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Lifting Plan & Rigging Study Template

Sample Template For Lifting plan & Rigging Study
Sample Template For Lifting plan
& Rigging Study
Category of Lift: Complicated/Complex
Sample Template For Lifting plan & Rigging Study
Lifting Plan Content Checklist- Tick as required
Yes N/A
Components of lift plan
Lift Plan Checklist
Plan View of Facility Layout
Routing Sketch of Equipment Travel into Plant
Load Manifest & Contingency Plan
Plan View Drawings for both pick up and Drop points ( Exclusion zones, Pick up radius, Drop Radius,
Counter Weight Clearances, Out-rigger Clearances, Load Clearances from nearby equipment,
Counter weight swing arc, Path of lift, Tag lines, Signal man positioning)
Elevation View Drawings for maximum radius (Boom length, boom angle, Boom to Load Clearance,
Boom angle, Load Clearances from ground and nearby equipment, Hook Block to ATB Clearance,
Counter weight clearances, Boom Arc)
Rigging Gear Detail and Configuration
Percentage usage of each crane (s) capacity at maximum radius
Reaction Forces at lifting points and Center of gravity calculations
Rigging gear stress calculation (sling tensions, mode factors etc.)
Cribbage Selection
Others reference documents (Lifting Equipment inspection/Test Certificates, Personnel Competency
Certificates, Lifting Equipment Pre-use Inspection Checklists, Hazard Identification & Task Risk
assessments, Permit-to-work, Load Charts, Range diagrams)
Sample Template For Lifting plan & Rigging Study
Lifting Plan Checklist
Has the responsible manager and the Safeguards & Security Division been notified of movement of the load to the lifting site
Has the load transport route to the lift site been checked for overhead obstructions? Are there any bridges, culverts, pipe ways
to cross? Are they structurally capable of safely supporting the transport loads?
Are the minimum actual clearance between the load and the boom during the lift within allowed limits?
Has the radius been double-checked by measuring in the field?
Will spreaders and other rigging hardware remain safely clear of the boom, the load, and other objects at all times during the lifting operation?
Have obstructions been identified in the lift path and swing path?
Can the outriggers be deployed as per manufacturer’s load chart requirements?
Can rigging personnel safely control and manipulate the load throughout the lifting path?
Are the crane’s operational safety alarms functioning properly?
Has a drawing showing the elevation of the crane during the lift as well as all clearances been developed (boom to load, and
load to other obstructions)?
Have all repairs or modifications to the crane been made in accordance with manufacturer’s written instructions, and are they
so certified?
Has the agreed nondestructive examination (NDE) of crane components been done and documented?
Is the correct crane load chart for current lift conditions in the cab?
Is there adequate headroom to ensure that the manufacturer’s minimum allowable two-block distance is maintained for the
configuration of the reeve used?
How was the weight determined when developing the lift plan? Has any contingency been added to calculated weights?
Has an accurate load weight determination been made before the lift to confirm calculated weight?
Has all the rigging hardware been included in the weight calculations?
What are the maximum loads per unit area imposed by the cranes on the soil/facility floor? Is the soil-bearing capacity
adequate to safely support crane loads?
Sample Template For Lifting plan & Rigging Study
Lifting Plan Checklist
How was Center of Gravity determined? Is it marked on the load? Is it shown on the lift plan drawings?
Has the liquid/semi solid inside the load that could shift during the lift been considered?
Is the surface area large enough to create unusual control problems in the wind?
If lifting a dressed device, has the insulation absorbed any water, has this been incorporated in load manifest?
Have all anchor bolts and fasteners been removed?
Has all rigging hardware been selected to work within the manufacturer’s Safe Working Load?
Have sling angles flatter than 45 degrees been avoided?
Have softeners been used to protect the rigging where sharp corners could cause damage?
Are shackles, pad eyes, eyebolts and hooks always used in such a manner as to avoid side bending in the hardware?
Is there a plan for removing lifting tackle from the load after it is erected?
Have all lifting appliances and accessories been inspected before use by a competent personnel ?
Are the shackle pins and lifting eyes compatibly sized?
Is the rigging arranged to have the crane hook directly over the load’s center of gravity with the load hanging level?
Has the lift plan been reviewed with the crane operator, riggers, and others involved in the lifting operation?
Has the wind speed been measured by anemometer? Is the wind speed within acceptable limits?
Is adequate lighting equipment available for use
Have emergency procedures been determined and communicated to all personnel involved in the lifting operation?
Is the load fragile enough to require lifting from a “strong back” frame or from multiple attachment points to prevent load damage?
Has any required nondestructive testing been done to assess the quality of welds attaching lifting lugs, pad eyes, trunnions, etc.?
Is there enough clearance between the load and the lifting lug/pad eye to get the nut on the shackle pin?
Is there enough clearance between wire rope slings and equipment present on load skid?
Sample Template For Lifting plan & Rigging Study
Load Manifest-
Load Manifest
Unit Weight Kg (s)
Vessel Dry Weight
Lifting accessories weight
Liquid weight
Total Weight
10 % Contingency
Total Weight to be lifted
Sample Template For Lifting plan & Rigging Study
Facility Layout (Scaled drawing)-
Sample Template For Lifting plan & Rigging Study
Top View (Scaled drawing)- - Pick up point
Lift Path
Sample Template For Lifting plan & Rigging Study
Top View (Scaled drawing)- Drop Point
Sample Template For Lifting plan & Rigging Study
Side view elevation (scaled drawing)-
Boom Length:
Work Radius:
Boom angle (worst case):
Boom to Vessel Clearance:
Boom Angle (Worst case):
Foundation to Vessel clearance :
Separator to Vessel Clearance:
Hook block to ATB clearance :
Vessel to Ground level clearance:
Vessel to foundation clearance:
Sample Template For Lifting plan & Rigging Study
Rigging gear detail and Configuration-
Rigging Gear Detail
Unit Weight
Kg (s)
Total Weight
10 ton SWL, Soft eye
wire rope sling, 30 ft
17 t SWL Crosby bow
40 ton SWL tubular
spreader beam
Hook Block
Whip line weight
15 t SWL wire rope
sling, length 5 ft
8.5 ton SWL Crosby
bow shackles
Hook Block Weight
Total Weight of lifting accessories
Sample Template For Lifting plan & Rigging Study
% usage of Crane
Pick up
Worst Case
Radius (m)
Boom angle
(worst case)
Total weight
load, MT
Safe Lifting
worst case
% usage
worst case
Sample Template For Lifting plan & Rigging Study
Sling tensions
Vertical Reaction
force R1 at Lifting
Reaction force R2
Distance, M
Distance, N
Weight, W
Sample Calculation:
Weight of Load = 40000 kg
Distance M = 1.2 m Reaction R1 = ?
Distance N = 2.5 m Reaction R2 = ?
We know that
Moment = Force X distance
And , clockwise moment = anti clock wise
And, Upward Force = Downward Forces
Taking moment at R1 ;
Clockwise moment = anti clockwise moment
W X M = R2 X (M+N)
R2 = (W X M) / (M+N)
R2 = ( 40000 X 1.2 ) / ( 1.2 + 2.5 )
R2 = 16000 kg
Upward forces = Downward forces
W = R1 + R2
R1= W – R2 = 40000 – 16000 = 24000 kg
Sample Template For Lifting plan & Rigging Study
Cribbage Selection
Soil Bearing Capacity Table
Load Bearing
(Pounds Per Square
Load Bearing
6,000 psf +
5000 psf
Sandy Gravel
5000 psf
3000 psf
Silt Sand
3000 psf
Silt Gravel
3000 psf
Gravel w/ Clay
3000 psf
2000 psf
Sandy Clay
2000 psf
Silt Clay
2000 psf
Type of Soil
Rock w/ Gravel
Rule of Thumb formula and calculations for cribbage area:
Sample Calculation:
Soil Type : Sandy Gravel
1 kN = 1000 N = 100 kg
Mass of Crane = 55000 kgs or 550 KN
Mass of Load = 15000 kgs or 150 KN
Area of Cribbage = 0.65 X (550+150) / 239.4
Area of Cribbage = 1.9 m² or (1.37 m by 1.37 m) or ( 4.5 ft by 4.5 ft )