SAP: - System Application & Product in Data processing. ERP: - Enterprises Resources Planning. ECC: - SAP ERP Central Component (ECC). Consultant: - Someone who understand the whole Business process In & Out. Someone who understand the Business Process & Provides solution for the problems to customers. Q1. What is the Reason that User wants to implement SAP ERP for their Business Process or Organization? A. Because SAP gives End-to-End Solution to customer business process. No one can Provides end to end solution. B. To know about that how he/She Gain Profit & Loss in their Business. C. Where wants to Improve his business. D. What are things or steps he/she want to take to improve his/her Organization. E. Analysis of the organization to Generate the Revenue. F. How this Software save Customer Time. G. What are the Changes He/she want to make in their Business. H. What are the Important Aspects from Customer point of View like (Instant Billing, Immediate service, how he /she can Reach to customer i.e. Effortless procedure) I. How He/She Get an Efficiency after implementing this Software. J. Effortless/Seamless Process execution. K. Sales strategies He/She uses to Develop their Business. Q2. Why Do You Want to Switch in I.T. Sector? For Economic Stability. In my field I earn there. But behind that I want to 3-4 times take a lot efforts. Besides, No body promises you to for a vertical growth other than I.T. Sector so that is the main reason I moved here in this field. Q3. For Operating Business Application Software’s we have Three Layers. Presentation Layer: - This is used by End User for viewing the front end on the Screen. Application Layer: - For Executing application Level Programs. Data Base Layer: - For storage of data at Database level this Layer is used. Q4. Which Organizational Elements Can be used within SAP ERP to build up the Sales & Distribution Structure in the System? Or What are Organizational Units in Sales & Distribution? 1. Company Code. 2. Sales Area. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Sales Organization. Distribution Channel. Division. Plant. Storage Location. Shipping Point. Q5. Company Code Head Office(General Language). Sales Organization Sales Office (North, South,East & West) Q6. What do you Mean By “Distribution Channel” ? Ans:- 1.Distribution Channel Means through which Sales Materials that Reach the Customer. 2.Represent your Strategies to Distribute goods/Services to your Customer. 3. by various channels like for Example like Whole-Seller Trade, Retailer Trade, Internet Trade, & So on. Q7. What is “Division”? Ans:- A Division Can represent a Certain Product Group or Product Line. Q8. What is “Storage Location” Ans:- To Store the Material. Storage Location having with in plant it self. Q9. What is “Shipping Point” Ans:- Shipping Point is the place Where you are Going to Ship the Product to the Customer. Q10. What is “Company Code”? Ans:- 1.Legal Entity & Independent accounting unit. 2.At Company Code Level you create: Balance Sheet Required By Law & Profit & Loss Statement. Q11. What Is “Sales Organisation”? Ans:- Sales Organisation is Responsible for: 1.Distributing Good & Services. 2.Negotating Sales & Conditions. 3.Product liability & rights of Resources. Q12. What is “Sales Area”? or What do you understand By Sales Area? Ans:- A Sales Area is a Combination of One Sales Organization, One Distribution Channel, & One Division. Q13. What is “Plant”? Ans:- Plant Plays different role. For us Plant represent the location from which Material are Delivered to a customer, and corresponds to a distribution center. Q14. In SAP Software What Initial Screen determines? Ans:-1)SAP EASY ACCESS 2) SAP IMG Screen i.e. (SPRO) SAP Project Reference Object. This is an Customization screen where you can customize fields as per user requirement.