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My Own Notes SAP SD

SAP: - System Application & Product in Data processing.
ERP: - Enterprises Resources Planning.
ECC: - SAP ERP Central Component (ECC).
Consultant: - Someone who understand the whole Business process In & Out. Someone who
understand the Business Process & Provides solution for the problems to customers.
Q1. What is the Reason that User wants to implement SAP ERP for their Business Process or
A. Because SAP gives End-to-End Solution to customer business process. No one can Provides end
to end solution.
B. To know about that how he/She Gain Profit & Loss in their Business.
C. Where wants to Improve his business.
D. What are things or steps he/she want to take to improve his/her Organization.
E. Analysis of the organization to Generate the Revenue.
F. How this Software save Customer Time.
G. What are the Changes He/she want to make in their Business.
H. What are the Important Aspects from Customer point of View like (Instant Billing, Immediate
service, how he /she can Reach to customer i.e. Effortless procedure)
I. How He/She Get an Efficiency after implementing this Software.
J. Effortless/Seamless Process execution.
K. Sales strategies He/She uses to Develop their Business.
Q2. Why Do You Want to Switch in I.T. Sector?
For Economic Stability. In my field I earn there. But behind that I want to 3-4 times take a lot efforts.
Besides, No body promises you to for a vertical growth other than I.T. Sector so that is the main
reason I moved here in this field.
Q3. For Operating Business Application Software’s we have Three Layers.
Presentation Layer: - This is used by End User for viewing the front end on the Screen.
Application Layer: - For Executing application Level Programs.
Data Base Layer: - For storage of data at Database level this Layer is used.
Q4. Which Organizational Elements Can be used within SAP ERP to build up the Sales &
Distribution Structure in the System? Or What are Organizational Units in Sales & Distribution?
1. Company Code.
2. Sales Area.
Sales Organization.
Distribution Channel.
Storage Location.
Shipping Point.
Q5. Company Code  Head Office(General Language).
Sales Organization  Sales Office (North, South,East & West)
Q6. What do you Mean By “Distribution Channel” ?
Ans:- 1.Distribution Channel Means through which Sales Materials that Reach the Customer.
2.Represent your Strategies to Distribute goods/Services to your Customer.
3. by various channels like for Example like Whole-Seller Trade, Retailer Trade, Internet Trade,
& So on.
Q7. What is “Division”?
Ans:- A Division Can represent a Certain Product Group or Product Line.
Q8. What is “Storage Location”
Ans:- To Store the Material. Storage Location having with in plant it self.
Q9. What is “Shipping Point”
Ans:- Shipping Point is the place Where you are Going to Ship the Product to the Customer.
Q10. What is “Company Code”?
Ans:- 1.Legal Entity & Independent accounting unit.
2.At Company Code Level you create: Balance Sheet Required By Law & Profit & Loss
Q11. What Is “Sales Organisation”?
Ans:- Sales Organisation is Responsible for:
1.Distributing Good & Services.
2.Negotating Sales & Conditions.
3.Product liability & rights of Resources.
Q12. What is “Sales Area”? or What do you understand By Sales Area?
Ans:- A Sales Area is a Combination of One Sales Organization, One Distribution Channel, & One
Q13. What is “Plant”?
Ans:- Plant Plays different role. For us Plant represent the location from which Material are
Delivered to a customer, and corresponds to a distribution center.
Q14. In SAP Software What Initial Screen determines?
Ans:-1)SAP EASY ACCESS 2) SAP IMG Screen i.e. (SPRO) SAP Project Reference Object. This is an
Customization screen where you can customize fields as per user requirement.