executive Officer, GlobalMed
Phoenix, Arizona Area
Hi Joel,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed by your journey. From starting your first
company during internship to CEO, board and council member, Not to mention all those awards.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Sent John Voskuil
Chief Executive Officer at G&H Orthodontics®
Franklin, Indiana
Hi John,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed by your values to an organisation. Your passion
for vision creation is admirable.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Polina Groman no?
Serial Entrepreneur with over 18 years experience disrupting various markets. Featured in Huff Post,
Forbes.com, NY1
New York, New York
Hi <first name>,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
Sent Carlton Wellington
Investor and Forex Trader
United Kingdom
Hi Carlton, long time no hear. :) Sorry for getting back to you so late, schedule got even busier after I
got back in the UK. If you're still open to a face to face meet (and if you're still in Sheffield), I'm free on
Thursday, May 23, say 12 pm? My usual go-to place is Couch, but I'm open to suggestions. Robert
May 15
No? Stephen Joynes - Managing Director at Joynes & Hunt
Hi <first name>,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
Sent Clare (Rayner) Bailey MCIPS - Lover of business process re-engineering. Systems
geek. TV guest expert. Conference Speaker. Specialist in Supply Chain.
Hi Clare,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed by your testimonials. 72 is quite the number
and speaks volumes about you and your work so far.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Sent Patrick Ricketts - CEO at Therapyroom1
Hi Patrick,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed. Congrats on your 10 years working at
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Sent Libor Chlad - Deputy Head of Cooperation, Gender Champion
Hi Libor,
Thank you for reaching out! Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed. Over 15 years of
experience, not to mention your fieldwork section caught my attention. :)
Would love to learn more about your you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
Sent Paul Rinne - CEO - GripAble Ltd.
Hi Paul,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed by your description of GripAble. Over 2 years
as CEO and going strong!
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Sent Bill Mason - Director at The Sage Group
Hi Bill,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed. Founding and growing 2 healthcare
companies to an internationally renowned status is quite the accomplishment!
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Sent Wayne Poll, M.D. - Chief Executive Officer at Mirabilis Medical
Hi Wayne,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was surprised by your vast experience in medical. Especially
impressed by you having over 19 issued and 10 pending patents. Amazing!
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Sent James Willett - Executive Vice President; Chief Product and Innovation Officer at
Vyaire Medical
Hi James,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed to see you have over 10 years of senior level
experience. Your listed specialties caught my attention, as well. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Sent Dana Allison - Chief Executive Officer - IM Your Doc
Hi Dana,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed. Growing IMYD, founding Women’s World
Health Initiative, working with UNHCR… What’s next?
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Sent Rob Milnes - CEO at Fertility Focus
Hi Rob,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed. Almost 12 years as CEO at Fertility Focus and
still going strong, I see. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Sent James Button - President & Chief Executive Officer at Restore OPC
Hi James,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed by your listed professional specialties and key
accomplishments. Restore OPC is in good hands, I see. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Sent Michael "Mick" Farrell - CEO at ResMed
Hi Mick,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed by your dedication to changing people’s lives
through ResMed. Over 14 million lives influenced for the better in 12 month is an amazing
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
May 14
Sent Nick Bennett - Co-Founder & CEO at Fika CHECK PREV MESSAGE
Hi Nick,
Sorry for getting back to you so late - been swamped with work.
No problem. :) Your interview really caught my attention, I just had to!
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Maybe over a call?
Sent Aime TRIBOLET - CEO - Pictures Wizard - 2D/3D/VR motion & emotion - Value
Hi Aime,
Thank you for accepting my connection request. Would you still be interested in that call sometime
next month?
Sent Joshua Birkholz - Leader in big fundraising. Data science evangelist. CEO of BWF.
Author of Fundraising Analytics. CHECK PREV MESSAGE
Hi Joshua,
Thank you for accepting my connection request. Sorry for the late response -been swamped with
work lately.
Would you be interested in a conference call sometime next month?
Hi Renaud,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed by your experience section, especially
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Sent Guy Wolstencroft - CEO My Hearing Group at My Hearing
Hi Guy,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed. Really liked what I’ve read about My
Hearing and HearScreener so far.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Sent David Axon - CEO Tookie Limited
Hi David,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed. Your description of Tookie particularly
caught my attention.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Sent Elaine Warburton OBE - CEO & Co-Founder QuantuMDx Group
Hi Elaine,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was quite impressed by your description of QuantuMDx.
Just had to check out your website and was further intrigued!
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Sent Stephen Thorpe - Chief Executive Officer at NGPOD GLOBAL LIMITED
Hi Stephen,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and your description of NGPod caught my attention. Just had
to check out the website. Very insightful!
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Sent Lewis Haighton - Managing Director at Viking Medical Solutions
Hi Lewis,
Looked over your website and was impressed by Viking Medical Solutions. Especially liked the
name. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
No? David Evans - Independent Biotechnology Professional
Hi David,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference
call sometime?
No? Stephen Joynes - Managing Director at Joynes & Hunt
Hi Stephen,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference
call sometime?
No? Mark Alexander Harris - Interim Product Manager at WMF Group
Hi Mark,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference
call sometime?
May 13
Denis Gizzi sent
Chief Officer at Greater Preston and Chorley & South Ribble CCGs and Executive Coach
Hi Dennis,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed by your experience at NHS. Not to mention
your skill section. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Graham Ewing sent
Chief Executive, Mimex Montague Healthcare Limited
Hi Graham,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed by your author experience. :) Over 75
medical papers so far? Now that’s something.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Kevin Yates sent
Hi Kevin,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed by the vastness of your experience. Over
250 websites completed is quite the achievement. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Courtney Marsh sent
Chief Executive Officer at Health Shield Friendly Society Ltd
Hi Courtney,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed. Almost 10 years at Health Shield and over
one year as CEO, now. Congrats!
Would love to learn more about your journey. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
David Welch sent
Chief Executive Officer at Leeds Cares official charity partner of Leeds Teaching Hospitals and official
fundraising partner of 2019 UCI Road World Championships
Hi David,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed. Over 25 years experience in senior
executive management roles is quite something. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Dr Kevin Dawkins no?
Chief Executive Officer at Living the Full Life
Hi Kevin,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference
call sometime?
Mark Davies sent
Chief Medical Officer (Europe,Middle East and Africa) at IBM
Hi Mark,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed. 20 years experience as GP, and over 10
years working in a number of informatics roles in UK government.
Would love to learn more about your journey and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
James Arthurs no?
Chief Executive Officer at The Medical
Hi James,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference
call sometime?
Paul Wilkinson sent
Chief Executive Officer at Prolon Uk
Hi Paul,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed. Being awarded Best Aesthetic Clinic
Chain 2015/2016 is quite an achievement. Congrats!
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Dale Odeyemi no?
SEO Specialist | CEO, MMBO.uk
Hi Dale,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference
call sometime?
Simon Smith sent
CEO at Covalon Technologies (Europe) Limited
Hi Simon,
Looked over your Covalon website and was impressed. It presented your company and your
accomplishments briliantly. :) Especially liked what it said about IV Clear.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Andy Robinson sent
Chief Executive Officer at You First Support Services CIC
Hi Andy,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was really impressed by You First. Have to admire your
reasons for founding it.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Lloyd Brown sent
CEO at Slim League | Health Is A Lifestyle
Hi Lloyd,
Looked over your website and was impressed. Your articles were pretty insightful, I especially
liked the Vegan vs Vegetarian one myself. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
David Mills no?
]Managing Director, Moorgate Andrology / Mills Medical Services
Hi David,
Looked over your website/LinkedIn profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/ you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference
call sometime?
May 10
Elliot Street sent
Hi Elliot,
Looked over your linkedin profile and was impressed by what was written about Inovus.
Especially the positive impact it has on healthcare.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Nick Pope sent
Hi Nick,
Looked over your linkedin profile and was impressed by your list of current and previous
engagements. BioSpring must be to be going great. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Nathan Berkley sent
Hi Nathan,
Looked over your website and I really liked your stance on healthcare. Prevention, instead of cure,
and developing long term health habits is a much better perspective than I’m used to.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Alistair Wheatley sent
Hi Alistair,
Looked over your linkedin profile and was impressed by your experience section. SPML must be
going great then. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Dean Taylor sent
Hi Dean,
Looked over your linkedin profile and was impressed. Working in medical in relation to sports,
especially football, is not something I see everyday.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Wayne Llewellyn sent
Hi Wayne,
Looked over your website and was impressed by Premier. Over 22 years and you’re still going strong.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Ed Attenborough sent
Hi Ed,
Looked over your linkedin profile and was impressed by your list of accomplishments. 1985 to 2019
and still going strong, I see. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
May 9
Alaster Stockwell-Jones sent
Hi Alaster,
Looked over your linkedin profile and was impressed by your experience in the medical field. 24
years is really something! Not to mention your lists of key executive skills,
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
George Winfield SENT
Hi George,
Looked over Spyras’s linkedin page and was pretty impressed. Not only a year old and you’ve already
progressed so much!
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Hugh Sheridan SENT
Hi Hugh,
Looked over your linkedin profile and was impressed by your experience within medical and
technology. Not to mention your achievement in rolling out that education plan and academy for
clinicians and distributors. Congrats!
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Vassilios Hurmusiadis SENT
Hi Vassilios,
Looked over your linkedin profile and was surprised to read that you’ve co-invented, developed and
commercialised the world’s first online heart simulator. Heard about Epicardio in the past, and it’s
good to match a face to it now. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Edward Draper SENT
Hi Edward,
Looked over your linkedin profile and was impressed by your core competences, not to mention
surprised by how long the list actually was. Also, congrats on winning so many awards!
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Nick Housby SENT
Hi Nick,
Looked over your linkedin profile and was impressed by your list of special skills there. Business,
financial, leadership, medical, etc. A great mix. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Douglas Le Fort SENT
Hi Douglas,
Looked over your linkedin profile and was impressed by your experience, both in business and in
medical. Medtrade looks to be going great, from what I see. :)
Would love to learn more about your journey, you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
Tony Cooke SENT
Hi Tony,
Looked over your website and was impressed by what Test & Treat is doing. World’s first rapid UTI
and AS test is quite something. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Gavin Cooper SENT
Hi Gavin,
Looked over your linkedin profile and was impressed by your list of specialties, not to mention your
network in regards to Medtech.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Martin Harries sent
Hi Martin,
Looked over your website and was impressed by Meliora Medical, especially by the presentation of
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
May 8
Danny Herbert SENT
Hi Danny,
Looked over your linkedin profile and was impressed. Almost 20 years as CEO at SOLA Group and
still going strong.
Would love to learn more about you and your journey. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Paul Jenkinson SENT
Hi Paul,
Looked at your linkedin profile and was impressed by your experience section. Your website caught
my attention, as well.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Nigel Vaz SENT
Hi Nigel,
Looked over your linkedin profile and was impressed by your contribution at Sapient, as well as your
accomplishments so far.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Conor Shaw too similar
Hi Conor,
Looked over your website/linkedin profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/about you and what you do. Perhaps over a
conference call sometime?
Michael J Simpson SENT
Hi Michael,
Looked over your website/linkedin profile and was impressed by how far you’ve executed your
improvement programs, including within my home country.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
J Schwan SENT
Hi J,
Looked over your linkedin profile and was impressed by your accomplishments. EY Entrepreneur of
the Year Finalist? Not to mention your involvement in Lurie's Children Hospital.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Greg Lind not a good fit
Hi Greg,
Looked over your website/linkedin profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/about you and what you do. Perhaps over a
conference call sometime?
Peter Williams not a good fit
Hi <first name>,
Looked over your website/linkedin profile and was impressed/surprised by <reason>.
Would love to learn more about your journey/about you and what you do. Perhaps over a
conference call sometime?
Gary Dickenson sent
Hi Gary,
Looked over your website was pretty impressed. I see you even won My Fancy Body Awards, quite
the accomplishment. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Peter Mountney sent
Hi Peter,
Looked over your website and was impressed. Using AI technology in medical improvement,
especially the detection and diagnosis of cancer, is really something.
Would love to learn more/about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Thomas Fennelly RESPOND INMAIL
Helping Agencies Grow Better | We're Hiring
Christian Harris SENT
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��� �����, ������� ������.
London, Greater London, United Kingdom
Hi Christian,
Looked over your linkedin profile and was impressed by your dedication to reducing slip risk. The
data you presented on this subject was surprising, but very informative.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
David Tordrup SENT
Director at Triangulate Health Ltd
London, United Kingdom
Hi David,
Looked over your linkedin profile and was impressed by your experience section. Triangulate Health
caught my attention, in particular.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Joanna Gould SENT
London, United Kingdom
Hi Joanna,
Saw your youtube video from the 11th Annual Biotech Showcase in San Francisco. Was really
impressed and had to get in touch.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Laurence Gerlis sent
CEO at samedaydoctor
London, United Kingdom
Hi Laurence,
Looked over your linkedin profile and was impressed by Samedaydoctor. Same day appointments
and same day results are not something you hear to be possible in the medical field.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Sheryl Dunn sent
Managing Director Nationwide Pathology Limited
Leicester, United Kingdom
Hi Sheryl,
Looked over your linkedin profile and was impressed by your description of Platinum Pro. Not to
mention how extended your company is across the UK.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Eamonn Katter sent
Chief Executive Officer - Medical Services Unit
Hi Eamonn,
Looked over your website and was impressed by Medical Services Unit. Very practical and put
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Sandra Holliday sent
Owner & Managing Director at Choose Occupational Health
Carlisle, United Kingdom
Hi Sandra,
Looked over your website and was surprised by how warm and welcoming it was. I’m used to cold
blues and light greens when it comes to designs within the medical field. :) This was a nice surprise,
along with how organised and easy to navigate the website is.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Sikander Sultan sent
Management at EY
London, United Kingdom
Hi Sikanter,
Thank you for sending over the connection request. I took a look over your linkedin profile and was
quite impressed, especially by the number of publications you have.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Chris Patterson SENT
Hi Chris,
Looked over your Linkedin profile and was impressed. Your involvement in India outsourcing caught
my attention as well.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
David Capper SENT
Hi David,
Looked over Linkedin profile and was impressed by your passion and commitment to helping people,
healthwise. Not even a year as CEO at Westfield Health and you’re already making strides.
Would love to learn more about your journey. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Claire DavisSENT
Hi Claire,
Looked over your company’s website and was quite surprised. Core Medical gives off the impression
of a cozy and relaxing environment. Not the atmosphere I’m used to in medical, but I really like it. :)
Would love to learn more about what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Johnathan Laird MRPharmS (IP) SENT
Hi Jonathan,
Looked over Linkedin profile and was impressed by the various roles you took upon yourself. Not only
involved in publication, but launched a training platform, as well? Pretty interesting. :)
Would love to learn more about y/about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
Richard Shawyer SENT
Hi Richard,
Looked over Linkedin profile and was surprised to read you were a patient for 22 years? Wow. And
you involved yourself again in the medical field, workwise. Now, that’s impressive.
Would love to learn more about your journey and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call
Simon Cady SENT
Hi Simon,
Looked over your Linkedin profile and was impressed by the length of your involvement in drug and
alcohol screening. As an advocate for minimizing alcohol influence, your work is amazing.
Would love to learn more about you and your journey.. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Richard Aston SENT
Hi Richard,
Looked over your Linkedin profile and was surprised by the skills and experience you listed. Keeping
busy, being passionate, while maintaining balance with family life, too. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Sean-Jordan Baruch SENT
Hi Sean,
Looked over your Linkedin profile and was surprised. Never met anyone working in hair treatments
and services. It got me interested.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Dr Jorge Zafra MD, MSc, FWAMS SENT
Hi Jorge,
Looked over your Linkedin profile and was impressed by your passion and care revolving around
health and restoration. That you’re well traveled and culturally informed, as well. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Andrew Bastawrous SENT
Hi Andrew,
Looked over your website and was impressed by your work. Your cause is amazing and I appreciate
the effort you put in making the world a better place.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Tony Henson
Owner, Professional Training at hensontraining.co.uk
Nottingham, United Kingdom
Pending Approval - Our Message - 15th April 2019
Observation: Has been delivering and designing and Managing quality management/leadership/team
building, soft skills and IT training for over 20 years. May be too similar to our skillset to approach.
Hi Tony,
Nice to meet a fellow trainer with so many years of experience. Your LinkedIn profile is quite the
thesaurus of information on that end. :)
I see you’re currently looking for new projects. What would fall into the category of “interesting”
for you?
On my end, I’m currently looking for either interesting software or marketing projects I can work
on. Do you maybe know of any company I can be of service to?
Tim Mason (116)
Sheffield, United Kingdom
Our Message - 15th December 2017
Hi Tim,
Met Lorna earlier this week and really enjoyed her company. You should see how her eyes lid up
when she talks about WRS and yourself. Beautiful story.
Congratulations on building up WRS to where it is today and best of luck moving forward!
If there is any way I could be of service, let me know. I'd love to.
Pending Approval - Our Message - LATER
Hi Tim,
Saw your shared post on Handle Robots. Must agree, they really are something. :)
I noticed we haven’t talked in a while and thought to change that. How have you and WRS been
doing? Any plans for the year?
Draft Replies Pending Approval
● Foremost, this Doc will contain only draft replies to connections we already made contact
● The replies are here only temporarily until they are verified before being sent to their
intended target.
● After being sent the replies will be added to the corresponding conversation, in the right
chronological order, in LinkedIn Active Connection Conversations (title still a work in
progress) and LinkedIn Network Tracking 2019.
● Obs. Each connection has a number at the end in parenthesis, referencing their
chronological order in LinkedIn Network Tracking 2019 Sheet in New Connections.
● Replies and their related connection data will then be deleted after being sent.
● A reply highlighted in yellow and with ‘Pending Approval’ in front means it is in need of
● # in front of the title means the reply is not drafted, yet. After being written, the # will be
● Connections highlighted in orange means that they replied to our messages but not
require us to respond. It serves more as an update in conversation.
Pending Approval
28 May 2019
John Jones
Sales Director at 471 Print and Promotions Ltd- Delivering Quality Promotional Products &
Corporate Gifts UK Wide.
Sheffield, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Our Message - 6th December 2017
Hi John,
Thanks so much for accepting my invitation!
I just relocated to Sheffield and am looking to expand my network. If I can be of service in any way,
please let me know!
Thanks again and have a superb day!
John Jones
Our Message - 17th April 2019
Observation: Commented on his post here.
Hi John,
Again, great work on the Luxury Kraft and paper Bags! Very eye-pleasing and environmentally
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was surprised to see we haven’t talked much since we
connected. I’d like to change that.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do, perhaps over a conference call sometime. I
also have a printing project I might run by you if you’ll have a moment.
Pending Approval
Director, Infrastructure Finance ING | founder Contrarian Prize | DJ
London, United Kingdom
Our Message - 17th April 2019
Commented on his post here.
Hi Ali,
Looked over your profile and wasn’t sure I believe the DJ bit (Didn’t really got with Dir @ ING :). And
then... I found last week’s post of you at Boxpark Wembley. :) You really seem like an interesting guy
and I would love to connect and talk more.
Pending Approval
Richard Heaviside OLD
Head of Commercial Sales at Esteem Systems - Part of the Roc Transformation Group
Sheffield, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Observation: Connected since 2nd May 2018.
Our Reply - 2nd October 2018
Hi Richard,
Sorry for the late reply. Everything is well on my side. Just got back from my honeymoon.
I saw before I left you are no longer at CT.
Let’s catch up when you have time. Let me know.
Their Reply - 15th April 2019
Hi Robert, hope all well with you. Things have been a bit fluid with me since leaving CT and I'm
on the move again following the acquisition of the business I joined, but if you're still in Sheffield
it would be nice to have a coffee and catch up again at some point? All the best, Richard
Pending Approval - Our Reply - 17th April 2019
Hi Richard, things are going great. Just got back to Sheffield from a couple weeks of travels. :)
Would love to catch up, as well. How about XYZ? I like Couch Cafe and Urban Deli. They’re both
on the same street, behind Cathedral. Best, Robert
Carlton Wellington (13) LATE APRIL
Investor and Forex Trader
Sheffield, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Our Reply - 21st March 2019
Hah, glad to hear you’re involved!
And of course. Let me attach a CV I wrote last year and a short deck from one of my companies.
In short, I have the resources to help businesses innovate and grow.
Their Reply - 21st March 2019
Our Reply - 2nd April 2019
Of course. Maybe we’ll schedule a chat once I’m back in Sheffield. Happy New Financial Year! :))
Their Reply - 2nd April 2019
Sounds good
Pending Approval - Our Reply - SHEFFIELD APRIL 2019
Hi, Carlton. Would you maybe be available on Wednesday, 24th of April? Or Thursday, 25th? I’m free
on both days from 1pm to 1:30pm, if either work on your end.
Peter Agathangelou (22) LATE APRIL
Group Managing Director at Prime Global
London, United Kingdom
Our Message - 15th March 2019
Hi Peter,
Thank you so much for accepting my connection request. Your Linkedin doesn’t say much, but
you seem to have vast work experience.
I’m curious how you got into Pharma? Or is it just because of transferable marketing/management
Followup - 22nd March 2019
Hi Peter, did you get my previous message?
Their Reply - 27th March 2019
Hi Robert, long story! Did a PhD in medicinal chemistry and drug design, so I suppose was a
natural step to go to pharma. Quickly realised I wasn’t cut out for the lab and explored scientific
communications. A great career if your scientific and creative!
Our Reply - 2nd April 2019
Hi Peter, oh wow… Wasn’t expecting that. :)
Sounds like quite the journey! Would love to hear more about it over an intro call.
I’m travelling right now, but maybe in the second half of April?
Their Reply - 3rd April 2019
Sounds good
Pending Approval - Our Reply - SHEFFIELD APRIL 2019
Great! I have a bit of free time on Tuesday, 23rd April, 11 am or Wednesday, 24th April, same
hour. Would either work for you?
Jeremy Meadowcroft (29) LATE APRIL
I provide access to Angel Investment funding for businesses & also investment opportunities
for sophisticated investors
Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Our Reply -25th March 2019
It's alright, Jeremy. :) These things happen.
It appears I'm also booked for the day with calls, so I can't reach you either.
We'll have to reschedule for April if that's alright with you. I'll be out of the country for the next 2
weeks so we'll talk after I get back.
Their Reply -25th March 2019
Sounds great
Schedule me in again with a time & date. My apologies
Our Reply -25th March 2019
Will do. Again, these things tend to happen. No worries.
Pending Approval - Our Reply - SHEFFIELD APRIL 2019
Hi, Jeremy. Would you be free on Monday, 29th April, 1 pm or Tuesday, 30th April, 11 am?
Past Active Conversations
● All in-progress conversations will be written down in this Document starting with February
28, 2019.
● Conversations can be older than the above mentioned date, as long as it still continues or
restarts past the date.
● Each connection has a number at the end in parenthesis, referencing their chronological
order in WSR LinkedIn Network Tracking 2019 Sheet in New Connections.
● # numbering in front of the connection implies a message that needs to be written,
checked, and approved before being sent.
● If the connection’s name is highlighted in yellow it means that the message is already
written, it just needs to be checked.
● Subcategories highlighted in yellow contain said messages.
● Upper star * in front of the connection means that they were the last to reply in the
Jeremy Meadowcroft (29)
I provide access to Angel Investment funding for businesses & also investment opportunities
for sophisticated investors
Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Our Message - 12th March 2019
Hi Jeremy,
Thank you so much for sending over the connection request. I see you’re quite an interesting
guy. Would you like to hop on an intro call later this month or next?
Their Reply - 12th March 2019
Hi, Robert
Yes that sounds sensible
Our Reply - 14th March 2019
Beautiful, Jeremy. Would you maybe be available on Monday, 25th of March? I’m free from 1pm
to 1:30pm, if that works on your end.
Their Reply - 14th March 2019
Yes, that works
Call or Coffee in Leeds ?
Our Reply - 15th March 2019
Let’s start off with an initial call. In general I prefer face to face meetings, however my schedule is
quite hectic at the moment.
Just leave me an email and I can send over a connection request with bridge info.
Their Reply - 15th March 2019
Our Reply - 18th March 2019
Thanks, Jeremy! I’ll send an invite over soon. Hopefully we’ll talk next Monday. :)
Our Reply -25th March 2019
Hi Jeremy,
I'm on the call, ready when you are. :)
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I guess something came up on your end, Jeremy. No worries. We can reschedule for some time
in April maybe?
Their Reply -25th March 2019
So sorry Robert. Cant get away from clients calls today . Shall we speak by phone ?
Our Reply -25th March 2019
It's alright, Jeremy. :) These things happen.
It appears I'm also booked for the day with calls, so I can't reach you either.
We'll have to reschedule for April if that's alright with you. I'll be out of the country for the next 2
weeks so we'll talk after I get back.
Their Reply -25th March 2019
Sounds great
Schedule me in again with a time & date. My apologies
Our Reply -25th March 2019
Will do. Again, these things tend to happen. No worries.
Spot Blue International Property Ltd (31)
Property expert | real estate marketing | social media for property | property PR | Ski
Kingston upon Thames, United Kingdom
Our Message - 12th March 2019
Thank you so much for sending over the connection request. I see you’re quite experienced in
real estate marketing. I’d love to learn more. Would you be open to hopping on a chat later this
Their Reply - 12th March 2019
Our two main sites are spotblue.com & skiingproperty.com - what angle were you coming from ?
Our Reply - 14th March 2019
Beautiful, Julian. Thanks for sharing. My angle is that I’ve always been interested in property, but I
own several businesses in other industries that keep me very busy.
Would you maybe be available on Monday, 18th of March at 1pm? Or Friday, on the 22nd, same
hour if that works better.
Their Reply - 14th March 2019
can you ping me a summary email so I can have a pre read first pls? (info@spotblue.com ) thanks.
Our Reply - 15th March 2019
Summary of what exactly? I can send you a CV that includes descriptions of a couple of my
businesses, if that helps?
Their Reply - 15th March 2019
What you would like to discuss if possible please…
Our Reply - 18th March 2019
Agenda would be:
Intros on what each is doing - 5-10 mins
2. Sharing some plans/challenges for 2019 - 5-10 mins
3. Two-way suggestions/brainstorming - 5-10 mins
If that sounds OK as an intro chat, I can still schedule that call for Friday, at 1pm.
Followup - 21st March 2019
Hi Julian, did you get my previous message?
Their Reply - 23rd March 2019
hi, yes, sorry, just super busy.
Our Reply - 26th March 2019
I know the feeling, Julian. I'll be out of the country for the next 2-3 weeks, so it might be better if
we schedule a chat for the second half of April maybe?
How does Wednesday, 17th of April, 1pm look like on your end?
Their Reply - 26th March 2019
to be honest, not a clue!
Our Reply - 27th March 2019
That’s alright. We can compare schedules after I return to UK. No rush :)
Allan Miller (54)
Helping businesses identify, understand and improve the overall health and profitability of
their organisation
Paisley, United Kingdom
Their Message - 13th March 2019
Hello, I hope you are great…just wanted to give you the latest up-date for IMX UK Ltd , We have
launched our new website, I would really appreciate your feedback on look, feel and functionality, please
don’t hold back , give me both barrels :-) your opinion matters, thank you so much in advance ! Allan
Our Reply - 18th March 2019
Hi Allan,
Yes, I’m great, thanks for asking. What about yourself? :)
I think I took my first IMX DISC Assessment like 7-8 years ago. I then made my entire team take it.
I took a look at the website, but two of the businesses I own provide online marketing as a
service, so I can be quite critical. :)
If you wish, we can hop on a call and I can share various thoughts or improvements I think can be
Let me know.
Hope you’re doing alright, as well. I visited the website and I like what I see. I may be biased
since I use something similar in content appearance, though. The new website is quite easy to
navigate and very well organized. All in all, I say well done!
Now you made me curious. How has the feedback been so far?
Their Reply - 19th March 2019
Hi Robert, Thank you for your note and glad you liked the DISC profile :-) ..as you know we have
other profiles that compliment DISC in a big way, let me know if you wanted to try these, I will
send you a link with my compliments !
with regards to your feedback , please be as critical as you need , i would be giving your
feedback to my tech team to make the changes .... so telling me ( as i am not talented in this area
:-) wouldn't be advantageous :-) , so if you get a a few mins please give me your expert feedback
, thank you best Allan
Our Reply - 20th March 2019
You’re welcome, Allan. :) Sure, I can block a bit of time in April to take a look at those other
profiles and also put together some feedback as well.
Just bare with me for a few weeks as I’m swamped right now and will then be traveling until mid
Ged Leigh (40)
Regional Director with The Marketing Centre - flexible access to part-time proven Marketing
Directors across the UK.
United Kingdom
Our Message - 12th March 2019
Hi Ged,
Thank you so much for sending the connection request. I’d love to be connected to anyone you know
that needs software developed.
Their Reply - 14th March 2019
Hi Robert - It would be good if I could get sight of the business credentials? what type of customer
you are looking for and the services you offer?
Our Reply - 15th March 2019
Of course, Ged. I currently own 5 companies in various sectors.
Let me attach a brief CV I put together last year and a short deck from one of the divisions at
Maybe it would be valuable to hop on an intro call so get to know each other better?
I prefer to have 100 great connections than 1000 people I never speak with.
Their Reply - 16th March 2019
Hi Robert - Telecon works for me, let me know when
Our Reply - 18th March 2019
Wonderful, Ged! Would you maybe be available on Wednesday, 27th of March? Or Thursday, 28th?
I’m free on both days from 1pm to 1:30pm, if either work on your end.
Their Reply - 19th March 2019
28th at 1pm works, can you send me an Outlook invite? ged.leigh@themarketingcentre.com
Sent Without Approval - Our Reply - 19th March 2019
Done. Just sent the calendar invite with a Zoom link. :)
Their Reply - 19th March 2019
I got it, thanks �
Rohit Goyal (11)
Domain investor and consultant at domain Mojito
Kolkata, West Bengal, India
VP - HR (L&D) | 101 Top HR Minds | NLP Coach | Speaker | Leadership Coach | Enriching Employee
Our Message - 14th March 2019
Hi Rohit,
Thanks for accepting my connection request. Sorry for the delay in following up -- been swamped
with work. You seem quite passionate CSR from what I’ve seen so far. Would love to know what
exactly drives you and what set you on this path.
Kind regards,
Their Reply - 16th March 2019
I was earlier involved with csr but presently I am not.
Our Reply - 18th March 2019
Got it. Did that change when you started at Domain Mojito?
Noticed the other week one of the domains I was thinking of buying goes for $115K USD. That
about how much profit I make from that business in a year, so I guess I’ll skip that one. :)
Their Reply - 19th March 2019
Yes you can say so... I actively deal in domain names and develop my own blogs these days
Our Reply - 20th March 2019
Nice. How’s that going? I’ve taken a pretty long break from my own blogs and have been
planning on catching up this year.
Their Reply - 20th March 2019
Well yeah it's going fine for me... I am also developing 30 of my domains into micro niche blogs
Our Reply - 21st March 2019
Sounds promising. How’s that working out for you? If you can do 30, I need to step up my game.
Their Reply - 27th March 2019
It's going slow as haven't been able to devote much time to it…
Our Reply - 2nd April 2019
Yeah, that tends to happen with our busy schedule.
Carlton Wellington (13)
Investor and Forex Trader
Sheffield, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Our Message - 14th March 2019
Hi Carlton,
Thanks for accepting my connection request. Sorry for the delay in following up -- been swamped
with work. If you don’t mind me asking, what made you take up Forex?
Their Reply - 14th March 2019
Hi Robert,
I wanted an independent way of earning and a way to grow my money :)
Our Reply - 15th March 2019
Hah, don’t we all. Glad to hear it’s working for you.
What books / people helped you most?
I’ve been meaning to start stock investing for a while now, but right now all my investments are in
businesses I own shares in.
Their Reply - 15th March 2019
It is hard to come up with the spare capital to trade but an interesting concept that I love....£100
grown at 10% per day becomes multi millions after a year. So you can start small
Our Reply - 18th March 2019
I’m glad to see it’s something you are so passionate about.
It’s always great to work at something you love. Also, thank you for the advice. Yeah, I’ve learned
quite a bit about the compound effect.
I have quite a bit of money sitting around. Was thinking the moment I have more, I might hire
someone to manage it. Right now, I’m just into growing businesses. It’s quite challenging and I
like learning about all the different sectors. Plus, right now every $1 I invest into my firms gets me
$2.5 to $7 in returns over the year. So it’s also rewarding. :)
I feel all this exp in growing several multi-million USD firms will help me as an investor. We’ll live
and see.
Still, if you ever have a moment, would love to hop on an intro call. I think we’ll both find value.
Let me know.
Their Reply - 18th March 2019
Happy to arrange a call. What would you be wanting to discuss? Not sure I can offer much other
than Forex advice which is probably limited
Our Reply - 20th March 2019
Maybe just have a coffee or tea sometime as we both live in Sheffield. No rush. We’re now
connected and can keep in touch. I’m swamped until end of March, and then I travel for 2+
But I’ll let you know once my schedule clears up a bit. In the meanwhile, if I can help with
anything, just let me know.
Their Reply - 20th March 2019
What’s your field of expertise, what kind of things would you be able help me with?
Always got my hands into something so good to know who and what skills I’ve got within my
Our Reply - 21st March 2019
Hah, glad to hear you’re involved!
And of course. Let me attach a CV I wrote last year and a short deck from one of my companies.
In short, I have the resources to help businesses innovate and grow.
Their Reply - 21st March 2019
Our Reply - 2nd April 2019
Of course. Maybe we’ll schedule a chat once I’m back in Sheffield. Happy New Financial Year! :))
Their Reply - 2nd April 2019
Sounds good
Our Reply - 8th April 2019
Ricky Edwards (23)
Director at Quay Capital Management
Brighton, United Kingdom
Our Message - 14th March 2019
Hi Ricky,
Thanks for responding to my connection request. I’ve read your impressive LinkedIn profile,
however, it’s so succinct that it got me curious: How did it all start? Finance isn’t really an industry
in which rookies get to be Directors. :)
Their Reply - 15th March 2019
Hi Robert,
I started my career 23 years ago as a trainee financial advisor. Lots of ups and downs since then, but
a lot of people I speak to experience a similar journey.
How about you Robert? What’s your story?
Our Reply - 18th March 2019
Hi Ricky,
Hah, love learning about such success stories.
RE the ups and downs, I feel those we will keep experiencing for as long as we keep pushing
ourselves to become better, to do more.
My first “job” was as a farmer in a tiny town in Transylvania. Just a couple hundred miles away
from The Castle.
A million things happened since then, as you can imagine. I’m now at my 5th business, but I’m
still amazed at the amount of new challenges each faces every year.
Would love to hop on an intro call sometime to chat more, if you ever have a moment?
Their Reply - 18th March 2019
Yes sure Robert, maybe some synergies...
I am busy this week, so let’s look at a call something next week to suit us both?
Our Reply - 20th March 2019
Sure Ricky,
Next week would be great for me as well. Would Wednesday, 27th March, at 1 pm or 3 pm work
on your end?
Followup - 25th March 2019
Hi, Ricky. Did you get my previous message?
Their Reply - 25th March 2019
Hi Robert,
Apologies for late reply. Wednesday is not good for me, as I have meetings all day. How about
Thursday around 11.30am? Or Friday same time?
Our Reply - 26th March 2019
Hi Ricky,
No worries, these things tend to happen. Unfortunately, I’m already fully booked on Thursday and
Friday. I'll also be out of the country travelling for the next 2-3 weeks. Can we maybe schedule a
call in for the second half of April, after I get back?
Their Reply - 27th March 2019
No problem at all Robert, let me know what dates you have available and we can get a firm place
in the diary’s
Our Reply - 2nd April 2019
Hi Ricky, I’m free Thursday, 18th April, 11 am or 3 pm. Would either work for you?
Their Reply - 4th April 2019
Hi Robert,
3pm works best for me.
Thank you and look forward to speaking then.
Our Reply - 8th April 2019
Great! Is it OK if I send you the calendar invite on ricky.edwards@meadspark.org?
Ron Coleman (24)
Snellville, Georgia
Our Message - 18th March 2019
Hi Ron,
Thanks for accepting my connection request. Sorry for the delay in following up -- been swamped
with work. I see you’ve been running Nepco for almost 3 decades now. Quite an achievement. I
was literally born that same year! :)
When you look back, what are you most thankful for in your journey?
Compared to you, I’m at the beginning of my journey -- my oldest business literally just turned 6
this March. :)
Followup - 25th March 2019
Hi Ron, did you get my previous message?
Their Reply - 26th March 2019
Keep on Robert if God blesses you, you will get there. I'm most thankful that I'm still here. My
best days are ahead.
Our Reply - 26th March 2019
Thank you for your kind words, Ron. It means a lot. I agree, our best days are yet to come and I
look forward to them, same as you.
Speaking about the future, any big plans this year? Would love to maybe hop on an intro call and
talk more at some point. I’ll just be traveling for the next 2-3 weeks, so the second half of April
would be the soonest on my end.
God bless,
Their Reply - 26th March 2019
Sounds good
770 572 7765
Our Reply - 2nd April 2019
Thanks, Ron! Would you be available on Friday, 19th April, 10 am EDT? Or Monday, 22nd April, 12 pm
Duránd Fránçiscus Davis Jr. (25)
Chairman, President & CEO at LavLabs Inc.
Greater Los Angeles Area
Our Message - 18th March 2019
Hi Duránd,
Thanks for accepting my connection request. Sorry for the delay in following up -- been swamped
with work. It’s great to see people not even 35 achieve so much. Keeps me going. :), in such
short time :)
LavLabs appears to be amazing! Esp. with all it’s different branches.And your dedication to it is
admirable. WIf you don’t mind me asking, what are your plans for the future? Where do you want
to take LavLabs next?
Lesa Prista (19)
Senior OperatManagerions at PromoVideoLab, Explainer Video Production Team
Their Message - 26th February 2019
Hi Robert, your profile appeared as someone I should know. I've had a look at what you do at
Wesrom Corporation and must agree. Let's get connected.
Our Reply - 18th March 2019
Hi Lesa,
Sorry for the late reply. You seem to have disappeared from my connections list and I could not
find your profile until recently. Weird.
You said you looked over Wesrom and that you agreed. Agreed to what exactly, if I may ask?
Their Reply - 25th March 2019
Hi Robert,
Thank you for connecting with me here on LinkedIn!
You seem to be quite busy, thus do not hesitate to contact me if you need any help.
P.S. For you to have a quick insight about me, I manage the team that crafts amazing explainer
videos for businesses with cool graphics and professional voice-over. In case you want to stand
out from competition and get some awesome explainer video for Wesrom Corporation, do not
hesitate to let me know.
Rostyslav Bachyk (33)
CEO - VindiTek | We create IoT, AR, FinTech and AdTech related solutions for Startups and
Their Message - 19th February 2019
Hello Robert,
I'm Ros from VindiTek (IT outsourcing company). I'd like to add you to my professional contact
network on LinkedIn and discuss how we can be of any use to each other in the future.
Ros Bachyk CEO, VindiTek
Our Reply - 12th March 2019
Hi Rostyslav,
Thank you so much for sending over the connection request. I see you’re quite an interesting
guy. Would you like to hop on an intro call later this month or next?
Their Reply - 12th March 2019
Hi Robert,
Sure, let's schedule a call later this month. Week 12 or 13 would be good. I usually have time on
Our Reply - 15th March 2019
Sure Ros,
Week 12 sounds great. Thursday, 21st of March works fine for me. I have some free time at 1pm
UK, if that’s alright with you.
Sent Without Approval - Followup - 19th March 2019
Hi Ros, did you get my previous message?
Their Reply - 19th March 2019
Hi Robert,
Yes, Thursday 21st 1 pm UK time works well. Talk to you soon.
Sent Without Approval - Our Reply
Great! Is it OK if I send you the calendar invite on rbachyk@gmail.com ?
Their Reply - 19th March 2019
sure, that would be good. Thanks
Martijn Atell (30)
CEO & Founder @VoteBash | On a mission to revolutionize voting for the world
New York, New York
Our Message - 12th March 2019
Hi Martijin,
Thank you so much for sending over the connection request. I see you’re quite an interesting
guy. Would you like to hop on an intro call later this month or next?
Their Reply - 12th March 2019
Hi Robert,
Sounds like a great plan. Please schedule a call through my executive assistant at
Our Reply - 14th March 2019
Hi Martijn,
Great! I’ll get in touch sometime this week. Hopefully, we’ll talk soon.
Marie Mcvey (15)
Head of Client Services at Live And Learn Consultancy
United Kingdom
Their Message - 12th March 2019
Hello Robert
I hope you are well. We have been connected on Linkedin for sometime but im aware that we
have never really communicated. I am Head of Client services for Live and Learn Consultancy Ltd
and as part of my role I am always keen to engage with companies who invest in the
development and skills of their teams.
As a Training Consultancy we offer over 40 different training courses (off the shelf options) and
also write bespoke courses for our clients. I have taken this opportunity to attach our current
course offering for your consideration.
If you are looking to develop your teams this year, or have any existing learning and
development needs I would be delighted to speak with you about how we can add value and
support your training requirements.
Please do not hesitate to come back to me if you have any questions.
Best regards
- When it’s a new connection
Hello (insert name)
Thank you for taking the time accept my connection. I am (insert job title) for Live and Learn
Consultancy Ltd and as part of my role I am always keen to engage with companies who invest in
the development and skills of their teams.
As a Training Consultancy we offer over 40 different training courses (off the shelf options) and
also write bespoke courses for our clients. I have taken this opportunity to attach our current
course offering for your consideration.
If you are looking to develop your teams this year, or have any existing learning and
development needs I would be delighted to speak with you about how we can add value and
support your training requirements.
Please do not hesitate to come back to me if you have any questions.
Best Regards
Our Reply - 12th March 2019
Hi Marie,
I really loved Email 2.
I guess we live and learn. :)
Their Reply - 12th March 2019
Hi Rob
I totally realized what i had done and tried to change it, you are so right, you live and learn :-)
have a wonderful week and thank you for the response
Kindest regards,
Our Reply - 14th March 2019
Haha, don’t worry about it. I very much appreciate you for having a structured approach. These
are the types of people and companies I wish to associate myself with.
I hope to work with Live and Learn in some manner at some point. Already discussing with Lisa.
Kindest regards,
Their Reply - 14th March 2019
I will let Lisa know we have had contact too, have a great weekend.
Kind regards,
James Kynaston (10)
� Warehouse Racking, Mezzanine Floor & Shelving �
Wakefield, United Kingdom
Our Message - 14th March 2019
Hi James,
Thanks for accepting my connection request. Sorry for the delay in following up -- been swamped
with work. You seem very passionate about retail and storage. I’m curious to know, what led you
down those paths?
Kind regards,
Alex (Lion, Top Linked, Investor,) Olmos (12)
Investor/Inventor (Kickstarter) Entrepreneur/Deal Maker Email/Social Media Ninja Marketer
Vista, California
Our Message - 14th March 2019
Hi Alex,
Thanks for accepting my connection request. Sorry for the delay in following up -- been swamped
with work. I see you’ve met Brian Tracy, as well :) A wonderful man to look up to -- I think I’ve
listened to ALL of his audiobooks. What was your first impression when you met him?
Jeff Divers (14)
I'm An Investor Who Buys Properties in Portland, Oregon
Lake Oswego, Oregon
Our Message - 14th March 2019
Hi Jeff,
Thanks for accepting my connection request. Sorry for the delay in following up -- been swamped
with work. You seem quite passionate about real estate. May I ask, what drew you into this field?
I’m curious.
Ned Wakeman (16)
Director at Alderley Park Accelerator powered by BioCity
Nether Alderley, Cheshire, United Kingdom
Our Message - 14th March 2019
Hi Ned,
Thank you so much for accepting my connection request. You seem quite invested in sustainable
energy. I’m curious, do you have any big projects you’ll be working on this year?
Maybe we could collaborate on some of them. Wanting to get more into energy for years now.
Been speaking with Engie since last year, but they move sooo slow. :)
Best regards,
Their Reply - 14th March 2019
Hi Robert,
I work in the life sciences, not energy, so sadly not able to help there.
All best,
Our Reply - 15th March 2019
Hi Ned,
Oh, sorry about that. I saw your involvement with DIT and attaining FDI and (poorly) assumed it was
within energy. I’m now reading through your profile and am unaware of how I reached that
Must have been thinking of it when I read it and made the false connection.
Sorry again. My bad.
What made you go into Life Sciences?
Peter Agathangelou (22)
Group Managing Director at Prime Global
London, United Kingdom
Our Message - 15th March 2019
Hi Peter,
Thank you so much for accepting my connection request. Your Linkedin doesn’t say much, but
you seem to have vast work experience.
I’m curious how you got into Pharma? Or is it just because of transferable marketing/management
Followup - 22nd March 2019
Hi Peter, did you get my previous message?
Their Reply - 27th March 2019
Hi Robert, long story! Did a PhD in medicinal chemistry and drug design, so I suppose was a
natural step to go to pharma. Quickly realised I wasn’t cut out for the lab and explored scientific
communications. A great career if your scientific and creative!
Our Reply - 2nd April 2019
Hi Peter, oh wow… Wasn’t expecting that. :)
Sounds like quite the journey! Would love to hear more about it over an intro call.
I’m travelling right now, but maybe in the second half of April?
Fredrick MacArthur Bussey (56)
Chief Storyteller @ IconStatus- Brand Mktg + Mgmt + Lead Generation: Law Firms, Dental,
Medical, Small & Medium Business
Atlanta, Georgia
Their Message - 29th October 2018
Hi Robert!
I came across your profile and thought we might benefit from being connected. It would be an
honor to be part of your network.
Their Message - 5th November 2018
Hey Robert, thanks for connecting!
Is there anything I can help you with? Perhaps there is someone in my network you’d like me to
connect you with? Just let me know!
After years of helping business owners, I’ve developed a deep knowledge about what works for
growing businesses. It starts with 2 things:
1. Creating Powerful relationships: Everything in business starts with a relationship. You’ll see me
asking questions so I can make a difference for you. What I’m up to in the world is helping people
get the results they deserve.
2. Creating value: I’ll share with you some incredible articles, case studies or things I come across
that I think may help you.
One last thing:
What’s the one problem, if you solved it today, that would make the biggest difference in your
business right now?
Our Reply - 5th November 2018
Hi Frederick,
No problems right now. Just opportunities for growth. Would like to have a vested sales person
or CEO on the team to take over that/those side of things. :)
What about you? What's your biggest challenge/goal right now?
How could I be of service?
Their Reply - 23rd January 2019
Hey Robert! Happy New Year! Hope things are going well for you now as well. Have you found
your CEO or vested sales person for your team yet?
As for me, I'm still just scaling my business, looking for more people to help do the same.
Our Reply - 13th March 2019
Hey Fredrick!
This message got lost. Just found it.
I'm still running operations as CEO. Right now, searching for interesting software projects to work
Let me know if you hear of any.
How are things on your end?
Their Reply - 20th March 2019
Hey Robert! I'll be sure to let you know what I come across. All is well over here. Take care!
Our Reply - 20th March 2019
Beautiful, Fredrick. Glad to hear! You take care as well. And let me know if you ever need
Karim B. (32)
Increasing Entrepreneurs' Bottom Lines | Professional Sales Closer | High-Ticket Sales
Consultant | 100% Commission Base
Their Message - 20 February 2019
My name is Karim and I love the work you are doing for businesses at Experiment 27. I would like
to add value to you and your business. I have a link below to show you how I can provide value.
If my skillset peaks your interest, let's connect.
Our Reply - 12th March 2019
Hi Karim,
Thank you so much for sending over the connection request. I see you’re quite an interesting
guy. Would you like to hop on an intro call later this month or next?
Our Follow Up - 18th March 2019
Hi Karim, did you get my previous message?
Their Reply - 18th March 2019
Hi Robert, I did get it and forgot to reply.
I’m currently working with other entrepreneurs. However when I’ll be open to another
collaboration in the future, I’ll set a call with you.
Our Reply - 20th March 2019
No worries, Karim.
Thought I might have said something that bothered you. Glad to know that’s not the case.
Glad to hear you're kept busy. Hope the needles are moving.
Do feel free to message me if you ever need help with anything.
Keep in touch!
Kenneth W Wheeler (7)
VP - HR (L&D) | 101 Top HR Minds | NLP Coach | Speaker | Leadership Coach | Enriching
Employee Experience@Work!
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Our Message - 12th March 2019
Hi Kenneth,
I'm curious to ask you about your approach as a team leader. I'd love to learn more about your
take on building good relationships with team members and partners.
Kind regards,
Our Followup - 18th March 2019
Hi Kenneth, did you get my previous message?
Their Reply - 19th March 2019
Hi, Robert
How are you?
What specifics are you looking at?
Our Reply - 20th March 2019
I’m great, thanks for asking. What about yourself?
Well, I guess the thing I struggle with most right now somehow detaching myself from people if
they decide to purpose other paths. I already build strong ties with people, however I maybe get
a bit too involved?
Not sure where the line is or should be.
Anthony Gaenzle, MBA (28) - Inbound
VP Sales & Marketing at SE Healthcare | Director of Marketing at Saxton & Stump - Marketing
Strategy - Leadership
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Our Message - 20th March 2019
Hi Anthony,
Sorry for the delay in following up -- been swamped with work. I’m currently looking for either
interesting software projects I can work on, or ethical businesses I can help grow. Do you maybe
know of any company I can be of service to?
Would also love to know what your interests are.
Followup - 27th March 2019
Hi Anthony, did you get my previous message?
Their Reply - 28th March 2019
In what aspect would you be looking to work on software projects?
Our Reply - 2nd April 2019
One of the divisions of a company I own (Wesrom) tackles all aspects of software development,
from ideation and design to delivery and maintenance.
I myself sometimes consult on strategy, feasibility, market fit, UX, etc. Sometimes I’m hired
independently on these fronts, but I prefer to work with my company as then I can guarantee
things will get done well.
Does that answer your question?
John Thomas (41)
MD/CEO IdealSellers and Investments
Our Message - 20th March 2019
Hi John,
Sorry for the delay in following up -- been swamped with work. I’ve never met anyone from
Nigeria. What are some things you like most about the country?
Their Reply - 20th March 2019
Mr. Robert
Thank you for your message.
Am surprised to note you haven't met anyone from Nigeria.
Anyways, it's nice meeting you and Nigeria is a very lovely place with vast investment
opportunities because of its rich mineral resources.
Our Reply - 21th March 2019
Hi John,
Your country sounds amazing. My birth country, Romania, is also filled with minerals (such as
Gold) but we are not allowed to mine it… Long, political story.
Anyway, would love to learn more about Nigeria and yourself as well. Would you like to hop on
an intro call sometime next month?
Their Reply - 23rd March 2019
Good Day Robert Indries
Sorry for my delayed response.
Nigeria is a country filled with great potentials and lots of investment opportunities depending on
your own areas of interest.
With good population and fast thriving economy, associating your investment ideas here
definitely will a massive benefits to you.
We are allowed to mine all the natural resources here as long as we obtain all the necessary
permission to do so.
I once had a license to retail AGO, DPK and PMS which is a very, very lucrative business in the
country, this we can look into if you will be interested in it.
The electronic and telecommunications world here is second to none as Nigeria has the largest
computer selling market in Africa, called the computer village.
Nigeria is the giant of African and the most viable African economy with the most populous
I have a friend in London whom you can meet. She has license to mine and sell gold from African
Our Reply - 26th March 2019
Hi John,
No worries about the delay. I understand you’re a busy man.
Thank you for sharing so much about your country. You painted quite a beautiful picture. I would
love to come visit and see it in all its glory.
As for the gold mining, I appreciate the offer and the recommendation. Would be interesting to
have an intro call at some point. Maybe a bit later this year? Would love to get to know each
other more.
Their Reply -26th March 2019
Dear Robert Indries
I hope we can both establish a long lasting business relationship.
Our Reply - 2nd April 2019
Dear John,
I hope so as well! Here’s to long lasting business ties.
Also, I have a bit of free time on Friday, 19th April, 1 pm or Monday, 22nd April, same hour. Would
either work for you?
Their Reply - 6th April 2019
Good After Robert Indries
Do you have or know anyone who has instaglobal Payment Diamond Account?
Our Reply - 8th April 2019
Hi Thomas,
Not that I know of, sorry.
Our Reply - 15th April 2019
Hi John,
Is this week still OK for that call or would you like to reschedule?
Their Reply - 15th April 2019
Its OK
Just let me know the time
Our Reply - 15th April 2019
Great! Last time I said either Friday, 19th April, 1 pm or Monday, 22nd April, same hour. Would either
work for you?
Their Reply - 15th April 2019
Our Reply - 15th April 2019
John, you'll have to be specific: This Friday at 1 pm? or Monday same hour?
Their Reply - 15th April 2019
Friday 1pm is good
Our Reply - 15th April 2019
Great! I'll just send you a call invite to your email if that's OK? And we'll talk Friday then.
Their Reply - 15th April 2019
Haakon Overli (49)
General Partner at Dawn Capital
London, United Kingdom
Our Message - 20th March 2019
Hi Haakon,
Thanks for accepting my connection request. Sorry for the delay in following up -- been swamped
with work. How are recent investments going? Any plans for 2019?
Followup - 27th March 2019
Hi Haakon, did you get my previous message?
Tim Lyons (50)
Owner at TJL Consultancy
Colchester, United Kingdom
Our Message - 20th March 2019
Hi Tim,
Thanks for accepting my connection request. Sorry for the delay in following up -- been swamped
with work. I see you’ve only recently ventured into the world of entrepreneurship. How are things
Followup - 27th March 2019
Hi Tim, did you get my previous message?
Renaldo King (52)
Chief Executive Officer-Lifestyle Security ltd
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Our Message - 20th March 2019
Hi Renaldo,
Thanks for accepting my connection request. Sorry for the delay in following up -- been swamped
with work. From your linkedin, you seem quite an interesting guy. Would like to learn more about
what you do. Maybe we can hop on an intro call last week of March.
Followup - 27th March 2019
Hi Renaldo, did you get my previous message?
Our Reply - 2nd April 2019
Hi Renaldo,
I own a few businesses. One of them in marketing, another in software development, yet another
in organic jams. So quite varied. I attached a CV and a small deck on one of my companies. The
short version is: help businesses innovate and grow.
Didn’t find a website or anything on your company but I found your bio interesting so I said I’d
rather have an intro call to learn more.
Duang S (53)
Sheffield, United Kingdom
Our Message - 21st March 2019
Hi Duang,
Thanks for accepting my connection request. Sorry for the delay in following up -- been swamped
with work. I see you were an early Bitcoin investor. I’m curious, what made you get into it?
Their Reply Our Reply -
Taylor (Sauer) Bellefeuille (55)
Director of Sales at Salsify
Greater Boston Area
Our Message - 21st March 2019
Hi Taylor,
Thanks for accepting my connection request. Sorry for the delay in following up -- been swamped
with work. I see you have over a decade of experience in sales, yet your Linkedin pic looks like
you’re in your early 20s. So either the pic is a bit old, or you take very good care of yourself. :)
How are things going at Salsify?
Their Reply Our Reply -
Firoz Akhtar Akhtar - NOT A CONNECTION
Website Design | Link Building & Blogger Outreach Specialist - Helping Companies get HQ
Links to boost their SEO Ranking
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Their Message - 19th March 2019
Hope you're doing well.
I am providing website design, Graphics Design, Online Website Promotion, Guest blogging
6 pages of website design only in $150USD. I am providing free hosting server to host my client
Logo, banner, standee, brochure, flyer, poster design only in $15- $25USD.
I have many categories of website back link with High Domain Authority and Do follow link to
post your guest blog at the rate of reasonable prices.
I have many clients in USA, UK, AU and other Countries. They are getting my services.
Jan Willem Gerritsen (57)
Investor - Entrepreneur
Utrecht Area, Netherlands
Our Message - 21st March 2019
Hi Jan,
Thanks for accepting my connection request. Sorry for the delay in following up -- been swamped
with work. Curious to know what made you venture into VC?
Their Reply - 2nd April 2019
Robert, sorry i missed the question. Please remember me what you wanted to know
Our Reply - 8th April 2019
It's alright Jan, these things tend to happen. I was curious to know what made you venture into VC?
Their Reply - 9th April 2019
Got it, this has been a combination of:
- my experience as a entrepreneur of a high growth global company in where i experienced all
phases, starting, growing, internationalizing, buy and build, integration and ultimately ipo
- the investments i succesfully did alongside over the last 8 years
- looking for new adventures after 19 years
Our Reply - 10th April 2019
Oh gosh, Jan! And I thought I was busy! Would love to hear more over a call. Would you be
available end of April?
Mandy (Skiff) Weston (79) OUTBOUND NOTE
Co-Founder at Town Square Spaces Limited
Cardiff, United Kingdom
Our Message - 21st March 2019
Hi Mandy,
I enjoyed learning about how you were published in the Sunday Times Magazine. And after
looking at your LinkedIn Profile I felt you would be an interesting person to speak with.
Ari Isaacs (81) OUTBOUND NOTE
Tel Aviv Area, Israel
Hi Ari,
Love it when I see people in business with a great sense of humour. Your Patient Teddy Bear
post really made my day! Would love to hop on an intro call sometime to get to know each other
Alex Stephany (80)
Tech for Good CEO at Beam - join us! �
London, United Kingdom
OUr Message -8th June 2018
Hi Alex,
Firstly, thank you for connecting with me on Linkedin.
I noticed your dedication to innovation in your line of work. Would love to learn more about your
I started a group centered around Social Innovation: "Social Innovation Hub". I believe you'd be a
great fit based on your experience.
You can check it out here: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13578399.
I look forward to keeping in touch!
Our Message - 22nd March 2019
Link to post
Hi Alex,
I noticed your recent partnership with Shelter UK and realized we haven’t talked since we
Would love to hop on an intro chat to get to know each other. Maybe sometime in April?
Let’s keep in touch!
Alex Cruz (82) OUTBOUND NOTE
Chairman and CEO at British Airways
London, Greater London, United Kingdom
Our Notice - 22nd March 2019
Link to post
Hi Alex,
Again, well done on the new Club Suite. You and your team did an amazing job! Would love to
get connected and talk more.
Joshua Birkholz (83) OUTBOUND NOTE
Leader in big fundraising. Data science evangelist. CEO of BWF. Author of Fundraising
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Our Notice - 22nd March 2019
Link to post
Hi Joshua,
Again, congratulations on your new CEO position. You’re going to do great! I keep seeing
fundraising requests all over the UK. I guess it’s similar in the US. Would love to connect and
maybe talk more.
Mel Robbins (84) OUTBOUND NOTE
Host of #1 Best Selling Audible Original "Kick Ass with Mel Robbins," Entrepreneur, BestSelling Author, and Speaker
Greater Boston Area
Our Notice - 22nd March 2019
Link to post
Hi Mel,
Found your ‘this is why you’re scared to speak up’ post. A lot of your work resonates and really
makes me think... I’d love to connect and talk more. Maybe hop on a call sometime? :)
Lex Fridman (85) OUTBOUND NOTE
Research Scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Our Notice - 22nd March 2019
Link to post
Hi Lex,
Again, loved your video from the NVIDIA GTC Conference. It really is amazing! I would love to
connect and talk more. Maybe hop on a call sometime.
Ben Kistell (86)
Helping keep Yorkshire based commercial, retail and educational facilities safe and secure
Sheffield, United Kingdom
Our Message - 17th May 2018
Hi Ben,
Firstly, thank you for connecting with me on Linkedin.
I noticed your interest in innovation. Would love to learn more about your work and projects by
Fresh Thinking Solutions.
I started a group centered around Social Innovation: "Social Innovation Hub". I believe you'd be a
great addition based on your experience.
You can check it out here: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13578399.
I look forward to keeping in touch!
Their Reply - 23rd October 2018
Hi Robert, it's only taken me 5 months of rudeness before responding. Sorry for the delay. I will
check out the group today.
Yes we love innovation.
I can see you're based in Sheffield. On Friday we're delivering a Business Strategy Workshop at
Yorkshire Wildlife Park. It would be great to meet you in person and get properly introduced if
you can make it?
Our Reply - 26th October 2018
Hi Ben,
Don’t worry about it. Hope you’ll enjoy the group.
Thanks for the invite to the event, but unfortunately I’m out of the country until mid November.
Let’s keep in touch and schedule a call when I’m back.
Their Reply - 30th October 2018
Hi Robert, not sure if you ever listen to podcasts, but here is a link to ours, on Business Strategy.
Give it a listen if you can find the time. It's our first one so go easy on us. Thanks Ben
Without Approval - Our Message - 22nd March 2019
Link to post
Hi Ben,
Sorry for the delay. Seems like 5 months between replies is becoming a thing for us. :) Is it too
late to give those podcast a try?
Again, well done on the Welcome to Yorkshire wall. You and Ryan Fraser really did amazing
work! Would love to talk more and catch up.
Let’s try to keep in touch. :)
Steve Steele (87)
Tackling transport pollution
London, United Kingdom
Our Message - 26th November 2018
Hi Steve,
I noticed your keen interest in sustainability. Congrats on your work so far.
Wondering what (if any?) are your goals around tech/software?
Without Approval - Our Message - 22nd March 2019
Link to post
Hi Steve,
Again, congrats to you and EMSOL for landing that pitch at the Mayor of London’s TechInvest
showcase. You’re going to do great!
Even though we haven’t talked in a while, I’d still love to hop on an intro chat and catch up.
Maybe sometime in April?
Followup - 3rd April 2019
Hi Steve, did you get my previous message?
Their Reply - 3rd April 2019
Hi Robert. Your message of the 22 March sounded like you were just fishing. What was the reason for
your contact? Steve
Our Reply - 8th April 2019
Hi Steve. Sorry if my message gave you that impression.
From your LinkedIn profile, you seem like an interesting guy and I thought it might be beneficial
to have an intro call.
I like Linkedin, but don’t like having thousands of connections I never speak with. Rather have a
few good ones I add value to, one way or another.
David Walters (58)
Artificial Intelligence Director
United Kingdom
Our Message - 22nd March 2019
Hi David,
Thanks for accepting my connection request. Sorry for the delay in following up -- been swamped
with work. How’s the AI director role going?
Accidentally sent the same message as Steve Steele (previous). Have apologized for the mix up.
Our Message - 3rd April 2019
Hi Steve,
Again, sorry for the mix up last month. No offense intended. :)
Still, wouldn't mind to talk more or even hop on a call sometime.
Meir Velenski (95)
CEO at Velenski Financial Group ► Efficient solutions to your business in getting Foreign
currency payments.
United Kingdom
Their Message - 21st March 2019
Saw your profile and noticed we shared connections in our networks. Let’s connect! After all, a
person is only as strong as their network and I would love to have you as a valued connection.
Their Message - 25th March 2019
Thanks for connecting Robert! ;) I appreciate it!
While most seem to talk about themselves primarily, I believe in listening to others and leave
room to actually engage in a mutual beneficial conversation. With that said when you get a free
moment tell me a bit about your business and you.
To break the ice with me I will keep it real simple and just give a brief introduction. I’m a seniorlevel financial expert within the Foreign Exchange Services Industry focused on helping
businesses and individuals manage international transactions through FX solutions using an
easy, secure and rapid alternative to money movement through accounts in London’s Financial
I look forward hearing from you and a brief introduction regarding your business.
One thing I have found when regarding building networks and relationships especially online is
that people do not care about what you know until they know that you care.
Look forward working with you in the near future!
Once again thanks Robert for allowing me to join your network and you joining mine.
Meir velenski
Our Reply - 26th March 2019
Hi Meir,
I must agree on your thoughts about conversation. It has to based on mutual interest and respect.
I currently own a few businesses in Europe and the USA. Moved to Sheffield around 1-2 years
I’ll however be out of the country travelling for the next 2-3 weeks, so we won't be able to talk
I scheduled a call via your Calendly for the 18th of April. We can talk more then. :)
Their Reply - 1st April 2019
Hope all is well and busier then ever :)
We connected about a week ago and I was just following up to say hi.
Quick question?
Can I send you some information regarding international currency exchange my company can assist
your business in saving costs?
Should you be open to saving costs on your payments to overseas transactions, let me know?
As you can see, spamming is not my intention being this is a link free message. I will await your reply
at your convenience.
Look forward speaking with you soon.
Meir Velenski
Trayl Wallace (105)
Health & Sports Nutrition Expert | Entrepreneur | Investor | Director at 3-DNA Ltd
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Our Message - 2nd April 2019
Hi Trayl,
Again, congratulations on your deal last week. For good things to happen, all you need to do is
walk through that door, I think you said. :)
Speaking of open doors, I would love to hop on a call sometime and talk more. Maybe later this
Richard Segal (106)
Partner & Co-Founder at Founders Keepers
London, United Kingdom
Hi Richard,
Firstly, thank you for connecting with me on Linkedin.
I noticed your dedication to creating a positive social impact. Would love to learn more about
your work and projects.
I started a group centered around Social Innovation: "Social Innovation Hub". I believe you'd be a
great fit based on your experience.
You can check it out here: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13578399.
I look forward to keeping in touch!
Our Message - 2nd April 2019
Hi Richard,
Again, congratulations on your session with firstminute capital last week. Job well done. :)
Sorry we haven't talked much - been swamped with work lately. I would love to talk more though.
Maybe hop on a call sometime?
Richard Berg (107)
CEO, Business Smart International
St Albans, United Kingdom
Our Message - 29th March 2019
Hi Richard,
Firstly, thank you for connecting with me on Linkedin.
I noticed your dedication to making a positive social impact. Congrats! Would love to learn more
about your work.
I started a group centered around Social Innovation: "Social Innovation Hub". I believe you'd be a
great fit based on your experience.
You can check it out here: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13578399.
I look forward to keeping in touch!
Our Message - 30th March 2019
Hi Richard,
Apologies, just noticed our marketing manager at Wesrom, in charge of social, sent you a
message without knowing we've already talked.
Our Message - 2nd April 2019
Hi Richard,
Noticed your recent post on the Cass Business School. Again, great work!
We should have a followup chat sometime. Let me know if you'd be up for that.
Keep in touch!
Marcella Romero (108)
Founder & Group CEO at Rehab Management, AimBig Employment & LiveBig
Sydney, Australia
Our Message - 2nd April 2019
Hi Marcella,
I apologize for the delay in accepting your connection request - been swamped with work lately.
Congratulations again to you and your team for the 52.3 NPS score last week. A great
achievement! :)
Would love to talk more about what you do, maybe hop on a call sometime. Maybe later this
Leigh Fearn (109)
Founder at Inspire Minds
Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Our Message - 2nd April 2019
Hi Leigh,
Impressed with the booked events post from last week. And after looking at your LinkedIn Profile I
felt you would be an interesting person to speak with.
I was surprised to see we've been connections since November and never even talked before.
Would love to change that and find out more about you and what you do. Maybe even hop on a call
sometime later this month?
Richard Stubbs (110)
Chief Executive Officer at Yorkshire and Humber Academic Health Science Network
Sheffield, United Kingdom
Our Message - 3rd April 2019
Hi Richard,
Again, congratulations on your NHS Assembly appointment. An amazing opportunity to make a
Would love to hop on an intro call sometime and talk more. Maybe later this month?
Lior Naveh (61)
Founder and CEO at Bullboat
London, United Kingdom
Our Message - 4th April 2019
Hi Lior,
Hope your exhibition at Medpi went well!
You seem like an interesting guy. Would love to talk sometime. Maybe hop on a call later this month?
Their Reply - 8th April 2019
Thank you for your message. We are extremely busy now. Please come back to me around June.
Our Reply - 9th April 2019
Of course, Lior. Glad to know success is keeping you busy. I’ll reach back mid-year. All the best,
Gavin Esberger (111) OUTBOUND NOTE
Director at GME Painting Contractors, transforming properties in Leeds, Wakefield and across the
Yorkshire region.
Wakefield, United Kingdom
Our Message - 4th April 2019
Hi, Gavin. Saw a few of the projects you worked on. Was quite impressed! Would love to talk and
maybe hop on an intro call sometime. Robert
Martin Newman (59)
Chairman, NED, Board Advisor, Investor, Author and Keynote Presenter.
London, United Kingdom
Our Message - 26th March 2019
Hi Martin,
Again, congratulations on getting shortlisted at Business Book Awards 2019. Looked like it turned
out amazing! Would love to talk more over a call sometime. Maybe later this month?
Their Reply - 9th April 2019
Thanks Robert. It’s not relevant for me at this juncture but maybe in the future. Best wishes, Martin
Our Reply - 11th April 2019
No worries, Martin. We’ll keep in touch then. :) All the best, Robert
Anthony J James (112)
I help companies generate breakthrough new ideas and commercialise innovation and growth
solutions on a global scale
Sydney, Australia
Summary: Connected since Dec 2017. Haven’t talked since Nov 2018. Mentioned him in a Content
Marketing Podcast done with Mark Williams - Anthony was grateful. He sent a link about a Linkedin
10k followers achievement to you and you commented on it. You guys were pretty buddy-buddy.
Our Message - 8th April 2019
Hi, Anthony! Just saw that corn-on-a-drill ‘innovation’ vid and realized we haven’t talked in a while.
How have you been? Any plans for this year?
Their Reply - 8th April 2019
Hi, Robert
All is well - thanks. Just been on a speaking tour in India and Thailand for the last two weeks.
Back home now. Hoping to find a couple of gigs in the UK in the next few months. I’ll keep you in
the loop if I’m headed your way. What’s happening with you?
Our Reply - 9th April 2019
Hi James,
Glad to hear. On my end, I’m travelling in Europe right now. Will go back to the UK in a week.
Going well, we got some very interesting development projects to work on, plus a few new
clients on the Search Engine Marketing front. Good start to the year, overall. :)
Ramon Vullings (113)
speaker, cross-industry innovation expert & ideaDJ
Antwerp Area, Belgium
Summary: Connected and last talked in Apr 2018. Sent a standard message with a link to Social
Innovations Hub. Ramon said he appreciates it. That’s it.
Our Message - 8h April 2019
Hi Ramon,
Sorry we haven’t talked in a while. I guess work overwhelmed the both of us.
Glad to see you’re still going strong and speaking all over! Would love to hear more and catch up
Marsha Ward (114)
Founder & CEO at Refresh HR | CEO - The Number Hub | Director - Pub Hub Accountancy Services
Cardiff, United Kingdom
Our Message - 8th April 2019
Hi, Marsha. Read your linked article on diversity in the workplace the other day. Really insightful. :)
Would love to connect and talk more sometime. Robert
Lorna Mason (115)
Business Development at WRS Solutions
Sheffield, United Kingdom
Their Message - 12th December 2017
Good Morning Robert,
It was lovely to meet you yesterday, and so refreshing to hear your story.
You're event tomorrow sounds very interesting, could I please take the details of location and
time to ensure I am able to attend?
Many thanks,
Our Reply - 12th December 2017
Good morning, Lorna!
It was wonderful to meet you too!
And of course, here are the event details:
I also loved your family's story and looked more into WRS yesterday.
If you/WRS want, you can bring a banner and/or other marketing materials so the people at the
event see it and maybe want to learn more. :D
I'd gladly support/invest in the company any way I can.
And of course, anyone from WRS is welcome to join. The knowledge and strategies presented at
the event will prove of great value.
Managers, sales people, etc.
Of course, I'd just LOVE to meet the founders, but I'm not sure it they themselves want to come
I'll be at the event earlier, of course, and you can come right after you finish your previous
schedule. We'll also have water/snacks there. :)
Their Reply - 14th December 2017
Hi Robert,
Thank you for sending over all the information, it is much appreciated :) My work phone was off
yesterday but I have picked up your message this afternoon. Are you available after 5 for a quick
Our Reply - 14th December 2017
Our Reply - 14th December 2017
Robert sent you a recommendation
Review Recommendation:
Hey Lorna! I recommend you add Skills to your profile. :)
Their Reply - 15th December 2017
Hey Robert!
Hope you're having a great day.
Thank you so much for your recommendation and kind words. I haven't been utilising LinkedIn as
well as I should, however taking on board your advice in the seminar I can see the benefit of
doing so and have begun increasing my engagement with my connections on here.
I will get some skills added on to my profile, thank you for the suggestion :)
Our Reply - 15th December 2017
Hey Lorna!
Of course! So glad you could make it! As soon as the marketing package with the video is ready
I'll be sure to send that off to you as well!
If you'll ever find a few minutes to write a recommendation, that would be great! :)
Add in those skills and let's get you to 2x your family's business!
Their Reply - 15th December 2017
Of course, I'd be happy to!
That's the goal, the wheels are in motion! :)
Have a great weekend,
Our Reply - 15th December 2017
Perfect! Thanks! You too!
Our Reply - 15th December 2017
Hi Lorna, can you write me a recommendation?
Write Robert a recommendation:
Their Reply - 15th December 2017
Lorna sent you a recommendation
Review Recommendation:
Our Reply - 15th December 2017
Thank you!! �
Our Reply - 10th January 2018
Hi Lorna!
Hope you managed to find the time to enjoy the Holidays!
Just wanted to say two things:
1. I'll send you over the video recording in the following weeks. We just need to edit it and add in
some more video sequences that we can't record right now because I managed to almost break
my right foot last week. Long story... :))
Regardless, I attached the Slides from the presentation, and will send over the recordings as well,
as soon as we're done. Sorry for the delay.
2. Happy New Year! I wish you and your loved ones the best 2018 possible!
Can't wait to see you again!
Our Reply - 9th April 2019
Hi Lorna,
Thought to check in and see how you’ve been doing. Been swamped with work all year last year
and haven’t had time to catch up.
Sorry I haven’t sent those video recordings I promised. The quality was pretty bad. I tried
improving them, but didn’t get good results and didn’t want to release a low-quality product into
the market.
I’d gladly catch up instead, if you wish. See what you’ve been up to, and help as best I can. :)
Tom Sutton (122) OUTBOUND NOTE
Head of Corporate Partnerships & Membership Sheffield Chamber of Commerce
Sheffield, United Kingdom
Our Message - 9th April 2019
Hi, Tom. Saw you attended the Hallam i-Lab last week. Would love to hear more about your
involvement and your work so far. Maybe over a call? Robert
Richard Newton (60)
Investor & Founder Of RN Digital (we're hiring)
London, Greater London, United Kingdom
Observation: RN Digital offers digital marketing services. Their website is pretty limited on the
details. 3 pages worth. And their blog has a 3 paragraph article on PPC. That’s it. CLient?
Our Message - 9th April 2019
Hi Richard,
I recently looked over your LinkedIn profile and was surprised at the list of specialties there. You
seem like an interesting guy and I would love to talk over a call sometime. Maybe later this
Their Message - 9th April 2019
Thanks. I’m getting old and have had the good fortune to experience many things good and bad!
Always keen to expand networks so why not. Not sure if there’s anything specific on your radar
but let’s chat.
Let me know when suits.
07515 577628
Our Reply - 10th April 2019
Brilliant, Rich!
Right now I’m out of the country for another week or so. Would you be available for a conference
call sometime later this month?
Their Reply - 10th April 2019
Sure, no problem
Our Reply - 11th April 2019
Beautiful, Rich. Would you be available on the 23rd or 24th of April?
Mark Bates (62)
Owner - Be the Best; Chairman - Armstrong Craven, Rutland Cycling, Arthouse; Investor Shindigger Brewing
Stockport, United Kingdom
Our Message - 9th April 2019
Hi Mark,
Took a look over your LinkedIn profile and I was impressed. Three separate chairman positions,
investor and director is quite the collection. Would love to talk over an intro call sometime. Maybe
next month?
Jacqueline Abbott (63)
Property Investor with a background of working in the real estate industry. Skilled in
Negotiation, Sales, Marketing Strategy. My previous background includes 30 years working
within the Retail Industry.
Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom
Our Message - 9th April 2019
Observation: Property investor and sales assistant at Elaine Cunningham Interiors. Which doesn’t
have a page on LinkedIn. Could use some work marketing wise Website and Facebook… But I
don’t see much on her page...
Hi Jacqueline,
I see you have 30 years of experience within retail. Pretty impressive milestone! Would love to
talk over a call sometime next month, if you’re available.
Angela King (64)
Investor Relations Manager
Camberley, Surrey, United Kingdom
Our Message - 9th April 2019
Hi Angela,
I see you gathered over 15 years of experience at Sainsbury’s so far. Congrats on that! How did
you first start out?
Peter Moxon (65)
Retail business owner and investor.
Kirton in Lindsey, North Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
Our Message - 9th April 2019
Hi Peter,
Thanks for accepting my connection request. Sorry for the delay in following up -- been swamped
with work.
I see you’re quite an interesting guy. Would you like to hop on an intro call later this month or
Busayo Okusi (66)
Founder, CEO at EaziFunds
Observation: EaziFunds - Crowdfunding and investing Platform, we provide unbeatable returns
for investors and capital for project managers. Has a professional photography company as well,
present on social media but no official website.For either companies.
Our Message - 10th April 2019
Hi Busayo,
Looked over a few of your photography projects. Pretty impressive work. :) Would love to talk
over a video call sometime next month. Would that work for you?
Their Reply - 10th April 2019
Sure, that would be great
Would you be interested in our services, we would love to serve you in full capacity
Our Reply - 12th April 2019
I’d just be interested in learning more about you at this stage.
Would Wednesday, 24th April at 1 pm or Thursday, 25th, same hour be OK on your end?
Hwie Kwee (67)
Investor | Mentor | International Marketing - Together we aspire, Together we achieve!
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Our Message -10th April 2019
Hi Hwie,
Thanks for accepting my connection request. Sorry for the delay in following up -- been swamped
with work.
Noticed we both own multiple businesses. Would love to talk over an intro call sometime. Maybe
next month?
Steven Smith (68)
Poundland Founder - Investor - Consultant - Mentor
Wolverhampton, United Kingdom
Headline: Founder Of Poundland & One Price Retailing Industry Now Worth Five Billion Pounds
What I Do Now, Property Loans, Business Investor, Recruitment, Online Shopping.
Our Message - 10th April 2019
Hi Steven,
Thanks for accepting my connection request. Sorry for the delay in following up -- been swamped
with work.
From your LinkedIn profile you seem like a pretty interesting guy. Didn’t know you invested in
Poundland until now. :) Would love to talk more over a call. Maybe next month?
Mike Lebus (70)
Angel Investor at Sweatcoin
London, United Kingdom
Our Message - 10th April 2019
Hi Mike,
From what I’ve read thus far about you, your work has already had amazing impact and it seems
you’re paving the way for a better future.
Would love to talk more with you over an intro call. Maybe sometime next month?
Andrew Dymski (128)
Liberating agency owners from the daily grind by transforming their business into a hands-off
revenue machine.
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Area
Their Message - 21st March 2019
Hi Robert, digital marketing is a big passion of mine and I can see it's yours too. I've built a
community of innovative agency owners from around the world supporting and referring each other.
It'd be great to connect + support you however I can.
- Andrew
Their Message - 10th April 2019
Great to connect. Here's an invite to the free community for agency owners that I mentioned:
The big focus at the moment is to help agency owners overwhelmed with fulfillment to automate
their agency (so they can take a vacation for once) and scale sustainably. You'll see a ton of great
content about that + hundreds of people supporting and helping each other grow. Let me know
what you think!
Our Reply - 11th April 2019
Thanks for the invite, Andrew! Will check it out soon. Robert
Symon Bye (71)
Investor at GOZO Tech LLP
Cirencester, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Our Message - 11th April 2019
Hi Symon,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed. Love how you put your Biology
background to use in the workplace.
From what I’ve seen, you’re a pretty interesting guy and I’d like to hear more about you and what
you’re doing. Maybe over a call?
Their Reply - 11th April 2019
Thanks Robert,
Absolutely - are looking for people or just curious?
Our Message - 12th April 2019
I’d just be interested in learning more about you at this stage. I prefer to have more quality
contacts than just connections. So I made it a habit to speak at least once with interesting people
in my network so we get to know each other better.
Hope that answered your question. :) if you’re still interested, would 17th April be OK? Say 1 pm?
Marja Aalto (69)
Director, Air Transportation Development
Tampere Area, Finland
Our Message - 11th April 2019
Hi Marja,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed by your experience and skillset in aviation.
I’ve been a glider pilot a few years back. (Not nearly as experienced, but hey :)
Would love to have an intro chat sometime. Maybe next month?
Steve Adams (72)
Managing Director of MattressOnline and Co-founder and Investor at Lucent Drinks Ltd
(LUXLO Spirits)
Sheffield, United Kingdom
Our Message - 11th April 2019
Hi Steve,
Diverse businesses you got there. Mattresses, investments, mindful drinking. Sounds like a
businessman from Aladdin. Just the ginnie is missing. :)
I would love to learn more about you and what you do. Maybe schedule an intro chat sometime
next month?
Matthew Cushen (73)
Co-founder, Worth Capital & Owner, Uprising Consulting
London, United Kingdom
Our Message - 11th April 2019
Hi Matthew,
I recently looked over your LinkedIn profile and was surprised at your list of specialties.
From what I’ve read thus far, you seem like an interesting guy and I’d love to talk over a call
sometime. Maybe later this month?
Traveon Rogers (75)
Investor | Advisor | Entrepreneur
Houston, Texas
Our Message - 11th April 2019
Hi Traveon,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was quite impressed. I’m quite into health and nutrition
Would love to talk more over an intro chat sometime. Maybe next month?
Angus Braham (77)
Angel Investor
London, United Kingdom
Observation: Pretty adamant in not bothering him if you are so and so, including ‘We are not looking
to market our company nor do we need to develop our brand.’
Our Message - 11th April 2019
Hi Angus,
Your LinkedIn profile caught my attention. You seem like a pretty direct and honest kind of guy.
Would love to have an intro chat sometime. Maybe next month?
Jason Simpson (88)
Angel Investor Nottinghamshire, Spain and London
London, United Kingdom
Our Message - 11th April 2019
Hi Jason,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was intrigued. Saw you were not only an investor in the
UK, but Spain as well?
Would love to talk over a call sometime. Maybe next month?
Rod Bulmer (89)
Board Advisor and Angel Investor - NED - Business Strategy & Growth
Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom
Our Message - 12th April 2019
Hi Rod,
Thanks for accepting my connection request. Sorry for the delay in following up -- been swamped
with work.
From your LinkedIn profile you seem like a pretty interesting guy. Besides investments, I see
you’re also director of Llyn Holiday Home.
Would love to talk more with you over an intro call. Maybe sometime next month?
Andy Green (91)
Director at Story Starts Here & Grow Social Capital
Cardiff, United Kingdom
Our Message - 12th April 2019
Hi Andy,
Took a look over your LinkedIn profile and was pretty impressed. 7 books written so far! Not to
mention your other credentials.
You seem like an interesting guy and I’d love to talk over a call sometime. Maybe next month, if you’re
Brandon Jackson (92)
Founder Eleven5 & MatteBlack. SI Real Estate Tampa.
Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida Area
Our Message - 12th April 2019
Hi Brandon, Nice to be connected over Linkedin as well.
Charles John 'CJ' Wilson (96)
Millionaire, Serial Entrepreneur and Angel Investor cj@theinvestorman.com LION
Chelmsford, United Kingdom
Our Message - 12th April 2019
Hi Charles,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was pretty impressed by the length of your experience.
Would love to get to know you a bit better, perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Jackie Salvidge (98)
Chief Executive Officer at Innovate Healthcare
Stockport, United Kingdom
Our Message - 12th April 2019
Observation: Been at Innovate Healthcare since September 2011 as Managing Director, now CEO
since January 2018. Not much else on her profile.
Hi Jackie,
Took a look at your LinkedIn profile and was impressed to see you’ve your contribution to Innovate
Would love to learn more about your journey, perhaps over a conference call sometime.
Elena Mustatea (99)
CEO at Bold Health | Forbes 30 Under 30
London, United Kingdom
Our Message - 12th April 2019
Hi Elena,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and saw you’ve been leading Bold Health for well over a year now.
Not every day I get to meet the 30 under 30.
Would love to learn more about your journey, perhaps over a conference call sometime.
Peter Hamer (100)
CEO at SurgaColl Technologies Seeking active NED role
Nympsfield, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Our Message - 12th April 2019
Hi Peter,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was pretty impressed. Over 25 years of experience in the
medical field is quite the feat. Not to mention your involvement in the tech side.
Would love to learn more about your journey, perhaps over a conference call sometime.
David Tuch (102)
CEO at Lightpoint Medical
Chesham, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom
Our Message - 12th April 2019
Hi David,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and surprised to see your company is leading in intraoperative
molecular imaging.
Would love to learn more about your journey, perhaps over a conference call sometime.
Bernard Ross (103)
CEO and Founder at Sky Medical Technology Ltd
High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom
Our Message - 12th April 2019
Hi Bernard,
Looked over your companies’ websites and was impressed by the range of medical technology you
work with.
Would love to learn more about your journey, perhaps over a conference call sometime.
Kaspar Von Grünberg (123)
Founder | CEO @ Humanitec GmbH
Berlin Area, Germany
Their Message - 10th April 2019
Hi Robert,
nice to meet you! We are reaching out because we have identified you as one of the high
performing IT teams in the UK. We are a bunch of developers from New York/Berlin. Our
products help your team to reuse code by standardising the way you develop microservices and
assemble them to apps in seconds.
What we do is free but I’d love your personal opinion. Let’s hop on a 30 min call to show how this
Our Reply - 11th April 2019
Hi Kaspar,
Nice to meet you, as well! It’s great to know we have a good reputation as far as New York/Berlin.
Makes me so proud of my team. :)
Your services sound interesting so far. Don’t know if I’m in need of it yet, but I’m willing to listen
and see where this leads us. Maybe we can help you as well.
I scheduled a call via your Calendly for the 18th of April. We can talk more then.
Daniel Edley (129)
Provider of revolutionary interactive sports and technological experiences that stimulate the
mind and test the body
United Kingdom
Observation: Commented on his post here. He sent a connection request before I did. CEO since
January 2019, 2-10 employees and Marketing Manager there since March 2019. Kind of reminds
me of Wesrom.
Our Message - 10th April 2019
Hi Daniel,
This is a surprise. I was actually going to send a connection request your way this morning.
As you know, I saw your post on interactive technology and its potential benefits. Was quite
impressed by it! Would love to talk over a call sometime. Maybe in May?
Their Reply - 10th April 2019
Hi Robert,
Thank you, yes I would be interested in talking about the benefits of interactive tech with you for
Let me know when the best time would be and we can organise a chat.
Thank you for connecting and look forward to speaking with you.
Kind regards,
Our Reply - 12th April 2019
Hi Daniel,
Great to hear! I’m looking forward to our chat.
As for the time, would you be available on the 23rd of April, 11 am, or maybe 24th, same hour?
Ant Henderson (130) OUTBOUND NOTE
Director at Big Mountain Distribution
York, United Kingdom
Observation: Found him commenting a congrats on a post. Didn’t seem right to Like that.
Our Message - 10th April 2019
Hi Ant,
Noticed you’re in the health and fitness industry. As a physically active guy myself I thought we
could connect and get to know each other. Maybe over a call?
Their Reply - 10th April 2019
Hey Robert, thanks for connecting.
Was just looking through your profile - from LA to NYC...to Sheffield, you span quite a distance
and just down the road from me!
I'm flat out right now - be interested to know what you're interested in discussing before we
schedule something in.
Hope all is well.
Ant Henderson
Our Reply - 12th April 2019
Hey Ant,
Haha, yeah I’ve been around. Journey is still ongoing. And yes, we’re practically neighbours, in
this case. :)
I just prefer to have more quality contacts than just connections. So I made it a habit to speak at
least once with interesting people in my network so we get to know each other better.
Their Reply - 12th April 2019
I’m the same. Much prefer connecting with folk with a bit of substance.
You mentioned you’re physically active - any particular sport / pass time or just general fitness so
you don’t blow out of your proverbial, running for a train?
Scott Weir (130) OUTBOUND NOTE
Award-winning serviced accommodation, holiday homes, and property management all
across the UK.
Glasgow, United Kingdom
Observation: Commented on his post here.
Our Message - 10th April 2019
Hi Scott,
Hope Day 2 of your trip is progressing well. :) Looks great so far. You seem like a really
interesting guy so I hoped we could connect and talk more. Maybe over a call?
Our Message - 12th April 2019
Hi Scott,
Thanks for accepting my connection request. I see your trip is still ongoing. I’m also currently out
of the country visiting family.
Let me know if you’re OK for having an intro chat when we’re both back?
Joseph Welstead (131) OUTBOUND NOTE
Co Founder, CEO at Motion Nutrition
London, Greater London, United Kingdom
Observation: Commented on a post of his comparing branding styles 2018 vs 2019. It was March
21st. You mentioned knowing him?
Our Message - 10th April 2019
Hi Joseph,
Noticed your rebrand prost in March, but was swamped and didn’t have time to connect. As a
self-proclaimed nutrition nut I thought we’d have a few things in common. :) Would love to talk,
maybe over a call sometime?
Our Message - 12th April 2019
Hi Joseph,
Thank you for accepting my connection request. See you’re still going strong and winning Best
New Nutrition Product at the Natural & Organic Awards this year. :) Congratulations to you and
your team!
Would love to hear more about you and your work so far.
Managing Director & Founder of Cafeology Limited
Sheffield, United Kingdom
Observation: Found him commenting a congrats on a post. Didn’t seem right to Like that. Oh my
god, I remember him and his company from my Ethical Businesses In UK Sheet. I added him! XD
Our Message - 10th April 2019
Hi Bryan,
Noticed your dedication to ethical business and it peaked my interests. As a fellow believer, I
would love to connect and talk more. Maybe hop on a call sometime? :)
Exceptional bespoke jewellery design, re-modelling and restoration. Professional jewellery
and watch valuations.
Harrogate, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Observation: Commented on his post here. He didn’t Like our comment. :(
Our Message - 6th December 2017
Hi Christopher,
Thanks so much for accepting my invitation!
I just relocated to Sheffield and am looking to expand my network. If I can be of service in any
way, please let me know!
Thanks again and have a superb day!
Our Message - 10th April 2019
Hi Christopher,
Saw your post on insurance of valuables. Got to say it got me thinking. I thought to check out
your profile after that and realized we haven’t talked since we connected.
I’m hoping to change that. Maybe hop on an intro chat to get to know each other. Perhaps in
Andrew Cam (135)
Sheffield, United Kingdom
Observation: Commented on his post here. Was receptive. Connected since December 2017 but
never talked.
Our Message - 10th April 2019
Hi Andrew,
Loved that Sunday make-up video of yours. Still cracks me up every time. :) Surprised we’ve been
connected for well over a year now and haven’t even talked yet.
Would love to change that and get to know you better. Maybe hop on an intro call sometime next
Nick Sievewright (136)
Commercial photographer, videographer and aerial photographer based in Sheffield
Sheffield, United Kingdom
Observation: He commented on this and I gave a Like.
Our Message - 8th December 2017
Hi Nick,
Thanks so much for accepting my invitation!
I just relocated to Sheffield and am looking to expand my network. If I can be of service in any
way, please let me know!
Thanks again and have a superb day!
Our Message - 10th April 2019
Hi Nick,
Just saw your drone survey post today and realized we haven’t talked since we connected.
Would love to hop on an intro chat to get to know each other. Maybe sometime in May?
Adel Lababedi (137)
Director and Co Founder at The Colony HQ
Wilmslow, Cheshire, United Kingdom
Observation: We commented on this. Their companies’ website can’t be accessed.
Our Message - 11th May 2018
Hi Adel,
Firstly, thank you for connecting with me on Linkedin.
I noticed your interest in making a positive social impact. Congrats! Would love to learn more
about your work and projects.
I started a group centered around Social Innovation: "Social Innovation Hub". I believe you'd be a
great addition based on your experience.
You can check it out here: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13578399.
I look forward to keeping in touch!
Our Message - 10th April 2019
Hi Adel,
Again, very stylish conference rooms you got there. Still love the view. :) Made me curious, so I
looked over your Linkedin profile and realized we haven’t talked since we connected.
I’m hoping to change that. Maybe we can hop on an intro chat to get to know each other.
Perhaps in May?
Kirsty Thomson FRSA (138)
Founder/CEO of Circle Scotland CIC Satire Fellow and FRSA
Dundee, United Kingdom
Observation: Connected in March 2018, sent a standard message, never responded. Nominated
for IOD Regional Director of the Year for Tayside - commented on that here.
Our Message - 11th April 2019
Hi Kirsty,
Again, congrats on the nomination for IOD Regional Director of the Year. Quite the achievement. :)
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and realized we haven’t talked in a while. Would love to change
that and maybe have a conference call sometime. Perhaps next month?
Robert Carter (139) OUTBOUND NOTE
Director at J & J. Carter Ltd
Reading, United Kingdom
Observation: Director of tensile fabric structure business. Liked a comment of his.
Our Message - 11th April 2019
Hi Robert,
Saw a few of your projects and was quite impressed. You really put that IT background to use. :)
Would love to connect and talk over a call sometime. Maybe next month?
Also Robert
Jon Steinberg (140) OUTBOUND NOTE
Founder and CEO of Cheddar
Greater New York City Area
Observation: REALLY awesome videos. Cheddar - video media company sitting at the
intersection of business news and culture.
Our Message - 11th April 2019
Hi Jon,
Saw a few Cheddar videos on my feed that never failed to impress me. :) Going over your profile,
you seem like a really interesting guy so I hoped we could connect and talk more. Maybe over a
Ant Henderson (130) OUTBOUND NOTE
Director at Big Mountain Distribution
York, United Kingdom
Observation: Found him commenting a congrats on a post. Didn’t seem right to Like that.
Our Message - 10th April 2019
Hi Ant,
Noticed you’re in the health and fitness industry. As a physically active guy myself I thought we
could connect and get to know each other. Maybe over a call?
Their Reply - 10th April 2019
Hey Robert, thanks for connecting.
Was just looking through your profile - from LA to NYC...to Sheffield, you span quite a distance
and just down the road from me!
I'm flat out right now - be interested to know what you're interested in discussing before we
schedule something in.
Hope all is well.
Ant Henderson
Our Reply - 12th April 2019
Hey Ant,
Haha, yeah I’ve been around. Journey is still ongoing. And yes, we’re practically neighbours, in
this case. :)
I just prefer to have more quality contacts than just connections. So I made it a habit to speak at
least once with interesting people in my network so we get to know each other better.
Their Reply - 12th April 2019
I’m the same. Much prefer connecting with folk with a bit of substance.
You mentioned you’re physically active - any particular sport / pass time or just general fitness so
you don’t blow out of your proverbial, running for a train?
INMAIL Teodora Tus
Recruiter / Psiholog - AMS Human Resources
Propunere Colaborare
Buna ziua dle. Robert,
Va scriu deoarece am vazut ca firma dumneavoastra este in cautare de personal pentru pozitia
de Human Resources Assistant si Digital Marketing Assistant pentru Oradea.
Noi suntem o companie ce ofera servicii de recrutare, selectare si evaluare de personal si mi-ar
face placere sa avem o discutie, sa ne cunoastem si sa vedem cum va putem asista in acest
proces cu serviciile noastre de recrutare.
Cum pot obtine cateva minute din timpul dumneavoastra in aceasta directie?
Va multumesc!
Teodora Tus
IT Recruiter - AMS Human Resource
Sent 23rd May 2019
Buna Teodora,
Apreciez oferta voastra de servicii, dar am gasit deja oameni de nadejde pentru posturile de
Human Resources Assistant si Digital Marketing Assistant.
Momentan, nu avem nevoie de asistenta in recrutare de personal. Daca va aparea ocazia, o sa
tinem cont de oferta dumneavoastra si va vom contacta. Va multumesc.
Robert Indries
Christian Harris
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London, Greater London, United Kingdom
Our Message + Followup
Hi Christian,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed by your dedication to reducing slip risk.
The data you presented on this subject was surprising, but very informative.
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Their Reply
Hi Robert. Apologies it must have been lost - I get quite a few messages! Do you want to set up a
call via www.slipsafety.co.uk/call Christian
Sent 23rd May 2019
Hi Christian. No worries, these things happen. :)
I usually do 30 minute calls using Zoom conference lines. This way everyone calls into the same
line at the scheduled time and we can chat there.
I can see from your calendly that you do 15 minute calls labeled as slip safety strategy sessions.
I'd like our chat to be mutually informative and insightful, so the agenda would be something like:
1.Intros on what each is doing - 5-10 mins
2.Sharing some plans/challenges for 2019 - 5-10 mins
3.Two-way suggestions/brainstorming - 5-10 mins
If that sounds OK for a 30 minute intro chat, I can schedule a call for sometime in June and send
you the calendar invite with the bridge info.
INMAIL Sanjay Saujani
Director, SAP & Emerging Technology Expert, Mindfulness for Organisation (Search Inside
Yourself), Emotional Intelligence
Robert. Saw the video on Romania on entrepreneur magazine
Came across you and your company in the interview for Entrepreneur Magazine. Would be
interested to hear a little about your company. See my profile on LinkedIn.
You can connect with me on LinkedIn using my email. Sanjay@snapresourcing.com
Sent 23rd May 2019
Hi Sanjay,
Thank you for your kind words. Yes, I remember that interview, though it’s been a while.
Werom is just one of the companies I own, offering services of online marketing, software
development, and coaching. You can find out more about it on the Wesrom company page on
LinkedIn. The link should be on my profile page. The official page is http://wesrom.com/ for now,
although we’re going to launch a new site this next week.
What would be the scope of our call? Are you interested in any of our services?
I’m asking as I like to have an agenda for every call.
Luke Crist
Sales Manager at Centaur Media
London, United Kingdom
Our Message
Hi Luke,
Firstly, thank you for connecting with me on Linkedin.
I noticed your dedication to making a positive social impact. Would love to learn more about your
work and projects by Charity Checkout.
I started a group centered around Social Innovation: "Social Innovation Hub". I believe you'd be a
great fit based on your experience.
You can check it out here: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13578399.
I look forward to keeping in touch!
Their Reply
If you have one minute spare please take a look at my Go Fund Me page for my Mum who is
battling Ovarian cancer.
Anything you are able to give no matter how big or small would be massively appreciated.
Hope you and all your family have a great Christmas
Many thanks
Sent 23rd May 2019
Hi Luke,
Apologies for the late reply. Was going through my old messages and found our conversation.
I’m really sorry to hear about your mum. How is she doing? Any improvements?
Wishing you both all the best.
Kind regards,
Vitaliy Verbitskiy
Co-founder, Product manager, Growth marketing
London, United Kingdom
Their Message
Salut Robert! Bine te-am gasit din nou! Deocamdata nu sunt stabilit in UK, doar ca am o companie
inregistrata acolo afiliata cu IT-compania mea din care am iesit acum nu demult. In acelasi timp
mai am niste cunoscuti pe acolo, pe care ii visitez din cind in cind.
Ultimii 3-5 ani mai mult am vorbit limba engleza/rusa considerind regiunele in care faceam
business. Exact cum si tu, nu am avut ocazia sa discut mult in Romina =)
In momentul dat sunt pe o rascruce de idei. Dintr-o parte am iesit din compania mea si am avut o
odihna de citeva luni, si am inbceput sa-mi caut un alt journey. Sunt co-fondator la o companie de
New Media din NYC cu o echipa destul de puternica, si acum ii ajut sa gasim un round de
investitii. Avem un network bun, sper sa ne reuseasca. Pe de lata parte ma ocup si caut
oportunitati pe side-projects din diferite industrii, pe pozitii de Product/project manager,
Growth/marketing manager, uneori Design/UX. Am avut si offers din Rusia dela Yandex, Mail.ru
pe pozitii de director regional, doar ca am refuzat, caci nu sunt dispus sa traiesc la moment in
Rusia. Ma intereseaza mai mult pietele EU/US.
As fi bucuros sa discut orice side-project unde am putea sa aduc valoare si sa fiu de folos. O zi
frumoasa in continuare!
Sent 23rd May 2019
Super! As fi la fel de bucuros sa discutam despre asta. :) Ce zici de un call joi, 20 Iunie la10
dimineata? Sau vineri, 21 Iunie, ora 3 dupa masa?
Merci si iti doresc o zi la fel de frumoasa!
Michael J Simpson 1st Connection
Chairman, CEO CliniSys Solutions Group
London, United Kingdom
Our Message
Hi Michael,
Looked over your LinkedIn profile and was impressed by how far you’ve executed your
improvement programs, including my home country. :)
Would love to learn more about you and what you do. Perhaps over a conference call sometime?
Their Reply
Robert, Appreciate the reachout, but time is precious and unless there beneficial specific
opportunity we need to discuss I do not accept these chat invitations
RESPONSE PENDING APPROVAL How to convince him we’re not wasting time
Hi Michael,
I agree that time is precious, that is why I put in a 30 minute time limit on my conference calls. I
currently own 5 companies and wasting time is something I don’t do. My wife actually had to
“train” me to have lazy Sundays. Those first ones were painful…
I reach out to people I see potential in to either network or work with. There are plenty of
beneficial opportunities to choose from here. The call is for us to discuss and find a specific one.
If you’d like, I’m available next month, Wednesday, June 19, at 3 pm or Thursday, June 20, same
INMAIL Liam G. Magwood
Digital Transformation & Marketing Consultant
Arkley, Greater London, United Kingdom
Marketing Manager Urgently Required - Day Rate Contract - Minimum 6 Months
Dear Robert,
Apologies if this message has reached you in error.
I have an urgent requirement for a marketing manager based in west Yorkshire for 6 months on a
day rate basis. I’ve included some key requirements below. Please can you send me your cv
and/or call me asap on 0207 851 7812 for further information including rates, exact location and
interview / start dates.
Experience, Skills and Knowledge:
• Excellent team player and manager
• Astute attention to detail
• Creative flair essential
• Experience handling large budgets
• Experience managing and good understanding of digital marketing campaigns including social
• Believe in the importance of customer experience and can demonstrate it.
• An excellent communicator
• Able to write simple copy for web, email, social media and print.
• Well organised with the ability to handle a number of projects at any one time
• Experience in similar role in higher education or similar sector where excellent CRM has been
key to the customer experience and decision-making is made over a long period of time and/or
high value or life changing purchase decision.
• Experience of youth marketing
• Experience in both client and agency organisations
Job Specific Requirements:
• Results orientated and focused on achieving targets in lead generation/sales. Ability to select
the most relevant content, images, design, format, tone and style for the target market.
• A sound understanding of what effective communication would be for the target market
• Astute attention to detail and accuracy
• Occasional work at weekend
Personal Attributes
• High level of enthusiasm, personal commitment and flexibility
• An ability to build rapport, collaborate and gain respect with peers and senior colleagues
• A highly organised planner and implementer
• Enthusiasm for higher education and youth marketing
Liam G. Magwood
Digital Transformation & Marketing Consultant
Sent 23rd May 2019
Hi Liam,
Let’s hop on a call and discuss potential opportunities. Please find attached my CV.
Can you speak next week?
I’m available Thursday, 30 May, at 2:30 pm.
Simon Booth
Managing Director, Foresight Wealth Strategists
Warrington, United Kingdom
Our Message
Good morning Simon,
Thank you for the connection request. I appreciate having you in my network. How may I be of
Their Reply
Hi Robert
Thanks for connecting. We are a firm of wealth strategists who work with successful business
owners and professionals.
Typically, our clients are so busy at work that they don’t have the time to make sure their finances
are as well organised as their businesses.
We have specifically developed The Quantum Programme to enable our clients to focus on their
futures, safe in the knowledge that their finances are being taken care of.
Does this strike a note with you? In which case, can we have a chat to see how we may be able
to help?
I hope to hear from you.
Sent 23rd May 2019
Hi Simon,
Really sorry for the late reply. Had a mountain of messages these past few months, and I just
started sorting through them. I managed to save yours from the cluster. :)
I’m available Wednesday, June 26, at 3 pm and Friday, June 28, same hour. Would either work?