Uploaded by Tyree Morris

Final Exam

Basic Anatomy & Physiology II
Camden County College
BIO-118 – section OL2
Spring 2021
Instructor: Isaac Hayward
Name: ___________________________
Multiple Choice:
Circle Indicate the correct answer –
2½ points each
1. The lungs are located in the thorax, above the diaphragm. This section of the thorax is
a. solar plexus
d. mediastinum
b. cardiac skeleton
e. retro-peritoneal
c. peritoneal
2. The inner surface of alveoli is coated with a thin, detergent-like goop that:
a. traps impurities
d. reinforces respiratory tubes
b. is high in elastic fibers
e. reduce surface tension
c. forces oxygen and carbon dioxide to diffuse in opposite directions
3. The digestion of carbohydrate begins in the:
a. mouth
d. intestine
b. esophagus
e. colon
c. stomach
4. Most of the digestive system is located in the thorax, below the diaphragm. This
section of the thorax is the:
a. solar plexus
d. mediastinum
b. cardiac skeleton
e. retro-peritoneal
c. peritoneal
5. The dominant local nerve network of the digestion system is the:
a. sympathetic route
d. parasympathetic route
b. submucosa plexus
e. cinema plexus
c. myenteric plexus
6. Where in the kidneys’ drainage system is urine collected before it flows into the
a. common bile duct
d. renal pelvis
b. pancreatic duct
e. renal leaders and gutters
c. renal sinus
7. The red bone marrow stem cell that has the potential to become any blood cell type:
a. megakaryocyte
d. hemopoiesis
b. leukocyte
e. erythropoietin
c. hemocytoblast
8. Coronary arteries route oxygen rich blood into the heart. They branch off of the:
a. sino-atrial node
d. descending aorta
b. ascending aorta
e. bunce hall round-a-bout
c. aortic arch
9. Coronary circulation feeds the tissues of the heart. Oxygen rich blood flows is shutdown completely during:
a. sympathetic stimulation
d. parasympathetic stimulation
b. diastole
e. ventricle exhaustion
c. systole
10. Phagocytosis by a phagocyte is required for:
a. B cell action
b. helper T (T4) cell action
c. cytotoxic T (T8) cell action
Definition/short answer:
Answer in blue book –
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
3 points each
1. structures that allow entrance into the trachea
2. True or False
Bronchial circulation is a mini system that nourishes the tissues of the lungs. It is
completely independent in that it is totally isolated from systemic circulation.
3. the series of intestine inner surface features that dramatically increase the inner
surface area
4. final digestive site where H2O is absorbed
5. juxtaglomerular apparatus
6. Are erythrocytes shaped more like spaghetti on-a-plate or a poker chip?
7. True/False
Platelets are blood cells that are responsible for blood clotting.
8. The heart electrical conduction section that routes from the atria into the ventricles:
9. True or False
Coronary circulation is a mini system that nourishes the tissues of the heart. It is
completely independent in that it is totally isolated from systemic circulation.
Fill in the Blank:
2½ points each
1. The lungs are not affixed to their plural cavity, _______________________ forces
them against the plural cavity walls.
2. The _______________________ branch off the trachea and enter the lungs
at their _______________________.
3. Mastication reduces food mass into particles, when mixed with saliva, the resulting
mixture is called _______________________.
4. Chyme entering the colon contains few undigested nutrients. __________________
are responsible for any residual digestion that takes place in the colon.
5. Regarding the counter current multiplier mechanism, the two processes that establish
and maintain a gradual interstitial solute gradient are _______________________ and
6. Regarding the counter current multiplier mechanism, the renal nephron sites where
final H2O concentration of urine is determined are: _______________________ and
7. The ‘lub–dub’ heard by the doctor’s stethoscope is _______________________
then _______________________.
8. _______________________ is considered a lymphatic organ because it is one of
the organs whose primary function is being a habitat for immune cells.
9. Hemoglobin is a very complex molecule (like spaghetti on-a-plate). Every hemoglobin
molecule has _______________________ hemes*; each heme of has an
_______________________ oxygen binding site.
* answer with a number
Answer in blue book –
1. Answer A or B
5 points
A. What is meant by ‘role reversal’ when comparing pulmonary circulation to
systemic circulation. Name the heart chambers and vessels involved.
B. What is the heart’s job description? What unique tissue is it made of? Outline
how blood is routed around the heart.
2. Answer A or B
10 points
A. Chyme is released into the intestine in small doses at a time; why? Discuss the
controlling mechanism.
B. Write about the three aspects of urine formation. [note: no need to include details
of the counter current multiplier mechanism, but specifically state the endocrine
hormone that directly impacts H2O concentration]
3. Answer A or B
10 points
A. Discuss the role of the pancreas in digestion.
B. What are the respiratory systems’ negative pressure challenges? Do we really need
negative respiratory pressure? Would we be better off by just staying positive?