GOOGLE ADS & YOUTUBE ADS MARKETEAM 2022 CLASS RULES 1. Please be active in class (you can ask or answer questions). 2. Please turn your camera on during class. 3. Don’t forget to submit your assignment on time (if there are any). Late submission equals reduced points. 4. Please ask for permission if you are unable to attend the class (and make sure to provide appropriate reasons). 5. If you are late to class, you don’t get to join the Pre-Test or Post-Test 6. You are free to discuss anything about Digital Marketing. 7. Follow our Instagram, Line, and Tiktok accounts for further information. GOOGLE ADS MARKETEAM 2022 What is Google Ads? Google Ads is a paid advertising platform that falls under a marketing channel known as payper-click (PPC), where the advertiser pays per click or per impression (CPM) on an ad Benefits 1 Google Masters Search Engine Market Share 2 Remarketing 3 More Specific Target Audience 4 Low Cost GOOGLE ADS TERMS TO KNOW! AdRank Click-Through Rate (CTR) determines your ad placement the number of clicks you get on your ad as a proportion of the number of viewers Bidding Conversion Rate (CVR) Google ads system, the higher your bid, the better your placement a measure of form submissions as a proportion of total visits to your landing page Cost per Click (CPC) Display Network the amount you pay for each click on your ad a network of websites that allow space on their webpages for Google Ads Cost per Mille (CPM) Extensions the amount you pay for one thousand ad impressions to supplement your ad with additional information at no additional cost Cost per engagement (CPE) Keywords the amount you pay when someone takes a predetermined action with your ad are words or phrases that align with what a searcher wants and will satisfy their query Campaign Type Pay-per-click (PPC) a. Search Ads b. Display Ads type of advertising where the advertiser pays per click on an ad How Does Google Ads Work? Many factors impact your ability to create effective and high-performing Google Ads : 1 AdRank & Quality Score Quality Score is based on the quality and relevance of your ad, and Google measures that by how many people click on your ad when it’s displayed (CTR). CTR depends on the how well your ad matches searcher intent, which you can have from three areas: The relevance of your keywords If your ad copy and CTA deliver what the searcher expects based on their search The user experience of your landing page The Highest QS score is 10, The higher your QS, the lower your acquisition costs will be and the better placement you’ll get. 2 Location When you first set up your Google Ad, you’ll select a geographical area where your ad will be shown. Because Google’s main objective is to display the most relevant results to searchers, even when you’re paying. 3 Keywords Each ad group that you create within your campaign will target a small set of keywords and Google will display your ad based on those selections and matches your ad with search queries How Does Google Ads Work? Many factors impact your ability to create effective and high-performing Google Ads : 4 Match Types Match Types tell Google whether you want to match a search query exactly or if your ad should be shown to anyone with a search query that’s semi-related. Phrase match : will match with queries that include your keyword phrase in the exact order but may include additional words before or after it Ex : “Cafe Rooftop” can yield “Cafe Rooftop Jaksel” or “Cafe Rooftop viral” Broad match : the default setting that uses any word within your keyword phrase in any order Ex : “Cafe Rooftop in Jakarta” will match “Cafe Rooftop” or “Rooftop Jakarta” Exact match : maintains your keyword phrase as it is written in the exact order Ex : “Cafe Rooftop” will not show up if someone types “Cafe nugas” or “Cafe Rooftop viral” Modified broad match : allows you to lock in certain words within a keyword phrase by denoting them with a “+” sign Ex : “+Cafe Rooftop in Jakarta” could yield “Cafe,” or “Cafe nugas,” 5 Headline & Description How Does Google Ads Work? 6 Ad Extensions It will give users additional information about the brand and to interact with your ad Offer extensions Sitelink extensions App extensions Call extensions Location extensions 7 Google Ads Retargeting (Remarketing) is a way to advertise to users who have previously interacted with you online but have not yet converted. Types of Google Ads Campaign Search Ad Format: Text Objective: Traffic to Website / Conversion Pembayaran: CPC (Cost per Click) Lokasi: Google Search Display Ad Format: Banner Visual, Ukuran bervariasi. Objective: Brand Awareness Pembayaran: CPM (Cost per Mille) Lokasi: Berbagai website yang bekerjasama termasuk Youtube. Types of Google Ads Campaign Video Ad Format: Video, Durasi bervariasi Objective: Brand Awareness Pembayaran: CPM atau CPV Lokasi: Youtube dan website yang bekerjasama App Ad Format: Visual banner aplikasi Objective: Increase app downloads Pembayaran: Lokasi: Google Search Network, YouTube, Google Play, Google Display Network Types of Google Ads Campaign Shopping Ad Format: Gambar dan harga Objective: Traffic to Website / Conversion Pembayaran: CPC (Cost per Click) Lokasi: Google Search Untuk membuat Shopping Ads memerlukan settingan khusus, yaitu kita perlu memiliki akun Google Merchant Center, kemudian sambungkan dengan halaman e-commerce yang dimiliki. TUTORIAL GOOGLE ADS Buka laman GoogleAds ( Login ke akun Gmail Klik Get Started Pilih tujuan iklan yang ingin kalian lakukan Masukkan nama bisnis yang dimiliki Masukkan website bisnis yang dimiliki Kemudian akan muncul laman yang akan ditampilkan saat target konsumen “klik” iklan Isi Iklan yang akan ditampilka Masukkan keyword yang berhubungan dengan pencarian iklan Sesuaikan lokasi iklan dengan lokasi Anda. Dapat disesuaikan dengan jarak ataupun wilayah tertentu Tentukan budget yang sesuai, dapat memilih bugdet option ataupun memasukan budget sendiri Sebelum masuk kedalam tahap pembayaran, iklan akan direview terlebih dahulu. Jika sudah sesuai, maka campaign dapat langsung di "submit" Confirm payment info Tahap terakhir adalah bukti penyelesaian pembuatan campaign. Setelah ini kita dapat melihat seberapa iklan kita berhasil YOUTUBE ADS MARKETEAM 2022 What is Youtube Ads? YouTube Ads is a service used to promote your business products or services through YouTube. Ad developments can be monitored via Google Analytics so that the marketing strategy made remains on the right target. Types of Youtube Advertising 1 Skippable In-stream Ads Generally videos have a minimum duration of 12 seconds and a maximum of 3 minutes. We only pay when the ad video is watched for more than 30 seconds or until it's finished. So we don't have to pay PPC (Pay Per Click). 2 Non Skippable Ads There are 3 types of non-skippable ads: Pre-roll Ads appear before the video starts with a duration of 15-20 seconds. Mid-roll Ads appear in the middle of the video or after 10 minutes of the video lasting 15-20 seconds. Bumper Ads appear at the beginning, middle, or end of a video with a maximum duration of 6 seconds. Types of Youtube Advertising 3 Discovery Ads This ad video will be displayed on the search results page, Youtube homepage, and on pages related to the video being watched. 4 Non Video Ads There are three types of Non-video Ads on Youtube: Sponsored Card Ads are advertisements in the form of images (cards) that appear when viewers click the “i” icon in the right corner of the video screen. Types of Youtube Advertising 4 Non Video Ads Overlay Ads are text ads in a semi-transparent box measuring 480×70 pixels Display Ads are image ads that will appear in YouTube search results. Display Ads are also effective for directing viewers to the landing page that you specify. Tips for Optimizing Youtube Video Ads 1.Define your metrics & goals : When analyzing the results, there are four main categories of metrics you can track for each video. Views & Impressions View Rate Conversions Audience 2.Track Low Performing Placements You can review where the ad has appeared in by navigating to Video Targeting > Placements > Where ads were shown > Display network from your Google Ads Campaigns dashboard 3.Use a custom thumbnail image to entice a viewer to click on your video 4.Drive people to buy with cards A Youtube card is teased with a small "i" symbol, which the viewer can click to expand. Tips for Optimizing Youtube Video Ads 5.Create CTA (Call to Action) When promoting a video on YouTube, you can include call-to-action overlays that link to a URL. 7.Use negative Remarketing Target only unique users by excluding those who have previously viewed the specific video, who have visited your YouTube channel, or who have shared, liked, or commented on any of your videos. 8. Use close captioning to cater to viewers needs & wants 9.Qualify Viewers 6. Create a Youtube end slate 10.Consider making your ad longer Upload Video di Channel Youtube TUTORIAL YOUTUBE ADS Upload video Anda yang telah sesuai dengan ketentuan tipe iklan Youtube yang dipilih. Upload video iklan seperti mengupload video Youtube biasanya. Tambahkan judul, deskripsi, dan beberapa tag untuk iklan. TUTORIAL YOUTUBE ADS Buat Iklan Melalui Akun Google Ads Dengan akun Google Ads, kemudian klik menu campaign dan klik ikon “+” untuk membuat iklan baru. Setelah itu Anda akan memilih tujuan dari iklan yang dibuat. Selanjutnya, pilih opsi video dan tentukan tipe iklan Youtube yang dibutuhkan. Setelah itu, klik continue untuk menuju step berikutnya. TUTORIAL YOUTUBE ADS Tentukan Parameter Iklan Campaign Name: tulis nama iklan Anda sesuai strategi pemasaran yang dijalankan. Misalnya, “Skippable Product Agustus 2020”. Hal ini akan memudahkan Anda jika mengelola banyak iklan Bid Strategi: strategi bidding iklan YouTube ads. Misalnya, target CPM. Pilih strategi bidding sesuai kebutuhan: 1. Maximum CPV (cost per view). Anda hanya membayar sesuai dengan jumlah view. 2. Target CPM (cost per mile). Harga yang Anda bayarkan adalah per 1000 tayangan. 3. Target CPA (cost per acquisition). Biaya yang Anda bayarkan sesuai dengan penonton yang klik iklan Anda. Budget: masukkan jumlah budget yang Anda miliki untuk iklan YouTube. Networks: Lokasi iklan Anda akan ditampilkan. Pilihlah dari tiga pilihan, yaitu: 1. Discovery only (hanya muncul di halaman hasil pencari YouTube) 2. All of YouTube (muncul di hasil pencarian, halaman channel, di video, dan homepage YouTube) 3. YouTube Display Network ( muncul di YouTube affiliate website dan Display Network) Location: Lokasi target audience Anda. Pilih lokasi penonton iklan Anda: All countries, Indonesia, atau lokasi spesifik Language: Bahasa iklan yang digunakan. Pilih Indonesia untuk target penonton Indonesia. Inventory Type: Tipe konten pengecualian. Pilih standard jika tidak membutuhkan pengaturan khusus seperti video mengandung kekerasan dan bahasa tabu. Inventory khusus memiliki harga lebih mahal. TUTORIAL YOUTUBE ADS Pilih Target Audiens Memilih target audiens dapat ditentukan melalui demografi ataupun minat audiens. Demografi dapat berdasarkan gender, usia, pendapatan, dan lainnya. Minat audiens dapat berdasarkan kata kunci iklan sesuai topik yang relevan dengan target audiens. Selain kata kunci, dapat digunakan pula pemilihan beberapa topik dari target audiens. Demografi Minat Audience TUTORIAL YOUTUBE ADS Hubungkan Google Ads dengan Channel Youtube Masukkan link video iklan yang sudah di upload di Youtube ke Google Ads. Kemudian akan terdapat rangkuman pengaturan yang telah dibuat sebelumnya, sertakan URL untuk tampilan display, Call to Action, dan headline. Kemudian klik tombol create campaign pada iklan Youtube Ads yang akan dirilis. TUGAS Analisis Google Ads / Youtube Ads yang digunakan kompetitor (analisis mencakup tipe ads, keyword, dan konten yang digunakan dalam mencapai target audiensnya) Buatlah perencanaan Google Ads/ Youtube Ads dari bisnis yang dimiliki per kelompok, kemudian analisis nama campaign, tipe ads, tujuan yang ingin dicapai, target audience, budget, jadwal (jangka waktu dan momen), keyword, dan visualisasi konten yang akan digunakan. Analisis dikerjakan dalam bentuk deskriptif dan dapat dilengkapi dengan screenshot step google/ youtube ads Tugas dikumpulkan pada hari Minggu, 8 Mei 2022 pukul 23.59 WIB dalam google docs yang telah digunakan pada tugas sebelumnya THANKYOU! MARKETEAM 2022