Uploaded by huzaifa jameel

DB Lab 1

Database Systems
Lab 1
Introduction and Installation of Tools
Steps for Installing MySQL
Make sure you already downloaded the MySQL essential 5.0.45 win32.msi file. Double
click on the .msi file.
This is MySQL Server 5.0 setup wizard. The setup wizard will install MySQL Server 5.0
release 5.0.45 on your computer. To continue, click next.
Choose the setup type that best suits your needs. For common program features select Typical
and it’s recommended for general use. To continue, click next.
This wizard is ready to begin installation. Destination folder will be in
C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\. To continue, click next.
The program features you selected are being installed. Please wait while the setup wizard
installs MySQL 5.0. This may take several minutes.
To continue, click next.
To continue, click next.
Step 8
Wizard Completed. Setup has finished installing MySQL 5.0. Check the configure the
MySQL server now to continue. Click Finish to exit the wizard
Step 9
The configuration wizard will allow you to configure the MySQL Server 5.0 server instance. To
continue, click next.
Select a standard configuration and this will use a general purpose configuration for the
server that can be tuned manually. To continue, click next.
Check on the install as windows service and include bin directory in windows path.
To continue, click next.Step12
Please set the security options by entering the root password and confirm retype the
password. continue, click next.
Ready to execute? Clicks execute to continue.
Processing configuration in progress.
Configuration file created. Windows service MySQL5 installed. Press finish to close the
XAMPP stands for Cross-Platform (X), Apache (A), MySQL (M), PHP (P) and Perl (P). It is a
simple, light-weighted Apache server that makes it extremely easy for developers to create a
local http server with just few clicks.
An integrated development environment (IDE) is a software application that provides
comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development. An IDE normally
consists of a source code editor, build automation tools and a debugger/Tester of
Program/Execution of program.
After Installation of XAMPP Server
Starting Services of Apache and MySQL (the sign changes from red to green): -
We can access the local server via graphical user interface (GUI) by
click on the Admin button of MySQL.
phpMyAdmin: -
It is a free and open source tool/simulator written in PHP intended to
handle the administration of MySQL with the use of a web browser. It
can perform various tasks such as creating, modifying or deleting
databases, tables, fields or rows; executing SQL statements; or managing
users and permissions.
Apache: It is the most widely used web server software. Developed and
maintained by Apache Software Foundation, Apache is an open source
software available for free. It runs on 67% of all webservers in the world.
It is fast, reliable, and secure.
We can access the local server via Domain Name directly in the browser that is by
default (after starting services of Apache and MySQL): -
Also, we can access the local server via loopback IP Address in web
browser that is by default (after starting services of Apache and
MySQL): - This is a loopback IP address (Special IP address) that is used to access
the local server.
Drop Command: This command is disable by default. So, to enable it follow the following
1. Go To: C:\xampp\phpmyadmin\libraries
2. Open the file called "config.default.php"
3. Go to line 653 and change $cfg['AllowUserDropDatabase'] = false; to true
4. Restart the server to see the changes
Securing Server ROOT USER by Implementing Password
using the following steps: - Go into Edit Privileges
Then, Go into Change Password: -
Then: Go into installed directory of XAMPP:
And Change: config to cookie
Then, Change and Type that password that already assigned in
Server: -
Lab Task
1. Install the software
2. Create a database in mysql
3. Search
a. Different types of databases.
b. Different RDBMS