PackageTi t l e: Test bankQuest i ons Cour seTi t l e: I S5e Chapt erNumber : 12 Quest i onTy pe: Tr ue/ Fal se 1.Amanager spr i mar yf unct i oni sst r at egi cpl anni ng. Answer : Fal se Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 2.Ther at i obet weenor gani zat i onal i nput sandout put si sani ndi cat i onoft heor gani zat i onspr oduct i v i t y . Answer : Tr ue Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 3.Moder ni nf or mat i onsy st emssuppor tal l t hr eemanager i al r ol es. Answer : Tr ue Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 4.I nt hechoi cephaseoft hedeci si onmaki ngpr ocess, manager sconst r uctamodel t hatsi mpl i f i est he pr obl em. Answer : Fal se Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onmaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 5.I nt hei mpl ement at i onphaseoft hedeci si onmaki ngpr ocess, manager ssetcr i t er i af ort heev al uat i on ofal t er nat i v epot ent i al sol ut i ons. Answer : Fal se Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 6.Thenumberofal t er nat i v est obeconsi der edi ndeci si onst odayi si ncr easi ng. Answer : Tr ue Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 7.St r uct ur eddeci si onsaddr essr out i ne, r epet i t i v epr obl emsf orwhi chst andar dsol ut i onsexi st . Answer : Tr ue Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 8.Humani nt ui t i onof t enpl ay sar ol ei nmaki ngunst r uct ur eddeci si ons. Answer : Tr ue Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 9.Unst r uct ur eddeci si onsr equi r eacombi nat i onofst andar dsol ut i onpr ocedur esandi ndi v i dual j udgment . Answer : Fal se Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 10.Managementcont r ol i st heacqui si t i onandef f i ci entuseofr esour cesi naccompl i shi ng or gani zat i onal t asks. Answer : Tr ue Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 11.Tar get edmar ket i ngi sagoodexampl eoft hedi scov er yofpr ev i ousl yunknownorhi ddenpat t er ns. Answer : Fal se Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orDat aAnal y si s Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 3Expl ai nt hev al uet hatdi f f er entBIappl i cat i onspr ov i det ol ar geandsmal l busi nesses. 12.Deci si onsuppor tsy st emssuppor tonl yl ower -andmi ddl el ev el manager s. Answer : Fal se Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orDat aAnal y si s Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 3Expl ai nt hev al uet hatdi f f er entBIappl i cat i onspr ov i det ol ar geandsmal l busi nesses. 13.Goal seeki nganal y si sat t empt st of i ndt hev al ueoft hei nput snecessar yt oachi ev eadesi r edl ev el ofout put . Answer : Tr ue Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orDat aAnal y si s Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 3Expl ai nt hev al uet hatdi f f er entBIappl i cat i onspr ov i det ol ar geandsmal l busi nesses. 14.Agr oupdeci si onsuppor tsy st em i sani nt er act i v e, comput er basedsy st em t hatf aci l i t at esagr oups ef f or t st of i ndsol ut i onst osemi st r uct ur edandunst r uct ur edpr obl ems. Answer : Tr ue Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orDat aAnal y si s Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 3Expl ai nt hev al uet hatdi f f er entBIappl i cat i onspr ov i det ol ar geandsmal l busi nesses. 15.Anexecut i v edashboar di sv er yuserf r i endl y , suppor t edbygr aphi cs, pr ov i desexcept i onr epor t i ng anddr i l l down, andpr ov i desi nf or mat i onr el at edt ocr i t i cal successf act or s. Answer : Tr ue Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orPr esent i ngResul t s Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 4Of f erexampl esofhowbusi nessandgov er nmentagenci escansue di f f er entBIappl i cat i onst oanal y zedat a. 16.Execut i v edashboar dspr ov i desuppor tpr i mar i l yt oanal y t i cal , quant i t at i v et y pesofdeci si ons. Answer : Fal se Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orPr esent i ngResul t s Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 4Of f erexampl esofhowbusi nessandgov er nmentagenci escansue di f f er entBIappl i cat i onst oanal y zedat a. 17.KPIst andsf orkeypr ocessi nf or mat i on. Answer .Fal se Sect i onr ef er ence1:Busi nessI nt el l i gencei nAct i on: Cor por at ePer f or manceManagement Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 5Expl ai nhowy ouruni v er si t ycoul duseCPM t oef f ectsol ut i ont ot wo campuspr obl ems. 18.Cor por at eper f or mancemanagement( CPM)i si nv ol v edwi t hmoni t or i ngandmanagi ngan or gani zat i onsper f or manceaccor di ngt oi t sbudget . Answer .Fal se Sect i onr ef er ence1:Busi nessI nt el l i gencei nAct i on: Cor por at ePer f or manceManagement Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 5Expl ai nhowy ouruni v er si t ycoul duseCPM t oef f ectsol ut i ont ot wo campuspr obl ems. Quest i onTy pe:Mul t i pl eChoi ce 19._ _ _ _ _i st hepr ocessbywhi chor gani zat i onal goal sar eachi ev edt hr ought heuseofor gani z at i onal r esour ces. A.Or gani zat i onal deci si onmaki ng B.Oper at i ons C.Or gani zat i onal st r at egy D.Or gani zat i onal pr oduct i v i t y E.Management Answer : E Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 20.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngi snotabasi cr ol eofmanager s? A.i nt er per sonal B.ent r epr eneur i al C.i nf or mat i onal D.deci si onal Answer : B Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 21.Bei ngaf i gur eheadandl eaderi spar toft he_ _ _ _ _manager i al r ol e. A.i nt er per sonal B.ent r epr eneur i al C.i nf or mat i onal D.deci si onal E.conf r ont at i onal Answer : A Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 22.Bei nganent r epr eneur , di st ur bancehandl er , andnegot i at ori spar toft he_ _ _ _ _manager i al r ol e. A.i nt er per sonal B.ent r epr eneur i al C.i nf or mat i onal D.deci si onal E.conf r ont at i onal Answer : D Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 23.I nt he_ _ _ _ _phaseoft hedeci si onmaki ngpr ocess, manager sexami neasi t uat i onandi dent i f yand def i net hepr obl em. A.i mpl ement at i on B.choi ce gn D.i nt el l i gence E.consi der at i on Answer : D Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 24.I nt he_ _ _ _ _phaseoft hedeci si onmaki ngpr ocess, manager sconst r uctamodel t hatsi mpl i f i est he pr obl em. A.i mpl ement at i on B.choi ce gn D.i nt el l i gence E.consi der at i on Answer : C Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 25.Successi nt he_ _ _ _ _phaseoft hedeci si onmaki ngpr ocessr esul t si nr esol v i ngt heor i gi nal pr obl em, andf ai l ur el eadst oar et ur nt opr ev i ousphases. A.i mpl ement at i on B.choi ce gn D.i nt el l i gence E.consi der at i on Answer : A Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 26.I nt he_ _ _ _ _phaseoft hedeci si onmaki ngpr ocess, manager st estpot ent i al sol ut i ons“ onpaper . ” A.i mpl ement at i on B.choi ce gn D.i nt el l i gence E.consi der at i on Answer : B Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 27.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngi snotar easonwhymanager sneedI Tsuppor t ? A.Thenumberofal t er nat i v esi sdecr easi ng. B.Deci si onsmustt y pi cal l ybemadeundert i mepr essur e. C.Deci si onsar ebecomi ngmor ecompl ex. D.Ther ei sagr owi ngneedt oaccessr emot ei nf or mat i onsour ces. E.Deci si onmaker sar eof t enbasedi ndi f f er entl ocat i ons. Answer : A Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 28.Deci si onst odayar ebecomi ng_ _ _ _ _compl ex , duet o_ _ _ _ _uncer t ai nt yi nt hedeci si onenv i r onment . A.l ess, decr eased B.mor e, decr eased C.l ess, i ncr eased D.mor e, i ncr eased E.nei t hermor enorl ess, decr eased Answer : D Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 29.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngi snotachar act er i st i cofast r uct ur eddeci si on? A.I ti sr out i ne. B.I ti sr epet i t i v e. C.Humani nt ui t i oni snoti nv ol v ed. D.Thef i r stt hr eephasesoft hedeci si onmaki ngpr ocessneednotoccuri nanypar t i cul arsequence E.St andar dsol ut i onsexi st . Answer : D Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 30.Thet y peofdeci si ont hatcanbemadebyf ol l owi ngadef i ni t epr ocedur ei scal l eda( n)_ _ _ _ _ _ deci si on. r uct ur ed B.unst r uct ur ed C.undocument ed D.semi st r uct ur ed ocedur al Answer : A Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 31._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _deci si onsar emor ecommonatl oweror gani zat i onal l ev el s. A.St r uct ur ed B.Unst r uct ur ed C.Undocument ed D.Semi st r uct ur ed E.Pr ocedur al Answer : A Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 32.Rankandf i l eempl oy eest endt omakemor e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _deci si ons. A.St r uct ur ed B.Unst r uct ur ed C.Undocument ed D.Semi st r uct ur ed E.Pr ocedur al Answer : A Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 33.Cal cul at i nggr osspayf orhour l ywor ker si sanexampl eof_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _deci si onmaki ng. A.St r uct ur ed B.Unst r uct ur ed C.Undocument ed D.Semi st r uct ur ed E.Pr ocedur al Answer : A Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 34.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngi snotachar act er i st i cofunst r uct ur eddeci si ons? A.Theyar ecompl ex. B.Theyt y pi cal l yar ef uzzyanduncl ear . C.St andar dsol ut i onsexi st . D.Humani nt ui t i oni si nv ol v ed. E.Thef i r stt hr eephasesoft hedeci si onmaki ngpr ocessoccuri nnopar t i cul arsequence. Answer : C Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 35.Whent her ei snowel l under st oodoragr eedonpr ocedur ef ormaki ngadeci si on, t hedeci si oni s sai dt obe: A.undocument ed r uct ur ed C.unst r uct ur ed D.semi st r uct ur ed E.document ed Answer : C Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 36.Al ar gef or ei gnaut omobi l emanuf act ur eri sconsi der i ngwher et obui l danewmanuf act ur i ngpl anti n t heUni t edSt at es.Theyar emaki ngwhi cht y peofdeci si on? r uct ur ed B.semi st r uct ur ed C.unst r uct ur ed D.i nf or mat i onal E.wi sdom Answer : C Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 37.Whi cht y peofdeci si onr equi r esacombi nat i onofst andar dsol ut i onpr ocedur esandi ndi v i dual j udgment ? r uct ur ed B.semi st r uct ur ed C.unst r uct ur ed D.i nf or mat i onal E.wi sdom Answer : B Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 38.Acompany sannual empl oy eeev al uat i onbestf i t swhi cht y peofdeci si on? A.unst r uct ur ed r uct ur ed C.semi st r uct ur ed D.conf r ont at i onal E.wi sdom Answer : C Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 39._ _ _ _ _i st heef f i ci entandef f ect i v eexecut i onofspeci f i ct asks. A.Oper at i onal cont r ol B.Managementcont r ol C.St r at egi cpl anni ng D.Exper t i se E.Wi sdom Answer : A Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 40._ _ _ _ _i st heacqui si t i onandef f i ci entuseofr esour cesi naccompl i shi ngor gani zat i onal goal s. A.Oper at i onal cont r ol B.Managementcont r ol C.St r at egi cpl anni ng D.Exper t i se E.Wi sdom Answer : B Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 41.Comput ersuppor ti sgr eat estf orwhi choft hef ol l owi ngpr obl ems? A.semi st r uct ur edandst r at egi cpl anni ng B.unst r uct ur edandoper at i onal cont r ol r uct ur edandoper at i onal cont r ol D.semi st r uct ur edandmanagementcont r ol r uct ur edandmanagementcont r ol Answer : C Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 42.Comput ersuppor ti sl eastf orwhi choft hef ol l owi ngpr obl ems? A.semi st r uct ur edandst r at egi cpl anni ng B.unst r uct ur edandst r at egi cpl anni ng C.semi st r uct ur edandmanagementcont r ol D.unst r uct ur edandoper at i onal cont r ol r uct ur edandst r at egi cpl anni ng Answer : B Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 43.Sear chi ngf orv al uabl ebusi nessi nf or mat i oni nadat abase, dat awar ehouse, ordat amar ti sr ef er r ed t oas_ _ _ _ _ . r uct ur edquer i es B.dat abasequer i es C.dat ami ni ng D.quer ybyexampl e E.exper tsy st em quer i es Answer : C Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orDat aAnal y si s Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 3Expl ai nt hev al uet hatdi f f er entBIappl i cat i onspr ov i det ol ar geandsmal l busi nesses. 44._ _ _ _ _pr ov i desuser swi t hav i ewofwhati shappeni ng, wher eas_ _ _ _ _addr esseswhyi ti shappeni ng. A.Mul t i di mensi onal dat aanal y si s, st r uct ur edquer yl anguage B.Dat ami ni ng, mul t i di mensi onal dat aanal y si s C.Dat ami ni ng, exper tsy st em D.Mul t i di mensi onal dat aanal y si s, neur al net wor ks E.Mul t i di mensi onal dat aanal y si s, dat ami ni ng Answer : E Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orDat aAnal y si s Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 3Expl ai nt hev al uet hatdi f f er entBIappl i cat i onspr ov i det ol ar geandsmal l busi nesses 45.Cr edi tcar dcompani eswoul dmostl i kel yusewhi choft hef ol l owi ngt ocheckf orf r audul entcr edi t car duse? A.Dat ami ni ng B.Exper tsy st ems C.Neur al net wor ks D.Mul t i di mensi onal dat aanal y si s E.St r uct ur edquer yl anguage Answer : A Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orDat aAnal y si s Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 3Expl ai nt hev al uet hatdi f f er entBIappl i cat i onspr ov i det ol ar geandsmal l busi nesses 46.Acompanywant st ousedat af r om pastpr omot i onal mai l i ngst oi dent i f ypeopl ewhowoul dl i kel y r espondf av or abl yt of ut ur emai l i ngs.Thi scompanywoul dmostl i kel yuse: r uct ur edquer yl anguage B.mul t i di mensi onal dat aanal y si s C.neur al net wor ks D.exper tsy st ems E.dat ami ni ng Answer : E Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orDat aAnal y si s Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 3Expl ai nt hev al uet hatdi f f er entBIappl i cat i onspr ov i det ol ar geandsmal l busi nesses 47.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngi snotachar act er i st i cofDSSs? A.Theysuppor tonl yl ower -andmi ddl el ev el manager s. B.Theyar eeasyt ouseandconst r uct . C.Theycanadaptt ochangi ngcondi t i ons. D.Theyusual l yut i l i zequant i t at i v emodel s. E.Theysuppor tal l phasesoft hedeci si onmaki ngpr ocess. Answer : A Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orDat aAnal y si s Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 3Expl ai nt hev al uet hatdi f f er entBIappl i cat i onspr ov i det ol ar geandsmal l busi nesses 48.Att heendofasemest er , ast udentknowst hatshemustachi ev eagr adeof81orhi gheronher f i nal exam t ogetanAi nt hecour se.Shehasj ustper f or medwhatki ndofanal y si s? A.What i f B.Qual i t at i v e C.Sensi t i v i t y D.Goal seeki ng E.Si mul at i on Answer : D Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orDat aAnal y si s Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 3Expl ai nt hev al uet hatdi f f er entBIappl i cat i onspr ov i det ol ar geandsmal l busi nesses 49._ _ _ _ _at t empt st of i ndt hev al ueoft hei nput snecessar yt oachi ev eadesi r edl ev el ofout put . A.What i fanal y si s B.Qual i t at i v eanal y si s C.Sensi t i v i t yanal y si s D.Goal seeki nganal y si s E.Si mul at i on Answer : D Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orDat aAnal y si s Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 3Expl ai nt hev al uet hatdi f f er entBIappl i cat i onspr ov i det ol ar geandsmal l busi nesses 50.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngi snotachar act er i st i cofor gani zat i onal deci si onsuppor tsy st ems? A.Theyaf f ectmul t i pl eor gani zat i onal uni t sorcor por at ei ssues. B.Theycutacr ossor gani zat i onal f unct i onsorhi er ar chi cal l ay er s. C.Theyi nv ol v ecomput er basedt echnol ogi es. D.Theyar est andal onesy st ems. E.Theyi nv ol v ecommuni cat i onst echnol ogi es. Answer : D Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orDat aAnal y si s Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 3Expl ai nt hev al uet hatdi f f er entBIappl i cat i onspr ov i det ol ar geandsmal l busi nesses 51.A( n)_ _ _ _ _pr ov i desr api daccesst ot i mel yi nf or mat i onanddi r ectaccesst omanagementr epor t s. A.deci si onsuppor tsy st em B.exper tsy st em C.neur al net wor k D.di gi t al dashboar d E.dat awar ehouse Answer : D Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orPr esent i ngResul t s Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 4Of f erexampl esofhowbusi nessandgov er nmentagenci escansue di f f er entBIappl i cat i onst oanal y zedat a. 52.Whi chcapabi l i t yofdi gi t al dashboar dsenabl esuser st oobt ai nt hel at estdat aav ai l abl eonkey per f or mancei ndi cat or sorsomeot hermet r i c, i deal l yi nr eal t i me? A.Dr i l l down B.Keyper f or mancei ndi cat or s C.St at usaccess D.Tr endanal y si s E.Except i onr epor t i ng Answer : C Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orPr esent i ngResul t s Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 4Of f erexampl esofhowbusi nessandgov er nmentagenci escansue di f f er entBIappl i cat i onst oanal y zedat a. 53.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngi nf or mat i onsy st emsar ev er yuserf r i endl y , suppor t edbygr aphi cs, and pr ov i deexcept i onr epor t i nganddr i l l down? A.deci si onsuppor tsy st ems B.di gi t al dashboar ds C.f unct i onal ar eai nf or mat i onsy st ems oupdeci si onsuppor tsy st ems E.exper tsy st ems Answer : B Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orPr esent i ngResul t s Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 4Of f erexampl esofhowbusi nessandgov er nmentagenci escansue di f f er entBIappl i cat i onst oanal y zedat a. 54.Di gi t al dashboar dspr ov i deal l oft hef ol l owi ngcapabi l i t i esexcept : A.dr i l l down B.t r Answer act i onpr ocessi ng at usaccess D.keyper f or mancei ndi cat or s E.except i onr epor t i ng Answer : B Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orPr esent i ngResul t s Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 4Of f erexampl esofhowbusi nessandgov er nmentagenci escansue di f f er entBIappl i cat i onst oanal y zedat a. 55.Themanagementcockpi tbestexempl i f i eswhi cht y peofsy st em? A.deci si onsuppor tsy st em B.exper tsy st em C.di gi t al dashboar d D.f unct i onal ar eai nf or mat i onsy st em oupdeci si onsuppor tsy st em Answer : C Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orPr esent i ngResul t s Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 4Of f erexampl esofhowbusi nessandgov er nmentagenci escansue di f f er entBIappl i cat i onst oanal y zedat a. 56.Thepr i mar ydi st i ngui shi ngchar act er i st i cofgeogr aphi cal i nf or mat i onsy st emsi s: A.ev er yr ecor dordi gi t al obj ecthasauni quei dent i f i er B.ev er yr ecor dordi gi t al obj ecti sv i si bl et ot heuser C.ev er yr ecor dordi gi t al obj ectmustbeaccessedbypr ogr ammer s D.ev er yr ecor dordi gi t al obj ecthasani dent i f i edgeogr aphi cal l ocat i on E.ev er yr ecor dordi gi t al obj ecti sencr y pt ed Answer : D Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orPr esent i ngResul t s Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 4Of f erexampl esofhowbusi nessandgov er nmentagenci escansue di f f er entBIappl i cat i onst oanal y zedat a. 57.Geocodi ngi nv ol v es: A.i nt egr at i ngmapswi t hspat i al l yor i ent eddat abasesandot herdat abases B.encr y pt i ngspat i al i nf or mat i on C.accessi nggeogr aphi cal i nf or mat i on D.i nt egr at i ngor gani zat i onal t r ansact i onswi t hspat i al l yor i ent eddat abases ogr ammi ngspat i al l yor i ent eddat abases Answer : A Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orPr esent i ngResul t s Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 4Of f erexampl esofhowbusi nessandgov er nmentagenci escansue di f f er entBIappl i cat i onst oanal y zedat a. 58.Today , geogr aphi cal i nf or mat i onsy st emsar ebei ngcombi nedwi t h_ _ _ _ _t of or m geospat i al t echnol ogi es. A.dashboar ds obal posi t i oni ngsy st ems C.deci si onsuppor tsy st ems D.exper tsy st ems E.neur al net wor ks Answer : B Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orPr esent i ngResul t s Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 4Of f erexampl esofhowbusi nessandgov er nmentagenci escansue di f f er entBIappl i cat i onst oanal y zedat a. Quest i onTy pe: Mul t i pl eSel ect 59.Ref ert ot heOpeni ngCase—Dev el opi ngSmar t erCi t i est hr oughAnal y t i csWhi choft hef ol l owi ng benef i t sdi dSout hBendr eal i zef r om i mpl ement i ngt heanal y t i cssof t war e?( sel ectal l t hatappl y ) : ? A.Reducedr epai r scost sI ncr easedef f i ci enci esi nser v i cedel i v er yReduct i onsi nt henumberof mai nt enanceempl oy ees I ncr easedi nf or mat i onshar i ngbet weenmanagementReduct i oni nont hej ob i nj ur i es Answer : A, BandD Sect i onr ef er ence1: Openi ngCase Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 0Pr ov i dear eal wor l dappl i cat i onofbusi nessi nt el l i gence. Quest i onTy pe: Mul t i pl eChoi ce 60.Ref ert oI TsAboutBusi ness12. 2—CanWePr edi ctt heWeat her ? : Cl i mat eCor por at i onsuseof Ear t hRi skanal y t i cshast hef ol l owi ngi mpl i cat i onsf orf ar mer s: A.Far mer sknowi ft hei rcr opswi l l f ai l bef or ehand B.Far mer sar er equi r edt opur chasef eder al i nsur ance C.Far mer sar ei ssuedcl ai m pay ment smuchf ast er D.Far mer shav et opayl oweri nsur ance Answer : C Sect i onr ef er ence1: I TsAboutBusi ness12. 2 Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 0Pr ov i dear eal wor l dappl i cat i onofbusi nessi nt el l i gence. 61.Ref ert oI TsAboutBusi ness12. 3—Pr edi ct i ngCust omerBehav i or : Semi nol eusesEnt er pr i seMi ner t o A.Makei t sdi r ectmar ket i ngef f or t smor epr oduct i v e B.Or gani zeconcer t st hatat t r actmor ecust omer s C.Det er mi net hebestt i met ohav econcer t s D.Recor daddr essesf ort hedi r ectmai l er sf orconcer t s E.Al l oft heabov e Answer : A Sect i onr ef er ence1: I TsAboutBusi ness12. 3 Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 0Pr ov i dear eal wor l dappl i cat i onofbusi nessi nt el l i gence. 62.Ref ert oI TsAboutBusi ness12. 1—Anal y t i csHel psFar mer s: _ _ _ _ _ _ _i samet hodort echni quet hat hasconsi st ent l yshownsuper i orr esul t st ot hoseachi ev edwi t hot hermeans; A.Busi nessAnal y t i cs B.Benchmar ki ng C.ABestPr act i ce D.Onl i neTr ansact i onPr ocessi ng E.Onl i neAnal y t i cal Pr ocessi ng Answer : B Sect i onr ef er ence1: I TsAboutBusi ness12. 1 Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 0Pr ov i dear eal wor l dappl i cat i onofbusi nessi nt el l i gence. 63.Ref ert oI TsAboutBusi ness12. 4—Anal y t i csHel pst oReduceI nj ur i est oRugbyPl ay er s: The Lei cest erTi ger sar ewor ki ngwi t hI BM t o? A.St opi nj ur ypr onepl ay er sf r om compet i ngi ngames B.Assesst hel i kel i hoodapl ay erwi l l geti nj ur ed C.Tai l orexer ci ser egi ment odecr easet hel i kel i hoodofi nj ur y D.Hel pi nj ur edpl ay er sr ecov erf ast er . E.Al l oft heabov e Answer : C Sect i onr ef er ence1: I TsAboutBusi ness12. 4 Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 0Pr ov i dear eal wor l dappl i cat i onofbusi nessi nt el l i gence. 64.Ref ert oCl osi ngCase—Whi choft hef ol l owi ngst at ement si snott r ueaboutSCPDsuseofPr edPol s anal y t i ct ool s A.Pr edi ct i v epol i ci ngal l owedSCPDt omakemor eef f i ci entuseofi t sr esour ces B.Pr edPol sanal y t i csi ndi cat edt hateachpat r ol carshoul donl yst ayi nonesmal l ar ea C.Pr edi ct i v epol i ci ngi dent i f i edar easwher et hepr obabi l i t yofcr i mesoccur r i ngwashi gh D.Pr edi ct i v epol i ci ngsav edSCPDmoneybecausef ewerar r est swer emade E.Pr edi ct i v epol i ci ngwasi ni t i al l ynotanat t r act i v et ool t ot hepol i cemen Answer : B Sect i onr ef er ence1: Cl osi ngCase Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 0Pr ov i dear eal wor l dappl i cat i onofbusi nessi nt el l i gence. Quest i onTy pe:Essay 65.Descr i bet het hr eemaj orr ol esofmanager s. Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 66.Expl ai nwhymanager sneedI Tsuppor t . Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 67.Di scusst hei nf or mat i ont echnol ogi est hatar eav ai l abl et osuppor tmanager s. Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 68.Descr i bet hephasesi nt hedeci si onmaki ngpr ocess. Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 69.Descr i beOLAP, andexpl ai nwhatadat acubei s. Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orDat aAnal y si s Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 3Expl ai nt hev al uet hatdi f f er entBIappl i cat i onspr ov i det ol ar geandsmal l busi nesses. 70.Ex pl ai ndat ami ni ng, usi ngexampl es. Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orDat aAnal y si s Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 3Expl ai nt hev al uet hatdi f f er entBIappl i cat i onspr ov i det ol ar geandsmal l busi nesses. 71.Expl ai nhowwhat i fanal y si si sempl oy ed, usi ngexampl es. Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orDat aAnal y si s Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 3Expl ai nt hev al uet hatdi f f er entBIappl i cat i onspr ov i det ol ar geandsmal l busi nesses. 72.Expl ai nwhatdat av i sual i zat i ont echnol ogi esar e, usi ngexampl es. Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orDat aAnal y si s Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 3Expl ai nt hev al uet hatdi f f er entBIappl i cat i onspr ov i det ol ar geandsmal l busi nesses. 73.Descr i behowy ouruni v er si t ycoul duseadeci si onsuppor tsy st em i ni t sadmi ssi onspr ocess. Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orDat aAnal y si s Di f f i cul t y : Har d Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 3Expl ai nt hev al uet hatdi f f er entBIappl i cat i onspr ov i det ol ar geandsmal l busi nesses. 74.Di scusst hest r uct ur eofpr obl ems, t henat ur eofdeci si ons, andt hef r amewor kf orcomput er i zed deci si onanal y si s. Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng. 75.Descr i behowy ouruni v er si t ycoul duseageogr aphi cal i nf or mat i onsy st em i ni t sadmi ssi ons pr ocess.Whatv al uecoul dy ouruni v er si t ygai nf r om usi ngsuchasy st em? Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orDat aAnal y si s Di f f i cul t y : Har d Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 3Expl ai nt hev al uet hatdi f f er entBIappl i cat i onspr ov i det ol ar geandsmal l busi nesses. 76.Specul at eont hef ut ur eofv i r t ual r eal i t yappl i cat i onsi nhi gher( col l egeanduni v er si t y )educat i on. Descr i besomepossi bl eappl i cat i ons. Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orPr esent i ngResul t s Di f f i cul t y : Har d Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 4Of f erexampl esofhowbusi nessandgov er nmentagenci escansue di f f er entBIappl i cat i onst oanal y zedat a. Quest i onTy pe: Tr ue/ Fal se 77.TheuseofBIi sl i mi t edt ol ar gecor por at i ons. Answer : Fal se Sect i onr ef er ence1: Whati sBusi nessI nt el l i gence? Di f f i cul t y : Easy Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 2Pr ov i deexampl esofdi f f er entway st hator gani zat i onsmadeuseof busi nessi nt el l i gence( BI ) . . Quest i onTy pe: Mul t i pl eChoi ce 78.Youv est ar t edani nt er nshi patt hemaj orhospi t al i ny ourci t y .Yourbossgav ey out enmi nut esof t r ai ni ngont hedat awar ehouset haty ouhav eaccesst o.Thel astt hi ngshet ol dy ouwast odosome anal y si sont heVi si tcube.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngst at ement si sf al se? A.Onedi mensi onoft hecubei s( pr obabl y )day . B.Onedi mensi onoft hecubei s( pr obabl y )t r eat ment . C.Onedi mensi onoft hecubei s( pr obabl y )doct or . D.Onedi mensi onoft hecubei s( pr obabl y )mont h. E.Onedi mensi onoft hecubei s( pr obabl y )pat i ent . Answer : D Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orDat aAnal y si s Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 3Expl ai nt hev al uet hatdi f f er entBIappl i cat i onspr ov i det ol ar geandsmal l busi nesses. 79.Sal l yi swor ki ngf orheruncl ef ort hesummeri nt hemar ket i ngdepar t mentofPr oct or&Gambl e. Shet el l sy oushedoesdat ami ni ngal l dayl ong.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngst at ement si sf al se? A.Dat ami ni ngcanbeusedt opr ov eassumpt i ons. B.Dat ami ni ngi susedt oi dent i f yunknownpat t er ns. C.Dat ami ni ngcanexpl ai nwhyt hi ngshappened. D.Dat ami ni ngcanpr edi ctwhatwi l l happen. E.Dat ami ni ngcanbeusedt oi dent i f ycust omer s. Answer : E Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orDat aAnal y si s Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 3Expl ai nt hev al uet hatdi f f er entBIappl i cat i onspr ov i det ol ar geandsmal l busi nesses. 80.Shawni sdoi ngsomebudget i ngf orhi snewst ar t upbusi ness.Hehasdev el opedabudgeti nExcel usi ngf or mul as, ashewast aughtt odoi ncol l ege.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngst at ement si st r ue? A.I fShawnchangesoneofhi sassumpt i ons, Excel wi l l aut omat i cal l yr ecal cul at et hebudgetnumber s. B.Shawnwoul dusesensi t i v i t yanal y si st ocheckt hei mpactofchangi nghi spr i ce. C.Shawnwoul duser ol l upt or ev i ewhi ssummar ynumber s. D.Shawnwoul dusewhat i fanal y si st ocheckt hei mpactofchangi nghi spr i ceandt hecommi ssi onhe pay shi ssal espeopl e. E.Shawnwoul dusegoal seeki nganal y si st oexami net hei mpactofchangi nghi sf or ecastofuni t ssol d. Answer : A Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orDat aAnal y si s Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 3Expl ai nt hev al uet hatdi f f er entBIappl i cat i onspr ov i det ol ar geandsmal l busi nesses. 81.Amandai swor ki ngf ort heCEOofasmal l company .Heaskshert odev el opadashboar d.Amanda st ar t st hi nki ngaboutt hequest i onssheneedst oask.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngquest i onsi snoton Amandasl i st ? A.Howmanyl ev el sdoy ouwi sht odr i l l down? B.Whatar ey ourkeyper f or mancei ndi cat or s? C.Doy ouneedr eal t i medat a? D.Doy ouwantgr aphsandchar t sort ext ? E.Shoul di tr unony ouri Phone? Answer : C Sect i onr ef er ence1: Busi nessI nt el l i genceAppl i cat i onsf orPr esent i ngResul t s Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 4Of f erexampl esofhowbusi nessandgov er nmentagenci escansue di f f er entBIappl i cat i onst oanal y zedat a. 82.El enai st r y i ngt odeci dewhet hersheshoul dexpandheri cecr eam shopt oabi ggerspace.She deci dest obev er ymet hodi cal abouti tandf ol l owt hephasesoft hedeci si onmaki ngpr ocessshe l ear nedi ncol l ege.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngst at ement si st r ue? A.Dur i ngt hei nt el l i gencephr ase, El enawi l l bui l damodel usi ngassumpt i onsaboutt hebusi ness. B.Dur i ngt hedesi gnphr ase, El enawi l l def i net heoppor t uni t y . C.Dur i ngt hechoi cephase, El enawi l l l ayoutheropt i ons. D.Dur i ngt hei mpl ement at i onphase, El enawi l l i mpl ementt woofhersol ut i ons. E.El enawi l l uset estdat at ov al i dat ehermodel . Answer : E Sect i onr ef er ence1: Manager sandDeci si onMaki ng Di f f i cul t y : Medi um Lear ni ngObj ect i v e1: LO12. 1Expl ai ndi f f er entway si nwhi chI Tsuppor t sdeci si onmaki ng.