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GEOPAK User Manual: 3D Measurement Software

Geometrical 3D-Measurement Software
for Co-ordinate Measuring Machines
User's Manual
CMM system manager
GEOPAK Contents
GEOPAK Contents
MCOSMOS ........................................................................ 2
GEOPAK Contents ........................................................... 3
General Information ....................................................... 29
Hints for Help .................................................................. 30
Part Program Editor ....................................................... 31
Introduction Part Program Editor .......................................... 31
GEOPAK Editor: Contents...................................................... 32
File Management ..................................................................... 33
Create a New Part Program................................................... 33
Open Part Program ................................................................ 34
Edit Several Part Programs Simultaneously ....................... 34
Store as................................................................................... 34
Change Name of Part Program............................................. 35
Export Part Program (ASCII/DMIS)....................................... 35
Export in ASCII Format ...................................................... 35
Export in DMIS Format....................................................... 36
Delete Part Program .............................................................. 36
Settings .................................................................................... 36
Input Characteristics ............................................................. 36
Properties for Dialogue Selection ........................................ 37
Co-ordinate Mode .................................................................. 39
Change Unit of Measurement ............................................... 41
Edit Part Programs.................................................................. 42
Mirror Part Programs............................................................. 42
Search Facilities..................................................................... 42
Search Part Program Command ........................................ 42
Search Marked Part Program Command ........................... 43
Search Variable.................................................................. 43
Find Programming Error ....................................................... 44
Error Messages: Overview ................................................. 44
Check Branches ................................................................. 44
Found Unexpected Command ........................................... 45
Branch in a deeper Loop .................................................... 45
Open Loop.......................................................................... 45
Branch in/from an Element................................................. 45
Missing End-Instruction ...................................................... 46
Blank of Else Instruction............................................................ 46
Blank of Else Instruction..................................................... 46
GEOPAK Contents
Blank of If Instruction.......................................................... 46
Label already exists ........................................................... 46
Label not found .................................................................. 46
Branches ................................................................................ 46
Programming of If Branch .................................................. 46
Programming of Alternative Branch ................................... 47
Begin of Branch.................................................................. 47
End of Branch .................................................................... 47
Define Label ....................................................................... 48
Goto Label.......................................................................... 48
On Error Goto ........................................................................ 48
On Error Goto: Introduction................................................ 48
Error Handler: User Defined............................................... 49
Error Handler: Dialogue ..................................................... 50
Throw Error ........................................................................ 51
Before and While Error Handler ......................................... 51
User Defined Errors ........................................................... 52
Example: On Error Goto..................................................... 52
Example: E-Mail Message ................................................. 53
Example: User Defined Errors ........................................... 54
Statistical Data Rejection...................................................... 55
Part Name for Statistics ........................................................ 56
Output ..................................................................................... 57
"Graphics for Template" in the Editor................................. 57
Export Part Program (ASCII/DMIS).................................... 58
Settings for Export to DMIS................................................ 58
Learn Mode ..................................................................... 59
Learn Mode: Contents............................................................ 59
Introduction Learn Mode........................................................ 59
Starting Learn Mode ............................................................... 60
Start up Wizard ....................................................................... 61
Definition ................................................................................ 61
Procedure ............................................................................... 61
Configuration ......................................................................... 62
Temperature Compensation .................................................. 63
Temperature Coefficient: Select from List............................ 64
Temperature Compensation: Manual CMM .......................... 64
Reference Position ................................................................. 66
Volume Compensation ........................................................... 67
Export in ASCII Format ............................................................. 58
Export in DMIS Format.............................................................. 58
Probe Offset to Z-spindle:..................................................... 67
Automatic Control ................................................................. 67
GEOPAK Contents
Volume Compensation for Carbody Measurement .............. 68
Confirm Probe Configuration................................................. 69
Learn Mode Main Window ...................................................... 69
Customize Toolbars................................................................ 70
Part Program List .................................................................... 72
List of Results ......................................................................... 72
GEOPAK Result Overview...................................................... 73
Position of Machine ................................................................ 73
Measurement Display ............................................................. 74
Display Axes............................................................................ 75
Window Positions ................................................................... 75
Exit Learn Mode ...................................................................... 76
Relearn from Repeat Mode..................................................... 76
Settings GEOPAK ................................................................... 77
Settings GEOPAK: Contents ................................................ 77
Input Characteristics ............................................................. 77
Properties for Dialogue Selection ........................................ 78
CNC Start Parameters ........................................................... 81
Co-ordinate Mode .................................................................. 81
Reset System ......................................................................... 84
Printer Selection .................................................................... 84
Reset Controller ..................................................................... 85
Sound Output ......................................................................... 85
Online and Offline Machine................................................... 85
Statistics: Setting the Group Size ........................................ 86
Window Management..................................................... 88
Cascade Windows................................................................... 88
Tile Windows Vertically .......................................................... 88
Tile Windows Horizontally...................................................... 88
Arranging Minimized Windows .............................................. 88
Customize Toolbars................................................................ 88
Toolbars ................................................................................... 90
File Toolbar.............................................................................. 91
Element Toolbar ...................................................................... 91
Inclined Element Toolbar........................................................ 92
Contour Toolbar ...................................................................... 92
Measurement Toolbar ............................................................. 93
GEOPAK Contents
Scanning Toolbar ................................................................... 93
Machine Toolbar ..................................................................... 94
Tolerance Toolbar................................................................... 94
Probe Toobar .......................................................................... 95
Co-ordinate System Toolbar.................................................. 95
Output Toolbar........................................................................ 96
Calculation Toolbar ................................................................ 96
Program Toolbar..................................................................... 97
Branch Toolbar ....................................................................... 98
Graphic Toolbar ...................................................................... 98
Status Bar................................................................................ 98
Window Positions................................................................... 99
Probe ............................................................................. 100
Probe Contents ..................................................................... 100
Probe Data Management ...................................................... 101
New Input of Probe/Edit/Copy Probe Data.......................... 102
New Input of Probe .............................................................. 103
Edit Probe Data .................................................................... 103
Copy Probe Data.................................................................. 103
Save/Delete/Calibrate Probe Data ....................................... 104
Save ...................................................................................... 104
Delete.................................................................................... 104
Calibrate ............................................................................... 104
Probe Selection..................................................................... 104
Confirm Probe Configuration .............................................. 105
Change Probe Tree............................................................... 105
PH9 Probe Clearance ........................................................... 106
Automatic Calibration ("Probe" Menu) ............................... 106
Introduction.......................................................................... 106
Dialogue box ........................................................................ 107
Automatic Calibration: Further Settings............................. 107
Calibration from Probe Data Management ......................... 109
About symbols: ................................................................... 101
About columns .................................................................... 102
Introduction.......................................................................... 109
Settings for calibration ....................................................... 110
Probe Calibration: Limitations............................................. 110
GEOPAK Contents
Manual Calibration ................................................................ 111
Calibration of Cylindrical Probe........................................... 111
Calibration of a Spherical Disc Stylus................................. 113
Calibration of Scanning Probes........................................... 115
Calibrate Scanning Probe Systems(MPP/SP600) ............... 115
Define MPP/SP Factors......................................................... 115
DefineMasterball ................................................................... 116
Z-Offset .................................................................................. 117
Maximum Difference ............................................................. 117
Archiving Probes .................................................................. 118
Load Probe Data from Archive............................................. 118
Single Probe Re-Calibration................................................. 119
Re-Calibrate from Memory ................................................... 119
Calibrate Probe: Display....................................................... 120
Standard Display.................................................................. 120
Features for REVO Head Calibration ................................. 121
Several Masterballs: Introduction........................................ 121
Masterball Definition: Dialogue............................................ 122
Define Masterball Position ................................................... 122
Element Calculation with Different Probe Spheres............ 123
Introduction .......................................................................... 123
Background .......................................................................... 123
Special Probe Systems......................................................... 124
Micro Probe UMAP............................................................... 124
PHS1 and PHS3 Support ..................................................... 125
PHS1 and PHS3 Probe Head with Servo Drive ............... 125
Change Probe by Angle ................................................... 126
Head Calibration............................................................... 127
Re-Referencing ................................................................ 128
Articulating Probe Head PH10-iQ ....................................... 128
Roughness Stylus Tip Calibration on Specimen .............. 129
Cancel Probe Change ........................................................... 130
Racks ..................................................................................... 131
Cancel Probe Change: Sequence....................................... 130
Cancel Probe Change: Details and Tips ............................ 131
Rotary Table: Hints .............................................................. 131
Racks: Introduction ............................................................. 131
Rack ACR1............................................................................ 132
Rack ACR2............................................................................ 133
GEOPAK Contents
Rack ACR3 ........................................................................... 135
Rack SCR200 ....................................................................... 136
Rack SCR600 ....................................................................... 137
Rack SCR6, Ports SCP80 and SCP600 .............................. 138
Rack MCR20 ......................................................................... 139
Rack FCR25.......................................................................... 141
MRS Mounting System........................................................ 142
MRS2 Modular Rack System .............................................. 143
Manual rack.......................................................................... 144
Virtual rack ........................................................................... 145
Rack Alignment: Introduction ............................................ 146
ACR1 Alignment .................................................................. 149
ACR2 Alignment .................................................................. 151
ACR3 Alignment .................................................................. 152
SCR6, SCP80 and SCP600 Alignment ............................... 154
SCR200 Alignment .............................................................. 155
SCR600 Alignment .............................................................. 157
MCR20 Alignment ................................................................ 158
FCR25 Alignment................................................................. 160
Set Additional MPP-100/300 Data....................................... 161 Determine Reference Position ......................................... 161 Determine MPP-100/300 Offset ....................................... 162
Checking ACR3 Position (Left/Right) ................................ 163
Rack Definition: Introduction ............................................. 164
Combination of racks: Introduction................................... 164
Combination of ACR1 with MCR20 and SCR600 .............. 165 Port Settings..................................................................... 165 Define Probe Tree............................................................ 166
Combination of ACR3 with SCR200 and FCR25 ............... 167
Workpiece Alignment .................................................. 169
Workpiece Alignment ........................................................... 169
Define Co-Ordinate System ................................................. 169
Store/Load Co-Ordinate System.......................................... 171
Store/Load Table Co-Ordinate System ............................... 171
Patterns for Alignment ......................................................... 172
Alignment by Single Steps................................................... 173
Create Co-ordinate System with Best Fit............................ 174
Leapfrog ................................................................................ 174
Principles of Leapfrog Calculation...................................... 176
Align Base Plane................................................................... 177
Align Base Plane by Plane ................................................... 178
GEOPAK Contents
Align Base Plane by Cylinder or Cone ................................ 179
Align Base Plane by Line...................................................... 180
Align Axis Parallel to Axis .................................................... 181
Align Axis through Point ...................................................... 182
Align Axis through Point with Offset................................... 182
Create Origin ......................................................................... 183
Move and Rotate Co-ordinate System................................. 184
Origin in Element .................................................................. 184
RPS Alignment ...................................................................... 185
Pre-conditions...................................................................... 185
Operation .............................................................................. 186
Direction of a Plane............................................................... 187
List of Elements .................................................................... 187
Types of Co-ordinate Systems............................................. 187
Polar Co-Ordinates: Change Planes.................................... 189
Set Relation to CAD Co-ordinate System............................ 189
10 Pallet Co-Ordinate System .......................................... 192
11 Elements ....................................................................... 194
Geometric Elements Contents ............................................. 194
Elements: Overview .............................................................. 194
Measurement and Probe Radius Compensation................ 196
Point / Constructed Points (Overview) ................................ 197
Three Possibilities for Measurement ................................. 198
Options Contour, Intersection Element; Input of Nominal
Theoretical Element Point .................................................... 199
Sphere .................................................................................... 199
Theoretical Element Sphere ................................................. 200
Circle ...................................................................................... 201
Theoretical Element Circle ................................................... 202
11.10 Constructed Circles: Overview ............................................ 203
11.11 Inclined Circle........................................................................ 203
11.12 Selection of Points Contour ................................................. 204
11.13 Ellipse .................................................................................... 205
11.14 Theoretical Element Ellipse.................................................. 206
GEOPAK Contents
11.15 Cone....................................................................................... 207
11.16 Theoretical Element Cone.................................................... 207
11.17 Cylinder ................................................................................. 208
11.18 Theoretical Element Cylinder .............................................. 209
11.19 Probing Strategy Cylinder/Cone.......................................... 210
11.20 Line ........................................................................................ 211
11.21 Theoretical Element Line ..................................................... 212
11.22 Constructed Lines ................................................................ 214
11.23 Plane ...................................................................................... 214
11.24 Theoretical Element Plane ................................................... 215
11.25 Step Cylinder......................................................................... 216
11.26 Contour.................................................................................. 217
11.27 Freeform Surface .................................................................. 217
11.28 "Measurement Mode" Dialogue........................................... 218
11.29 Angle Calculation ................................................................. 221
11.30 Positive Angle in XY Plane .................................................. 222
11.31 Negative Angle in XY Plane ................................................. 223
11.32 Positive Angle in Space (3D) ............................................... 223
11.33 Calculation of Distance ........................................................ 224
11.34 Possibilities of the Distance Calculation ............................ 225
11.35 Distance along Probe Direction........................................... 226
11.36 Type of Construction............................................................ 227
11.37 Memory Recall ...................................................................... 227
11.38 Type of Calculation............................................................... 228
11.39 Positive Direction by Vector ................................................ 230
11.40 Re-calculate Elements.......................................................... 231
11.41 Input of Nominal Values for Elements ................................ 232
11.42 Nominal Values: Three Input Options................................. 233
11.43 Free Element Input ............................................................... 234
11.44 Element Toothed Gear ......................................................... 235
11.45 Remove Unfinished Element ............................................... 236
11.46 Calculation ............................................................................ 237
Gauss.................................................................................... 237
Minimum Zone Element ...................................................... 237
Minimum Circumscribed Element...................................... 238
GEOPAK Contents
Maximum Inscribed Element .............................................. 239
Inner and Outer Tangential Element .................................. 240
Spread / Standard Deviation ............................................... 240
11.47 Carbody Elements................................................................. 241
Hole Shapes: Introduction .................................................. 241
Differences: Hole Shape - Inclined Circle.......................... 242
Hole Shapes: Symmetry Axis and Width........................... 244
Hole Shapes: Measurement Course................................... 245
Hole Shapes: Tolerance Comparison / Position ............... 246
12 Constructed Elements ................................................. 248
Constructed Elements: Contents ........................................ 248
Connection Elements ........................................................... 249
Intersection Elements ........................................................... 258
Fit in Element Sphere .......................................................... 267
Fit in Element Circle ............................................................ 267
Further Constructed Elements............................................. 268
Symmetry Element Line ...................................................... 264
Symmetry Element Plane: Two Ways ................................ 265
Symmetry Element Point..................................................... 266
Fit in Elements....................................................................... 267
Intersection Element Point.................................................. 258
Intersection Element Line ................................................... 260
Intersection Element Circle................................................. 261
Intersection Element Ellipse ............................................... 262
Intersection Cylinder / Freeform Surface .......................... 263
Intersection: Extras ............................................................. 263
Symmetry Elements.............................................................. 264
Connection Elements, General........................................... 249
Connection Element "From Measured Points" ................. 250
Connection Element Point .................................................. 251
Connection Element Line.................................................... 252
Connection Element Circle ................................................. 252
Connection Element Ellipse................................................ 252
Connection Element Sphere ............................................... 253
Connection Element Cylinder............................................. 253
Connection Element Cone .................................................. 253
Connection Element Plane.................................................. 253
Contour Connection Element ............................................. 254
Delete Contour Overlappings ............................................. 255
Application Example............................................................ 255
Connection Element Freeform Surface ............................. 257
Shift-Element Line ............................................................... 268
Tangent ................................................................................. 268
GEOPAK Contents
Min. and Max. Point ............................................................. 269
13 Automatic Element Recognition ................................. 272
Automatic Element Recognition.......................................... 272
Introduction.......................................................................... 272
Further Options ................................................................... 272
Activating the Function....................................................... 273
The Dialogue: Symbol and Information Boxes .................. 273
The Dialogue: Important Functions .................................... 273
Settings ................................................................................. 274
Special Cases / Limitations.................................................. 276
14 Carbody Measurement ................................................ 277
Carbody Measurement: Introduction .................................. 277
Settings ................................................................................. 278
Volume Compensation for Carbody Measurement............ 279
Monitoring: Data Transfer .................................................... 280
Start Part Program................................................................ 280
Synchronisation of Part Program........................................ 280
Synchronisation is nessecary ............................................ 280
Both Part Programs should be Finished ........................... 281
Retrieve Element Data.......................................................... 281
Element Container ................................................................ 282
Joint Co-ordinate System .................................................... 282
14.10 Transfer Co-ordinate System............................................... 283
15 Graphics of Elements .................................................. 284
Contents: Graphics of Elements ......................................... 284
Graphics of Elements - Task................................................ 284
Toolbar in the "Graphics of Elements" Window ................ 285
15.4 Further Components of the Graphics of Elements Window
Graphic Limits....................................................................... 286
Changing the representation of the graphics of elements 286
Select Element ...................................................................... 287
Element Information ............................................................. 287
Rotate .................................................................................... 288
15.10 Contour View......................................................................... 288
GEOPAK Contents
15.11 Display Sub Elements of a Contour .................................... 289
15.12 Circles as Partial Circle Display........................................... 289
15.13 Contour Point Selection by Keyboard................................. 290
15.14 Multi-Colour Contour Display .............................................. 292
15.15 Contour Display as Lines and/or Points ............................. 292
15.16 Learnable Graphic Settings.................................................. 293
15.17 Display of Graphic Windows................................................ 293
15.18 Options of the "Graphics of Elements"............................... 294
15.19 Recalculate Straightness, Flatness and Circularity ........... 295
Elements of the Graphics Window:.................................... 295
Delete Measurement Points and Recalculate.................... 296
15.20 Print Graphics during Learn and Repeat Mode .................. 296
15.21 Store Section of Graphic Display in Learn Mode ............... 297
15.22 Learn Graphics of Elements Printing with "Autoscale" .... 298
15.23 Learn Graphics of ElementsPrinting with a "Scale Factor"
15.24 Define Scaling ....................................................................... 299
15.25 Print Graphic in Repeat Mode .............................................. 299
15.26 Define Label Layout .............................................................. 299
15.27 Flexible Graphic Protocols................................................... 300
15.28 Flexible Graphic Protocols in the GEOPAK Editor ............ 301
15.29 Calculate New Elements out of Contour Points ................. 301
15.30 Compare Points..................................................................... 302
15.31 Parallelism Graphics............................................................. 303
16 Nominal and Actual Comparison ................................ 306
Table of Contents.................................................................. 306
Tolerances: General.............................................................. 307
Definition .............................................................................. 307
Two tolerance characteristics ............................................ 307
Maximum Material Condition (MMC) ................................... 307
Definition/Applicability ........................................................ 307
The MMC in GEOPAK .......................................................... 308
Tolerances in Detail .............................................................. 308
Straightness .......................................................................... 309
Definition .............................................................................. 309
Graphical Representation ................................................... 309
Flatness.................................................................................. 310
GEOPAK Contents
Roundness ............................................................................ 311
Definition .............................................................................. 311
Graphical Representation ................................................... 311
Scaling of Tolerance Graphics ............................................ 312
Definition .............................................................................. 310
Graphical Representation ................................................... 310
Roundness Scaling ............................................................. 312
Straightness/Flatness Scaling............................................ 313
Position ................................................................................. 314
16.10 Position of Plane................................................................... 316
16.11 Position of Axis..................................................................... 316
16.12 Calculate Absolute Position Tolerance .............................. 318
16.13 Concentricity......................................................................... 319
16.14 Coaxiality............................................................................... 319
16.15 Parallelism............................................................................. 320
16.16 Parallelism: Example............................................................ 321
16.17 Parallelism of an Axis to a Reference Axis......................... 322
16.18 Parallelism of an Axis to a Reference Plane....................... 322
16.19 Parallelism of a Plane to a Reference Axis......................... 323
16.20 Parallelism of a Plane to a Reference Plane....................... 323
16.21 Perpendicularity.................................................................... 323
16.22 Perpendicularity of an Axis to a Reference Axis ............... 324
16.23 Perpendicularity of an Axis to a Reference Plane ............. 324
16.24 Perpendicularity of a Plane to a Reference Axis................ 324
16.25 Perpendicularity of a Plane to a Reference Plane.............. 324
16.26 Angularity .............................................................................. 325
16.27 Symmetry Tolerance Point Element.................................... 326
16.28 Symmetry Tolerance Axis Element ..................................... 327
16.29 Symmetry Tolerance Plane Element ................................... 327
16.30 Runout Tolerance ................................................................. 329
16.31 Axial Runout.......................................................................... 330
16.32 Circular Runout..................................................................... 331
16.33 Use Measured Points Only................................................... 331
16.34 Use Measured Points Only: Basic Principles..................... 332
16.35 Tolerance Variable................................................................ 333
16.36 Tolerance Comparison"Last Element" ............................... 333
GEOPAK Contents
16.37 Tolerance Comparison Element .......................................... 334
16.38 "Tolerance Comparison Elements" Dialogue ..................... 334
Tolerance Class ................................................................... 335
Polar Co-Ordinates .............................................................. 335
Position................................................................................. 336
16.39 Set Control Limits ................................................................. 336
16.40 Surface Profile Tolerance in CAT1000S and GEOPAK ...... 337
16.41 Contours with Tolerance Check .......................................... 338
Contours: General ............................................................... 338 Tolerance Comparison Contours ..................................... 338 Tolerance comparison of multiple contour pairs............... 339
Tolerancing (Multiple) Contours......................................... 339
Pitch ...................................................................................... 341
Comparison (Vector Direction)........................................... 342
Bestfit Contour..................................................................... 343
Degrees of Freedom for Bestfit .......................................... 343
Bestfit within Tolerance Limits........................................... 344 Introduction....................................................................... 344 Alignment in Two Steps:................................................... 345
Bestfit within Tolerance Limits: Graphic Display ............. 345
Manual Bestfit ...................................................................... 347
16.41.10 Manual Fit ............................................................................. 348
16.41.11 Bestfit Values ....................................................................... 349 Use for Tolerance Comparisons of Contours ................... 349 Different Applications ....................................................... 349
16.41.12 Width of Tolerance (Scale Factor)...................................... 350 Definition and Representation of Tolerance Band............ 350 Offset................................................................................ 353
16.41.13 Form Tolerance Contour ..................................................... 354
16.41.14 Tolerance Band Editor......................................................... 354
16.41.15 Define Tolerance Band of a Contour.................................. 355 Define uniform tolerance range ........................................ 355 Define proportional tolerance range ................................. 355
16.41.16 Edit Tolerance Band of a Contour...................................... 356
16.41.17 Tolerance Band Contours ................................................... 356
16.41.18 Filter Contour / Filter Element ............................................ 357 Contours of Geometrical Elements .................................. 358 General contours.............................................................. 358 Automatic Circle Measurement ........................................ 359 Automatic Line Measurement........................................... 360
16.42 Further Items ......................................................................... 360
Nominal-Actual Comparison, e.g. "Element Circle" ......... 360
Further Options for Nominal Actual Comparison............. 362
User-Defined Feature Names.............................................. 363
Origin of Co-ordinate System ............................................. 364
GEOPAK Contents
17 CMM Movements.......................................................... 365
Table of Contents ................................................................. 365
Machine Movement............................................................... 366
Move CMM along an Axis..................................................... 367
Move in five axes (GEOPAK) ............................................... 367
Move Circular ........................................................................ 368
Move manually to point ........................................................ 370
Measure point manually....................................................... 370
Measure point manually with predefinition ........................ 370
Joystick in Workpiece Co-ordinate System ....................... 372
17.10 Define Clearance Height ...................................................... 372
17.11 Safety Plane: Task / Procedure ........................................... 373
17.12 Safety Plane: Further Details ............................................... 374
17.13 Measurement Point............................................................... 374
Quick Overview.................................................................... 374
Details................................................................................... 375
17.14 Measurement Point (Laser).................................................. 379
17.15 Measurement Point with Direction ...................................... 380
17.16 Direction Entry via Variables ............................................... 381
17.17 Measure Point with Head Touch.......................................... 382
17.18 Behavior of the UCC Server in Certain Measurement
Situations ......................................................................................... 383
17.19 Dual Flank Point.................................................................... 385
17.20 Self Centering Point ............................................................. 385
17.21 Measurement Point with Imaginary Point........................... 387
17.22 Measure Point on Circular Path........................................... 389
17.23 Measure point manually with pre-probing.......................... 390
17.24 Automatic Line Measurement.............................................. 392
17.25 Automatic Plane Measurement............................................ 394
Circular ................................................................................. 395
Slot Width ............................................................................. 395
17.26 Automatic Circle Measurement ........................................... 396
Circular ................................................................................. 397
Slot Width ............................................................................. 397
Thread Pitch ......................................................................... 397
17.27 Automatic Inclined Circle Measurement............................. 400
GEOPAK Contents
17.28 Automatic Inclined Circle Measurement: Dialogue............ 401
Surface and Circle ............................................................... 401
Inner and outer circle .......................................................... 401
Edge distance and plane vector ......................................... 401
Further elements possible .................................................. 402
17.29 Automatic Cylinder Measurement ....................................... 402
17.30 Automatic Hole Measurement.............................................. 406
Optical Measurement and UMAP........................................ 406
Measurement withPre-measured Element......................... 406
17.31 Measurement with VISIONPAK-PRO ................................... 406
17.32 Scanning ................................................................................ 407
17.33 Scanning of Known Elements.............................................. 408
17.34 Scanning in the YZ, ZX, RZ and Phi Z Planes ..................... 409
17.35 Scan settings......................................................................... 409
17.36 Sweep Scanning.................................................................... 411
17.37 Definition of Scanning Section ............................................ 411
17.38 Teaching of Scanning Sections ........................................... 412
17.39 Recording of a Contour ........................................................ 413
17.40 Administration of Scanning Sections ................................. 414
17.41 Scan on Conical Flank .......................................................... 415
17.42 Stop Scanning ....................................................................... 418
17.43 Finish Element....................................................................... 418
17.44 Delete Last Measured Point ................................................. 419
17.45 Stop ........................................................................................ 419
17.46 Rotate Rotary Table .............................................................. 419
17.47 Deflection............................................................................... 421
17.48 Trigger-Automatic ................................................................. 421
17.49 Rotary Table .......................................................................... 421
Rotary table types................................................................ 421
Align rotary table: assistance guided ................................ 422
Align rotary table: step by step .......................................... 424
Align rotary table: user defined.......................................... 426
Align Index Rotary Table..................................................... 427
Store Rotary Table Position................................................ 427
Set Rotary Table Reference Position ................................. 428
17.50 CNC Parameter...................................................................... 430
Turn On/Off CNC Mode........................................................ 430
Installing CNC Mode ............................................................ 430
Measuring Speed ................................................................. 432
GEOPAK Contents
Movement Speed ................................................................. 432
Safety Distance .................................................................... 432
Retraction Length ................................................................ 433
Measurement Length .......................................................... 433
Positioning Distance ........................................................... 433
Optimized Movement .......................................................... 434
Changing CNC Parameters................................................. 434
High Precision Measurement ............................................. 436
17.51 Roughness Measurement .................................................... 437
Roughness Measurement ................................................... 437
Perform Roughness Measurement with SURFTEST PROBE
Perform Roughness Measurement with Surface Finish
Probe (SFP1).......................................................................................... 440
Roughness Measurement: Results.................................... 443
Roughness Measurement: Result Report by
ProtocolDesigner .................................................................................. 444
Roughness Measurement: Cleaning the Stylus Tip ......... 445
17.52 Calculations: Best Fit ........................................................... 446
Best Fit: Procedure ............................................................. 446
Best Fit: Basic Principles ................................................... 447
Best Fit: Single Selection.................................................... 447
Best Fit: Group Selection.................................................... 449
Degrees of Freedom for Best Fit ........................................ 450
Tolerance and MMC at Best Fit .......................................... 451
Graphics for Best Fit ........................................................... 451
Calculation of Minimum-/Maximum ................................... 452
Best Fit ................................................................................. 452
Reset Best Fit Results......................................................... 454
18 Print and File Output.................................................... 456
Table of Contents ................................................................. 456
Output.................................................................................... 456
Open Output File................................................................... 457
Standard or Special File Format.......................................... 458
Change Output File Format.................................................. 459
Close Output File .................................................................. 459
Print Format Specification ................................................... 459
Change Print Format ............................................................ 461
Print Format End................................................................... 461
18.10 Form Feed ............................................................................. 461
18.11 Printing according to Layout Head Start ............................ 461
GEOPAK Contents
18.12 ProtocolDesigner .................................................................. 462
18.13 Protocol Archive ................................................................... 462
18.14 External Printing ................................................................... 462
18.15 External Print Format Change.............................................. 463
18.16 External Print Format End .................................................... 463
18.17 Output Text ............................................................................ 463
18.18 Export Elements.................................................................... 464
18.19 Layout for Protocol ............................................................... 465
Dialogue "Layout for protocol" .......................................... 465
"Reset layout for protocol" ................................................. 465
18.20 Layout for Surface ................................................................ 466
18.21 Archive Measurement Data .................................................. 467
18.22 Export Measurement Data .................................................... 467
18.23 Export CAD View with Anchor Points as HSF File ............. 468
18.24 Export HSF (CAT1000) .......................................................... 468
18.25 Save Contour in ASCII File ................................................... 469
18.26 Open Protocol ....................................................................... 470
18.27 Change Protocol ................................................................... 471
18.28 Close Protocol....................................................................... 471
18.29 Protocol Output..................................................................... 471
18.30 Types of Output..................................................................... 472
18.31 Print Preview (Page View) .................................................... 473
18.32 Flexible Graphic Protocols................................................... 474
18.33 Flexible Graphic Protocols and Graphic ............................. 475
Print Graphic ........................................................................ 475
Edit Graphic.......................................................................... 476
Layout of Info Windows in the Learn Mode....................... 477
18.34 Flexible Graphic Protocols in the GEOPAK Editor ............ 477
18.35 Tolerance Graphics in the Flexible Protocol ...................... 477
18.36 Templates of Graphic Windows........................................... 479
18.37 Dialogue for Protocol Output ............................................... 479
18.38 Transfer Contour into an External System ......................... 480
18.39 Compare Points..................................................................... 481
18.40 Scale and Print Graphics...................................................... 482
19 Programming Tools...................................................... 484
GEOPAK Contents
Programming Help Contents ............................................... 484
Programming Help................................................................ 484
Measurement Graphic / Measurement Sequence .............. 485
Variables and Calculations .................................................. 486
Definition of Variables.......................................................... 486
Variables: Input of Formula ................................................. 487
Global and Local Variables .................................................. 487
Formula Calculation ............................................................. 488
Input of Variables.................................................................. 490
19.10 Yes/No Variable..................................................................... 491
19.11 Store Variables to File .......................................................... 491
Enter name of file for variables .......................................... 491
Store filter to variables........................................................ 492
19.12 Store Variable in INI-File ...................................................... 492
19.13 Load Variable from INI-File .................................................. 493
19.14 Loading a String Variable..................................................... 493
Loading a String Variable with a Filter .............................. 494
Loading a String Variable from a File Section .................. 495
Waiting for File with String Variable .................................. 495
19.15 Actual Position into Variables ............................................. 495
19.16 Actual Temperature in Variable ........................................... 497
19.17 Settings for Temperature Compensation ........................... 497
Introduction.......................................................................... 497
Settings in the Dialogue...................................................... 498
19.18 Temperature Control ............................................................ 500
Introduction.......................................................................... 500
Check Minimum and Maximum of Calculation Temperature
Check Deviation of Actual Temperature from Start
Temperature .......................................................................................... 502
Check Minimum and Maximum Temperature of Selected
CMM Scales ........................................................................................... 502
19.19 Temperature Warning........................................................... 502
19.20 Definition of String Variables............................................... 503
19.21 Input of String Variables ...................................................... 503
19.22 Store String Variables .......................................................... 504
Enter name of file for variables .......................................... 504
Store filter to string variables............................................. 504
19.23 Loading a String Variable..................................................... 505
GEOPAK Contents
Loading a String Variable with a Filter............................... 506
Loading a String Variable from a File Section .................. 507
Waiting for File with String Variable .................................. 507
19.24 Store Text Variable in INI-File............................................... 507
19.25 Load Text Variable from INI-File .......................................... 508
19.26 Operators and Functions...................................................... 508
Overview: Operators and Functions .................................. 508
Arithmetic Operators ........................................................... 508
Relational operators ............................................................ 509
Logical Operators ................................................................ 509
Constants ............................................................................. 509
Trigonometrical Functions.................................................. 510
Arithmetic Functions ........................................................... 510
Operator Precedence........................................................... 510
Basic Geometry Elements................................................... 510
GEOPAK Elements: Hole Shapes....................................... 512
GEOPAK Probes .................................................................. 512
GEOPAK Rotary Table Data................................................ 514
Minimum Maximum.............................................................. 514
Best Fit.................................................................................. 515
Other GEOPAK Variables.................................................... 515
Date and Time ...................................................................... 516
Examples .............................................................................. 517
Result of Nominal-to-Actual Comparisons........................ 517
Last Nominal-to-Actual Comparison.................................. 518
Nominal-to-Actual Comparison of Last Element .............. 519
Result of All Nominal-to-Actual Comparisons .................. 520
Measurement Points............................................................ 521
19.27 Scale Factor........................................................................... 522
20 Sequence Control......................................................... 526
Table of Contents.................................................................. 526
Loops ..................................................................................... 526
Branches................................................................................ 527
Subprograms......................................................................... 527
Definition and Types............................................................ 527
Create a Local Sub-Program............................................... 527
Using an already existing Sub-Program............................ 528
Delete Last Step .................................................................... 528
Error While Executing Command ........................................ 528
Comment Line ....................................................................... 529
Show Picture ......................................................................... 529
GEOPAK Contents
Programmable Stop.............................................................. 530
20.10 Clear Picture.......................................................................... 530
20.11 Play Sound ............................................................................ 530
20.12 Send E-Mail ........................................................................... 530
20.13 Send SMS .............................................................................. 531
20.14 Create Directory.................................................................... 531
20.15 Copy File ............................................................................... 531
20.16 Delete File.............................................................................. 532
20.17 Input Head Data .................................................................... 533
20.18 Set Head Data Field .............................................................. 533
20.19 Sublot Input........................................................................... 534
20.20 Set Sublot .............................................................................. 535
20.21 Open/Close Window ............................................................. 536
20.22 Call Program ......................................................................... 536
20.23 IO Condition (IO Communication) ....................................... 537
21 Input Instruments......................................................... 538
Possibilities of Text Input / Data Name............................... 538
Single Selection .................................................................... 538
Group Selection .................................................................... 539
22 Special Programs......................................................... 541
ASCII-GEOPAK-Converter ................................................... 541
Export Part Program (ASCII/DMIS)...................................... 542
Export in ASCII Format ....................................................... 542
Export in DMIS Format ........................................................ 542
Settings for Export to DMIS ................................................. 542
Import GEOPAK-3 Part Program ......................................... 542
23 Repeat Mode................................................................. 544
Repeat Mode: Table of Contents ......................................... 544
Repeat Mode ......................................................................... 544
Statistics............................................................................... 546
Initial report number............................................................ 546
Repeat Mode M-VCMM ......................................................... 546
Features of the Repeat Mode M-VCMM............................... 547
Selection of Archived Measurement Data .......................... 549
Delete Archived Measurement Data.................................... 550
GEOPAK Contents
Temperature Coefficient in Repeat Mode............................ 550
Cancel Part Program Repetition .......................................... 550
Repeat Mode with Offset ...................................................... 551
23.10 Program Jump....................................................................... 552
23.11 Settings .................................................................................. 553
23.12 Repeat Mode: Start Editor .................................................... 554
24 ROUNDPAK-CMM ......................................................... 555
ROUNDPAK-CMM: Table of Contents ................................. 555
Task........................................................................................ 555
Alignment............................................................................... 555
Steps ...................................................................................... 556
Pass Data to ROUNDPAK-CMM ........................................... 556
Working steps in the dialogue............................................ 556
Hide element types .............................................................. 557
Analysable Elements ............................................................ 557
Non-Analysable Elements .................................................... 559
Error Messages ..................................................................... 559
Learn and Repeat Mode........................................................ 561
25 SCANPAK...................................................................... 562
Scanning-Contents ............................................................... 562
CNC Scanning ...................................................................... 562
Laser Probe .......................................................................... 564
Scanning with Rotary Table................................................ 564
Scanning with "MetrisScan" (Laser) .................................. 564
Introduction ........................................................................... 564
Measurement Methods: Overview ....................................... 564
Start of SCANNING ............................................................... 565
Symbols ................................................................................ 565
Scanning from the toolbar .................................................. 566
Manual CMM .......................................................................... 566
Scan manually: Touch Trigger Probe ................................ 566
Closed Contour ................................................................ 566
Compensation of Probe Radius ....................................... 566
Scan manually: Fixed Probe ............................................... 567
Closed Contour ................................................................ 567
Compensation of Probe Radius ....................................... 567
CNC Scanning ....................................................................... 568
CNC scanning: "Automatic Measurement" On ................. 568
GEOPAK Contents
Procedure......................................................................... 568
Scan CNC Dialogue Box.................................................. 568
Pitch and Safety Distance ................................................ 569
Driving Strategies ................................................................ 569
Scanning in Phi-Z with Constant Radius........................... 571
Open Contour ...................................................................... 571
Start and End Position of a Contour as a Contact Point . 572
CNC Scanning with "Automatic Element"......................... 572
Compensation of Radius of Probe (Scanning) ................. 573
Scanning with Measuring Probe ........................................ 573
Scanning Speed............................................................... 573
Deflection ......................................................................... 573
Scan Path Control ............................................................... 573
Clamp Axis with MPP .......................................................... 575
Thread Scanning with MPP10............................................. 576
Element Contour................................................................... 577
Contour Im-/Export / Contour Manipulate........................... 582
Contour................................................................................. 577
Selection of Points Contour ............................................... 577
Contour Connection Element ............................................. 579
Delete Contour Overlappings ............................................. 580
Application Example ........................................................... 581
Contents Contour Import/Export........................................ 582
Principles ............................................................................. 582
Import Contour .................................................................... 583
Export Contour .................................................................... 584
Technical Specification....................................................... 584
DXF Format .......................................................................... 584
VDAFS Format ..................................................................... 585
VDAIS (IGES) Format .......................................................... 585
NC Formats .......................................................................... 586
Special Formats ................................................................... 586
Error Message...................................................................... 587
Manipulate Contour .............................................................. 587
Contents ............................................................................... 587
Manipulate Contour ............................................................. 588
Scale Contour ...................................................................... 588
Edit Contour Point ............................................................... 588
Mirror Contour ..................................................................... 589
Move / Rotate Contour ........................................................ 589
Create Offset-Contour ......................................................... 589
Idealize Contour................................................................... 591
Select contour .................................................................. 591
Select element ................................................................. 591
Select contour range ........................................................ 591
GEOPAK Contents
Change Point Sequence...................................................... 592
Sort Sequence of Contour Points ...................................... 592
Fit in Element ....................................................................... 593
Middle Contour..................................................................... 594
Prepare Leading Contour.................................................... 595
Activate Leading Contour ................................................... 595
Scan by Leading Contour ................................................... 596 Basis................................................................................. 596 Default: ............................................................................. 596
Loop Counter ....................................................................... 597
Basics: Scan by known Contour ........................................ 598
Scan by known Contour...................................................... 599
Specifying approach direction ........................................... 599
Recalculate Contour from Memory / Copy ........................ 600
Delete Contour Points ......................................................... 600
Delete Points of a Contour.................................................. 601
Delete via "Single Selection" .............................................. 601
Delete with the Co-Ordinates.............................................. 602
Delete with Radius ............................................................... 602
Delete via an Angle Area ..................................................... 603
Reduce Number of Points ................................................... 603
Delete Linear Parts of a Contour ........................................ 604
Reduce Neighboured Points............................................... 605
Delete Point Intervals from Contour .................................. 605
Clean Contour ...................................................................... 606
Delete Contour Loops ......................................................... 606
Delete Reversing Paths from Contour ............................... 607
Delete Double Contour Points ............................................ 608
Min. and Max. Point ............................................................. 608
Automatic Element Calculation: Introduction................... 610 Introduction....................................................................... 610 Tolerance Limits ............................................................... 611 Idealize ............................................................................. 611 Permanency ..................................................................... 612
25.10 Graphics of Elements ........................................................... 613
Contour View........................................................................ 613
Display Sub Elements of a Contour ................................... 614
Circles as Partial Circle Display ......................................... 614
Contour Point Selection by Keyboard ............................... 615
Multi-Colour Contour Display ............................................. 616
Contour Display as Lines and/or Points............................ 617
25.11 Contours with Tolerance Check .......................................... 617
Contours: General ............................................................... 617 Tolerance Comparison Contours ..................................... 617 Tolerance comparison of multiple contour pairs............... 617
Pitch ...................................................................................... 618
GEOPAK Contents
Comparison (Vector Direction)........................................... 619
Bestfit Contour .................................................................... 620
Degrees of Freedom for Bestfit .......................................... 621
Width of Tolerance (Scale Factor)...................................... 621 Definition and Representation of Tolerance Band ........... 621 Offset................................................................................ 624
Form Tolerance Contour..................................................... 625
Tolerance Band Editor ........................................................ 626
Define Tolerance Band of a Contour ................................. 627 Define uniform tolerance range........................................ 627 Define proportional tolerance range................................. 627
25.11.10 Edit Tolerance Band of a Contour...................................... 627
25.11.11 Filter Contour / Filter Element ............................................ 628 Contours of Geometrical Elements .................................. 628 General contours.............................................................. 629 Automatic Circle Measurement ........................................ 630 Automatic Line Measurement .......................................... 630
25.12 Scanning - CNC Dual Flank.................................................. 631
Scan on Dual Flanks ........................................................... 631 General ............................................................................ 631 Also without rotary table................................................... 632
25.13 Laser Probe ........................................................................... 633
Single Point Laser "WIZprobe" .......................................... 633 General Information ......................................................... 633 Select PH10 Probe Angle ................................................ 633
Calibration ............................................................................ 633
The Menu .............................................................................. 634
Laser Probe: Measurement Course ................................... 634 Principles.......................................................................... 635 Start point for scanning .................................................... 636
25.14 Scanning with Rotary Table................................................. 636
Scanning with Rotary Table: Introduction ........................ 636
Scanning with Rotary Table: Three Kinds......................... 637
Scanning with Rotary Table: Stop Conditions.................. 638
Rotary-Table: Clamp Axis ................................................... 639
Scanning with Rotary Table: Define Range for Run-in and
25.15 Scan Manually by CMM ........................................................ 640
25.16 Scanning with External Programs....................................... 641
Scanning with "MetrisScan" (Laser).................................. 641 Introduction ...................................................................... 641 Hardware and system requirements ................................ 641 Metris-Dongleoptions ....................................................... 641
MetrisScan: Program Run................................................... 642 Learn-/Repeat Mode ........................................................ 642
GEOPAK Contents The program run in detail ................................................. 642
Elements from Point Cloud................................................. 643 Dialogues ......................................................................... 643 Defaults ............................................................................ 643 Define Element................................................................. 643 Calculate .......................................................................... 644
Edit Mode / Filter .................................................................. 644 Open Graphic ................................................................... 644 Filter ................................................................................. 644
25.17 Save and Export Contour ..................................................... 645
Save Contour........................................................................ 645
Save Contour in ASCII File.................................................. 645
Select Contour ..................................................................... 646
Transfer Contour into an External System........................ 646
Load Contour ....................................................................... 647
Load Contour from External Systems ............................... 647
Export to Surface Developer............................................... 648
26 Airfoil Analysis ............................................................. 650
Airfoil Analysis: Contents .................................................... 650
Airfoil Analysis ...................................................................... 650
Selection of an Airfoil Contour ............................................ 651
Measurement of Partial Airfoil Profiles ............................... 653
Analysis of Multiple Airfoil Layers....................................... 653
Preparation of Measurement Results .................................. 654
Select Airfoil Analysis Functions ........................................ 655
Airfoil 3D Compensation ...................................................... 656
Tolerance Comparison of Airfoil Contours......................... 657
26.10 Airfoil Contour Comparison with Bestfit............................. 658
26.11 Apply Bestfit to a Part of the Airfoil Contour...................... 658
26.12 Result output ......................................................................... 659
Graphical Output.................................................................. 659
Tolerance Comparison of Airfoil Contours ....................... 660
Flexible MAFIS-Protocol...................................................... 661
26.13 Airfoil Analysis Functions .................................................... 663
Analysis functions with static result values ..................... 663 Mean Camber Line........................................................... 663 Leading Edge Point .......................................................... 664 Trailing Edge Point ........................................................... 664 Maximum Profile Thickness ............................................. 665 Basic Chord Length.......................................................... 665 Chord Length Overall ....................................................... 665
GEOPAK Contents Leading Edge Radius....................................................... 666 Trailing Edge Radius........................................................ 666 Chord Twist Angle............................................................ 667 Tangent Twist Angle ........................................................ 667 Primary Axis Width........................................................... 668 Tangent to Stack Axis Distance ....................................... 668
Analysis functions with parameter dependent result values
669 Extreme Leading Edge Centrality .................................... 669 Leading Edge Thickness.................................................. 669 Trailing Edge Thickness................................................... 670 Extreme Leading Edge Centrality at a given contour rotation
670 Gage Twist Angle (Lead Edge) ........................................ 671 Gage Twist Angle (Stack) ................................................ 672
Bestfit ................................................................................... 673 Complete Bestfit............................................................... 673 Partial Bestfit .................................................................... 674
General Information
General Information
 registers and calculates the geometric data of your parts
 records program runs for the following measurements
 provides, among others, all data (nominal-actual comparison) for
statistical programs
 is the basic program for the 3D nominal-actual comparison of surfaces
Copyright (c) 2017 Mitutoyo
Neuss, June 2017
Mitutoyo Europe GmbH
Borsigstrasse 8 - 10
D - 41469 Neuss
Phone ++49 - 21 37-102-0
Fax ++49 - 21 37-86 85
E-mail: info@Mitutoyo.eu
International copyright laws protect the program itself as well as this online help.
It is not allowed to copy or pass to third persons the total or part of it. The
copyright is exclusively at Mitutoyo Europe GmbH.
Hints for Help
Hints for Help
You have several possibilities to call our special help for these programs:
 Via the menu bar with the "Help / MCOSMOS Help". You get an overview
about the big program groups Mitutoyo is offering to you. By clicking on
GEOPAK, you come to the table of contents of this program. Select the
topic you want, either from the table of contents or from the index.
 Via the buttons labeled with "? Help" in the dialogue windows. When
clicking on these buttons, you immediately come to the topic.
 Via the menus or pull-down menus. Activate a function and press <F1>.
You get immediately the topic.
 Via <F1>, at any time, you come to the GEOPAK Help.
 If you see a combination of characters and figures (see above <F1>)
enclosed with <...>, this is always one of the function keys of the top row
of your keyboard.
 If you want to "Confirm" optionally select the <Return>, <Enter> or the
"OK" buttons in the dialogue windows.
 When you find coloured and underlined definitions in the help texts, you
will come to the next topic.
 You point this definition with the mouse that is changing into a hand with
a pointed finger, click on the definition and come immediately to the next
topic. Example: Main Window Learn Measurement. Click on the definition
"Main Window Learn Measurement" and immediately come to your topic.
 When you find colored and underlined definitions or topics in the help
texts, a popup window containing information to this topic is opened via
mouse click.
Bulleted list
 The list type square serves in all rule to list important points of
enumerating among themselves.
 With the list type circle we list a set of points, which do not have the
completely great importance.
 The list type arrow marks a procedural instruction.
• The indented smaller points...
• display a subsection.
Part Program Editor
Part Program Editor
Introduction Part Program Editor
The part program editor allows you to
 view a part program,
 change a previously learnt part program,
 create new programs.
Select your part in the PartManager's part list, then activate the editor by a
mouse click on the symbol shown above or via the menu bar "CMM / Part
program editor". The main menu of the editor will be displayed.
Then you find a window (one for each part) in the centre of the screen (second
window). With the <CTRL> key, you can call multiple part program windows from
the parts list. The title line contains the name of the corresponding part program.
It is possible to randomly move the part program windows as well as all the
following dialogue windows.
Activate Window
If you work with several part program windows, you can activate the single
windows as you want (Menu Bar / Window / Window …).
 In the list of the following window, you click on the title of the window you
want and
 then on "Activate".
The part program window contains the following information (subdivided into five
 Sequence number of the line (infinitely)
 Loop nesting
 Symbols of the function
 Text (name) of the function
 Parameter(s) of the function
To call the dialogue from the learn mode, activate the corresponding line via
mouse click. This line is shown now as a dark field. Now you have three
possibilities to continue your work:
 Double click into the program line
 Click the symbol of the machine tools (e.g. "circle" if the element "circle"
has been used in the single/learn mode for the measurement). The
"Automatic Circle Measurement" dialogue window is displayed.
 You can also use the way via the menu bar "Measurement"/"Automatic
Element"/"Circle" (our example)
You can also click on a tool of your machine tools, which has not yet been
measured. You get a dialogue window to this tool (e.g. "Automatic Element
Measurement Cylinder"). Depending on the mode you selected before –
overwrite or insert – you overwrite the activated line or insert a new line.
Part Program Editor
Important Instructions
Rights to write
If you want to change a part program or create a new one, you need the
corresponding user right. The administrator assigns these rights (cf. also User
Rights). You can see by the pen symbol in the status bar, lower left corner,
whether you are actually allowed to change the program or not.
You have two possibilities to toggle between Insert/Overwrite. You can see the
mode in the status line on the right below.
 You toggle with the insert key of your keyboard.
 You can change via the menu bar "Edit / Overwrite". The "Overwrite" gets
a tic, or the tic is removed.
You can also copy one or several command (program lines) by marking
them with the mouse; if you want to mark several lines, keep - as usual - the
<CTRL> key pressed when selecting. Thus the lines are put to the clipboard;
from there they can be inserted into the same program at a different place, or
even inserted into another part program. You deactivate the lines with the mouse
or the <Shift> key.
If you want to copy lines, use the icon of the editor tool bar. If the tool bar
is not displayed, you can undo all changes you have made, until the beginning of
your editor session. Cancelling of any action can be achieved in two ways:
 Click on the backspace arrow of your editor tool bar, or …
 Choose the menu bar "Edit / Undo".
GEOPAK Editor: Contents
File Management
Create New Part Program
Open Part Program
Edit Several Part programs Simultaneously
Store as
Rename Part Program
Export Part Program
Delete Part Program
Input Characteristics
Change Unit of Measurement
Edit Part Programs
Mirror Part Programs
Search Facilities
Facility according to Function Selection
Search marked Function
Part Program Editor
Find Programming Error
Error Messages: Overview
Check Branches
Found Unexpected Command
Branch in a deeper Loop
Open Loop
Branch in/from an Element
Missing End Instruction
Blank of Else Instruction
Blank of If Instruction
Label already exists
Label not found
Programming of If Branches
Programming of an Alternative Branch
Start of Branch
End of Branch
Definition of Branches without Fail
Goto Label
On Error Goto
On Error Goto: Introduction
Error Handler: User Defined
Before and While Error Handler
Error Handler: Dialogue
Throw Error
User Defined Errors
Example: User Defined Errors
Example: E-Mail Message
Example: On Error Goto
Sequential Control
Statistical Data Rejection
"Graphics for Template" in the Editor
Export Part Program (ASCII/DMIS)
Settings for Export to DMIS (Function)
Export Settings (DMIS)
File Management
Create a New Part Program
In a part program, GEOPAK instructions are stored which result in a
practical test sequence during the CMM-Repeat Mode. When creating a new part
program, you are prompted to input a name for the new part program. You should
select a name which clearly describes your test sequence.
 Select the "File" menu and in the pull-down menu the "New" function.
 The "New" window is displayed.
 In the parts list the opened parts are shown. From this list, you select the
part for which you want to create a new part program.
Via the symbols, you decide to select a new "Part Program" or
Part Program Editor
Via this dialogue, it is possible to create a local subprogram. That means
that this subprogram can only be executed of part programs which are in
the part.
General and directory orientated subprograms can only be created in the
PartManager with the function "Sub-program Manager".
 Input the name of the program into the "Name of Program" text field.
You have the possibility to create several part programs in one part, e.g. if you
require a part program for the position of the part and another one for measuring
the part.
 In the new window of the GEOPAK Editor, you find the name of the part
program in the title bar and in brackets the name of the part.
All GEOPAK functions you edit, are listed in this window.
Open Part Program
Select the "File" menu and in the pull-down menu the "Open"
 You get a new "Open" window.
 In the parts list (upper text field), the parts opened in the GEOPAK editor
are displayed. From this list, select the part for which you want to see the
part programs. If you click on one of these parts, part programs which are
not opened are displayed in the lower large text field.
 Now you can edit the part program you want.
If you search for a subprogram, click on the symbol.
 In the text field, the existing subprograms are displayed. Select by mouseclick.
 You come to the window of the GEOPAK editor.
Edit Several Part Programs Simultaneously
It is possible to keep several part programs open at the same time. If you are
dealing with a part with several part programs belonging to it, and wish to open
this part using the Editor, you will get a selection of programs. Now you choose
and edit the required program..
To open a second part program, use the menu "File" and "Open" in the Editor.
You will then be offered a list of the rest of the programs related to this part,
select and edit the required program.
Store as
New name
You want to record an existing part program under a new name.
 Click on the „File/Save As" functions via the menu bar.
In the „Save As” window, open the parts in the parts' list.
Part Program Editor
 By mouse-click, activate the corresponding part.
 In the „Name of Program" text field, you enter the new name and confirm.
Change a part
Example: You have a local subprogram required in a similar or varied form for
another part. Even now, select the shortest way only in opposite order:
 In the "Save As" window, you can find a part with a part program.
Pull-down the parts list,
 click on the corresponding part
 and confirm.
Change Type of Program
Example: You have learnt a part program, that should be available now as a
You switch to the other icon via mouse-click.
You should know
Changes are recorded - for example under a new name - only if you have stored
and confirmed them in the „Save As" dialogue. Parts and its programs you edited
before, are saved without changes.
Safety Question
If a part program already exists, you get a safety question whether the part
program should be overwritten or not. If you want to answer to the safety
question and the part or the name will not be changed, the current parts program
will be recorded.
Change Name of Part Program
Of course, you can modify names of part programs in MCOSMOS you
have already entered before.
 Select the "File" menu and in the pull-down menu the "Change Name"
 A new "Change Name" window appears.
 Change the name in the text field and press OK.
 The modified name is displayed in the title bar of the GEOPAK editor.
The name of the part cannot be changed with this function. This is only
possible in the PartManager.
Export Part Program (ASCII/DMIS)
Export in ASCII Format
Like you can import agw-files with the ASCII-GEOPAK Converter and generate
these to part programs, the reverse way is, of course, also possible for the
purpose of a data exchange. This is how you can generate a GEOPAK part
program and export it in ASCII format from the GEOPAK editor (menu bar / file /
Export / Export …).
 In the window "Save as", select in the line "File type" the type "ASCII
GEOPAK (*.agw)".
Part Program Editor
 Either confirm or enter another file name of your choice.
 For detailed information about the structure of this file, refer to the ASCII
specification on your MCOSMOS-CD under "Documentation / GEOPAK /
Export in DMIS Format
Apart from the ASCII Format as agw-File you can export part programs also in
DMIS format as a dmi-file. You get to the function and the further dialogue only in
the GEOPAK editor via the menu bar / File / Export / Export.
 In the window "Save as", select in the line "File type" the type "DMIS
 Either confirm or enter another file name of your choice.
Find detailed information about the contents of this file in your DMIS specification.
Delete Part Program
For a better overview, it is possible to delete part programs respectively
 Select the "File" menu and in the pull-down menu the "Delete" function.
 You get a new "Delete Part Program" window.
 Click on the part.
 In the corresponding "Part Programs" or "Subprograms" lists, click on the
program and press OK.
The deleting of the last part program is not directly possible in the
GEOPAK editor. This automatically takes place if all lines are deleted from
the last part program.
Input Characteristics
The settings that you choose in the "Input characteristics" dialogue may have
effects on the following functions:
 marked part program commands
 new part program commands
 new part programs
Setting a part program command
 Select one or several part program commands in the GEOPAK editor.
 Choose "Settings" from the "File" menu. In the "Settings" submenu
choose "Input characteristics" to open the "Input characteristics" dialogue.
Choose one or several of the available settings.
 Choose the corresponding format or mode.
 When you press the "Ok" button, the settings are taken over for one or
more marked lines.
Part Program Editor
Defining a part program standard
To do the settings proceed as described above. When clicking the "Default"
button these settings will be entered as suggestion in new part program
commands and new part programs.
For further information about the "Input characteristics" refer to "Co-ordinate
Properties for Dialogue Selection
The settings options in the "Properties for dialogue selection" dialogue box
enable you to change the features of the dialogue boxes.
You can change the features of the following dialogue boxes:
 Theoretical element line
 Tolerance dialogue
 Formula calculation
To open the "Properties for dialogue selection" dialogue box, proceed as follows:
 Open the "File" menu.
 Point to "Settings".
 On the shortcut menu, click "Properties for dialogue selection".
 The "Properties for dialogue selection" dialogue box appears.
Theoretical element line
Depending on how you describe the "Theoretical element line", two possibilities
are available. Description of the "Theoretical element line" either with the input
characteristics start point, angle and length of the line or with start point and end
Selection for theoretical element line
Tolerance dialogue
If you work mainly with symmetrical tolerances, select "Change lower tol. by
upper tol.".
Entries in the "Upper tol." text box appear automatically in the "Lower tol." text
box with the opposite sign.
Example in the "Tolerance comparison Element line" dialogue box
"Upper tolerance" text box
Part Program Editor
"Lower tolerance" text box with opposite sign
Formula calculation dialogue box
If you select the "Full dialogue" option button, a keyboard appears in the formula
calculation dialogue box.
Selected formula calculation with keyboard
If you do not need the keyboard, select the "Easy dialogue" option button.
Keyboard in the dialogue box of the formula calculation
Further options in learn mode
In learn mode you can make additional settings:
 Skip the element dialogues selected on the toolbar.
 Activate or deactivate warnings.
 Change the start sequence of part programs.
Skip element dialogue
Select the "Skip element dialogue" check box to add the element to the part
program without opening the element dialogue box.
When you select an element in GEOPAK learn mode you are directly in
the element measurement.
Open element dialogue
When the "Skip element dialogue" function is selected and you want to make
further adjustments in the element dialogue box, open the "Element" menu.
Display warnings
Select the check boxes if you need the following warning messages when
working with GEOPAK:
 Co-ordinate not changed.
 Intermediate point not set.
 CNC is not on.
 Variable is already defined as local.
Start up Wizard settings
With the "Init. Dialogue" setting, you can either use the "Probe data
management" dialogue box or the "Change probe" dialogue box when you start
GEOPAK learn mode.
Part Program Editor
To use the selection possibilities under "Init. dialogue", select the "Initialisation
dialogues" option button in the "Configure Start Up Wizard" dialogue box.
"Configure Start up Wizard" dialogue box
Co-ordinate Mode
In GEOPAK elements can be measured in three different co-ordinate system
modes. The modes are known as:
Cartesian co-ordinate mode
(X, Y and Z)
Cylindrical co-ordinate mode
2D-polar radius and angles
Spherical co-ordinate mode
3D-polar radius and two angles
These modes can be connected to the three existing work planes XY, YZ and ZX
by clicking one of the buttons.
XY plane
YZ plane
ZX plane
XY Plane
If XY is selected as work plane the X axis becomes the first axis, Y the
second and Z the third. Thus for cylindrical mode the radius and polar angle are
measured in the XY plane with the height along the Z axis. Spherical mode
parameters are given as polar angle in the XY plane and azimuth angle off the
positive Z axis.
Part Program Editor
YZ Plane
If YZ is selected as work plane the Y axis becomes the first axis, Z the
second and X the third. Thus for cylindrical mode the radius and polar angle are
measured in the YZ plane with the height along the X axis. Spherical mode
parameters are given as polar angle in the YZ plane and azimuth angle off the
positive X axis.
ZX Plane
If ZX is selected as work plane the Z axis becomes the first axis, X the
second and Y the third. Thus for cylindrical mode the radius and polar angle are
measured in the ZX plane with the height along the Y axis. Spherical mode
parameters are given as polar angle in the ZX plane and azimuth angle off the
positive Y axis.
Cartesian mode
In a drawing, a three dimensional workpiece is usually represented on a single
plane using an elevation view, a plan view, and a side view. A CMM represents
these planes of different dimensions with the X, Y, and Z-axes.
A Cartesian co-ordinate system consists of three perpendicular co-ordinate
axes. The axes, X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis, intersect at a point called the origin. A
point is represented by three values, the X, Y, and Z co-ordinates. If the part has
a block-like construction, you will probably use the cartesian co-ordinate system.
Cartesian co-ordinate system
Cylindrical mode
In cylindrical (2D-polar) co-ordinate system, a point is represented by the
radial distance, the polar angle, and the distance along the third axis. If your part
has a cylindrical shape, then the polar co-ordinate system is the most useful.
Radial Distance
The radial distance, represented by the variable R, is the distance from the origin
to a projection of the point on the work plane. The polar angle, represented by the
variable A, is the angle formed between the positive first axis and the line
connecting the origin and the projection of the point on the work plane specified
by the "Work Plane Designation".
The final value needed for a polar co-ordinate is the distance from the origin to
the projection of the point on the third axis. This value is represented by the
variable H
Part Program Editor
2D-polar co-ordinate system
Spherical mode
In a spherical co-ordinate system the radial distance, azimuthal angle, and
the polar angle represent a point. Spherically shaped parts usually use the
spherical co-ordinate system.
The radial distance, represented by the variable R, is the distance from the origin
to the point P.
The azimuthal angle, represented by the variable T, is the angle formed between
positive third axis (usually the Z-axis) and the line connecting the origin and the
point. The polar angle, represented by the variable P', is the angle formed
between the positive first axis (usually the X-axis) and the line connecting the
origin and the projection of the point on the workpiece.
3D-polar co-ordinate system
Change Unit of Measurement
In GEOPAK, you have the possibility to modify the measure of length in
millimetres on inches.
 Select the "File" menu and in the pull-down menu the "Settings" function.
With the function "Change Unit" you open the dialogue "Unit"..
 Select the desired unit and press the "Ok" button.
This setting only changes the setting for the part program actually opened.
If variables are used in the part program, these should be checked. When
using constant lengths, these are to be divided by the variable SYS.UF
(SYS.UF is in the mm mode 1,0 and in the inch mode 25,4). If this variable
only contains e.g. element components (diameter, xyz co-ordinates), no
further internal message is required.
Part Program Editor
Edit Part Programs
Mirror Part Programs
In techniques, it continually occurs that parts have the same nominal
values, however, these are mirrored along a determined axis. When constructing
vehicles, we often have such parts (headlamps, door handles, etc.). So that it is
not necessary to write a second part program, you can mirror your part programs
at one of the planes. This means that at each co-ordinate, the sign will be
Because the editor does not know the content of a variable, it cannot be
inverted. If the component, of which the mirror must be realized is a
variable, it is not possible to realize a mirror. You get a warning message.
You have already programmed, e.g. the part program for a right-side door
handle. You named this part program " Right Door Handle".
For safety reasons, you should copy this part program and save it under the
name 'Left Door Handle'.
If done so, continue as follows:
 Select the "Edit" menu and in the pull-down menu the "Mirror part
program" function.
 Select a plain from which you want to mirror and press the "Ok" button.
An information box displays the number of part program lines,
which have been mirrored.
The following GEOPAK operations are mirrored:
• all theoretical elements
• all automatic elements
• shift and rotate co-ordinate system
• RPS alignment
• driving instructions (absolute and relative)
• probing points
Search Facilities
Search Part Program Command
You search a certain GEOPAK part program command, however you do not
know if this part program command is included in the part program.
Search forward
Click the "Search function forward" button.
 Or on the "Edit" menu, click "Search function forward".
Follow the instructions indicated in the message box.
 In the toolbar click the relevant part program command or on the menu
bar, click the part program command that you search.
Part Program Editor
 If the part program command is found, it is highlighted.
If the part program command is not included in the part program a warning
message is displayed.
You can start searching either forward or backward.
Search part program command again
If you search the same part program command that you have found
with the function "Search function forward" or "Search function backwards", click
the "Search marked function forward" or "Search marked function backwards"
Also refer to
Search marked part program command
Search Marked Part Program Command
You want to find out if a certain GEOPAK part program command appears twice
in your part program.
 Highlight the requested GEOPAK part program command.
Click the "Search marked function forward" button.
 Or on the "Edit" menu, click "Search marked function forward".
 If the part program command is found, it is highlighted.
You can start searching either forward or backward.
Also refer to
Search part program command
Search Variable
With this command it is possible to search for existing variables in the part
program editor.
Starting the command
 Open a part program in the part program editor.
 On the menu bar, click Edit/Search Variable.
 The Search variable in part program dialogue box appears.
Search variable in part program dialogue box
Search variable
 Type a variable name in the text box.
 Click OK.
 The List of detected variables dialogue box appears.
Part Program Editor
List of detected variables dialogue box
Possible use of variable
Definition of variables
 All variables including the line number are listed. Two different entries are
 Definition of variable – this is the definition of the variable.
 Possible use of variable – this is a command that uses this variable.
 To jump to a specific line of the list, click the Jump to button.
 Or double-click the list entry.
 To remove an entry from the list, click the Delete button.
See also
Variables and Calculations
Definition of Variables
Find Programming Error
Error Messages: Overview
Found Unexpected Command
Branch in a more intensely Loop
Open Loop
Branch in/from an Element
Missing Final Instruction
Blank of Else Instruction
Blank of If Instruction
Label already exists
Label not found
Check Branches
You can check possible branch errors as follows:
Via the symbol in the GEOPAK toolbar, open the "Error List
(branch)" dialogue. Or select the path via "Edit"/"Check Branches".
 In this dialogue, all branch errors of the part program are displayed. In the
part program, the first error is marked.
 The number before the error means the line number in the part program,
the number after the error message is the error number.
Part Program Editor
When clearing off the errors, you should proceed as follows:
With click on the symbol or double-click on the error display in
the dialogue "Error List (branches)".
 It is also possible to click an error and...
 make modifications in the editor via the "Goto" button.
 Keep the "Error List (branches)" dialogue displayed.
 For getting a better overview, delete also the error display in the dialogue
window. The "Delete" button does not have effect on the actual part
If there exist other error messages, process the next errors as described.
The following Error Messages are possible.
Found Unexpected Command
A context depending on instructions has been used without the relevant
 The "Loop End" command was found without the "Loop Start" instruction
belonging to it.
 The "Start of Branch" command was found without the "If Branch" or "Else
Branch" instruction.
Branch in a deeper Loop
With branches, it is possible to leave a loop.
However, the branch into a deeper nested loop is not supported.
Open Loop
A loop has not been finished with the "Loop End" instruction.
Branch in/from an Element
A branch has been programmed in / from an element (element declaration,
measuring instructions, element finished).
 GEOPAK is in element mode if an element can't be finished through a
part program line (notice in the editor). In the example below the element
is finished with the "Element Finished" function. A theoretical element
doesn't need the "Element Finished" function and can be finished through
a part program line.
 This element mode is used for the display in the editor and for the
checking of branches. The editor inserts the icons within an element. The
single/learn mode disables GEOPAK to terminate until having finished the
element because otherwise this element will not be stored.
A branch should include the whole element or run in the element itself. This way,
we avoid for example that the following construction is possible.
Part Program Editor
Missing End-Instruction
A block has not been finished with the "Branch End" command.
Blank of Else Instruction
The "Else Branch" command is only followed by the "Start of Branch" command.
The block has not been finished with the "Branch End" command.
Blank of Else Instruction
The "Else Branch" command is only followed by the "Start of Branch" command.
The block has not been finished with the "Branch End" command.
Blank of If Instruction
The "If Branch" command is only followed by the "Start of Branch" command. The
block has not been finished with the "Branch End" command.
Label already exists
A label was defined twice.
Label not found
A label defined in the "Goto Branch" command has not been defined with the
"Branch Label".
Programming of If Branch
In GEOPAK, it is possible to carry out comparisons of two criterions via the
so-called "If Branch". In the 'Criterion 1/2' fields, you can enter numbers and/or
variables which are then compared with the adjusted operator.
The following comparison symbols at your disposal:
 <> not equal
 = equal
 < less
 <= less than or equal
 > greater than
Part Program Editor
 >= greater than or equal
The block following the "If Branch" command is only executed if the decision
branch comparison operation result is the logical 'True' proposition, i.e. the
required criterion is fulfilled.
A block means
• a line after an "If Branch",
• a loop
• Commands, which are within the "Start" and "End" command.
With the setting of "Decimal Places" the two values respectively the variables of
the criterions are rounded on the indicated accuracy and then the comparison is
carried out.
Programming of Alternative Branch
The programming possibilities of GEOPAK permit also an alternative branch, the
"Else Branch":
Use the symbol of the GEOPAK toolbar.
 Or select the "Program" menu and in the pull-down menu the "Branch"
function and open the "Else" dialogue.
 The "Else Branch" command is entered in the GEOPAK editor before the
marked item.
An "Else Branch" is executed if the criterion of an "If Branch" is not fulfilled. Then,
the following Block of the "Else Branch" is executed.
Begin of Branch
After the "If" or "Else" command, you can write either a line or a block. A block
can be a loop or a group of commands. A block always begins with the "Begin"
Use the symbol of the GEOPAK toolbar.
 Or select the "Program" menu and in the pull-down menu the "Branch"
function and open the "Begin" dialogue.
 The "Begin" command is entered in the GEOPAK editor before the
marked item.
End of Branch
After the "If" or "Else" command, you can write either a line or a block. A block
can be a loop or a group of commands. The end of a block is marked by the
"End" command.
Use the symbol of the GEOPAK toolbar.
 Or select the "Program" menu and in the pull-down menu the "Branch"
function and open the "End" dialogue.
 The "End" command is entered before the marked item, in the GEOPAK
Part Program Editor
Define Label
In GEOPAK, it is possible to jump to labels. For this, you must define these
Use the symbol of the GEOPAK toolbar.
 Or select the "Program" menu and in the pull-down menu the "Branch"
function and open the "Label" dialogue.
 Enter the name of the label into the text field.
 The label can be any text of a maximum of 20 characters, whereby we
differentiate capital and small letters.
It is not possible to jump into an element or from outside into a loop.
Goto Label
In order to skip on a defined label, proceed as follows:
Use the symbol of the GEOPAK toolbar.
 Or select the "Program" menu and in the pull-down menu the "Branch"
function and open the "Goto" dialogue.
 Enter the name of the label to which you want to skip into the text field.
 During the input of the label, pay attention to style of writing because you
must differentiate capital and small letters.
 Define the new label in the GEOPAK Editor.
On Error Goto
On Error Goto: Introduction
The error handler (PartManager / Part Program Editor / Program / Branch / On
Error Goto) is separated in
 Measures to take in operation without supervising, which have already
been defined in the part program and …
 in the standard error handler.
Operation without supervising: In an operation without supervising, the manual
operation is not desired. In these cases, we drive to the safety planes defined in
the part mode (see details of Safety Plane topic) and the part program is finished.
You can only use this option if you have started the part program via a manager
program or via the Remote Manager.
Particularly in the operation without supervising, many times it is necessary to
have a finer control system for the error handler. A case of application is e.g. a
collision when measuring variants, this means because features have been
 The user can program the part program so that he will be automatically
informed by receiving an e-mail or a SMS about the incident (cf. details
under the following topics Send E-Mail and Settings SMS).
Part Program Editor
 But, he may also enter an IO Condition when defining the part program.
The target is that, in case of an error, a red lamp is lighting up at the
Standard Error Handler
GEOPAK calls this kind of error handler. It allows to manually interfere in the
program run.
You only can use this option if the user has directly started the part
program, e.g. via a click on the GEOPAK icon in the toolbar of the
For details, see the following topics
Error Handler: User Defined
Before and While Error Handler
Throw Error
User Defined Errors
The following examples of topics are useful:
Example: User Defined Errors
Example: On Error Goto
Example: E-Mail Message
Error Handler: User Defined
From version 2.1, GEOPAK offers the "On Error Goto" function. This function
activates a user defined error handler. In case of an error, GEOPAK goes to a
"Label". The declaration of this label is identical with the declaration of the labels
for a goto action. Then, you can use the declared labels for the ‘on error goto’ as
well as for the "normal" goto commands (branches).
Possibility of Several Error Handlers
It is possible to declare several error handlers in a program. In case of an error,
you use the current error handler that is activated. It is also possible to declare
local error handlers in subprograms.
 In case of an error in the subprogram, the local error handler that is
declared will be used.
 If there is no error handler defined in the subprogram and an error
handler is defined in the string of the calling programs (e.g. main program
calls 1st subprogram; 1st subprogram calls 2nd subprogram),
• the subprogram is finished and
• the control is transferred to the next error handler.
So, a return via several levels from a subprogram to the main program can take
Part Program Editor
Diagram of the Run-Off Control in Case of an Error
If GEOPAK carries out a special error handler, this error handler will be
deactivated. That is why in case of an error during the error handler, this one will
not be called again but the control is transferred to the superior error handler,
respectively to the standard error handler.
If a subprogram has been finished, the error handler of the calling program
is automatically valid again. Thus, it is not possible to deactivate the error
handler of the calling program through a subprogram.
For details, see the following topics:
On Error Goto: Introduction
Throw Error
Before and While Error Handler
Example: User Defined Errors
Error Handler: Dialogue
With the "On Error Goto" command, you can
 activate a user defined error handler or
 deactivate a user defined error handler.
To do so, click on the icon (left).
The icon (left) and the text field are deactivated.
Part Program Editor
A part of this command can also be whether a still open element must be finished
or not. In this case, the element will be deleted because there is no guarantee
that this element can be calculated.
See also the following topics:
On Error Goto: Introduction
User Defined Errors
Example: On Error Goto
Throw Error
For the error handler, this option concerns e.g. the following specialized case:
 In the main program, a user defined error handler is activated.
 Out of this main program, we then call a subprogram.
 In the subprogram, a user defined error handler is activated, too.
 But this only executes a part of the necessary actions.
 Thus, e.g. the user information is already defined in the error handler of
the main program.
 Then, by means of this command, you can branch from "Error Handler of
Subprogram" to "Error Handler Main of Program".
If you call the command out of an error handler, and no other user defined
error handler is activated, the standard error handler of GEOPAK is
See also the following topics:
On Error Goto: Introduction
Error Handler: User Defined
Before and While Error Handler
Before error handler
Before realizing the error handler, GEOPAK carries out the following actions:
 According to the settings of the error handler, an eventually open element
will be abandoned.
 If a safety plane is defined and wanted (operation without supervising),
we try to go to this safety plane.
 The Sys.ErrFatal variable contains the statement whether driving to the
safety plane has been successful or not.
 The Sys.Err contains the numerical error code of the occurred error.
Part Program Editor
While Error Handler
While error handler, the user determines the further run of the program. For the
run-off control, the following actions are possible:
 Program continuation after the error handler
 Goto another program record
 Passing on of the error to a superior error handler (GEOPAK command):
Throw Error
See also
On Error Goto: Introduction
Example: User Defined Errors
User Defined Errors
In addition to the errors of which GEOPAK sent a message, it is possible to
define some errors resulting out the program flow. From version 2.1, you have at
your disposal the GEOPAK "Set User Defined Error" command.
See also:
On Error Goto: Introduction
Example: User Defined Errors
Example: On Error Goto
Optimum Bore
For our example we use two parts, which are identical with the exception of one
bore (difference for only one variant, see picture below). So that it is not
necessary to write a separate part program for part 2, we want to measure the
two parts by means of "On Error Goto".
Part 1 and part 2 with the difference.
In our example, we check with a point measurement whether the optional bore
exists. If a bore exists, the CMM probes into space. An error message will be
sent to GEOPAK that will be worked out by the user defined error handler.
Explanations to the picture below:
 In line 10, you enter the current measurement length.
 In the lines 12 to 14, we try to go into the bore.
Part Program Editor
 If the bore exists, the point measurement is abandoned with an error
(workpiece not found).
 Through the error message, the "EXISTING_BORE" label is started and
the bore is measured.
 If the bore does not exist, the point measurement will run without an error.
Lines 10 – 17: Existing bore
Lines 18 – 20: Variant with bore
Line 21:Label (here to skip the bore measurement)
Lines 22 ff
All variants
In case of an error
 If no error occurred, the error handler in line 15 will be deactivated again.
 This step is important because failing this, in case of errors in the program
run, the measurement of the optimum bore would be executed.
 Next, the program segment of the error handler will be skipped (here, the
measurement of the bore).
Get a general overview under the topic:
On Error Goto: Introduction
Example: E-Mail Message
If an error occurs during the part program run (lines 2 – 10, see picture below),
 the "MESSAGE" error handler will start.
 Otherwise, after having processed line 10, to deactivate, line 11 will be
executed with the program segment of the error handler.
Part Program Editor
 In the course of the error handler, an e-mail will be sent and the standard
error handler of GEOPAK is called.
Get a general overview under the topic:
On Error Goto: Introduction
Example: User Defined Errors
At the beginning of the part program, we test whether the part has been correctly
fixed on the measuring table. For that, a bore will be measured and its position is
examined referred to the origin. In line 9, the user defined error handler for a
wrong position of the part will be activated. After the bore measurement the
alignment - based on the nominal co-ordinates - will be checked by means of the
formula calculation.
Aligned = (abs (CR[1].X -20) < 0.01) AND (abs(CR[1].Y - 30)
< 0.01)
Here, we check whether the deviation of the position X and the position Y is
relatively smaller than 10µm (0,01 mm) (nominal position: X = 20.0 mm and Y =
30.0 mm). Both calculations will be AND linked. This means.: If both statements
are true, the whole statement is true, too (GEOPAK: true = 1; untrue = 0).
If the part is not aligned, a user defined error is placed in line 16. This user
defined error generates the same procedure as if an error has been placed by
 By means of the user defined error, the error handler will be started.
 There will first be checked whether it has been possible to go to the safety
plane set in line 6.
 If this has not been possible, the standard error handler of GEOPAK will
be activated ("Throw Error") in line 23.
Part Program Editor
 If this part program is available as a subprogram, the error handler will be
transferred to the calling part program.
If the safety plane has been reached, the user will be asked in line 24 to correctly
place the part.
 After that, the alignment check will be realized again.
 If the part is correctly aligned, the error handler in line 18 will be
deactivated and in line 26 the branch to the actual measurement is carried
Get a general overview under the topic:
On Error Goto: Introduction
Statistical Data Rejection
Beginning from Version 2.2, this function is provided in the GEOPAK-Editor in
order for you to reject statistical data This function is accessed via the menu bar
and the "Programme" menu
You should know:
 When calling up the instruction "Statistical Data Rejection", the statistical
data of the current part program under execution is rejected.
 It is understood though that statistical data is not required to be rejected
whenever a part program is executed.
 Therefore this "Delete" command should be combined with an "If"
Example: Reject data, in case some specific values are not within the
range, as the workpiece is not clamped correctly.
 As a rule, you will call the "Statistical Data Rejection" command at the end
of a part program.
Part Program Editor
In case the statistical data has been generated during a repeat run and this
command is called up, then no request dialogue and no error dialogue will
show up.
 You can use this function in the editor only.
 The dongle option "Statistics Output" in GEOPAK is absolutely required.
 It is necessary that the rights of use have been assigned accordingly in
the PartManager. In fact, in the default setting, this right is assigned to
user level L5.
 The right of use is checked in the Edit mode only.
In other words: In the Repeat mode – the command has already been
programmed - this right of use is no longer required.
 The "Statistical Data Rejection" command can be used only if the setting
"Immediate Output of Statistical Data" de-activated. If this is not the case,
you will get an error message.
Once you have obtained rights covering this function for a part program,
you can transfer said right to other part programs just by copying. Then
there will be no further inquiry about these rights.
Abort part program
When the user aborts a part program, GEOPAK will check,
 whether the function "Immediate Output of Statistical Data" is deactivated, or
 whether a statistical program is the only receiver.
If one of these cases is true, GEOPAK will ask the user "Store Statistical Data?".
Now the user can make his decision as to whether the statistical data is required
to be transferred to the receiver/s or to be rejected.
Part Name for Statistics
In GEOPAK it is possible to transfer statistical data to different statistics programs
or interfaces (MeasurLink, STATPAK, ASCII-File, etc.). For further information,
refer to "Statistical Output".
During data transfer the name of the part program will automatically be used as
part name for the statistics.
Use the command "Set Part Name for Statistics" to define a new part name.
After data transfer the new part name will be displayed in the parts list of
the PartManager .
Calling the Command
 From the GEOPAK menu bar, choose "Program/Set Part Name for
 Enter the new part name into the "Part Name for statistics" selection field.
The selection field allows the input of GEOPAK Variables.
Part Program Editor
 The maximum length of the part name is 40 caracters.
 During data transfer the command "Set Part Name for Statistics" is
inactive and cannot be choosen.
"Graphics for Template" in the Editor
In the GEOPAK Editor, the "Graphics of Elements" window with the "Print or
Store Graphic" option (as with the GEOPAK learn mode) is not available. In the
editor you are therefore required to use the function "Store Graphics for
The function and the corresponding dialogue (picture below) is accessed through
the menu bar and the "Output" menu.
This dialogue combines the "Learnable Graphic Commands" dialogue and the
"Flexible Graphic Protocols" dialogue.
Part Program Editor
Export Part Program (ASCII/DMIS)
Export in ASCII Format
Like you can import agw-files with the ASCII-GEOPAK Converter and generate
these to part programs, the reverse way is, of course, also possible for the
purpose of a data exchange. This is how you can generate a GEOPAK part
program and export it in ASCII format from the GEOPAK editor (menu bar / file /
Export / Export …).
 In the window "Save as", select in the line "File type" the type "ASCII
GEOPAK (*.agw)".
 Either confirm or enter another file name of your choice.
 For detailed information about the structure of this file, refer to the ASCII
specification on your MCOSMOS-CD under "Documentation / GEOPAK /
Export in DMIS Format
Apart from the ASCII Format as agw-File you can export part programs also in
DMIS format as a dmi-file. You get to the function and the further dialogue only in
the GEOPAK editor via the menu bar / File / Export / Export.
 In the window "Save as", select in the line "File type" the type "DMIS
 Either confirm or enter another file name of your choice.
Find detailed information about the contents of this file in your DMIS specification.
Settings for Export to DMIS
Before exporting part programs to DMIS (GEOPAK editor / menu bar / File /
Export / Export settings) you can perform specific settings.
When clicking the function, the dialogue window "Set initial environment" opens.
The settings you perform in this dialogue are saved in the file
For Information about the possible settings read the topic "Settings for export
Learn Mode
Learn Mode
Learn Mode: Contents
Introduction Learn Mode
Getting Started Learn Mode
Compensation Temperature
Temperature Coefficient: Select from List
Temperature Compensation: Manual CMM
Reference Position
Volume Compensation
Volume Compensation for Carbody Measurement
Confirm Probe Configuration
Learn Mode Main Window
Windows and Tools
Window Positions
Exit Learn Mode
Relearn from Repeat Mode
Measurement Window / Measurement Time
Settings GEOPAK: Contents
Introduction Learn Mode
Using GEOPAK, you can obtain the geometrical data of your parts by a
measurement procedure. To prepare the measurement program, you are
automatically guided until all conditions for a smooth program run are fulfilled:
 Check of the connected devices
 Definition of the probe data
 Alignment of the part
Usually, you want to compare certain features of your parts against their nominal
values shown on the drawing (e.g. diameter, straightness, and parallelism).
GEOPAK offers elements (circle, plane etc.) that can be used to get these
You want to measure a diameter (cf. drawing below) and to check whether its
size is within the specified limits (here: 30mm diameter, the limits defined by a
table value of H8).
Learn Mode
In the main window of "CMM learn mode", click the circle in the icon bar on top.
Then you get a window to define how your circle must be constructed:
 the type of construction (measurement, intersection, etc.)
 the type of calculation, if made from single points or not (Gauss, minimum
circumscribed, etc.)
 further measurement parameters (e.g. automatic measurement, graphic,
 for measured element, the number of points,
 give also a name and a number to each element,
After confirmation, you may only concentrate on the measurement.
In the next step, - if you have activated tolerances via the symbol, you can
• the tolerance values, e.g.: +-0.100 or
• e.g. with H8 the tolerance field according to DIN/ISO.
This measurement sequence is automatically stored. The data registered and
stored in the learn mode is the prerequisite for any subsequent or later repeat
Starting Learn Mode
You have called learn mode of a part for which at least one part program already
exists. Furthermore, there do exist measuring data of the last program run. Now
you have the following possibilities:
 Relearn: You can extend the existing program, i.e. continue it. If you
select this possibility, GEOPAK restores the data that resulted during the
last program run. You can continue at the position, you e.g. stopped the
day before. You do not have to execute the measurement again.
If you have changed the program in the meantime with the editor,
it happens that the stored data do not correspond any more with the
program run. The editor changes the part program but has no influence
on the data!
 You can overwrite the existing part program if you do not use it any
 You can create a New Part Program if you want, e.g. determine a
position program for a part and a separate CNC-operational sequence.
Learn Mode
Enter your new part program into the text field and confirm
When starting the repeat mode, you can select from a part
program table, which part programs you want to execute.
Start up Wizard
To control the program start for the learn mode, you can use the "Start up
Wizard". This Start up Wizard is designed to give you the possibility to learn the
part program start in a standardised form.
It is basically possible to configure the Start up Wizard regarding its
settings by yourself. The Mitutoyo defaults are described in the topic
"Procedure" below.
Start the part program like usual in the PartManager.
If your CMM supports the temperature compensation, the "Expansion coefficient"
dialogue box appears.
After the "Expansion coefficient" dialogue box, the "Start up Wizard" dialogue box
In the first dialogue box of the Start up Wizard make the following settings:
 Determine the probe that is to be used.
 Click "Next" to get to the co-ordinate system.
 Click "Next" to get to CNC-Parameter and CNC on.
 Click "Next" to get to the print and protocol settings.
 Click "Next" to finally get to the selection of the protocol.
The number of dialogue boxes of the Start up Wizard depends on the settings in
the Start up Wizard dialogue boxes and on the Presettings in the PartManager
(Settings / Defaults for programs / GEOPAK / Menus). Here you can see that, for
example, five additional menus are preset. This is indicated in the title bar
between the brackets. If you have selected patterns for alignment for example, an
additional dialogue box appears in which you enter the patterns for alignment.
Start up Wizard with the "Patterns for alignment" button activated
If you have not requested the optional protocol for example, the Start up Wizard
will not offer a respective option.
Learn Mode
GEOPAK settings in the PartManager
The buttons in the Start up Wizard dialogue box are each complemented
by a balloon.
However, the following buttons are particularly important:
Click this button if you do not want your inputs to be learnt.
Click this button if you want to make an input and you want this input
to be learnt.
If you want to change the configuration, in GEOPAK on the "File" menu, click
"Settings", and then click "Configure Start up Wizard". In the following dialogue
box choose the options:
Change configuration of the Start up Wizard
 Start up Wizard
 Initialisation dialogues and
 No "Start up Wizard" or "Init. Dialogues".
If the option "Start up Wizard" is selected, you can choose between the "Standard
Start up Wizard settings" and the "CAT1000PS Start up Wizard settings".
If you click the "Standard Start up Wizard settings" button, for example, you can
determine the requested configuration. It starts with the CMM mode and the input
of decimals, the comment lines (up to 32 000 characters are possible), the
expansion coefficient, and so on. Click the "Next", "Back" or "Finish" button to
proceed as usual. The individual topics and the options clearance height or
subprogram are described in detail in the GEOPAK online help.
Learn Mode
Another button
Use this button to decide that you want the part program automatically learnt
as per your configuration definitions. That means that the system learns without
CAT1000PS Settings
When working with CAT1000PS click the "CAT1000PS Start up Wizard settings"
button. This procedure is identical to the procedure of the "Standard Start up
Wizard settings".
Working without Start up Wizard
If you want to work without the Start up Wizard choose one of the following
 Initialisation dialogues
 No "Start up Wizard" or "Init. dialogues"
Temperature Compensation
This topic is relevant to those CMMs which include an option for temperature
You need to know
 Compensation of the co-ordinate measurement machine is automatically
carried out by the control.
 The compensation of the workpiece is performed by GEOPAK.
 For the expansion coefficient of each material use the tables for the
length expansion coefficient.
 You need to enter the expansion coefficient.
 You have to activate the temperature compensation on the main circuit
board of the CMM.
 The machine control reads the values of the temperature sensors.
 A thermometer is shown in the window "Machine position" to show that
the temperature compensation is supported by the CMM.
Proceed as follows
 In learn mode on the "File" menu, click "Settings", and then click
"Expansion coefficient" to enter the expansion coefficient. The unit is K-1.
The reference temperature is 20°C (68°F).
 In repeat mode, you can enter the expansion coefficient in the start
 The entered value is multiplied by 10*E-6.
 The software evaluates the arithmetic mean of the selected temperature
sensors. These should be thermically coupled with the workpiece.
 Each point measured is divided by the following factor:
1.0 + Expansion Coefficient * (actual temperature - 20°C)
 If you do not want a temperature compensation, enter the expansion
coefficient 0.000.
Learn Mode
If however, you proceed as described with the CMM compensation active,
the error would be even bigger than with an inactive temperature
compensation. Therefore it is not allowed to enter 0.000. If you want to
enter this value nevertheless, this possibility can be activated by an entry
in the INI file.
See also the topic Reference Position.
For detailed information, also refer to the topic Temperature Coefficient: Selection
from List.
Temperature Coefficient: Select from List
The list of temperature coefficients is memorised in language dependent files.
The files are listed in the INI-directory. For the German language, there are, for
example, the following file names: "MAT_GERM.DAT" and "MAT_GERM.USR"
whereas the scope of delivery contains only the first file and only the first file is
installed. The user can use the second file to create his own list of temperature
Both files are pure ASCII-files. The format is specified as follows:
Material name <TAB> More detailed material description <TAB> Temperature
My material
(xxx) 9.98
Temperature Compensation: Manual CMM
Apart from CNC-operated CMMs where the temperature compensation is also
integrated with regard to the hardware components, this option is available for
manual CMMs starting with version 2.2.
After you have installated MCOSMOS and you want to install the drivers, you get
to the option "Temperature Sensor; Manual CMM" in the following dialogue
Learn Mode
With a click on this option you get to the dialogue window "Settings at
Temperature Sensor".
The system offers up to eight temperature sensors. For your MCOSMOS
installation you can order from Mitutoyo a "Thermal Compensation System"
(Hardware-Box) including up to eight sensors. This applies for CMMs starting
with version Euro-M. You already decide at the time of ordering if you want to
work with workpiece scales and/or with the sensors of the scales.
Learn Mode
In the dialogue you have to assign the sensor numbers (1-8) to the tasks. The
temperature sensors of the scales are integrated in the CMM. As a general rule
the settings correspond to the example dialogue above. In the illustration below
you see the left hand part of a sensor on the green workpiece. In the centre of the
picture you see the "Thermal Compensation System" (Hardware-Box) to which all
temperature sensors are connected. As the device is not capable of
differenciating as to which temperature sensor is connected where, the
assignment described above must be done.
In detail, proceed as follows:
 Upon starting the driver installation, insert the delivered data medium
containing the calibration data for the sensors and select the file with the
extension ".dat".
 Select the serial communication interface (Comport) to which the device
is connected (COM1 to COMn).
 The dialogue shows the sensors you will set as active. For example: If
you have only ordered five sensors, the buttons 6-8 are inactive.
 Assign the individual tasks to the sensors by clicking the option buttons.
 A click on the button "Save" informs the MCOSMOS program about the
settings. With this you also exit the program.
For detailed information, also refer to the topic Temperature Compensation.
Reference Position
The compensation of the workpiece temperature is done in machine coordinates. The workpiece co-ordinates are not suitable for a compensation as
they might change in the course of a part program, e.g. by a shift of the origin.
Then, the compensation would not be consistently performed for the complete
workpiece and would therefore be inaccurate.
Learn Mode
Compensation and rotary table When using a rotary table, the machine coordinates themselves are not suitable for a temperature compensation. Example:
a square workpiece on a rotary table is measured from one side. Then, the
workpiece is rotated by 180° and measured from the other side. As both
measurements take place at the same machine position, a compensation would
indeed not take place. Define peference position Therefore, the compensation is
performed in machine co-ordinates, but you can also enter a reference point for
the compensation. When working with a rotary table you should use the
measured rotary table position as the reference point for the compensation.
Proceed as follows
 When measuring with a rotary table, take the centre of the rotary table.
 If a reference point is given, use this reference point as the datum. E.g.,
the workpiece is positioned at a stop or it is screwed on. In this case you
will use the point which is always at the same position despite a change of
size (temperature change).
 For other cases than the two named above, take (0/0/0) as the datum.
The datum is subtracted from the machine co-ordinates. Then, the offset with the
factor described above is performed. Subsequently, the co-ordinates are
transformed into the workpiece system.
Volume Compensation
The volume compensation is realised for some of the CMM. At the first program
start, after program installation, a window to input the necessary parameters for
the volume compensation appears.
If you do not input the correct values (Z offset to Z-spindle will always be
negative), this dialogue will appear with each new software initialisation of
the machine. You must enter these values correctly; otherwise the
measurement will not have the specified accuracy.
Probe Offset to Z-spindle:
When producing our CMM, Mitutoyo does not know the probe systems
used from customers during the measurement; therefore Mitutoyo has
determined and stored the compensation values of the Z-spindle. In order to
execute compensation at the actual measurement place, the program must know
the offset from Z-spindle to stylus tip. You must enter these values.
The Z offset is always a negative value because the Z-axis of the
machine co-ordinate system shows into the opposite direction.
Automatic Control
Generally, it is possible to change the probe system. An automatic control of
every change is programmed. The Z offset to the Z-spindle is calculated through
calibration of probe no. 1. For calculation, a fixed reference is necessary.
As reference point, you can choose between two methods.
Learn Mode
Method with table distance
To determine "Distance machine table / Z-spindle", you must move the Zspindle to Z = 0. Normally, you have to remove your probe system to determine
this distance. The distance machine table / masterball is defined from the table to
the centre of the masterball.
Method with position of the masterball
You only have to input the Z value. To determine this value, only calibrate
probe no. 1 and press the button "Last measured masterball position". The X and
Y values are only for information.
Attention If you change the probe configuration, you must at least calibrate probe
no. 1 in order that the program automatically recalculates the Z offset. For details,
refer to Automatic Calibration.
The carbody measurement offers special features. See also: Volume
Compensation for Carbody Measurement
Volume Compensation for Carbody Measurement
If a compensation of plane deviation usually results in determining the Z-offset,
this procedure is not always possible when using a DualArm system. In these
cases, the compensation needs also to be possible in the X- or respectively Yaxes.
Therefore, the "Automatic monitoring" is always deactivated in such systems
(Dialogue GEOPAK settings). To get to this dialogue, go to the PartManager and
proceed via the menu Settings / Defaults for programs / GEOPAK / GEOPAK
settings /Other.
The option "Automatic monitoring" can also be deactivated for the
"standard" CMM.
A prerequisite for the volume compensation in the X- or respectively Y-axis is that
your system also includes the functionality. To get to the dialogue, go to the
GEOPAK learn mode / menu Settings / System and then to the function. As
opposed to the "standard" volume compensation (see the topic Volume
Compensation), this is in general an offset to a Z-spindle (see ill. below) and not
in particular the offset of the z-spindle to the Z-axis.
In fact, you can enter the offset to any axis. For detailed information, refer again
to the topic Volume Compensation.
You will not get to this dialogue in the repeat mode if the offset data have
already been changed in the ProbeBuilder or in the probe data
Learn Mode
Confirm Probe Configuration
This only refers to machines that are equipped with a probe changer
After starting learn or repeat mode, you get the window "Which probe tree is in
use?". This dialog is a safety question. Meanwhile, the probe configuration may
have been manually changed. Therefore, you should examine the "real" probe
tree and then confirm. If the probe configuration has been changed, you should
enter the number of the configuration, which is active now.
If you do not enter the correct configuration, your measurement data will be
wrong. Furthermore, while executing a part program, there are collisions
when working with the wrong probe data. Last but not least, there will be
problems as soon as you change the probe configuration; GEOPAK would
try to record the probe configuration into an occupied port.
After confirmation, you get the "Change Probe" window. In the status bar, you
find the number of the probe configuration. Now, you continue as you did in
Probe Selection .
Status bar with probe tree number
Learn Mode Main Window
You want to realise a measurement and have created a new part in the
PartManager (see Create New Part). Activate the part and come to the main
window of the GEOPAK learn mode, either via the pull-down menu or by a
clicking the button. Then you see...
 a series of buttons (icons) along the screen margins. These icons make a
quick and easy access to the corresponding functions possible.
 an activated dialogue window to the probe selection; you find details
under "Probe Selection ".
When using an automatic probe tree changer system, some more items must be
taken into consideration. Cf. details of these items under Change Probe
Configuration .
The layout of the main window
You activate the measurement process from the main window. Mitutoyo offers a
series of menus, pull-down menus, and icons with functions, which make working
as simple as possible.
 In the upper part of the screen you can see the title bar. In this example
the title bar is named "GEOPAK CMM learn mode", and it includes the
version number and name of the part which you have selected in the parts
list in the PartManager.
Learn Mode
 Below the title bar, you find the menu bar with the different menus from
"Element" to "Help". If you activate one of these, pull-down menus appear.
Most of the functions can be activated both ways, either by the icon or by
the pull-down menus. The way you select is just a matter of personal
 In the menu bar on the left you will find the "File" menu. Clicking this
menu offers several possibilities for the program management. Choose
inch or millimeters for the measurement, determine the printer settings,
choose measurement with/without sound and others.
 Below the menu bar and on the margins of the main window there are
toolbars that can be configured individually. After installation of the
program you can see the Element toolbar horizontally next to the "Exit"
button. How to work with the toolbars is described in the topic "Adjusting
 The status bar at the bottom of the main window gives information about
the status of the program.
Here, for example you find information about the actually connected
devices, and the unit of measurement (mm or inches).
Customize Toolbars
The toolbars are variable and can be customized to your working environment by
moving them and by adding or removing individual buttons. It is also possible to
blank complete toolbars.
Moving toolbars
Movable toolbars are identified by a vertical or a horizontal line in front of the
buttons or above the buttons.
Movable toolbar with vertical line
Move the mouse pointer beyond the margin of the toolbar.
Press and hold the left mouse button.
The toolbar is shown with a dark frame.
Drag the toolbar to the desired position and release the left mouse button.
Movable toolbar with horizontal line
If you move a toolbar out of its range, the toolbar appears as a window.
Movable toolbar in window view
Learn Mode
Adding and removing buttons
The toolbars shown by default include only some of the available commands.
The following example shows how to add the "Idealize contour" button to the
"Contour toolbar".
 Right-click the "Contour toolbar".
 The "Customize Toolbar" dialogue box appears.
In this dialogue box the selection of part program commands and functions in the
toolbar can be adjusted
 In the "Available toolbar buttons" box highlight the "Idealize contour"
 Click the "Add" button.
 The command appears in the "Current toolbar buttons" box and in the
"Contour toolbar".
Moving buttons
If you want to move individual buttons within a toolbar, highlight the requested
button in the "Current toolbar buttons" box. Either click the "Move up" or the
"Move down" button.
When clicking the "Reset" button, the last action or actions are undone.
When clicking the "Close" button, the "Customize toolbar" dialogue box is closed.
Adding or deleting toolbars
If you want to add a toolbar within the toolbar range, click "Window" on the
GEOPAK menu bar to open the shortcut menu. Click on the menu item "Toolbar"
to open a submenu including all available toolbars. If you want to add a toolbar,
click an entry without check mark. If you want to delete a toolbar, click an entry
with a check mark.
You will find a list of the available toolbars and their commands in the topic
The screen appears to be more clearly arranged with fewer buttons.
When using keyboard shortcuts, for example, for cut and paste you will
not need the buttons for cut, copy and paste in your toolbar.
Learn Mode
Storing adjustments of the toolbars
Your adjustments of the toolbars are not yet stored. If you exit GEOPAK
they will be lost.
 On the menu bar, click "Window" and then click "Store positions and
 The adjustments to the toolbars are stored. Additionally, all positions and
current window sizes of the open GEOPAK windows are stored.
Changing the size of the buttons
You can change the size of the buttons. Choose between small, normal and large
 On the menu bar, click "Window" and then click "Toolbar".
 Click one of the commands:
• Small toolbar size (16 Pixel)
• Normal toolbar size (24 Pixel)
• Large toolbar size (32 Pixel)
Part Program List
The part program list shows all part program commands. The part program
command currently executed is highlighted.
Part program list
List of Results
The list of results shows the measurement results and the calculation results.
If you click one of the entries in the "Overview" window, the respective result is
shown in the list of results.
Learn Mode
Results shown when clicking an element in the "Overview" window
GEOPAK Result Overview
When activating in the "Window" menu the options listed below, the
corresponding results are shown in a dialogue box.
 List of elements
 List of tolerances
 List of variables
 List of strings
As the individual lists are displayed as tabs, click the corresponding tab to have
the desired information shown in the foreground.
"Overview" dialogue box with the list of tolerances in the foreground
The lists offer an overview of your measurement program. When clicking, for
example, an element in the "List of elements", the respective result appears in
the "List of results" window.
Position of Machine
Basically the position of machine is displayed in workpiece co-ordinates. If you
have selected a co-ordinate mode other than the cartesian mode in the "Input
characteristics" dialogue box this will be considered in the view of the machine
On the "File" menu, click "Settings" to open the "Input characteristics" dialogue
Display options
 If you dispose of a CMM with temperature compensation a thermometer
indicating the current temperature is displayed.
Use these buttons to switch between degree Celsius (°C) and
degree Fahrenheit (°F).
Learn Mode
Use these buttons to switch between cartesian, cylindrical
and spherical co-ordinate mode.
 If you dispose of the functions with a rotary table, the position of the rotary
table is displayed, too.
 In the repeat mode it is also possible to have the remaining execution
time of the part program displayed.
Switch between degree Celsius (°C) and degree Fahrenheit (°F)
Switch between co-ordinate modes
Temperature display
CMM position
Position of the articulating probe head
Remaining execution time
Measurement time
In the CMM repeat mode it is possible to show the remaining execution time.
 In the PartManager, on the "Settings" menu, click "Defaults for programs"
and then click "GEOPAK" to open the "GEOPAK settings" dialogue box.
 In the "GEOPAK Settings" dialogue box, click the "Others" tab.
 Click "Show remaining execution time".
During the first part program run it is indicated, how long the measurement
course has taken so far. After the first part program run the remaining execution
time of the part program is shown. The remaining execution time is updated with
each part program run.
As part programs can also contain commands such as branches, text on screen
and so on, it is only possible to show an approximate remaining execution time.
Measurement Display
The "Measurement display" window represents the element to be measured and
the number of measurement points.
Learn Mode
Display Axes
The "Display axes" window shows the CMM co-ordinate system (grey) and the
workpiece co-ordinate system (yellow).
Click these buttons to select views in different planes.
The status bar in the display axes window shows the offset between CMM coordinate system and workpiece co-ordinate system.
Window Positions
The window positions give you the possibility to store and recall window positions
perfectly suited to your work. On the "Window" menu, select the following
 Store positions and status
 Recall window positions and status
 Default window positions
 Split screen mode
You can store the window positions selected according to your requirements.
These positions are preserved when restarting or when executing the command
"Store positions and status".
You start the "Recall window positions and status" command, for example, if your
computer has been used by another person, you want to use your own window
positions, however.
Learn Mode
The "Default window positions" command offers three styles considered by
Mitutoyo for being convenient. Independent of your individual window positions,
this command gets you back to a position from which you can continue working.
"Split screen" mode
With the function "Split screen mode" it is possible to have, for example, the
GEOPAK and CAT1000 windows displayed on the screen at the same time.
The windows are displayed in normal mode by default. Only when
selecting the command "Split screen mode" on the submenu, all windows
are displayed in the "Split screen mode".
The store, recall or default commands are valid for the normal mode as
well as for the "Split screen mode".
Exit Learn Mode
The "Exit single measurement" dialogue box appears after you have created a
new part program or added commands to an existing part program. Then you
have the following possibilities:
 Store part program
The commands are saved with the part program and are available for the
next execution of the part program.
 Delete part program
This option is only available when you have created a new part program.
All part program commands are deleted.
 Delete new learned lines
This option is only available in relearn mode. Only the new learned part
program commands are deleted.
 Store Data for Relearn
If the data determined are not essential for relearning, you should
deactivate the check box. These data contain all information created
during the learning process. As this data volume is quite large, this would
unnecessarily reduce the capacity of your hard disk.
Make sure to finish the measurement of each element before you exit the
learn mode.
If measurement of an element has not been finished and you exit the learn
mode with the "Store part program" option, problems will occur during
If, despite this, you should have an unfinished element, you have to remove this
element from the part program. Only then you can use the "Relearn" function. For
more detailed information refer to "Remove Unfinished Element".
Relearn from Repeat Mode
The relearn function can be started immediately from the repeat mode (Menu bar
/ Repeat Mode / Start Relearn).
You can start this function also via this symbol.
Learn Mode
The GEOPAK-Learn Mode is called up using the part program processed last.
 The "Start Relearn" function, however, is not possible unless there is
relearn data existing for the current part program.
 The repeat mode is closed.
 Relearn is automatically started without any dialogue at the beginning of
the learn mode.
Of course, you can also "relearn" in the learn mode. For this, click the option
"Store data for relearn" in the dialogue "GEOPAK" (see ill. below). If you start the
learn mode for this part out of the PartManager, you can select "relearn".
Settings GEOPAK
Settings GEOPAK: Contents
Input Characteristics
Reset System
Printer Settings
Reset Controller
Sound Output
On- and Offline Machine
Statistics: Setting the Group Size
Input Characteristics
In the GEOPAK learn mode choose "Settings" from the "File" menu. In the
"Settings" submenu choose "Input characteristics" to open the "Input
characteristics" dialogue box.
In the "Input characteristics" dialogue box we distinguish between
 settings which will not be modified during the whole program
(millimetres/inch) and
 settings, which are valid for one program line only (see GEOPAK editor).
These settings can be changed at any time. The co-ordinate mode can
even be changed in several follow-up dialogue boxes (e.g. "CMM
procedure", "Theoretical element circle" etc.). The default settings made
at this time determine which suggestions are made in the dialogue boxes.
Learn Mode
The input characteristics have effects on other dialogue boxes.
By means of these default settings you determine how e.g. angles, direction
vectors etc.
 are entered in the dialogue boxes
 are described in the result field.
Effects on the part program protocol
Normally, direction vectors are standardised (length=1). Their components are
also called cosine because they include the cosine of the angle, which the vector
has with the corresponding principal axis.
If you have selected the input of cosines, it is not necessary to care that the
vectors have the length=1. It will do if the components accord in their proportion.
For example (1/1/0) for a probing below 45 degrees in the X/Y plane.
The changes made in the program lines are stored. These changes are important
for the repeat mode.
For further information about the input characteristics refer to "Co-ordinate
Properties for Dialogue Selection
The settings options in the "Properties for dialogue selection" dialogue box
enable you to change the features of the dialogue boxes.
You can change the features of the following dialogue boxes:
 Theoretical element line
 Tolerance dialogue
 Formula calculation
To open the "Properties for dialogue selection" dialogue box, proceed as follows:
 Open the "File" menu.
 Point to "Settings".
 On the shortcut menu, click "Properties for dialogue selection".
 The "Properties for dialogue selection" dialogue box appears.
Learn Mode
Theoretical element line
Depending on how you describe the "Theoretical element line", two possibilities
are available. Description of the "Theoretical element line" either with the input
characteristics start point, angle and length of the line or with start point and end
Selection for theoretical element line
Tolerance dialogue
If you work mainly with symmetrical tolerances, select "Change lower tol. by
upper tol.".
Entries in the "Upper tol." text box appear automatically in the "Lower tol." text
box with the opposite sign.
Example in the "Tolerance comparison Element line" dialogue box
"Upper tolerance" text box
"Lower tolerance" text box with opposite sign
Formula calculation dialogue box
If you select the "Full dialogue" option button, a keyboard appears in the formula
calculation dialogue box.
Selected formula calculation with keyboard
If you do not need the keyboard, select the "Easy dialogue" option button.
Keyboard in the dialogue box of the formula calculation
Further options in learn mode
In learn mode you can make additional settings:
Learn Mode
 Skip the element dialogues selected on the toolbar.
 Activate or deactivate warnings.
 Change the start sequence of part programs.
Skip element dialogue
Select the "Skip element dialogue" check box to add the element to the part
program without opening the element dialogue box.
When you select an element in GEOPAK learn mode you are directly in
the element measurement.
Open element dialogue
When the "Skip element dialogue" function is selected and you want to make
further adjustments in the element dialogue box, open the "Element" menu.
Display warnings
Select the check boxes if you need the following warning messages when
working with GEOPAK:
 Co-ordinate not changed.
 Intermediate point not set.
 CNC is not on.
 Variable is already defined as local.
Start up Wizard settings
With the "Init. Dialogue" setting, you can either use the "Probe data
management" dialogue box or the "Change probe" dialogue box when you start
GEOPAK learn mode.
To use the selection possibilities under "Init. dialogue", select the "Initialisation
dialogues" option button in the "Configure Start Up Wizard" dialogue box.
"Configure Start up Wizard" dialogue box
Learn Mode
CNC Start Parameters
The settings of the CNC start parameters ensure that predefined start parameters
are used before a part program run.
 Start the GEOPAK learn mode.
 Click "File / Settings / CNC start parameters" on the menu bar.
 Select the "Start with predefined CNC parameters" option button.
The CNC start parameters are used
Learn mode
If the "Start with predefined CNC parameters" option button is selected, the learn
mode is always started with these predefined CNC parameters. These CNC
parameters are valid until they are replaced with a subsequent CNC parameter
Relearn mode
In the relearn mode, the option "Start with predefined CNC parameters" has no
effect on the part program. The CNC parameters of the last used command are
Repeat mode
In the repeat mode, the specified CNC parameters are used at the beginning of
each part program command. The last used CNC parameters of the part program
are replaced with the CNC start parameters valid at the beginning of the part
 When you click "Ignore predefined CNC start parameters", the current
CNC parameter settings are always used at the beginning of a part
When using the UMAP micro probe (Ultra sonic Micro and Accurate
Probe) a second tab for the UMAP CNC parameters is displayed.
UMAP tab
Start with predefined CNC parameters is selected
For more detailed information about the handling and the buttons refer to
"Change CNC parameters".
Co-ordinate Mode
In GEOPAK elements can be measured in three different co-ordinate system
modes. The modes are known as:
Learn Mode
Cartesian co-ordinate mode
(X, Y and Z)
Cylindrical co-ordinate mode
2D-polar radius and angles
Spherical co-ordinate mode
3D-polar radius and two angles
These modes can be connected to the three existing work planes XY, YZ and ZX
by clicking one of the buttons.
XY plane
YZ plane
ZX plane
XY Plane
If XY is selected as work plane the X axis becomes the first axis, Y the
second and Z the third. Thus for cylindrical mode the radius and polar angle are
measured in the XY plane with the height along the Z axis. Spherical mode
parameters are given as polar angle in the XY plane and azimuth angle off the
positive Z axis.
YZ Plane
If YZ is selected as work plane the Y axis becomes the first axis, Z the
second and X the third. Thus for cylindrical mode the radius and polar angle are
measured in the YZ plane with the height along the X axis. Spherical mode
parameters are given as polar angle in the YZ plane and azimuth angle off the
positive X axis.
ZX Plane
If ZX is selected as work plane the Z axis becomes the first axis, X the
second and Y the third. Thus for cylindrical mode the radius and polar angle are
measured in the ZX plane with the height along the Y axis. Spherical mode
parameters are given as polar angle in the ZX plane and azimuth angle off the
positive Y axis.
Cartesian mode
In a drawing, a three dimensional workpiece is usually represented on a single
plane using an elevation view, a plan view, and a side view. A CMM represents
these planes of different dimensions with the X, Y, and Z-axes.
A Cartesian co-ordinate system consists of three perpendicular co-ordinate
axes. The axes, X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis, intersect at a point called the origin. A
point is represented by three values, the X, Y, and Z co-ordinates. If the part has
a block-like construction, you will probably use the cartesian co-ordinate system.
Learn Mode
Cartesian co-ordinate system
Cylindrical mode
In cylindrical (2D-polar) co-ordinate system, a point is represented by the
radial distance, the polar angle, and the distance along the third axis. If your part
has a cylindrical shape, then the polar co-ordinate system is the most useful.
Radial Distance
The radial distance, represented by the variable R, is the distance from the origin
to a projection of the point on the work plane. The polar angle, represented by the
variable A, is the angle formed between the positive first axis and the line
connecting the origin and the projection of the point on the work plane specified
by the "Work Plane Designation".
The final value needed for a polar co-ordinate is the distance from the origin to
the projection of the point on the third axis. This value is represented by the
variable H
2D-polar co-ordinate system
Spherical mode
In a spherical co-ordinate system the radial distance, azimuthal angle, and
the polar angle represent a point. Spherically shaped parts usually use the
spherical co-ordinate system.
The radial distance, represented by the variable R, is the distance from the origin
to the point P.
The azimuthal angle, represented by the variable T, is the angle formed between
positive third axis (usually the Z-axis) and the line connecting the origin and the
point. The polar angle, represented by the variable P', is the angle formed
between the positive first axis (usually the X-axis) and the line connecting the
origin and the projection of the point on the workpiece.
Learn Mode
3D-polar co-ordinate system
Reset System
 On the menu bar, click "File", and then point on "System".
 Click on "Reset System".
 Click on "Yes" in the safety query.
If you execute the function "Reset System", that has the following effects:
 The variables are deleted.
 The co-ordinate system is deleted.
 All part program commands are deleted.
 The "List of results" is deleted.
If you execute a part program in the learn mode in the "Re-learn mode",
the function "Reset system" is not available.
Printer Selection
It is possible to output graphic, text and layout dependent outputs on different
printers, e.g. if they do not fit in one document for layout reasons. Another reason
to choose different printers may be the printer resolution or you simply wish to
print graphic and text on different printers.
 Click on the menu bar on "File / System / Printer selection".
 Click on one of the options.
 Graphic
 Text
 Layout
 The system dialogue "Print" is opened.
 Adjust another printer according to your selection.
 Change the settings in the system dialogue "Print" according to your
 These settings are stored with the associated option.
Learn Mode
System dialogue "Print"
Printer allocation
The single options are assigned to the following outputs:
 Graphic
Graphic of elements
Tolerance graphic
 Text
Print Format Specification
 Layout
Output of Print Layout
The flexible report “List&Label” is not affected by these settings.
Reset Controller
Do not use this function unless problems with the CMM control occur. To use the
function in the learn mode and in the repeat mode choose "File / System / Reset
controller" from the menu bar.
Sound Output
To open the Sound output dialogue box choose Settings / System / Sound from
the menu bar. Check the "Sound on" check box first and then check the following
check boxes:
 Element begin
 Count points
 Element finished.
Online and Offline Machine
Using the "Offline machine" function you can change between the online machine
(real CMM) and the offline machine without having to exit GEOPAK.
Changing between "Online machine and Offline machine" is not possible
unless you clear the "Offline configuration" check box in the PartManager
"Settings / CMM SystemManager".
Learn Mode
To access the functions in the GEOPAK learn mode click the icons or choose
"File / System" from the menu bar and choose one of the three options.
Online machine
The real CMM is used.
Offline machine
Measurements and CMM movements are simulated. You can test your
part program, e.g. to recheck the variables.
Use offline measurement points from CAD model
Measurements are simulated by measuring against the CAD model
loaded in CAT1000PS. In this mode you can scan the CAD model. During
this simulation, error messages may occur, such as "CNC: Collision
detected" or "Workpiece not found".
With a preset "Offline configuration" in the "CMM SystemManager" the
Offline machine is automatically started. Changing to the real CMM is not
With a preset real CMM the Online machine is automatically started.
Changing to the "Offline machine" is possible. The "Offline configuration"
check box in the CMM SystemManager is cleared.
Changing between the modes is possible only before starting to execute a
part program or before learning a line in the learn mode.
Offline Measurement against the CAD Model
To carry out offline measurements against a CAD model, select the
function "Use offline measurement points from CAD model". For that, start
CAT1000PS with the corresponding CAD model.
 Before starting the measurements against the CAD model check the
correct alignment of the workpiece.
 On the menu bar click "Co-ordinate system / Set relation to CAD co-ord.
 Select the function "Defined; apply future co-ordinate system changes".
In GEOPAK, the modifications of the co-ordinate system are no longer
considered as modifications of the alignment but as modifications of the coordinate system in CAT1000PS and you can use the virtual CMM to measure the
CAD model.
If you do not start the "Set relation to CAD co-ord. system" part program
command, the behaviour is the same as with a normal offline machine.
Statistics: Setting the Group Size
The group size is required for the statistical evaluation of your measurement
Sometimes you may be required to statistically evaluate your measurement
results in different ways. Therefore you might need to change the group size from
part program to part program.
To get to the function, go to the menu bar "Settings / Statistics".
Learn Mode
In the input field "Group size", dialogue window "Statistics", you enter a value
between 1 and 25 for the group size.
Using the group size
You can only enter the group size in the GEOPAK learn mode because the
features for the statistical evaluation are usually created in the learn mode only.
This also applies for the statistical data evaluation in ASCII. Only then, the group
size is required.
To change the group size, you need the user right "Change group size".
The group size is not saved in the part program. Therefore it is better to
always check the currently set group size. You can use also use this
function for this check.
Window Management
Window Management
Cascade Windows
You can use this function to arrange the windows, that are opened in the
GEOPAK editor, one after the other so that the title bars of the individual windows
are visible.
 On the menu bar, on the "Window" menu, click "Cascade windows" to
open the function.
 The windows are arranged in a row from upper left to lower right.
You can change the size of the overlapping windows or move them as usual.
Tile Windows Vertically
Use this function if you want to clearly arrange at least two windows into vertical
tiles, that means the windows are arranged side by side.
 To activate this function click the "Window" menu and then click "Tile
 The window is separated into equal panes.
The windows rearranged into vertical tiles can be resized or moved as usual.
Tile Windows Horizontally
Use this function if you want to clearly arrange at least two windows into
horizontal tiles, that means the windows are arranged one above the other.
 To activate this function, click the "Window" menu and then click "Tile
 The window is separated into equal panes.
The windows rearranged into horizontal tiles can be resized or moved as usual.
Arranging Minimized Windows
You can use this function if you want to have the open minimized windows
located in the lower window corner.
 On the menu bar, on the "Window" menu, click "Arrange icons" to open
the function.
 The minimized windows are located at the bottom of the window, from left
to right.
You can enlarge, maximize or move the minimized windows as usual.
Customize Toolbars
The toolbars are variable and can be customized to your working environment by
moving them and by adding or removing individual buttons. It is also possible to
blank complete toolbars.
Moving toolbars
Movable toolbars are identified by a vertical or a horizontal line in front of the
buttons or above the buttons.
Movable toolbar with vertical line
Window Management
Move the mouse pointer beyond the margin of the toolbar.
Press and hold the left mouse button.
The toolbar is shown with a dark frame.
Drag the toolbar to the desired position and release the left mouse button.
Movable toolbar with horizontal line
If you move a toolbar out of its range, the toolbar appears as a window.
Movable toolbar in window view
Adding and removing buttons
The toolbars shown by default include only some of the available commands.
The following example shows how to add the "Idealize contour" button to the
"Contour toolbar".
 Right-click the "Contour toolbar".
 The "Customize Toolbar" dialogue box appears.
In this dialogue box the selection of part program commands and functions in the
toolbar can be adjusted
 In the "Available toolbar buttons" box highlight the "Idealize contour"
 Click the "Add" button.
 The command appears in the "Current toolbar buttons" box and in the
"Contour toolbar".
Moving buttons
If you want to move individual buttons within a toolbar, highlight the requested
button in the "Current toolbar buttons" box. Either click the "Move up" or the
"Move down" button.
When clicking the "Reset" button, the last action or actions are undone.
When clicking the "Close" button, the "Customize toolbar" dialogue box is closed.
Window Management
Adding or deleting toolbars
If you want to add a toolbar within the toolbar range, click "Window" on the
GEOPAK menu bar to open the shortcut menu. Click on the menu item "Toolbar"
to open a submenu including all available toolbars. If you want to add a toolbar,
click an entry without check mark. If you want to delete a toolbar, click an entry
with a check mark.
You will find a list of the available toolbars and their commands in the topic
The screen appears to be more clearly arranged with fewer buttons.
When using keyboard shortcuts, for example, for cut and paste you will
not need the buttons for cut, copy and paste in your toolbar.
Storing adjustments of the toolbars
Your adjustments of the toolbars are not yet stored. If you exit GEOPAK
they will be lost.
 On the menu bar, click "Window" and then click "Store positions and
 The adjustments to the toolbars are stored. Additionally, all positions and
current window sizes of the open GEOPAK windows are stored.
Changing the size of the buttons
You can change the size of the buttons. Choose between small, normal and large
 On the menu bar, click "Window" and then click "Toolbar".
 Click one of the commands:
• Small toolbar size (16 Pixel)
• Normal toolbar size (24 Pixel)
• Large toolbar size (32 Pixel)
The individual toolbars include several buttons. Not all available buttons are
visible in the toolbars. As described in the topic "Customize toolbars" you can add
or remove part program commands and buttons in toolbars according to your
measurement tasks.
 File toolbar
 Element toolbar
 Inclined element toolbar
 Contour toolbar
 Measurement toolbar
 Scanning toolbar
 Machine toolbar
 Tolerance toolbar
 Probe toolbar
 Co-or.sys. toolbar
 Output toolbar
Window Management
Calculation toolbar
Program toolbar
Branch toolbar
Graphic toolbar
File Toolbar
The file toolbar contains the following buttons by default:
 Exit
 New
 Open
 Save
 Cut
 Copy
 Paste
 Print
 Undo
 Search function forward
 Search function backwards
 Search marked function forward
 Search marked function backwards
 List errors
 Delete marked lines
You can add the following buttons to the file toolbar:
 Change name
 Input characteristics
 Properties for dialogue selection
 Configure Start up Wizard
 CNC start parameters
 Change unit
 DialogDesigner
 Statistics settings
 Reset system
 Sound
 Export
 Export settings
 Next error
 Previous error
 Mirror part program
Element Toolbar
The element toolbar contains the following buttons by default:
 Container
 Angle
 Distance
Window Management
 Point
 Line
 Circle
 Plane
 Cone
 Sphere
 Cylinder
 Step cylinder
 Contour
 Freeform surface
 Gear
You can add the following buttons to the element toolbar:
 Distance along probing direction
 Ellipse
 Automatic element recognition
 Point cloud element extraction
Inclined Element Toolbar
The inclined element toolbar contains the following buttons by default:
 Inclined circle
 Inclined rectangle
 Inclined square
 Inclined hexagon
 Inclined slot
 Inclined triangle
 Inclined trapezoid
 Inclined drop
Contour Toolbar
The contour toolbar contains the following buttons by default:
 Store contour
 Export contour
 Shift / Turn contour
 Expand / Contract contour
 Change point sequence
 Delete points
 Airfoil analysis
You can add the following buttons to the contour toolbar:
 Export to Surface Developer
 Edit contour point
 Mirror contour
 Scale contour
 Calculate elements automatically
 Idealize contour
Window Management
 Filter contour
Measurement Toolbar
The measurement toolbar contains the following buttons by default:
 Measure point manually
 Finish element
 Measurement mode
You can add the following buttons to the measurement toolbar:
 Take measurement point
 Touch signal
 Trigger automatic
 Measure point manually with pre-def.
 Measure CNC point
 Measure edge point with pre-probing
 Measure point on circular path
 Automatic line measurement
 Automatic circle measurement
 Automatic plane measurement
 Automatic cylinder measurement
 Automatic hole measurement
 Automatic inclined circle measurement
 QVP measurement
 Change video screen
 Load pattern file
 Delete last measured point
 Set I++ property
 Set laser probe to surface mode
 Set laser probe to edge mode
Scanning Toolbar
The scanning toolbar contains the following buttons by default:
 Scan manually
 Scan CNC
 Scan by leading contour
 Scan by known contour
 Scan with external application
You can add the following buttons to the scanning toolbar:
 Digitise
 Scan with rotary table
 Scan with laser probe
 Scan on dual flanks
 Scan thread
 Sweep scan
Window Management
 Stop scanning
Machine Toolbar
The machine toolbar contains the following buttons by default:
 Clearance height
 Move to clearance height
 Move
 CNC on/off
 CNC parameters and CNC on
 CNC parameter
You can add the following buttons to the machine toolbar:
 Online machine
 Offline machine
 Use offline measurement points from CAD model
 Safety plane
 Joystick movement in workpiece co-ordinate system
 Move manually to point
 Move in one axis
 Move in five axes
 Move circular
 Stop machine
 Rotate table
 Store rotary table position
 Align rotary table
Tolerance Toolbar
The tolerance toolbar contains the following buttons by default:
 Tolerance element
 Straightness
 Flatness
 Circularity
 Position
 Position of axis
 Position of plane
 Concentricity
 Coaxiality
 Parallelism
 Perpendicularity
 Angularity
 Symmetry of a point
 Symmetry of an axis
 Symmetry of a plane
 Runout
 Profile tolerance contour
Window Management
 Tolerance contour
 Surface profile contour
You can add the following buttons to the tolerance toolbar:
 Set control limits
 Tolerance last element
 Tolerance a variable
 Tolerance multiple contour
 Tolerance band editor
 Tolerance band contour
 Pass data to ROUNDPAK-CMM
Probe Toobar
The probe toolbar contains the following buttons by default:
 Change probe by table
 Change probe by number
You can add the following buttons to the probe toolbar:
 Define masterball position
 Rack alignment
 Change probe tree
 Probe data management
 Change probe by angle
 Probe clearance
 Set V-probe diameter
 VP parameters
 Define probe
 Re-calibrate from memory
 Single probe re-calibration
 Calibrate manually
 Calibrate automatically
 Optical probe calibration
 Probe data from archive
 Archive probe data
Co-ordinate System Toolbar
The co-or. sys. toolbar contains the following buttons by default:
 Align base plane
 Align axis parallel to axis of element
 Align axis through point
 Create origin
 Move and rotate co-ordinate system
 Load co-ordinate system
 Store co-ordinate system
 RPS alignment
 Set relation to CAD co-ordinate system
Window Management
 Best fit
 Align co-ordinate system
You can add the following buttons to the co-or. sys. toolbar:
 Align axis by point with offset
 Load table co-ordinate system
 Store table co-ordinate system
 RPS alignment
 Load pallet co-ordinate system
 Store pallet co-ordinate system
 Store common co-ordinate system
Output Toolbar
The output toolbar contains the following buttons by default:
 Open output file
 Close output file
 Open protocol
 Close protocol
 Dialogue for protocol output
 Protocol output
 ProtocolDesigner
 Output text
You can add the following buttons to the output toolbar:
 Change output file format
 Print format specification
 Change print format
 Print format end
 Form feed
 Change protocol format
 Print by layout
 Protocol preview
 Archive protocol
 External print format
 External print format change
 External print format end
 Export elements
 Export HSF (CAT1000)
 Compare points graphically
Calculation Toolbar
The calculation toolbar contains the following buttons by default:
 Formula calculation
 Input variable
 Yes/No variable
 Store variables to file
Window Management
 Load variables from file
 Define string variable
 Input string variable
 Store string variables to file
 Load string variables from file
You can add the following buttons to the calculation toolbar:
 Store variable to INI file
 Load variable from INI file
 Actual position into variables
 Act. temperature into variable
 Store string variable in INI file
 Load string variable from INI file
 Minimum / Maximum
 Scale factor
 Settings for temperature compensation
Program Toolbar
The program toolbar contains the following buttons by default:
 Comment line
 Programmable stop
You can add the following buttons to the program toolbar:
 Delete last step
 Repeat last step
 Text to screen
 Show picture
 Clear picture
 Play sound
 Send e-mail
 Send SMS
 Create directory
 Copy file
 Delete file
 Input head data
 Set head data field
 Input sublot
 Set sublot
 Start part program
 Synchronize part program
 Send actual co-ordinate system
 Retrieve actual co-ordinate system
 Retrieve element data
 Open/close window
 Cancel statistics data
 Call program
Window Management
 I/O condition
Branch Toolbar
The branch toolbar contains the following buttons by default:
 Loop start
 Loop end
 If
 Else
 Begin
 End
 Goto
 Define label
 Subprogram
You can add the following buttons to the branch toolbar:
 On error goto
 Throw error
 Set user defined error
 End of subprogram
Graphic Toolbar
The graphic toolbar contains the following buttons by default:
 Reset zoom
 Zoom
 Pan
 Select element
 Information of element
 Rotate
 Top View
 Side View
 Front View
 3D-View
 Options
 Print
 Store graphic for template
 View contour
You can add the following button to the graphic toolbar:
 Recalculate without selected points
Status Bar
The status bar is at the bottom of the main window. Unlike the toolbars, you
cannot move the status bar.
In the status bar you will find, for example, information about the devices
connected or about the selected measurement unit (millimeters or inch).
Window Management
Window Positions
The window positions give you the possibility to store and recall window positions
perfectly suited to your work. On the "Window" menu, select the following
 Store positions and status
 Recall window positions and status
 Default window positions
 Split screen mode
You can store the window positions selected according to your requirements.
These positions are preserved when restarting or when executing the command
"Store positions and status".
You start the "Recall window positions and status" command, for example, if your
computer has been used by another person, you want to use your own window
positions, however.
The "Default window positions" command offers three styles considered by
Mitutoyo for being convenient. Independent of your individual window positions,
this command gets you back to a position from which you can continue working.
"Split screen" mode
With the function "Split screen mode" it is possible to have, for example, the
GEOPAK and CAT1000 windows displayed on the screen at the same time.
The windows are displayed in normal mode by default. Only when
selecting the command "Split screen mode" on the submenu, all windows
are displayed in the "Split screen mode".
The store, recall or default commands are valid for the normal mode as
well as for the "Split screen mode".
Probe Contents
Probe Data Management
New Input of Probe/Edit/Copy Probe Data
Save/Delete/Calibrate Probe Data
Probe Selection
Confirm Probe Configuration
Change Probe Configuration
Automatic Calibration (Menu Probe)
Automatic Calibration: Further Settings
Calibration from Probe Data Management
Probe Calibration: Limitations
PH9 Probe Clearance
Manual Calibration
Calibration of Scanning Probes
Calibrate Scanning Probe Systems
Define MPP / SP
Define Masterball
Z Offset
Maximum Difference
Archive Probe
Load Probe Data from Archive
Single Probe Re-Calibration
Re-Calibrate from Memory
Calibrate Probe: Display
Several Masterballs: Sequence
Masterball Definition: Dialogue
Define Masterball Position
Element Calculation with Different Probe Spheres
Special Probe Systems
Micro Probe UMAP
PHS1: Servo Probe Head
Probe Change by Angle
Calibration of PHS1
Cancel Probe Change
Sequence of Operations
Details and Tips
Rotary Table: Hints
ProbeBuilder: Table of Contents
Combination of Racks
Combination of Racks / Introduction
Manual and Virtual Changer
Manual Change
Manual Tree Change with MPP
Manual Tool Changer with Following Rack
Definition of Sub-Racks
Probe Extension Module "PEM"
Rack Alignment
Convert Rack Data
Set Advanced MPP100 Data
Calibrate ACR 3
Numbering Method of Probe Configurations
Rack Definition
Options with the FCR25
General FCR25-Settings
Configuration with the SCR200
Configuration with the ACR3 and Two Times FCR25
Rack Specific Parameters and Positions
Port Settings
Save / Print Out Rack Configuration
Probe Data Management
You want to perform a single measurement. Your co-ordinate measuring
machine is equipped with the probe suitable for your measuring job. You start
your measuring program through the PartManager (for details refer to Single
Measurement/Learn Mode). The GEOPAK main window opens and tells you that
no probe is defined yet. Upon confirmation you are presented the dialogue
window "Probe Data Management".
• For information about "ProbeBuilder" or "Define Probe" first
click on the topic "ProbeBuilder".
• Further subjects are described under the topics "New Input of
Probe/Edit/Copy Probe Data" and "Save/Delete/Calibrate Probe
You can input as many probes as you currently need. Make sure that the
window is not unnecessarily overloaded. Keep in mind that probes can be
archived and recalled again from there.
It is always the probe identified with an asterisk behind the probe number
that is used for measurement.
About symbols:
The symbol (on the left) is activated, when you define a loop start prior to
changing the probe. For details refer to the topic "Loops".
 Click on the probe from where you want the loop to start.
 Click on the symbol for OK.
It is possible to Load Probe from Archive.
The Archive probe function is possible, too.
Click the function "Select All" in case you want to calibrate all probes in
As a rule, you print the current probe list. If a probe-tree changing system is
used, the tree number will be asked for previously. The current tree number is
Provided you have manually set the angles of your probing system using
the Renishaw Hand Control Unit (HCU), you just click on the symbol to accept
the angle values.
The HCU is suitable for all rotary-type probing systems (PH9, PH10).
About columns
The first column shows probe numbers.
The second column displays symbols.
The probe symbol represents a theoretical probe. There is a
general rule: A changed or redefined probe is always given the symbol of
a theoretical probe;
the pin symbolises an already calibrated probe.
Data regarding the Maximum Difference relative to the calculated calibration ball
diameter is indicated after the diameter column. It is necessary that you have
approached a minimum of 5 points for measurement. When the values are too
high, then, for instance, you have touched the ball from the side (sliding-type
Under "A" and "B" of the columns you find information on the probe angles (refer
also to New Input of Probe/Edit/Copy Probe Data).
The probe offset relative to the reference probe is shown in the columns X,Y and
Z (refer also to New Input of Probe/Edit/Copy Probe Data).
New Input of Probe/Edit/Copy Probe Data
The dialogues "New Input of Probe", "Edit Probe Data" and "Copy Probe Data"
are prompted up by clicking over the menu bar / Probe Data Management and
the function required. The dialogues are almost identical.
New Input of Probe
 The probes are consecutively numbered - necessarily starting from 1.
 First enter a theoretical value for diameter, for example 2.000 (e.g. in
mm). Whether to enter linear measures in millimetres or inches, is to be
chosen in the following dialogue window via the menu bar / Settings /
Input Characteristics.
 If you have, for instance, a part program with offset values already
defined for later recalibration (star-type probe) by another part program,
then enter rough offset values. Otherwise leave the values set to 0.
 In the lines for probe angles, use the arrow keys to select the values,
upwards and downwards in steps of 7.5 degrees.
Edit Probe Data
 Click the respective line in the Probe Data Management window, click on
Edit and perform the changes in the subsequent window. Upon OK, all
changes are transferred to Probe Data Management.
 In case data was saved previously and you have made changes, you will
get a safety query.
Copy Probe Data
 Only the line "Copy to..." is active in the "Copy probe Data" dialogue.
Click the line of the probe to be copied. Ignoring the number suggested,
you can enter an already occupied probe number. This probe is then
overwritten. Otherwise the copied probe is placed to the end of the list.
 Copying onto the reference probe is not possible.
 In case data was saved previously and you have made changes, you will
get a safety query.
 As a rule of principle, any changed or redefined probe is always given the
symbol of a theoretical probe..
Further topics:
Probe Data Management;
Save/Delete/Calibrate Probe Data
Save/Delete/Calibrate Probe Data
Saving causes all current data to be physically written on the hard disk.
In case data saving has been confirmed with OK and you want to change or
recopy probe data in a subsequent step, you are requested to answer a safety
If, however, you use the Probe Data Management window
• to save,
• then to make changes or recopy data, and finally
• to finish the window with Abort,
the "old", previously saved values will be displayed.
Deletion is possible for any probe. The #1 probe (reference probe), however, can
only be deleted if it is the last probe in the list, or if all subsequent probes are
deleted at the same time together with the reference probe. Otherwise a fault
message will show up.
You always calibrate the active probe (for details refer to Automatic Calibration).
Further topics:
Probe Data Management
New Input of Probe/Edit/Copy Probe Data
Probe Selection
If at least one probe is defined, you can see the window "change probe"
with the data of the defined probe(s). Select one and confirm; then this becomes
the actual probe used for measurement.
If there are no defined probes, you will see the window for probe management;
here you can define your probe(s). For details, cf. (Probe Data Management and
Automatic Calibration (Menu Probe)).
Even if there are probes defined, you can add new probes to the list. For this, you
use the function "Probe / probe data management" in the pull-down menu. You
can also access this function via the "probe" icon of the tool bar on the left margin
of the screen.
Further Information
 The active probe is marked by an <*>; this one is used for measurement.
 The menu "probe" can access the windows for "select probe" and "probe
data management".
 You can easily change probe data by simply clicking any probe of the list
twice. The window "change probe data" immediately appears.
The new data are directly passed to the probe data management window (for
details, cf. Probe Data Management).
After changing, the following question appears: "Data have been changed; store
Confirm Probe Configuration
This only refers to machines that are equipped with a probe changer
After starting learn or repeat mode, you get the window "Which probe tree is in
use?". This dialog is a safety question. Meanwhile, the probe configuration may
have been manually changed. Therefore, you should examine the "real" probe
tree and then confirm. If the probe configuration has been changed, you should
enter the number of the configuration, which is active now.
If you do not enter the correct configuration, your measurement data will be
wrong. Furthermore, while executing a part program, there are collisions
when working with the wrong probe data. Last but not least, there will be
problems as soon as you change the probe configuration; GEOPAK would
try to record the probe configuration into an occupied port.
After confirmation, you get the "Change Probe" window. In the status bar, you
find the number of the probe configuration. Now, you continue as you did in
Probe Selection .
Status bar with probe tree number
Change Probe Tree
Changing of the probe tree is done automatically. If you dispose of a manual rack
you have to follow several steps. For more detailed information refer to " Manual
rack ".
The automatic change of probe tree will be realized from where the probe tree is
situated at the moment you want to change it. The probe tree takes the direct
way to the port. This direct way will only be selected if in the "CMM
SystemManager" in the "MachineBuilder" the "Disable inline safety position"
check box is checked. To avoid collisions ensure free access to the probe tree.
Special attention has to be paid to the warning messages.
 To start the probe tree change choose Probe / Change configuration from
the menu bar. Enter the number of the probe configuration and confirm.
 In single / learn mode, you get the message "Attention: Probe
Configuration has Changed". Now you have a chance to check whether
the rack can be reached without collision; otherwise, you can correct the
actual position by the joysticks. Do not forget to define these positions for
the repeat mode by pressing the "GOTO button" of the joystick box.
 After the probe tree has been changed, you get the window for the
selection of the actual probe; the number of the configuration is written in
the headline. Then, proceed as for the probe selection.
If you have worked, before, with an indexable probe, you get an additional
message "Attention: Probe will move!". Make sure that the probe can be
rotated without collision (see above).
Additional information
If the probe configuration has not been calibrated yet, you get the error message
"Probe # 1 not Defined". After you confirm it, you get the window for "Probe Data
Management" (the number of the configuration appears in the headline). General
rule: all probes have a common reference probe. This is "Probe no. 1" of "Probe
tree no.1". This probe must be calibrated first. For more detailed information refer
to the Probe Data Management.
The probe tree no. corresponds to the port no. of the rack.
Numbering for two racks
If you dispose of two racks of the same type (e.g. two SCR200), the ports in the
respective rack must be exactly specified. In the first rack numbering starts with
number 01 and in the second rack numbering starts with number 11.
Ancient kind of counting
The following counting can still be used because of the compatibility with
GEOPAK 3 in connection with your part programs from this version:
If you use a second rack the probe tree number is the sum of the port number of
the second rack and the number of ports of the first rack. Example: The first rack
has six ports and in rack 2 you use tree number 2, then the calculation is as
follows: 6+2=8.
If the rack has not been determined yet, you get an error message.
For more detailed information refer to " Combination of Racks / Introduction ".
PH9 Probe Clearance
With this command, you can move to a probe position, for which you must not
especially define a probe. This makes sense for example if the probe should be
moved alongside a part and has to be swivelled for this purpose.
After this function, you must again move to a defined probe if you want to
continue the measurement.
The offset is made by the reference probe, i.e. the machine moves as if the
reference probe would be active. The angle position is taken either from the
probe number or correspondingly from the angle you entered.
Automatic Calibration ("Probe" Menu)
Probe 1, which is the reference probe, has to be calibrated before one of the
probes 2 to ...x can be calibrated. Otherwise the warning message "Masterball
position is not defined yet" appears.
Do not use a disc stylus and a cylindrical probe as reference probe. It
is not possible to precisely determine the position of the masterball
with these types of styli.
The calibration of "Probe 1" defines the masterball because only then its position
is known. To determine this position, securely fasten the masterball on the
measurement table, for example with a screw-in foot. Access to the masterball
must be provided from all sides during calibration of indexing probes.
Dialogue box
On the "Probe" menu, click "Calibrate automatically" to open the "Calibrate
automatically" dialogue box.
Probe selection
Enter the number of the probe to be calibrated first in the probe selection box. As
you have the possibility to calibrate several probes one after another, also enter
the number of the probe to be calibrated last. This number must be entered even
if you calibrate only one probe (for example 3 + 3).
Masterball position
There are two possibilities to determine the position of the masterball:
When you do not select this button (unavailable), the program
automatically loads a position that already exists and that is allocated to
the masterball.
When you select this button you can determine the position by
manual probing. For this, probing to the top of sphere in direction of the
probe is sufficient (picture below).
See also
Automatic Calibration: Further Settings
Calibration from Probe Data Management
Probe Calibration: Limitations
Automatic Calibration: Further Settings
In the "Calibrate automatically" dialogue box, make the following settings:
 To select a defined masterball, enter a number in the "No. of masterball"
text box.
When you enter the number of a non-defined masterball and then click
"OK", the error message "Masterball has no data" appears.
 The diameter of the selected masterball is shown.
 Enter the number of executions.
 Enter the distance above the masterball. This distance is important for the
probe change and can be compared to the safety distance during
If a scanning probe is connected, the "Determine probe factors"
button is available to determine and store the MPP/SP factors and the
scanning radius during calibration.
 If you want to measure more than one circle to obtain a more precise
result, enter the number of circles.
 Enter the number of points you want to probe per circle. The minimum
number of points is four. Otherwise a warning message appears. If you
measure more than one circle, select a least three points.
When you select the "Point on top of sphere" button, calibration
takes place between the top of sphere and zenith angle 2.
1) Axis in direction of the stem of the masterball
2) Top of sphere
3) Smallest possible angle (15°)
4) Equator
When you do not select the "Point on top of sphere" button,
measurement takes place between zenith angle 1 and zenith angle 2.
 With zenith angle 2 you specify the circle to be measured first. In most
cases this is the circle that is positioned next to the sphere equator.
 The program automatically calculates and displays the Z-offset with the
zenith angle 2.
During calibration of short probes there is a risk of collision between the
masterball and the body of the probing system (picture below). To avoid
this, you have to enter a value smaller than 90 degrees for the elevation
angle 2. Renishaw recommends the probing of the masterball with an
angle between 75 and 90 degrees to avoid inaccurate results.
If a PH10-iQ is connected, the "Inferred calibration" option is
available. When you click the button you can select different quality levels
from the list box. The selection depends on the type of the CMM and the
mounting direction of the probe.
If a PH10-iQ is connected and the "Inferred calibration" option is not
selected a standard measurement is carried out. A warning message is
displayed when you do not select the option.
CNC parameters
You can change the CNC parameters for calibration. However, you should carry
out all following measurements with the specified parameters.
When you start GEOPAK, you normally enter the values of your workpiece
in the "Temperature coefficient" dialogue box. For the calibration of a
probe, however, you have to enter the values of the masterball. Otherwise,
a wrong probe diameter will be obtained.
See also
Automatic Calibration ("Probe" Menu)
Calibration from Probe Data Management
Head Calibration
Probe Calibration: Limitations
Define Masterball
Calibration from Probe Data Management
You can also initiate the calibration of probes from the dialogue "Probe data
management". For this, first select the probes for calibration. Use the button
"Calibrate" to get to the dialogue "Calibrate probe".
As opposed to the dialogue "Automatic calibration", you will not find the section
"Probe selection" in this dialogue as you have already made your selection.
Manual calibration
In extension of the dialogue "Automatic calibration", you can also perform the
calibration manually.
Under the title "Type of calibration", the additional option "Manual
calibration" is available.
Settings for calibration
 Select a defined masterball by entering the number into the text box "No.
of masterball". If you enter the number of a masterball that has not yet
been defined and confirm with "OK", the dialogue "Define Masterball"
 You see the diameter of the masterball.
If a scanning probe is connected, also the option "Determine
factors" is active in order to determine and store the MPP/SP factors and
the scan radius during the calibration.
 Enter the number of points you wish to probe per circle, but at least five
points, because otherwise a warning message is returned.
See also these topics for "Calibration":
Automatic Calibration (Menu Probe)
Automatic Calibration: Further Settings
Probe Calibration: Limitations
Re-calibration from memory
For detailed information, see also the topic Re-Calibration from Memory.
Probe Calibration: Limitations
Limitations automatic calibration:
The automatic calibration function does not support the following probe systems:
 Metris and WIZ laser probes
 Optical probes
 PHS 1/3 probe systems
 MPP10 probe systems
Manually indexable probe heads can only be automatically calibrated
under certain conditions. You can only calibrate one probe at a time when
calling up this function.
Limitations manual calibration:
The manual calibration function does not support the following probe systems:
 REVO probe heads
 Metris and WIZ laser probes
 Optical probes
 PHS 1/3 probe systems
Metris laser probes are calibrated by software of the manufacturer. WIZ laser
probes and PHS1/3 probe systems are calibrated by other GEOPAK functions.
Optical probes are calibrated with part programs. MPP10 probe systems can only
be calibrated manually.
See also the other topics for "Calibration":
Automatic Calibration (Menu Probe)
Automatic Calibration: Further Settings
Calibration from Probe Data Management
Manual Calibration
To get to this function and the dialogue, use the menu bar and the "Probe" menu.
 Prior to calibrating probes with numbers greater than 1, probe 1 needs to
be calibrated.
 Enter the probe number and the number of points in the text boxes.
 In a volume-compensated machine, every single point with the probe
offset is sent to the machine. As a reply, you get the volume-compensated
points. These points are used to calculate the probe.
For further details refer to the topic Volume Compensation
For the following functions and the corresponding dialogues, you will always have
to enter the number of a masterball that has already been defined:
 Manual calibration
 Re-calibrate single probe
 Re-calibrate from memory
The diameter, however, is shown depending on the number of the masterball
defined previously.
You will get an error message if the masterball is not defined.
Master ring
Also when using a master ring for manual calibration, you first need to define its
diameter via the function "Define masterball".
In the dialogue "Manual calibration", click the symbol (left) and enter the
number of the master ring in the text box for the number of the masterball.
Confirm and the calibration can be started.
Calibration of Cylindrical Probe
You can also use a cylindrical probe to determine the masterball position by
manually probing to the top of sphere. Therefore it is basically possible to use the
cylindrical probe as reference probe. Generally, however, avoid using a
cylindrical probe, as the masterball position cannot be determined precisely
enough with this type of probe.
 On the "Probe" menu, click "Calibrate automatically".
 The "Calibrate automatically" dialogue box appears.
With a cylindrical probe, calibration is possible only around the equator,
because touching above the equator would entail touching with the lower
edge of the probe. For this reason, calibration procedures with multiple
circles at different zenith angles are not supported.
Select the "Point on top of sphere" button. In this case only one
circle is measured.
 Make all further entries in the "Calibrate automatically" dialogue box as
described in "Automatic Calibration: Further Settings".
With a cylindrical probe, you have to make sure that the probe centre in Z height
is not at the lower edge of the probe but in the centre of a "notional" sphere. This
"notional" sphere has the radius of the probe and is flush with the lower edge of
the probe.
1: Cylindrical probe type 1
2: Cylindrical probe type 2
When calibrating a cylindrical probe of type 2, you have to consider that the
probe centre is at the level of the shaft. If you try to touch a masterball on the
equator without further correction, the result would be that the probe touches the
masterball with the edge far below the equator.
Therefore, move the touching height on the masterball so that probing takes
place at the level of the equator. To do so, change the value of "zenith angle 2".
To determine the correct value, enter different values for the zenith angle and
look at the results for the "Z offset" below the text box.
Calibration of a cylindrical probe type 2
See also
Automatic Calibration ("Probe" Menu)
Calibration from Probe Data Management
Calibration of a Spherical Disc Stylus
Do not use a spherical disc stylus as a reference stylus. It is not possible to
precisely determine the position of the masterball with a spherical disc stylus.
How to proceed
 On the "Probe" menu, click "Calibrate automatically".
 The "Calibrate automatically" dialogue box appears.
During calibration of the spherical disc stylus make sure that the disc stylus
contacts the masterball in the region of the equator. This way the disc
stylus does not contact the masterball with its lower or upper edge. If there
is a contact with the lower or upper edge, this may lead to incorrect
calibration results.
 In the "Zenith angle 1" and "Zenith angle 2" combo boxes type a value
that ensures that the disc stylus does not contact the masterball with its
lower or upper edge. You can determine the optimal angle values as
described below.
How to determine the optimal zenith angles
To determine the optimal values for zenith angle 1 and zenith angle 2, the angle
α of the disc stylus is required. This angle depends on the dimensions of the disc
Disc stylus
Required angle α
Diameter of the disc stylus (side adjacent)
Height of the disc stylus (side opposite)
Use the arc tangent (arctan) from the aspect ratio of the disc stylus to calculate
the angle α: α = arctan = side opposite/side adjacent
Diameter of the disc stylus: 25,0 mm (the value can be found in the probe system
Height of the disc stylus: 3,0 mm (determine the value by means of a caliper)
Angle α = arctan(3,0/25,0) = 6,843° = 7,0°
By adding or subtracting the calculated angle α to 90° you determine the
optimum values for the zenith angles 1 and 2.
To ensure that during calibration the masterball does not contact the lower
or upper edge of the disc stylus, the zenith angles are adjusted by 2,0°.
Zenith angle 1 = 90,0°-7,0°+2,0° = 85,0°
Zenith angle 2 = 90,0°+7,0°-2,0° = 95,0°
Optimum values for zenith angle 1 and zenith angle 2
Make all further settings in the "Calibrate automatically" dialogue box as
described under "Automatic Calibration: Further Settings".
See also
Automatic Calibration (Menu "Probe")
Parameters of Spherical Disc Stylus
Calibration of Scanning Probes
When using one of the probe systems SP600, SP25, SP80 or one of the MPP
probe heads, the system uses special calibration routines. For this, click the
option "Determine probe factors" in the window "Calibrate probe".
With a newly defined probe, the text of the option "Factor determination" is
greyed out. However the function is active and cannot be deactivated, i.e. you
have to determine the probe factors.
As a result (ill. above) you receive two different probe diameters, one for touching
measurement and the other for scanning measurement. The values of the
scanning probe are always the lower ones. Always only the offset of the touching
measurement is used.
For the probe radius compensation of scanning commands (e.g. CNC scanning),
always the diameter of the scanning probe is used. This also applies to the case
that the measurement procedure was changed during the element measurement.
For more detailed information, refer to "Re-calibrate from Memory".
Calibrate Scanning Probe Systems(MPP/SP600)
The probe systems MPP of Mitutoyo and SPxx of Renishaw are scanning probe
systems where scales are installed in the probe head. The position of these
scales relative to the CMM scales must be additionally defined for the calibration.
Another feature of all the scanning probe systems is that the effective ball
diameter is slightly different depending on whether the scanning probe systems
will be operated in touch trigger or scanning mode. This is why the ball diameter
must be determined twice.
Proceed as follows:
 Measure the ball with the probe no. 1. From now on, the subsequent
steps will be automatically realized. This is valid for all probes to be
 The ball will be measured in the touch trigger mode. This way, the offset
of the current probe to probe no. 1 will be defined.
 By means of this information, the MPP/SPxx factors will be determined by
scanning the ball once again in a special mode.
 Then, the ball will be measured once again in the touch trigger mode by
using these factors in order to get the exact probe data.
Define MPP/SP Factors
With measuring probes, for calibration purposes, you must define factors so that
the measurement accuracy is guaranteed. Measuring inaccuracies can, for
example, be due to structural differences. The factors of each individual system
are determined with a method defined by the manufacturer, i.e.
 by Mitutoyo for the Mitutoyo systems MPP2, MPP100 and MPP300 and
 by Renishaw for the systems SP600, SP80 and SP25.
The controller calculates the factors.
The definition of the factors is always realized for the current probe. For this, you
can also use the number of a previously defined masterball. If you want to call
this command in the part program ("Menu Bar / Probe / Define MPP Factors"),
the following conditions must be fulfilled:
 The probe must have been calibrated before.
 In CNC operation, the probe must be moved over the masterball with the
 In the manual mode, a dialogue is displayed prompting the operator to
manually move the probe over the masterball.
 When using a previously defined masterball, the CMM automatically
moves over this position.
When using scan probe systems (SP600, SP80 and SP25), the MPPfactors and the relevant probe diameter are automatically calculated.
If you execute a probe configuration without a star probe, the probe
calibration is automatically called up in the learn mode.
For a probe configuration with a star probe, you must first write a part
Define the probe configuration including the star probe with the
If it is not possible to calculate the movement and measurement
commands, the reason may be that masterball seat and probe sphere
have the same direction.
Problem and Solution
You have started GEOPAK in single / learn mode and want to calibrate a new
probe in the probe data management window. When clicking the "calibrate"
button, you get the warning "Position of masterball not defined; continue?"
The reference probe has not been calibrated yet, and you try to calibrate a probe
with a number different from 1. This warning tries to prevent you from getting
wrong results. If the position of the masterball has been changed in the
meantime, or a different masterball is used. In these cases, the probe calibration
would result in wrong probe data, because the differences to probe #1 would be
Calibrate probe #1 as new. However, if you are sure that the masterball position
has not been changed since you have calibrated probe #1 the last time, you can
opt for "continue" when you get the warning.
Usually during probe calibration, the masterball is probed using a circle along the
equator, and a point on the pole. If you actually use a small tip, probing of
equator may not be possible (cf. drawing below). In such a case, you can input
an offset in Z; this means the height above the equator where the masterball is
Maximum Difference
The maximum difference is an information about the quality of an element
or - if the element is close to perfect, e.g. as a masterball - the quality of the
measurement or probe system.
It is calculated after the element data have been obtained from the measurement
points. Then the distance of the individual points to the calculated surface is
computed; in case of a sphere (the masterball) the following two points determine
the value:
 the point having the largest distance from the centre, and ...
 the point that is nearest to the centre.
The difference between these two distances is the "maximum difference". The
idea is the same for all the other elements as well; the maximum distances on
one side and on the other give an indication about the measurement (cf. also
Probe Data Management ).
A = maximum distance
B = maximum distance
C = maximum difference
The value can only be obtained if an element is measured with more than the
minimum number of points required for that element. If an element has been
measured with only the minimum number of points, it is defined exactly through
the points; there are no distances from the element to the points. For a sphere,
you need at least 4+1=5 measurement points to get the value for the maximum
Now the program calculates the "maximum difference". From this value, you can
evaluate the quality of the measurement, the higher the value, the worse
You may get a high value for the "maximum difference". This can be an indication
that either your probe is defective, or has not been tightly screwed.
Archiving Probes
This function always archives all probes of a probe tree.
 On the "Probe" menu, click "Archive probe data...".
Or, in the "Probe data management" dialogue box, click the "Archive
probe data" button.
 The "Archive probe data" dialogue box is displayed.
"Archive probe data" dialogue box
 The existing probe archives appear in the "Name" combo box. To add a
further probe archive, enter a new name and click "OK" to confirm.
Displaying archived probe data
There are two possibilities to find out which probe data is archived:
 On the "Probe" menu, click "Probe data from archive".
Or, in the "Probe data management" dialogue box, click the "Probe
data from archive" button.
Related topics
Probe data management
Load probe from archive
Load Probe Data from Archive
You are in single / learn mode of GEOPAK and want to use a probe
configuration, which has been defined (calibrated) and archived.
 Select "Probes / Data from Archive" from the menu bar, or ...
Click in the "Probe Data Management" dialogue window on the
 In either case you get the "Probe from Archive" window.
 Select the probe set you need and confirm.
 You can display the archived probe data before loading them.
This means, in the "Probe from Archive" window, either
with a click on the symbol ("View" bubble) or
• with a double click on the archive name.
 Then you find the loaded probe set in the probe data management
window. Next, activate the probe you need for the next measurement and
click on "Change to" (cf. also Probe Data Management), and confirm.
As this implies a change of the actual probe, the new number and tip
diameter indicate this change in the result field.
Single Probe Re-Calibration
Proceed as described in chapter "Re-calibrate from memory". A difference is that
for single probe re-calibration only one probe will be determined. Gaps in the
probe list are possible.
If you wish to calibrate a probe of any number of the list, the probe with the
number 1 must be calibrated first (you will find more detailled information in
chapterAutomatic Calibration (Menu Probe)
Re-Calibrate from Memory
To get to this function and the dialogue, use the menu bar and the „Probe“ menu.
This function gives you the possibility to re-calibrate probes via measured
The main advantage of this function is that even complex probe configurations
can be calibrated using a CNC part program. This means that it can be done
However, a first set of probe data must already exist, e.g. as a set of theoretical
values, or the previously defined probes.
The procedure
 You fix the masterball on the table of the machine at a position where it
can be accessed by all probes you want to calibrate.
 You start with probe #1 and measure the ball as element "sphere" by all
 The spheres must be stored into subsequent memory numbers. However,
the first number can be freely selected.
 If you have measured the ball with all the probes, you select the pull down
menu "probes / re-calibrate from memory".
 In the following window you input the number of probes that have to be
calibrated. In addition, you enter the memory number of the sphere which
you have measured first with probe #1.
 You confirm by "OK".
The probe data are calculated anew. These new data are stored to the disc
immediately, if no error has occurred. The correlation between the probes and
measured spheres must be exact.
The sequence number only does the correlation of the measured spheres
and the probes. This means that the sequence numbers of the probes
must not have interruptions, as otherwise a wrong correlation is done, and
wrong probe data are stored.
For the following functions and the corresponding dialogues, you will always have
to enter the number of a masterball that has already been defined:
 Manual calibration
 Re-calibrate single probe
 Re-calibrate from memory
The diameter, however, is shown depending on the number of the masterball
defined previously.
You will get an error message if the masterball is not defined.
For calibrating single probes and re-calibrating from memory it is possible to
define the type of calibration (touching or scanning).
For the probe types SP600, SP80 and SP25, the scanning is already defined by
determining the MPP Factors.
Calibrate Probe: Display
Standard Display
In the "Calibrate probe" dialogue box you find all status information concerning
the probe calibration. You find the current data in the upper field with the black
background. The information there depends on the installed hardware.
Use the buttons to select the functions "Delete" and "Element ready".
The options "Delete" and "Element finish" are not available for the automatic
When the MPP/SP factors are determined, the window with the display of the
measurement points shows a progress bar in percent. The percent value is also
shown when the scan radius is determined with the probe heads MPP2, MPP4,
MPP5, MPP100 and MPP300. This is also the case when the control does not
support scanning by known contour with the SP600.
In the centre of the window you find instructions as to which action is currently
being performed (see example below).
Instruction example
...the results of former calibrations in case that you have calibrated more than just
one probe,
the current probe calibration and
the calibrations still to be worked off.
To set the font type and size according to Windows conventions, click the
right mouse button - separately in both window parts.
Features for REVO Head Calibration
During the REVO head calibration, no status is given on the point display.
 If a RSP102 probe system is calibrated at a REVO head,
• always three manual points at the equator of the masterball and
• one point at a slightly higher position need to be measured for
defining the position of the masterball.
• Also these points are not included in the count on the point
display. In this case, the info display refers to the online Help
(German: „REVO head RSP102-Einmessung [Details siehe
 When calibrating a RSP103 probe system at a REVO head, you can use
a point in probe direction on the masterball. This corresponds to the
procedure with standard probes.
Features for SURFTEST PROBE calibration
Calibration of this roughness probe is done with a special calibration stylus. That
means the roughness probe must be replaced by a special calibration stylus
before calibration.
This is also shown in the info display.
Several Masterballs: Introduction
This function enables you to calibrate the probes with one or more masterballs in
different positions. The use of this function may be advisable where, e.g., it is
impossible to calibrate all probes with one masterball only. Such a situation may
occur, if it is impossible for all defined probes to approach the masterball. Another
need for this function could arise also, when the probe tip used is so small that
there is a potential risk of the probing action being performed with the shank of
the probe. In all these cases you would get wrong measurement results.
Calibration of number 1 probe defines automatically the position of the first
In our example the probe designated X is the probe that cannot reach the first
masterball. Probe Y is the probe that reached both masterballs. The sequence is
performed in the following steps:
 Calibrate probe 1 and define the position of the first masterball..
 Calibrate probe Y against the first masterball.
 Define the position of the second masterball using probe Y.
 Calibrate probe X against the second masterball.
This method cannot be applied but for learnable part program commands used
for calibration (for details refer to Define Masterball Position).
Masterball Definition: Dialogue
Masterballs can be used in different fitting positions. Perform the required
settings in the dialogue "Define Masterball" (menu bar / settings / masterball …).
To define a new masterball, click on "Add" in this dialogue. The following
dialogue "Add new masterball number" then suggests the next number. If you
want another number, enter this number manually and confirm.
 In the dialogue "Masterball definition", you will find the new number in the
textbox at the top.
 In the line below, you enter the diameter of the ball and for the ball shaft
you enter the direction of the fitting position and the shaft diameter.
The shaft diameter is the diameter at the point of connection to the ball.
The direction is defined as the direction from the shaft to the ball.
These settings are used for creating part programs for calibration.
Define Masterball Position
For some fundamental information on the topic „Several Masterballs“ we
recommend you first refer to the chapter Introduction .
How to proceed
With a click on this symbol, the input field for the diameter of the
masterball gets editable. The diameter of the masterball is stored when
you have activated the symbol (left). Otherwise, the system will use the
diameter that you have defined in the dialogue "Masterball Definition".
 Number of masterball
Use this symbol to activate the loop counter.
 List to select the ball (position only is stored).
Further hints
The maximum number allowed for the masterball is 100.
Gaps are permitted among these numbers.
Where the position of the reference masterball is not defined, the
definition of other masterballs will not be possible. In this case you will get
an error message.
A part program defining several masterball positions has to be written with
the temperature coefficient 0.0. If this is not the case, the difference
between the masterballs will be temperature-compensated. This should be
For details refer also to the topics Re-Calibrate from Memory, Re-Calibrate Single
Probe and Manual Calibration.
Element Calculation with Different Probe Spheres
If you have to measure elements with different probe spheres, GEOPAK offers a
solution. Before starting such a measurement task, you should first change some
default settings in the PartManager. In the dialogue "GEOPAK configuration"
(Menu Bar / Settings / Defaults for programs / GEOPAK / Dialogues), click the
option "Calculate element with different probes".
This setting is required due to the fact that the algorithms are not certified (for
further details see below under "Background").
After you have clicked this option, the element dialogues of GEOPAK will
show the symbol (top left). Activate this symbol with a mouse click. There are no
restrictions regarding the calculation modes.
Elements can be calculated from measured points. This method is unproblematic
as long as the points are measured with probe spheres of the same diameter.
Then the element is calculated with the centres of the probe spheres and
subsequently corrected by the probe sphere diameter. If, however, the
measurement has been executed with probe spheres of different diameters, this
method is not possible.
In these cases, the element is calculated as follows:
First, an element is calculated through the probe spheres centres. With
that, the material direction is approximately known. Now the contact points
can be determined in which the probe touches the real element.
These contact points are now used to recalculate the element which leads to an
improvement of the first result. The program repeats this procedure until the
result remains unchanged.
This procedure is realised for all elements and is used when the probe diameters
for an element to be measured differ by more than 5 µ.
Reliable results but no certification yet
As opposed to the standard algorithm, the results of this method are not
PTB-certified and therefore Mitutoyo not uses this method basically. As is
known, the algorithms for the individual calculations are certified so that
the user may well use this method. The end results are therefore reliable.
There is no method for certification available yet by PTB.
Special Probe Systems
Micro Probe UMAP
You can use the micro probe UMAP (Ultra sonic Micro and Accurate Probe) of
Mitutoyo to measure very small holes, for example injection nozzles in motors or
parts of micro machines.
The probe has a diameter of 30 micrometers.
The micro probe can be used either independently or in connection with an
optical measurement system (QuickVisionProbe, QVP). No particular settings in
"Defaults for programs" must be made, as the system automatically checks if the
hardware requirements are met.
In the relevant dialogues, a special option button is available for probe definition
and probe calibration, i.e. the following dialogues:
 Define probe (see ill. below)
 Re-calibrate from memory
 Single probe re-calibration
 Manual calibration
As the UMAP-system and the QVP belong to a probe tree in physical terms,
GEOPAK must be able to differentiate, which one of the two probe systems shall
actually be used for measurement. So if, for example, you wish to define the
probe fort he UMAP-system, you must click the option "Use for UMAP" (see ill.
For a probe change, these options are evaluated and the respective CNCparameters are sent to the CMM.
There is a special command for setting the CNC-parameters of UMAP. To
get to this command, use the menu bar "Machine / CNC-parameters for
UMAP". In the following dialogue you also have the possibility to set the
joystick parameters.
PHS1 and PHS3 Support
PHS1 and PHS3 Probe Head with Servo Drive
 PHS1 and PHS3 are probe heads that can be continuously swivelled in
all positions (from -184 degrees to +184 degrees). The individual positions
do not have to be measured or defined in the probe data management.
 The PHS1 is a probe head servo with two axes.
 The PHS3 is a probe head servo with three axes.
 Extra long extensions can be used.
 It is possible to install different probes that can be changed automatically.
This includes touch trigger probes and laser probes.
 To position a laser probe and a star probe, an optional third axis of the
PHS3 is available.
 The PHS1 adapter arm can be changed with an ACR2 tool changer.
 The PHS3 adapter arm cannot be changed with an ACR2 tool changer.
 Star probes are supported.
PHS1 and PHS3 cannot be used with a scanning probe.
See also:
Change Probe by Angle
PHS1/PHS3 Calibration
Change Probe by Angle
This part program command enables you to make the following angular
adjustments depending on the used probe system:
It is only possible to switch to probes, that are already defined in the probe data
management. GEOPAK looks for a suited probe by means of the defined angles
(solid angle or A/B angle) in the probe data management, in the range of +-3,75
degree. If GEOPAK does not find a suitable probe, an error message appears.
The PH10-iQ can swivel to all 720 positions when a touch trigger probe is
connected. In the probe list there is only probe number 1 with the value 0 for the
A/B angle.
The PHS1/PHS3 probe system swivels directly to the predefined A and B angles.
The angular resolution of the PHS1 is 0,2 arc second. This means 0,1 µ for a
radius of 100 mm. When using a PHS3 probe system you can enter a C angle,
which supports the third axis.
Input of angle
 On the "Probe" menu, click "Change probe by angle".
 The "Change probe by angle" dialogue box appears.
Select the "Probe angle" group box.
 Enter the probe angles.
Click the "Read current angles" button if you want to take over the
current probe position into the text boxes.
Probe number
In the "Probe number" text box enter the number of a probe that is available in
the probe data management. When using an L-shaped probe together with the
PHS3 probe system, two probes are defined in the probe data management.
"Probe angle" group box
Probe number
Input of the probe number with the PHS3 probe system is only possible
when using an L-shaped probe or a star probe.
Input of direction
Select the "Probe direction" group box.
 Select the current co-ordinate system or the machine co-ordinate system.
 Enter the direction vectors.
Click the "Change direction vectors" button if you want to reverse the
direction of the defined direction vectors.
"Probe direction" group box
Current co-ordinate system
Machine co-ordinates
Direction vectors
The definition of the direction is not possible with the PHS3 probe system.
Use calculated positions
The "Use calculated positions" option is only available with a connected PH10-iQ.
Click the "Use calculated positions" button.
 During the probe change the calculated probe offsets are used.
The "Use calculated positions" option is not selected by default.
When deleting the "Change probe by angle" command, a warning
message appears. When clicking "OK" to confirm the warning message,
the probe swivels to the position valid before.
See also
PHS1 and PHS3 Probe Head with Servo Drive
Articulating Probe Head PH10-iQ
Head Calibration
Head Calibration
Head calibration has to be made only once after installation of the PH10-iQ or
PHS1/PHS3. Calibration takes place fully automatically, following a defined
procedure. Start the calibration routine as follows:
 On the "Probe" menu, click "Head calibration".
 The "Head calibration" dialogue box appears.
 In the "No. of masterball" text box enter the number of the masterball that
you want to use for the calibration procedure.
 When the masterball is defined, the masterball diameter appears in the
"Head calibration" dialogue box.
 If necessary, enter a value into the "Probe change dist. from masterball"
text box to enlarge the swivel range of the probe.
Defined diameter of the calibration ball
Enlarging swivel range of probe
 Under "CNC parameters" you can adapt the defined CNC parameters to
the calibration procedure.
 Click "OK" to start the calibration procedure.
Use the shortest adapter for the calibration procedure.
See also
Articulating Probe Head PH10-iQ
PHS1 and PHS3 Probe Head with Servo Drive
Change Probe by Angle
Use this method with the PHS1 already active. You should call up this dialogue
when the GEOPAK learn or edit mode has been started and a PHS1 has been
installed. The dialogue is called up via the menu "Probe" (learn mode) or
"Machine" (repeat mode) and the function.
The procedure corresponds to the procedure described for "Head calibration".
Further topics:
PHS1/PHS3: Servo Probe Head
Probe Change by Angle
Calibration of PHS1/PHS3
Articulating Probe Head PH10-iQ
The PH10-iQ is delivered with an error map. This error map is used during
calibration (inferred calibration) and allows to use all 720 possible positions
without having to calibrate each single position. A simple and fast calibration of 3
positions only is enough to use the PH10-iQ for calibration in each position.
This increases the time available for the actual measurement.
The inferred calibration cannot be used with a scanning probe and a star
The PH10-iQ is suitable for a CMM with horizontal and vertical mounting
orientation and for a bridge-type CMM with horizontal mounting orientation.
Depending on the measurement requirements you can optimize the accuracy of
your system by increasing the number of positions during calibration.
Accuracy depending on CMM machine type, mounting orientation and
number of positions during calibration (source: Renishaw)
See also
Change Probe by Angle
Head Calibration
Roughness Stylus Tip Calibration on Specimen
Before a roughness measurement, you have to carry out a roughness stylus tip
calibration on specimen.
Starting the command
 Start the CMM learn mode.
 On the "Probe" menu, click "Roughness stylus tip calibration".
 The "Roughness stylus tip calibration" dialogue box appears.
"Roughness stylus tip calibration" dialogue box
Starting the calibration
 Use the joystick to move the stylus tip in front of the specimen.
 Click "OK".
The following steps are only valid for the SURFTEST PROBE. With the SPF,
the I++ server is started and performs the measurement.
 The SURFPAK "Registering a Z-axis Gain&Calibration" dialogue box
 In the SURFPAK "Registering a Z-axis Gain&Calibration" dialogue box,
click "OK".
 The calibration starts. During calibration, the following steps are carried
• The probe approaches the surface of the specimen until the
touch signal is triggered.
• The surface roughness of the specimen is measured.
• SURFPAK creates a report of the calibration data.
• The roughness probe moves back to the start position.
See also
Roughness Measurement
Perform Roughness Measurement with SURFTEST PROBE
Perform Roughness Measurement with Surface Finish Probe (SFP1)
Cancel Probe Change
Cancel Probe Change: Sequence
If, for instance, an error occurs when a probe is being changed, you may need to
cancel probe change. In this case it is ensured, beginning from version 2.2, that
the subsequent measurements can be performed using the previous probe.
In cases where you have connected a swivel-type probing system, you first
get a safety query.
Regarding the general sequence (cancel probe changes, probe tree
changes, and rotate table)
 You work with a probe (probe tree or rotary table) in the CNC mode and
intend to make a probe change. Then you realise, however, that you do
not want this change to happen.
Click on the "Delete Last Step" symbol in the learn mode.
Click on the "Step Back" symbol in the repeat mode.
Should you already have performed the change and the
measurement as well, you need to delete the measurement results you
have got by mistake, and then click on this symbol.
The CMM changes automatically to manual mode.
A warning comes up: e.g.: "Attention! Probe is being changed". This
warning cannot be deleted.
In order to avoid collisions, move the CMM into a safe position and then
click OK. The CMM will immediately resume the CNC operation.
The CMM changes to the previously used probe (probe tree; rotary table).
For further details refer to the topics
Cancel Probe Change: Details and Tips and
Rotary Table: Hints.
Cancel Probe Change: Details and Tips
For cancelling probes (cancelling probe tree) you should know that cancelling in a
loop first deletes all repeats. Only then probe change is cancelled.
In the repeat mode, we recommend the use of the "Program Jump"
function in cases where you want to skip more than one program line.
Cancelling a probe change, namely directly prior to changing a probe tree,
causes the probe to lose its definition.
Going back in the part program causes ...
 the data in the result box to be deleted.
 Depending on the new settings, the CMM position is updated.
 The status line is updated with the current, correct probe number (probe
tree number).
Performance limits
When you have deleted an intermediate position, the CMM is not moved back
into the previous position.
Rotary Table: Hints
In case the CMM has not been moved into a safe position, you will get the error
message "CMM not in safe position relative to rotary table".
The "Cancel Table Rotation" command reverts the sense of rotation and turns the
co-ordinate system back (if used).
Indexing rotary table
Furthermore, this command reloads the previously used co-ordinate system,
provided the table is of the indexing type. Indexing-type rotary tables are tables
which rotate only by fixed degree increments (e.g. 90-degree increments). For
each of the indexing table position, a fixed table co-ordinate system is loaded.
Racks: Introduction
It is often not possible with a single probe to record a measuring point at every
place of a workpiece. Complex measurement tasks require the use of different
probes. Therefore, it is basically possible to exchange star styli, probe modules
and complete probe systems.
See also "Change Probe Tree".
A changing system is required to exchange the individual components of a probe
system. This is a kinematic connection with which the individual components of
the probe system - probe head, probe, adapter, extension and star stylus - are
linked with each other. A kinematic connection is an automatically separable, not
screwed, positive fit connection.
Connecting or separating can be performed either manually or automatically. The
automatic exchange is performed using a rack. Racks make the integration of the
probe change in the automatic measuring process possible without having to
perform a new calibration after the change. Therefore, a fast and automatic probe
change is realised without interrupting the measuring process. MCOSMOS
supports the following rack types:
 ACR1
 ACR2
 ACR3
 SCR6, SCP80 and SCP600
 SCR600
 SCR200
 MCR20
 FCR25
 Manual rack
 Virtual rack
The racks are defined in the "MachineBuilder" within the "CMM System
Administration" and calibrated afterwards in GEOPAK. For more information, see
"Defining Racks" and "Calibrating Racks".
Rack ACR1
The ACR1 is an automatic rack completely integrated in the CMM with 8 ports for
mounting various probes and extensions with automatic mounting. "Automatic
mounting" designates a connector (PAA) which makes possible the automatic
exchange of the probe in the ACR1 or ACR3.
The ACR1 enables the fast and automated exchange of complete probe systems,
for example from a switching probe to a measuring probe or from a contacting
probe system to a non-contact (optical) system.
Rack ACR1 with various probe systems
Probe systems supported by the ACR1
PH10M, PH10MQ and PH6M
TP2, TP6, TP7, TP20, TP200, SP25, SP600, QVP, WIZProbe, Metris Laser and MPP10
Probe head:
All racks must be installed in parallel with one of the machine axes.
The ACR1 is installed within the working area of the CMM. Depending on the
probe head used (turn/swivel head or rigid probe head), the rack can be installed
horizontally or vertically.
A detailed description for the installation of the ACR1 can be found in the
operating manual of the manufacturer Renishaw.
Related topics
Racks: Introduction
ACR1 calibration
Rack ACR2
The ACR2 is an automatic rack for the turn/swivel head PHS1.
The ACR2 enables the fast and automated exchange of complete probe systems,
for example from a tactile probe system to a non-contact (optical) system.
Rack ACR2 with various extensions
Probe systems supported by the ACR2
Probe head:
TP2, TP6, TP7, TP20, TP20 and Metris Laser
HA-8, HA-F, HA-M, HE-330, HE-500 and HE-750
All racks must be installed in parallel with one of the machine axes.
The modular design of the ACR2 allows several pairs of ports to be installed in
the working area of the CMM on one stand.
A detailed description for the installation of the ACR2 can be found in the
operating manual of the manufacturer Renishaw.
Related topics
Racks: Introduction
ACR2 calibration
Rack ACR3
The ACR3 is a rack with 4 ports for mounting various probes and extensions with
automatic mounting. "Automatic mounting" designates a connector (PAA) which
makes possible the automatic exchange of the probe in the ACR1 or ACR3. The
ACR3 is mounted on the modular mounting system MRS.
The ACR3 enables the fast and automated exchange of complete probe systems,
for example from a switching probe to a measuring probe or from a contacting
probe system to a non-contact (optical) system.
Rack ACR3 with various probe systems
Probe systems supported by the ACR3
Probe head:
PH10M, PH10MQ and PH6M
TP2, TP6, TP7, TP20, TP200, SP25, SP600, QVP, WIZProbe, Metris Laser and MPP10
All racks must be installed in parallel with one of the machine axes.
The ACR3 is installed within the working area of the CMM. The ACR3 can only
be mounted horizontally.
A detailed description for the installation of the ACR3 can be found in the
operating manual of the manufacturer Renishaw.
Related topics
Racks: Introduction
ACR3 calibration
Rack SCR200
The SCR20 is a rack with 6 ports for mounting various TP200 probe modules.
The fast and automated change of TP200 probe modules makes possible the
ideal star stylus configuration for the respective measuring task.
Rack SCR200 with different TP200 probe modules
The SCR200 is controlled from a separate interface and has collision protection
in order to prevent possible damage in the case of accidental overrun of the
changing position.
Probe systems supported by the SCR200
Probe head:
Probe module:
PH10M, PH10MQ, PH10T and PH6M
SF, LF and EO
All racks must be installed in parallel with one of the machine axes.
The SCR200 is installed within the working area of the CMM. Depending on the
probe head used (turn/swivel head or rigid probe head), the rack can be installed
horizontally or vertically.
A detailed description for the installation of the SCR200 can be found in
the operating manual of the manufacturer Renishaw.
Related topics
Racks: Introduction
SCR200 calibration
Rack SCR600
The SCR600 is a rack with 4 ports for mounting various star styli of the scanning
probe system SP600.
Rack SCR600
Alternatively, individual ports (SCP600) can be mounted on the MRS modular
mounting system.
SCP600 mounted on MRS
The SCR600 has collision protection in order to prevent possible damage in the
case of accidental overrun of the changing position.
Probe systems supported by the SCR600
Probe head:
PH10M, PH10MQ and PH6M
SP600, SP600M, SP600Q
All racks must be installed in parallel with one of the machine axes.
The SCR600 is installed within the working area of the CMM. Depending on the
probe head used (turn/swivel head or rigid probe head), the rack can be installed
horizontally or vertically.
A detailed description for the installation of the SCR600 can be found in
the operating manual of the manufacturer Renishaw.
Related topics
Racks: Introduction
Calibrating SCR600
Rack SCR6, Ports SCP80 and SCP600
The SCR6 is an arrangement of several ports that are mounted next to each
other on the MRS modular mounting system. The number of ports and their
position on the mounting rail are variable. If more than 6 ports are mounted, the
rack is referred to as SCR6L10.
The ports SCP80 and SCP600 are mounted to the MRS in the same way as with
the SCR6.
The SCR6 rack changes star styli of the probes MPP100 and MPP300.
Rack SCR6 with different star styli
Port SCP80 changes the styli of the scanning probe SP80/SP80H.
Port SCP80
Port SCP600 changes the styli of the scanning probe SP600.
Port SCP600
All racks must be mounted parallel to one of the CMM axes.
Rack SCR6 and the ports SCP80 and SCP600 mounted to the MRS are mounted
within the working area of the CMM. The mounting can only be performed
The installation of rack SCR6 and of the ports SCP80 and SCP600
mounted to the MRS corresponds to the installation of the ACR3. A
detailed description can be found in the operating manual of the
manufacturer Renishaw.
See also
Racks: Introduction
Rack SCR600
SCR6, SCP80 and SCP600 Alignment
Rack MCR20
The MCR20 is a manual rack with 6 ports for mounting various TP20 probe
The fast and automated change of TP20 probe modules makes possible the ideal
star stylus configuration for the respective measuring task.
Rack MCR20
Probe systems supported by the MCR20
Probe head:
Probe module:
PH10M, PH10MQ, PH10T and PH6M
TP20, TP20NI
6W, EF, LF, MF, SF, EM1 and EM2
All racks must be installed in parallel with one of the machine axes.
The MCR20 is mounted within the working range of the CMM. Mounting is
performed vertically as the MCR20 is not suited for horizontal operation.
If two MCR20 are required, these must be mounted so that there is no gap
between the two racks. This restriction is necessary as otherwise the suppression
of the probe signal (this avoids unintentional probe signals during the change of
the probe modules) is deactivated by the gap and a collision message appears.
If several MCR20 are used in combination with a TP20NI (NI: without
suppression of the probe signal) there is no restriction as to the mounting of the
racks. Pay attention to the fact that this is only possible with controllers from
UC200S. If you do not have such a controller, you cannot use the TP20NI in
combination with a MCR20.
A detailed description for the installation of the MCR20 can be found in
the operating manual of the manufacturer Renishaw.
Related topics
Racks: Introduction
MCR20 Calibration
Rack FCR25
The FCR25 is a flexible rack for mounting probe modules and star styli of the
scanning probe SP25. Using a module adapter also allows the mounting of TP20
probe modules. The FCR25 is mounted on the modular mounting system MRS.
Two FCR25s mounted on the MRS mounting system.
Alternatively, there is also the FCR25 as independent rack with 3 or 6 ports.
Independent FCR25 rack with 3 ports
Probe systems supported by the FCR25
Probe head:
Probe module:
PH10M, PH10MQ and PH6M
SP25, TP20
TM25-20, SM25-1, SM25-2, SM25-3, SM25-4, SM25-5
All racks must be installed in parallel with one of the machine axes.
The FCR25 is installed within the working area of the CMM. When using the
independent rack, it can be installed horizontally or vertically depending on the
probe head used (turn/swivel head or rigid probe head).
A detailed description for the installation of the FCR25 can be found in the
operating manual of the manufacturer Renishaw.
Related topics
Racks: Introduction
FCR25 calibration
MRS Mounting System
The MRS mounting system provides the basis for the combination of different
rack types.
The MRS mounting system consists of the MRS rail which is available in various
lengths and two uprights. The uprights can be adjusted for height so that long
probe trees can also be changed.
The following ports or rack units can be mounted on the MRS rail:
 SCP6
 SCP600
 SCP80
 ACR3
 FCR25
MRS mounting system with different ports and racks
If several ports are arranged on the mounting rail, ports of the same design
should be placed next to each other. If this is the case, this arrangement is a
All racks must be mounted parallel to one of the CMM axes.
The MRS mounting system is installed within the working area of the CMM.
A detailed description for the installation of the MRS can be found in the
operating manual of the manufacturer Renishaw.
See also
Racks: Introduction
Rack SCR600
Rack SCR6, Ports SCP80 and SCP600
MRS2 Modular Rack System
The MRS2 modular rack system is the basis for the combination of several ports
and racks.
The MRS2 is especially suited for multi-sensor measurements where a large
number of different probes, styli and probe trees have to be attached within a
limited CMM volume.
The MRS2 modular rack system consists of two legs and of up to 3 rails in
different lengths. The legs are variable in length so that it is also possible to
change longer styli or probe trees. The rails can be mounted at the front or at the
MRS2 modular rack system (source: Renishaw):
triple tier
double tier
single tier
The following ports and/or racks can be attached to the MRS2 rail(s):
 SCP600
 SCP80
 ACR3
 FCR25
 RCP2
 SFA and SFCP
MRS2 modular rack system (source: Renishaw):
with attached ports and racks
with cantilever on one side to attach extra-long styli or probe trees
All racks are to be mounted parallel to one of the CMM axis.
The MRS2 modular rack system is mounted within the CMM working volume.
For more information about the assembly of the MRS2, see the user
manual of Renishaw.
See also
MRS2 Builder
Create or Change MRS2 Modular Rack System
Racks: Introduction
Rack SCR600
Rack SCR6, Port SCP80 and SCP600
Manual rack
Manual racks are used for the secure storage of probes, probe modules and star
styli after a manually performed exchange.
Problems with the timing can occur in the case of a manual probe change on a
CNC CMM. This is the case if difficulties occur during manual release/clamping. If
this results in delays while the commands for the change have already been sent
to the CMM controller by the system, this can result in errors.
Therefore, an automatic probe change is generally recommended for CNC CMM.
The MSR1 is a manual rack with 6 ports for mounting various TP20 and TP200
probe modules.
Manual rack MSR1 with various probe modules.
The MAPS is a manual rack with 6 ports for mounting various probes and
extensions with automatic mounting.
Manual rack MAPS
A manual rack is only defined. It does not have to be calibrated.
Related topics
Racks: Introduction
Virtual rack
A virtual rack is used if the probe system should be changed but a physical
exchange is not required. For example, this is the case during simultaneous use
of the RMV camera system and the PH10 probe head.
A virtual rack is also used for the creation of parts programs away from the
machine (offline programming).
A virtual rack is only defined. It does not have to be calibrated.
Related topics
Racks: Introduction
Rack Alignment: Introduction
For a quick and automatic change of styli, probe modules and complete probe
systems, you have to align the Racks . This alignment is done with the stylus
suited for the respective rack. For the alignment of the SCR200 rack use a
TP200, for the MCR20 rack a TP20, for the SCR600 rack a SP600 etc. For the
ACR1 and ACR3 racks you can use different probes. Each rack has a specific
alignment routine.
 You have defined the racks in the "CMM SystemManager" in the
 You have measured the probe that you use for the alignment.
 In GEOPAK you have the user right "Rack alignment".
Starting the command
 Start the learn mode.
 On the "Probe" menu, click "Rack alignment".
"Rack alignment" dialogue box
Select rack
 Under "Select rack", all the defined racks are listed.
 Select the rack for the measurement (for example, FCR25).
Align rack by measurement
When you open the "Rack alignment" dialogue box, the "Align rack by
measurement" box is always active. The "Offset for change cycle positions" box
is not active.
In the "Stylus length" box, enter the length of
the stylus that is used for measurement.
Consider the stylus extension if you use one. Input of the stylus length is
only required for the racks SCR200, SCR6, SCR600, SCR80, SCR800,
MCR20 and FCR25.
a: Stylus length (manufacturer information)
b: Stylus length including stylus extension
If you use the TP20 probe modules 6W, EM1 or EM2, take the offset for
the length of the stylus into account. The offset is the difference in length to
the probe modules LF, SF, MF and EF.
With the ACR3, use the length of the probe tree instead of the stylus extension.
In the "Overall length of probe tree" box,
enter the length of the probe tree that is used for measurement.
a: Overall length of probe tree
b: Overall length of probe tree including stylus extension
The overall length of the probe tree is the real length and not the current
length of the CMM system manager.
 If you want to calibrate individual ports only, select the "Measure stylus
change ports individually" check box. This function in only available for the
racks SCR6, SCR600 and SCR800.
For more information, see " Rack SCR600" and "Rack SCR6, Ports
SCP80 and SCP600".
 Start the alignment with "OK".
After confirmation you will be guided through the alignment independent of the
language by the help of pictures. You will find detailed information about the
individual alignment routines under the following topics:
 ACR1 Alignment
 ACR2 Alignment
 ACR3 Alignment
 SCR6, SCP80 and SCP600 Alignment
 SCR200 Alignment
 SCR600 Alignment
 MCR20 Alignment
 FCR25 Alignment
The completion of the alignment is shown on the screen.
Offset for change cycle positions
After rack alignment, it is sometimes necessary to make a fine adjustment of the
change position.
Click this button to make the "Offset for change cycle positions" box
 Enter the values for the offset in X, Y and Z direction in the corresponding
boxes. If, for example, during probe tree change the probe moves 0,7 mm
too high into the port, then enter an offset of X = 0,0 Y = 0,0 and Z = 0,7.
 Click "OK" to start the fine adjustment.
The following conditions are valid for the fine adjustment:
 The value entered for the offset affects all positions of a change cycle.
 The offset can be entered individually for each rack, but is then valid for
all ports of the rack.
 If a new value is entered for the offset, the former value is replaced with
the new value.
 If the rack is measured again, it is necessary to repeat the fine
The command "Rack alignment" is not available in learn mode.
See also
Racks: Introduction
Rack Definition: Introduction
Combination of Racks: Introduction
ACR1 Alignment
Call up the function as described under "Rack alignment: Introduction".
You will be guided through the alignment by the help of pictures. The pictures
show the individual steps. Each step needs to be confirmed with the "GO TO"
button on the joystick box. For manual measurements press the "Meas" button.
These instructions only include the pictures necessary to understand the
procedure. During rack alignment all pictures are displayed on the screen,
step by step.
 The probe automatically moves to the intended swivel angle for the probe
change. This is defined in the "CMM SystemManager".
 Move the lids at the ports backwards and lock these in position using
clips. Remove all probes from the ports.
 Manually measure the point shown above the joint key screw in the first
 Then, the automatic measurement starts. All ports are measured one
after the other.
 Manually measure the point at the top of sphere of the alignment ball of
the rack. Then, the automatic measurement starts.
 After completion of the automatic measurement, remove all clips and
close the lids.
 Switch off TS-signal ("T.S"-button on joystick box). At the probe autojoint
adapter (PAA), separate the stylus from the probe using the joint key and
deposit the stylus in Port 1. Switch on the TS-signal.
 Reinsert all probes into the ports.
 Touch the alignment ball on the rack with the probe adapter. Then, the
automatic measurement starts.
 After rack alignment the probe of port 1 is automatically taken.
ACR2 Alignment
Call up the function as described under "Rack alignment: Introduction ".
You will be guided through the alignment by the help of pictures. The pictures
show the individual steps. Each step needs to be confirmed with the "GO TO"
button on the joystick box. For manual measurements press the "Meas" button.
These instructions only include the pictures necessary to understand the
procedure. During rack alignment all pictures are displayed on the screen,
step by step.
You have to align each port individually, as the ACR2 has no defined distances
between the ports.
 The probe automatically moves to the intended swivel angle for the probe
change. This is automatically defined in the "CMM SystemManager".
 Move the ports to the upper position and open the lids.
 Remove the probes and push back the ports to the lower position.
 Manually measure a point on the upper pin. Then, the other points are
automatically measured.
 Repeat the alignment for all ports.
 After the alignment, push the ports back to the upper position and reinsert
all probes.
 Close all lids and push the ports back to the lower position.
ACR3 Alignment
Call up the function as described under "Rack alignment: Introduction".
You will be guided through the alignment by the help of pictures. The pictures
show the individual steps. Each step needs to be confirmed with the "GO TO"
button on the joystick box. For manual measurements press the "Meas" button.
These instructions only include the pictures necessary to understand the
procedure. During rack alignment all pictures are displayed on the screen,
step by step.
 On the modular rack system, move the rack to the right into the locking
 Move the lids at the ports backwards and lock these in position using
clips. Remove all probes from the ports.
 Manually measure the point shown above the joint key screw in the first
 Then, the automatic measurement starts. All ports are measured one
after the other.
 After completion of the automatic measurement remove all clips and close
the lids. Reinsert the probes into the ports.
 If the actual probe tree is from another ACR3, move the rack on the
modular rack system to the left, back into the unlocking position.
SCR6, SCP80 and SCP600 Alignment
Call up the function as described under "Rack alignment: Introduction".
You will be guided through the alignment by the help of pictures. The pictures
show the individual steps. Each step needs to be confirmed with the "GO TO"
button on the joystick box. For manual measurements click the "Meas" button.
These instructions only include the pictures necessary to understand the
procedure. During rack alignment all pictures are displayed on the screen,
step by step.
For the alignment of SCR6, SCP80 and SCP600 it is necessary to align each port
 Open the lids of all ports and remove the styli.
 Manually measure a point on the left inner side of the first port.
 Manually measure a point on the left front of the first port.
 Manually measure a point on the left upper side of the first port.
 Then, the automatic measurement starts.
 During alignment of the SCP80 and SCP600 repeat this procedure for all
 Reinsert the styli into the ports and close the lids.
Measurement of the SCR6 alignment ball
After the SCR6 alignment the position of the alignment ball on the modular rack
system must be determined.
For more information, see "Set Additional MPP-100/300 Data".
SCR200 Alignment
Call up the function as described under "Rack alignment: Introduction".
You will be guided through the alignment by the help of pictures. The pictures
show the individual steps. Each step needs to be confirmed with the "GO TO"
button on the joystick box. For manual measurements press the "Meas" button.
These instructions only include the pictures necessary to understand the
procedure. During rack alignment all pictures are displayed on the screen,
step by step.
The SCR200 alignment requires Port 1 and the port configured last. This is
generally Port 6. If less than 6 ports have been configured in the "CMM
SystemManager" the number of the last port changes.
 Make sure that the mode selection switch is on the left. Open the lids of
Port 1 and of the port configured last and remove the probe modules.
 Measure one point each on the left and on the right above the Hall effect
sensor. Then, the automatic measurement starts.
 Manually measure a point on the left of the first port. You can also
measure with the probe stem. Then, the automatic measurement starts.
 After completion of the automatic measurement reinsert the probe
modules into Port 1 and into the port configured last and close the lids.
SCR600 Alignment
Call up the function as described under "Rack alignment: Introduction" .
You will be guided through the alignment by the help of pictures. The pictures
show the individual steps. Each step needs to be confirmed with the "GO TO"
button on the joystick box. For manual measurement press the "MEAS" button.
These instructions only include the pictures necessary to understand the
procedure. During rack alignment all pictures are displayed on the screen,
step by step.
The SCR600 alignment requires all ports configured in the "CMM
 Open the lids of all ports and remove the styli.
 Manually measure the three indicated points in the first port.
 Then, the automatic measurement starts. All ports are measured one
after the other.
 After completion of the automatic measurement, reinsert the styli into the
ports and close the lids.
MCR20 Alignment
Start the function as described under "Rack alignment: Introduction".
You will be guided through the alignment by the help of pictures. The pictures
show the individual steps. Each step needs to be confirmed with the "GO TO"
button on the joystick box. For manual measurements click the "Meas" button.
These instructions only include the pictures necessary to understand the
procedure. During rack alignment all pictures are displayed on the screen,
step by step.
The MCR20 alignment requires Port 1 and the port configured last. This is
normally Port 6. If you have configured less than 6 ports in the "CMM
SystemManager" the number of the last port changes, too.
 Open the lids of Port 1 and of the port configured last and remove the
probe modules.
 Measure one point on the left of Port 1, seen from the front.
 With the probe stem measure one point on the inner left side of Port 1.
Then, the automatic measurement starts.
 Measure one point on the left of the port configured last, seen from the
 With the probe stem measure one point on the inner left side of the port
configured last. Then, the automatic measurement starts.
 After completion of the automatic measurement reinsert the probe
modules into Port 1 and the port configured last and close the lids.
FCR25 Alignment
Call up the function as described under "Rack alignment: Introduction".
You will be guided through the alignment by the help of pictures. The pictures
show the individual steps. Each step needs to be confirmed with the "GO TO"
button on the joystick box. For manual measurements press the "Meas" button.
These instructions only include the pictures necessary to understand the
procedure. During rack alignment all pictures are displayed on the screen,
step by step.
The FCR25 Alignment requires all ports.
 Open the lids of all ports and remove the probe modules.
 Manually measure a point on the back side of the first port.
 Then, the automatic measurement starts.
 After completion of the automatic measurement reinsert the probe
modules into the ports and close the lids.
Set Additional MPP-100/300 Data
The command "Set additional MPP-100/300 data" is active only if a SCR6 rack is
Use the SCR6 rack in combination with the probes MPP100 and MPP300.
Starting the command
 Choose "Probe/Set additional MPP-100/300 data" from the menu bar.
 The "Set additional MPP-100/300 data" will be opened. Two possible
actions are offered.
"Set additional MPP-100/300 data" dialogue box
 Activate one of the two options to start the desired action.
Determine Reference Position
After rack alignment determine the reference position of the alignment ball on the
MRS (modular rack system).
Proceed as follows:
 Measure the alignment ball using the reference probe (probe no. 1, probe
tree no. 1).
 Set the option "Determine reference position (alignment ball)".
 Manually measure the pole point on the alignment ball of the modular
rack system.
 Then, the automatic measurement starts.
Repeat the reference position definition in the following cases:
• the rack has been reinstalled
• the rack position has been changed
• the reference probe has been changed.
Determine MPP-100/300 Offset
It is not possible to determine the MPP-100/300 offset unless you
have determined the reference position.
It is necessary to determine the offset of each individual probe tree. The reason is
that the probe trees have different weights and consequently a different predeflection. This means, that the docking height into the ports is varying. This
difference is called offset.
The MPP-100/300 offset is automatically determined after measurement of the
The steps will be shown on the screen.
 Lift the stylus and press the "START" button on the joystick box.
 Release the stylus and press the "START" button on the joystick box
If the probe configuration changes it is necessary to redetermine the
Related topics
SCR6, SCR80 and SCR800 racks
SCR6, SCR600, SCR80 and SCR800 alignment
Checking ACR3 Position (Left/Right)
With MCOSMOS several ACR3 racks (maximum 4) can be used in a CMM
configuration. A smooth probe tree change requires that the individual ACR3
racks are in the correct position (locked/unlocked). This depends on the active
probe tree. For this reason the "Check ACR3 left/right position" dialog box opens
at the start of GEOPAK.
"Check ACR3 left/right position" dialog box
The dialog box displays the index of each ACR3, the position of the screws and
the correct position (locked/unlocked).
Before a probe tree change, you have to move all ACR3 racks to the
correct position.
The "Check ACR3 left/right position" dialog box is linked with the "Which probe
tree is in use?" dialog box. Only when the "Which probe tree is in use?" dialog
box appears at the start of GEOPAK, also the "Check ACR3 left/right position"
dialog box appears.
You activate the confirmation prompt "Which probe tree is in use?" in the
PartManager, in the "GEOPAK Settings" dialog box, in the "Dialogues" tab. For
more detailed information refer to "Dialogues".
Check ACR3 position while GEOPAK is running
While GEOPAK is running you can check if all ACR3 racks are in the correct
position. For this purpose, open the "Check ACR3 left/right position" dialog box
described above.
 On the "Probe" menu, click "Check ACR3 left/right position".
 The "Check ACR3 left/right position" dialog box appears.
Related topics
ACR3 Rack
ACR3 Alignment
Rack Definition: Introduction
Definition of the racks is done within the "MachineBuilder". The "MachineBuilder"
is opened in the PartManager via the "CMM SystemManager".
 You have chosen a CMM and a masterball.
 In the PartManager you have the "Edit configurations in CMM
SystemManager" user right.
 Under "Add racks" choose all racks to be used.
 Then determine the "Port for reference tree" (see "Add probe head"). For
that purpose carry out the following steps:
• Choose a port
• Add a probe head
• Configure a probe system for the reference tree
 After configuration of the reference tree, add further probe trees (see
"Add probe trees"). Dazu führen Sie folgende Schritte aus:
• Choose and set the port (see "Port settings").
• Define the probe trees (see "Define probe tree" and "Automatic
 Complete the rack definition by entering several rack specific parameters:
• Movement parameters
• Device settings
• Disable inline safety position
Related topics
Racks: Introduction
Rack alignment: Introduction Combination of racks: Introduction
Combination of racks: Introduction
The possible uses of coordinate measurement equipment can be considerably
expanded by the combination of different racks. As well as different star styli and
extensions, complete probe systems with a measurement process can be
changed automatically at the same time. Thus, complex measurement tasks can
also be performed quickly and efficiently.
MCOSMOS generally support the combination of racks. Which combination is
selected depends on the measurement task.
The following combinations are not supported:
 Two ACR1
 ACR1 and ACR3
 ACR2 and (ACR1 or ACR3)
If you combine different racks with each other, e.g. an SCR200 and an
SCR600, you also need a rack where a change of the probe system
(TP200 to SP600) is possible: an ACR1, an ACR3 or a MAPS.
In order to illustrate how you define combinations of racks, we give you two
typical application examples:
 Combination of ACR1 with MCR20 and SCR600
 Combination of ACR3 with SCR200 and FCR25
Related topics
Racks: Introduction
Define racks: Introduction
Calibrate racks: Introduction
Combination of ACR1 with MCR20 and SCR600
The MCR20 is used for changing TP20 probe modules and the SCR600 for
changing SP600 star styli. You change from the TP20 switching probe to the
SP600 measuring probe with the ACR1.
 You have created a new configuration in the "CMM System
 You have already added a CMM (e.g. CRYSTA-APEX 7106) and a
calibration ball (e.g. MB_20_144) to your new configuration.
 Select the racks ACR1, MCR20 and SCR600 one after the other from the
"Add Rack" list box and insert these in your configuration. More detailed
information can be found under "Add rack".
 Specify the port for the reference tree afterwards (see "Select port for
reference tree"). Perform the following steps for this:
• Click on Port 1 in the "Select port for reference tree" list box and
then on "Add".
• Select the PH10M in the "Add probe head" list box and then
click on "Add".
• Compile your reference tree in the "Configure probe system"
dialogue window (PAA1, TP20, TP20_SF and a suitable star
stylus) and confirm with "OK". More detailed information can be
found under "Configure probe system".
 When you have configured the reference tree, assign probe trees to the
other ports (see "Add probe tree"). Perform the actions "Port settings" and
"Define probe tree" one after the other for this.
Port Settings
 Right mouse click on Port 1 of the ACR1 in the "Add probe tree" dialogue
field and select "Port settings" in the context menu.
 Activate the "Stylus will be changed" check box in the "Port settings"
dialogue window. Select Port 1 in the "Port number for parking" list box.
Confirm with "OK". See "Port settings" for other configuration options.
 Configure Port 2 of the ACR1 in the same way. In the "Port
settings"dialogue window, you select the probe SP600M in the list box
and activate the "Stylus will be changed" check box. Select Port 1 as the
port for parking and confirm with "OK". All other ports of the ACR1 remain
 Configure all ports of the MCR20 and SCR600 afterwards.
Define Probe Tree
 First, define the probe trees which will be stored in the MCR20. Right
mouse click on Port 1 of the ACR1 in the "Add probe tree" dialogue field
and select "Define probe tree" in the context menu.
 All the available components for the probe TP20 are displayed in the
"Define probe tree" dialogue window.
 Enter 12 in the "Tree No." spin box. Afterwards, select a component in the
"Available components" dialogue field and click on "Add". The selected
component is transferred to the "Selected components" dialogue area.
Confirm with "OK".
 Compile your probe tree in the "Configure probe system" dialogue window
and confirm with "OK".
 Define all other probe trees which will be stored in the MCR20 in the
same way. In each case, allocate the nest highest tree number, i.e. 13,
14, 15 and 16.
 Afterwards, define the probe trees which will be stored in the SCR600.
Right mouse click on Port 2 of the ACR1 in the "Add probe tree" dialogue
field and select "Define probe tree" in the context menu.
 All the available components for the probe SP600 are displayed in the
"Define probe tree" dialogue window.
 Define your probe trees as described above. Allocate the tree numbers
22 to 24 for the SCR600.
 The complete configuration is shown on the display.
Display with information for the mounting of the individual racks with different
probe trees.
Combination of ACR3 with SCR200 and FCR25
The SCR200 is used for changing TP200 probe modules and the FCR25 for
changing SP25 probe modules and SP25 star styli. You change from the TP200
switching probe to the SP25 measuring probe with the ACR3.
In order to define this configuration, proceed as described in "Combination of
ACR1 with MCR20 and SCR600".
The racks are mounted for this combination as can be seen in the picture below.
Display with information for the mounting of the individual racks with different
probe trees.
Workpiece Alignment
Workpiece Alignment
Workpiece Alignment
Clicking on the topics in the below list, you will obtain the required information
about this topic.
Define Co-ordinate System
Store/Load Co-Ordinate System
Store/Load Table Co-Ordinate System
Pattern for Alignment
Alignment by Single Steps
Create Co-ordinate System through Best Fit
Align Base Plane: Overview
Align Base Plane by Plane
Align Base Plane by Cylinder/Cone
Align Base Plane by Line
Align Axis Parallel to Axis
Align Axis through Point
Align Axis through Point with Offset
Create Origin
Move and Rotate Co-ordinate System
Origin in Element
Alignment by RPS
Direction of a Plane
Element List
Type of Co-ordinate Systems
Polar Co-ordinates: Change Planes
Set Relation to CAD Co-ordinate System
Define Co-Ordinate System
Before you start to measure the elements for alignment, you should make
sure that the part is fixed to the machine in such a way that it cannot move.
You have selected the necessary probe and get the dialogue window
"Define co-ordinate system".
The upper part gives an option of three methods:
Alignment Patterns
Machine co-ordinate system
Co-ordinate system from archive
If you do not need exact alignment, or you have to use a more complex way of
alignment not covered by the patterns, start with the machine co-ordinate system.
Then, just click here and confirm.
Workpiece Alignment
If you need a co-ordinate system from the archive, just click the symbol shown
above. Now you can either input the number directly, or get a list of all stored coordinate systems by a click on the arrow symbol of the input field. Then you can
select from the list, too.
The third possibility is to use one of the alignment patterns to construct a coordinate system.
New co-ordinate system
In the dialogue window "define co-ordinate system", you find eight patterns
frequently used for the initial alignment of a part. In the upper line, a plane
determines the axis in space; in the lower line, axes in space (cylinder or cone)
are used to create the direction in space.
If none of these patterns applies to your case, first measure single elements, and
then align your part using them by the co-ordinate system functions of the menu
bar (for more details, see Alignment by Single Steps).
Before you opt for the pattern, you should inform yourself about details of
the possibilities regarding Patterns for Alignment .
Plane, Line, Line
Plane, Circle, Circle
Plane, Circle, Line (origin in centre of circle)
Plane, Circle, Line (origin on line)
Cylinder, Point, Point
Cylinder, Circle, Point
Cylinder, Line, Point (origin on axis of cylinder)
Cylinder, Line, Point (origin on line)
Workpiece Alignment
Circle or cylinder can be replaced by ellipse or cone. This is done in the
window appearing after you have made the first decision on the pattern;
this next window allows you to select (or change) the elements you are
going to measure for alignment.
In this window, GEOPAK suggests the elements and a way of measuring. The
suggestion for the number of measurement points is always the minimum number
required for the element plus one; this gives you an indication about the quality of
the alignment. You can either accept the suggestions, or input your own data
 the name of the element,
 the memory number of the element,
 the number of measurement points and...
 the memory number of the co-ordinate system.
The co-ordinate system which is constructed this way can be immediately stored.
Just click the symbol, input the selected number, and confirm.
If you do not store at this point, you can do so later via the menu bar "Co-ordinate
system / Store co-ordinate system".
The results, i.e. the measured elements, are listed in the result window. They can
be used later for all types of further evaluation.
If you want to measure parts on one or more pallets, refer to details of "Pallet CoOrdinate-System" and the following subjects.
Store/Load Co-Ordinate System
When storing co-ordinate systems, we distinguish temporary and permanent coordinate systems.
 Temporary co-ordinate systems are those created during the part
program run, which are erased each time you start a new run.
 Permanent (archive) co-ordinate systems correspond to fixed positions on
the CMM table. Normally, they are used to enable a CNC run without
manual alignment.
At "Load Co-Ordinate System", you proceed the same way.
For details to store or load a pallet co-ordinate system, see details of "Pallet CoOrdinate System".
Beginning from Version 2.2, there will be separate functions with their own
dialogues provided for the options "Save/Load Table Co-Ordinate System".
Store/Load Table Co-Ordinate System
Already in the default settings made in the PartManager you decide which
options you take regarding the table co-ordinate system (menu bar / Settings /
Default for programs / GEOPAK / Menus tab). Click the "Table co-ordinate
system" in this list.
Workpiece Alignment
A table co-ordinate system relates to the origin of the CMM. Thus it determines a
position on the CMM table, which, for instance, may be provided with stops.
Great importance is attached particularly to the table co-ordinate systems with
the manager programs, e.g. where several workpieces are clamped at different
positions on the CMM. In these cases, already in the manager program the
workpieces can be related to a table co-ordinate system from the archive.
In a pallet-based operation, the table co-ordinate system determines the position
of the pallet. The pallet co-ordinate system, in turn, determines the position of the
(different) workpieces on the pallet. For further details see "Pallet Co-Ordinate
In GEOPAK, you access these functions through the menu bar "Co-ordinate
system / Save/Load table co-ord. system".
Regarding this topic, refer also to "Save/Load Co-Ordinate System" .
Patterns for Alignment
In practical applications, most of the initial alignments are made using one of the
following eight methods (patterns). Using these patterns makes easier and
simpler set up of a co-ordinate system (cf. also Define Co-ordinate System ).
The pattern "Plane, Line, Line" defines the axis in space by the
measured plane. The first line gives the direction of the x-axis; the origin is the
intersection of the two lines.
The pattern "Plane, Circle, Circle" defines the axis in space by the
measured plane. The line gives the direction of the x-axis from the first circle
centre to the second; the origin is the centre of the first circle.
The pattern "Plane, Circle, Line (origin in circle)" defines the axis in
space by the measured plane. The line gives the direction of the x-axis; the origin
is the centre of the circle.
The pattern "Plane, Circle, Line (origin on line)" defines the axis in
space by the measured plane. The line gives the direction of the x-axis; the origin
is on the line; it is the centre of the circle projected to the line.
The pattern "Cylinder, Point, Point" defines the axis in space by the
measured cylinder. The origin is on the axis of the cylinder; the first single point
determines the Z-height of the origin. The direction of the x-axis is from the origin
through the second measured point.
Workpiece Alignment
The pattern "Cylinder, Circle, Point" defines the axis in space by the
measured cylinder. The origin is on the axis of the cylinder; the single point
determines the Z-height of the origin. The direction of the x-axis is from the origin
through the centre of the circle.
The pattern "Cylinder, Line, Point (origin on the cylinder axis)"
defines the axis in space by the measured cylinder. The origin is on the axis of
the cylinder; the single point determines the Z-height of the origin. The measured
line gives the direction of the x-axis.
The pattern "Cylinder, Line, Point (origin on the line)" defines the
axis in space by the measured cylinder. The origin is on the axis of the cylinder;
the single point determines the Z-height of the origin. The measured line gives
the direction of the x-axis. The origin is projected to the line.
Circle or Cylinder can be replaced by ellipse or cone. You can switch
between the element types by the icons of the following dialogue window.
Then, measure the elements; the measurements are recorded in the result
window (cf. also Define Co-Ordinate System ).
Alignment by Single Steps
In order to perform a complete alignment, the axis in space (in other words, the
base plane), one axis within this plane, and the origin must be determined. This is
done by the alignment patterns by using a single command. However, if your part
does not suit for the use of one of these patterns, you must do it systematically.
The following example shows these steps:
 Select e.g. the machine co-ordinate system to start with.
 Measure the F1 plane for the plane alignment.
To open the dialogue box click on this icon or choose "Coordinate system / Align plane" from the menu bar. In the "Align Plane"
dialogue box choose OK to confirm.
 Measure the F2 plane.
Workpiece Alignment
 Create the intersection line between F1 and F2 for "Axis Alignment".
To open the dialogue box click on this icon or choose "Coordinate system / Align axis parallel to axis" from the menu bar.
 Measure the F3 plane.
 Create the intersection point between F3 and the intersection line for the
zero point determination.
To open the dialogue box click on this icon or choose "Coordinate system / Create origin" from the menu bar.
Create Co-ordinate System with Best Fit
In GEOPAK it is possible to create a co-ordinate system with best fit. This is the
case if several similar elements, e.g. circles are used as reference elements to
build the co-ordinate system.
If you create a co-ordinate system with best fit all values also the nominal values
are converted into the new co-ordinate system.
 In the "Best fit" dialogue box select the "Align co-ordinate system" check
Click this icon if you wish to store the co-ordinate system. In the
corresponding drop-down list enter the number of the co-ordinate system.
 Choose one of the buttons below and confirm with "OK". Proceed as
Best fit with single selection
Best fit with group selection
Leapfrog makes is possible to extend the measurement range of a portable CMM
beyond its physical range. Leapfrog is achieved by the fact that the object to be
checked can be measured from different positions. Move the portable CMM from
one position to the other.
A co-ordinate system for the entire leapfrog is required. The so-called leapfrog
co-ordinate system is created with a special alignment routine.
A portable CMM, for example a SpinArm or an API laser tracker, is defined in the
"CMM System Manager" in the "MachineBuilder".
Create leapfrog co-ordinate system
Build the leapfrog co-ordinate system of two normal co-ordinate systems. When
mounting an alignment tool, make sure that access is possible from different
positions. Then place the portable CMM on two different positions and create a
co-ordinate system for each. You can use all GEOPAK commands to do so.
Workpiece Alignment
For alignment, work with a machine co-ordinate system.
 Create a new part program.
For more information, see "Create a New Part".
 Start the learn mode.
 When mounting the alignment tool, make sure that access is possible
from both CMM positions.
Change to the machine co-ordinate system.
For more information, see "Define Co-ordinate System".
On the menu bar, click "Co-or.sys./Leapfrog: Reset co-ord. system"
or click the button.
 The "Leapfrog: Reset co-ordinate system" dialogue box appears.
"Leapfrog: Reset co-ordinate system" dialogue box
 In the "Leapfrog: Reset co-ordinate system" dialogue box, click "OK".
 Define the co-ordinate system.
For more information, see "Define Co-ordinate System".
 Move the portable CMM to the second position.
Change to the machine co-ordinate system.
 Define the co-ordinate system again and store it with a different number.
On the menu bar, click "Co-or.sys./Leapfrog: Calculate co-ord.
system" or click the button.
 The "Leapfrog: Calculate co-ordinate system" dialogue box appears.
"Leapfrog: Calculate co-ordinate system" dialogue box
 In the "Co-ord. sys. number on pos. #1" box, type the number of the coordinate system built on CMM position 1.
 In the "Co-ord. sys. number on pos. #2" box, type the number of the coordinate system built on CMM position 2.
 Click "OK". The leapfrog co-ordinate system is calculated.
Workpiece Alignment
See also
Principles of Leapfrog Calculation
Principles of Leapfrog Calculation
1 – Alignment tool
2 – Position of portable CMM
3 – Leapfrog offset
4 – Vector of co-ordinate system
First leapfrog
 Two co-ordinate systems are built on the alignment tool (V1, V2): one
from the initial position (0,0,0), the other from the second position of the
portable CMM (3000,0,0).
 If the position of the alignment tool is not changed, a leapfrog offset can
be calculated (3000,0,0).
Second leapfrog
 Two co-ordinate systems are built on the alignment tool (V3, V4): one
from the initial position (3000,0,0), the other from the second position of
the portable CMM (6000,0,0).
 If the position of the alignment tool is not changed, a leapfrog offset can
be calculated (6000,0,0).
The first leapfrog system (3000,0,0) is not reset before the co-ordinate
system on the first position is determined. The stored vector V3 of the coordinate system contains the calculated leapfrog offset.
Before the co-ordinate system on the second position is determined, the
leapfrog co-ordinate system and the machine co-ordinate system are
reset. The vector V4 only contains the offset from the portable CMM to the
alignment tool.
 When the leapfrog co-ordinate system is calculated, the previous leapfrog
offset (3000,0,0) – contained in V3 – is added to V4.
See also
Workpiece Alignment
Align Base Plane
For the most ordinary cases, GEOPAK proposes the Patterns for
Alignment. However, there are cases that cannot be matched with one of these
patterns; therefore GEOPAK has also the possibility to align by other means.
Basically, you proceed in three steps.
 Align base plane; you create the axis in space, or in other words a
reference plane (usually XY plane).
 Axis alignment; you need to determine an axis in the reference plane
(mostly the x-axis).
 Origin; you take a point in space and declare this the origin.
The determination of the origin can be independent of the two other steps, and
made before these steps.
In many cases, however, you use elements, which determine as well the rotation
in space as one or two components of the origin. Now you can decide your
procedure according to the actual measurement task (drawing, position of the
part on the machine, etc.). Here you must define your measurement strategy.
For the alignment of a base plane, you can use following elements:
 Align Base Plane by Plane
 Align Base Plane by Cylinder/Cone
 Align Base Plane by Line
You should also know:
The elements are stored in the Element List with a symbol,
memory number, and the number of points each.
The simplest way is to use one of the Patterns for Alignment .
However, if this is not sufficient, you can measure the elements
for alignment manually, and then afterwards align your coordinate system by these.
You should start with the element necessary for the plane
alignment, and then activate "alignment".
If the window "Align base plane" is displayed, and you measure
the element then, the list of elements in the selection box is not
yet updated. You must close the window and open it again.
Proceed as follows:
 Click the Menu "Co-ordinate system" and then the part program
command "Align Base Plane".
By the arrow key of list box, you open a list of elements. This is not
the complete list as it only contains elements, which can be used for align
base plane, not e.g. circles or spheres.
Select the element (plane, cylinder, cone, or line).
Then you decide your co-ordinate plane (XY-, YZ-, or XZ-
Click the button "Origin in Element", if you want to move the origin
into the selected Element.
Workpiece Alignment
Origin, if the button "Origin in Element" is not activated.
Origin, before the movement
Moved origin, if the button "Origin in Element" is activated.
Example 1: The plane (cf. drawing above) determines the axis in space, here the
XY plane. Then "Origin in Element" means that Z is set to zero for all points of the
plane. If you do not want this, just click "Origin to Element" off; then the origin
stays where it has been before.
After this, the origins in x and y direction are still unchanged; they must be
determined by some other elements.
Example 2: The cylinder axis (cf. drawing above) is used for the axis in space,
here the xy plane. In this case "Origin in Element" means that the origin in x and
y is set to the cylinder axis; the z height of the origin is still open and has to be
determined by some other element afterwards. Normally, the example for the
cylinder axis is also valid for the axis of a cone. This is also true for the Patterns
for Alignment.
The direction of a cylinder is determined by the sequence of probing; the positive
direction runs from the first to the last measurement point. The positive direction
of a cone always runs from the apex into the cone.
Align Base Plane by Plane
The Align Base Plane can be achieved by means of a plane, a cylinder, or cone.
A line can only be used if it is a line in space, in other words a "Connection
Element" (cf. also Align Base Plane by Cylinder/Cone and Align Base Plane in
Space by Line.
Workpiece Alignment
You measure - e.g. via the symbol - the plane; the result of the
measurement is stored in the element list. Then you activate the "align base
plane". In the dialogue window, select the measured plane. After you confirm, this
plane is made the base plane of your co-ordinate system.
After the Align Base Plane by a plane, the axis in space always points out of the
material, if it is a measured plane. Different from the alignment by a cylinder,
cone or a line, the sequence of measurement does not affect the result.
Align Base Plane by Cylinder or Cone
The Align Base Plane can be achieved by a plane or the axis of a cylinder or
cone (cf. also Align Base Plane by Plane and Align Base Plane by Line).
By clicking the symbol or via the menu bar (elements / cylinder), you define
the element as usual (measure or construct). The resulting element is stored in
the element list.
Then, click and select the cylinder as the axis in space. When applying the Align
Base Plane, the axis of the cylinder becomes the z-axis of the co-ordinate
system. The positive direction is determined by the probing sequence of the
cylinder: from the first to the last measured point.
Workpiece Alignment
If a cone defines the axis, proceed accordingly. When applying the Align
Base Plane for a cone, the positive direction is always the direction from the apex
into the cone.
Align Base Plane by Line
The "Align Base Plane" can be achieved by a plane, the axis of a cylinder or
cone, or by a line (cf. also Align Base Plane by Plane and Align Base Plane by
By "Align Base Plane by Line" you will get a not projected line (see symbol).
Take care that the elements, you need for creating the line will be measured not
Activate the element line by the icon. Then you get the element definition window.
For the align base plane, you can only use a line in space. Therefore you cannot
use a measured line; a measured line is always projected.
Using the icon or the menu bar, you activate the element line. In the
subsequent window, you can select
the connection element,
the intersection element, or
the symmetry element.
Workpiece Alignment
You can use intersection lines of two planes (cf. example below); symmetry lines
of lines in space, and lines connected from points in space, e.g. the centre points
of two circles or ellipses.
1 = plane 1
2 = plane 2
3 = intersection line
Align Axis Parallel to Axis
The function "Align axis parallel to axis" is used if the co-ordinate system should
be positioned horizontally to a certain axis. Before you execute this function carry
out the plane alignment. The axis alignment determines one of the two axes to be
positioned horizontally to the plane. In this example the Z axis is the plane axis.
 First determine the alignment element, ellipse, line, cylinder or cone
(measurement, theoretical etc.).
To open the dialogue box click this button or choose "Co-ordinate
system / Align axis parallel to axis" from the menu bar.
Workpiece Alignment
 You can choose between four alignment elements each of which with a
defined axis.
 To choose an element click the corresponding button.
 In the "Co-or.-Plane-Axis" group box determine the axis (X or Y) you wish
to align with the element at a click the corresponding button.
 The selected element will be projected into the X/Y plane.
 The co-ordinate system will be rotated around the Z axis until the X axis
or Y axis is positioned parallel to the element.
Origin on axis
Click this button if the axis should not only be aligned parallel with the
element but should be positioned exactly on the element. In this case the coordinate system is rotated and afterwards moved until the origin is positioned on
the element.
Align Axis through Point
The function "Align axis through point" is used if a co-ordinate axis should pass a
certain point. Before you execute this function carry out the plane alignment. The
axis alignment determines one of the two axes to be positioned horizontally to the
plane. In this example the Z axis is the plane axis.
 First measure the alignment element e.g. point, circle, ellipse, sphere or
hole shape element (Measure, Theo. element etc.).
Click this icon in the GEOPAK toolbar to open the dialogue box of
this part program command or choose "Co-ordinate system / Align axis
through point" from the menu bar.
 Choose an element type of the five available types of alignment elements.
 The available elements of the selected element type are listed in the
drop-down list.
Choose an alignment element.
 In the "Co-ordinate system plane axis" box click one of the icons to
determine if the X axis or the Y axis should pass the point of the element.
 The selected element will be projected into the X/Y plane.
 The co-ordinate system will be rotated around the Z axis until the X axis
or Y axis passes this point.
Offset alignment
Click this icon and enter a value if the axis should not pass the point but
should be positioned in a certain distance to the point. The co-ordinate system
will be rotated so that the point is positioned with the determined distance to the
Align Axis through Point with Offset
In our example, a circle has been measured, the plane has been aligned and the
origin has been determined. The alignment of the axis has still to be performed.
In order to be able to align the axis, we have developed the function "Align axis
through point with offset". To get to the relevant dialogue, go to the menu bar /
Co-ordinate system / Align axis.
Workpiece Alignment
In our example (see ill. below), you can go by the plane axis to be the Z-axis.
 First, capture the alignment element, i.e. either point, circle, ellipse or
sphere (measurement, theoretical etc.).
 You will find the four elements with a defined point each as alignment
 Define the element type with which you want to work. The list contains the
elements of this type.
Click the symbol to select an element (in our example for the XYplane)
 The selected element is projected into the X/Y-plane.
 The co-ordinate system is then rotated around the Z-axis until the relation
of the x- and the y-co-ordinate of the selected element corresponds to the
entered offset values.
Create Origin
If your mechanical drawing or CAD model has been measured from a certain
origin, you can choose the "Create origin" function to align the co-ordinate system
with the element, which contains this point.
 Measure the element, which determines this origin first.
Click this icon in the GEOPAK toolbar to open the dialogue box of
this part program command or choose "Co-ordinate system / Create
Origin" from the menu bar.
 In the dialogue box choose the type of alignment element.
 The text box indicates the element measured last.
 If you wish to choose another element click on the arrow of the list box
and make your selection from the elements listed.
To create a co-ordinate system use the standard elements (point, line,
circle, etc.) as well as the hole shape elements.
With these icons you determine in which axis the element coordinate is set to zero. This can be done for each axis individually. For some
elements (circle), however, two axes are available only.
Workpiece Alignment
GEOPAK sets all selected axes to zero. It may occur that the position of
the origin may be changed accidentally.
You have selected all three axes and have determined the X/Y plane by a
measured plane. The origin is positioned in this plane. If you measure a
circle below this plane (Z=-3) the program would position this co-ordinate
on the measuring height, i.e. Z=-3.
In this case the Z axis should not have been selected.
Move and Rotate Co-ordinate System
If you wish to move and rotate the co-ordinate system, proceed as
 Click on the icon shown above or choose "Co-ordinate system / Move and
rotate co-ordinate system" from the menu bar.
 In the dialogue box enter the values in the X, Y and Z text boxes.
In the text box enter the angle and click on the icon of
the axis (axes) you wish to rotate.
If you wish to move and to rotate and you have entered the requested
values in the dialogue box the co-ordinate system will always be moved
first and then rotated.
If you wish to rotate first and then move, proceed as follows:
 Rotate first and confirm.
 Open the dialogue box again, move and confirm.
 The values differ from the ones obtained before.
Origin in Element
When you measure an element to determine the axis in space, the orientation
properties (direction in space) are evaluated. However, depending on the
element, one or more co-ordinates of the origin can also be determined by this
Click the button "Origin in Element".
Origin, if the button "Origin in Element" is not activated.
Workpiece Alignment
Origin before the movement.
Moved origin, if the button "Origin in Element" is activated.
Example 1: The plane (cf. above) determines the axis in space. If you select
"Origin to Element", the z-value of the co-ordinate system is also set to zero on
the plane. In other words, the origin is shifted into the plane. The other coordinates (x and y) must be determined differently, e.g. by a circle.
Example 2: The axis of the cylinder (cf. above) determines the z-axis in space, in
other words the xy plane. In this case, "origin to element" means that the x and y
co-ordinates of the origin are set to the axis of the cylinder. The z-value of the
origin must be defined distinctly.
RPS Alignment
The RPS (Reference Point System) alignment is mainly used for sheet metal
parts in a car, the origin of the co-ordinate system being in the centre of the front
axle. The sheet metal parts do not have any features that can be used for a
conventional alignment. Therefore the designer usually designates specific
points; these points have certain co-ordinates given. The RPS alignment consists
of constructing the transformation in such a way that the actually measured
points have these pre-defined co-ordinate values.
For a proper alignment the six degrees of freedom have to be determined, i.e. 6
values are generally required.
The values can be realised in different ways, the two extreme cases are the
 each point only determines one value, i.e. that 6 points are necessary,
 one point (e.g. centre of a circle thanks to a created plane) determines 3
values, another 2, and the third determines one co-ordinate value, i.e. that
only 3 elements are necessary.
GEOPAK can handle as well the two extreme cases as all the others in between.
However, this makes the operation somewhat complicated.
Workpiece Alignment
General Rule
For a proper alignment, the 6 degrees of freedom have to be removed, i.e. that
normally 6 values must be given. The distribution is such that one co-ordinate
has 3 known values, the second only 2, and the last only one value. As this can
be any of the x, y, or z, this has to be transmitted to GEOPAK by buttons.
In a practical application, you have to distinguish two cases:
Case 1: Mechanical drawing and known RPS points
Usually, the points are designated on the mechanical drawing, and the coordinates written in the lower right corner. Furthermore, the mechanical drawing
specifies which co-ordinate the point, e.g. Fxy for a point defining x and y, fixes.
In addition, the tolerance for this co-ordinate is given as 0.0.
In this case, proceed as follows:
 Measure the positions indicated in the mechanical drawing with GEOPAK
as usual (compensated point, circle, intersection, etc.).
 Select "Co-ordinate System" / "RPS Alignment" from the menu bar.
 Select either the first reference point, and enter the three nominal coordinates from the drawing, or ...
click this button and the values of the measured element will be
copied in the RPS-point-fields (right side in the dialogue).
If you want to take the values of other elements for specific RPSpoint-fields, click the "Use co-ordinates from element" button.
Press the button(s) for those co-ordinates, which have to be exactly
determined (the drawing states "Tolerance = 0.0"; usually, the label is
something like 'Fz' for a z-value, etc.).
Enter the other values as well, even if they are not relevant for the
alignment, because they are needed internally.
Repeat the last 3 steps for the other references. For each reference, you
must activate the input by the button on the upper part of the input field.
After all references have been input, check the input: the number of
pressed co-ordinate keys must be exactly 6; 3 for one of x, y, or z; 2 for
the next, and 1 for the last. Then press 'OK'.
Case 2: Only data set given
In this case - which happens frequently during demonstrations for customers - it
is necessary to first determine the nominal co-ordinates.
For this, proceed as follows:
 Load the mechanical drawing in CAT1000S.
 Use the function "Search Border Points" to find the nominal co-ordinates.
Send these points to GEOPAK by pressing the corresponding button in
the window.
 Now measure close to your designated points in GEOPAK.
 Then proceed as in the case of given RPS points (cf. above). For the
input of the co-ordinates, you can either take these values into variables
(by the "formula calculation") or write them down and key them in.
Workpiece Alignment
When using the "Alignment wizard for RPS" in CAT1000S, the nominal
values do not have to be entered manually, they are automatically
transmitted to the GEOPAK dialog box.
For the RPS alignment you can use the standard elements (point, line,
circle, etc.) as well as the hole shape elements.
For more detailed information refer to the documentation under the title
"si_rps_e.pdf" on your MCOSMOS CD. This document also contains details
about the net parallelism.
Direction of a Plane
A vector perpendicular to the surface determines the direction of a plane. For a
measured plane, this always points out the material, independent on the probing
sequence (cf. also "Align Base Plane").
List of Elements
The list of elements contains all measured or calculated elements. It consists of
four columns with the following contents
 the graphical symbol of the element (circle, point etc.)
a graphical symbol of the type of construction (measured,
connection element, etc.). Here you can also find the number of points
used to calculate the element (probing points for measured elements, or
points of other elements for connection elements).
 the name of the element.
 the memory number of the element. The elements are separately stored
for each type. The program automatically assigns the numbers 1 to...X,
but you can also input the memory numbers you want in the dialogue
window for the elements.
Types of Co-ordinate Systems
GEOPAK offers three types of co-ordinate system
Workpiece Alignment
You can always switch between these types.
 For OUTPUT, select "Settings / Co-ordinate system mode" from the menu
bar, and select the type in the following window.
 For INPUT, switching is possible by clicking on the corresponding symbol
in the input window. If you key-in an element, it is displayed using the coordinates you have input.
 If you want to see the element in a different co-ordinate system type,
switch the output (cf. above) to the required system type, then re-calculate
the element from memory.
After program start, the Cartesian co-ordinate system is active.
Cartesian co-ordinates
Here, the values of the X-, Y-, and Z-axes define the position of a point in space.
1 = X-co-ordinate
2 = Y-co-ordinate
3 = Z-co-ordinate
Cylindrical co-ordinates
In this system a point in space is defined by
 the projected distance from the origin,
 the angle Phi with the first (x-) axis, and
 the value of the z-axis.
If you have used an axis different from Z to make the alignment of a base plane,
the definitions are slightly different. The X-axis corresponds to the first axis of the
selected plane. This means for the Y/Z-plane the Y-axis, for the Z/X-plane the Zaxis.
1 = angle Phi
2 = radius to origin
3 = Z-co-ordinate
Workpiece Alignment
Spherical co-ordinates
In this system a point in space is defined by
 the distance from the origin in space,
 the angle Phi with the first axis, and
 the angle Theta. In GEOPAK, the angle Theta is the angle between the zaxis and the vector to the point.
1 = angle Phi
2 = angle Theta
3 = (angle Theta)
4 = radius to origin
In literature, some take also the view that the angle Theta is the angle between
the base plane and the vector.
Polar Co-Ordinates: Change Planes
In the dialogue windows where you can select one out of the three co-ordinate
system types, we offer you another option.
As a rule, you select your polar co-ordinate system with a click on the middle or
lower symbol (cylindrical or spherical, see picture below, left column).
With a further click on one of these two polar co-ordinate systems you can
additionally change the working plane. The changes are displayed to you.
Set Relation to CAD Co-ordinate System
When you have finished the alignment, this function informs the program that the
following conditions are fulfilled:
 The alignment is finished.
 The alignment is conform to the CAD co-ordinate system.
These requirements are recorded in the part program.
As long as you have not defined the "Relation to CAD co-ordinate system", the
origin of the CAD co-ordinate system is always in the origin of the GEOPAK coordinate system.
Workpiece Alignment
Before using the function make sure that the co-ordinate system in CAT1000PS
is conform to the GEOPAK co-ordinate system.Also refer to "Virtual alignment of
the workpiece" and "Define co-ordinate system".
 In GEOPAK/CAT1000 on the "Co-ordinate system" menu, click "Set
relation to CAD co-ordinate system".
 The "Set relation to CAD co-ordinate system" dialogue box appears.
Option "Not yet defined"
Do not use this option for new part programs (from version 3.0).
This option is available to create the downward compatibility.
When you select this option, the relation between the CAD co-ordinate system
and the GEOPAK co-ordinate system is not defined.
When you select this option, the behaviour of former part programs does not
Option "Defined; apply future co-ordinate system changes"
This setting is mainly used for CAT1000P.
Here you define the relation of the workpiece co-ordinate system to the CAD coordinate system. When you select this option, all following changes of the
GEOPAK co-ordinate system are automatically applied to the CAD co-ordinate
system and the measurement results in CAT1000 are updated.
In GEOPAK all changes of the GEOPAK co-ordinate system are calculated with
the measured results.
In contrast, the nominal co-ordinate system in CAT1000 is calculated on the
basis of the current nominal values.
Condition for this is that the nominal data have been entered in GEOPAK.
Also refer to "Entering nominal values for the elements".
When the element measurements in CAT1000PS are programmed, the nominal
data are automatically transferred from CAT1000PS to GEOPAK.
You want to move the origin of the co-ordinate system of circle 1 (in the CAD
model the origin is in circle 1) to circle 2.
 Create the co-ordinate system in GEOPAK. The origin is in circle 1.
 In GEOPAK select the option "Defined; apply future co-ordinate system
changes" to accept the changes of the co-ordinate system.
 Measure circle 2 with CAT1000. The workpiece co-ordinates of circle 2
are (50.1; 0.02; 0.1). The CAD co-ordinates of circle 2 are (50; 0; 0).
 In GEOPAK define the origin in circle 2.
 The co-ordinate systems in GEOPAK and CAT1000 are synchronized. In
CAT1000 click circle 2 to obtain the nominal values of the origin (0; 0; 0).
Click circle 1 to obtain the values (-50; 0; 0), because the origin of the coordinate system has been moved to circle 2 (in GEOPAK and in
 The measurement values of circle 1 are also automatically converted in
CAT1000 (-50.1; -0.02; -0.1).
Workpiece Alignment
Option "Defined; ignore future co-ordinate system changes"
Application: This option is used for the measurement of rotationally symmetric
pieces. Example: turbine blades with a CAD data set for one blade only.
This setting is mainly used for CAT1000S.
When you select this option the current co-ordinate system is saved as nominal
co-ordinate system. The nominal co-ordinate system in this context is the coordinate system valid at the time, when the option "Defined; ignore future coordinate system changes" has been selected.
This function informs GEOPAK that the current GEOPAK co-ordinate system is
conform to the CAD co-ordinate system. From the moment this option is selected,
all other co-ordinate systems are no longer accepted by CAT1000. This prevents
that the position of the workpiece in 3D view changes. The effect of multiple
changes of the co-ordinate system, for example in a loop, may be a slow down of
the complete program due to the permanent updates.
Working with CAT1000 is only possible in a co-ordinate system in which
the two systems correspond to each other. Even when the option "Defined;
ignore future co-ordinate system changes" is selected, this will not be
changed. The updates of the co-ordinate systems are merely suppressed.
That is why the measurement points and elements are not shown at the
place of measurement.
You want to move the origin of the co-ordinate system of circle 1 (in the CAD
model the origin is in circle 1) to circle 2.
 Create the co-ordinate system in GEOPAK. The origin is in circle 1.
 In GEOPAK select the option "Defined; ignore future co-ordinate system
changes" to ignore the changes of the co-ordinate system.
 Measure circle 2 with CAT1000. The workpiece co-ordinates of circle 2
are (50.1; 0.02; 0.1). The CAD co-ordinates of circle 2 are (50; 0; 0).
 In GEOPAK define the origin in circle 2.
 The co-ordinate systems in GEOPAK and CAT1000 are different. In
GEOPAK the origin of the co-ordinate system is now in circle 2. In
CAT1000 the origin of the co-ordinate system is still in circle 1.
 In CAT1000 click circle 2 to obtain the nominal values (50; 0; 0).
 Click circle 1 to obtain the values (0; 0; 0), because the origin of the coordinate system in CAT1000 has not been moved.
 The measurement values of circle 1 are not automatically converted in
CAT1000. The measurement values of circle 2 are shown at the position
of circle 1 in CAT1000.
Pallet Co-Ordinate System
Pallet Co-Ordinate System
With the pallet co-ordinate system you can
 measure different parts
 on one or several pallets
 at different positions on the machine table
automatically or in CNC mode (see picture below).
The table co-ordinate system (table position) determines in which position the
pallet is situated on the CMM table.
The pallet co-ordinate system determines, at which position the part is placed
on the pallet.
As different types of pallets are possible, you must assign numbers to the pallets.
The pallet co-ordinate systems are separately stored for each type of pallet. You
may assign the same pallet co-ordinate system numbers for different types of
Connection to Manager Programs and Q-PAK
As for each single part exists a part program, the same way exists for each pallet
a manager program, which is calling the single part programs. This manager
 includes information about which part program must be executed at which
pallet position and ...
 gets the information from Q-PAK, on which table position the pallet is
First of all, you must have stored as table co-ordinate system the positions at
which the pallets must be situated (refer to "Store/Load Co-Ordinate System").
You proceed in the following way
 For each position on the pallet, you define a co-ordinate system.
 Store this co-ordinate system as a pallet co-ordinate system (menu bar
"Co-Ordinate System / Store Pallet Co-Ordinate System").
Window "Store Co-Ordinate System"
 In this window, you enter the pallet co-ordinate system no. at the top. This
number is used for the pallet co-ordinate system in the manager program.
Pallet Co-Ordinate System
 In the middle field, you enter for which type of pallet this co-ordinate
system is valid.
 Below, you enter at which table position the pallet was situated when
defining the co-ordinate system.
So, you have all information for using the pallet co-ordinate system in the
manager program.
The "Load Pallet Co-Ordinate System" command is exclusively used for
Geometric Elements Contents
Elements: Overview
Measurement and Probe Radius Compensation
Point: Conctructed Points (Overview)
Constructed Circle: Overview
Inclined Circle
Probing Strategy Cylinder/Cone
Constructed Lines: Overview
Step Cylinder
Selection of Point Contour
Angle Calculation
Calculation of Distance
Distance along Probe Direction
Type of Construction
Type of Calculation
Enveloping or Fitting-in Element
Positive Direction by Vector
Re-calculate Elements
Free Element Input
Pre-define Nominal Values for Elements
Nominal Values: Three Options
Element Gear
Calculation according to Gauss
Minimum Zone Element
Enveloping Element
Fitting in Element
Spread / Standard Deviation
Graphics of Elements
Graphics of Elements Contents
Carbody Elements
Hole Shapes: Introduction
Automatic Element Recognition
Automatic Element Recognition: Introduction
Elements: Overview
For your tasks you dispose of, among other things, the following elements:
 Point
 Line
 Circle
 Inclined Circle
 Ellipse
 Plane
 Cone
 Sphere
 Cylinder
 Step Cylinder
 Contour
 Calculation of Angles
 Calculation of Distance
Activate one of these elements either by a click on the icon or the pull down
menu, and come to the corresponding dialog window.
Skipping of "Element Dialog"
To carry out measurement the most quickly, you can skip the "Element Dialog".
To do this, click on "Settings / Properties for Selection Dialog" in the menu. In the
following window, click on the option "Skip Element Dialogue". Then, when calling
up the element via the symbol, you immediately come to measurement.
When you call up your element using the menu bar and the function, you come to
a dialogue window whose basic structure is identical for all elements (see
example shown below "Element Circle").
The dialogue window consists of five areas.
 Below the title bar, you find, horizontally arranged, the symbols for the
Type of Construction.
The first four types of construction (from left) are identical for all elements.
• Measurement,
• Connection element,
• Re-calculate from memory, and
• Theoretical element.
Constructed Elements: Contents for this topic catalogue.
Regardig the input of nominal values, find detailed information in the
topic Input of Nominal Values for Elements.
 On the left side, you find the icons for Type of Calculation (Gauss,
minimum zone element etc.)
 On the right hand side, you can see the icons for the Programming Help
(measure automatic, tolerance etc.).
Graphics of Measurement: When clicking this button, the window
"Measurement display" additionally displays the symbol of the element
you are currently measuring during the measurement.
You may do without the optical representation when you have
activated the button "Measurement voice comment.
Only when activating "Automatic Element finish", the window
"Measurement display" shows the number of points you have entered in
the text box "No. of Points".
Moreover, these buttons are all furnished with speech bubbles and are
 In the central area, you can input information about
• the name of the element: Mitutoyo makes a suggestion, e.g.
circle, but you can input any name describing the actual
element. If you click the arrow at the end of the input field, you
will get a list of all names of this element type you have entered
so far.
• The memory number: The program automatically stores and
uses subsequent numbers. If it is necessary for you to store the
element in a different memory number, you can overwrite the
• The number of points: If you wish to have a statement about
the form of the element, it is necessary to enter the minimum
number of points.
 The bottom area contains the usual buttons (Ok, cancel, etc.).
Measurement and Probe Radius Compensation
If you probe the part with a ball, you only know the co-ordinates of the ball centre.
From these, we calculate the element. Then, it is compensated by the probe
radius. GEOPAK must know on which side the material is situated so that the
direction of the probe radius compensation is correct (inside or outside). This
information comes from the probing direction. This is determined as follows:
• In manual mode, the control communicates the probing
direction, which has been driven with the joystick.
• In the CNC mode, the probing direction is fixed with the driving
 Manual CMM
By probing from the first measurement point, the current
position is continuously read so that the probing direction is
determined. When you go beyond a determined distance
(dummy distance), the position is taken over and will be
converted in the probing direction together with the
measurement point.
 SpinArm
The probing direction can be specified in two different ways:
• Click the SpinArm button after you have moved the part away
from the probe.
• The probing direction is determined in the same way as for the
manual CMM. The probing direction of the last measurement
point is applied.
SpinArm settings
The method to determine the probing direction is specified in the initialization file
"Machine.ini". Under "Manual", use the following variables:
 AutoDummy=0 (SpinArm button)
 AutoDummy=1 (SpinArm movement)
For CMMs with a fixed probe, you have to take into account that after the
first measured point of an element you drive in the opposite direction of the
material because otherwise the probing direction will not be correctly
recognized and an incorrect compensation is realised.
Point / Constructed Points (Overview)
Using this part program command you create a new element of the type
 Click this icon or choose "Element / Point" from the menu bar.
 In the "Element Point" dialogue box all types of construction of points
allowed by GEOPAK are summarised (for more detailed information refer
to Elements: Overview).
For details about the four types of construction refer to
Type of Construction and Memory recall.
Symmetry element: Click this icon to calculate the symmetry point of two
elements. Confirm and the Symmetry Element Pointdialogue box is displayed.
You can create the Connection Element Point from
 the position co-ordinates of known elements or
 the measurement points of these elements.
Refer also to the following topics
 Connection Elements General
 Connection Element "From Measured Points"
Intersection element: Calculation of the intersection point of two elements
is possible by clicking this icon and by choosing "OK". For more detailed
information refer to "Intersection Element Point".
Three Possibilities for Measurement
There are three possibilities for the measurement of points.
Point (uncompensated): At this the co-ordinates of the probe mid point are
indicated. Compensation of the probe radius is later carried out by GEOPAK
automatically, e.g. during the calculation of distance.
Compensated point: Compensation is carried out as follows:
• Manual operation: compensation is carried out along one of the
axis of the co-ordinate system.
• CNC operation: compensation is carried out along the probing
CNC operation means that the "CNC On" command has
been carried out, i.e. that for a CNC CMM in joystick mode,
compensation is also carried out along the axis of the coordinate system (like in manual operation) if the command has
not yet been carried out.
Side: Only the co-ordinate along the probing direction is output.
Compensation of the probe radius is also carried out in this direction.
In the polar co-ordinate system a radial compensation of the probe radius is
carried out.
For details regarding the options in the icon block on the right of the dialogue box
refer to Programming help.
Options Contour, Intersection Element; Input of Nominal
Use this function for calculations with individual points of a contour. Click
this icon to open the "Min. max. of contour" dialogue box. For more detailed
information refer to Minimum and maximum point.
Intersection element
This function is available only with the GEOPAK part program editor.
In the "Element Point" dialogue box in the GEOPAK part program editor
click the "Intersection element" button if you wish to edit an intersection of a
cylinder with a hole shape element.
Refer also to the topic "Intersection cylinder with hole shape element".
Nominal values
The cooperation between CAT1000S and GEOPAK makes is necessary
that GEOPAK administers and works with these nominal values from CAT1000S.
For more detailed information refer to Predefine nominal values for elements and
Nominal values: Three options.
Theoretical Element Point
It is possible using the "Theoretical element Point" part program command to
input the nominal data of an element in a part program. With the theoretical
element it is possible to carry out the same functions as with a measured
The theoretical point element has no direction. Functions based on the
direction vectors cannot be executed.
Data input
Open the "Element Point" using the "Point" button or using the
"Element" pull-down menu.
In the "Type of construction" area, click the "Theoretical element"
 Make the required entries in the "Element Point" dialogue box.
 The "Theoretical element Point" dialogue box appears when you confirm
your entries and settings.
 Set the coordinates mode.
The labelling of the text boxes is adapted in accordance with your
selection of the coordinates mode.
Input of the coordinates
You can use the "Position of machine" button during the measurement (for
example, in learn mode). If you want to apply the coordinates of the current CMM
position to the text boxes, click the "Position of machine" button. Otherwise, enter
the corresponding values.
Using this part program command you create a new element of the type
"Sphere". A sphere can be calculated only from a minimum of four measured
points that must not be located on a plane.
 Click this button or choose "Element / Sphere" from the menu bar.
 In the "Element Sphere" dialogue box all types of construction of spheres
allowed by GEOPAK are summarised (for more detailed information, refer
to Elements: Overview).
For details about the four types of construction, refer to
Type of Construction and "Memory recall".
If the sphere is calculated from measurement points, different types
of calculation are possible (for more detailed information, refer toType of
See also Fit in Element Sphere .
For details about the options available in the toolbar on the right side of the
dialogue box, refer toProgramming Help.
Nominal Values
The cooperation between CAT1000S and GEOPAK makes it necessary that
GEOPAK administers and works with these nominal values from CAT1000S. For
more detailed information, refer toPre-define nominal values for elements and
Nominal values: Three Options .
Theoretical Element Sphere
It is possible using the "Theoretical Element Sphere" part program command to
input the nominal data of an element in a part program. With the theoretical
element it is possible to carry out the same functions as with a measured
Data input
Open the "Element Sphere" using the "Sphere" button or using the
"Element" pull-down menu.
In the "Type of contruction" area, click the "Theoretical Element"
Make the required entries in the "Element Sphere" dialogue box.
The "Theoretical Element Sphere" dialogue box appears when you
confirm your entries and settings.
Input the sphere diameter.
Set the coordinates mode.
The labelling of the text boxes is adapted in accordance with your
selection of the coordinates mode.
Input of the coordinates
If you want to apply the coordinates of the current CMM position to the text
boxes, click the "Position of machine" button. Otherwise, enter the corresponding
The current CMM position can only be applied during a measurement, for
example, in learn mode.
The coordinates of the theoretical sphere element represent the centre point of
the sphere.
Using this part program command you create a new element of the type
"Circle". A circle can be calculated from a minimum of three measured points that
must not be located on a line.
 Click this icon or choose "Element / Circle" from the menu bar.
 In the "Element Circle" dialogue box all types of construction of circles
allowed by GEOPAK are summarised (for more detailed information refer
to Elements: Overview).
For details about the four types of construction refer to
Type of construction and Memory recall.
For more detailed information about the "Type of
construction", refer to:
• Fit in Element
• Fit in Circle with fixed Diameter or fixed Point
• Intersection element
• Constructed circles
If the circle is calculated from measurement points different types of
calculation are possible (for more detailed information refer to Type of
Normal case
As a rule, the program calculates a plane from the measured points
• followed by checking, which base plane this plane comes
closest to.
• This is the plane where the points are projected (Automatic
• The circle is calculated.
Problem cases
If the circle with its measured points is located diagonally in space,
• automatic projection could be carried out in the wrong plane.
• In this case, you can predetermine the projection plane.
• Regardless of the location of the measured points, projection
will then take place in this plane.
No projection
Automatic projection plane
Set measuring level to zero: click this icon in cases where you intend to
measure the circles at different levels, without wanting to have any spatial
components, e.g. for distance measurement.
If you do not activate this icon, the measuring level is maintained. Thus
you can connect several circles to form an axis in space.
We recommend automatic projection. Caution is advisable in performing
"forced projection" into a plane. When changing the plane, make sure that
the changeover of the plane is made by this symbol. It is possible that you
get the message that the circle cannot be calculated.
For details regarding the options available in the icon block on the right of the
dialogue box refer to Programming Help.
Nominal Values
The cooperation between CAT1000S and GEOPAK makes it necessary that
GEOPAK administers and works with these nominal values from CAT1000S. For
more detailed information refer to Pre-define nominal values for elements and
Nominal values: Three Options.
Theoretical Element Circle
It is possible using the "Theoretical Element Circle" part program command to
input the nominal data of an element in a part program. With the theoretical
element it is possible to carry out the same functions as with a measured
Data input
Open the "Element Circle" using the "Circle" button or using the
"Element" pull-down menu.
In the "Type of construction" area, click the "Theoretical Element"
Make the required entries in the "Element Circle" dialogue box.
The "Theoretical Element Circle" dialogue box appears when you confirm
your entries and settings.
Input the diameter of the circle.
Set the coordinates mode.
The labelling of the text boxes is adapted in accordance with your
selection of the coordinates mode.
Input of the coordinates
If you want to apply the coordinates of the current CMM position to the text
boxes, click the "Position of machine" button. Otherwise, enter the corresponding
The current CMM position can only be applied during a measurement, for
example, in learn mode.
The coordinates of the theoretical circle element represent the centre point of the
The displayed direction vectors are reversed if you click one of the arrow
buttons. You specify the normal direction of the circle with the direction vectors.
Displaying the roundness diagram is not possible with a theoretical circle.
Constructed Circles: Overview
In the dialogue "Element circle" you have various possibilities to construct circles.
You can determine a "Connection Element Circle".
We recommend, however, to consult also the topics
Connection Elements General and
Connection Element Point .
The function Fit in Element Circle you use when working with a circle with
a pre-defined diameter or when you want to fit in this circle between two lines or a
To create an Intersection Element Circle, there are three
options available. If you want, for example, to measure a circle in a measured
plane, you will apply the function via the cylinder symbol. If, instead, you want to
know which diameter a cone or a sphere has at a certain position, you will click
on one of these symbols.
Inclined Circle
Usually the circles are projected to one of the basic coordinate planes. If
problems occur due to the position of the circle (e.g. inclined position of a bore fit)
it is possible to measure an "Inclined circle".
The element "inclined circle" consists of a plane and a circle. First you have to
define the plane on which the circle is positioned. Proceed as follows:
 measure the plane or
 call a plane already measured from the memory. You will choose this
alternative if more than one circle is to be measured in this plane.
To open the "Element Inclined circle" dialogue box choose
 Element / Inclined circle from the menu bar or
 click on the corresponding icon.
In this dialogue box make the requested settings.
For further information, refer to the topic "Automatic Circle Measurement".
Nominal Values
The cooperation between CAT1000S and GEOPAK makes it necessary that
GEOPAK managed the nominal values from CAT1000S. GEOPAK also works
with these data. You inform in detail under the themes Pre-define nominal values
for elements and Nominal values: Three Options .
Selection of Points Contour
You have loaded a contour and want to calculate an element on this contour (or
part of this contour). For this purpose you need, as a rule, only a part of the
contour points. This is why you have to make a selection. For the selection of the
points, you use the graphics. Make sure that this is activated.
Example for the calculation of a circle
Click on the element symbol,
in the following window and on the "Recalculate from Memory"
symbol and confirm.
In the "Circle - Recalculate / Copy from Memory" window, you click
on the symbol (contour).
 Select a contour
either from the list or ...
by mouse-click (the mouse changes to a reticle) in a
contour graphic on your screen. You confirm.
 The "Selection of Point Contour" window appears. At the same time, the
mouse pointer again changes to a reticle.
Point selection using the mouse
 With the left-hand mouse button depressed, you select in the contour
graphics all the areas you want to use for calculating, e.g. a circle. You
can click single points, or you summarise points to form blocks (keep
mouse button depressed). The areas selected are shown in colour (in
"red" as shown in the picture below").
 In the window "Select points from contour", the co-ordinates of the points
are shown as blocks. A block number is assigned to each selection.
Select ranges
Sie können bestimmen, in welchem Koordinatensystem die Anzeige bzw.
Eingabe erfolgen soll.
 For this, activate the following buttons:
Cartesian co-ordinate system
Cylindrical co-ordinate system
Spherical co-ordinate system
In the left columns, the start co-ordinates are shown or input.
In the right columns, the end co-ordinates are shown or input.
Below the line "Selected Blocks" you decide via the symbols which
blocks you want to use for the calculation.
Delete a block (selection).
Using this symbol you call up all contour points required for the
calculation of the element in question.
You delete all points (blocks).
Exact point selection
 Activate the function "Point selection".
Click the button "Add block".
 In the left field, enter the number of the contour point at which the
selection shall start.
 In the right field, enter the number of the contour point at which the
selection shall end.
 The graphics immediately shows your selection.
Using this part program command you create an element of the type
"Ellipse". An ellipse can be calculated only from a minimum of five measured
points. You can also have the ellipse calculated as intersection of a plane with a
cone or a cylinder.
For more information, see Intersection Element Ellipse .
For details about the options available in the toolbar on the right side of the
dialogue box, refer to Programming Help.
Customizing the toolbar
It is possible that the button is not visible in the toolbar.
Right-click the
toolbar if you want to add the "Ellipse" button to the toolbar
 The "Customize Toolbar" dialogue box appears.
 Under "Available toolbar buttons", select the "Ellipse" element.
 Click the "Add" button.
 The element ellipse appears under "Current toolbar buttons" and is added
to the toolbar.
 Close the "Customize Toolbar" dialogue box.
Nominal Values
The cooperation between CAT1000S and GEOPAK makes it necessary that
GEOPAK administers and works with these nominal values from CAT1000S. For
more detailed information, refer to Pre-define nominal values for elements and
Nominal values: Three Options .
Theoretical Element Ellipse
It is possible using the "Theoretical Element Ellipse" part program command to
input the nominal data of an element in a part program. With the theoretical
element it is possible to carry out the same functions as with a measured
Data input
The "Ellipse" button is not visible by default. How you add the "Ellipse" button to
the toolbar is described in the topic "Ellipse/Customize Toolbars"
Open the "Element Ellipse" using the "Ellipse" button or using the
"Element" pull-down menu.
In the "Type of construction" area, click the "Theoretical Element"
Make the required entries in the "Element Ellipse" dialogue box.
The "Theoretical element Ellipse" dialogue box appears when you confirm
your entries and settings.
Input the "1st diameter" and the "2nd diameter" of the ellipse.
Set the coordinates mode.
The labelling of the text boxes is adapted in accordance with your
selection of the coordinates mode.
Input of the coordinates
If you want to apply the coordinates of the current CMM position to the text
boxes, click the "Position of machine" button. Otherwise, enter the corresponding
The current CMM position can only be applied during a measurement, for
example, in learn mode.
The coordinates of the theoretical ellipse element represent the centre point of
the ellipse.
Specify reference plane and axis alignment
When you click one of the buttons in the "Base plane" area, you
specify one of the reference planes through which the axis alignment runs.
The displayed direction vectors are reversed if you click one of the arrow
buttons. You specify the axis direction of the ellipse with the direction vectors.
Using this part prgram command, you create an element of the type "Cone".
A cone can only be calculated from a minimum of six measured points which
must not all be located in one plane.
 You either click on the symbol or use the menu bar ("Element / Cone").
 In the dialogue window "Element Cone" there are summarised all the
types of construction of cones allowed by GEOPAK (for further details,
please refer toElements: Overview).
For details regarding the first four types of
construction please refer to Type of Construction and "Memory recall".
If the cone is calculated from measured points, several methods of
calculation come into consideration (for further details, please refer to
Type of Calculation).
There is no automatic cone measurement. Using the CNC measurement you
can, however, generate the cone with several automatic circle measurements.
For details regarding the options available in the symbol block on the right-hand
side of the dialogue window please refer to Programming Help.
If you need also the radius or the diameter of the cone for the protocol of your
elements (cones), proceed as follows:
Use the symbol to the left to call up the dialogue "Define and
calculate variable".
 Under "Variable name", enter in the text field opposite:
• For the radius: CO [x].R
• For the diameter: CO [x].D
To have these values also in the protocol, click in the dialogue "Print Format
Specification" on the option "formula calculation", if applicable also in "File
Format Specification".
Nominal Values
The cooperation between CAT1000S and GEOPAK makes it necessary that
GEOPAK managed the nominal values from CAT1000S. GEOPAK also works
with these data. You inform in detail under the themes Pre-define nominal values
for elements and Nominal values: Three Options .
Theoretical Element Cone
It is possible using the "Theoretical Element Cone" part program command to
input the nominal data of an element in a part program. With the theoretical
element it si possible to carry out the same functions as with a measured
The theoretical cone element is only displayed as a circle in the element
graphic as not all data for the display of a cone are available. The circle is
at the height of the cone centre of gravity.
Data input
Open the "Element Cone" using the "Cone" button or using the
"Element" pull-down menu.
In the "Type of construction" area, click the "Theoretical Element"
Make the required entries in the "Element Cone" dialogue box.
The "Theoretical Element Cone" dialogue box appears when you confirm
your entries and settings.
Input the cone diameter. The cone diameter is at the height of the cone
centre of gravity.
Input the cone angle.
Set the coordinates mode.
The labelling of the text boxes is adapted in accordance with your
selection of the coordinates mode.
Input of the coordinates
If you want to apply the coordinates of the current CMM position to the text
boxes, click the "Position of machine" button. Otherwise, enter the corresponding
The current CMM position can only be applied during a measurement, for
example, in learn mode.
The coordinates of the theoretical cone element represent the centre of gravity of
the cone.
The displayed direction vectors are reversed if you click one of the arrow
buttons. You specify the normal direction of the cone axis with the direction
Using this part program command, you create an element of the type
"Cylinder". A cylinder can only be calculated from a minimum of five measured
points which must not all be located in one plane.
 You either click on the symbol or use the menu bar ("Element / Cylinder").
 In the dialogue window "Element Cylinder" there are summarised all the
types of construction of cylinders allowed by GEOPAK (for further details,
please refer to "Elements: Overview").
For details regarding the first four types of
construction please refer to Type of Construction and "Memory recall".
If the cylinder is calculated from measured points, several methods
of calculation come into consideration (for further details, please refer to
Type of Calculation).
Automatic measurement is possible. The strategy is, however, limited.
Should this be not enough for you, we recommend that you carry out
single automatic element measurements.
For details regarding the options available in the symbol block on the right-hand
side of the dialogue window please refer to Programming Help.
Error message
The occurrence of the error message "Cylinder not calculable" or the calculation
of the cylinder in the wrong position can be caused by the algorithm not having
the starting value for the calculation. This situation can be remedied by the
function " Input of Nominal Data for Elements".
Directional sense
The directional sense for the cylinder is defined by the probing strategy in such a
way that the direction of the axis runs from the first measurement point to the last
Should you want to define the directional sense independently of the probing
strategy, GEOPAK enables you to do that using in the "Element Cylinder"
dialogue the
- symbol (see also picture below).
If you do not see the symbol in this dialogue ...
 Click in the PartManager menu bar on "Settings / Default for programs /
 In the subsequent window "GEOPAK settings", click on "Dialogues" tab ...
 and then click the area "Dialogue of elements" the option "Show button Pre-define direction".
Nominal Values
The cooperation between CAT1000S and GEOPAK makes it necessary that
GEOPAK managed the nominal values from CAT1000S. GEOPAK also works
with these data. You inform in detail under the themes Pre-define nominal values
for elements and Nominal values: Three Options .
Theoretical Element Cylinder
It is possible using the "Theoretical Element Cylinder" part program command to
input the nominal data of an element in a part program. With the theoretical
element it is possible to carry out the same functions as with a measured
Displaying the roundness diagram is not possible with a theoretical
Data input
Open the "Element Cylinder" using the "Cylinder" button or using
the "Element" pull-down menu.
In the "Type of contruction" area, click the "Theoretical Element"
Make the required entries in the "Element Cylinder" dialogue box.
The "Theoretical Element Cylinder" dialogue box appears when you
confirm your entries and settings.
Input the diameter of the cylinder.
Set the coordinates mode.
The labelling of the text boxes is adapted in accordance with your
selection of the coordinates mode.
Input of the coordinates
If you want to apply the coordinates of the current CMM position to the text
boxes, click the "Position of machine" button. Otherwise, enter the corresponding
The current CMM position can only be applied during a measurement, for
example, in learn mode.
The coordinates of the theoretical cylinder element represent the centre of gravity
of the cylinder.
The displayed direction vectors are reversed if you click one of the arrow
buttons. You specify the normal direction of the cylinder axis with the direction
Probing Strategy Cylinder/Cone
The cylinder algorithm operates iteratively (recurring step by step). It starts with a
first approximation and tries to improve it in a way to achieve the minimum. If this
works out correctly, the improvements will continuously grow smaller very shortly.
As soon as they are less than 10^-9 (i.e. numerically zero), the cylinder (cone) is
calculated. In this case one would say that the itineration is converging.
Depending on the data, the number of steps is different; in most of the cases it is
ranging between 6 and 15.
Maximum Number of Steps
It happens that the first approximation does not come close enough to the final
result. The improvements will then vary instead of continuously growing smaller,
and they will never reach zero. The itineration does not converge. In order to
avoid endless calculations in these cases, we have defined a maximum number
of steps after which itineration will stops without result.
Circular Plane
Hence it is the first approximation that is the critical issue in terms of iteration.
The direction is essential. In a "normal case" we recommend to place the first
three points on a circle which is approximately perpendicular to the cylinder.
GEOPAK then assumes the direction of the first circular plane as the first
approximation for the cylinder axis direction. As a result, itineration will start.
Surface of second order
If iteration fails to converge, then GEOPAK tries another assumption for the first
approximation, the calculation of a second order surface. In this case the values
are determined from the surface parameters. There is, however, a minimum of 9
points (an increased number is even better) required.
The calculation is the better the more irregularly the points are distributed
on the surface. For that reason you should not position the points on two
circles or along single surface lines.
So if you want to make use of the "second order surface" option, you should
capture as many meas. points as possible and distribute them evenly over the
whole cylinder surface.
Should both attempts come to no result, GEOPAK will try a third time. Assuming,
this time, that the two first points are located along a surface line. Should this
attempt equally fail, the message "..not calculable" will be output.
Predefine Direction
The fact that as from Version v2.3 the user is able to predefine the cylinder
direction can be regarded as a further remedy to overcome the problems
mentioned above. It is expected that this will distinctly increase reliability of the
calculations. For details refer to the topic Input of Nominal Data for Elements.
Up to Version v2.2, the order for the 2nd and 3rd attempt was inverted.
Starting from v2.3 it will conform to the present description.
Using this part program command, you create an element of the type "Line".
A line can be calculated only from a minimum of two measured points.
 You either click on the symbol or use the menu bar ("Element / Line").
 The "Element Line" dialogue box contains all types of construction of lines
allowed by GEOPAK (for further details, refer to Elements: Overview).
For details regarding the first four types of
construction, refer to "Type of Construction" and "Memory recall".
Further Information of the types of construction you
will find under the topic "Constructed Lines".
If the line is calculated from measured points, several methods of
calculation come into consideration (for further details, refer to Type of
The calculation of a line using the "No projection" setting is only
possible with the "Gauss" type of calculation.
Recognising the projection plane
As a rule, the program calculates a plane from the measured points and the
probe directions.
• It is then checked which base plane this plane comes closest to.
• This is the plane where the points are projected (Automatic
• The line is calculated.
Problem cases
If the line with its measured points is diagonal to space,
• automatic projection could take place in the wrong plane.
• In this case you can predetermine the projection plane.
• Regardless of the location of the measured points, projection
will then be realised in this plane.
Automatic projection plane
We recommend automatic projection. Caution is advisable in performing
"forced projection" into a plane. When changing the plane, make sure that
the changeover of the plane is made by this symbol. It is possible that you
get a message that the line cannot be calculated.
For details regarding the options available in the symbol block on the right of the
dialogue box, refer to Programming Help.
Nominal Values
The cooperation between CAT1000S and GEOPAK makes it necessary that
GEOPAK managed the nominal values from CAT1000S. GEOPAK also works
with these data. See also Pre-define nominal values for elements and Nominal
values: Three Options .
Theoretical Element Line
It is possible using the "Theoretical Element Line" part program command to
input the nominal data of an element in a part program. With the theoretical
element it is possible to carry out the same functions as with a measured
Data input
Open the "Element Line" using the "Line" button or using the
"Element" pull-down menu.
In the "Type of construction" area, click the "Theoretical Element"
 Make the required entries in the "Element Line" dialogue box.
 The "Theoretical Element Line" dialogue box appears when you confirm
your entries and settings.
Dialogue box settings
The display and the entries of the "Theoretical Element Line" dialogue box
depend on the settings in the "Properties for dialogue selection" dialogue box.
The "Properties for dialogue selection" dialogue box is opened using the pulldown menu "File / Settings".
Setting "Start point - Angle - Length"
Perform the following actions in the "Theoretical Element Line" dialogue box if
you select the "Start point - Angle - Length" option under "Theo. elm line" in the
"Properties for dialogue selection" dialogue box:
 Input the length of the line.
 Set the coordinates mode.
You specify the direction of the lines with the direction vectors. The
displayed direction vectors are reversed if you click one of the arrow
Setting "Start point - End point"
Perform the following actions in the "Theoretical Element Line" dialogue box if
you select the "Start point - End point" option under "Theo. elm. line" in the
"Properties for dialogue selection" dialogue box:
 Set the coordinates mode.
 Input the start point of the lines.
 Input the end point of the lines.
The direction of the lines is defined from the start point to the end point.
The labelling of the text boxes is adapted in accordance with your
selection of the coordinates mode.
Apply CMM position
The coordinates of the current CMM position are applied to the text boxes
when you click the "Position of machine" button.
The current CMM position can only be applied during a measurement, for
example, in learn mode.
Displaying the straightnes diagram is not possible with a theoretical line.
Constructed Lines
You have five different options to construct a line. You can find detailed
information by clicking onto the relevant options.
Symmetry Element Line. The dialogue offers you for the 1st and 2nd
element the elements line, cylinder and cone respectively.
Tangent. First, select the circle at which the tangent is to be placed.
Then decide if the tangent is to be placed to the circle from a point or if
you want the line to be a common tangent of two circles.
Shift-Element Line: Using this option, you create a line that runs
parallel to the selected line and through the selected point.
Intersection Element Line . An intersection line can only be
determined by two planes. The direction of the lines is defined by the
direction vectors of the two planes using the "Right-hand rule"..
Connection Element Line. For additional information about the
Connection Elements you should also consult the topic Connection
Elements General .
Using this part program command, you create a new element of the type
"Plane". A plane can be calculated only from a minimum of three measured
points or defined as a symmetry plane.
 You either click on the symbol or use the menu bar ("Element / Plane").
 In the "Element Plane" dialogue window are summarised all the types of
construction of planes allowed by GEOPAK (for further details refer also
to Elements: Overview).
For details regarding the first four types of
construction, see the topic "Type of Construction" and "Memory Recall".
Further Information of the types of construction you will find
under the topic "Symmetry Element Plane".
Several methods of calculation are available in cases where the
plane is calculated from measured points (for details see topic "Type of
Changing the type of calculation
You can have the element calculated in a way different from the originally set
Proceed as follows:
Click on the symbol,
 select the type of calculation,
 confirm, and...
 select the original plane in the following window (e.g. "Plane, Recalculate
/ Copy from Memory").
Defining the direction vector
In a measured plane, the direction vector always points out of the material.
When you have the plane calculated as a connection element, the information of
the material side is not available. In this case, the direction vector always points
 from the origin
 to the plane.
For a connection plane located close to the origin, you are well advised to
shift the origin prior to the calculation and reset it upon completion of the
calculation, to make sure that you always get the same direction.
For details describing methods of creating the "Symmetry Element Plane", cf.
Two Ways for Symmetry Element .
For details regarding the options available in the symbol block on the right-hand
side of the dialogue window please refer to Programming Help.
Nominal Values
The cooperation between CAT1000S and GEOPAK makes it necessary that
GEOPAK managed the nominal values from CAT1000S. GEOPAK also works
with these data. You inform in detail under the themes Pre-define nominal values
for elements and Nominal values: Three Options .
Theoretical Element Plane
It is possible using the "Theoretical element Plane" part program command to
input the nominal data of an element in a part program. With the theoretical
element it is possible to carry out the same functions as with a measured
Data input
Open the "Element Plane" using the "Plane" button or using the
"Element" pull-down menu.
In the "Type of construction" area, click the "Theoretical element"
 Make the required entries in the "Element Plane" dialogue box.
 The "Theoretical element Plane" dialogue box appears when you confirm
your entries and settings.
 Enter the distance from the origin of the plane's centre of gravity in the
"Distance" text box.
Normal direction of the plane
The normal direction of the plane can be specified using the X, Y and Z text
The displayed direction vectors are reversed if you click one of the arrow
The theoretical plane element cannot be displayed in the graphics of
elements as its elongation is not restricted.
It is not possible to display the planarity diagram.
Step Cylinder
In the "Element Step cylinder" dialogue box you create two elements of the
type "cylinder" that have one common axis but different diameters. A step
cylinder can be, for example, a stepped shaft.
Starting the command
 On the GEOPAK menu bar, on the "Element" menu, click "Step cylinder".
Or click the "Step cylinder" button.
 The "Element Step cylinder" dialogue box appears.
The "Element Step cylinder" dialogue box
Measuring step cylinders
Click the "Measure" button.
 The combo boxes for the selection of the cylinders are not available.
 In the "Name" boxes, type a name for each of the two cylinders.
 In the "Memory" boxes, type a memory number for each of the two
 Click "OK".
 Measurement of the first step of the cylinder is requested. You can
measure this first step of the cylinder manually or you can use the known
automatic elements.
After measurement of all points of the first step, click "Element
 Measurement of the second step of the cylinder is requested. You can
measure this second step of the cylinder manually or you can use the
known automatic elements.
After measurement of all points of the second step, click "Element
 Calculation of the step cylinder is carried out.
Memory recall for step cylinder
Click the "Memory recall" button.
 In the combo boxes for the selection of the cylinders, select a cylinder for
each step.
 You can specify a new name and a new memory number.
 Click "OK".
 Memory recall for the step cylinder is carried out.
See also
Automatic Cylinder Measurement
Type of Construction
Using this function, you create a new element of the type "Contour". A
contour comprises a number of points in an ordered array. The GEOPAK
program can use the contour points for calculating an element (for details see the
example shown under Selection of Points Contour).
 You either click on the symbol (see above) or use the menu bar "Element
/ Contour".
 In the dialogue window "Element Contour" there are summarised all the
types of construction of planes allowed by GEOPAK (for further details
please refer also to Elements: Overview).
 For details concerning the first two types of construction see Type of
For further details see under
Contour Connection Element
Type of Construction
Load Contour.
Middle Contour .
Load Contour from External Systems .
For details regarding the topic "Calculation of an Element on a Contour" see topic
Selection of Point Contour
Freeform Surface
With this part program command you create a new element of the type "Freeform
surface". This part program command is the link between GEOPAK and
Click this icon or choose "Element / Freeform surface" from the
menu bar.
 The "Element Freeform surface" dialogue box appears.
 In the text boxes, you enter the element name or the memory number in
the usual manner.
 In addition, you can use the icons to activate a sound output and a
graphical assistance.
There are two ways to create a new element, either
by measurement or
by using a connection element.
If you choose the measurement, click the icon and confirm with OK.
A "Connection element freeform surface" consists of measurement points
of other elements whose measurement points have actually been
measured before. So if you want to create a connection element, you can
only use measured elements. Furthermore, the material side of the
measured element must be known.
The material side is not known with points that have been measured
without compensation and with elements that have been calculated only
from contour points without probe direction (see example ill. below).
 In the GEOPAK learn mode CAT1000S will be automatically started either
• with an already existing model, or ...
• with the "Load model" dialogue box if no CAD model is
available. As soon as a CAD model is loaded in CAT1000S the
program automatically changes to GEOPAK where you enter
the measurement mode and the tolerances.
You will find more detailed information under the topic "Measurement mode
While the measurement is running you can freely change, according to the
specific requirements of your measuring task, from CAT1000S to GEOPAK and
vice versa using for this purpose the status line.
For more detailed information about the options in the icon block of the
"Element surfaces" dialogue box refer to Programming Help.
"Measurement Mode" Dialogue
Click these buttons to determine what you want to measure ("Surface"
or "Edge").
Click this button if you want a voice comment for each measurement point.
Under "Tolerance", two options are suggested:
 "Mean value is best value" and
 "Lower limit is best value".
Tip: Open the table of measurement points (CAT1000 menu bar, "Window"
menu, "Meas. points table") to see the differences of the options.
The option "Mean value is best value" is normally used. The option "Lower
limit is best value" is suitable only in exceptional cases.
Mean value is best value
The mean value is calculated as follows:
Mean value = lower tolerance + (upper tolerance - lower tolerance) / 2
Furthermore, enter the tolerance values (upper and lower tolerance). Also onesided tolerances are supported.
Option "Mean value is best value"
Table of measurement points including the option "Mean value is best
Lower limit is best value
In the example below the deviation should be as close to the lower tolerance limit
(0.0) as possible. If the deviation falls below the tolerance limit, the table of
measurement points shows the colour for the maximum deviation (in this
example: purple).
Option "Lower limit is best value"
Table of measurement points including the option "Lower limit is best value"
Sheet thickness
In the "Sheet thickness" drop-down list you can enter a value.
 With this value you can add an individual offset for each element surface.
 This is reasonable when different sheet thicknesses are to be found in
your CAD model.
Transferring statistic data
To transfer the feature to a statistical program, click this button after
you have typed the feature name in the text box.
You can specify user-defined feature names for your part programs. Type
these names in the "FeatureNames.txt" file. Before, you have to create
this file in your MCOSMOS directory in the "INI" folder. Then you can
select a predefined name from the "Feature name" drop-down combo box.
See also "User-defined feature names".
Select the "Attach point number to name" function if you want to add
a point number to the feature name. In this case, the deviation of each
measurement point is a single feature.
 If the "Attach point number to name" function is not selected, all
measurement points of an element are measured as a single feature.
As long as an element is open, you can open the "Change
measurement mode" dialogue box at any time using the "Change
measurement mode" icon in CAT1000S.
Restrict comparison
Select the check box to activate this function. You can define the surfaces or
edges to be used for surface measurements. The surfaces or edges you have not
selected are ignored for the surface measurement.
See also "Restrict Comparison".
Nominal actual comparison and sorting of features
The position number can be used for example for the measurement of an initial
sample inspection. In the Mitutoyo initial sample inspection report the features
are sorted according to this position number before printing. This allows the
measurement in a different order than the features are requested in the report.
The position label can be used if you want to use alphanumerical characters
instead of numbers for the position number (for example PKN1, PKN2, PKN3,
and so on). In the Mitutoyo initial sample inspection report the features are sorted
according to this position label before printing.
The position label is sorted as text, that means the order of the position
labels 1A, 2A,...10A after sorting is 1A, 10A, 2A.
This can be avoided simply by adding a blank before single-digit position
labels (for example 1A).
Position number and position label in a part program
When position numbers and position labels are used in a part program and when
the first characters of the position labels are numbers, the position labels are
sorted as follows:
If you use the position labels, for example "1A", "1B", "1C" and a position number
1 in a part program, then the sort sequence is 1, 1A, 1B, 1C.
Leading zeros in a position label are also taken into consideration. That means,
position labels with leading zeros, for example 001 and 01, are always followed
by a 1, namely in the sequence 001, 01, 1.
Example: The position labels 001, 002, 003 and the position numbers 1, 2, 3 are
sorted in the sequence 001, 002, 003, 1, 2, 3.
You will find more detailed information about the priority of ASCII characters in
the Internet under the topic
" ASCII table".
For how to change the sequence of the measurement point table in the "Change
measurement mode" dialogue box, refer to
"Sort and Label Measurement Data".
For how to continue the surface measurement, refer to
"Freeform Surface: Further Measurement Steps".
Angle Calculation
By means of the part program command "Angle" the angle between two elements
can be measured. Choose Element/Angle from the menu bar to open the
"Element angle" dialogue box.
Or click the corresponding icon in the icon bar.
GEOPAK calculates the angle in the plane and its 3 projections.
You can input the following addendum conditions:
Calculation of the angle by probing the material sides
Calculation of the angles via the direction vector
Calculation of the signed angle
This input only influences:
 Measured planes
 Measured straight lines. That is possible only if the straight lines were
measured in the same driving plane. Otherwise, calculating is realised
through the direction vectors.
Signed angle calculation
When activating the signed angle calculation the measuring results indicate
if the second element is positioned right or left of the first element. The signed
angle value gives a clear understanding of the relationship between the
measured elements.
For more detailed information refer to the following examples:
 Positive angle in XY plane
 Negative angle in XY plane
 Positive angle in space (3D)
When activating the function "Signed angle" the following buttons are
 Difference to 180 degree
 Difference to 360 degree
Clicking the "Signed angle" button also activates the "Calculated angle" button.
Furthermore, you can select between
the calculated angle
its complementary angle of 180° ("Explementary Angle")
its complementary angle of 360°
Again, the result is a geometrical element of the type "Angle".
Directly after this, you can make a nominal-actual comparison of values.
The angle projections depend on the co-ordinate system.
For details regarding the options available in the icon block on the right-hand side
of the dialogue window please refer to Programming Help.
Positive Angle in XY Plane
 Select line2 as first element.
 Select line1 as second element.
 Click the "Signed angle" button.
 Click "OK".
The resultant angle is displayed as positive angle.
First element line2
Second element line1
Positive angle
If the resultant angle is a positive angle the second element is left
(counter-clockwise) of the first element.
Negative Angle in XY Plane
 Select line1 as first element.
 Select line2 as second element.
 Click the "Signed angle" button.
 Click "OK".
The resultant angle is displayed as negative angle.
First element line1
Second element line2
Negative angle
If the resultant angle is a negative angle the second element is right
(clockwise) of the first element.
Positive Angle in Space (3D)
 Select line2 as first element.
 Select line1 as second element.
 Click the "Signed angle" button.
 Click "OK".
The resultant angle is displayed as positive angle.
First element line2
Second element line1
Positive angle
Property: counter-clockwise
Signed angle definition
 The first element determines the starting leg.
 The resultant angle is a positive angle if the second element is right
(counter-clockwise) of the starting leg.
 The resultant angle is a negative angle if the second element is left
(clockwise) of the starting leg.
Calculation of Distance
The part program command "Distance" is used to measure the distance
between two elements. Click this icon to open the dialogue box or choose
"Element / Distance" from the menu bar.
 On principle, the result is a spatial distance.
 GEOPAK Win calculates the distance as sum and as vector.
• The distance is always positive.
• The distance vector is directed from the first towards the second
output element. Its vector components are signed.
You can input the following addendum conditions:
 Calculation of the radius of the output elements concerned. This input
produces an effect not only on circles, cylinders and spheres involved, but
also on not compensated measuring points. Here the respective probe
radius is added or subtracted.
 Projection plane, in which the calculated distance ought to be situated.
This input is ineffective on planes concerned, i.e. are in no case projected.
• A projection is practical, e.g. if you calculate the distance
between a circle and a straight line, which are situated in the
same plane of drawing, but probed in another measurement
For the part program command "Distance" use the standard elements
(point, line, circle, etc.) as well as the hole shape elements.
The result is a geometrical element of the type "distance". Directly after this, you
can make a comparison of nominal and actual values.
Attention: The vectorial distance depends on the co-ordinate system.
For details regarding the options available in the symbol block on the right-hand
side of the dialogue window please refer to Programming Help.
Distance comprising calculation of radii
For circles, GEOPAK calculates the geometric distance between the circle
centres and includes the radii in the calculation of this geographic distance. The
resulting distance is decomposed into its components in a way that a²=
Thus, the distance components (see sketch below) are defined by the points of
intersection of the "straight line through the circle centres" with the circles. In the
example of the sketch below, these are the components 1 and 2.
You do not get the component 1a. For the Y-value, this statement applies
in exactly the same way.
= X-component
= Y-component
= component 1a
Further Information you will find under the topic "Possibilities of the distance
Possibilities of the Distance Calculation
The elements can be divided into the following groups:
Point (uncompensated), compensated Point, Side, Sphere,
Circle, Ellipse
Line, Cylinder, Cone
The following combinations of the distance calculation are possible:
Point / Axis
The distance is calculated
between the centroid of the
axis or plane and the point
along the axis or plane’s
normal vector.
Point / Line
Point / Cylinder
Point / Cone
Circle / Line
Circle / Cylinder
Ellipse /Line
Ellipse / Cylinder
Ellipse / Cone
Sphere / Line
Sphere / Cylinder
Sphere / Cone
Axis / Axis
Line / Line
Line / Cylinder
Cone / Line
Cone / Cone
Cone / Cylinder
Cylinder / Cylinder
Plane / Plane
Axis / Plane
The distance between two
elements that intersect (see
picture) is calculated from
the intersection point to the
centroid of the first element
along the first element’s
normal vector.
For parallel elements or for
elements in space the
smallest distance of the
elements is calculated.
Plane / Plane
Plane / Line
Plane /Cylinder
Plane / Cone
Example: Distance calculation of two lines that intersect
first element
second element
distance of the elements
Distance along Probe Direction
Basically, the function is used in cases where points from a CAD system are to
be compared.
Nominal points exist, e.g. of a freeform surface from a CAD system. The normal
line directions in the surface points directions are given, as well. However, only
the deviations arising perpendicular to the surface are to be determined.
Proceed as follows
 You can activate the function via the menu "Element/Distance along
Probing Direction" and come to the corresponding dialogue window.
 You form a theoretical point and measure the corresponding point at the
 You enter the two points in the dialogue window.
 The result is automatically displayed after the "Distance".
The distance along probing direction can be negative, as well. Material is lacking
in such a case.
For details regarding the options available in the symbol block on the right-hand
side of the dialogue window please refer to Programming Help.
Type of Construction
The element dialogue boxes (see also Elements) contain a
horizontal toolbar with icons for the "Type of construction". The first four icons are
identical for all elements.
Click this icon to "Measure" the element.
A new element can be calculated from the positions of several elements,
e.g. the connection element circle. A well known element is the partial circle of a
"Memory recall" means:
• The element position has already been stored in a co-ordinate
• You can choose the projection plane of the element or of a
selected element.
• The position of the element is converted into the current coordinate system.
• You can also change the calculation mode: e.g. click the "Min.
zone element" icon if the element has originally been calculated
according to the Gauss method.
Using the "Theo. element" function you enter the typical features of the
element, e.g. diameter and position of a circle.
Depending on the element this icon bar offers further "Type of construction"
icons. For detailed information refer to the online help of the respective element.
Memory Recall
Using the "Memory recall" part program command it is possible to copy already
measured elements from the memory and to use them for further part program
steps or for calculations. The element that you obtain can be positioned in a
selected projection plane.
 To open the "Memory recall" dialogue box, open an element dialogue box
In the element dialogue box click the "Memory recall" icon.
 Enter an element name into the drop-down list.
Input of the element name
 Enter a memory number.
Input of the memory number
 Determine the calculation mode (Gauss, Pferch, etc.).
Selection of the calculation mode
 Confirm your selection.
 The "Memory recall" dialogue box will be opened.
 To choose an element click the corresponding icon.
Selection of the element type
 From the list box choose a reference element to be recalculated.
Selection of the reference element
Selection of projection
The following possibilities are available for the selection of the projection:
If you click the "Projection from selected element" icon, the
projection of the selected element will be used for calculation.
If you select one of the projection planes, the third axis will
be set to zero.
If you choose "No projection", the element calculation takes place in
Type of Calculation
There are six different evaluation methods available for the determination of the
replacement elements. The different evaluation methods give different results
with the same measurement points. Your choice of evaluation method depends
on the required test result.
The evaluation method according to Gauss offers the most stable measurement
results, however, this method does not normally give a function-oriented test
result. The following evaluation methods are available for a function-oriented test:
 minimum zone element
 minimum circumscribed element (enveloping element)
 maximum inscribed element (fit element)
 inner tangential element
 outer tangential element
The following table gives information about which evaluation methods is suited
for which replacement element:
Gauss: The program calculates an average element. The differences
cancel each other out largely (compensation element). This element is located in
between the points so that the distance of the individual points on both sides is
nearly the same (the sum of the squared distances is minimised).
With an average element it is not possible to test the functionality of the
component, including the assembly (pairing).
Minimum circumscribed element (enveloping element): The program
encloses the measured points by a smallest ideal geometrical shape element
(contact element at external dimension). The program calculates the smallest
circle that includes all points. This circle is always defined and clear. It is either a
circle defined by two opposite points or a circle defined by three points that form
an acute-angled triangle.
The minimum circumscribed element is used to determine pairing dimensions
and references for holes according to DIN ISO 5459.
Maximum inscribed element (fit element): The program calculates the
largest possible circle within the points. This circle is not always clear (for
example, with an elliptical distribution of points), which means that more than one
solution is possible. Three points form an acute-angled triangle. This triangle is
always defined.
The maximum inscribed element is used to determine pairing dimensions and
references for shafts according to DIN ISO 5459.
Minimum zone element: The program calculates an element that is
located in the middle of two ideal elements. These two ideal elements contain all
points in between, and they are calculated in such a way that this zone is the
smallest possible (Chebyshev). The value output by the program is the average
of the two calculated values.
The minimum zone element is used to determine the form error according to DIN
ISO 1101, described in appendix A.
Inner and outer tangential element: The tangential elements can be
positioned one-sided, either on the inner or outer side of a measured profile.
Here, the tangential elements correspond to the maximum inscribed element
(inner tangential element) and to the minimum circumscribed element (outer
tangential element). Tangential elements always have contact, for lines at not
less than two points. Side conditions are specified for the different applications,
for example, the maximum distance of the tangential plane to the surface shall be
a minimum.
Gauss is the most frequently used evaluation method. With this method,
all points have the same influence on the result. In all other cases the
results are based on the outermost and innermost points only.
Representation of elements
For the calculation of the elements line, plane, cone and cylinder, the following
two calculation methods are available:
"Projected origin"
Positive Direction by Vector
In GEOPAK, all properties of the elements are automatically calculated. These
properties are usually location, direction, and other features specific to the
element. For the elements line, plane, cylinder, and cone the direction in space
plays a significant role. Since calculation of angles between elements takes the
so-called "positive direction" into account, and as alignment procedure also uses
this positive direction to determine the axis in space or within a plane, this
positive direction must be defined in such a way that reproducibility from one
execution of the part program to the next is possible. Therefore, GEOPAK uses
the following definitions of the positive direction for the elements.
Definition for the Elements
For a measured line, the positive direction is the direction from the first to the last
point. In the example below, the points have been taken as 1, 2, and 3; therefore,
the positive direction is from 1 to 3.
If this line is used for an axis alignment of the x-axis, the axis gets the same
direction as the line.
With the circle and the ellipse, the "Positive Direction" always is parallel to the
direction vector of the projection plane. In our example below, the X/Y plane is
the projection plane. The "Positive Direction" is indicated by Z+'.
In case of a cylinder, the "positive direction" goes from the first to the last
measured point, along the axis of the cylinder.
In the case of a cone, the "positive direction" runs from the apex into the opening
of the cone (cf. picture below).
In case of a plane, the vector pointing out of the plane gives the "positive
direction". The vector of a measure plane always points away from the material;
the order / sequence of measured points does not affect the direction (cf. picture
Re-calculate Elements
For the form tolerances straightness, flatness, and circularity you can blank
measurement points and re-calculate the form tolerance after opening the
You proceed in the following way
 You activate the form tolerance required (see, e.g., under Straightness). It
is not necessary to activate the graphic symbol in the respective dialogue
 You confirm and get the graphics displayed.
You click on the symbol and come to the window "Re-calculate
without Selected Points".
Using the symbol you mark in each case the point with the biggest
distance towards the inside (Min.) or towards the outside (Max.).
 The marked points appear on the graphics in red.
In case you have clicked one point or several points in excess,
you can cancel the markings by this symbol.
When you delete the marked points with "OK", the element will be re-calculated.
The results will be displayed to you immediately.
This command is not to learn.
Input of Nominal Values for Elements
The interdependence of CAT1000S and GEOPAK requires that GEOPAK
administrates the nominal data of CAT1000S and works with these nominal data.
A differentiation needs to be made between nominal data for the elements and
nominal data for the co-ordinate systems.
For detailed information regarding the nominal data for the co-ordinate systems,
refer to the topic Disable Change of Co-ordinate System.
To be able to use these options, you first have to get active in the PartManager.
Go to the menu functions "Settings / Defaults for programs / GEOPAK / GEOPAK
configuration, then go to "Dialogues" and click the option "Element dialogue".
Now, the elements can be pre-defined.
The following elements are supported
 Intersection element point (X-Min, X-Max, Y-Min, Y-Max, Z-Min, Z-Max)
If the nominal value of the point is given, the yellow marked buttons in the
picture below are disabled. The nominal data is used. The calculated
result is the point with the smallest distance to the nominal point.
 Nominal direction of element plane
If the nominal value is given, the direction of a measured plane or a
connection plane is calculated and the nearest solution to the nominal
axis is used.
 Fit in element circle between two lines
If the nominal value of the centre position of the fit it circle is given, the
nearest calculated position is used. The yellow marked buttons in the
picture below are disabled. The calculated result is the circle with the
smallest distance to the centre of the nominal circle. The diameter of the
nominal element is not evaluated for this calculation.
In all supported elements, you get to the corresponding dialogues by
clicking the symbol (left).
Confirm to get back to your element dialogue.
The symbol is shown as pushed-in when you have selected a direction.
These nominal data can be defined in three different ways:
 Input of direction by given element
 Input of direction
 Input of nominal data for the nominal element
For detailed information as regards the individual possibilities, go to the topic
"Three Input Options".
Nominal Values: Three Input Options
For an introduction to this topic, refer to the topic
Input of Nominal Values for Elements
Selection of direction by given element
You can define the direction of the element with measured elements that are, for
example, in a parallel position or have a similar direction. All elements having a
defined plane axis are admissible (see example ill. below),
e.g. a plane with several holes. First, you would have to determine the hole axes
and use these axes to determine the direction of the cylinder.
Input of direction
The most used option is to define the direction by using angles. The X-, Y- and Zvalues are the smaller, enclosed angles between the direction vector and the
Input of nominal data for the nominal element
With this option, the nominal data required for calculation are entered for each
element. Depending on the element, these nominal data may, for example, be
diameter, distances, angles or lengths. You will find the corresponding selections
in the nominal data dialogues pertaining to the elements (see ill. below).
Free Element Input
When you want to open an element in the GEOPAK dialogues, you would open,
as a rule, a list with all the elements available. Even in the part program editor,
such a list is shown to you as dependant on context.
There are, however, cases where this is not sufficient. For example, when you
are creating a subprogram. The elements of the main program to be called are
then unknown.
 In this case you can enter, via the function "Free Element Input", type,
name and number of the element that you want to use.
 This input is possible whenever you see this sign [..] in an element list.
With a double click on this line (including the (..) characters), you open the
"Free Element Input" window.
 This window is self-explanatory.
Element Toothed Gear
With this function, you measure the element "Gear". The element "Gear"
consists of entries you have realised in the input dialogues of GEARPAK.
 In the GEOPAK learn mode, click the above button or on the "Element"
menu, select "Gear".
 The "Element Gear" dialogue box appears.
 The text boxes show the name of the element and the memory number.
Head data entries
The data in the "Designation", "Drawing number" and "Comment" text boxes are
output together with the toothed gear report. Your toothed gear report will be
automatically completed with the operator name and the time of measurement.
Report Output
Under "Report Output on", you determine how to output your toothed gear report.
The report output will be automatically realised.
When you select "Screen", the default browser (for example, Internet Explorer)
will be started after the toothed gear measurement, and the measurement results
will be displayed.
When you select "Printer", the system prints the gear report on your standard
printer as long as you have not changed the default printer.
When you select "File", it is necessary to indicate a file name and a directory.
You can save your report file as a PDF file or a HTML file.
 Click the "Select File" button.
 The "Select File" dialogue box appears.
 Select a directory, in which your report file is saved.
 Enter a name to save the report file.
 On the "File type" drop-down list, select PDF file or HTML file when you
save the report file.
 Click the "Save" button.
 The "Select File" dialogue box will be closed and the file name of your
report file will be displayed on the left of the "Select File" button.
Start measurement
If the "Start measurement" check box is selected, the part program will be
automatically created according to your inputs in GEARPAK and the
measurement will start.
If the check box is not selected, the measurement will not start after
automatic creation of the part program,.
You can have a look at your part program in the GEOPAK Editor and realise the
measurement of the toothed gear later.
 When you have finished your inputs and selection, click the OK button.
 Your toothed gear will be measured.
If you have not selected the check box of the report output, no toothed
gear report will be output. This means that your toothed gear will only be
It is possible to output the report afterwards with the "CMM / GEARPAK /
Gear Evaluation" function in the PartManager.
Remove Unfinished Element
If you have not finished the measurement of an element and you exit the learn
mode with "Store part program", you can not use the "Relearn" function.
You have to remove the unfinished element from the part program before you
continue to relearn. Unfinished elements do not appear in the part program list of
the part program editor and can normally not be removed.
To remove an unfinished element from a part program, proceed as follows:
 Start the learn mode by using the "Relearn" option.
Click the "Finish element" button.
Click "OK" to confirm the warning message "Insufficient points (10200)".
The "Error while executing command" dialogue box appears.
Click the "Store command" option button and then click "OK".
The element is finished and you can continue to relearn.
Exit the learn mode and start the part program editor.
Delete the unfinished element that is now indicated from the part program
 Exit the part program editor: Select the "Delete data for relearn" check
box and click "Yes".
 Start the repeat mode.
 The element is automatically removed from the part program.
Related topics
Start learn mode
Exit learn mode
Error during command execution
For your measurement tasks, there are four evaluation methods available in the
"Element" dialogue boxes (for example, Element Circle). For more information,
see "Type of Calculation".
The evaluation method according to Gauss offers the most stable measurement
results. If no other method is specified (for example, according to DIN ISO 1101
the Chebyshev method is valid for the definition of form errors), evaluation is
carried out according to Gauss.
The evaluation method according to Gauss calculates an average element. The
differences cancel each other out largely (compensation element).
The graphics also contain a value that is called standard deviation or spread.
Replacement element (blue)
Actually measured element (black)
Minimum Zone Element
For your measurement tasks, there are four evaluation methods available in the
"Element" dialogue boxes (for example, Element Circle). For more information,
see "Type of Calculation ". One method is the "Minimum zone element".
Minimum zone element: The program calculates an average element between a
geometrically ideal pair of shape elements. The pair of shape elements has a
minimum distance, but encloses all measured points (Chebyshev). The radius or
diameter given by the program is the medium radius or diameter of the two
Replacement element (blue)
Actually measured element (black)
Minimum Circumscribed Element
For your measurement tasks, there are four evaluation methods available in the
"Element" dialogue boxes (for example, Element Circle). For more information,
see "Type of Calculation ". One method is the "Minimum circumscribed element".
Minimum circumscribed element (enveloping element): The program encloses
the measured points by a smallest ideal geometrical shape element (contact
element at external dimension).
Replacement element (blue)
Actually measured element (black)
Maximum Inscribed Element
For your measurement tasks, there are four evaluation methods available in the
"Element" dialogue boxes (for example, Element Circle). For more information,
see "Type of Calculation ". One method is the "Maximum inscribed element".
Maximum inscribed element (fit element): The program calculates the maximum
inscribed circle (contact element at internal dimension).
Replacement element (blue)
Actually measured element (black)
Inner and Outer Tangential Element
For lines and planes it is difficult to find the appropriate type of calculation:
besides Gauss and the minimum zone element, there is also the inner and outer
tangential element. For more information, see "Type of Calculation".
Inner tangential element: line or plane with contact at 2 or 3 points from the
material side.
Outer tangential element: line or plane with contact at 2 or 3 points from the nonmaterial side.
Spread / Standard Deviation
In the circularity, straightness and flatness graphics, GEOPAK displays a value
(standard deviation), which is designated by "Std. Dev. * 4". The same value can
be displayed in the graphics of elements as "4s".
Degrees of Freedom:
The degrees of freedom are important for the calculation of the standard
deviation. This depends on the min. number of the necessary measurement
points, i.e. from the type of element:
Type of element
Min. number of points
Degrees of freedom
Number of points - 2
Number of points - 3
Number of points - 3
Number of points - 4
Number of points - 5
Type of element Min. number of points Degrees of freedom
Number of points - 6
Calculation of standard deviation step-by-step:
 Sum up the square deviations: Measured point – calculated element for
all measured points.
 Divide the "Sum of all deviation squares" through the degrees of freedom
 calculate out of it the square root.
 The result is the standard deviation.
The graphics mentioned above display the quadruple value of it.
Carbody Elements
Hole Shapes: Introduction
For the measurement of vehicle bodies – particularly in the automotive industry –
a range of further elements is required in MCOSMOS. For these hole shapes,
you find the following elements apart from the "Inclined circle":
 Square
 Rectangle
 Slot
 Triangle
 Trapezoid
 Hexagon
 Drop
These elements are particularly used for measuring punched holes. First of all,
the position and axis direction are important when working with these elements.
Length values are not separately tolerated due to the high precision of the
punching processes. However, they are also output in the protocols.
As for the inclined circle, you first have to measure the surface (see example
illustration below of measurement point display) and second, the element. You
can also call up an already known surface from the memory.
For hole shapes you also have the option to measure the surface with any
number of points. When measuring the actual element, however, you can only
measure a defined number of points (for detailed information, refer to the topic
Differences to Inclined Circle).
Further topics
Symmetry Axis and Width
How to Work
Tolerance Comparison / Position Tolerance
Nominal Values
The cooperation between CAT1000S and GEOPAK makes it necessary that
GEOPAK managed the nominal values from CAT1000S. GEOPAK also works
with these data. You inform in detail under the themes
Pre-define nominal values for elements and
Nominal values: Three Options .
Differences: Hole Shape - Inclined Circle
The Element Inclined circle dialogue box and the related measurement course
are different from other hole shapes.
Starting the command
In GEOPAK, click the desired button.
 Or click Element/Hole shapes on the menu bar.
 On the submenu, click the desired hole shape, for example Inclined circle
or Inclined square.
For the Element Inclined circle you can use the automatic inclined circle
measurement. You can also enter the number of measurement points.
Two different measurement courses are available for the measurement of other
hole shapes, for example, Inclined rectangle.
Selection is made with the Use minimum number of points button.
Use minimum number of points button is available
The number of measurement points is defined.
 Each hole shape uses the minimum number of measurement points.
 Each measurement point has its defined position that is shown in the
measurement display in learn mode. For more information, see Hole
Shapes: Measurement Course.
Drop form
Table: Hole shape elements and maximum number of measurement points
The elements are automatically finished after measurement of these points. It is
not possible to measure more points. Therefore, no form deviations are possible
and no different modes of calculation.
 The button "Autom. elm. finish" does not exist.
 The buttons for the calculation mode do not exist.
 It is also not possible to enter the "No. of pts.".
Use minimum number of points button is not available
Each hole shape can be measured with a number higher than the minimum
number of points.
 The hole shape measurement is carried out counter clockwise from edge
to edge.
 The measurement display in learn mode shows the edge that is
measured first.
Drop form
Table: Hole shape elements and the sum of the maximum number of
measurement points for each edge
The commands Measure CNC point, Autom. element measurement Line and
Autom. element measurement Circle are available for the measurement of the
elements. Evaluation of the form deviations is possible.
 Each edge measurement is finished with the command Finish element
 Measurement of the last edge is finished with the command Finish
When you select Machine/Finish element on the menu bar or the Finish
element button on the toolbar, GEOPAK automatically recognizes which
one of the two commands must be learned.
See also
Hole Shapes: Introduction
Hole Shapes: Symmetry Axis and Width
Hole Shapes: Tolerance Comparison / Position
Hole Shapes: Symmetry Axis and Width
The hole shapes all have at least one symmetry axis and one width perpendicular
to the symmetry axis (see example illustrations below; from top left: trapezium,
drop form and hexagon).
W 1, 2 or 3 = are each the widths or heights
Symmetry axis: The direction is defined as follows:
Drop form
Other punched hole shapes
From the ground line to the opposite corner
Perpendicular to the parallel sides in direction
from the bigger to the smaller side.
From the big to the small circle.
The sequence of the first two measurement
points determines the direction of the symmetry
Centre Point
The following is valid for the hole shape elements trapezium and triangle:
the centre point is the centroid. For all other hole shape elements the
centre point is positioned on the symmetry axis in the middle of the two
hole ends.
Further topics
Hole shapes: Introduction
Differences to Inclined Circle
Measurement course
Tolerance Comparison / Position Tolerance
Hole Shapes: Measurement Course
When working with hole shapes, the points are measured in a certain sequence
and at given positions (see ill. below): The forms are composite forms. We have
either to deal with angles or with lines changing into circle arcs. According to the
requirements of the task, the angles are not included in the report.
When measuring slots and drop forms, be careful not to interfere with the
circle arcs when measuring the line with the measurement points as this
would lead to wrong results. The same applies vice versa, i.e. do not get
into the lines when measuring circle arcs.
The measurement display in learn mode shows where to probe (see example ill.
See also
Hole Shapes: Introduction
Differences to Inclined Circle
Symmetry Axis and Width
Tolerance Comparison / Tolerance Position
Hole Shapes: Tolerance Comparison / Position
Tolerance Comparison Element
With any one of the hole shapes you can execute a "Tolerance comparison
element" (ill. below; for detailed information also refer to the topic Dialogue
Tolerance Comparison Elements).
You can only tolerate the position of the centre and the direction of the axis. To
tolerate the measurement of a hole shape, you can use a variable (for detailed
information, also refer to the topic GEOPAK Elements: Hole Shapes ).
Position Tolerance
You can execute a position tolerance with any one of the hole shapes (ill. below;
for detailed information, also refer to the topic Position).
To apply the Maximum Material Condition (MMC), select a label in the text box
next to the symbol.
Further topics
Hole Shapes: Introduction
Differences to Inclined Circle
Symmetry Axis and Width
How to Work
Constructed Elements
Constructed Elements
Constructed Elements: Contents
Connection Elements
Connection Elements, General
Connection Elements "From Measured Points"
Connection Element Point
Connection Element Line
Connection Element Circle
Connection Element Ellipse
Connection Element Sphere
Connection Element Cylinder
Connection Element Cone
Connection Element Plane
Connection Element Contour
Connection Element Freeform Surface
Intersection Elements
Intersection Element Line
Intersection Element Point
Intersection Point: Extras
Intersection Point: Contour with Circle, Line, Point
Intersection Element Circle
Intersection Element Ellipse
Intersection Cylinder / Freeform Surface
Symmetry Elements
Symmetry Element Line
Symmetry Element Line
Symmetry Element Point
Fit in Elements
Fit in Element Sphere
Fit in Element Circle
Further Constructed Elements
Shift-Element Line
Minimum and Maximum Point
Constructed Elements
Connection Elements
Connection Elements, General
You use the Connection Elements option in cases where, e.g.,
 you intend to create a hole pattern from centres of circles.
 You can also draw a line through adjacent circles.
 Or you wish to determine the straightness of a cylinder axis by measuring
several superimposed circles.
Special importance is attached to the option which allows you choose
between single and group selection (for further details refer to "Single Selection"
and "Group Selection".
The connection element is determined in the ...
 current co-ordinate system and in
 the selected projection plane.
Follow this procedure
To access the dialogue window of the connection element that you want to
click the corresponding icon in
the toolbar (see picture).
Constructed Elements
In the "Element Circle, etc." window, click on the icon (see picture).
 Or adopt a different method and choose "Element / Circle, etc." from the
menu bar.
 In any case, for the present example you have to confirm "Element Circle"
in the window.
To see how to proceed in the dialogue windows "Connection Element
Circle (Single and Group selection)", refer also to the subjects "Single
Selection" and "Group Selection".
"From Measured Points" (left symbol) refer to Connection Element "From
Measured Points".
Connection Element "From Measured Points"
In the "Connection Element Circle, etc." dialogue box you can use the
symbol (left, above) for your decision to form the connection element from
measured points. You can calculate a connection element also from the local coordinates, which have been established for the elements used. For the elements
such as Circle, Sphere, and Ellipse, this is, in each case, the centre of the circle.
These options are applicable to both Single selection and Group
Option not active
The topic "Connection Elements, General" shows examples where you do not
activate the option "From measured points". The connection elements concerned
pass through the centres of circles. A further example, used for the geometrical
inspection of rotary tables, would be a "Connection Element Circle" through the
centre of several spheres.
Option active
You activate this option in cases where you wish to determine the connection
element from measured points instead of using centres.
Example: On a cylinder, you have measured several circles at different heights
(see picture below). Using these measurement points you can calculate a
Constructed Elements
A connection element formed this way includes all features of a measured
element (measurement points and material side).
Probe radius compensation:
The measured points are probe centres. From these, the new element is
calculated against which – in the second step – the probe radius is compensated.
For this, GEOPAK uses the probe radius with which the first element was
measured. The result is only valuable when the relevant elements where
measured with the same probe radius.
In the learn mode you are therefore warned when two relevant probe radii
differ by more than 0.01 mm.
Connection Element Point
You can form the Connection Element Point from the
 local co-ordinates of known elements, or
 from the measurement points of these elements.
For the part program command "Connection element point" use the
standard elements (point, line, circle, etc.) as well as the hole shape
For more detailed information, refer to
 Connection Elements, General
 Connection Element "From Measured Points"
Constructed Elements
Connection Element Line
You can form the Connection Element Line from the...
 local co-ordinates of known elements.
Should you have to define, for example a line by the centres disposed
adjacent or above each other, you form the Connection Element Line.
For this purpose, you are not allowed to click the button "From
Measured Points".
 Measurement points of these elements.
If you want to connect two lines with each other (picture below, red
Line), you have to click the button.
For further details, refer also to the topics
 Connection Elements, General
 Connection Element "From Measured Points"
Connection Element Circle
In the "Element Circle" dialogue you can decide for one out of four
calculating methods ("Type of Calculation").
You can form the Connection Element Circle from the...
 local co-ordinates of known elements.
An application frequently used for the Connection Element Circle is a hole
In this case you are not allowed to click the button "From Measured
 Measurement points of known elements.
For the part program command "Connection element circle" use the
standard elements (point, line, circle, etc.) as well as the hole shape
For further details, refer also to the topics
 Connection Elements, General
 Connection Element "From Measured Points"
Connection Element Ellipse
You can form the Connection Element Ellipse from the
 local co-ordinates of known elements, or
 from the measurement points of these elements.
For further details, refer also to the topics
 Connection Elements, General
 Connection Element "From Measured Points"
Constructed Elements
Connection Element Sphere
You can form the Connection Element Sphere from the
 local co-ordinates of known elements, or
 from the measurement points of these elements.
For further details, refer also to the topics
 Connection Elements, General
 Connection Element "From Measured Points"
Connection Element Cylinder
You can form the Connection Element Cylinder from the
 local co-ordinates of known elements, or
 from the measurement points of these elements.
You can form a cylinder using, for example the measurement points of
several superimposed circles.
For further details, refer also to the topics
 Connection Elements, General
 Connection Element "From Measured Points"
Connection Element Cone
You can form the Connection Element Cone from the
 local co-ordinates of known elements, or
 from the measurement points of these elements.
You can form a cone using, for example the measurement points of
several superimposed circles.
For further details, refer also to the topics
 Connection Elements, General
 Connection Element "From Measured Points"
Connection Element Plane
You can form the Connection Element Plane from the
 local co-ordinates of known elements, or
 from the measurement of these elements. You can form a plane using, for
example the measurement points of two lines. This, however, is based on
the understanding that the lines have been measured in one plane
(picture below).
1 = Line in ZX plane
2 = Line in YZ plane
For the part program command "Connection element plane" use the
standard elements (point, line, circle, etc.) as well as the hole shape
Constructed Elements
For further details, refer also to the topics
 Connection Elements, General
 Connection Element "From Measured Points"
Contour Connection Element
Using the function "Connection Element Contour" you can connect single
contours to form a common contour. This function is suitable also for copying a
contour. You can use this function to your advantage, e.g., in cases where you
create a "Contour with Offset". You would then have the original together with the
"new contour" for comparison purposes. You can also overwrite and existing
Of great importance is the option which allows you to choose between
the Single or Group Selection (for details, refer to the topics "Single Selection"
and " Group Selection").
The general contour is located in the ...
 actual co-ordinate system and in the
 selected projection plane.
You come to the dialogue window "Contour Connection Element" by
clicking on the symbol in the toolbar.
In the window "Element Contour", click on the symbol (picture left).
 Or select via the "Menu Bar / Element / Contour".
 In any case, you must confirm in the "Element Contour" window.
Opened / closed contour: Change status
You can use this function to connect the first and the last contour point of a
contour. The contour is assigned the status "closed contour". In this case, the
button is displayed as pushed.
If the connection between the first and the last contour point is interrupted, the
contour is assigned the status "opened contour".
For details as how to proceed in the dialogue windows "Contour
Connection Element (Single or Group Selection)", please refer to the
"Single Selection" and "Group Selection".
Definition of third co-ordinate
If the contours are positioned in different planes, it is not possible to determine an
overlapping area. In this case you can define the third co-ordinate of all contour
points on a general level.
No changes of the point co-ordinates.
All points are positioned on level 0.0. The co-ordinate axis providing
the level depends on the projection plane of the contour.
The mean level is calculated and set for all points.
Constructed Elements
Connect contours
Due to the form of the workpieces to be scanned, it is sometimes impossible to
scan a 2D-contour in one single probe position. In this case, the contour needs to
be measured with several scans in different probe positions. Then, the contours
such measured need to be connected into one contour. We recommend an
overlapping measurement of the contours to avoid gaps between adjacent
contours. On the other hand, the areas of the duplicate contour points may
disrupt the subsequent evaluations at the contour. Therefore, the duplicate
contour points need to be deleted.
For further information, refer to the topic "Delete Contour Overlappings".
Delete Contour Overlappings
You can delete overlapping areas of adjacent contours with certain settings which
are described below. When entering a threshold, the function recognises which
part of a contour is lying over a part of another contour. The threshold defines the
distance between the contours which are then detected as one contour. If an
overlapping is detected, half of the overlapping is highlighted. The points
positioned behind the highlighted area of the first contour are deleted. In the
same way, the points of the second contour are deleted that are positioned
before the highlighted area.
You can define the 3rd co-ordinate of all contour points on a general
level. The level may be 0.0 or it may be the approximated 3rd value of the mean
over the complete contour. This is, for example, useful when the contours are in
different planes and an overlapping area cannot be determined.
In addition to the projections XY already supported by the system, the
projections YZ, ZX, RZ and Phi-Z can be selected.
To achieve good results you should adhere to the following conventions:
 Only the adjacent contours within the selection field are checked as to a
joint overlapping area.
 The sequence of sorting the contour points must be the same for all
contours selected. To reverse the sequence of the contour points, use the
function "Change contour/point sequence".
 By activating the button "Closed contour" the check between the last and
the first contour is executed too. This also applies when only one (closed)
contour has been selected.
If the level (3rd co-ordinate) of the connected 2D-contours varies, the
detection of the overlapping areas might not function reliably. In this case
you can adapt the third co-ordinate of the contour points.
Also refer to our "Application Example".
Application Example
You are dealing with a profile of a turbane blade in two contours. The contours
are partly overlapping because the critical areas at the front and trailing edge
have been scanned with a run in and run out for scanning. The measurement
points scanned during the contact of the probe shaft with the workpiece are within
the overlapping area and are therefore deleted.
Constructed Elements
Measurement of the turbine blade from two sides with different probe
1: Start
2: End
3: Shaft probing
In the "Connection element contour" dialogue box, click the "Delete
overlapping areas" button.
When clicking the "Use automatic threshold" button, the text box is
deactivated and a calculated threshold is used.
If you want to input the threshold yourself, deactivate the "Use automatic
threshold" button. Realistic values are values around 1.00 millimetres.
If no overlappings are detected, increase the threshold. If the deleted
portion of the contour is too big, reduce the threshold.
 The overlapping areas are detected, highlighted and removed.
Constructed Elements
 The result is an adjusted contour.
Connection Element Freeform Surface
The Connection Element Freeform surface is always formed from the
measurement points of known elements.
Example: You can form an Element Freeform Surface from the measurement
points of two lines.
If you want to form the Connection Element Freeform Surface, you must use
GEOPAK and CAT1000S.
GEOPAK provides CAT1000S with the required measurement points.
CAT1000S performs the actual evaluation.
Measurement points
The elements used to form the new Connection Element Freeform Surface may
only contain actually measured points.
By "actually measured points" we understand in this case: points determined by a
probing of the work piece.
Do not use the following elements to form a Connection Element Freeform
 Theoretical elements
 Intersection elements (elements point, line, circle, ellipse)
 Symmetry elements (elements point, line, surface)
 Tangent
 Move element (element line)
 Fit in element circle or sphere
 Minimum or maximum point of a contour (element point)
 Connection elements not calculated from measurement points.
Do not use the following measurement points to form a Connection Element
Freeform Surface:
Measurement points from the Element Point that was not measured as a
"compensated point".
For a Connection Element calculated from measurement points, observe
the following: The probe directions are defined from the calculated
Constructed Elements
If you want to use contours for the Connection Element Freeform Surface, these
may not be compensated contours, as the compensation is taken on from
See also
 Connection Elements General
 Connection Element "From Measured Points"
Intersection Elements
Intersection Element Point
To construct an intersection element point, click "Element" on the menu
bar, and then select "Point". In the dialogue box, click this button, and then click
Or, click this button on the tool bar.
The "Intersection element Point" dialogue box is basically identical to the
dialogue boxes of the other intersection elements. However, there are much
more options for the intersection element point (see ill. below) than, for example,
for line (only two planes).
Element buttons of the first element
Element buttons of the second element
Minimum maximum buttons
Calculation buttons
When you click the empty line (..), the "Free Element Input " dialogue box
For detailed information on loops, see "Loops ".
Table of intersection options
Constructed Elements
- = Intersection element impossible to calculate
S = Intersection
L = Perpendicular
S / L = Intersection or perpendicular, if there is no intersection (ill. below)
The line does not intersect with the circle. The perpendicular is calculated.
S o L = Intersection or perpendicular can be selected
SMA = Intersection with axis
SMA = Intersection with axis / CMM = Intersection with lateral surface (when
button available)
S / M = Intersection or middle, when there is no intersection (ill. below)
The circles do not intersect. The middle is calculated.
Intersect axis with surface
When you select line, cone or cylinder as first element, and cone or cylinder
as second element, then the "Intersect axis with surface" button is available.
 On the "First element" toolbar, click the desired element button (for
example, line, cone or cylinder).
In the "First element" list, select an element.
Constructed Elements
 On the "Second element" toolbar, click an element button to intersect with
the first element (for example, cone or cylinder).
In the "Second element" list, select an element.
Click the "Intersect axis with surface" button.
 Click one of the Minimum Maximum buttons to determine the intersection
 Click "Ok".
For detailed information, see Intersection: Extras (Contour; Point-Sphere; CirclePlane).
Intersection Element Line
To create an intersection line from two planes, use the menu "Element"
and click on "Line" and in the subsequent dialogue onto the symbol (see above).
Alternatively, you can use the tool bar.
In the dialogue "Intersection Element Line"
select one plane each in the First and in the Second Element and click on Ok.
The sense of direction of the determined line follows the "Right-hand rule" (see ill.
Constructed Elements
The right-hand rule as per the example above
Plane 1
Plane 2
NV1 Normal vector 1 (thumb)
NV2 Normal vector 2 (index finger)
Sense of direction of line after intersection of plane 1 with plane 2 (middle
Sense of direction of line after intersection of plane 2 with plane 1 (the
planes intersect in reverse sequence, therefore also the sense of direction of the
intersection line is reversed).
If you click on the empty line (in the ill. above underlaid in blue), you get to the
dialogue "Free Element Input ".
For information about the topic "Loops " click on the term.
Intersection Element Circle
You use the function "Intersection Element" via the cylinder symbol
whenever you want to calculate a circle in a measured plane. The diameter of the
circle is identical with the cylinder diameter (see picture below).
The information as to whether it is a bore or a shaft is taken over by the cylinder.
This is of importance for the application of MMC.
Use the "Intersection Element" function via the cone symbol when you
want to know
 at which level the cone has a determined diameter
Constructed Elements
 which diameter a cone has at a determined place.
Via the following symbols...
Given diameter
Distance from the apex of the cone
Distance from the XY-plane
Distance from the YZ-plane
Distance from ZX-plane
You use the function "Intersection Element" via the sphere symbol when
you want to know
 at which level the sphere has a determined diameter, or ...
 which diameter a sphere has at a determined place.
Given diameter
Distance from the pole of the sphere
Distance from the base plane
Distance from the XY-plane
Distance from the YZ-plane
Distance from the ZX-plane
Intersection Element Ellipse
For an ellipse, the cylinder or the cone serves as an intersection element (2nd
element). Click onto the symbol and confirm.
In the result field and in the protocol you find, apart from the data about the
centre, the big and the small diameter, also the angles that include the big
semiaxis with the co-ordinate axes (see ill. below).
Constructed Elements
Intersection Cylinder / Freeform Surface
You can only use this function with the GEOPAK part program editor.
If you want to edit an intersection of a cylinder with a surface, click the
button "Intersection element" in the dialogue "Element Point". You get to the
dialogue "Intersection element Point".
Dialogue "Intersection element Point"
Select from the list box any one of the already measured cylinders.
Then select a surface from the list box.
The button "Loop counter" is active when a loop is open in GEOPAK.
Intersection: Extras
For the general statements you should first consult the topic Intersection Element
Extra: Contour
If an intersection element is a contour, the contour must be defined as the first
element using the symbol.
 Select your contour from the first list via the arrow symbol.
 Select the second element from the second list.
You can only intersect contours with lines, circles or points. When
projecting a point onto a contour, inform yourself thoroughly under the topic
Intersection: Contour with Circle, Line, Point. In all other cases you will
receive an error message. Via the min./max.-symbols (ill. below), you
select the intersection points.
Constructed Elements
In case of more than one intersection point (e.g. also in case of
intersections of circle/line; circle/circle; circle/plane), you can select your
desired point of intersection via the symbols (ill. above). You can decide
on one point each with the biggest or smallest X-, Y- or Z-co-ordinate.
If you have entered a nominal value for the element "Point", the system
chooses the point of intersection with the smallest distance to the nominal
value. The symbols (see ill. above) are not relevant for establishing a
nominal value. For more information refer to the topic Enter Nominal
Values for the Elements .
Extra: Point / Sphere
Intersections are not possible for these elements. However, the perpendicular is
offered as results.
Extra: Intersection Circle / Plane
Up to version 2.2, the centre of the circle was automatically projected onto the
plane. As from v.2.3 you have the possibility to have the piercing points of the
circle circumference line through the plane calculated as intersections (see ill.
For this, click on the symbol.
Symmetry Elements
Symmetry Element Line
The symmetry line of two lines is their median line. The smaller angle is
Constructed Elements
Often, the symmetry line is found between two parallel edges.
You can also use the axes of cones or cylinders as first or second element.
Symmetry Element Plane: Two Ways
You have possibilities to create symmetry elements in the "Element Plane"
dialogue window.
Symmetry Element of two Planes
In the "Element Plane" dialogue window, click on the symbol and come to
the corresponding "Symmetry Element Plane" dialogue window. Enter the planes
under "First or Second Element" and confirm.
The symmetry plane is in the joint material or the joint gap between the
starting planes respectively.
In the above illustration, the symmetry planes are in the joint material.
In the above illustration, the symmetry plane is in the joint gap of the starting
In the above illustration, the symmetry plane is in the opening angle between the
starting planes.
Constructed Elements
In the above illustration, the symmetry plane is in the joint material of the starting
The above illustration shows the symmetry plane in the gap of the joint material
or in the joint material.
Possibly, both starting planes have been probed almost in parallel and from the
same direction. In this case you should call up one of the starting planes from the
memory and go the dialogue "Recalculate from memory" and click on the option
"Change direction" (symbol left). This is how you will get again two planes
with a joint mass or a joint gap respectively.
Symmetry Element of two Points
In the "Element Plane" dialogue window, click on the symbol and the
corresponding "Symmetry Element Plane" dialogue window appears. Enter the
points under "First or Second Element" and confirm.
Remember that a mouse-click on the area [..] allows you to change to "Free
Element Input".
The vector direction of the plane is defined by the direction from the first to
the second point.
Symmetry Element Point
The symmetry point between two points is the mid-point between the two
As first and second element you can also use the elements circle, ellipse, sphere
and the hole shape elements. For the calculation of the symmetry point GEOPAK
uses the element mid-points.
The diameter of the elements has no influence on the result.
Constructed Elements
Fit in Elements
Fit in Element Sphere
Fit in Element: As an additional element, we suggest you to fit in a cone a
sphere with a given diameter.
 By clicking on this symbol and confirming, you get to the "Fit in Element
Sphere" window.
 Here, you enter the diameter of the sphere and select the cone where the
sphere must be fitted in.
 The result is an element sphere with the location of this sphere being in
the cone.
Fit in Element Circle
Use the "Fit in Element" function in case...
you have a circle with a specified diameter, or ...
you intend to fit this circle in between two lines or a contour.
In the case of two lines, there are four possibilities (see picture below)
The four sectors are defined by the positive directions (+) of the lines. This
explains the symbols (picture below) in the "Fit in Element-Circle" window.
In case of a contour, you must select the range in which you intend to fit in the
circle (for details refer to "Selection of Points Contour").
Constructed Elements
Further Constructed Elements
Shift-Element Line
With this option you create a line that runs parallel to the selected line
(first element) and through the selected point (second element).
Via the button, you come to the "Tangent" window. First, select the circle
where the tangent must be placed. Then you decide...
 whether the tangent is to be placed from a circle to one point, or
 the line must be a common tangent of two circles.
Since in the two cases, more tangents are possible, you have
to select one via the buttons.
Tangent of one point to a circle
First element
Second element
In the case of “tangent point circle” the direction of the tangent always
runs from point to circle.
Constructed Elements
Tangent at two circles
First element
Second element
The designation of the tangents results of the contact point with the second circle
out of direction of the first circle (see our example above):
Tangent inside right
Tangent outside left
Tangent outside right
Tangent inside left
If you want the invert the direction of the tangent, you have to invert the order of
the circles. You have to take into account that .
becomes the tangent right outside and...
 ...tangent
 ...tangent
becomes the tangent left outside.
Min. and Max. Point
If, e.g. for fabrication of eyeglasses, you want to know which size must have the
blank, you can use the min-max function in GEOPAK. The function is used,
among other things, to evaluate the greatest extension of a contour in the minus
and plus values of X, Y and Z.
With this function, you also can – for alignment of a co-ordinate system – set the
part on "0" (origin) at an extreme value. All subsequent positions are relative to
this extreme value.
The extreme values are even evaluated (interpolated) if the point itself has
not been measured.
You proceed in the following way
Click on the point symbol in the toolbar because the extreme values
will be stored as point elements.
In the following "Element Point" window, click on the "Min/Max of
Contour" symbol in the "Type of Construction" line and confirm.
 In the "Min/Max of Contour" window, select at first a contour.
Constructed Elements
In the symbol boxes of the adapted contour, you see that
it is also possible to evaluate the extreme values outside the contour (see
red points).
With this function, you determine the point on the contour, which is
the nearest to the origin.
With this function, you determine the point on the contour, which is
the farthest to the origin.
If you will choose specifically the first or the last point of a
contour you click one of the symbols.
 Click on one of the symbols (optionally) and confirm.
 The point is displayed in another colour on the graphics.
Position of the Point
In the picture below, we have evaluated e.g. the extreme value outside a
gearwheel (above right side).
To locate the co-ordinates already shown in the picture, you continue as follows:
Click in the element graphics on the symbol (left side).
Via click on the green point, you first get the point no. in
a rectangular box.
 Through click on the right mouse button on this rectangular box, you get a
list from which you can, e.g. call your information (picture below).
Constructed Elements
 Through click e.g. on the Y co-ordinate, you get the requested value
(picture below).
Automatic Element Recognition
Automatic Element Recognition
Automatic Element Recognition
With this function it is for some of the elements no longer necessary to select an
element to measure a workpiece. You measure a number of points and the
element is automatically determined. The CMM records the individual
measurement points with the probing direction. When the element has been
found, it is graphically represented in the dialogue "Automatic element
recognition" (in the ill. below, see the line after two measured points).
Furthermore you get an acoustical message and a further representation in the
window Element Graphic.
In case that a point has been measured that is positioned too far outside the
element being measured, the element that has been previously detected in the
part program is stored and this last point is disregarded (see ill. below) – this is
done in the manual mode as a manual command and accordingly in the CNCmode. You can either use this last point as your first point for the new element
search or you can stop the measurement.
Further Options
You can use the three elements first detected to initiate an automatic alignment
(also refer to the topic Settings).
You can also automatically learn the clearance height, i.e. according to the
surface alignment (see also the topic Settings).
You can also automatically call up the tolerance comparison for all stored
elements (see also the topic Settings).
Automatic Element Recognition
Activating the Function
After you have activated the function in Settings and the CMM is idle, you can
just start to measure in the manual mode. The function with all options and the
dialogue gets active.
Alternatively you can use the menu "Elements / Automatic element recognition".
The Dialogue: Symbol and Information Boxes
In the toolbar of this dialogue (ill. below), you can opt for the default automatic
element recognition (symbol left). Alternatively, you can pre-define an element
which would mean a manual execution of all measurement processes up to the
"Element finished", in order to be able to store an element (part program).
To switch off the automatic element recognition, you must do this in the
PartManager in Settings.
In this toolbar, the symbols are activated or hidden. The symbols are operative
when an element can be calculated from measurement points.
Information box
An information box (ill. below) informs you what has happened or what needs to
be done respectively.
Fields for results
In other fields for results you find the latest relevant results of the element
recognition (length, diameter, angle etc.).
The Dialogue: Important Functions
With the automatic element recognition we provide you with a range of functions
for a user-friendly control of the measurement process according to your
individual requirements.
A click on this symbol deletes the last measurement point. This function
also applies for the last element that has been automatically learnt/stored.
Automatic Element Recognition
With a click on this symbol you accept and store the recognised element
with all measurement points in the part program.
With a click on this symbol you store the recognised element with all
points excluding the last one. The last point is used for the next element. With the
automatic element recognition activated, this is also executed automatically.
A click on this button and the dialogue disappears. If there are
already measurement points in the memory, a safety inquiry appears.
After recognition of the first three elements, you can initiate an
automatic alignment using this symbol (for detailed information, refer to Patterns
for Alignment ).
Following the surface alignment, a clearance height can be
automatically set. This is always the Z-axis. The height can be put manually in
the text box next to the symbol. You can also define the clearance height already
in the Settings.
The automatic call-up of the tolerance comparison you can
either determine in this dialogue or already in the Settings.
The symbols from left to right:
 No tolerance comparison
 Tolerance comparison directly after recognition of an element
 Tolerance comparison of all elements after ending the functionality
With this symbol you can on or switch off the audio output.
The special options of the Automatic Element Recognition include
 the automatic alignment
 the automatic setting of a clearance height and
 the automatic call-up of the tolerance comparison.
You can use all three options via the settings. To get to the respective dialogue,
use the PartManager via Settings / Defaults for programs / GEOPAK / GEOPAK
configuration / Automatic element recognition (see ill. below).
Activate or finish the function in the dialogue top left.
Automatic Element Recognition
Capture Range
You use the capture range to determine the accuracy range within which points
of an element shall be recognised. Points outside the range (red arrow in ill.
below), initiate a new process for element recognition (for this, already refer to
Automatic Element Recognition ).
Angular Range
You use the angular range to determine the accuracy range of the probing
direction. The probing direction of each measurement point is very important for
determining an element. This is why points for which the probing direction is not
within the defined angle (red arrow in ill. outside angle "α") are no longer used for
determining the element. (see also already in Automatic Element Recognition ).
These points initiate a new process for element recognition.
Use the options for the tolerance comparison to decide for either
• no or
• a direct tolerance comparison (after storing an element) or
• the tolerance comparison of all elements after finishing the
Automatic Element Recognition
Special Cases / Limitations
Special Cases with the Joystick
With the joystick you have the possibility to perform two of the functions directly
without the necessity to use the dialogue. The advantage of this is that you need
not switch between joystick and keyboard.
Keyboard (dialogue)
When the display in the dialogue shows 0 and you push the START button, the
dialogue is closed and the functionality is finished.
This action corresponds to activating the symbol left.
You can use the GOTO-button to additionally learn interim positions that are also
stored. You can activate this function only via the joystick.
The element point cannot be automatically learnt (if only one measurement point
has been measured, this may always belong to another element). This applies in
the same way for a line with only two measured points (with a third point, always
a circle could be recognised).
 The elements ellipse, inclined circle, sphere and step cylinder cannot be
recognised with this function.
 Cone and cylinder must be measured in circles.
 All elements are only calculated acc. to Gauss.
 The element names are given by GEOPAK.
 During an automatic element recognition, no probe change is possible.
For the SpinArm, certain driver settings are required (AutoDummy=1 und
Carbody Measurement
Carbody Measurement
Carbody Measurement: Introduction
For a carbody measurement, two identical systems measure the workpiece (ill.
Identical in this context means:
 Two CMMs are working with our software MCOSMOS,
 each CMM has an own PC, and
 the PCs are connected via a network.
The fact that the measurement is performed by two CMMs means a considerable
saving of time for the body measurement.
The part programs can be learnt from either the Master CMM or from the Slave
CMM. Analogous, one of the PCs is declared the Master PC and the second
computer the "Slave PC". The programmes can be started either from the Master
PC or from a third PC using the RemoteManager.
The measurement results are – like known from MCOSMOS – measured. If you
wish to use the measurement results of both CMMs to create a joint protocol, the
data can be transferred between the PCs (for detailed information, refer to
Retrieve Element Data ). The protocol is output on the Master PC.
The part programs can be synchronised. The Synchronisation is partly
automatic. The two machine controllers that are linked with each other via
hardware components perform the collision control between the overlapping
measurement ranges of the two CMMs.
Carbody Measurement
But also the software contains features to exclude the occurence of a collision.
After you have defined your probe system, a virtual cuboid is positioned around
the probe to prevent collisions. Only after a probe has left an overlapping section,
the second probe can move into this section.
Starting with version 2.4, we have furthermore established an "Element
Container". In this container you can gather measurement points (applies
principally for GEOPAK). As required, these measurement points can – e.g. for
the carbody measurement – be transferred between the two PCs.
Further Topics
Setup Parameters
Monitoring: Data Transfer
Start Part Program
Synchronisation of Part Program
Retrieve Element Data
Element Container
Joint Co-ordinate System
Transfer Co-ordinate System
Server or Client
To be able to work with a DualArm system, you must first adjust some defaults
(PartManager / Settings / Defaults for programs / GEOPAK / DualArm).
After a new installation, the DualArm functionality is not available. To activate this
functionality, use the option buttons of the dialogue and click on either "Server"
for the Master PC or on "Client" for the Slave PC.
 When clicking on "Server", a preset port is displayed. The port number
must be the same on both PCs.
Carbody Measurement
 When clicking on "Client", you must additionally enter the network
address of the other computer (Master PC).
Confirm and the "Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)" is initialised. This
TCP enables the data transfer between Master and Slave PC.
Always start the Master PC first and then the Slave PC.
In the "PartManager Settings" dialogue box, choose the "General" card
and choose GEOPAK repeat mode in the "Autostart" box. In this case the
repeat mode will automatically be started when starting the PartManager.
It is not necessary to select a part.
Volume Compensation for Carbody Measurement
If a compensation of plane deviation usually results in determining the Z-offset,
this procedure is not always possible when using a DualArm system. In these
cases, the compensation needs also to be possible in the X- or respectively Yaxes.
Therefore, the "Automatic monitoring" is always deactivated in such systems
(Dialogue GEOPAK settings). To get to this dialogue, go to the PartManager and
proceed via the menu Settings / Defaults for programs / GEOPAK / GEOPAK
settings /Other.
The option "Automatic monitoring" can also be deactivated for the
"standard" CMM.
A prerequisite for the volume compensation in the X- or respectively Y-axis is that
your system also includes the functionality. To get to the dialogue, go to the
GEOPAK learn mode / menu Settings / System and then to the function. As
opposed to the "standard" volume compensation (see the topic Volume
Compensation), this is in general an offset to a Z-spindle (see ill. below) and not
in particular the offset of the z-spindle to the Z-axis.
In fact, you can enter the offset to any axis. For detailed information, refer again
to the topic Volume Compensation.
You will not get to this dialogue in the repeat mode if the offset data have
already been changed in the ProbeBuilder or in the probe data
Carbody Measurement
Monitoring: Data Transfer
After completion of the "Settings" GEOPAK offers the possibility to check the
TCP with its functions (e.g. "Send"). In the learn mode, this function is always
available, in the repeat mode only when the part program has not yet been
Start GEOPAK on the Master PC and click in the menu bar on Settings / DualArm
Socket Monitor. A dialogue of the same name appears.
Then start the Slave PC,
 start GEOPAK
 and click in the menu bar on Settings / DualArm Socket Monitor.
 If in the Socket Monitor of the Slave PC the button "Send" is activated like
on the Master PC, you have performed the settings correctly.
Now you can carry out a test by sending measurement results from one PC to the
other. The function "Element Container" is operative also without TCP.
If the TCP/IP – connection is interrupted GEOPAK tries to restore the
connection automatically.
Start Part Program
Start the part program for the carbody measurement via the menu bar/Program
and click on the function. Use this function on your Master PC to start a part
program on the Slave PC. You can also use the function to check if the
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is active or not (for the topic "TCP", also
refer to the topic "Carbody Measurement: Introduction"). The part program on the
Slave PC is then started without a further dialogue. The "Joint Co-ordinate
System" is automatically loaded on both PCs.
What you need to know
A part can have several part programs, i.e. separate for the two PCs. If there is
only one part program, the part name is also the name of the part program.
To the end of a part program, a message with the content "Synchronisation" is
sent to the other PC. If, for example, a part program on a Slave PC is finished, a
confirmation of the end of the synchronisation is sent to the Master PC and vice
In the text box "Timeout" which you can activate by clicking on this symbol,
you can enter a timeout limit for the part program until synchronisation in
Synchronisation of Part Program
The part programs on both PCs (Master and Slave PC) must be synchronised.
This is achieved using the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). To get to the
function "Synchronisation of part program", go to the GEOPAK learn mode and
use the menu bar / Program.
Synchronisation is nessecary
The synchronisation is mandatory. If, for example, in a certain section both
CMMs measure only from different sides, useful results are only possible when
using the synchronisation.
Carbody Measurement
A synchronisation is also possible during an active part program. In this case,
both PCs use the same synchronisation command in the active part program. To
recognise the exact synchronisation point, a label must be set in the part
program. In the dialogue "Synchronisation of part program" you enter a
meaningful text (e.g. "Position XYZ reached"). This label must be used by the
part program on both PCs.
Both Part Programs should be Finished
The situation may occur that the part program on the Slave PC finishes earlier
than on the Master PC. Therefore, an automatic synchronisation takes place at
the end of each part program. This simply means that the part programs on the
two PCs are not finished until also the final synchronisation is finished on both
While a PC is waiting for a synchronisation, a window appears "Waiting
for synchronisation". Additionally, the name of the label is displayed.
With a click on the button "Cancel" you can stop the synchronisation. A
corresponding window appears for confirmation. A cancellation could, for
example, be required when another part program is executed or the
communication has been interrupted.
If you receive no feedback during the timeout limit, you receive the
message "Command cancelled after timeout ".
Retrieve Element Data
The function "Retrieve element data" is used for transferring data between
Master and Slave PC using the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). The data
refer to the "Joint Co-ordinate System". If this has not been defined, the
workpiece co-ordinate system is used.
The Master PC retrieves the data, the Slave PC sends the data, if available. The
Master PC waits until the data are available. In case of an error, the PC that has
retrieved the data receives a message. Also the Slave PC can retrieve data.
Carbody Measurement
Use the text box for "Number of elements" to retrieve measurement
results of more than one element. You would just need to enter a number
bigger than 1.
The dialogue furthermore provides for defining a timeout in
seconds. If you receive no feedback from the second PC during this
timeout period, an error message appears.
Element Container
The element "Container" is only used to gather measurement points. It depends
on the respective part program, for which calculation of an element the
measurement points are needed at a later time. Apart from the carbody
measurement, the element "Container" can also be used in the GEOPAK basic
Regarding the carbody measurement, find an example in the table below: The
measurement points of an element have been determined on two CMMs, but
have been gathered and calculated on one PC.
Master PC
Slave PC
Element container 1
Element container 5
Meas. 5 points
Meas. 5 points
Element finished
Element finished
Request element (Container 5 as 2)
No action
Send element (Container 5)
Connection element cylinder (container 1+2)
Joint Co-ordinate System
The current co-ordinate system can be stored as a joint co-ordinate system not
dependent on how the co-ordinate system has been defined. You must simply
ensure that the alignment is the same on both CMMs.
Three spheres have been measured. The centres of the three spheres are used
for this alignment as follows:
 A plane through the three centres is used for the spatial alignment.
 A line from the centre of the first sphere to the centre of the second
sphere is used for the alignment of the X-axis.
 The origin of the first sphere is the centre of the joint co-ordinate system.
Carbody Measurement
It is, however, a prerequisite that the spheres have been measured on
both CMMs in the same way and at the same positions. Otherwise, the
co-ordinate system would not be a "joint" co-ordinate system.
The co-ordinate system is stored in the GEOPAK learn mode, i.e. in the
corresponding menu to which you get via the menu bar / co-ordinate
system and with a click on the function "Send actual co-ord. system".
Transfer Co-ordinate System
You can transfer a co-ordinate system from one CMM to the other. A new
alignment on the second CMM is not required.
For transferring the current co-ordinate system, there are two functions available
together with the corresponding dialogues:
 Send ... or
 Retrieve co-ordinate system.
If there is no "Joint Co-ordinate System", you get an error message. To get to the
dialogues, go in the GEOPAK learn mode to the menu bar / Program and click on
the relevant function. The retrieved co-ordinate system is stored as the current
co-ordinate system. The part program is not continued until this has been
Graphics of Elements
Graphics of Elements
Contents: Graphics of Elements
Toolbar in the "Graphics of Elements" Window
Further Components of the "Graphics of Elements" Window
Graphic Limits
Changing the representation
Selelct Elements
Element Information
Contour View
Display Subelements of a Contour
Circles as Partial Circle Display
Contour Point Selection by Keyboard
Multi-Colour Contour Display
Contour Display as Lines and/or Points
Learnable Graphic Settings
Display of Graphic Window
Options of the "Graphics of Elements"
Show Hidden Elements
Recalculate Straightness, Flatness and Circularity
Print Graphic during Learn and Repeat Mode
Store Section of Graphic Display in Learn Mode
Learn Graphics of Elements Printing with "Autoscale"
Learn Graphics of Elements Printing with a "Scale Factor"
Define Scaling
Print Graphic in Repeat Mode
Define Label Layout
Flexible Graphic Protocols
Calculate New Elements out of Contour Points
Compare Points
Parallelism Graphics
Graphics of Elements - Task
The graphics of elements is used as a graphic support for your measurement
tasks with GEOPAK. The window is available in the single and learn mode as
well as in the repeat mode.
The components of the graphics of elements window are:
 a toolbar
 the range of the graphic representation in the window
 the "Graphics" pull-down menu with its functions in the menu bar
The "Graphics" Pull-Down Menu
You find the "Graphics" pull-down menu in the menu bar. In this menu, you can
only activate functions if the graphics of elements window is also activated. In this
case, all the other menus are deactivated.
Further topics
Toolbar in the "Graphics of Elements" Window
Further Components of the "Graphics of Elements" Window
Graphics of Elements
Options of the "Graphics of Elements"
Changing the representation
Select Elements
Calculate New Elements out of Contour Points
Recalculate Straightness, Flatness and Circularity
Compare Points
Parallelism Graphics
Toolbar in the "Graphics of Elements" Window
In the toolbar, you find the following buttons for functions you frequently use in
the "Graphics" pull-down menu.
Zoom: Zoom graphics clip
Reset zoom
Moving: Move graphics clip
Graphical element or point selection(this function is only in the single or
learn mode available)
Element information Display element information
Rotate: Rotate the graphic
Display Option
Top view
(XY-plane, line of sight towards the Z-axis)
Side face
(YZ-plane, line of sight towards the X-axis)
Front view (ZX-plane, line of sight towards the Y-axis)
3D- view
Element Graphics Options
With this function, you can change the representation of the graphics of
elements through further options. (See "Element Graphics Options Window")
Learnable graphic commands: If you click this symbol, you can store in
another window of the part program commands such as "Current View Settings",
"Print Window" and "Close Window". However, the commands in the learn mode
must not be imperatively carried out. This function is only in the single or learn
mode available.
If you click in the learn mode on the "close window symbol" of a
graphic window, the command "window close" will written into your part
program. If this part program runs off in the repeat mode, then this window
is closed automatically.
Print graphics: If you click this symbol, a printout of the current window
contents with the usual log data is created.
Graphics of Elements
The "Reset Zoom" function is only possible if you’ve activated the auto
scale (see " Element Graphic Options").
Further Components of the Graphics of Elements
Further components of the graphics of elements window are:
 Further graphics status line in the lower window margin
 Co-ordinate system view (on the lower left of the window)
Direction of the third co-ordinate (in this example X):
pointing to the user
pointing away from the user
 Origin of co-ordinate system
 Auto grid with measures
You can activate/deactivate the display of these components in the "Element
Graphic Options" window.
Graphic Limits
If you want to input the "Pan" and/or "Zoom" command
numerically, use this function (menu bar "Graphics / Graphic Limits").
Contrariwise, you can read in this window, which changes you have made via the
"Pan" and/or "Zoom" functions.
Changing the representation of the graphics of
If you click on this symbol, you can select and zoom a clip of the graphics
of elements through simple click.
 Press the left mouse button.
 Dragging the mouse you determine the increased area (red rectangle)
Reset Zoom
to reduce the element graphic to the original size back...
 you click on the symbol or
 with a double click into the graphics of elements.
Graphics of Elements
When pressing the left mouse button, you can move the displayed
graphics clip in the window.
Select Element
If you want to select geometric elements, the graphics of elements is in the
selection mode.
That means, the mouse pointer changes to a cross-hair and you can click
on the elements.
The function "select element" is only active, if you are in a function, which
expected an element as input (e.g. recalculate from memory, intersection
element, connection element, etc.).
Proceed as follows:
 In the graphics, click on one element or more.
 The selected elements are displayed in red in the graphics.
 As soon as you’ve selected and confirmed, the "Select Element" mode of
the graphics of elements is automatically reset.
If you select two elements, you must note the following:
 With the right mouse button, you determine whether the next element to
select should be the first or the second element.
 The current option number (1 or 2) is indicated in the mouse pointer.
Element Information
With this function, you get an information display for the elements.
Proceed as follows:
Click on the "Element-Information" icon to change to the "ElementInformation" mode.
The mouse pointer changes to a cross-hair indicating the letter
Click on the element you want to get an info about it.
The information-field contains information of the element. In the result
field, you get further information to the corresponding element.
If you click on an info-field with the right mouse button, you can add
further information in the information-field. Furthermore, you can delete
the info-field or mask out the element.
You can have the hidden elements indicated again. To do so, click in the
"Graphics" pull-down menu on "Display Hidden Elements".
Graphics of Elements
You can move the info-fields. Click on the info-field, keep pressed the left
mouse button and move the info-field.
The information-fields are only indicated for a moment. For example, the
information-fields get lost after rotation of the co-ordinate system.
Hide elements
 Click with the right mouse button into the info field of the element you
wish to mask out.
 The context menu is shown.
 Click on the "Hide Element" function".
Show elements again
Masked out elements will be shown again, if you click on "Graphics / Show
Hidden Elements".
Delete all labels
If you want to delete all labels of the graphic window, click in the menu bar on
"Graphic" and activate the function "Delete all labels".
You can delete a single label, by clicking with the right mouse button into
the label and activate in the context menu the function "Delete label".
In the 3D view, you can change to the "Rotate" mode.
Proceed as follows:
Click on the "3D-View" in the toolbar in the "Graphics of
Elements" window.
Click on the "Rotate" icon.
 The mouse pointer is displayed as an arrow in this mode.
 Click on one of the three co-ordinate axes of the represented co-ordinate
systems that are displayed and move the mouse to the right or to the left.
 The graphics is rotated in positive or negative direction around the
selected axis.
It is favourable to rotate in the normal (no zoom) graphics and with the
"Auto Scale" setting in the "Elements Graphics Options" window because
after the rotation, the graphics is automatically resized in the window.
Contour View
This function allows different contour-related views to be adjusted in the graphics
of elements. For instance, you can have displayed a single contour including all
elements created within this contour (so-called sub elements).
This is how you get to the "Contour View" window:
Click on the "Contour View" symbol in the graphics of elements
icon bar.
Graphics of Elements
Or use the menu bar:
 Click into the graphics of elements, in order to activate the "Graphic"
function in the menu bar.
 Click on "Graphic / View Contour" in the menu bar.
This window offers you the following possibilities:
 Contour Selection
 Display Subelements of a Contour
 Partial Circle Display ON and OFF
 Point Selection by Keyboard
 Multi-Colour Contour Display
 Display Contour as Lines and/or Points.
The settings you make in the " View Contour" window are for all or single contour.
These settings enable you to suppress or show parts of contours in the graphics
of elements.
Display Sub Elements of a Contour
To change the display of contours, follow these fundamental steps:
 First find out whether you want to view a specific contour or whether all
contours are to be displayed.
 Then adjust whether and which further geometrical elements are to be
Display contour and its sub elements
Of a contour you wish to view, in the graphics of elements, only the contour itself
and its sub elements, in other words, the elements which were created by means
of this contour (fitted-in circle, etc.).
 Activate the check box "Only Active Contour".
 Choose a contour from the list box.
 Above the contour selected, there appear the number of points the
contour contains, the plane in which plane the contour was created and
whether it is an open or closed contour.
 Activate the check box " Only Contour Subelements" within the area
"Geometric Elements".
Selecting "All" causes the contour and all geometric elements (circle, line, etc.) to
be displayed, irrespective of whether or not these elements have been created by
means of the selected contour. If "None" is selected, only the active contour will
be displayed.
Circles as Partial Circle Display
Larger part programs containing numerous elements may cause the graphics of
elements to become unclear and complex. Moreover, sometimes you may
require only partial information on elements (e.g. only on that part of the circle
which runs through a contour) for the graphic view.
Graphics of Elements
To generate an inlaid circle, use the button "Fit in Element" in the "Circle
Element" dialogue.
Using the "Partial Circle Display" function it is possible to display only that part of
a circle which runs on the contour. The part beyond is masked out. This is based
on the premise that the circle is a sub element of a contour.
Mask-out circle elements of contours
Activate the "Partial Circle Display" function, in order to mask-out those parts of
circles which do not run on the contour. This is generally based on the condition
that the circle in question is a sub element of a contour.
You get the following graphics of elements:
Contour Point Selection by Keyboard
A contour consisting of many points located close to each other makes it difficult
for the mouse to catch the desired contour point. When selecting a point with the
mouse, you always get the point located closed to the mouse pointer, when you
have pressed the left mouse button.
Click on the "Contour View" symbol in the graphics of elements icon
Graphics of Elements
Or use the menu bar:
 Click into the graphics of elements, in order to activate the "Graphic"
function in the menu bar
 Click on "Graphic / View Contour" in the menu bar.
 Activate the function "Point Selection by Keyboard".
To select contour points using the keyboard, it is necessary that the
"Point Selection Contour" window is open.
To open the "Point Selection Contour" dialogue, you use, for instance,
the "Element Circle" dialogue with "Fit in Element" activated. You confirm and
the dialogue "Fit in element Circle" will be opened. After your inputs in the
dialogue "Fit in element Circle" you confirm again.
 Click with the mouse into the graphics of elements to make sure that the
following keyboard inputs do not apply to the open dialogue, but to the
graphics of elements.
This action has to be repeated, whenever you click with the mouse
into the dialogue, for instance, to undo the last point area selection, as all
subsequent keyboard inputs would again be related to the dialogue. At
the beginning, the mouse pointer is always positioned onto the first
contour point.
Use the arrow keys to move the mouse pointer to the desired contour
Operate the Enter key to define the selected contour point as the starting
point of an area selection.
Use the arrow keys to move the mouse pointer to the contour point which
you wish to define as the starting point of the point area to be selected.
Operate the Enter key to define the selected contour point as the starting
RH arrow key,
Arrow key above
LH arrow key,
Arrow key below
Ctrl + arrow key,
Page up,
Page down
Pos 1
Enter (first time)
Enter (second time)
Mouse pointer movement
Moves mouse pointer to the next contour point
Moves mouse pointer to the previous contour point
For fast mouse pointer movement on the contour
Moves mouse pointer to the first contour point
Moves mouse pointer to the last contour point
Start of selection
End of selection
In the "Point Selection by Keyboard" mode, you can use the mouse for an
additional functionality, e.g. for zooming into the graphics. That would provide you
a more detailed view while selecting points.
Graphics of Elements
Multi-Colour Contour Display
Within the graphics of elements, contours are always shown in white colour. If, for
instance, a measured contour is required to be compared to its nominal contour,
it might be difficult to distinguish these two contours in the graphics of elements.
The "Multicolour Mode" enables several contours to be shown in different
Click on the " View Contour" symbol in the graphics of elements
icon bar.
Or use the menu bar:
 Click into the graphics of elements to activate the "Graphic" function in the
menu bar.
 Click on "Graphic / Contour in the menu bar.
 Activate the "Multicolour Mode" function.
In the multi-colour mode, the contours are shown in five successive colours
(white, green, blue, cyan and magenta). If more than five contours are displayed,
the series of colours repeats cyclically in the specified order, beginning with
Deactivate the multi-colour mode for contours
Deselect the "Multicolour Mode" in the "View Contour" using the check box. Then
all contours will appear in the default colour white.
Contour Display as Lines and/or Points
By default, contours are shown in the graphics of elements as a polygon. This is
an array of lines connecting the individual point co-ordinates of the contour. The
contour points co-ordinates themselves are not shown in this type of display.
Show Contour in Points Display
Perform the following steps if only the points of a contour are to be shown in the
graphics of elements:
Click on the "View Contour" symbol in the graphics of elements icon
Or use the menu bar:
 Click into the graphics of elements to activate the "Graphic" function in the
menu bar.
 Click on "Graphic / Contour View" in the menu bar.
 Activate the "View Points" function in the "Contour Display Mode" area.
This type of view is advisable in conjunction with the function "Point Selection by
The points - lines view is automatically activated during the selection of
points, irrespective of the setting in the "View Contour" dialogue.
Graphics of Elements
Learnable Graphic Settings
You can open the window "Learnable graphic settings" only in the
GEOPAK part program editor, as the graphic settings are automatically stored in
the learn mode.
 Click on "Output" in the menu bar.
 In the drop-down menu "Output", click on "Learnable graphic settings".
In the dialogue "Learnable graphic settings" you define the structure of the
graphic evaluation.
Define graphic type
 Open the list box "Define type of graphic" and select a graphic type.
 Select an element from the list box "Reference element".
The list box "Reference elements" only lists elements that are used in the
part program and that can be used with the selected graphic type. In case
that multiple reference elements are possible, always enter either the
current or the nominal element.
Layout of the info windows
You can use the function "Define label layout" to load the number, position and
contents of the info windows of the graphic from a meta file. With this function,
the graphic is printed out in the repeat mode exactly according to the layout you
have defined in the GEOPAK learn mode.
 In the area "Define label layout", activate the function "Load layout #".
 Enter the number of the layout to be loaded in the repeat mode into the
list box.
To load "Define label layout" is only possible when working with the
element graphic and the airfoil analysis graphic (MAFIS). If you select
another graphic type (e.g. circular runout), this function is deactivated.
For more information about this topic, refer to "Define Layout of Info Windows"
and "Display of Graphic Windows".
Display of Graphic Windows
Element graphic options
In the "Element graphic options" you determine which elements you wish to have
displayed in the element graphic. For details as to the operation of the buttons,
refer to the topic "Options of the "Graphics of Elements".
Display of the graphic windows
When deactivating the button "Auto scale", you can perform the settings
for the co-ordinates of the visual range. For this, enter the desired values into the
input fields of the areas "Minimum" and "Maximum".
Graphics of Elements
The graphic origin is positioned in the left bottom corner of the graphic
Setting of views
You can use the view buttons for setting the views, i.e. top view, side view, front
view or 3D view.
Co-ordinate mode
With the buttons "Co-ordinate mode" you determine if the co-ordinates of the
visual range are entered as cartesian co-ordinates, as cylinder co-ordinates or as
spherical co-ordinates.
Options of the "Graphics of Elements"
You activate the "Element Graphic Options" window by clicking on the icon.
Or click on "Options" in the "Graphic" pull-down menu.
In the "Element Graphic Options" window, you can change the display of the
graphics of elements through further functions.
The window is divided in two parts:
In the left part of the window, you find the symbols of the different element types.
Here you determine, which elements must be displayed.
Further Functions
You can activate or deactivate the functions through mouse click on the
corresponding icon.
Auto scale: With the auto scale it is possible to view every inch of the
graphics and in full size in the "Graphics of Elements" window. We suggest to
always work with the activated auto scale.
Grid: With this function, you activate the automatic grid display with scale
Origin: With this function, you enable to display the origin.
Probe position: With this function, you enable the display of the position of
the probe. The probe is only displayed in the graphics if it is located in the actual
windowing of the "graphics of elements". The probe is represented as a red
sphere in non varying size and is always well displayed.
Probe radius: With this function, you enable the display of the position of
the probe radius. A thin red circumference around the probe shows the actual
diameter of the probe. If the actual probe diameter in the graphic display is
smaller than the symbolic representation of the probe, the actual probe radius is
indicated as a thin black line within the symbolic representation of the probe.
Option Settings: With this function, you can opt for a graphic selection of
elements. So you can click on elements in the "Graphics of Elements" window
and measure for example the angle or the distance between elements. If a
desired measurement task can’t be utilised appropriately, these elements are not
displayed at graphic selection.
Graphics of Elements
Symmetry axis: With this function, you display the symmetry axes for the
elements such as circle, cylinder, cone and ellipse.
Co-ordinate system: With this function, you enable the display of the coordinate system.
Flags: With this function, you get an information display for the elements.
Information for the actual element: With this function, you enable the display
of the status line (operator indicator line).
Recalculate Straightness, Flatness and
Hints on beforehand:
While this chapter exclusively treats the description of the dialogues and graphics
of elements, we give detailed information to these subjects under straightness,
flatness and circularity.
Task: You can mark and remove meas. points in the graphics for the
straightness, flatness and circularity with the mouse pointer. After the
corrections, you can recalculate the form deviation.
How to display the graphics window (e.g. straightness)
 Select the "Straightness" in the "Tolerance" pull-down menu under "Form
Tolerance" or
click on the "Straightness" tool for evaluation.
In the "Straightness" window, you click on "Show Straightness
Elements of the Graphics Window:
 Toolbar
 Graphical display in the left part
 Numerical evaluation in the right part
Toolbar in the "Straightness" Window
Zoom graphics clip
Reset zoom
Move graphics clip
Graphical element or point selection
Display element information
Recalculate without selected points
Learnable graphic commands: If you click on this icon, you can store, in
another window, commands in the part program such as
• "Actual Graphics Settings",
• "Print Window" and
Graphics of Elements
"Close Window".
If you click in the learn mode on the "close window symbol" of a
graphic window, the command "window close" will written into your part
program. If this part program runs off in the repeat mode, then this window
is closed automatically.
Print graphics: If you click on this icon, a printout of the current window
contents with the usual log data is created.
Delete Measurement Points and Recalculate
Proceed as follows (two methods)
 Graphical:
• Click on the "Recalculate without Selected Points" button.
The mouse pointer changes to a cross-hair pointer.
In the graphics, you select by mouse click the points that are
not supposed to be included in the recalculation. After that, you
confirm in the window "Recalculate without Selected Points".
 Numerical:
You can realize this selection also without graphic support
in the "Recalculate without Selected Points" window.
For that, click on the "Select Min. Point " and/or "Select Max.
Point " buttons and confirm.
Straightness, flatness and circularity over all meas. points are always accepted,
• in the field for results,
• in the standard printout,
• if necessary in the file output and
• in the statistical analysis
Note that the function "Delete Measurement Points and Recalculate"
is not learnable
Print Graphics during Learn and Repeat Mode
This function enables you to print the displayed graphic windows directly from the
learn and repeat modes. Furthermore you can define and store the layout of the
Click on the "Print Graphics" symbol in the icon bar of the graphic
window you want to print.
Or use the menu bar:
 Click on the graphic window you want to print.
 The drop-down menu "Graphic" is displayed as active.
Graphics of Elements
 Click on "Graphic / Print" in the menu bar.
Print graphic in learn mode
 Activate the function "Print now".
 Confirm your input.
 The graphic is immediately printed.
Print graphic in repeat mode
 Activate the function "Learn print command".
 Confirm your input.
Now, the settings in the area "Define label layout for print command" are
Adapt graphic to the set paper format
In the area "Magnification" you set the required scaling.
For detailed information, refer to the topic "Autoscaling or Manual Scaling".
Label layout in the learn mode
You can use the function "Define label layout for print command" to store the
number, position and contents of the labels of the graphic in a meta file.
Therefore, the graphic is printed in the repeat mode exactly like it has been
learned in the learn mode. For detailed information, refer to the topic "Define
label layout".
Close window
Activate this function if you want to close the graphic window after completion of
the part program command.
If you click in the learn mode on the "close window symbol" of a
graphic window, the command "window close" will written into your part
program. If this part program runs off in the repeat mode, then this window
is closed automatically.
Store Section of Graphic Display in Learn Mode
The graphics of elements shows, for instance, all elements. For your
measurement protocol it may, however, be advisable to record only one element
or a section clipped out from the graphics.
Use a zoom tool to enlarge the desired area of the graphics.
If the set blow-up of the graphic window is to remain unchanged,
you will have to turn the auto scale function
in the "Elements Graphics Options" to OFF. An element added with
autoscale switched ON causes the zoom to be reset.
Add the element informations to your element.
Graphics of Elements
Choose a view, e.g. "3D View".
Turn the graphics to the desired position.
Open the window "Learnable Graphic Commands".
 Activate the option "Current View Settings" in the "Learnable Graphic
Commands" window.
In cases where you also want the graphics to be printed out:
 Activate the "Print Window" option.
 Confirm your settings in the "Learnable Graphic Commands" window.
Activating the option "Current View Settings" causes the settings of the
"Elements Graphic Options"
to be stored as well.
Learn Graphics of Elements Printing with
The auto scale function causes the current printout of the graphics for elements
to be fitted into the paper size set by default.
 Activate the "Print Window" option".
 The "Auto scale" mode is shown as activated in the dialogue window.
 Confirm your settings.
 The command is then entered into your part program.
Learn Graphics of ElementsPrinting with a "Scale
This function allows surface and form comparisons between elements of different
printouts to be made using the same scaling.
 Activate the "Print Window" option.
 The "auto scale" mode is shown as activated in the dialogue window.
Click on the symbol "Adjust Scaling".
The "Print Graphic" dialogue is opened as well.
Activate the "Define Scaling Factor" option in the "Print Graphic" dialogue.
Enter the scale factor into the input box.
Confirm your settings in the "Print Graphic" dialogue.
Your scale factor is shown in the "Learnable Graphic Commands"
 Confirm your settings in the "Learnable Graphic Commands" dialogue.
 The command is entered in your part program.
Graphics of Elements
Define Scaling
In the windows "Print graphic" and "Learnable graphic commands" you can:
 Switch to the mode "Auto scale".
 Adjust manual scaling.
Switch on auto scale
When working with the auto scale function, the complete graphic is adjusted to
the paper format settings, reduced or zoomed-in. The complete graphic is printed
on the set paper format.
 Activate the option "Auto scale".
 All possibilities to a manual input of the scaling factor are inactive.
Enter scaling factor
 Activate the option "Define scaling".
 Enter the scaling factor into the input field.
To make sure that your graphic fits into the paper format you have set, you
should enter a scaling factor that is smaller than the "recommended"
maximum enlargement shown in the learn mode.
Print Graphic in Repeat Mode
You can only use the print command of graphics in the repeat mode when you
have deactivated the function "Close window". With this setting, the graphic
windows in the completed part program remain open.
After completion of the part program, you can either
click on the printer symbol of the graphic window,
 or click into the graphic window you wish to print.
 The drop-down menu "Graphic" is displayed as active.
 Click in the menu bar on "Graphic / Print"
In this dialogue you can enlarge or reduce the graphic for your print-out in the
flexible protocol. For detailed information about this topic, refer to the topic
"Define Scaling".
Define Label Layout
You have the possibility to store the info windows of the graphic together with
their number, position and contents. The settings of the learn mode are then at
your disposal in the repeat mode.
 Activate in the section "Print mode" the function "Learn print command".
 Activate the function "Use current layout as #".
 Confirm the proposed memory number.
A memory number 1 indicates that no layout has been defined so far, as
the memory numbers are incremented by 1 each.
Graphics of Elements
Overwrite memory numbers
Open the list box "Use current layout as #" and select one of the already existing
memory numbers.
Loading of a label layout
 Activate the function "Load layout #".
 Enter into the input field the memory number of the layout you wish to
Not defining the label layout
 Activate the function "Disregard labels".
 The settings of the info windows of the learn mode are not taken on by
the repeat mode.
Do not use memory number 0. The biggest memory number is 65535. The label
layout can only be defined for the element graphic and the airfoil analysis
Close graphic window
Activate the option "Close window" if you want to have the graphic window closed
after the part program command has been executed in the repeat mode.
If you click in the learn mode on the "close window symbol" of a
graphic window, the command "window close" will written into your part
program. If this part program runs off in the repeat mode, then this window
is closed automatically.
Flexible Graphic Protocols
To open the dialogue window "Store graphic for template" click on the
symbol (left) of an opened graphic window, e.g. "Graphics of elements".
Alternatively you can use the menu bar "Graphic / Store graphic for template".
With this function you can prepare graphics in the learn mode for the printout in
the flexible protocol.
It is not possible to print graphic windows directly out of the GEOPAK
learn mode into the flexible protocols. For this, you need to store the
graphic windows temporarily as a file. The definition as to which files are
printed out, you find in the templates.
In the input field "Names" of the dialogue "Store graphic for template" you enter a
name of the graphic that is as "telling" as possible. You can also dispose of nine
view numbers. Depending on the template with which you want to print, you have
to select the view number. You know these view numbers (picture on the right)
from the ProtocolDesigner. For detailed information on this program and further
directions for use and Online Help refer to ProtocolDesigner.
The inputs in the input fields "Name" and "Comment" are, subject to a relevant
template, included in the flexible protocol.
Graphics of Elements
In contrast to the GEOPAK edit mode, you need not select a graphic type,
because in the learn mode, the function "Store graphic for template" is
linked to the graphic.
For more information, refer to " Flexible Graphic Protocols in the GEOPAK Part
program editor" and "Flexible Graphic Protocols and Graphic in the GEOPAK
learn mode".
Details for the operation can be found in the topic "Tolerance Graphics in the
Flexible Protocol".
Flexible Graphic Protocols in the GEOPAK Editor
In order to print-out graphic windows like, for example, "Graphics of elements” in
the repeat mode, the function "Store Graphic for template” is required.
It is not possible to print graphic windows directly out of the GEOPAK
learn mode into the flexible protocols. For this, you need to store the
graphic windows temporarily as a file. The definition as to which files are
printed out, you find in the templates.
To get to the function and the corresponding dialogue use the menu bar and the
menu "Output".
In the part program, this function should always be between the commands
"Open protocol” and "Close protocol”.
In the command "Open protocol”, always ensure that you have selected
the correct template. For detailed information, refer to the topic Templates
of Graphic Windows.
Details for the operation can be found in the topic "Tolerance Graphics in the
Flexible Protocol".
Calculate New Elements out of Contour Points
Via the "Recalculate Element from Memory" function it is possible to calculate
new elements out of contour points. For that the "Select Points from Contour"
function of the graphics of elements is available. By this, single points are not
marked and selected, but rather blocks of points.
The "Select Points from Contour" Window is displayed:
 Select an element.
Click on the "Memory Recall" icon and confirm.
 In the "Recalculate / Copy From Memory" window, you select the contour
out of whose contour points the element is supposed to be recalculated.
In addition, you select the view and confirm.
 The "Select Points from Contour" window appears.
Graphics of Elements
In the "Select Points From Contour" mode, single points are not marked and
selected. Now, you can mark and select blocks of points.
A block always has a start and an end point. Start points and end points are
labelled through little reticles. All points between the start and end mark are
selected and represented in red in the graphics. If you move a label, the points
are no longer displayed in red. The labels of the block are displayed in blue. In
the status line of the graphics of elements, the actual data of the point are
indicated under the moved label.
Proceed as follows
 Set a block
 You set the labels by clicking on a point.
 This point is the start label.
 The end label is set where you release the mouse button again.
 It is also possible to re-utilize and move a label that has already been set
with the mouse.
 Connect two blocks
If you move a label (tag) of a block to the label of a second block, both
blocks are connected.
 Delete a block
You click on a label with the right mouse button. The block is deleted.
Further Buttons in the "Select Points from Contour" Window
With the "Select All" button, the whole contour is marked.
If you want to delete all blocks, click on this button.
If you this click on this button, you only delete one block. You always delete
at first the block that is next to the start point of the contour.
If you click on this button, an empty block is inserted. You can manually
input for example co-ordinates if you already know the exact values. Or you can
input e.g. variables. This function especially concerns a part program editor.
Compare Points
Task: With the comparison of points, you get an overview of the position
deviation of several elements. The elements can either be points, circles, ellipses
or spheres.
Program run
 The elements are designated as actual elements and must be completely
filed in a sequence in the memory.
 Input the nominal positions as theoretical nominal elements. These must
also be completely filed in a sequence in the memory. Nominal elements
must always be of the same type as the actual elements.
 Click on "Compare Points" in the "Output" pull-down menu.
 In the "Compare Points" dialogue window, you define the elements to be
compared and the number of the elements. In this dialogue, you
determine whether the actual points and the tolerance diameter must be
displayed in the graphics. Furthermore, you select here a
• scale factor or the
• auto scale.
Graphics of Elements
 The "Compare Points" graphics window appears.
• The graphics shows the largest and smallest distance of the
actual element(s) to the nominal element(s).
• Furthermore, the text that you’ve input before in the dialogue
window is displayed.
Elements of the "Compare Points" Graphics Window
 Toolbar
 Graphical display in the left part
 Numerical evaluation in the right part
Toolbar in the "Compare Points" Graphics Window
Zoom graphics clip
Reset zoom
Move graphics clip
Display element information
Rotate the graphic
Display Option
Top view (XY-plane, line of sight towards the Z-axis)
Side face (YZ-plane, line of sight towards the X-axis)
Front view(ZX-plane, line of sight towards the Y-axis)
3D view
Learnable graphic commands: If you click on this icon, you can store in
another window commands in the part program such as
• "Actual Graphics Settings",
• "Print Window" and
• "Close Window".
If you click in the learn mode on the "close window symbol" of a
graphic window, the command "window close" will written into your part
program. If this part program runs off in the repeat mode, then this window
is closed automatically.
Print graphics: If you click this symbol, a printout of the current window
contents with the usual log data is created.
Parallelism Graphics
Task: For the parallelism of a projected line to a projected reference line, you can
also have a graphics display.
How to get displayed a parallelism graphics
 Select the "Parallelism" in the "Tolerance" pull-down menu under
"Orientation" or
Graphics of Elements
Click on the "Parallelism" tool for evaluation.
 The "Parallelism" dialogue window appears. Here, you determine the
actual line and the reference line. Furthermore, you enter the reference
length, the projection plane and the width of tolerance.
 A graphical display is not possible with a cylindrical width of tolerance.
You can realize further settings for the parallelism if you click the
"Further Tolerance Options" button.
In the "Parallelism" window, you click on "Show Parallelism
Now, you can click the "Parallelism Diagram Settings" button to
realize further settings for the parallelism graphics. You can change the
scale in the "Parallelism Diagram Settings" window. You determine
whether the points in the graphic representation must be connected.
 Confirm your settings in the "Parallelism" window to indicate the
Parallelism Graphics.
Elements of the "Parallelism" Graphics Window
 Toolbar
 Graphical display in the left part
 Numerical evaluation in the right part
Zoom graphics clip
Reset zoom
Move graphics clip
Display element information
Learnable graphic commands: If you click on this icon, you can store in
another window commands in the part program such as
• "Actual Graphics Settings",
• "Print Window" and
• "Close Window".
If you click in the learn mode on the "close window symbol" of a graphic
window, the command "window close" will written into your part program. If this
part program runs off in the repeat mode, then this window is closed
Print graphics: If you click this symbol, a printout of the current window
contents with the usual log data is created.
Graphics of Elements
The parallelism is calculated out of the difference of the largest distance
minus the smallest distance to the reference line.
If the reference length has been selected shorter than the measuring
range of the line, only meas. points within the reference length are
Exception: If the reference length = 0.0 had been entered, the gauge
length of the line is inserted.
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Table of Contents
Clicking on the topics in the below table, you will obtain the required information
about this subject.
Tolerances: General
Maximum Material Condition
Tolerances in Detail
Scaling of Tolerance Graphics
Position of Plane
Position of Axis
Calculate Absolute Position Tolerance
Parallelism: Example
Symmetry Tolerance Point-Element
Symmetry Tolerance Axis-Element
Symmetry Tolerance Plane-Element
Runout Tolerance
Axial Runout
Circular Runout
Tolerance Variable
Tolerance comparison "Last Element"
Tolerance comparison element
Tolerance comparison elements dialogue
Set control limits
Comparison (Vector Direction)
Best Fit
Degrees of Freedom for Best Fit
Bestfit within Tolerance Limits
Graphic Display
Bestfit Values
Tolerance Width
Form Tolerance Contour
Tolerance Band Editor
Define ToleranceBand of a Contour
Edit Tolerance Band of a Contour
Tolerance Band Contour
Filter contour/element
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Further Items
Example: Element Circle
Further Options
Origin of Co-ordinate System
Tolerances: General
GEOPAK allows you to carry out tolerance comparisons to DIN ISO R
1101 and 7684, taking into account the "Maximum Material Condition" (MMC; see
symbol above left).
The tolerance tables to DIN 16901, DIN 7168 and ISO R 286 are integrated
within our program, as a standard feature, to be used as a basis for calculation.
This means that, in addition to the nominal value, you have to enter the tolerance
field (type). The actual limits are displayed to you immediately.
There are further trade-specific tables, e.g. for wood or plastic processing
industries, you can create or use.
Furthermore, it is possible to stop the program run due to the results of the
tolerance comparison (see below).
Two tolerance characteristics
We differentiate between two tolerance characteristics.
 Tolerances related to a single element only.
• You can activate this first group by clicking on the button
"Tolerances" in the dialogues where these elements are
• It is possible that you use the symbol disposed in the tolerance
• Still a further option is via the menu "Tolerances" and the
subsequent functions. "
 Tolerances related to the position of two elements to each other. This
second group can be activated only via the tolerance bar.
For the various tolerances see under "Tolerances in Details".
Maximum Material Condition (MMC)
The MMC allows to extend a given tolerance zone if
 a shaft is out of its admissible maximum size, or
 a bore is out of its admissible minimum size.
appears in the
According to ISO 8015, the MMC is to be applied where the
drawing. There exist, however, national standards (e.g. in the USA: ANSI Y
14.5M) that differ from this regulation.
stands on its own, the tolerance extension is taken only from the
If the
element itself.
Nominal and Actual Comparison
A further
means that an additional extension can be taken from a different
element. This is shown, by the way, with an additional letter, e.g.
Case 1: The MMC is allowed only for the element
Continue as follows
 Measure element
 Tolerance diameter
 Call position tolerance
 Activate
 If the tolerated element has no own diameter, a reference mark must be
selected in the following text box.
This would be the case with a point but not with a circle.
Case 2:
The MMC is allowed also for a reference element
Proceed as follows
 Measure reference element
 Tolerance diameter of reference element
Via the symbol in the "Further Tolerance -Options" dialogue window,
enter the respective datum label (in most cases a single letter, such as A,
B, C ...).
 Measure element
 Tolerance diameter of element
 Call position tolerance
 Activate
 Activate
In the subsequent text box you select, via the arrow, the datum label
from the list.
Tolerances in Detail
Following is a breakdown of all tolerances. By mouse click you get to every single
Last Element: You tolerance directly the element that was last.
Element: You select the element in the dialogue window "Tolerance
Comparison Element".
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Symmetry Tolerance Point Element
Symmetry Tolerance Axis Element
Symmetry Tolerance Plane Element
Simple Runout Tolerance
Tolerance Comparison Contours
In case MMC is allowed with the individual tolerances, please see for details
under "Maximum Material Condition".
As far as straightness is concerned,
you can calculate it numerically, or
have its run shown graphically.
In any case, click on the symbol (left on top) and come to the
"Straightness" window.
Select the desired line under "Element".
Enter the admissible geometrical deviation in the "Tolerance Width" text
The result is displayed in the result box.
For theoretical lines, intersection lines, symmetry lines and lines
determined by two points only, geometrical deviation is not defined.
Graphical Representation
In the "Straightness" window, activate the symbol (on the left).
Via the symbol (on the left) the "Settings for the Straightness Graphics"
window is displayed. Here, you can select any setting other than the default.
For details refer to the topic Scaling of Tolerance Graphics.
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Further Options
Via this symbol, you come to the dialogue window "Further Tolerance
Using this symbol you control the functionality "Loops" (see detailed
information under this topic).
Connection of Points
"Connection of Points", that's what you normally do. When probing manually,
however, the connecting lines may cause confusion, particularly when the points
have not been measured in correct order. It is recommended that you do away
with the connections.
As far as flatness is concerned...
you can calculate it numerically, or
have its run displayed in a graphic.
In any case, click on the symbol (left on top) and come to the "Flatness"
Select the desired plane under "Element".
Enter the admissible geometrical deviation in the "Tolerance Width" text
The result appears in the result box.
With theoretical planes, symmetry planes and planes determined by three
points only, geometrical deviation is not defined.
Graphical Representation
In the "Flatness" window, activate the symbol (on the left).
Via this symbol (on the left), you come to the window "Settings for the
flatness graphics". Here you can select any setting other than the default.
For details refer to the topic Scaling of Tolerance Graphics.
Further Options
Via this symbol, you come to the "Further Tolerance Options" dialogue
Using this symbol, you control the functionality "Loops" (see details this
Connection of Points
"Connection of Points", that's what you normally do. When probing manually,
however, the connecting lines may cause confusion, particularly when the points
have not been measured in the correct order. It is recommended that you do
away with the connections.
Nominal and Actual Comparison
As far as roundness is concerned,
you can calculate it numerically, or
have its run displayed graphically.
In any case, click on the symbol (top left) to get to the "Roundness"
Select the required circle under "Element".
Enter the permissible geometrical deviation into the "Tolerance Width"
text box and click OK..
The result is displayed in the result box.
For theoretical circles, intersection circles, fitted-in circles and circles
determined by three points only, geometrical deviation is not defined.
Graphical Representation
Activate the symbol (on the left) in the "Roundness" window.
The symbol (on the left) leads you the window "Settings for Roundness
Graphics". Here you have three options to choose from:
 Actual roundness scaling
 Tolerance zone scaling
 Nominal value with
• Upper tolerance
• Lower tolerance
For details, refer to the topic Scaling of Tolerance Graphics.
Further Options
This symbol leads you to the dialogue window "Further Tolerance Options".
Using this symbol you govern the "LOOP" functionally (for details refer to
detailed information regarding this subject).
Connection of Points
"Connecting points" is the normal case for you. When probing manually, the
connecting lines, however, may cause confusion, particularly when the points
have not been measured in correct order. We recommend that you do away with
the connections.
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Scaling of Tolerance Graphics
Roundness Scaling
Roundness "Settings for Roundness" windows allows you to
choose from three options.
Actual Roundness Scaling (Default Setting)
If you decide for this option, you can retrace the exact run of the circle in the
graphics (see FIG. below).
In this graphics, however, you do not see whether the points are located within
the tolerance width. This is caused in the present setup by the fact that the points
with minimum and maximum distance define the green field.
This is applicable accordingly to straightness, flatness, runout tolerances
and parallelism, too.
Consequently, the points are always located within the green field, even if
roundness does not comply with the specification. The roundness figures can be
seen from the result box, the protocol or from data output.
By clicking on the symbol (on the left) in the "Further Tolerance Options"
window = you can report the roundness figures to a statistics program. This
applies equally to the following options.
Tolerance Zone Scaling
Using this option you establish that the green field in fact agrees with the
tolerance zone. The width of this tolerance zone is already entered in the
"Roundness" window. In the graphics you can realise whether the circle is
located within the roundness tolerance (see FIG. below. You can see that the P1
and P40 values are the same as in the figure above for "Actual Roundness
This is applicable accordingly to straightness, flatness, runout tolerances
and parallelism, too.
Nominal and Actual Comparison
With large or very small deviations, you may, under certain
circumstances, not be able to retrace the run of the form. In this case,
you should resort to the "Actual Roundness Scaling" function.
Nominal Value Scaling with Upper and Lower Tolerance
To find out whether the circle with its geometrical deviation is still within the
dimensional tolerance, you can perform the scaling operation using the nominal
value and the tolerance limits (Upper / Lower Tolerance). As a result, you see
here with this option, in addition to the figure above, a blue circle. This is the
nominal diameter circle.
The green field is defined by the nominal value and the upper and lower
tolerance you have entered.
It is possible (see FIG. above) that one or more points are located outside the
green field, roundness, however, is in line with the specification. This can be seen
from the result box, the protocol or from data output.
This is applicable accordingly to straightness and flatness, but not to
runout tolerances and parallelism.
Straightness/Flatness Scaling
Contrary to "Roundness Scaling", these two cases do not allow to check for
dimensional tolerance. You may, however, input an Upper and a Lower
Tolerance. The upper limit is the one located prior to the material, the other one is
located in the material.
Nominal and Actual Comparison
With the "Position" function you can check if the positional deviation of a point is
still within tolerance.
Starting the command
 On the menu bar, click "Tolerance", and then click "Position".
Or click the "Position" button.
 The "Position" dialogue box appears.
"Position" dialogue box
Under "Actual element", select the element the
length of which you want to tolerance.
Consider that for points (for example, piercing point "Cylinder axis
through point") the material side is unknown and that therefore the
"Maximum Material Condition" (MMC) cannot be immediately applied.
If the tolerance zone is within a circular plane, then click the
"Diameter" button. Refer to the technical drawing to see if the tolerance
zone is within a circular or a rectangular plane.
Type the width of the tolerance zone in the corresponding combo box.
If position check under Maximum Material Condition (MMC)
is allowed, then click the "Max. mat. cond. element" and "Max. mat. cond.
ref. element" buttons. For more information, see " Maximum Material
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Click one of the three buttons to select the "type of coordinate system".
Click the "Spherical" button for a spatial tolerance zone.
Click one of the three buttons to select the projection
Click the "Actual value" button to use the current value of the
element you want to tolerance.
 The XYZ co-ordinates are automatically entered in the corresponding text
 Click "OK". Position check will be carried out.
Example 1
Case: "Point of intersection of cylinder axis and plane"
 The cylinder diameter is toleranced.
In the "Further Tolerance Options" dialogue box, assign a datum
label to the cylinder diameter.
 In the dialogue box you can then apply the MMC with regard to position,
concentricity and symmetry of the point of intersection. This is apparent
when the "Max. mat. cond. element" text box is available.
Example 2
Case "Cutting circle of cylinder jacket and plane"
 The circle diameter is toleranced.
In the "Further Tolerance Options" dialogue box, assign a datum
label to the circle diameter.
 In the dialogue box you can then apply the MMC with regard to position,
concentricity and symmetry of the point of intersection without making
entries in the text boxes.
Example 3
Case "Position of a symmetry line in a groove"
 The groove width as the distance is toleranced.
In the "Further Tolerance Options" dialogue box, assign a datum
label to the groove width.
 In the dialogue box you can then apply the MMC with regard to position
axis element, parallelism, etc. of the symmetry line. This is apparent when
the "Max. mat. cond. element" text box is available.
In case of a flat tolerance zone - the button is not active - you can only
enter one co-ordinate.
In case of a circular tolerance zone - the button is active  first select the plane where the tolerance zone is located, and then
 select the co-ordinates of the location.
Nominal and Actual Comparison
 In this case, you can enter the nominal position either in the cartesian or
the polar system.
 Use the known buttons to select the type of co-ordinate system.
Further Options
Click this button and the "Further Tolerance Options" dialogue box appears.
Use this button to control the "Loops" functionality.
Click this button for more information about "Calculate Absolute Position
Tolerance" with the "Calculate absolute" option.
Position of Plane
You can only realise a tolerance of the position of a plane that is
approximately parallel to one of the base planes.
You get the function via the “Tolerance” menu. In the following dialogue window
 select the plane in which you want to realise a tolerance and
 enter the width of tolerance.
Next, you decide in which tolerance direction (main direction and
in parallel to which base plane) the tolerance range extends to. Enter the nominal
position of the plane in the text field X, Y or Z.
If you select the check-box "Use measured points only", do without the use of
calculated points.
Further proceeding depends on whether your tolerance zone is round or
Rectangular Tolerance Zone
In this case , enter the co-ordinates of the left lower and the right
upper edge.
Round Tolerance Zone
In this case, enter the co-ordinates of the centre and the diameter of
the tolerance zone.
Via the icons (see left), it is possible to select whether you enter
Cartesian or polar co-ordinates.
For more details, see also the topics "MMC " and "Further Tolerance Options".
Position of Axis
You can only realise a tolerance of the position of an axis element that is
approximately parallel to one of the principal axes.
You get the function via the tolerance menu. In the following dialogue window
 first, you decide whether the actual element is a line, a cone or a cylinder.
 You can display the elements in the list.
Nominal and Actual Comparison
The further parameters depend on whether you have a round or plane tolerance
Round Tolerance Zone: The example of a bore of which the axis runs
approximately parallel to the Z-axis, you look on the axis from top (see picture
1 = Tolerance diameter
First, select the X/Y plane and then enter the X and Y co-ordinates.
 Finally, enter the co-ordinates of start and end point (see picture below).
1 = Start point
2 = End point
 If you select another plane, proceed in a similar fashion.
Plane Tolerance Zone: By means of the example of a line in the X/Y plane that
runs approximately parallel to the X-axis we explain, which parameters to enter
(see picture below).
1 = Start point
2 = End point
Nominal and Actual Comparison
3 = Width of tolerance in error direction
 The position of the axis is indicated through the Y value.
 The error direction is the Y direction, too.
 Therefore, for this example, select under “Print Preview“ (patch of a
surface) as error direction the Y-axis in the X/Y plane.
 In the text field, enter the nominal of the position of the line.
 In our example, enter the X values for the start respectively the end point.
 If you select another error direction, proceed in a similar fashion.
For more details, see also the topics "Max. Material Condition(MMC)" and
"Further Tolerance Options".
Click on the symbol left to find detailed information about the topic
"Determine Position Tolerance" with the option "Calculate absolute".
You activate the function "Use measured points only" via the check-box.
Calculate Absolute Position Tolerance
For the position tolerances you can use the option "Calculate absolute" in
certain cases to simplify the input of the nominal co-ordinates.
The illustration below shows four bores (cylinders in top view and the points of
intersection of the cylinder axes with the plane). The nominal co-ordinates differ
only in the signs. This hole pattern has two symmetry axes (X- and Y-axis).
You can either tolerate
 the position of the points or
 the position of the cylinder axes.
In both cases you can enter the same nominal co-ordinates with the option
"Calculate absolute" for all four bores, i.e. absolute (x = 6.0 and y = 4.0). This is
useful for the loop repetitions.
For the position of an axis, as compared to the position of a circle, you
additionally enter start and end point. When calculating the position tolerance,
their signs remain valid also when carrying out an absolute calculation.
Nominal and Actual Comparison
With the function "Concentricity" you check whether the location of the centre of a
circle match with the location of a reference circle (centre of circle).
Proceed as follows:
In the first
step, using the symbols, select the element of which position must be
For points (e.g. piercing point "Cylinder Axis through Plane") the material
side is unknown and therefore MMC cannot be directly used.
Click in the tolerance bar on the symbol (on the left) and the
"Concentricity" dialogue window appears. The structure of the top line
(below the header) follows roughly the one for the drawing entries. In
addition, help bubbles explain the individual symbols.
In the first text box, enter the diameter tolerance zone.
Example of a solution
For this purpose, we take the case "Cylinder Axis through Plane".
 You tolerance the diameter of the cylinder.
Via the "Further Tolerance Options" dialogue window, allocate a
datum label to the cylinder diameter.
 In the "Concentricity" dialogue window, you can then use MMC also with
the "Point" element. This is shown by the fact that the centre text box in
the top line is active.
With the elements circle, ellipse and sphere, the first
symbol relates to the
element itself. This is why the input of a datum label is not required.
As for the rest, you proceed as described under the topic "Maximum Condition".
Further Options
Via this symbol, you come to the dialogue window "Further Tolerance
Using this symbol you control the functionality "Loops" (see detailed
information under this topic).
With the "Coaxiality" function, check the position of two axes to each other. It is
important for the input that the axes are approximately parallel to a main axis of
the co-ordinate system.
 Proceed as described in detail of the topic "Concentricity" and "Maximum
Material Condition".
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Click in the tolerance bar on the symbol (on the left) and come to
the "Coaxiality" dialogue window. The structure of this line roughly follows
the one for the drawing entries. In addition, help bubbles explain the
individual symbols.
As start or end point enter one co-ordinate, each of the range of which
checking must be performed (see picture below).
This is what applies for our example (the reference axis shows as the Z axis
Start point
End point
The direction of the reference axis influences the signification of start and
end point.
If the reference axis, opposite to the Z axis shows downwards, the following input
is correct:
Start point
= -5
End point
= 0
Further Options
Via this symbol, you come to the "Further Tolerance Options" dialogue
Using this symbol, you control the functionality "Loops" (see details of this
You activate the function "Use measured points only" via the check-box.
With the function parallelism you check the location of two axes to each other. It
is important for the input of the reference lengths that the axes or planes are
approximately parallel relative to a main axis of the co-ordinate system.
Nominal and Actual Comparison
In the tolerance bar you click on the symbol (on the left) and come to the
"Parallelism" dialogue window.
First, you have to select your actual and your reference element. The subsequent
inputs depend on these elements. Thus, we differentiate between four initial
 The parallelism of an axis relative to a reference axis
 The parallelism of an axis relative to a reference plane
 The parallelism of a plane relative to reference axis
 The parallelism of a plane relative to a reference plane
For the four cases, proceed as follows:
 First, select your actual or reference element in the window "Parallelism".
 The next line is adapted to suit for the drawing entry. Here, in this line you
enter the figures from your drawings.
 If MMC is allowed, see details under "Maximum Material Condition".
By a mouse click on this topic, you obtain the latest information about each of the
four initial situations.
Graphical Representation
If the actual element is a measured line, you can have parallelism also
graphically displayed. The procedure is similar to the one described in detail of
topic Parallelism Graphics.
You inform yourself about this theme with click on Parallelism: Example .
Further Options
Via this symbol, you come to the "Further Tolerance Options"
dialogue window".
Using this symbol you control the functionality "Loops" (see
details of this topic).
You activate the function "Use measured points only" via the
Parallelism: Example
For the parallelism of a line with a reference line, the system also provides a
The following example in the illustration below shows the parallelism of the line
(3) to the reference line (2) as a reference. The graphic clarifies the way of
In addition to the measurement points P1 to P4 of the tolerated line (line 3), two
additional points P5 and P6 are generated that have been calculated at the
distance of the input reference length on the line (line 3).
Nominal and Actual Comparison
The parallelism results from the difference between biggest and smallest distance
to the reference line. If the selected value of the reference length is shorter than
the measurement range of the line, only the measurement points positioned
within the reference length are included in the calculation.
If the input for the reference length is 0.0, the reference length is inserted
for the measurement length of the line.
These results are included in the graphic which is also
available in form of a printout:
Parallelism of an Axis to a Reference Axis
The tolerance symbol (on the left) appearing on a drawing
indicates that the tolerance zone concerned is a circular one. You click
the symbol in the dialogue window.
 In the following text box, there appears the width of the tolerance zone.
 If MMC is allowed, details can be seen under "Maximum Material
 If the tolerance zone is flat, you have to enter additionally the drawing
level where it is defined.
Finally you must enter over which length parallelism has to be maintained
(reference length).
Parallelism of an Axis to a Reference Plane
Finally you must enter over which length parallelism has to be maintained
(reference length).
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Parallelism of a Plane to a Reference Axis
Finally you must enter over which length parallelism has to be maintained
(reference length).
Parallelism of a Plane to a Reference Plane
Hint (applies to rectangular tolerance zone only)
For the input of the reference lengths, it is important that the two planes
are approximately parallel to any of the base planes, the reason for this
being that the reference lengths can only be entered parallel to the coordinate axes.
 To complete the previous steps (for details cf. "Parallelism" and MMC)
additionally enter which length parallelism has to be maintained
(reference length).
With the diameter symbol activated (on the left), enter the diameter
of the range which must be toleranced.
 With the diameter symbol not activated, select the axis along which
parallelism must be maintained, and...
enter the reference lengths in the other two axes.
With the perpendicularity function, check the location of two axes relative to each
other. It is important for the input of the reference lengths that the axes or planes
are approximately parallel relative to a main axis of the co-ordinate system.
In the tolerance bar, click on the symbol (on the left) and the
"Perpendicularity" dialogue window is displayed.
First, you have to select your actual and your reference element. The subsequent
inputs depend on these elements. Thus, we differentiate between four initial
 Perpendicularity of an axis to a reference axis
 Perpendicularity of an axis to a reference plane
 Perpendicularity of a plane to a reference axis
 Perpendicularity of a plane to a reference plane
In the four cases, proceed as follows:
 First, select your actual or reference element in the "Perpendicularity"
 The next line is adapted to suit for drawing inputs. Here, you enter the
figures of your drawings.
 If MMC is allowed, refer to details of topic "Maximum Material Condition".
By a mouse click on this topic, you obtain the latest information about each of the
four initial situations.
Further Options
Via this symbol, you come to the "Further Tolerance Options" dialogue
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Using this symbol you control the functionality "Loops" (see details of this
You activate the function "Use measured points only" via the check-box.
Perpendicularity of an Axis to a Reference Axis
 Since the tolerance zone is flat, you must show, in addition, in which
drawing level it is defined.
 Finally, you must enter over which length perpendicularity has to be
maintained (reference length).
Perpendicularity of an Axis to a Reference Plane
If the drawing includes the diameter symbol the tolerance zone is
circular. Click the symbol in the dialogue box.
 The following text box shows the width of the tolerance zone.
 If MMC is allowed, see "Maximum Material Condition".
 If the tolerance zone is flat and the "Use measured points only" check box
is selected, select the projection plane in which the tolerance zone is
defined. Use the measuring plane of the axis as the projection plane.
For an axis in space always use a cylindrical tolerance zone.
 Finally, enter the length for which perpendicularity has to be maintained
(reference length).
Perpendicularity of a Plane to a Reference Axis
Hint (applies to rectangular tolerance zone only)
For the input of the reference lengths it is important that the plane is more
or less parallel to any of the base planes, the reason for this being that the
reference lengths can only be entered parallel to the co-ordinate axes.
 To complete the previous steps (for details cf. Perpendicularity") you
additionally enter over which length perpendicularity has to be maintained
(reference length).
In case the symbol (on the left) is activated, enter the diameter of
the area to be toleranced.
 In case the symbol is not activated, select the axis along which
perpendicularity has to be maintained, and ...
enter the reference lengths for the other two axes.
Perpendicularity of a Plane to a Reference Plane
Finally, you must enter over which length perpendicularity has to be maintained
(reference length).
Nominal and Actual Comparison
With the angularity function you check the position of the following elements
relative to a reference element:
 Axis relative to a reference axis
 Axis relative to a reference plane
 Plane relative to a reference axis
 Plane relative to a reference plane
Example: Angularity of a plane relative to a reference plane
The measured surface must be between two parallel planes with a distance of
0,2 mm. The planes are inclined at an angle of 24° to the reference plane A.
Relating to the drawing plane, the angle of the parallel planes is equal to the
angle of the toleranced plane.
1 - Tolerance zone
2 - Reference plane
Important for a plane is that the angle is always determined relative to the
surface of the plane and not relative to the normal vector. The (ideal)
reference plane must be at right angle to the drawing plane.
For all other elements, the angularity is calculated relative to the projected
Starting the command
 On the menu bar, click "Tolerance/Orientation" and then click "Angularity".
Or click the "Angularity" button.
 The "Angularity" dialogue box appears.
"Angularity" dialogue box
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Select the actual element and the reference element.
 In the "Width tol." box, enter the width of your tolerance zone.
If the angularity check is allowed with the Maximum Material
Condition (MMC), select the buttons "Max. mat. cond. element" and "Max.
mat. cond. ref. element". For more information, see " Maximum Material
If your actual element has an axis (cylinder, cone or line),
click the projection plane in which the angle is to be kept.
If the actual element is a measured line, the projection plane must be the
measuring plane of the line.
In the "Angle" box, enter the nominal angle.
In the "Ref. length" box, enter the reference length.
If the area for checking the angularity should be limited by the measured
points instead of the extension of the substitute element, select the "Use
measured points only" check box.
If the obtuse angle is necessary for the angularity check, select the
"Angularity with angle >90°" check box.
Click "OK" to start the angularity check.
Further options
Click this button to open the dialogue box "Further Tolerance Options".
Click this button to control the functionality "Loops".
Symmetry Tolerance Point Element
With this function you check the location of an element relative to a symmetry
element. Prior to realize the tolerance check itself, you must
 measure the two elements and use them to calculate ...
 the symmetry element. This, in turn, becomes the reference element.
Proceed as follows
In the tolerance bar, click on the symbol (on the left) and come to
the "Symmetry Tolerance Point-Element" dialogue window.
By using the symbols in the top line of the dialogue window, select your
actual and reference element.
If the reference element is only point-based – unlike a line or a plane you still have to preselect the direction along which deviation must be
calculated. (Symbols "Projection" de-activated, symbols "Tolerance
Direction" activated).
If the symmetry location is given by an axis, the projection plane where
deviation is must be calculated.
If the symmetry location is given by a plane, deviation will be
automatically calculated perpendicularly to this plane.
Nominal and Actual Comparison
The value determined is double the deviation from this location.
According to your drawing, you also have to input, in addition to the above, the
tolerance width. For details concerning MMC cf. Maximum Material Condition.
Further Options
Via this symbol, you come to the "Further Tolerance Options" dialogue
Using this symbol you control the functionality "Loops" (see details of this
Symmetry Tolerance Axis Element
With this function, check the location of an element relative to a symmetry
element. Prior to performing the tolerance check itself, you must...
 measure the two elements and use them to calculate ...
 the symmetry element. This, in turn, becomes the reference element.
Proceed as follows
In the tolerance bar, click on the symbol (on the left) and come to
the "Symmetry Tolerance Axis-Element" dialogue window.
 By using the symbols in the top line of the dialogue window, select your
actual and reference element.
 If the reference element is point-based, deviation will be calculated only at
this point. It is not necessary to enter start and end points.
 If the reference element is an axis, the start and end point for the actual
element must still be entered. If possible, the actual element should be
parallel to one of the co-ordinate axes. Start and end point correspond to
the co-ordinates in this axis. For comparison see also the topic Coaxiality.
According to your drawing, you also have to input, in addition to the above, the
tolerance width. For details concerning MMC, refer to Maximum Material
Condition .
Further Options
Via this symbol, the "Further Tolerance Options" dialogue window is
Using this symbol you control the functionality "Loops" (see details of this
Symmetry Tolerance Plane Element
With this function, check the location of an actual element relative to a symmetry
element. Before realizing the tolerance check, you must ...
 measure the two elements and use them ...
 to calculate the symmetry element. This, in turn, becomes the reference
 If possible, the planes should be paraxial in order to enter in a reasonable
way the reference lengths and the toleranced direction.
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Proceed as follows
In the tolerance bar, click on the symbol, and the "Symmetry
Tolerance Plane-Element" dialogue window appears.
By using the symbols in the top line of the dialogue window you select
your reference element.
If the reference element is a point, the position comparison is carried out
only at this point. Therefore, no further data is required.
If the reference element is an axis, you must enter, in addition, the start
and end point of the area to be measured (for details concerning this topic
refer to Coaxiality).
If the reference element is a plane, you have to
• input the direction ...
• and, for the other axes, the corner points of the area (see
picture below; the toleranced direction is the Z-axis).
X1 = Start X
X2 = End X
Y1 = Start Y
Y2 = End Y
According to your drawing, you have to input, in addition to the above, the
tolerance width. For details concerning MMC, refer to Maximum MaterialCondition .
Further Options
Via this symbol, you come to the "Further Tolerance Options" dialogue
Using this symbol you control the functionality "Loops" (see details of this
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Runout Tolerance
With the "Runout Tolerance" function, check both the radial and axial runout of
your workpiece.
 First, you have to define the axis of rotation. This can be the axis of a
cone or a cylinder, or an axis that has been defined as a connection line
through several circle centres.
In the tolerance bar, click on the symbol and come to the "Runout
Tolerance" dialogue window.
 Now, you must differentiate between a
axial runout – you measure a plane - or a
radial runout. This involves the measurement of a circle, a cylinder,
or a cone.
If you selcet a cone as an "actual element" the result is the following: The
distance between the nearest point and furthest point seen from reference
axis to the lateral surface. You get detailed information about these two
options with one click on "Axial Runout" or "Circular Runout".
For further details, refer to the subject Axial Runout.
If you have measured a cylinder your result will be equal to the total
radial runout.
 For this purpose, optionally click on one of these symbols.
Depending on your selection, find the following elements in the list.
By a mouse-click on one of these elements (on the left),
select as reference element the element that determines your axis of
 Enter the admissible tolerance range in the bottom tolerance box.
For the axial runout, you additionally need the diameter of the shaft
(reference diameter) whose surface you have measured.
Using the symbols you can have the radial and axial runouts also in a
graphics. For details refer to the topics "Roundness", "Flatness" and "Scaling of
Tolerance Graphics".
Further Options
Via this symbol, you come to the Further Tolerance Options" dialogue
By using this symbol you control the functionality "Loops" (see details of this
You activate the function "Use measured points only" via the check-box.
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Axial Runout
As far as axial runout is concerned, one distinguishes, as a rule of principle,
between "Simple Axial Runout" and "Total Axial Runout". The reason for this is
that for the limitation of a plane you have to enter a reference diameter in addition
to the rotational axis.
Simple Axial Runout
For Simple Axial Runout, a plane is defined by points located on a circular path
(circle made up of red dots in the line drawing below). This circular path should
be located centrally around the reference axis. Consequently, the reference
diameter (in red) is the diameter of this circular path. It is not the cylinder
In the present case, the two points P13 and P14 are not measured points.
Determined by GEOPAK, they define the axial runout since they represent the
maximum deviations.
Total Axial Runout
For Total Axial Runout, a plane is established by points which can be located on
several circular paths. For example, the whole end face of a cylinder can be
captured this way. To capture the edge of the end face as well, you have to enter
the reference diameter which is, in our example below, the diameter of the
In this case, the points P25 and P26 are not measured points. Determined by
GEOPAK, they define the axial runout since they represent the maximum
Nominal and Actual Comparison
For axial runout calculation, all measurement points are used, no matter
which reference diameter has been entered..
Circular Runout
A circular runout calculation in GEOPAK does not only include the measurement
points of a circle but also two additional points which are positioned on the
circumference of the calculated circle, because a situation may occur in which the
measurement points are all positioned inside a pre-defined tolerance zone, but
not the whole circle.
Although the example illustration below is not representative for a circular runout
measurement, the number of measurement points = 4 is quite usual. The
measurement points on the horizontal and on the vertical axis are still within the
tolerance range. Nevertheless, the tolerated circle does not meet the required
circular runout, because both points on the bisector of the angle are outside the
tolerance range. Although they were not measured, they belong to the calculated
Diameter and position of the calculated circle also depend on the selected
mode of calculation.
Use Measured Points Only
GEOPAK allows to do the tolerance comparison without using calculated points.
For this reason you fulfil the requirements of US standard ANSI Y14.5. This
option is available for the following tolerances:
Position of Plane
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Position of Axis
Activating the Function
 On the GEOPAK toolbar, click the required tolerance, e.g. parallelism.
 Select the "Use measured points only" check box in the dialogue Box.
If the check box "Use measured points only" is selected, the buttons for
reference lengths, reference diameter (only runout tolerance) and start
and end point (only position of axis/plane and coaxiality) is hidden in the
respective dialogue boxes.
This results from the exclusive usage of measurement points for the
tolerance comparison.
For detailed information, refer to the topic "Use Measured Points Only: Basic
Use Measured Points Only: Basic Principles
GEOPAK uses the points measured on the surface of a workpiece to determine
geometric elements. Points are, however, not only measured but also calculated
(extrapolated). For example, this is required when certain points on the workpiece
surface cannot be probed. Each element calculated in such way is a
compensation element (definition according to DIN EN ISO 14660-1 1999:
"Calculated element"). You can also use the compensation elements to check if a
workpiece is within the tolerance limits.
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Each calculated element of perfect form (calculated element) is based on a
measured element (individual measured points) which is the result of measuring
a limited number of points. An element is completely measured when a minimum
number of measurement points has been recorded (e.g. line: three points).
Depending on the number of measurement points you get an approximation to
the real workpiece (real feature).
Measurement, form and position of the compensation element depend on
the number of measurement points and on the calculation method
When activating the function "Use Measured Points Only", this means that
only the individual measured points is used for the tolerance comparison
and not the calculated element.
Example: Circular Runout
The four measurement points (1) on the horizontal and the vertical axis are still
within the tolerance range. Even so, the calculated circle (calculated element)
does not fulfil the required circular runout, because the two calculated points (2)
on the bisector are outside the tolerance range (see picture below).
Tolerance Variable
You can also realize a nominal-to-actual comparison of calculated values. You
come to the function and the dialogue box via the menu bar "Tolerance /
In addition, by clicking the button in the following dialogue box, you have all
other possibilities of the nominal-to-actual comparison, e.g. the transmission to a
statistical program, etc. (see details of Further Tolerance Options).
Tolerance Comparison"Last Element"
This function usually deals with a nominal-to-actual comparison as in GEOPAK-3;
but you can, in this case and independently to the type, access the last measured
Nominal and Actual Comparison
To this subject, also see details under Tolerance Comparison Elements
Tolerance Comparison Element
Click this icon in the GEOPAK toolbar to open the dialogue box of this part
program command or choose "Tolerance / Tolerance comparison elements /
Element" from the menu bar.
In the dialogue box you select the element for the nominal-to-actual comparison.
Confirm and e.g. the "Tolerance comparison element Cylinder" dialogue box is
displayed. If you have measured several elements of one type, the proposal in
the dialogue has always reference to the last measured element of the selected
In the "Tolerance comparison Element" dialogue box use the standard
elements (point, line, circle, etc.) as well as the hole shape elements.
For more detailed information, refer to "Tolerance Comparison Elements
Dialogue" and "Free Element Input".
"Tolerance Comparison Elements" Dialogue
With this nominal-to-actual comparison, it is possible to check all element
characteristics (position, direction, size, form) in only one dialogue. According to
element type, the dialogue boxes are, in part, differently constructed.
Nominal-to-actual comparison of the element "Inclined drop"
Nominal-to-actual comparison of the element "Circle"
Click this icon in the GEOPAK toolbar to open the dialogue box of
this part program command or choose "Tolerance / Tolerance comparison
elements / Element" from the menu bar.
 In the "Tolerance comparison Element" dialogue box choose the element
you wish to tolerate.
The available elements of the selected element type are listed in the
drop-down list.
 When you confirm your choice the respective tolerance comparison
dialogue box will be opened.
Nominal and Actual Comparison
In the tolerance comparison dialogue box click this icon to select the
property you wish to check.
Absolute Values
If, for the co-ordinates, you are only interested in the absolute value and not
in the sign, click this icon.
Tolerance Class
At some values, you have the possibility instead of entering upper and
lower tolerance limits, to input a tolerance class. Then, GEOPAK calculates out of
nominal value and tolerance class the corresponding limit values and displays
them in the inactive text boxes.
In the tolerance classes, pay attention to the use of capitalization and
small letters.
Instead of using the given tolerance classes, you can create your own
characteristic tables. A helper program will be delivered during installation.
Polar Co-Ordinates
For the position of an element, you can select either a Cartesian or a polar
evaluation (see icons in the dialogue box, bottom left).
In the cylinder co-ordinates, at first, you get the radius in the XY plane. If you
wish the analysis in another plane, click several times on the icon.
With the spherical co-ordinates, at first, you get the Phi angle in the XY
plane and the Theta angle to the Z-axis. If you wish the analysis in another plane,
click several times on the icon.
Further Input Options
For round elements you can, in addition, determine via the icons
whether you wish to input the diameter or the radius.
During the learn mode of GEOPAK you can click on the respective icon of
the element (e.g. line on the top left of the dialogue box) to accept the measured
actual values in the "Nominal Value" column as proposal. The actual values are
rounded up to one digit after the decimal point, for the unit "Inch" to two digits
after the decimal point. In the GEOPAK editor the values are set to 0.00.
For the form of the elements line, circle and plane you can also have a
graphic chart.
By clicking this icon, you can realize different settings to the graphic in the
following window.
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Via the icon, you get further options e.g. the transmission to statistical
programs, the possibility to cancel etc. (For more detailed information, refer to
Further Tolerance Options).
By using this icon you control the functionality "Loops" (see details of this
If you click one of the icons you can currently switch over from
 "Tolerance single co-ordinates" to
 "Tolerance Position" and vice versa.
You can only use this option if the elements can be tolerated with "position
tolerance" (e.g. you cannot use the element line).
For more detailed information, refer to "Tolerance Position".
Set Control Limits
With this function (menu "Tolerance/Set control limits") it is possible to prompt a
warning already before arriving at the tolerance limit. The tolerance limit is a
single value that is given in percent of the tolerance zone.
If an actual value is outside the tolerance limits - but still within the tolerance - the
following occurs:
 In the result list and in the report the value is displayed in a colour other
than red or green.
 With the appropriate format setting, the feature is printed or written in the
output file. Significant are the four dialogue boxes "Open output file",
"Change output file format", "Open protocol" and "Change protocol
format". You can open these dialogue boxes on the "Output" menu.
 A specific IO condition is set. For more information about this topic, see
the files "SI_io_comm_g.pdf" or "SI_io_comm_e.pdf". These files can be
found on your MCOSMOS CD and on the MITUTOYO homepage.
 The illustration below refers to a symmetrical and to an asymmetrical
tolerance zone (for example a one-sided tolerance zone).
Example for control limits with 80%
1 – Lower control limit
2 – Middle of the tolerance zone
3 – Upper control limit
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Surface Profile Tolerance in CAT1000S and
You can measure a surface in CAT1000S and then tolerate the surface
profile tolerance in GEOPAK.
 Measure an element "Surface" in CAT1000S. See also "Surface Measure
Click the "Element finished" button to finish the element.
If you have not finished the "Surface" element, you cannot open the
"Surface profile tolerance" dialogue box.
How to open the "Surface profile tolerance" dialogue box in
On the CAT1000PS menu bar, on the "Tools" menu, click "Evaluate
GD&T" to open the "Evaluate GD&T wizard" dialogue box. Or, click the
button in the toolbar.
Click the "Surface" button in the "Evaluate GD&T wizard" dialogue
The "Surface profile tolerance" button is now available in the
"Evaluate GD&T wizard" dialogue box.
Click the "Surface profile tolerance" button in the "Evaluate GD&T
wizard" dialogue box.
 The "Surface profile tolerance" dialogue box appears.
"Surface profile tolerance" dialogue box in CAT1000S
How to open the "Surface profile tolerance" dialogue box in GEOPAK
Click "Surface profile tolerance" (GEOPAK menu bar / "Tolerance"
menu / "Tolerance comparison elements") to open the "Surface profile
tolerance" dialogue box. Or, click the button in the toolbar.
 The "Surface profile tolerance" dialogue box appears.
Nominal and Actual Comparison
"Surface profile tolerance" dialogue box in GEOPAK
 In the "Surface profile tolerance" dialogue box select a freeform surface
from the list.
 Type the tolerance in the "Width tol." text box. Click "OK".
 The "Surface profile tolerance" command is transferred to the part
program list.
 The GEOPAK list of results represents the result of the surface profile
tolerance in one line.
After measurement, all deviations of the measurement points of the "Free
form surface" element are calculated in CAT1000S and are transferred to
GEOPAK. The largest deviation (absolute value) is multiplied by the factor
2.0 and is compared to the defined tolerance.
In the "Surface profile tolerance" dialogue box, click the "Further tolerance
options" button to define further tolerance options.
Contours with Tolerance Check
Contours: General
With the "Tolerance Comparison Contours" function, check the geometrical
deviation of an actual contour from a nominal contour. Nominal and actual
contour must be stored in the GEOPAK working memory before the comparison
itself is realized. Moreover, the contours must be available in the same projection.
As a rule, the nominal contour is provided by a CAD system.
Tolerance Comparison Contours
Clicking on the symbol in the icon bar, you come to the "Tolerance
Comparison Contours" dialogue window.
In the text boxes, "Nominal" and "Actual", select from the lists your
contours which are, in fact, already available. The nominal contour can
already be a measured contour (for details cf. Load Contour ). Or load
your contour from an external CAD system (for further details regarding
this topic cf. "Load Contour from CAD System").
 Enter into the input field "Number of act/nom pairs" a "1", if not already
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Tolerance comparison of multiple contour pairs
If you want to execute tolerance comparisons with multiple contour pairs, enter
into the input field "Number of act/nom pairs" a number bigger than "1".
If you want to compare, for example, three nominal contours with three actual
contours, then enter into the input field "Number of nom/act pairs" a "3".
Similar to the loop mode, the memory numbers are counted upwards and the
memory number of the selected contours is used as the start number
According to the input example, the following pairs are created.
Pair 1: (4)act1 / (1)nom1
Pair 2: (5)act2 / (2)nom2
Pair 3: (6)act3 / (3)nom3
In order that the tolerance comparison of multiple contour pairs can be
executed, all contours must be existing with the relevant memory
numbers. Furthermore, all used contours must be positioned in the
same projection plane.
Your further action is divided into the following sections
 Pitch
 Comparison (Vector Direction)
 Best Fit
 Tolerance Width
By using this symbol you control the functionality "Loops" (see details of this
Tolerancing (Multiple) Contours
Using the "Tolerance multiple contour" command, you can carry out multiple
contour comparisons, thus comparing several actual contours to a nominal
contour (nominal value).
 All contours are available with the respective memory numbers.
 All contours are in the same projection plane.
Starting the command
Click this button in the tolerance toolbar.
 Or on the "Tolerance" menu, click "Tolerance comparison elements".
 On the submenu, click "Multiple contour".
 The "Tolerance multiple contour" dialogue box appears.
Nominal and Actual Comparison
"Tolerance multiple contour"
Definition of tolerance width
 In the "Upper tol." drop-down combo box enter the upper tolerance limit.
 In the "Lower tol." drop-down combo box enter the lower tolerance limit.
Click the button next to the "Upper tol." drop-down combo box and
the evaluation is based on the upper deviation.
Click the button next to the "Lower tol." drop-down combo box and
the evaluation is based on the lower deviation.
 If the deviations of the actual and nominal contour are to be clearly
represented in the result report, enter in the "Width tol." drop-down combo
box a value for the magnification of the error representation. For more
detailed information refer to "Width of Tolerance (Scale Factor)".
Input of actual and nominal contours
 In the "No. of" drop-down combo box enter the number of the contour
comparisons. The value must be larger than 1 and corresponds to the
number of measured actual contours.
 In the "Actual" drop-down list box select the first measured actual contour.
 In the "Nominal" drop-down list box select the nominal contour to which
the actual contours are to be compared.
Click this button for direct access to the functionality "Loops".
Definition of vector direction for comparison
Click one of the four buttons on the left of the dialogue
box to determine the direction, in which the distance between nominal and
actual contour is calculated.
For more detailed information refer to "Comparison (Vector Direction)".
 Click "OK" to confirm. The tolerance comparisons are carried out.
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Related topics
Contours: General
By making inputs in "Pitch"...
 you first of all define the points from where measurement must take place;
 in the next step, by Vector Direction, enter the direction along which the
distance from the opposite contour is measured.
The pitch specifies the distance where the individual comparisons are carried out.
The points at which the nominal and actual comparison is carried out are, in most
cases, not identical with the contour points of the actual respectively the nominal
contour points. This is why they are interpolated (cubic curve). This means that
even the areas between the points are calculated. According to your task, you will
opt for one out of six "pitches".
Constant pitch: Uniform distance on the nominal contour.
Comparison only at nominal points: A comparison is realized at each
point of the nominal contour.
Comparison only at actual points: A comparison is carried out at each
point of the actual contour.
This form is not recommended, as it takes a great deal of time. It is
because of the vector direction that the program has to calculate the point
through which the perpendicular goes to the actual point (see picture
1 = Actual contour
2 = Nominal contour
Constant angular pitch: The comparison takes place in a constant angular
pitch relative to the co-ordinate system origin.
Constant pitch (1st co-ordinate): Here, use a uniform distance on the
nominal contour, to be more exact, in the 1st co-ordinate
In the ZX projection, you obtain a uniform distance in the Z-component
with this setting.
Constant pitch (2nd co-ordinate): Here, use a uniform distance on the
nominal contour, to be more exact, in the 2nd co-ordinate
Nominal and Actual Comparison
In the ZX projection, you obtain a uniform in the X component with this
Except for nominal and actual points, enter a constant value in the respective text
box below the symbols.
Comparison (Vector Direction)
Between nominal and actual distance is calculated. Four possibilities are
available (see below). The most frequent application is the "Comparison
Perpendicular to Nominal Contour". This is the comparison that Mitutoyo offers in
the default.
Comparison perpendicular to nominal contour: A perpendicular on the
contour is formed using the comparison point.
Comparison through origin: A line through the origin of the co-ordinate
system is using the comparison point.
Comparison along first axis: This comparison makes available the
following possibilities:
• YZ-Contour parallel to Y-axis
• ZX-Contour parallel to Z-axis
• XY-Contour parallel to X-axis
• RZ-Contour parallel to R-axis (radial plane of section)
• Phi-Z-Contour parallel to Phi-axis (completed representation)
Comparison along first axis: This comparison makes available the
following possibilities:
• YZ-Contour parallel to Z-axis
• ZX-Contour parallel to X-axis
• XY-Contour parallel to Y-axis
• RZ-Contour parallel to Z-axis
• Phi-Z-Contour parallel to Z-axis
Circles between nominal and actual contour: A perpendicular to the
nominal contour is created through the reference point. Then, the biggest
possible circle is created with its centre located on the perpendicular. The circle
diameter is then limited by two contour points.
In certain cases, the circle centre may leave the perpendicular in order to
allow the creation of a bigger circle. In this case, three contour points limit
the expansion of the circle (see ill. below).
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Bestfit Contour
Definition and Criteria
The best fit function rotates and shifts a set of co-ordinate values (points of the
actual contour) in such a way that it fits "best" into another group of given coordinates (points of the nominal contour).
 The best fit follows the Gaussian criterion requiring that the sum of the
distance squares is minimal.
 This means that the distances of the actual points are calculated from
their respective nominal values, and then are squared and summed. The
"best" location is reached when this sum is as small as possible.
The best fit is based on the nominal-actual comparison. Should the latter not be
possible, the best fit is possible neither.
For further information, refer to the topics
Degrees of Freedom Bestfit ,
Bestfit within Tolerance Limits and
Use Bestfit Values .
Degrees of Freedom for Bestfit
The deviations in the tolerance comparison are composed of the position
deviation and the form deviation.
The actual contour may be turned and moved into a new position to eliminate the
position deviation, if the function of the measured workpiece permits doing so. In
the following tolerance comparison, a statement as to the form deviation is
possible without the original position deviation influencing the result.
Click either on one of the three symbols, or on two or even all three symbols. The
best fit will be automatically made. The result can be seen from the graphical
If only one rotation is allowed, said rotation is carried out around the origin of the
actual co-ordinate system.
Nominal and Actual Comparison
In the window "Tolerance comparison contours", the results are represented
graphically and numerically. Abbreviations: UD for upper difference, LD for lower
difference and MD for mean difference. This window contains several symbols for
additional possibilities.
In particular via the information symbol, you have the possibility to set
information flags.
 Click on the symbol
 The mouse changes to a reticle.
 Click on the position in the graphics where you want to set the information
or flag.
 With a further click on the flag (keep the mouse button pressed) you can
drag the flag to a different position.
 Clicking with the right mouse button on the flag, you can, among other
things, delete the flag.
Using the "Learnable Graphic Commands" symbol, you can preset that the
windows are printed out or applied in the repeat mode. You must activate this
function already in the single mode, since, being in the repeat mode, you will
have no more influence.
Also see the topics:
Bestfit within Tolerance Limits
Manual Bestfit
Bestfit within Tolerance Limits
In addition to the degrees of freedom at bestfit (dialogue
"Tolerance comparison contours"), Mitutoyo provides an additional function for
optimising the bestfit.
This is the option "Bestfit within tolerance limits". To get to the dialogue, go
to the menu bar / Tolerance / Tolerance comparison elements / Contour.
The actual contour shall be completely within the tolerance range after the bestfit.
In case that this is not possible, the deviations outside the tolerance range should
be as small as possible. As opposed to the standard, the Gauss criterion is not
applied. The tolerance range can be defined in the dialogue for the tolerance
comparison as well as in the Tolerance Range Editor.
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Tolerance comparison without bestfit (l) and bestfit on nominal contour
Alignment in Two Steps:
1st step
First, the actual contour is fitted in the middle of the tolerance range under
consideration of the set degrees of freedom.
Bestfit in the middle of the tolerance range.
2nd step
Now, the actual contour is gradually moved until it is completely positioned within
the tolerance range. If the ideal position cannot be achieved, the bestfit is
terminated when overstepping is at a minimum.
Bestfit within tolerance limits
See also the topics:
Bestfit: Graphic Display
Bestfit: Degrees of Freedom
Bestfit within Tolerance Limits: Graphic Display
See the following graphic display windows for how the function "Bestfit within
Tolerance Limits" optimises the results:
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Symmetric tolerance limits: Bestfit on nominal contour (l) and bestfit within
tolerance limits
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Asymmetric tolerance limits: Bestfit on nominal contour (l) and bestfit within
tolerance limits
To activate the function, at least one of the options for the degrees of freedom
must have been clicked.
The system supports all GEOPAK modes.
The function has no influence on part programs already existing.
There are no changes regarding the output of results.
See also the topics:
Bestfit within Tolerance Limits
Bestfit: Degrees of Freedom
Manual Bestfit
In addition to the automatic bestfit ("Tolerance comparison
contours" dialogue box), this dialogue box provides the option for a manual
To get to the dialogue box, proceed via the menu bar / Tolerance / Tolerance
comparison elements / contour.
You fit in the actual contour against the nominal contour by gradually shifting and
rotating the actual contour until it has reached the optimum position.
The manual bestfit is, for example, suitable for the following cases:
 Only some parts of a contour need to be fitted.
 The automatic bestfit does not reach a stable final state.
 Visual comparison of the contours by superposition, analogous to a
profile projector.
Nominal and Actual Comparison
You can use the button for the manual bestfit in addition to the bestfit
 You have entered the required settings in the dialogue window "Tolerance
comparison contours" and you have selected the contour pairs in the
fields "nominal value" and "actual".
 Click the "Manual bestfit" button.
 Confirm your settings with "OK".
 The "Manual fitting" dialogue box opens.
Also refer to the topics:
Bestfit Within Tolerance Limits
Manual Bestfit
Manual Fit
If you click the "Manual fit" button in the "Tolerance comparison contours"
dialogue box and confirm with "OK", the "Manual fittings" dialogue box opens.
In the "Manual fittings" dialogue box you can use the self explanatory control
elements to shift or rotate the contour. With a click on one of the control
elements, the contour shifts or rotates by the entered value. Several clicks in
quick sequence on the same button add up the shifts or rotations and these are
carried out in one step.
Learn Mode
In the learn mode, the tolerance comparison graphics and the "Manual fitting"
dialogue box are shown. The graphic shows the deviations between both
contours in a magnified representation. This permits you to continuously monitor
the changes in deviations and to manually fit the measured contour.
The position of the actual contour will remain valid independent of whether the fit
was done manually or automatically.
Repeat Mode
The "Manual fitting" dialogue box opens after you have selected this option in the
part program command "Tolerance comparison contours". The selected pitch for
the shift and rotation will be suggested again. The dialogue box is now ready to
accept the manual inputs and to fit the measured contour accordingly.
Edit Mode
The entered values for "shifting" and "rotating" the pitch are stored in the part
program. The control elements are not active, as it was not necessary to save
these settings.
Also refer to the topics:
Bestfit Within Tolerance Limits
Manual Bestfit
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Bestfit Values Use for Tolerance Comparisons of Contours
The optional "Bestfit" changes the position of the actual contour. The bestfit
values contain the shift and turn value for the new position of the actual contour
and are recorded in the result line and in the graphics. For processing these
values, the result file "MCOSMOS\TEMP\ CtCmpRes.res" must be loaded. Then,
the variables CntrBFShift1, CntrBFShift2 and CntrBFTurn are defined. Different Applications
 Another actual contour shall be shifted to the position of the "Actual
contour with bestfit".
• Shift of the contour by the BF shift values
• Turn of the contour by the BF rotation value
• This action can be performed in a function call-up of "Shift/turn
 The "Actual contour with bestfit" shall be shifted back into its initial
• Turn of the contour by the negative rotation value of the bestfit.
• Turn of the contour by the negative turn values of the bestfit
• This action must be performed in two separate function call-ups
of "Shift/turn contour".
 A contour to be measured shall automatically be positioned in the position
of the bestfit.
• The measurement co-ordinate system is shifted to the position
of the actual contour of the bestfit.
• Shift of the co-ordinate system by the negative movement
values of the bestfit.
• Turn of the co-ordinate system by the negative turn value of the
• This action can be performed in a function call-up of "Shift/turn
co-ordinate system".
 A contour that is available as a GWS-file shall be in the BF position after
• The measurement co-ordinate system is temporarily shifted to
the position of the actual contour of the bestfit.
• Shift of the co-ordinate system by the shift values of the bestfit.
• Turn of the co-ordinate system by the turn value of the bestfit.
• Loading the GWS-file(s).
• Turn of the co-ordinate system by the negative turn value of the
• Shift of the co-ordinate system by the negative shift values of
the bestfit.
The following graphic shows the influence the sequence of the individual actions
(shift, turn) has on the final result. The end positions of the arrow (3.) are
different. Shifts are performed with a positive x-value and turns by 90 degrees.
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Width of Tolerance (Scale Factor) Definition and Representation of Tolerance Band
The tolerance band is defined by the upper tolerance and the lower tolerance. To
allow correct interpretation of the signs, the material side is taken into
consideration. The material side is defined by the probing vectors of the nominal
or the actual contour.
If the material side is known, the tolerance line is inside the material with a
negative sign and it is outside the material with a positive sign.
Upper tolerance limit (positive)
Lower tolerance limit (negative)
Material side
Deviation between actual and nominal contour
Definition of the material side
 If the nominal contour has probing vectors the material side is determined
by the nominal contour.
 If the nominal contour does not have probing vectors but the actual
contour, then these are used to determine the material side.
 If both contours do not have probing vectors, the material side is not
known. According to the definition, the positive tolerance line as seen in
scanning line is on the left of the nominal contour.
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Definition of tolerance band by nominal contour
Click this button if you want to use the tolerance band defined by the
nominal contour. The nominal contour with the tolerance band has already been
defined with the "Tolerance band editor" or Tolerance band contour" functions.
The "Upper tol." and "Lower tol." boxes appear dimmed because they are
unavailable. Entry of the tolerance limits is not possible.
The signs of the tolerance band are interpreted in the same way as
described in the section "Definition of tolerance band".
Scale for error display
To show the deviations from the actual contour to the nominal contour more
clearly, these are displayed with a scale factor. So, the deviations are shown in a
scale larger than the scale that shows the nominal contour.
Both scales can be seen in the printed result graphic. The scale factor results as
product of both scales.
Example: The scale for the nominal contour is 1:10 (1000 mm in DIN A4 format),
the "Scale for error display" is 300:1. This results in a scale of 30:1. So, the
lengths of the printed deviations have to be divided by 30 to obtain the actual
deviation values.
All entries under "Scale for error display" affect the representation of the
graphic, however, they do not affect the numerical result of the tolerance
Relative magnification
The "Scale for error display" results as product of the percentage of the "Relative
magnification" and the relation of width of the tolerance band and extension of
the contours.
So, the scale adjusts automatically to the extension of the nominal and actual
contour. The advantage is, you set the "Relative magnification" once to 3%, for
example, and you will always have a clearly visible tolerance band with a width of
circa 6 mm in DIN A4 format, independent of the contour deviation.
 The nominal contour is a circle with a diameter of 1000 mm. The width of
the tolerance band is 0,2 mm.
 Under "Width of tolerance", type 0.100 in the "Upper tol." box.
 Under "Width of tolerance", type -0.100 in the "Lower tol." box.
Click the "Relative magnification" button.
 Under "Scale for error display", type 3% in the "Width tol." box.
 This results in a scale factor of 300. In DIN A4 format, this will be a clearly
visible tolerance band with a width of circa 6 mm. The result graphic
shows a scale bar with indication of the length (width of tolerance band).
The nominal contour is a circle with a diameter of 5.0 mm. The width of the
tolerance band is 0.1 mm. A width of tolerance of 3% results in a scale factor of
1.5. In DIN A4 format, this will be a tolerance band with a width of circa 6mm.
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Fixed magnification
Contrary to the "Relative magnification", the scale factor for error display is set by
default and is not calculated for "Fixed magnification".
When representing different tolerance comparisons with the same scale, the
deviations can be directly compared in the graphical printouts.
 The nominal contour is a circle with a diameter of 1000 mm. The width of
the tolerance band is 0,2 mm.
 Under "Width of tolerance", type 0.100 in the "Upper tol." box.
 Under "Width of tolerance", type -0.100 in the "Lower tol." box.
Click the "Fixed magnification" button.
 Under "Scale for error display", type 300 in the "Scale" box.
 In DIN A4 format, this will be a tolerance band with a width of circa 6 mm.
In the result graphic the "Scale for error display" shows a scale factor of
Illustration of deviations
Use the "Non linear magnification" function when there is a great difference
between narrow and wide tolerance band and therefore a fixed "Scale for error
display" is not sufficient for a detailed representation of the complete comparison.
With this function the scale varies according to the width of the tolerance band.
Thus, it is no longer possible to calculate the deviations by means of the diagram.
However, you can see the positions where an exceeding takes place or
recognise the trend of the deviations within the tolerance band.
Contour with narrow and wide tolerance band
Identical contour with non-linear enlarged tolerance band
Under "Width of tolerance", click the "Tolerance band defined by
nominal contour" button.
 The "Upper tol." and "Lower tol." boxes are made unavailable and the
"Non linear" button is made available.
Click the "Relative magnification" button.
Under "Scale for error display", click the "Non linear" button.
 Type the percentage of the tolerance band in the "Width tol" box.
Nominal and Actual Comparison Offset
An overmeasure contour around the nominal contour is created with the offset.
Then, the calculated deviations no longer refer to the nominal contour but to the
overmeasure contour. The reference direction is not influenced by the offset.
A slot is limited by the inside and outside contour. The distance between the
contours (slot width) is 52 mm. The tolerance comparison shall be used to
examine the deviation of the slot width from the nominal measurement 52 mm +2.025 mm.
The inside contour serves as the nominal contour, the outside contour as the
actual contour.
When carrying out the comparison with an offset (overmeasure) e.g. of 52 mm
and a tolerance of +-0.025 mm, a significant deviation is visible.
Compared with that, no deviation is visible in the graphic when applying the
onesided tolerance of 51.998 mm and 52.032 mm.
The result of the numerical evaluation shows no difference between the two
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Form Tolerance Contour
The form tolerance of a measured contour to a reference contour is determined
according to DIN 7184 in connection with DIN ISO 1101 as follows:
 First, the maximum deviation between both contours is determined (see in
the illustration below the radius of the red circle as a dotted line).
 This radius amount is doubled (diameter of circle).
 The value of the diameter includes all deviations when the centre of the
circle is moved on the reference contour.
• Reference contour (black)
• Nominal contour (green)
• Ideal circle (blue; part of the constructional drawing)
• Circle with biggest deviation (red)
Use the function "Line form tolerance" to calculate this value.
Determine line form tolerance
 A prerequisite for this function is that you are already using contours in
your part program.
 Load a measured contour (nominal contour).
 Load an ideal contour (reference contour).
Use the symbol "Loop counter" to control the functionality "Loops" (for
detailed information, refer to this topic).
The symbol "Further tolerance options" offers further possibilities, for
example, how to perform transfers to a statistical program or how to abort a part
program when the measurement results are outside the tolerance limits, etc. (for
more details, also refer to the topic Further Tolerance Options).
If you activate this symbol you can have a form tolerance chart displayed.
Enter the value of the tolerance limit into the input field "Tolerance width".
The best fit is carried out prior to the evaluation of the line form tolerance. The
best fit position of the contour is calculated only temporarily and is not stored. For
details, refer to the topic Best Fit Contour.
Tolerance Band Editor
The tolerance band editor makes it possible to specify various widths of tolerance
ranges within a nominal contour.
Every contour point can be assigned a lower and upper tolerance limit, which can
be stored in the GWS file. In case a contour nominal-to-actual comparison is
performed, the measured contour can be compared to the nominal contour and
its tolerance limits.
Nominal and Actual Comparison
The tolerance band editor can be called only in the learn mode.
Define tolerance range of a nominal contour
 Load a nominal contour.
 Click in the menu bar on "Tolerance / Tolerance Comparison Elements /
Tolerance Band Editor".
 Select a nominal contour.
 The Tolerance band dialogue is shown.
 Define the contour tolerance range.
For details refer to the topic "Define Tolerance Band of a Contour" and "Edit
Tolerance Band of a Contour".
Define Tolerance Band of a Contour Define uniform tolerance range
Your intention is to define a uniform tolerance range, i.e. all contour points have
the same upper and lower tolerance limit.
Click on the "Constant Distribution" symbol.
 Enter the "upper and lower limit" in the area "Start of Tolerance Range".
 Now no entries are possible in the "End of Tolerance Range" area.
Mark tolerance range
 Use the mouse cursor to mark the contour point where the tolerance
range is to start.
 Press the left mouse button.
 A blue cross is shown.
 Keep the left mouse button pressed and drag the mouse pointer to the
contour point where the tolerance range is to end.
 While dragging with the mouse, a second blue cross is shown.
 Release the mouse button at the end of the tolerance range to be
 The defined tolerance range is shown marked with a red frame in the
graphics of elements. Define proportional tolerance range
You wish to define a tolerance range having a tolerance range start width and a
tolerance range end width. This means: the tolerance width continues changing
from the tolerance range start to the tolerance range end.
Click on the "Proportional Distribution" symbol.
 Now it is possible to make entries in the areas "Start of Tolerance Range"
and "End of Tolerance Range".
 Enter the "upper and lower limit" in the areas "Start of Tolerance Range"
and "End of Tolerance Range".
 Continue as described under "Mark Tolerance Range".
For further information on this topic refer to Tolerance Band Editor and Edit
Tolerance Band of a Contour.
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Edit Tolerance Band of a Contour
Relate tolerance range to the whole contour
Click on the selection symbol in order to relate the entries from the areas
"Start of Tolerance Range" and "End of Tolerance Range" to the whole contour.
Delete defined tolerance ranges of the whole contour
Click on the dust bin symbol to delete your tolerance ranges of the whole
Enter tolerance limits using the mouse
Click on the pipette symbol to take the tolerance ranges by means of the
mouse into the input boxes of the areas "Start of Tolerance Range" and "End of
Tolerance Range".
 Click with the mouse cursor on a contour point within a tolerance range.
Once the "Proportional Distribution" symbol is activated, the upper
and lower tolerance limit of a contour point are entered into all input
Once the "Constant Distribution" symbol is activated, the upper and
lower tolerance limit of a contour point are entered only into the input
boxes of the area "Start of Tolerance Range".
Once you have entered the required values, press again the pipette
symbol in order to switch this function off. Should you click, by mistake,
into the graphics of elements, the values entered would be changed.
Show all elements in the graphics of elements
While defining a tolerance band of a contour, only the current contour is
shown enlarged in the graphics of elements. If you wish to watch all elements,
click on the symbol "Show Elements in Background".
For further information on this topic refer to Tolerance Band Editor and Define
Tolerance Band of a Contour.
Tolerance Band Contours
A variable tolerance band can be defined in learn or repeat mode by a nominal
contour and two limiting contours. These contours can also be generated by a
 When you are in the GEOPAK learn mode, go to the menu bar and click
the function "Tolerances / Tolerance comparison elements / Tolerance
band contour".
 In the dialogue window "Tolerance band contour", select a contour from
the list box "Nominal contour".
With this function you have the possibility to define the following types of
tolerance limits (see also ill. below).
 Tolerance limits from two different limiting contours (a).
 Tolerance limits from a limiting contour which is mirrored (b).
Nominal and Actual Comparison
 Tolerance limits from a limiting contour and a constant part as a tolerance
limit (c).
Use these symbols to activate or deactivate the relevant
type of tolerance limits.
Select the required contour to define the tolerance limit.
Confirm your inputs with "OK".
The created tolerance band is stored together with the nominal contour.
The data also remain available when the nominal contour is stored in a
When loading a nominal contour, the tolerance limits are restored so that
a tolerance comparison of the contour with variable tolerance limits is
immediately possible.
In the dialogue window "Tolerance Comparison Contours" activate
the function "Tolerance band defined by nominal contour" in the section
"Tolerance width.
For more information, also refer to the topics Tolerance Width (Enlargement),
Tolerance Band Editor, Define Tolerance Band of a Contour and Edit Tolerance
Band of a Contour.
Filter Contour / Filter Element
When filtering a contour in GEOPAK a smoothing effect is realised. We offer you
a Gauss low-pass filter with which the high frequency parts will be suppressed.
To open the "Filter element" dialogue box, click "Element" or "Contour" on the
menu bar.
It is possible to filter the following elements:
 line
 circle
 plane
Nominal and Actual Comparison
 sphere
 cylinder
 contour
Depending on the element that you select, the adequate filter type is
recommended. However, if you have measured a contour as circle, you can
choose the "Gauss filter (circle)" from the filter types instead of the proposed
"Robust spline filter". Contours of Geometrical Elements
Depending on the application, you should distinguish:
 For round contours use the "Gauss filter (circle)",
 for oblong contours use the "Gauss filter (line)".
 Select the filter from the list in the "Filter element" dialogue box.
Drop-down filter list in the "Filter element" dialogue box
Gauss filter
 The Gauss filter can be applied to contours consisting of one or more
 The streams can be closed or open.
 An equal pitch of the measurement points within the streams is required.
 If it is not possible to measure an element, it is not possible to filter the
element either.
For the input of the "Run in / run out" value, use the preset value by default. General contours
For contours to which it is almost impossible to assign a "Gauss filter" due to their
irregular forms, you will select the "Robust spline filter".
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Selected filter "Robust spline filter"
As this option makes the filtering of general contours possible, it can always be
applied to all geometrical elements. Therefore the "Robust spline filter" can be
found in both, the
 Automatic Circle Measurement and the
 Automatic Line Measurement.
If the "Robust spline filter" is selected, the "Run in / run out" text box is
deactivated. Automatic Circle Measurement
For the automatic circle measurement a filter can be selected when the scanning
button is active (see illustration below).
The "Robust Spline Filter" is not suitable for the evaluation of circles
and should therefore not be used in practice.
Scanning button activated
Filter choice
In a circle the cut off wave length is calculated within GEOPAK by means of the
following formula:
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Cut off wave length = π * circle diameter / UPR (Undulations per revolution)
You can change the cut off wave length by selecting a Gauss filter with a different
UPR size. The following Gauss filters are available:
 Gauss filter 15 UPR
 Gauss filter 50 UPR
 Gauss filter 150 UPR
 Gauss filter 500 UPR
 Gauss filter 1500 UPR Automatic Line Measurement
For the automatic line measurement (illustration below) the "cut off wave length"
must be entered.
Input of the cut off wave length
The "Gauss filter" and a "Cut off wave length" of 1.0 are preset. The
measurement unit is limited to millimetres.
Further information
 For detailed information about what must be observed when filtering
peaks of a measured contour, refer to the documentation "Filtering of
peaks of a measured contour" in your MCOSMOS installation folder /
 The file name is "SI_contour_filtering_g.pdf" (German) or
"SI_contour_filtering_e.pdf" (English).
Further Items
Nominal-Actual Comparison, e.g. "Element Circle"
You have measured a circle and want to realize a nominal-actual comparison. To
call this function, you have two possibilities:
 Click into the menu bar "Nominal Actual Comparison Elements / Element
and come to the "Nominal Actual Comparison" dialogue window.
Nominal and Actual Comparison
 Select via the evaluation tools (toolbar on the lower display margin). Click
into the
icon and the "Nominal Actual Comparison" dialogue window
 By clicking on the characteristics (e.g. diameter), you can determine
whether the displayed characteristic has to be tolerated or not. You notice
that inputs are possible in one case, in the other case the cells are
disabled. With one click, e.g. on the co-ordinate X, you activate or
deactivate the cells.
If you want to tolerate the position in another mode of co-ordinate system, click
on one of the symbols on the left (e.g. cylindrical co-ordinate mode
). After
that, the position of the element is directly converted. Normally, the polar
representation is referred to the plane XY; i.e., third axis is the axis Z. If you want
to relate the representation to another plane, click a second or third time on the
corresponding type of co-ordinate system.
 With "circular" elements, you can select whether you want the diameter or
the radius for the comparison of nominal and actual values. The selection
is carried out through two symbols below on the left side of the chart (for
example diameter
 With tolerances of positions, it is possible that the sign of the position (e.g.
value X) is important. On the other hand, it happens that the sign is
troubling, since by the simply mathematical comparison an error is located
that is twice as large as the value of the position.
Via the symbol in the heading of the dialogue window, you can
determine whether the sign is enabled or not: If you click on the symbol,
the sign is disabled.
Instead of numerical values, the tolerance limits can also be
determined by table codes (e.g. H7). Activate each time the symbol
before going to the "type" column. The cells of the numerical values
(columns "Upper" and "Lower Tolerance Limit ") are deactivated. Input the
so-called "Identifier" for the tolerance class into the text field.
Exit the text field either with a "TAB" or with one click into another box.
Then the numerical values from the tolerance chart are entered into the
boxes "Upper" and "Lower Tolerance".
If you want to carry out further actions after the nominal actual comparison,
confirm via the symbol. A dialogue window appears "Further Options of Nominal
Actual Comparison".
Here, the following options are at your disposal:
 abort the part program if one value is excessive and/or too small;
 transfer the suitable feature to a statistical program or CAT1000S (for
CAT1000S, only position tolerances are possible)
 define the feature as reference for a
 assign to the feature a position number for the continuous numbering and
a sequence in the first sample test
Nominal and Actual Comparison
 assign to the feature a further identifier (e.g. drawing grid square) for
easier finding.
Additionally, you can also determine whether values of positions (positions) have
to be tolerated in the current or in the origin co-ordinate system.
Further Options for Nominal Actual Comparison
Click this button in the "Comparison of Nominal and Actual Values: Element
Circle" dialogue box for further actions after the comparison of nominal and
actual values. Below the headline "Further Options in the Nominal Actual
Comparison" you can then...
...exit the part program if above upper tolerance, or ...
...exit the part program if below lower tolerance.
This is only valid for bilateral tolerance, not for form and position
...the feature can be transferred to a statistical program. Therefore,
give the feature a name. When typing the first character, the "Report to
statistical program" button is available. It is also possible to type the
feature name only for the report.
You can specify user-defined feature names for your part programs. Type
these names in the "FeatureNames.txt" file. Before, you have to create
this file in your MCOSMOS directory in the "INI" folder. Then you can
select a predefined name from the "Feature name" drop-down combo box.
See also "User-defined feature names".
You can also transfer position tolerances to CAT1000S. The values are
recorded and can be used for calculations (for example best fit).
Additional information
 The position number can be used for example, for the measurement of
an initial sample inspection. In the Mitutoyo initial sample inspection report
the features are sorted according to this position number before printing.
This allows the measurement in a different order than the features are
requested in the report.
 The position label can be used if you want to use alphanumerical
characters instead of numbers for the position number (for example
PKN1, PKN2, PKN3, and so on). In the Mitutoyo initial sample inspection
report the features are sorted according to this position label before
The position label is sorted as text, that means the order of the position
labels 1A, 2A,...10A after sorting is 1A, 10A, 2A.
This can be avoided simply by adding a blank before single-digit position
labels (e.g. 1A).
You will find more detailed information about the priority of ASCII
characters in the Internet under the topic " ASCII table".
 A further designation can be, e.g. the grid square of a larger drawing, so
that the feature can be easily found.
Nominal and Actual Comparison
 A reference identification is used if the MMC can be applied. In the
drawing it may be specified that the MMC can also be applied for a
reference element (e.g. "A"). When the MMC can be applied in GEOPAK
you will find the possibility to enter this reference identification. During the
input, you get a list of the references already defined.
Position number and position label in a part program
When position numbers and position labels are used in a part program and when
the first characters of the position labels are numbers, the position labels are
sorted as follows:
If you use the position labels, for example "1A", "1B", "1C" and a position number
1 in a part program, then the sort sequence is 1, 1A, 1B, 1C.
Leading zeros in a position label are also taken into consideration. That means,
position labels with leading zeros, for example 001 and 01, are always followed
by a 1, namely in the sequence 001, 01, 1.
Example: The position labels 001, 002, 003 and the position numbers 1, 2, 3 are
sorted in the sequence 001, 002, 003, 1, 2, 3.
User-Defined Feature Names
In MCOSMOS you can specify user-defined feature names for the statistics.
In many part programs the measured parts have the same general features,
however, the specific features and the dimensions can vary. Therefore, it is
helpful if a distinction by the feature names is possible.
Type the user-defined names in the "FeatureNames.txt" file. Before, you have to
create this file in your MCOSMOS directory in the "INI" folder.
Details about "FeatureNames.txt" file
 When the file is available, the drop-down combo box is filled with the
entries of the file. The text box shows the first entry of the file as feature
 The maximum length of a feature name is 20 characters. Long feature
names are automatically reduced to 20 characters.
 Blanks before a feature name are part of the name and are not deleted
 Blanks at the end of a feature name are deleted automatically.
 Double feature names are not filtered automatically.
 Blank lines are ignored.
When the "FeatureNames.txt" file is not available or empty, type a feature
name directly into the corresponding drop-down combo box. When typing
at least one character, the "Report to statistical program" button is
Related topics
Further Options for Nominal Actual Comparison
Dialogue "Measurement mode"
Further Tolerance Options (CAT1000PS)
Further Tolerance Options (CAT1000S)
Nominal and Actual Comparison
Origin of Co-ordinate System
Normally, GEOPAK always converts the positions and directions into the current
co-ordinate system. With the development of a new function, we want to keep at
your disposal, at the end of a long part program, the possibility to tolerate the
positions in the original co-ordinate system.
The Situation
 You have a long part program and change the co-ordinate system several
 You want to execute all nominal-actual comparisons only at the end.
 You want to tolerate the positions in your original co-ordinate system that
actually is no longer at your disposal.
In the "Further Options for Nominal Actual Comparison"
dialogue window, click on the symbol on the right and activate for
tolerance of the positions the "Origin of Co-ordinate System". The symbol
on the left side always signifies the actual (last) co-ordinate system.
This is only valid for positions. Diameter or radius are independent from the
co-ordinate system.
CMM Movements
CMM Movements
Table of Contents
Clicking on the topics in the below table, you will obtain the required information
about this subject.
Machine Movement
Five Axes Movement
Move CMM along an Axis
Circular Movement
Drive Manually to Point
Manual Measurement Point
Joystick in Workpiece Co-ordinate System
Define Clearance Height
Safety Plane: Task / Procedure
Safety Plane: Further Details
Measurement Point
Measurement Point (Laser)
Measurement Point with Direction
Direction Entry via Variables
Groove Point
Measurement Point with Imaginary Point
Measurring Point on Circular Path
Probing of Edge Point
Automatic Line Measurement
Automatic Plane Measurement
Automatic Inclined Circle Measurement
Automatic Inclined Circle Measurement: Dialogue
Automatic circle measurement
Automatic cylinder measurement
Automatic Hole Measurement
Scanning of Known Elements
Scanning in YZ, ZX, RZ and Phi Z Planes
Element finished
Delete last measured point
Turn Rotary Table
Trigger Automatic
Rotary Table Themes
Rotary Table Types
Rotary Table: Calibration Method
Index Table: Calibration Method
Save Rotary Table Position
CNC Parameters
CMM Movements
Set up CNC Mode
Measurement Speed
Movement Speed
Safety Distance
Measurement Length
Positioning Accuracy
Optimized Movement
Change CNC parameters
High Precision Measurement
Calculations: Best Fit
Best Fit: Definition and Criterion
Two Purposes
Best Fit with a Fixed Number of Points
Best Fit with a Variable Number of Points
Degrees of Freedom for Best Fit
Tolerance and MMC for Best fit
Graphics for Best fit
Minimum / Maximum Calculation
Best Fit
Machine Movement
Before you can use the part program command "Move", you first have to switch
from joystick to CNC mode. For this, proceed via the menu bar "Measurement"
and select the function "CNC on/off". The status line shows the current status
(LED symbol next to the CMM symbol).
You can either click the icon, which is located in the tool bar for the
machine (left margin) or select via the menu bar "Measurement / Move". In both
cases you get the dialogue window "Move".
On the left side, you see the icon. If you want to move the machine
to a specific position, click here and input the co-ordinates of this position.
By a click on the arrow on the right end of the input fields, you can recall
the last inputs. Furthermore you can define variables (e.g. store Z) in the
"Formula Calculation"; then you can use these variables for the input.
Now you can select which Types of Co-ordinate Systems you want to use;
at any time, you can click on the corresponding symbol.
With a click into the middle symbol of the left column you make
possible the function "Relative KMG movement". Now you feed in your
changes and move the probe from the last position to the new. You can
decide for one of the three offered coordinate system types.
The in-home position depends on the construction of the machine;
it is the position where it goes after power up.
Depending on the actual position of the machine, these movements
can lead to a collision.For the in-home movement, the machine moves
along the spindle axis first, then the two other axes together.
If you need the actual position of the machine in your input window
(e.g. because you only want to change one of the values), click on the
CMM Movements
Move CMM along an Axis
Through this part program command, it is possible to move the probe in an axis.
Enable the part program command via the menu bar "Machine / Move in one
 Just enter the value of the target co-ordinate in the axis. The input is only
possible in Cartesian.
If you want to display the data of the point where the probe is now
situated, click on the symbol.
Normally, the program supposes moving along an axis in the part co-ordinate
system, but shifting to the machine co-ordinate system is possible. Proceed as
 Keep the dialogue window "Move in one axis".
 Click on "Co-ordinate System" in the menu bar and in the pull-down menu
on "Determine Co-ordinate System".
In the following dialogue window, choose in the upper icon bar the
symbol "CMM Co-ordinates" and confirm through "Ok".
 This way, you overwrite the co-ordinate system.
Move in five axes (GEOPAK)
The "Move in five axes" GEOPAK dialogue is reached via the GEOPAK
menu bar / Machine / Move in five axes or by clicking the button in the toolbar.
If the "Move in five axes" button is not available in the toolbar, you have to
configure the toolbar. Refer to the topic "Adjusting toolbars".
Your CMM must be configured as follows so that you can work with this dialogue:
 Renishaw-Revo probing system with RSP2
 UCC2 CMM controller
 UCC Server (Renishaw I++ Server)
Contrary to moving the probing head in three axes (for example PH10), you
can move in five axes with rotating/swivelling probe heads (for example with the
Renishaw Revo probing system).
This means that movement in the three machine axes and in the two swivel head
axes is done simultaneously while moving to the target position. The advantage
as compared with older index probing heads is that movement is not first in the
machine axes and then the probing head afterwards. Instead the movements
take place simultaneously and thus you save time.
For information about the principles, refer to the GEOPAK topic "Move Machine".
Either you input the co-ordinates of the target position and the A angle (-5 to 120
degrees) and the B angle (-180 to 180 degrees).
Or you enter the co-ordinates of the target position and the probing direction.
CMM Movements
The machine control decides whether to rotate left or right for swivelling the
B angle. Make sure that the ranges of both rotation directions are not
blocked by obstacles.
Probing direction
Click the selection button in order to use the "Probing direction".
Enter the direction vector. The probe is swivelled in the range using this direction
vector. You specify the display of the vector in the GEOPAK dialogue box "Input
characteristics (GEOPAK / File / Settings / Input characteristics). The direction
vector is displayed either as angle or as cosine. Refer to the topic "Input
For standard tasks use the current co-ordinate system (workpiece coordinate system).
In exceptional cases, however, you can also use the machine co-ordinate
You can reverse the direction vectors.
Click "OK" to confirm.
The part program command "Move in five axes" is created. The probe of your
CMM is swivelled.
Further options
You can choose between the co-ordinate modes cartesian,
cylindrical and spherical.
When clicking the "Position of machine" button, the current position of the
machine is used.
When clicking the "Read actual angles" button, the current angles are
entered into the text boxes.
Move Circular
The "Move Circular" part program command serves the purpose of getting the
probe on the quickest way from the start point to the end point. You access the
dialogue through the menu bar "Machine / Circular Movement". This part program
command can be used in the CNC mode only.
There are two methods offered for the "Move circular" part program command.
Method 1
This method (default setting) uses three points. From those points will be
calculated the circular path shaped movement of the probe.
Perform the following steps:
 First determine in the "Move Circular" window which co-ordinate mode
you want to use.
 Enter the co-ordinates of start, pass through and end point, and then click
CMM Movements
It is also possible, however, that you use the CMM symbol to enter the
current CMM position.
In any case, the CMM with the probe first moves from the current position
to the start position.
1 = Start point
2 = Pass through point
3 = End point
Movement commands issued by CAT1000P as "Move Circular" within an element
measurement cycle will be stored automatically in the part program.
The centre of the circle must be located within the CMM volume.
Use this symbol to change to "Method 2".
Method 2
This method allows you to determine the movement path by
 Driving plane,
 Radius,
 Start and End angle,
 Driving direction (using the symbols: clockwise or counter clockwise)
 Centre of circle.
For the centre of circle you select (see above) the co-ordinate mode or the
CMM's current position. This is, of course, based on the assumption that you
(can) move the probe precisely to the position which is to become the centre of
This "Method 2" is not for use in space, but only in the driving planes XY,
YZ and ZX. The angles refer to the first axis of the base plane. The centre
of the circle must be located within the CMM volume.
Use this symbol to change to "Method 1".
CMM Movements
Move manually to point
Drive to a certain position
If you wish to measure at a certain position of the part with a manual CMM you
can make use of the part program command "Move manually to point". To open
the dialogue box choose "Machine / Move manually to point" from the menu bar.
Make the following entries:
 the coordinates of the desired position
 the precision to reach the position (in the "Capture range" text box of the
dialogue box).
In the Cartesian mode simply click on the icon to determine the axes to be
considered. This option is available in the Cartesian mode only. In the polar mode
the influence of the individual axes is extremely high so that it is useless to select
a single value.
Display window
 After confirmation a window indicating the determined coordinates on the
right will be displayed.
 The numbers in blue on the left indicate the distances of the nominal
positions along the machine axes.
 It is possible to clamp two axes each and to drive in one axis only.
 If the "Capture range" of the axes has been reached the digits are
displayed in green.
 The window disappears as soon as the numbers for every selected axis
are green.
Measure point manually
You can see the "Measure point manually" part program command in the part
program and in the "Machine" menu of the editor. In learn mode, this command is
automatically ended. This means,
 for each element that you record at a manual CMM, and
 at a CNC-CMM for elements that are measured in manual mode (before
the "CNC ON" command).
It is possible to reuse the "Measure point manually" part program
command in an element. For example if you want to realise a change of
probe between the measurement points.
Measure point manually with predefinition
This part program command enables the user to display the measurement points
in the CAD model during manual measurement. The probing position of the point
to be measured next is shown.
In GEOPAK the manual measurement points have to be defined in the learn
In CAT1000 the command will be learned automatically.
This command can be applied only in combination with CAT1000.
CMM Movements
Proceed as follows
This command is available only for a manual CMM or for a CNC-CMM in manual
mode (before the "CNC ON" command).
 Start the GEOPAKLearn mode .
 Choose an Element.
Click this icon in the GEOPAK "Measurement toolbar" or
 choose "Machine/Measure point manually with pre-def." from the menu
 In the upper part of the dialogue box enter the position of the
measurement point.
 In the lower part of the dialogue box enter the probing direction of the
measurement point.
 Click OK to start.
 CAT1000 starts automatically.
 The manual measurement points are shown in the CAD model in the
learn and in the repeat mode. The colour of the measurement points
depends on the state.
CMM Movements
The points already measured are green (1)
The point to be measured next flashes red (2)
The successive points are grey (3)
It is possible to change the colours for the representation of the
measurement points. For more detailed information refer to the
CAT1000PS online help to the topic "Settings for probe display".
Joystick in Workpiece Co-ordinate System
Use this function (menu bar / Machine / Joystick movement in workpiece coordinate system) to move the probe in the workpiece co-ordinate system,
however subject to the condition that you have already activated this option in the
PartManager via the menu bar Settings / Defaults for programs / GEOPAK /
You should know
Of course, you can only use the function in manual mode with a joystick.
This mode is possible in learn, relearn and repeat mode.
The function is not learnable.
But you can use the function also when the co-ordinate system has not
been fully defined.
The functionality requires that you have an appropriate control and a CMM.
If the joystick mode in the workpiece co-ordinate system is active and thus
changes the co-ordinate system, a warning message is returned. You can
close this message with a click on this warning window. The CMM
continues working in the background.
Define Clearance Height
The clearance height is a height, where the machine will drive to automatically
before and after measurement of each element. This will avoid in many cases,
the need to add intermediate positions between elements.
CMM Movements
Activate "Machine / Clearance Height" via the menu bar.
In the following dialog, click the symbol (left) to define the clearance height
in the text box (right).
You define the axis in which axis to move via the axis symbols (in the picture
it is the X axis) The selected axis is displayed.
To get help, you can call the actual machine position via the symbol.
Deactivate the clearance height by clicking once more on the symbol.
Move to Clearance Height
The clearance height is always automatically moved between two elements. But
you can also move the machine to the actual clearance height whenever you
want. This can be useful, e.g. for tests. Then, click on the part program command
"Move to clearance height" in the "Machine" menu. This procedure has the same
effect as "Move in one axis".
Safety Plane: Task / Procedure
The error height is meant to be the height that you drive in case of a machine
error, for example at a collision. In opposition with the clearance height, several
error heights can exist. This function is mostly used in part programs for palette
operation or for shifts without any attendance. The error height ensures that, for
example in case of a collision at a part, the measurement passes on to the next
That is why you must define the error height in a way that the CMM is able to
• duly terminate the "Collision Measurement" and
• the next part can unobstructedly be driven
To ensure this, it may be useful to define several clearance heights. In case of an
error, the safety planes defined in the part program are worked off according to
priority. If, for example, the safety planes 1-3 have been defined, these are
worked off in the sequence 3, 2, 1. The safety plane definitions need to be
consecutive and may not have gaps (e.g. 4, 2, 1 is not possible).
Activate the function via the "Machine / Safety plane" menu bar.
You can define the error heights at the symbol. The numbers are
automatically counted (upwards) and displayed.
You can change the last defined error height.
You can delete the last defined error height.
For security, you should reduce the Movement Speed(in the dialog below
on the left).
For detailed information about this topic, refer to Safety Plane: Further
CMM Movements
Safety Plane: Further Details
One co-ordinate axis per safety plane
For each defined safety plane, the co-ordinate axis is selected for which a coordinate value is given that shall be approached in case of an error. If, for
example, the co-ordinate value 50,0 has been given for the co-ordinate "Z", the
machine moves to Z=50,0 in case of an error, but X and Y remain unchanged.
For simple parts which are only measured in one view (e.g. circuit boards or flat
punchings), the above input at the beginning of the part program is sufficient.
If measurement takes place in a further view which usually also entails a change
of the probe and the co-ordinate system, this normally requires the definition of a
further safety plane. After conclusion of the measurements in this view, this
safety plane needs to be redefined.
Move to probe system
The approached co-ordinate value refers to the defined probe. Furthermore, the
system moves to the corresponding probe after it has reached the safety plane if
a rotary probe system is used. I.e., the current probe is moved to safety plane.
The probe offset, however, corresponds to the offset of the defined probe in the
safety plane command.
The procedure for defining a co-ordinate system number is analogous to the one
described above. The corresponding co-ordinate system is downloaded and
movement takes place accordingly.
Parallel to probe axis
Usually, a safety plane is approached parallel to an axis of the workpiece coordinate system. When using a rotary probe system, movement may also take
place parallel to the probe head axis. This is, for example, required in case of an
inclined bore for the measurement of which the co-ordinate system is not
changed. For this, activate the option "Along probe head axis". Then, the probe
moves alongside the probe head axis (that corresponds approximately to the
bore axis) and to the defined co-ordinate value.
If, however, a collision occurs while the safety planes are worked off, the pallet
mode stops.
Measurement Point
To determine the measurement point (touch point) either use the joystick
box and click the "Meas" button and then touch your work piece with the probe or
choose "Machine / Measure CNC point" from the menu bar. You can also click
this icon in the machine tools and the corresponding dialogue box appears.
Normally, there are two possibilities to define a measurement point.
Quick Overview
1. Point on workpiece: This method works with a theoretical touch point
and the direction to the touch point. The program knows the probe radius and the
safety distance.
CMM Movements
stylus ball radius
theoretical touch point
travelling direction
safety distance
Use this method if you work according to the specifications of a
mechanical drawing or CAD model.
2. Probe centre:Here, you specify the location of the probe centre a certain
distance away from the surface point. In addition, the probing direction is also
start position
travelling direction
change over point
Use this method if only the approximate position of the measurement
point on the workpiece is known.
Point on workpiece:
During the input of the co-ordinates, you can choose from the following three
Types of Co-ordinate Systems . Just click the icon for the type of co-ordinate
system you want. GEOPAK always starts with the cartesian co-ordinate system.
Co-ordinate mode cartesian
CMM Movements
Co-ordinate mode cylindrical
Co-ordinate mode spherical
types of co-ordinate systems
drop-down lists
 Enter the co-ordinates for the theoretical touch point or
 click the arrow and choose the data from the last ten measurements in
the drop-down lists or
select the data of the machine position (icon).
The program knows the Safety Distance and the probe diameter and uses them
to calculate the movement.
movement speed
measurement speed
You have to input the direction for the movement of the probe system. For that,
you have two possibilities:
I Input of direction:
Input of the direction is done in the drop-down lists
next to the icons. Enter the angles of the travelling direction for the axes X, Y and
CMM Movements
change direction vector
drop-down lists
The angles can be input through one of the following three methods:
 Enter the values or
 click the arrow and choose a value from the drop-down lists
click the icons and change the direction vectors of the X, Y or Z
component if you wish to measure from the opposite direction. Example:
change X=90° to X=270°.
II Imaginary point: During this method you determine the direction by a
"Point on workpiece" and an imaginary target point. Normally this is the point of
origin of the element to be measured.
measurement point
imaginary point
Enter the data for the imaginary target point into the three drop-down lists.
machine position
drop-down lists
The description of the drop-down lists indicates which Co-ordinate mode you
have selected (e.g. cartesian co-ordinate system with the components X, Y Z.)
CMM Movements
Use this method when the exact direction can be defined more simply by
two points.
For this method the icons of the direction vectors and the drop-down lists
are deactivated.
A click on the icon shows the actual position of the probe; this
position means the co-ordinates in the part co-ordinate system and it is
immediately transformed to the selected co-ordinate system type.
Centre of Probe: In this case you do not input the theoretical touch point but
the point in front of the material where the machine switches from movement
speed into measurement speed.
When you determine the "change over point" you can choose between the three
Types of Co-ordinate Systems (see above).
Clamping of MPP Axes
When using the MPP probe system (Mitutoyo Profile Probe) it is possible to
clamp individual axes for the single point measurement. Clamping of the axes is
done parallel to the CMM axes. When activating the "Clamp axis of MPP"
function, slipping of the probe on the surface of the workpiece can be avoided.
MPP single point measurement without clamped axes
expected touch point
actual touch point
probe offset
It is possible to clamp up to two axes for one measurement point and one axis
when using the "groove point" function.
For more detailed information, refer to "Groove point"
CMM Movements
MPP single point measurement with clamped X axis
measurement without offset
With the function "Automatic clamping" those axes are clamped that are
perpendicular to the CMM axes within +-1,2 degrees. This value can be changed
in the "Machine.ini" file in the "[MPP]" sector.
Laser probe
For working with a laser probe, refer to the topic Measurement Point (Laser).
Measurement Point (Laser)
For the topic "Measurement point (probing point)" you must always differentiate
between point measurement and scanning measurement. For point
measurement, proceed as described by the topic Measurement Point. When
working with a laser probe, this dialogue is extended by the functions
"Surface mode" or
"Edge mode" respectively.
To switch between the surface and the edge mode, use the tool bar (see ill.
below). However, a change between a surface and an edge measurement must
in any case be announced to the machine control before starting a new
You can also use a joystick for probing.
For detailed information about measuring with a laser probe, refer to the topic
group Laser Probe "WIZprobe".
CMM Movements
Measurement Point with Direction
To determine the measurement point (touch point) choose "Machine" from
the menu bar and the part program command "Measure CNC point" or click this
icon in the machine tools and the corresponding dialogue box appears.
In order to determine the measurement point, you have three options (for detailed
information refer to Measurement Point ). One of the three possibilities is the
Measurement point with direction: At this procedure, you do not have a
theoretic workpiece. Select a centre of probe with direction in which the probe
must move.
Use this method if only the approximate position of the measurement
point on the workpiece is known.
Choose from the following three Types of Co-ordinate Systems .
Co-ordinate mode cartesian
Co-ordinate mode cylinder
Co-ordinate mode sphere
types of co-ordinate systems
drop-down lists
 Enter the data for a change over point into the three drop-down lists or
 click the arrow and choose the data from the last ten measurements in
the drop-down lists or
CMM Movements
select the data of the machine position (icon).
start position
travelling direction
change over point
Enter the direction for the movement of the probe system.
Input of the direction is done in the drop-down lists next to the "Change
direction vector" icons. Enter the angles of the travelling direction for the axes X,
Y and Z.
change direction vector
drop-down lists
You have three possibilities:
 Enter the values or
 select a value from the drop-downs lists or
click the icons and change the direction vectors of the X, Y or Z
component if you wish to measure from the opposite direction. Example:
change X=0° to X=180°.
Direction Entry via Variables
Apart from the possibility to enter fixed angles or components of the direction
vector, you can also enter values via variables. In this case please observe that
 all components of the direction value are defined via variables and
 the sum of the squared components is 1.
CMM Movements
Measure Point with Head Touch
With the command "Measure point with head touch" you can measure a
measurement point simply by moving the probe head in two axis. The CMM itself
does not move.
 In the "CMM System Manager" in the "MachineBuilder" one of the
following probe heads is defined: PH20 or REVO.
 A "UCC Server" (Renishaw I++ Server) is available.
 A Renishaw UC controller is available.
 The probe head is rotated to the desired probe angle.
 The CMM is positioned so that the probe is above the part.
Calling the function
 Start the CMM learn mode.
 On the "CMM" menu, click "Measure point with head touch".
Or click the "Measure point with head touch" button.
 The "Measure point with head touch" dialogue box appears.
"Measure point with head touch" dialogue box
Determine measurement point
Determine the co-ordinates of the measurement point:
 Before you determine the co-ordinates of the measurement point, select
one of the three "Types of Co-ordinate Systems".
Cartesian co-ordinate system
CMM Movements
Cylindrical co-ordinate system
Spherical co-ordinate system
Click the "Position of machine" button if you want to use the current
CMM position for the measurement point.
 The XYZ co-ordinates are automatically entered into the corresponding
combo boxes.
Click the "Point on workpiece" button if the co-ordinates of the
measurement point should be directly on the surface of the part. To avoid
collisions, the defined position is moved by the safety distance and the
probe radius.
Click the "Centre of probe" button if the position should not be
moved by the safety distance. The CMM moves directly to the defined
Determine probing direction
To determine the probing direction, define the angles of the probing direction for
the axes X, Y and Z:
 Type a value into the combo boxes or select a value from the list.
If you want to measure from the opposite direction, click the "Change
direction vector" button.
Determine stylus direction
The stylus direction is the direction between the angle of the probe head from
head to tip and the co-ordinate system. The co-ordinate system can either be the
current part co-ordinate system or the machine co-ordinate system.
Click the "Actual co-ordinate system" button to use the current part
co-ordinate system for the definition of the stylus direction.
Click the "Machine co-ordinates" button to use the machine coordinates for the definition of the stylus direction.
Click the "Read actual angles" button to update the stylus direction
according to the current probe angle.
 Click "OK" and the measurement point is measured.
See also
Automatic Line Measurement
Automatic Circle Measurement
Automatic Cylinder Measurement
Behavior of the UCC Server in Certain
Measurement Situations
During measurement with head touch, when only the probe head is moved, it
may occur in certain measurement situations that the UCC server shows a
different behavior than expected by the user.
CMM Movements
This special behavior occurs in the following measurement situations:
 Measurement of outer circles, outer cylinders and planes: When the
stylus tip is moved from one measurement position to the next, there is a
risk of collision if the critical angle is exceeded. This critical angle is
defined as the angle between the mounting direction of the probe and the
element axis.
 Measurement of small vertical bores: When the stylus tip is moved
from one measurement position to the next, there is a risk of collision with
the edge of the hole, when only the rotation angle of the B axis is moved
and the rotation angle of the A axis remains at 0°. The reason for this is,
that due to the construction of the probe and its mechanical tolerances,
the stylus tip does not remain at a fixed position but follows a small circle:
"Eccentricity of the probe".
How does MCOSMOS deal with the special behavior of the UCC
To make sure that the simulation and the collision check can deal with the special
behavior of the UCC server, MCOSMOS defines strict limits. These limits are
described in detail in the table below:
 If necessary, MCOSMOS creates intermediate positions.
 If the measurement with head touch does not work or if the measurement
approaches the limits, MCOSMOS tries to use a different touch mode:
• If the touch mode "Fixed quill" does not work, MCOSMOS tries
to carry out the measurement with the touch mode "All axes".
• If the touch mode "All axes" does not work, MCOSMOS tries to
carry out the measurement with the normal CMM probing.
and touch mode
with "Fixed quill"
Small bore with
"Fixed quill"
Small bore with
"All axes"
If the angle between the mounting direction of the probe
and the element axis is greater than 3°, intermediate
positions are created.
The value 3° can be set in GEOWIN.INI.
This affects the elements outer circle and plane, and in
CAT1000 also the elements outer cone and outer ball.
Measurement takes place if the following conditions are
 The radius of the circle is 6 times larger than the
radius that results from the "Eccentricity of the
probe". This factor cannot be changed.
 If the angle between the mounting direction of the
probe and the element axis is greater than 15°.
The value 15° can be set in GEOWIN.INI.
If the measurement fails, GEOPAK tries to carry out the
measurement with the touch mode "All axes".
Measurement takes place if the stylus angle is greater
than 2°.
The value 2° cannot be changed.
If the measurement fails, GEOPAK tries to carry out the
measurement with the normal CMM probing.
CMM Movements
See also
Measure Point with Head Touch
Head Touch (PH20/REVO)
Dual Flank Point
Differently from the touch trigger system, which records a measurement point at
the first contact with the part, you can drive with a scanning probe e.g. in a vformed slot so that the ball is fitting at the same time to the two flanks (see
pictures below).
Start of probing
Contact and change of direction
Dual flank point
The probing must always be vertically realised to the Z-axis.
It is always the centre of probe that is output.
The lead of the worm or thread must not exceed 15 degrees.
Lead of a worm
You get this function via the "Menu Bar / Machine / Measure CNC Point".
Click on the icon on the left in the following dialogue.
Cf. the topic Measurement Point with Direction .
Self Centering Point
With the "Measure self centering point" command you can find the deepest
position in a conical hole without probing in vertical direction to the Z axis. It is
always the centre of the probe that is output. A probe radius compensation is not
carried out.
CMM Movements
 In the "CMM System Manager" in the "MachineBuilder" you have defined
a scanning probe, for example a SP25M or a MMP300.
 Your CMM disposes of a ROM that supports the "Measure self centering
point" command.
Starting the command
 On the GEOPAK "Machine" menu, click "Measure self centering point".
Or click the "Measure self centering point" button.
 The "Measure self centering point" dialogue box appears.
"Measure self centering point" dialogue box
Start point
 Select one of the three "Types of Co-ordinate Systems ".
 Use the X, Y and Z co-ordinates to define the position of the start point.
The CMM moves to this position before the scanning probe approaches
the part surface.
Click the "Position of machine" button if you want to use the current
position of the CMM as start point.
Approach speed
Use the direction vectors for the X, Y, and Z component to define the
approach direction of the scanning probe.
CNC parameters
 In the "Meas. speed" combo box enter a value for the measurement
speed. You can find the optimum measurement speed in the
documentation of your scanning probe.
 In the "Deflection" combo box enter a value for the deflection of your
scanning probe. For more information, see "Deflection".
CMM Movements
 In the "Retraction dist." combo box enter the value by which the probe is
retracted from the part after a measurement point is recorded. For more
information, see "Retraction distance".
 Click "OK".
 The following steps are carried out in sequence.
1 – The CMM moves to the start point with movement speed.
2 – The scanning probe approaches the part with the defined measurement
3 – Contact to the part.
4 – The scanning probe moves to the centre until there is no deflection.
5 – The measurement point is recorded.
6 – The scanning probe is retracted by the defined retraction distance.
See also
Dual Flank Point
Dual Flank Scan
Measurement Point with Imaginary Point
To determine the measurement point (touch point) choose "Machine" from the
menu bar and the part program command "Measure CNC point".
Or click this icon in the machine tools and the corresponding dialogue box
In order to determine the measurement point, you have three options (for detailed
information refer to Measurement Point). One of the three possibilities is the
CMM Movements
Measurement point with imaginary point: During this method you
determine the direction by a "Point on the workpiece" and an imaginary target
point. Normally this is the point of origin of the element to be measured.
measurement point
imaginary point
Use this method when the exact direction can be defined more simply by
two points.
Proceed as follows
Choose from the following threeTypes of Co-Ordinate Systems .
Co-ordinate mode cartesian
Co-ordinate mode cylinder
Co-ordinate mode sphere
types of co-ordinate systems
drop-down lists
 Enter the data for a change over point into the three drop-down lists or
 click the arrow and choose the data from the last ten measurements in
the drop-down lists or
select the data of the machine position (icon).
Enter the data for the imaginary target point into the three drop-down lists.
CMM Movements
machine position
drop-down lists
For this method the icons of the direction vectors and the drop-down lists are
Start position as a proposal
You can also select the start position that you have already entered by
clicking this icon. In this case the co-ordinates of the start position for travelling to
the imaginary destination are taken over. You will use this option when you intend
to change only one co-ordinate, for example. As, however, GEOPAK calculates
the probing direction from the difference of the co-ordinates, at least one coordinate needs to be changed.
Measure Point on Circular Path
When measuring round workpieces with a bulge, the position of the bulge may be
unknown. You can use the function " Measure Point on Circular Path" to move
the probe on a circular (see ill. below) to determine a measurement point on the
Start point of the circular movement
Probe vector vertical to radius
Measure point
Start angle
Axis of co-ordinate system (dependent on
driving plane)
CMM Movements
 But first you have to call up the dialogue "Element point" and to go to
"Type of construction" to select
You should deactivate the option "Measure automatic" because
otherwise you will get the dialogue "Measurement point" which is
superfluous and which you will then have to click away.
 In the dialogue "Element point", click "OK" to activate the desired function
in the menu "Machine".
The dialogue "Measure Point on Circular Path" is almost identical to the dialogue
"Circular Movement (Method 2)". When probing a measurement point on circular
path, there is only a start and no end angle.
As soon as the function is active, the CMM moves parallel to the selected
movement plane. When the probe touches the targeted object, the measurement
point is recorded and the probe moves back to the position at which it has started
the circular movement.
You can only use this functionality when your CMM is equipped with one of the
following ROM version numbers:
• UC200 ROM version v3.5 or higher
• UC300 ROM version v6.6 or higher
• UC400 and UC500 ROM: any version number
The minimum radius required for a circular movement is 1 mm.
Measure point manually with pre-probing
If you want to probe an edge point at a thin sheet, you can realize this in
GEOPAK with a special probing strategy. This strategy can also be applied if the
sheet you want to measure is bent compared with the model or the learnt part.
Near the edge point on the sheet, one or several probing processes will be
executed. The height of the real edge probing will be calculated out of these
preceding probing processes (surface points). It is possible to independently
adapt the safety distance from the general setting, separately according to your
required edge and surface point(s).
 Select the element "Point".
 On the "Machine" menu click "Measure point manually with pre-probing".
The following dialogue is divided in "Edge Point" and "Surface Point".
CMM Movements
Representation for all Options of the Edge Measurement
1 = Edge point; 2 = Measurement Deepness; 3 = Edge Point Probing
Representation for the "1 Surface Point" Option
1 = Distance Edge/Surface Point; 2 = Surface Point Probing Direction
At the "1 Surface Point" option, the height will be adjusted.
Representation from top
1 Surface Point
Red Point = Preceding Probing Point
2 Surface Points
1 = Distance Edge/Surface Point; 2 = Min. Edge Distance
If there exist two surface points, not only the height but also the direction of the
edge probing will be adjusted.
CMM Movements
3 Surface Points
1 = Distance Edge/Surface Point; 2 = Min. Edge Distance
If there are three surface points, also a lateral bending of the sheet will be
Automatic Line Measurement
To open the dialogue box
 choose "Machine / Automatic element measurement / Line" from the
menu bar or
click on this icon in the tool bar on the left margin of the GEOPAK
main window or
in the GEOPAK learn mode
click the "Automatic measurement" icon in the "Line" dialogue box.
Element geometry
 Enter the number of measurement points to calculate the element.
 Enter the length of the line measurement.
 Choose the "driving plane".
In the dialogue box you can see the probing mode depending on the selected
"driving plane" (example in the picture below).
yellow: driving direction, orange: measuring direction
Start point
In the "Automatic line measurement" dialogue box, enter the co-ordinates of the
start point (depends on the type of co-ordinate system).
Click the "CMM position" button to enter the current CMM position into the
input fields.
CMM Movements
This is the angle between the line in driving direction and the first axis of the
driving plane, i.e. if you enter an angle of 30 or 210 degrees you will achieve the
opposite measuring direction (see picture below).
1: Start point
2: Length
Choose the "Probing" icons if you wish to probe
 in the driving plane
 along the driving direction
 to the right or to the left.
Head touch (PH20/REVO)
PH20 and REVO require an I++ server. Consequently the settings for the
probe head, such as head speed and head acceleration are set in the "Set
I++ property" dialog box in GEOPAK.
The movement method "Scanning" is not available for head touch.
The "Head touch" group box is available only if a probe head suitable for
head touch is selected in the MachineBuilder (for example a PH20).
The touch mode "Fixed quill" is not available for the automatic line
Click this button to activate the "Head touch" combo box.
 The touch mode "All axes" is displayed in the list.
 If the current stylus angle is known, type the value in the "Stylus angle"
combo box.
Click the "Read actual angles" button if the current stylus angle is not
CMM Movements
The stylus angle is the angle in part co-ordinates where the measurement
starts. When probing in the XY plane, it is the angle to the Z axis (A
Stylus angle during head touch
For more information, see "Scan settings" and "Scanning of known elements ".
Click this link for additional information about "Filter contour".
Automatic Plane Measurement
At the automatic plane measurement, the driving strategy is the same as in the
automatic circle measurement. That means the measurement points will be
distributed on a circle. The probing is done vertically to the driving plane.
To open the dialogue box
click this button in the CMM tools or
 choose "Machine / Automatic element measurement / Plane" from the
menu bar or
in the GEOPAK learn mode
click the "Automatic measurement" button in the "Plane" dialogue box.
Element geometry
 Enter the number of measurement points to calculate the element.
 Enter the circle diameter for the calculation of the measurement points of
the plane measurement.
 Choose the "driving plane".
In the dialogue box you can see the probing mode depending on the selected
"driving plane" (example in the picture below).
CMM Movements
yellow: driving direction, orange: measuring direction
In the "Automatic plane measurement" dialogue box enter the co-ordinates of the
centre depending on the type of co-ordinate system.
Click the "CMM position" button to enter the current CMM position into the
input fields.
With the symbols, you determine whether your probe by moving up or
down (in positive or negative plane direction).
If your CMM has the possibility of driving a circular path, you should activate
this (see symbol) if you measure the base of a circumferential groove. You avoid
intermediate positions that would be necessary if you would drive on straight
If you can move from a measurement point to the next one without a collision, the
straight way is the fastest and shortest.
Click the "Counter clockwise" or "Clockwise" button to determine the
direction of the circular path.
Slot Width
If your CMM is not able of driving a circular path, you should input, in case of
a circumferential groove, a slot width (see symbol). This slot width indicates how
much place is available for moving around. GEOPAK then calculates the driving
ways between the probing positions, this means
 out of this slot width,
 out of the actual ball diameter and
 out of the safety distance.
The number of the calculated intermediate positions is always the smallest
possible. It depends essentially on the number of measurement points and the
slot width.
CMM Movements
Head touch (PH20/REVO)
PH20 and REVO only run with an I++ server. Therefore the settings
for the probe head such as speed and acceleration are determined in
the "Set I++ property" dialogue box in GEOPAK.
When "head touch" is selected, the movement methods "Circular
movement", "Slot width", "Thread pitch" and "Scanning" are not
Using the head touch method the measurement points can be measured only by
moving the probe in two axes. With this method special elements such as inner
circles and inner cylinders can be measured faster.
Only when a probe head suitable for head touch is selected in the
MachineBuilder (for example PH20), the "Head touch" group box is
Click this button to open the "Head touch" drop-down list box.
 From the drop-down list box select one of the following probing modes:
• "Fixed quill" - the measurement points are measured without
movement of the CMM.
• "All axes" - the measurement points are measured by
movement of the CMM and of the probe head (5 axis
For the automatic plane measurement only the "Fixed quill" method is
For detailed information about the "Scanning" group box, refer to "Scan settings"
and " Scanning of known elements ".
Automatic Circle Measurement
You can use the "Automatic Circle Measurement" if you measure a circle or an
ellipse. As part measurement, you can use the "Automatic Circle Measurement"
also for a cylinder, a cone or a sphere.
To open the dialogue box
click this button in the CMM tools or
 choose "Machine / Automatic Element Measurement / Circle" from the
menu bar or
in the GEOPAK learn mode
click the "Automatic measurement" button in the "Circle" dialogue box.
Element geometry
 Choose whether the circle should be measured in a bore hole or on a bolt
or a shaft.
CMM Movements
 Enter the number of measurement points to calculate the element.
 In the "Diameter" text box, enter the nominal diameter. The ball diameter
and safety distance are automatically calculated by GEOPAK.
 Choose the "driving plane".
In the dialogue box you can see the probing mode depending on the selected
"driving plane" (example in the picture below).
yellow: driving direction, orange: measuring direction
In the "Automatic circle measurement" dialogue box enter the co-ordinates of the
centre depending on the type of co-ordinate system.
Click the "CMM position" button to enter the current CMM position into the
text boxes.
The option "Direction to the left or to the right" is only relevant if you
only measure the part of a circle.
If your CMM has the possibility of driving a circular path, you should activate
this (see symbol) if you measure an outer circle (bolt). You avoid intermediate
positions that would be necessary if you would drive on straight lines.
At an inner circle (bore hole), the straight way is the fastest and shortest.
Slot Width
If your CMM is not able of driving a circular path, you should input, in case of
an outer circle, a slot width. This slot width indicates how much place is available
for moving around. GEOPAK then calculates the driving ways between the
probing positions, this means
 out of this slot width,
 out of the actual ball diameter and
 out of the safety distance.
The number of the calculated intermediate positions is always the smallest
possible. It essentially depends on the number of meas. points and the slot width.
Thread Pitch
If you want to measure the position of a thread hole, click on the symbol and
input the thread pitch.
CMM Movements
If the symbol is not activated, the CMM will drive on the same height. That would
falsify the position (see pictures below). If you have input the thread pitch, the
probing always takes place under the same conditions. This way, a good position
determination is possible.
Without thread pitch
With thread pitch
Head touch (PH20/REVO)
PH20 and REVO require an I++ server. Consequently the settings for
the probe head, such as head speed and head acceleration are set in
the "Set I++ property" dialog box in GEOPAK.
The movement methods "Circular path", "Slot width" and "Scanning"
are not available for head touch.
The movement method "Thread pitch" is only available if "All axes" is
selected as touch mode.
During head touch the measurement points can be measured only by moving the
probe head in two axes. This method allows a faster measurement of smaller
circles and cylinders.
The "Head touch" group box is available only if a probe head suitable
for head touch is selected in the MachineBuilder (for example a
Click this button to activate the "Head touch" combo box.
 Select one of the following touch modes from the list:
• "Fixed quill" - the measurement points are measured without
movement of the CMM.
• "All axes" - the measurement points are measured by
movement of the CMM and of the probe head (5 axis
CMM Movements
The "Stylus angle" and "Read actual angles" combo boxes are
available only if "All axes" is selected.
 If the current stylus angle is known, type the value in the "Stylus angle"
combo box.
Click the "Read actual angles" button if the current stylus angle is not
The stylus angle is the angle in part co-ordinates where the measurement
starts. When probing in the XY plane, it is the angle to the Z axis (A
Stylus angle during head touch
For small holes that are to be measured with head touch there is a risk
that the stylus collides at the edge of the hole. If this problem occurs,
the selection of the probing mode "fixed quill" (head touch) is
cancelled and measurement is carried out with CMM probing.
Depending on the geometry of the system it is possible to measure the
hole with a combination of head touch and CMM probing. For more
information, see "PH20 I++ Integrators Guide - V 8.0".
For more information about the "Scanning" group box, see "Scan settings" and
"Scanning of known elements ".
Click this link for additional information about "Filter contour".
Automatic circle measurement with thread pitch
For the automatic circle measurement with thread pitch the movement of the 3rd
axis depends on different parameters
 Clockwise or counter clockwise selection
 Sign of the thread pitch
The table below shows how an automatic circle measurement with a selected
thread pitch works in the XY plane.
CMM Movements
Sign of thread pitch
Clockwise or Counter
Counter clockwise
Counter clockwise
Movement of 3rd
Z value increases
Z value decreases
Z value decreases
Z value increases
Automatic Inclined Circle Measurement
With this function and the relevant dialogues we provide you with the advantages
of the Automatic Circle Measurement also for the measurement of inclined
circles: The part program is shorter, easier to change and learn.
In particular, you can use this function to measure the surface and within the
surface the inclined circle with only one part program command.
Furthermore it is easier to distribute the measurement points on the circle more
Graphical presentation
The illustration below (lateral cross-section) gives you an overview of the
graphical presentation of the surface and circle measurement.
The numbers 1 to 6 show the sequence of actions.
 At position 2, the surface measurement is finished.
 Position 3: Start into the hole.
 Circle measurement at positions 4 and 5.
 Position 6: From here you can move to clearance height.
a: Circle diameter
b: Circle centre
c: Approach height
d: Approach depth
e: Edge distance
f: Surface normal
g: Diameter for surface measurement
h: Safety distance
For how to proceed further, find detailed information in Automatic Inclined Circle
Measurement: Dialogue .
CMM Movements
Automatic Inclined Circle Measurement: Dialogue
Surface and Circle
In our example for the topic Automatic Inclined Circle Measurement
we assume that both surface and circle are measured. You have taken this
decision already in the dialogue "Element inclined circle" (Menu
bar/elements/inclined circle) using the symbols for "Measurement" and
"Automatic measurement" (see above).
In the following dialogue (excerpt in ill. below), you perform the settings that are
already known to you from the automatic circle measurement.
Additionally required are details about approach height and approach depth.
Inner and outer circle
As opposed to the automatic circle measurement, you must use
vectors in this dialogue to define the starting position of the circle measurement
on the surface. The origin for this vector is the circle centre. With the end angle
you define where the last measurement point is taken (end angle 0 = end angle
360 degrees).
These data are not required for the inner full circle.
Edge distance and plane vector
For the plane measurement you additionally require the distance to the edge and
the vector for the angularity of the plane (see dialogue excerpt below). This
vector is perpendicular to the plane.
CMM Movements
Further elements possible
The option buttons in this dialogue (dialogue excerpt below) are deactivated in
learn mode. In the edit mode you must decide between:
 Not connected with a plane Select this option when measuring anything
other than an inclined circle (e.g. cylinder, sphere, cone).
 Plane still to be measured (see above under "Plane and circle").
 Plane is complete. In this case, a plane exists and only the circle must be
When editing a part program, it may become necessary to change one of
these options, e.g. switching from "Plane is complete" to "Plane still to be
Automatic Cylinder Measurement
To open the dialogue box
click this button in the CMM tools or
 choose "Machine / Automatic Element Measurement / Cylinder" from the
menu bar or
in the GEOPAK learn mode
click the "Automatic measurement" button in the "Cylinder" dialogue box.
Element geometry
For the automatic cylinder measurement, GEOPAK provides the following
Choose the type of cylinder you want to measure, an inner
cylinder or an outer cylinder.
CMM Movements
 To determine the number of points for each single circle, divide the total
number of points (see top left in the dialogue box) by the "Number of
 Enter the circle parameter, that means for the diameter enter the nominal
diameter of the cylinder.
 Measurement is made - parallel to the driving plane - of the circles you
preset by the "Number of Steps" (minimum 2).
 The measurement of the cylinder begins on the height of the co-ordinate
(first step) you entered. The last step will be measured by the variation in
elevation higher or deeper.
If higher or deeper will be indicated by the driving direction.
 Choose the "driving plane".
In the dialogue box you can see the probing mode depending on the selected
"driving plane" (example in the picture below).
yellow: driving direction, orange: measuring direction
 In the "Automatic cylinder measurement" dialogue box enter the coordinates of the centre depending on the type of co-ordinate system.
Click the "CMM position" button to enter the current CMM position
into the text boxes.
 Since the direction of axis of the cylinder always corresponds to the
direction of the first up to the last meas. point, you also determine the
direction of axis of the cylinder through this driving direction.
If this given probing strategy is not sufficient, do not use the "Automatic Cylinder
Measurement" function but rather use for example the "Automatic Circle or Line
If your CMM is able to drive a circular path, click this button when you
measure an outer cylinder (bolt). You avoid intermediate positions that would be
necessary when driving on straight lines.
At an inner cylinder (bore hole), the straight way is the fastest and shortest.
CMM Movements
The "Clockwise or counter-clockwise direction" option is only
relevant if you measure only a section (segment) of the cylinder.
Slot width
If your CMM is not able to drive a circular path, enter a slot width for an
outer cylinder. This slot width indicates how much place is available for moving
around. GEOPAK then calculates the driving ways between the probing
positions, this means
 out of this slot width
 out of the current ball diameter and
 out of the safety distance
The number of the calculated intermediate positions is always the smallest
possible. It depends essentially on the number of measurement points and the
slot width.
The driving strategy in GEOPAK differs from that in GEOPAK-3 to the
extent that the last position is situated at another place. This can lead to with GEOPAK-3 part programs converted to GEOPAK - a collision of the
following driving command.
Problem Solving
You can select a GEOPAK-3 compatible driving strategy by activating the
symbol in the dialogue. You activate the symbol via the "PartManager / Settings /
Defaults for Programs / GEOPAK / Dialogues" and to the end the "Show
GEOPAK-3 button" function.
Head touch (PH20/REVO)
PH20 and REVO require an I++ server. Consequently the settings for the
probe head, such as head speed and head acceleration are set in the "Set
I++ property" dialog box in GEOPAK.
The movement methods "Circular path", "Slot width" and "Scanning" are
not available for head touch.
Outer cylinders can only be measured if "All axes" is selected as touch
During head touch the measurement points can be measured only by moving the
probe head in two axes. This method allows a faster measurement of smaller
circles and cylinders.
The "Head touch" group box is available only if a probe head suitable for
head touch is selected in the MachineBuilder (for example a PH20).
Click this button to activate the "Head touch" combo box.
 Select one of the following touch modes from the list:
CMM Movements
"Fixed quill" - the measurement points are measured without
movement of the CMM.
"All axes" - the measurement points are measured by
movement of the CMM and of the probe head (5 axis
The "Stylus angle" and "Read actual angles" combo boxes are available
only if "All axes" is selected.
 If the current stylus angle is known, type the value in the "Stylus angle"
combo box.
Click the "Read actual angles" button if the current stylus angle is not
The stylus angle is the angle in part co-ordinates where the measurement
starts. When probing in the XY plane, it is the angle to the Z axis (A
Stylus angle during head touch
For small holes that are to be measured with head touch there is a risk that
the stylus collides at the edge of the hole. If this problem occurs, the
selection of the probing mode "fixed quill" (head touch) is cancelled and
measurement is carried out with CMM probing.
Depending on the geometry of the system it is possible to measure the
hole with a combination of head touch and CMM probing. For more
information, see "PH20 I++ Integrators Guide - V 8.0".
For more information about the "Scanning" group box, see "Scan settings" and
"Scanning of known elements".
5 axis scanning
With an articulating probe head that supports 5 axis measurements (for example
REVO with UCC2) the 5 axis method is applied when scanning an inner cylinder.
If your CMM is equipped like this, this method is always used for the scanning of
inner cylinders. It is not possible to determine whether to use this method or not
in the dialogue box. Therefore no additional entries are required.
CMM Movements
Automatic Hole Measurement
Optical Measurement and UMAP
With an automatic hole measurement, usually an element, e.g. a circle, is premeasured optically in order to measure it in the next step with our micro probe
To get to the function and to the dialogue use the menu bar / Machine /
Automatic element measurement / Hole. The topic is based on the Automatic
Circle Measurement. For example, always a full circle is measured etc.
Two options are available:
 Enter the co-ordinates yourself (input co-ordinates) or
 Use the co-ordinates from an element measured before. In this case, the
icons for the elements Point, Circle, Ellipse or Sphere are active.
Measurement withPre-measured Element
First click the option "Use co-ordinates from element". In the next step you
determine the driving plane. As the pre-measurement has been performed
optically, i.e. in 2D only, you still need to enter the third co-ordinate.
Furthermore you can decide if the diameter from the pre-measured element shall
be used or not. For the point, the given diameter naturally makes no sense. For
the ellipse you enter the smaller diameter to avoid collisions. For the circle, you
can usually use the given diameter.
If you want to measure in more than one section (number of steps), enter the
required number in the text box and push the TAB-key on your keyboard.
Only then, you can select the height difference and the driving direction. The
procedure corresponds to the procedure of the Automatic Cylinder Measurement
(see full circle etc.).
Measurement with VISIONPAK-PRO
The VISIONPAK-PRO functionality is included in MCOSMOS and is used for
optical measurement tasks in GEOPAK. In GEOPAK it is possible to edit, learn,
and repeat all VISIONPAK-PRO video tools.
Preconditions when using VISIONPAK-PRO
Correct operation of VISIONPAK-PRO requires the MiSCANNING Vision System
When you start GEOPAK learn mode with the appropriate VISIONPAK-PRO
configuration, VISIONPAK-PRO is automatically started in the background.
 Select the element to be measured in GEOPAK.
 VISIONPAK-PRO appears on top and the video tools are displayed near
the camera image.
 Select the desired video tool and carry out the measurement with
 Click "OK".
To change an existing VISIONPAK-PRO video tool in a GEOPAK part program,
proceed as follows:
 Double-click the line with the appropriate video tool.
CMM Movements
 VISIONPAK-PRO is started.
 In the "Edit Tool Settings" dialogue box change the settings of the video
tool. In the "Edit Context" dialogue box change the ambient variables.
 Click "OK".
 The changes for the video tool are applied to the GEOPAK part program.
 Save the GEOPAK part program.
Added VISIONPAK-PRO part program command
To add a VISIONPAK-PRO video tool to a GEOPAK part program, proceed as
 Select a line in the GEOPAK editor.
 On the menu bar, click Machine / QV optical measurement / Edit video
 Select a video tool from the list of available video tools.
 VISIONPAK-PRO is started.
 In the "Edit Tool Settings" dialogue box specify the settings of the video
tool. In the "Edit Context" dialogue box specify the ambient variables.
 Click "OK".
 The selected video tool is entered above the selected line in the GEOPAK
part program editor.
For the scanning, you have further options via the menus "Measurement Point:
Two Possibilities" and "Measurement Point with Direction". Meantime, you should
be sufficiently familiarized with these two topics.
Open or closed
For scanning, it is important if you have an open or closed contour. If the
contour is closed, click the symbol. Then, scanning is terminated as soon as the
CMM has reached the starting point.
With an open contour, deactivate the symbol and determine via the target point
the zone you want to record. In this case, you have multiple possibilities to finish
a scanning (the following example with a scanning in the X/Y plane.
 Enter the X as well as the Y values of the target point. The scanning is
only terminated if the X as well as the Y co-ordinates have been reached.
Enter the X value and activate the symbol "Ignore Second Axis".
The scanning is terminated as soon as the value of the X co-ordinate has
been reached.
Enter the Y value and activate the symbol "Ignore First Axis". The
scanning is terminated as soon as the Y co-ordinate has been reached
independently from the X value.
CMM Movements
It is also important to know if you operate with a measuring or a switching probe
system. If you work with a measuring probe system, you must input the scanning
speed (1-20 mm/sec) and the Deflection of the probe.
Scanning of Known Elements
Scanning with a "Measuring Probe" is possible for the four elements
 Line,
 Circle,
 Cylinder and
 Plane.
Provided your CMM has a controller capable of measuring known elements, it is
possible to perform measurement at a scanning speed of up to 100mm/sec.
Known elements are elements that you can find in your technical drawings by
their properties (diameter, position etc.).
On principle, the scanning of the above mentioned elements is subject to the
same conditions as described in the following chapters
Automatic Line Measurement ,
Automatic Circle Measurement ,
Automatic Cylinder Measurement ,
Automatic Plane Measurement .
Define scanning method
Click on the "Scanning" button of the respective "automatic element
measurement" dialogues.
Select in the list field the appropriate scanning method.
Further information you find under the topic"Scan settings".
Setting the approach and after-run for scanning
During scanning, errors may occur in the start and end area. You can use the
input fields "Run in" and "Run out" to define an area in which no scanning takes
place. While moving within the area "Run in", the probe is not yet scanning. While
moving in the area "Run out", the probe is not scanning while it is moved away
from the scanning area.
The selected measurement range is expanded by the run in and the run out. Your
measurement task should consider this to avoid a collision while the probe is
For scanning circles, surfaces or cylinders enter angles for run in and run
out. For scanning lines, enter the value as a length.
In order to obtain an optimum result, enter a minimum of 50 points into the
text box designated "Number of Points".
Scanning of cylinders
For the scanning of cylinder it is assumed that you know that only solid cylinders
can be measured.
CMM Movements
Provided your controller has the "Scanning of Known Elements" option,
measurement will take place in spiral form. Otherwise, superimposed circles will
be measured.
Scanning in the YZ, ZX, RZ and Phi Z Planes
If you scan with an open contour in the other planes and want to "Ignore Axis"
(see details of topic "Scanning" for the target point, you should respect the
following axis co-ordinations:
1st axis
Phi Z Phi
2nd axis
You select the RZ scanning if you work with rotating and symmetrical profiles.
This can be, e.g. bottles or mouthpieces of trumpets. The driving plane is
determined through the Z axis and the starting point (picture below).
You decide for Phi Z scanning if you move a circle on the one hand, but at the
same time must record different heights (see picture below). The circle is lies
symmetrically around the Z axis. The radius is indicated through the starting
Scan settings
In order to use the scanning functionality with the automatic line
measurement activate the "Scan" button. From the drop down list "Method"
choose one of three scanning methods:
CMM Movements
 Automatic best
Choosing this method means that the best scanning method supported by
the CMM control is used.
 Standard scan
Choosing this method means that the part program command "CNC
scanning" is used. The work piece will be scanned with the speed entered
in the "Scan speed" input field.
 Scanning with nominal data
Choosing this method means that the nominal data of the element will be
used for the high speed scanning.
Scan settings of the automatic element measurement
Automatic change to standard scanning speed
If you choose the "Standard scan in the case of an error" button and the
errors E361 or E362 occur, there will be a change from high speed scanning to
standard scanning. In this case the clearance height must be set. The CMM
drives over the clearance height to the start point to repeat the element
measurement using the standard scanning method. The errors E361 or E362
occur when the probe is outside the defined range, this means that the probe is
either to close to the workpiece or to far from the workpiece.
In the GEOPAK learn mode the "Standard scan in the case of an error"
button is inactive if no clearance height has been entered.
If you activate the "Pitch" input field the "No. of pts." input field is deactivated.
You determine the number of measurement points for the element either by
entering the number of points or by entering the pitch. The pitch defines the
distance of the individual measurement points on the given length of the element.
It is possible that the actual number or pitch of the measured points differs
from the preset number or pitch.
Expected deviation
During scanning the probe always moves within a defined range. This is ensured
by setting a certain value for the deflection of the probe.
The value of the expected deviation results from the manufacturing process of
the workpiece. That means if you enter the maximum expected deviation
between nominal geometry and measurement point into the "Exp. deviation" input
field, the optimal deflection for your workpiece will be calculated.
CMM Movements
If the "Exp. deviation" function is not activated the deflection of the CNC
parameters is used.
For more detailed information, refer to "Scanning of known elements ".
Click this link to obtain important information on the topic "Filter contour".
Sweep Scanning
The special scanning method "Sweep-Scan" allows to scan a surface area
or a series of continuous surface areas either flat or contoured. During this
scanning method the probe system "sweeps" above the workpiece while
measuring the points.
In order that you can work with this part program command make sure that your
CMM has the following configuration:
 Renishaw Revo™ head
 UCC2 CMM controller
 UCCServer (Renishaw I++ server)
Due to the complexity of sweep scanning we recommend to read up on the
following topics:
 Definition of Scanning Sections
 Teaching of Scanning Sections
 Recording of a Contour
 Administration of Scanning Sections
Definition of Scanning Section
The section of the scanning process is determined by at least two cross sections.
The scanning section can be enlarged by adding another cross section to an
already defined scanning section.
Limit point 1
Start point
Limit point 2
End point
The individual cross sections are determined by measurement points
recorded in the learn mode.
CMM Movements
Teaching of Scanning Sections
 First open the dialogue box of the part program command "Contour".
To do so either click this icon or choose (Elements/Contour) from
the menu bar.
 Then open the dialogue box of the part program command "Sweep scan".
To do so either click this icon or choose (Machine/Sweep scan)
from the menu bar.
 In the Sweep scan dialogue box determine the co-ordinate mode first.
 Click the "Teach" button.
"Teach" mode
In the "Teach" mode LED icons are displayed in addition to the buttons. The
LED icons interactively show which measurement point of each cross section is
to be measured. In the example picture the position of the point to be measured
is highlighted.
In the "Teach" mode all buttons and text boxes that are not required are
Limit point 1 highlighted
Measurement of the first cross section
Second cross section
 In the "Limit point 1" box the LED icon is active.
 Measure the first limit point.
 After measurement of the first limit point the LED icon in the "Start point"
box is active.
 Measure the start point of the contour at the highest point of the cross
 After measurement of the start point of the contour the LED icon in the
"Limit point 2" box is active.
 Measure the second limit point.
To determine the second cross section proceed as described above.
CMM Movements
For another cross section enlarge the scanning section. For this, repeat the steps
described above.
Exit "Teach" mode
When clicking the "Teach" button again, the determination of the individual
sections is finished. The "OK" button is active again and you can exit the "Sweep
scan" dialogue box.
Recording of a Contour
The movement of the Revo probe undulates symmetrically around the start point
of the contour. For this the smallest distance from the start point to one of the
limit points is doubled. The doubled distance (point 5 and 6) defines the
calculated scanning width. For asymmetric cross sections, like e.g. turbine blades
it is not possible to record the complete width of the contour due to this relation
(see point 7).
Limit point 1
Measured start point (highest position)
Displaced start point
Limit point 2
Minimum distance from measured start point
Doubled distance
Measured scanning width
Complete scanning width
Complete recording of a contour
Selecting the "Use middle point" check box means that scanning takes place for
the complete scanning width (see point 8). The start point is moved to the middle
between limit point 1 and limit point 2.
Automatic adaptation of a probe angle
When selecting the "Use probe direction" check box the probe angles are
automatically adapted to a co-ordinate system rotation.
The direction of the probe vector is the same as the direction from probe head to
CMM Movements
The probe angles of the probe head are calculated according to the current coordinate system. The calculations take place in the co-ordinate system of the
If you do not select the "Use probe direction" check box enter the probe
position manually into the "Angle A" and "Angle B" text boxes. The text
boxes are active. The probe angles are in the CMM co-ordinate system.
Taking over current Revo angles
To take over the currently set angle values in learn mode, click the "Read
current angles" button.
 Use the joystick box to move the probe system to the start point of the
contour section to be measured.
 Set the probe position best suited for this contour section.
 Click the "Read current angles" button.
 The currently set angles are entered into the "Angle A" and "Angle B" text
CNC Parameters
In the "CNC parameters" box the values for the CNC scanning parameters can
be modified. Your entries are stored and are available for further scans.
Administration of Scanning Sections
In the edit mode or with an inactive "Teach" mode you can enter the scanning
sections manually.
Defined cross section
Adding a cross section
Deleting a cross section
Scrolling up a cross section
Scrolling down a cross section
 Fill in the "Limit point 1", "Start point" and "Limit point 2" text boxes.
 Click the "Add" button.
 If a section has not yet been determined your specifications are entered
as "Start patch".
CMM Movements
 If you have already determined a start patch and you click the "Add"
button the specifications are entered as "End patch".
Start patch
End patch
Further patches that you define by using the "Add" button are entered as end
patch (#n).
Definition of several scanning sections
Use the "Up" and "Down" buttons to scroll a highlighted scanning section.
Clicking the "Delete" button deletes the highlighted scanning section from the list.
Scan on Conical Flank
With the part program command "Scan on conical flank" you can scan bevel
gears with little effort. The required parameters can be found in the mechanical
Normally, the parameters for the part program command "Scan on conical
flank" are not specified by the user, but are generated by the gear software
We recommend that you be very careful about changing the individual
parameters, as erroneous entries can lead to a collision of the probing
system and the part.
On the GEOPAK menu bar, click "Machine" and then click "Scan on conical
flank" to open the GEOPAK "Scan on conical flank" dialogue box.
If the "Scan on conical flank" button is not available on the toolbar, the toolbar
must be configured. For more information, see "Customize Toolbars".
Selection of scanning direction
Use the "Scan left/Scan right" buttons to specify whether the scanning
is carried out in direction of the cone apex or in direction of the base point.
CMM Movements
Cone angle
Start point
End point
Scanning direction
Base point
Measurement options
Under "Measurement options", you specify whether you want to rotate the rotary
table during measurement of the cone and which axis of the MPP probing system
you want to clamp.
Click this button if you want to rotate the rotary table during measurement of
the cone.
The rotary table rotates during measurement of the cone
The MPP axes Y and Z are clamped
If the rotary table rotates during measurement of the cone, you can clamp up to
two axes. If the rotary table does not rotate during measurement of the cone, you
can clamp one single axis only.
A rotary table is required to scan spiral bevelled gears.
CMM Movements
Spiral bevelled gear
Selection of start point
 Select one of the three "Types of Co-ordinate Systems".
 With the X, Y and Z co-ordinates you specify the position of the start
point. The CMM moves to this position before the scanning probe
approaches the surface of the part.
Click the "Position of machine" button to use the current position of
the CMM as the start point.
Selection of end point
The CNC scanning always requires a start point and an end point. To end the
scanning of conical flanks, the following possibilities are available:
Closed contour
In the case of a closed contour, the start point is the end point. Therefore,
the text boxes to enter the co-ordinates of the end point are not available.
Scanning ends when the CMM reaches the start point.
End point on defined cone height
The co-ordinates of the cone height are entered or displayed in the text
Scanning of the cone ends when the co-ordinates of the cone height are
Position of machine
Click the "Position of machine" button to use the current position of the
CMM as the end point.
CMM Movements
Start point
Approach direction
Scanning section
End point
Defined cone height
Cone parameters
The following cone parameters can be found in the mechanical drawings or in the
data sheets:
 cone diameter
 cone angle
 co-ordinates of the base point
 cone direction
Stop Scanning
The command "Stop scanning" is used in the following cases:
 The end condition for Scan manually is not defined.
 Scan manually or Scan CNC has to be stopped.
Starting the command
 Start the CMM learn mode or CMM repeat mode.
 On the menu bar, click "Machine", and then click "Stop scanning".
Or click the "Stop scanning" button.
 The command is carried out.
Finish Element
With this function (menu bar "Machine / Finish element"), you tell GEOPAK that
the actual element is finished and no other measurement points are expected. At
this moment, the calculation of the elements will be realised.
CMM Movements
If you want to measure additional points, click the "Delete marked lines"
button to open the element again for further measurements.
If you discover after the calculation that the element contained wrong points, you
will need to use the symbol to delete the points until the wrong points are
If you know in advance how many points you want to measure, you can
already activate this in the element dialogue with the "Automatic Element
Finished" button. This way, after having reached the number of points to be
measured, the measurement is terminated and the calculation is automatically
Delete Last Measured Point
With this function, you can delete the respective last measured point in
single/learn mode as well as in repeat mode. This can only be done if the CNC
mode is deactivated.
You can start this function via the symbol or the menu bar "Machine /
Delete last measured point".
Via this function that you can activate either via the symbol or the menu bar
"Machine / Stop", it is possible to stop the CMM in case of a crash.
This is the same function that you have on your joystick ("R.STOP").
Rotate Rotary Table
The "Rotate rotary table" command is only available if you have defined a rotary
table/index table in the "CMM system manager" in the "MachineBuilder".
Starting the command
When you start a "Rotate rotary table" command, make sure that the part
and the probe do not collide.
Click this button in GEOPAK or
 click "Rotate CMM/Rotary table" on the menu bar.
 The "Rotate table" dialogue box appears.
"Rotate table" dialogue box
CMM Movements
The button "Also rotate co-ord. system" should always be selected
during measurement so that the co-ordinate system of the part is
automatically rotated. Make this function unavailable only during alignment
of a rotary table/index table. See also "Align Rotary Table: User-Defined"
and "Align Index Table".
The button "Also rotate co-ord. system" is not displayed by default. To
display the button, make the relevant settings in the "GEOPAK settings".
See also "Dialogues".
 Specify an angle for the rotation. You can choose between two different
• Absolute angle of rotation
• Relative angle of rotation
Click "Absolute angle of rotation" and specify the position to which
the table is to be rotated, independent of the current position. Enter the
angle in the list below. To specify the direction of rotation, use the clock
hand buttons:
Click "Relative angle of rotation" and specify the position to which
the table is to be rotated, subject to the current position. To specify the
direction of rotation, use the sign. If you enter a positive angle, the table
rotates counter-clockwise, with a negative angle it rotates clockwise.
Click "First axis" to rotate the rotary table around the centerline.
Click "Second axis" to rotate the rotary table around the space-fixed
If no second rotation axis is available or if an index table has been
configured, the buttons "First axis" and "Second axis" are not available. In
this case rotation always takes place around the first axis.
Manual operation with the joystick box
Mitutoyo rotary tables can also be rotated manually using the joystick box. The
control transmits the end position to GEOPAK. In learn mode, this rotation is
saved in the part program as "Rotate rotary table absolutely".
However, the control does not transmit the direction of rotation. For this reason,
GEOPAK determines the shortest path. Should this process not be practicable
(collision with part), use the MCOSMOS software for the rotation.
Related topics
Rotary Table Types
Scanning with Rotary Table: Introduction
Set Rotary Table Reference Position
CMM Movements
To be sure having a contact with the workpiece, the measuring probe works with
a so-called deflection. The control minds that the deflection does, at each point of
the part, not go beyond the limits of the defined values in a dialog. As for a
spring, a better deflection corresponds to a better probing of the part.
On principle is valid: The deflection must be the same as the probe
calibrated one.
According to the actual status of development, a deflection between 0,25 and 1
mm, depending on the connected probe system, is possible.
Feature for SP600 and SP25 When you have swivelled the SP 600, this is
influencing the own weight of the probe pin so that going backwards to 0 is not
possible any more. Here, we have a "Pre-Guiding". By this means, the maximum
deflection is reduced.
You use the trigger automatic with optical systems that give a signal when
running over a border. For exact measurement it is important that the
measurement recording is always realized in the same direction (clear - dark or
dark -clear). This is why every second signal is ignored.
Enable / disable the trigger automatic by clicking on the symbol in the
"CMM" menu.
This function is only activated if you have input it into the INI.file.
Rotary Table
Rotary table types
You use a rotary table in order to improve the accessibility of the workpiece for
the probe system. In so doing, you are also able to measure complex workpieces
The use of a rotary table is recommended in the following cases:
 With rotationally symmetrical workpieces when only the rotary table axis
is moving during the course of the measurement.
 With workpieces when the measuring range of the CMM permits a
measurement of all attributes not without retooling. With the aid of a rotary
table, the workpiece section to be measured can then be backed off into
the measuring range.
Two different types of rotary tables are used in coordinate measuring technology:
the continuous rotary table and the index rotary table.
Continuous rotary tables
Continuous rotary tables reach an unlimited number of positions during rotation.
In doing so, the centre of motion and the axis of rotation remain constant. Thus
all measuring points are saved as if you had been measuring with an angularity
of 0°.
MCOSMOS supports the following rotary tables:
 MRT (Mitutoyo Rotary Table)
CMM Movements
 RT 16 AFCS
 RT 20 AFCS
 RT 20-26 AFCS
If you have an MRT rotary table by Mitutoyo at your disposal, you can
rotate and measure immediately.
Before you use a rotary table, you have to align it. For this purpose, determine
the position and the alignment of the rotational axis of the rotary table on the
CMM. You do this with the aid of a ball which is set on the rotary table.
You can perform the calibration via two different methods:
 Align rotary table: assistance guided
 Align rotary table: user defined
The assistance guided calibration is generally recommended.
You have to create a part programme for the user defined calibration. The
method is more complex, but you have more options available. Thus
instead of a ball, you can use a test cylinder, for example, or a workpiece
for the calibration as well.
Index rotary tables
Index rotary tables reach a specified number of positions, e.g., 4 positions
(rotation always at 90°). You cannot rotate during the measuring process. Index
rotary tables are generally only used for the purpose of determining the
workpiece position. The MIT rotary table by Mitutoyo is supported by MCOSMOS.
When calibrating, each position is defined separately as a new coordinate
system. More detailed information in this regard can be found under "Align index
rotary table".
Align rotary table: assistance guided
With assistance guided rotary table alignment, you are guided step by step
though the alignment.
 You have defined a rotary table in the "CMM System Administration" in
the "MachineBuilder".
 You have the "Rotary Table" dongle option available.
 You have user authorisation for "Rotary Table Alignment" in GEOPAK.
Call-up of the command
 Begin the learning process.
 You click on "Machine/Align rotary table..." in the menu bar.
 The "Align rotary table" dialogue window opens up.
CMM Movements
"Align rotary table" dialogue window
 Enter the basic settings in the "Alignment settings" dialogue field.
• Choose the probe in the "Probe number" selection field, with
which you are performing the alignment.
• In the "Number of rotary table positions" selection field, specify
how many angles with which the ball is to perform the
alignment. At least 3 positions are required. 4 or more are
If you have a solidly installed rotary table at your disposal,
activate the "Automatic alignment with actual data" button. The
second alignment is then performed in the repeat operation
without your taking action.
 In the "CNC parameters" dialogue field, you can change the individual
parameters for the alignment.
If you want to verify the results of the alignment, activate the "Load
result file after alignment" button. In so doing, you have the option of
printing out the alignment results later.
 Specify in the "Sphere measurement" dialogue field how the
measurement is to occur:
• In the "Height of sphere" input field, enter the distance from the
surface of the rotary table to the centre point of the ball.
Measure the distance with the aid of the probe. You need this
input for collision control in CAT1000.
• In the "Clearance height" input field, specify the safe distance
between the ball and the probe. This is defined as distance from
the pole point of the sphere in the direction of the rotational
axis. The open height should be large enough so that the rotary
table can rotate without a collision.
• The remaining settings are identical to those of the automatic
probe calibration. More detailed information in this regard can
be found under "Automatic calibrating: additional settings".
 Begin he alignment with "OK".
Following acknowledgement of the dialogue, you are guided through the
alignment with graphical support. More detailed information in this regard can be
found under "Align rotary table: step by step".
CMM Movements
The "Align rotary table" command is learnable. You cannot reverse the
Related topics
Rotary table types
Rotate rotary table
Align rotary table: step by step
You call up the command as described under "Align rotary table: assistance
You are guided through the alignment with graphical support. The diagrams
demonstrate the individual operational steps for you. You acknowledge each
operation with "OK" or with the "GO TO" button on the joystick box. In the case of
manual measurements, press the "MEAS" button.
Only those diagrams are display which are required for understanding the
process. All diagrams, step by step, will be displayed for you on screen
during the alignment.
 Set a ball on the rotary table. Set the ball as far away in a radial direction
as possible from the mid-point of the rotary table.
CMM Movements
 Rotate the rotary table to the 0° position.
 Measure manually the pole on the ball.
 Always repeat these steps for the next two ball positions.
 Rotate the rotary table back into the start position.
CMM Movements
 The automatic measuring begins subsequently.
 The ball is measured in every angle position. You have entered the
number of positions in the "Align rotary table" dialogue window in
advance. More detailed information in this regard can be found under
"Align rotary table: assistance guided".
Align rotary table: user defined
Create a part programme for the user defined alignment.
 You have defined a rotary table in the "CMM System Administration" in
the "MachineBuilder".
 You have the "Rotary Table" dongle option available.
For the alignment, you work with a machine coordinate system.
 Set a ball on the rotary table.
 Create a new part programme. More detailed information in this regard
can be found under "Create new part".
 Begin the learning process.
 Measure the ball. More detailed information in this regard can be found
under "Ball" unit.
Rotate the table to another position.
Deactivate in advance the
"Also rotate coordinate system" button. More detailed information in this
regard can be found under "Rotate rotary table".
Measure the ball again.
Repeat these steps for all other positions. You need at least 3 positions; 4
or more are recommended.
Rotate the table back to the output position. Deactivate in advance the
"Also rotate coordinate system" button.
Link the measured ball to the unprojected circle unit. More detailed
information in this regard can be found under "Linking circle unit".
CMM Movements
Save the rotary table position. More detailed information in this
regard can be found under "Save rotary table position".
You have to recalibrate the rotary table if you make changes to the probe
system configuration or to the position of the rotary table.
Align Index Rotary Table
Create a part program for the alignment of an index rotary table. Each position is
defined separately as a new co-ordinate system.
 You have defined an index rotary table in the "CMM System
Administration" in the "MachineBuilder".
 The "Rotary Table" dongle option is available.
For the alignment, you work with a machine co-ordinate system.
Position 0° must always be calibrated.
 Set three balls on the rotary table so that they form a triangle.
 Move the index rotary table to the position that you want to calibrate.
Make sure not to move the co-ordinate system at the same time. For
more detailed information, see "Turn Rotary Table".
 Measure the three balls. For more detailed information, see "Ball".
 Link the measured balls to an unprojected plane. For more detailed
information, see "Connection Element Plane".
Click the "Align base plane" button to align the co-ordinate system in
the XY plane.
 Link the measured balls to the unprojected circle unit. The centre of the
circle of the ball measured first forms the origin of the co-ordinate system.
For more detailed information, see "Connection Element Circle ".
Click the "Align axis through point" button to align the X axis over the
centre of the first ball.
Save the co-ordinate system. For more detailed information, see
"Save Rotary Table Position".
 Repeat the above-mentioned steps for each position of the index rotary
You have to recalibrate the index rotary table if you make changes to the
probe system configuration or to the position of the index rotary table.
Store Rotary Table Position
Use this command to store the position of the rotary table/index table according
to the user-defined alignment.
CMM Movements
Starting the command
The "Store rotary table position" buttons and menu commands are not
displayed by default. If both are to be displayed, make the relevant settings
in the "GEOPAK Settings". See also "Dialogues".
Click this button in GEOPAK or
 click "Machine/Store rotary table position" on the menu bar.
 The "Store rotary table position" dialogue box appears.
"Store rotary table position" dialogue box
Store rotary table position
 When you align a rotary table, the circle created is displayed in the
"Reference element" list.
Click "First axis" if you want to store the position of the rotary table
with regard to the centerline.
Click "Second axis" if you want to store the position of the rotary
table with regard to the space-fixed axis.
 Click "OK" to store the position of the rotary table.
Store index table position
When you align an index table, the "Reference element" list and the buttons "First
axis" and "Second axis" are not available.
 Enter the current position of the index table in the "Angle" list (for example
 Click "OK" to store the current position of the index table.
Related topics
Align Rotary Table: User-Defined
Align Index Table
Set Rotary Table Reference Position
Set Rotary Table Reference Position
With this command you can carry out the following commands:
 Store the reference position.
CMM Movements
 Update the rotary table co-ordinate system according to the difference
between former and new reference position. This update is necessary
when the configuration of the reference probe (probe 1, tree 1) has been
With the command "Set rotary table reference position", a new alignment of the
rotary table after a probe change is not necessary. Removing the part from the
rotary table and mounting a masterball on the rotary table can be omitted.
 You have defined a rotary table in the "CMM system manager" in the
 The dongle option "Rotary table" is available.
You have to set a reference position first and store it, so that you can
update it later.
Starting the command
 On the GEOPAK menu bar, click "CMM/Set rotary table reference
Or click "Set rotary table reference position".
 The "Set rotary table reference position" dialogue box appears.
"Set rotary position reference position" dialogue box
Store or update reference position
Under "Reference element", select the type of reference
 In the drop-down list box, select the reference element.
Click "First axis" if you want to store or update the reference position
for the first rotation axis (centerline).
Click "Second axis" if you want to store or update the reference
position for the second rotation axis (space-fixed axis).
Click "Store reference position" if you want to store a new reference
CMM Movements
Click "Update reference position" if you want to update the reference
position. The available rotary table co-ordinate systems are then adjusted
to the new reference position.
 Click "OK".
Related topics
Store Rotary Table Position
Rotate Rotary Table
CNC Parameter
Turn On/Off CNC Mode
Part programs can be carried out in manual mode or in CNC mode (automatic
mode). Use the "CNC on/off" command to turn on/off the CNC mode.
You can use this command, for example, when during the CNC mode a manual
measurement is necessary. Then, you can turn on the CNC mode again and the
measurement continues automatically.
 Start the "CMM Learn mode" or the "Part program editor".
 On the menu bar, click "Machine", and then click "CNC on/off".
 The "CNC on/off" dialogue box appears (in the part program editor only).
"CNC on/off" dialogue box
Click "CNC on" or "CNC off".
 Click "OK".
 Depending on the operating mode, the part program is carried out in
manual mode or in CNC mode.
The CMM Learn mode will simply issue this command.
See also
CNC Start Parameters
Installing CNC Mode
Changing CNC Parameters
Installing CNC Mode
With a CNC CMM, the CNC parameters are defined in the Start up Wizard. When
you confirm your entries in the "CNC parameters and CNC on" dialogue box, the
part program is carried out in repeat mode in the CNC mode.
The CNC mode requires the entry of the following parameters:
 Movement Speed
CMM Movements
 Measurement Speed
 Safety Distance
When using a scanning probe, it is necessary to define further parameters,
for example, the deflection. These parameters are defined in the "CNC
Parameters" dialogue box.
 Start the "CMM Learn mode" or the "Part program editor".
 On the menu bar, click "Machine", and then click "CNC parameters and
CNC on".
 The "CNC parameters and CNC on" dialogue box appears.
"CNC parameters and CNC on" dialogue box
Releasing/locking text boxes
Click the "Input value" button if you want to enter a value for an
individual parameter.
 The corresponding text box is available.
Click the "Do not change" button to keep an individual parameter.
 The corresponding text box is not available. It is not possible to
accidentally enter a value.
Defining retraction length and measurement length
You can type own values for the movement speed and measurement speed or
you can choose between two default values. You can type any value between 1
and the maximum value:
Click the "Maximum" button. The maximum speed appears in the
text box.
Click the "Default" button. The default value appears in the text box.
The default value for the measurement speed is the value that obtains the
maximum measurement accuracy.
Defining the safety distance
 Type a value for the "Safety Distance".
CMM Movements
 With this value you change the distance between the theoretical probe
point on the surface of the part and the point where the CMM changes
from movement speed to measurement speed.
Confirming CNC parameters
 Click "OK" to confirm your entries.
 Your entries are stored in the part program and in repeat mode the
operating mode changes to CNC mode.
 Next to the CMM icon, the "Status Bar" displays an LED indicating the
operating mode:
• Green: CNC mode off
• Yellow: CNC mode on
See also
Turn On/Off CNC Mode
Changing CNC Parameters
CNC Start Parameters
Measuring Speed
The measuring speed is the speed with which the CMM is moving to probe the
 The "Minimal" or "Maximal Measuring Speed" depends on the CMM and
the probing system.
 On principle is valid: The lower is the measuring speed, the more exact is
the measurement. Yet, steady measurement could unnecessarily prolong
the measurement time. For an optimal measurement speed respecting
both "Accuracy" and "Measurement Time" refer to documentation of
CMM. The optimal speed is 3 mm/sec.
Movement Speed
With the movement speed, the co-ordinate measuring machine (CMM) moves
between the measurement points. Normally, the movement speed is specified.
But, if you work with a heavy probing system it may happen that you must reduce
the speed.
You have to pay special attention to new machines with a movement
speed between 600 and 1000 mm/sec. These movement speeds require a
much higher braking distance, otherwise the probe can be damaged.
Safety Distance
The safety distance is the distance between the theoretical probe point on the
surface of the piece and the point where the CMM changes from movement
speed to measurement speed.
CMM Movements
If the measurement points are directly probed (Scanning,) and you have a
too small safety distance, you risk collisions if the contour shows and
distinct irregularities.
Retraction Length
The retraction length defines the distance the probe retracts form the workpiece
after each probe hit.
 The retraction length is only available for single point measurements.
 The retraction length is not available for measurements carried out with
the probing strategy "High Precision Measurement".
 When "Scanning with Measuring Probe" the retraction length is the same
as the safety distance.
To switch off the retraction length, click the "Switch off fix retraction
length and retract to measurement start point" button in the "CNC
parameter" dialogue box.
Measurement Length
The easurement length is the maximal length of a CMM moving in measurement
speed in order to probe a part. This avoids that wrong measurement results are
Example: The parts to be measured are located on a palette. If there are missing
one or more parts, the CMM would measure the next part on the palette and you
would get wrong measurement results. You can avoid this by entering a
determined measured nominal length.
Positioning Distance
The positioning distance is used when there are several movement commands in
the buffer of the machine. It defines the point of movement of the machine where
the controller considers the target as "reached" and starts moving towards the
next target. It does not affect the accuracy of the measurement.
1 = destination A
2 = intermediate position B
3 = destination C
4 = positioning distance
5 = work piece
CMM Movements
You should know:
 If you select a high value, the part program executes faster than with a
small value.
 The value is used in all cases when there are subsequent movements of
the machine.
Optimized Movement
The function "Optimized of movement by rounded corners" has been designed to
achieve a faster measurement operation. The underlying principle is
 that the CMM needs no longer to approach the interim positions precisely
– as a precise approach always means a short stop,
 but that a circle radius can be entered so that the CMM can, for example,
move around corners on a shorter path without stops (see ill. below).
The above illustration shows the circle radius (red dotted line), the two interim
positions (X) and the shortened movement path (>).
As the illustration below shows, also the interim positions in front of a
measurement point need not be approached.
The size of the radius depends on your workpiece, on the interim
positions and on your CM M and must be defined for each individual case.
You can only use this functionality when all hardware requirements are
Changing CNC Parameters
After you have defined the basic CNC settings in the Start up Wizard, such as
movement speed, measurement speed and safety distance and you have turned
on the CNC mode, it is possible to set further parameters in the "CNC parameter"
dialogue box.
When using a scanning probe, it is necessary to define further parameters, too.
 Start the "CMM Learn mode" or the "Part program editor".
 On the menu bar, click "Machine", and then click "CNC parameter".
 The "CNC parameter" dialogue box appears.
CMM Movements
"CNC parameter" dialogue box
Releasing/locking text boxes
Click the "Input value" button if you want to enter a value for an
individual parameter.
 The corresponding text box is available.
Click the "Do not change" button to keep an individual parameter.
 The corresponding text box is not available. It is not possible to
accidentally enter a value.
Selecting CNC parameters
Click this button to select individual CNC parameters.
Defining movement speed, measurement speed and safety distance
You can type own values for the movement speed and measurement speed or
you can choose between two default values. For detailed information, see
"Installing CNC Mode".
Defining retraction length and measurement length
If you want to switch off the fix "Retraction Length", click the "Switch
off fix retraction length and retract to measurement start point" button.
 The "Retraction length" text box is not available.
 Type the "Measurement Length".
CMM Movements
Optimized movement path
 Select the largest possible value for the "Positioning Distance". This
makes the measurement faster.
Using a large value for the positioning distance is only recommended
when there is enough space for the probe to be moved to the intermediate
 Type a radius to shorten the movement path. For detailed information,
see "Optimized Movement".
CNC parameters for scanning probes
 Type a value for the "Deflection". This value determines the probing force
when the probe touches the part.
 To minimize the influence of vibrations on the measurement result, select
the "High Precision Measurement" button.
 The measurement takes longer because the data entry is delayed until
the vibrations have stopped.
Parameters for the rotary probe head
You can type own values for the movement speed and measurement speed of
rotary probe heads or you can choose between two default values. Select a value
between 0,1 and the maximum value for the movement speed and a value
between 0,203 and the maximum value for the measurement speed.
Click the "Maximum" button. The maximum speed appears in the
text box.
Click the "Default" button. The default value appears in the text box.
The default value for the measurement speed is the value that obtains the
maximum measurement accuracy.
See also
Turn On/Off CNC Mode
CNC Start Parameters
High Precision Measurement
High precision management is a probing strategy available for scanning probes
MPP/SP. The scanning is performed in a way that the probe stops for a short
time while it is still in the deflected position (for detailed information, also refer to
the topic Deflection). Only then, the measurement point is established by the
machine control.
Upon contact of the probe with the workpiece, the CMM is braked down - this
causes vibrations. By activating the option "High precision measurement", the
data are only taken after the vibrations have stopped.
CMM Movements
The advantage of this procedure lies in that measurement results are no longer
influenced by vibrations. Naturally, this procedure prolongs the measurement
process but is more precise. Therefore it is up to you to weigh up the two
possibilities before deciding on which solution you choose.
General rule:
You should first calibrate the probe according to the method that shall be
used for the measurement.
Roughness Measurement
Roughness Measurement
With a roughness probe mounted to the CMM, measurement of the surface
roughness is possible without having to move the part to a roughness measuring
device. Roughness measurement is integrated in the measurement process of
the CMM.
Roughness measurement is started in GEOPAK. Measurement and evaluation of
the measured data is carried out by SURFPAK that is connected to MCOSMOS.
MCOSMOS supports the following roughness probes:
 SFP1 (Renishaw)
See also
Roughness Stylus Tip Calibration on Specimen
Roughness Measurement: Results
Perform Roughness Measurement with SURFTEST
The Mitutoyo SURFTEST PROBE is a sliding skid with a diamond stylus.
 In the "CMM System Manager" in the "MachineBuilder" you have defined
one of the following probes: PH10M, PH10MQ or PH6M.
 The roughness probe (SURFTEST PROBE) and a sensor are configured
in the "ProbeBuilder". You can use the following sensors in combination
with the roughness probe:
• standard sensor
• small sensor
• extra small sensor
• gear tooth sensor
• deep groove sensor
 Calibration of the roughness probe with a special calibration stylus is
done (the probe must be replaced by a calibration stylus). For more
information, see "Calibration from Probe Data Management" and
"Calibrate Probe: Display".
 Calibration on specimen of the roughness probe is done. For more
information, see "Roughness Stylus Tip Calibration on Specimen".
 SURFPAK is installed on your computer.
CMM Movements
If you use several sensors you can change them manually using a manual
rack. Automatic change of the roughness probe + sensor is possible in the
ACR1 rack or the ACR3 rack. With an ACR3 the roughness probe only fits
in port 3 of the rack.
During an automatic change the sensors can only be changed together
with the roughness probe. Therefore it is not possible to assign various
sensors to the individual ports. First you have to define a roughness probe
for a port and then calibrate the probe tree with the desired sensor.
Make sure that the roughness probe with the corresponding sensor fits in
the ACR port.
Starting the command
 Start the CMM learn mode.
 On the "Machine" menu, click "Roughness measurement".
Or click the "Roughness measurement" button.
 The "Roughness measurement" dialogue box appears.
"Roughness measurement" dialogue box
Specifying the start point
You determine the position of the start point. The CMM moves to this position
before the surface finish probe approaches the part surface.
 Before you specify the start point, select one of the three "Types of Coordinate Systems".
Click the "Position of machine" button to use the current position of
the machine as start point.
 The XYZ co-ordinates are automatically entered in the boxes.
CMM Movements
Click the "Point on workpiece" button if the start point should be on
the part surface. To avoid collisions the specified position is displaced by
the safety distance and the probe radius.
Click the "Centre of probe" button if the start point should be in front
of the part surface. In this case the position is not displaced by the safety
Specifying the CNC parameters
 If "Point on workpiece" is the selected start point, you have to enter a
sufficient safety distance in the "Safety Distance" box.
 If "Centre of probe" is the selected start point, the "Safety distance" box is
 In the "Approach speed" box enter the speed for the surface finish probe
to approach the part surface after the CMM has reached the start position.
Specifying the SURFPAK conditions
 Under "SURFPAK conditions", click "New".
 The SURFPAK "Set Measurement Condition" dialogue box appears. Click
"OK". A new ID is assigned to the saved SURFPAK command, is returned
to GEOPAK and appears in the "ID" text box.
 Click "Edit" to change the measurement conditions related to the shown
ID in SURFPAK. If the "ID" text box is empty, the "Edit" button is
SURFPAK saves the measurement conditions for each roughness
measurement with a specific ID. This ID can be changed in the GEOPAK
"Roughness measurement" dialogue box. A change of the ID is necessary
in the following cases:
Changing the existing measurement conditions in SURFPAK by clicking
the "Edit" button.
Using existing SURFPAK commands with the GEOPAK part program
command "Roughness measurement".
If no ID with the corresponding measurement conditions exists in
SURFPAK, GEOPAK displays an error message.
 In the GEOPAK "Roughness measurement" dialogue box, click "OK".
 The roughness measurement starts. During measurement, the following
steps are carried out:
• Moving to the start point with movement speed.
• Scanning of the part surface in direction of the probe with
approach speed.
• Touching the part surface and stopping the movement.
• Displacing the sliding skid to measure the surface roughness.
The CMM does not move during the measurement process.
• SURFPAK creates a report of the measured data.
• The surface finish probe moves back to the start point.
• The sliding skid moves back to the initial position.
CMM Movements
 SURFPAK creates a report of the measurement. It is also possible that
GEOPAK creates a report. For more information, see "Roughness
Measurement: Result Report by ProtocolDesigner".
See also
Roughness Stylus Tip Calibration on Specimen
Roughness Measurement: Cleaning the Stylus Tip
Roughness Measurement: Results
Perform Roughness Measurement with Surface Finish
Probe (SFP1)
The Renishaw SFP1 surface finish probe is a sliding probe with a diamond insert
and a tip radius of 2 μm.
 In the "CMM System Manager" in the "MachineBuilder" you have defined
a REVO probe.
 The surface finish probe SFP1 and a sensor are configured in the
"ProbeBuilder". You can use the following sensors in combination with the
surface finish probe:
• straight sensor (SFS-1)
• angled sensor (SFS-2)
 Calibration on specimen of the surface finish probe is done. For more
information, see "Roughness Stylus Tip Calibration on Specimen".
 SURFPAK is installed on your computer.
 An UCCServer is available.
The surface finish probe SFP1 and the sensors (SFS-1, SFS-2) can be
changed automatically using aFCR25 rack and the special REVO ports
(RCP). The rack and the ports are mounted to the MRS Mounting System .
If the SFP1 is not the reference tree, it has to be configured as reference
tree for one of the ports.
Starting the command
 Start the CMM learn mode.
 On the "Machine" menu, click "Roughness measurement".
Or click the "Roughness measurement" button.
 The "Roughness measurement" dialogue box appears.
CMM Movements
"Roughness measurement" dialogue box
Specifying the start point
You determine the position of the start point. The CMM moves to this position
before the surface finish probe approaches the part surface.
 Before you specify the start point, select one of the three "Types of Coordinate Systems".
Click the "Position of machine" button to use the current position of
the machine as start point.
 The XYZ co-ordinates are automatically entered in the boxes.
Click the "Point on workpiece" button if the start point should be on
the part surface. To avoid collisions the specified position is displaced by
the safety distance and the probe radius.
Click the "Centre of probe" button if the start point should be in front
of the part surface. In this case the position is not displaced by the safety
Specifying the CNC parameters
 If "Point on workpiece" is the selected start point, you have to enter a
sufficient safety distance in the "Safety Distance" box.
CMM Movements
 If "Centre of probe" is the selected start point, the "Safety distance" box is
 In the "Approach speed" box enter the speed for the surface finish probe
to approach the part surface after the CMM has reached the start position.
 In the "Measurement speed" box enter the speed for the surface finish
probe to scan the part surface during the roughness measurement.
Specifying the measurement parameters
 In the "Sampling length" box, enter the length necessary to scan the
surface profile.
 In the "No. of sampling length" box, enter the number of the necessary
sampling lengths.
 In the "Run-in" box, enter the length that the surface finish probe scans on
the part surface before collecting the data.
 In the "Run-out" box, enter the length that the surface finish probe still
scans on the part surface after the data is collected.
Specifying the SURFPAK conditions
 Under "SURFPAK conditions", click "New".
 The SURFPAK "Set Measurement Condition" dialogue box appears. Click
"OK". A new ID is assigned to the saved SURFPAK command, is returned
to GEOPAK and appears in the "ID" text box.
 Click "Edit" to change the measurement conditions related to the shown
ID in SURFPAK. If the "ID" text box is empty, the "Edit" button is
SURFPAK saves the measurement conditions for each roughness
measurement with a specific ID. This ID can be changed in the GEOPAK
"Roughness measurement" dialogue box. A change of the ID is necessary
for the following cases:
Changing the existing measurement conditions in SURFPAK by clicking
the "Edit" button.
Using existing SURFPAK commands with the GEOPAK part program
command "Roughness measurement".
If no ID with the corresponding measurement conditions exists in
SURFPAK, GEOPAK displays an error message.
 In the GEOPAK "Roughness measurement" dialogue box, click "OK".
 The roughness measurement starts. The following steps are carried out
during measurement:
• Moving to the start point with movement speed.
• Scanning of the part surface in direction of the probe with
approach speed.
• Touching the part surface and stopping the movement.
• Sliding of the stylus above the part surface to measure the
surface roughness. The CMM moves during the measurement
• SURFPAK creates a report of the measured data.
• The surface finish probe moves back to the start point.
CMM Movements
 SURFPAK creates a report of the measurement. It is also possible that
GEOPAK creates a report. For more information, see "Roughness
Measurement: Result Report by ProtocolDesigner".
See also
Roughness Stylus Tip Calibration on Specimen
Roughness Measurement: Results
Roughness Measurement: Results
SURFPAK exports the measurement results to temporary files for evaluation.
These files only contain the results of the latest roughness measurement. All
temporary files can be found in the MCOSMOS subdirectory "..\TEMP". For
evaluation, the files can be read in GEOPAK with the part program command
"Load variables from file".
The following files are created:
Variable file that contains the roughness parameters of a
FPK_Results_<n>.r specific evaluation curve.
<n> stands for the number of the evaluation curve.
The file is generated after each roughness measurement.
Windows enhanced meta file that contains the graphic for an
FPK_Graph_<n>.w evaluation curve.
<n> stands for the number of the evaluation curve.
The file is generated after each roughness measurement.
Windows enhanced meta file that contains an analysis graph
for an evaluation curve.
<n> stands for the number of the evaluation curve.
<m> stands for the number of the analysis graph.
To generate the analysis graphs, make the corresponding
selection in the SURFPAK "SET Measurement Condition"
dialogue box.
A file "FPK_Results.str" is also created in the directory "..\TEMP". This file
contains all the paths of the results files. GEOPAK imports the variables from the
file and can then read the individual temporary files. It is not possible to use
determined paths because the quantity of files can vary. The quantity of files
depends on the number of evaluation curves and analysis graphs.
Entries of the FPK_Results.str file:
Number of the evaluation curves of the last roughness
Number of the analysis graphs for a specific evaluation
<n> stands for the number of the evaluation curve.
Path of the variable file that contains the roughness
FPK_Results_<n>.re parameters of a specific evaluation curve.
<n> stands for the number of the evaluation curve.
Path of the Windows enhanced meta file that contains the
data of a specific evaluation curve.
<n> stands for the number of the evaluation curve.
CMM Movements
AnalysGraph_<n>_< Path of the Windows enhanced meta file that contains the
analysis graph for a specific evaluation curve.
FPK_Graph_<n>_<m <n> stands for the number of the evaluation curve.
<m> stands for the number of the analysis graph.
See also
Roughness Measurement
Roughness Measurement: Result Report by ProtocolDesigner
Roughness Measurement: Result Report by
The results read in GEOPAK after the roughness measurement can be output as
a report using the ProtocolDesigner.
The following templates are available for the representation of the measurement
 SurfTest.mte
 SurfTest Letter.mte
The templates can be found in the MCOSMOS subdirectory
"\LAYOUT\GEOPAK\Mitutoyo". It is not allowed to rename the templates or
to move the templates to a different directory.
To use the templates, the following subprograms are necessary:
 SurfTest
 SurfTestLetter
The subprograms can be found in the MCOSMOS subdirectory "\MituUtilities".
Adding a subprogram
 On the PartManager menu bar, on the CMM menu, click "Subprogram
 Import the subprograms into the part directory or the library directory. For
more information, see "Export/Import Subprograms".
 On the GEOPAK menu bar, on the "Program" menu, click "Subprogram".
 Add the corresponding report subprogram to your roughness
measurement part program.
Depending on the location of the subprogram, click the "Library" option
button or the "Part directory orientated" option button. For more
information, see "Subprograms".
Report content
When the subprogram is started, a report of the last roughness
measurement carried out is generated. To generate a report of more than
one roughness measurement, the subprogram has to be restarted after
each measurement. Every time the subprogram is started, it generates a
new report.
The reports are automatically saved as a PDF file in the MCOSMOS
subdirectory "..\TEMP".
CMM Movements
The report only shows two decimals. Therefore it is recommended to
determine µm or µinch as the unit of measure in SURFPAK.
After the roughness measurement, the following data is added to the report:
 A graphic of each evaluation curve.
 All available analysis graphs for each curve.
 The basic roughness parameters for each curve:
• Arithmetic average roughness (Ra)
• Total height of the roughness profile (Rt)
• Average roughness depth (Rz)
• Maximum surface roughness (Rz1max)
See also
Roughness Measurement
Roughness Measurement: Results
Roughness Measurement: Cleaning the Stylus Tip
The Mitutoyo SURFTEST PROBE is delivered with a cleaning unit. The cleaning
unit consists of a case with a vacuum hole to clean the stylus and a specimen for
Cleaning unit with vacuum hole and specimen
 Use the joystick to move the stylus tip in front of the vacuum hole.
 When the probe is close enough to the vacuum hole, a sensor starts the
cleaning process.
 The probe is cleaned.
 After the cleaning process use the joystick again to move the probe back
to the initial position.
See also
Perform Roughness Measurement with SURFTEST PROBE
Roughness Stylus Tip Calibration on Specimen
CMM Movements
Calculations: Best Fit
Best Fit: Procedure
Using the best fit command, a group of measurement points (actual values) is
rotated and/or shifted in a way that the measurement points are nearly conform to
the nominal values.
Calling the command
In GEOPAK click this icon or
 choose "Co-ordinate system/Best fit" from the menu bar.
"Best fit" dialogue box
Choose the "Rotate/Shift", "Shift" and "Rotate" buttons to determine if best fit is to
be done by shifting and/or rotation. Check/uncheck the check boxes below the
buttons to determine the direction for shifting and/or rotation.
The "Reference point" option is only active if best fit is to be done alone by
rotation. Rotation is normally done around the origin. This option allows you to
define another centre of rotation. For more detailed information refer to "Degrees
of freedom with best fit".
Check the "Align co-ordinate system" check box only if you wish to define a coordinate system with best fit. All values are recalculated, also the nominal values.
For more detailed information refer to "Create co-ordinate system with best fit".
Checking the "Projected best fit" check box means that only the deviation in
probing direction of each element is minimised. For a circle only the deviation in
vertical direction to the normal vector is minimised.
CMM Movements
Check the "Best fit by tolerance" check box in order to check if the individual
actual points are within the preset tolerance zone after best fit. The tolerance
zone is determined in the "Tolerance diameter" drop-down list. Using the
Maximum Material Condition (the "Use MMC" check box is checked) you enlarge
the tolerance zone. For more detailed information refer to "Tolerance and MMC
at best fit".
In the "Element" box you can choose between two possibilities for best fit:
Best fit with single selection or
Best fit with group selection.
For a graphic display of the best fit results click the "Compare points" icon.
For more detailed information refer to "Graphics with best fit".
You can access the results of best fit as described in the formula
calculation under the topic "Table of Operands".
For more detailed information on this topic, refer to :
Best fit: basic principles
Minimum/maximum calculation
Contour: Best fit inside tolerance limits
Best fit surface
Best Fit: Basic Principles
During best fit a group of nominal points and actual points is rotated and/or
shifted in a way that the position of nominal and actual is nearly conform.
Best fit is a common procedure in measuring technology showing the actual
deviation between nominal and actual, between dimension and form as well as
the actual position between both.
During best fit the distances between the actual points and their nominal values
are calculated and afterwards squared and added up. The best accordance is
obtained when this sum is as small as possible (Gauss method).
A best fit can do duty for two different purposes:
 The evaluation if an alignment of points is together within a tolerance (see
"Best fit: Realisation" and Tolerance and MMC at best fit").
 The determination of a co-ordinate system (see "Create co-ordinate
system with best fit").
During best fit it is calculated how the actual points have to be rotated and
shifted so that they are nearly conform to their nominal values. Neither the
position of the actual elements nor the position of the nominal elements is
changed. If the "new" position of the actual elements is of interest, e.g. for
a later tolerancing, this position can be stored. For more detailed
information refer to "Best fit with single selection" and "Best fit with group
Best Fit: Single Selection
Using the single selection you can determine the measured elements for which
best fit is to be done.
 The elements representing your actual values are measured.
CMM Movements
Click this icon or choose "Co-ordinate system/Best fit" from the menu
 In the "Best fit" dialogue box choose the "Single selection" button and
click "OK" to confirm. For further setting possibilities refer to " Best Fit:
Procedure ".
 In the "Best fit Elements (Single selection)" dialogue box the measured
elements appear in the "Available" list box.
Choose an element and click this button.
 The "Nominal values" dialogue box appears.
 In the "Nominal values" dialogue box enter the nominal values into the
drop-down lists of the "Co-ordinates" box.
 In order to have the actual values available as new element after best fit,
check the "Copy element" check box. See also "Best fit: Basic principles".
• In the corresponding drop-down list enter a number to store the
newly calculated actual element.
• If you enter the number of the initial actual element the original
values are overwritten.
 If the element is a circle and the "Use MMC" check box in the "Best fit"
dialogue box is checked, enter the value for the maximum material size
(Max.M.Size) into the relevant drop-down list.
 Click "OK" to confirm. Best fit will be started.
CMM Movements
Clicking the "Compare points" button in the "Best fit" dialogue box
means that the best fit results are displayed graphically and the values of
shifting and/or rotation are listed.
Best Fit: Group Selection
During group selection a nominal element is allocated to each actual element.
The number of element pairs is variable. Example: a subprogram for rims with
four or five fixing holes.
 You define the theoretical elements (see also "Elements", which
represent your nominal values.
 Then you measure your elements.
Make sure that the nominal and the actual elements have successive
storage numbers and are of the same type.
For circles with MMC the nominal elements (theoretical elements) have to
be created with the maximum material size, i.e. input of the maximum
material size instead of the nominal diameter.
Click this icon or choose "Co-ordinate system/Best fit" from the menu
 In the "Best fit" dialogue box choose "Group selection" and click "OK" to
confirm. For further setting possibilities refer to " Best fit: Procedure ").
 In the "Best fit (Group selection)" dialogue box choose the first element of
your group from the "Actual element" drop-down list.
 In the "Nominal element" drop-down list choose the relevant nominal
 Enter the number of element pairs into the "No. of elements" drop-down
CMM Movements
 Check the "Copy element" check box in order to have the actual values
available as new elements after best fit. See also "Best fit: Basic
• In the corresponding drop-down list enter the storage number
from which the newly calculated actual elements shall be
• If you enter the number of the initial actual element the original
values are overwritten.
 Click "OK" to confirm. Best fit will be started.
Clicking the "Compare points" button in the "Best fit" dialogue box
means that the best fit results are displayed graphically and the values of
shifting and/or rotation are listed.
Degrees of Freedom for Best Fit
During best fit you have several possibilities to reduce the degrees of freedom.
The less degrees of freedom you choose, the more inexact is best fit. In order to
obtain the best result it is common practice to rotate and shift in all directions.
In some cases however rotation only or shifting only is reasonable or allowed,
e.g. a rim is rotated around the Z axis only.
Using the "Rotate/Shift", "Shift" and "Rotate" buttons in the "Best fit" dialogue box
you determine if best fit is to be done by shifting and rotation, by shifting only or
by rotation only.
By checking/unchecking the check boxes below the buttons you are able to
reduce the degrees of freedom even more individually, e.g. if shifting is allowed in
one direction only or if rotation is allowed for one certain axis only.
If only one rotation is allowed, you can also enter the rotation point around which
rotation shall be realised.
CMM Movements
If you do not enter any value, rotation is done around the origin of the
actual co-ordinate system.
Tolerance and MMC at Best Fit
Tolerance limits are necessary for a statement if a workpiece after best fit
exceeds the limiting size or remains under the limiting size. You enter this
tolerance limit or tolerance zone into the "Tolerance diameter" drop-down list of
the "Best fit" dialogue box. The position of the individual actual values will be
checked for this tolerance limit after best fit.
Application of the maximum material condition (MMC)
Besides the dimensional tolerances there are shape tolerances and positional
tolerances by means of which it is possible to tolerate the shape of a workpiece
as to installation or function.
The "Maximum Material Condition" enables a tolerance compensation between
dimensional deviations and deviations of position. Depending on the utilised
dimensional tolerance, even larger deviations of position are allowed as long as
the tolerance sum (maximum material size plus position tolerance) is not
The maximum material condition can be applied only to elements which
have an axis or a midplane and to elements which have a dimensional
tolerance. It is often applied to the position of holes. If a maximum of
material exists, take the following into consideration: minimum size for a
hole, maximum size for a boss.
If you apply the maximum material condition during best fit you have to define a
value for the maximum material size:
 for a hole "nominal value less lower tolerance";
 for a boss "nominal value plus upper tolerance.
For "Best fit with single selection" enter the value for the maximum material
size into the "Max.M.Size" drop-down list of the "Nominal values" dialogue box.
For "Best fit with group selection" you have to create the nominal elements
by means of the maximum material size, i.e. you enter the value for the maximum
material size into the "Diameter" drop-down list of the "Theo. element Circle"
dialogue box.
Graphics for Best Fit
For an evaluation of the result of the best fit calculation, a graphical
comparison can be activated by clicking the "Compare points" icon.
CMM Movements
In the graphics, you can see the nominal points and the actual points either
before or after best fit.
 The distances between the nominal and actual positions are enlarged.
 The tolerance zone for each position is also displayed.
 If an actual value is further away from its nominal than twice the
tolerance, it is not displayed. Only an arrow shows the direction to the
actual value. This is to avoid long lines crossing the whole of the drawing.
Calculation of Minimum-/Maximum
On principle, you can calculate all defined element features with this function.
This function allows, for example to determine from a number of circles the
biggest or the smallest diameter. You have two possibilities: Single- orGroup
 Activate the function via the menu bar "Calculation / Minimum <->
 After termination of the calculations you have different values at your
 You can access these values in the formula calculation (see details in
topic "System Variable in Formula Calculation").
Best Fit
This topic is relevant to CAT1000S and GEOPAK
The best fit calculations take a lot of time. The point cloud as a whole is shifted
and / or rotated until the optimal state is achieved.
 For the criterion "optimal" we use the Gauss criterion.
 This means that the sum of the squared distances comes to a minimum.
 The deviations are the distances from the actual points to the ideal
CMM Movements
The process takes place step by step:
After each step, the assignment of the actual points to the individual surfaces is
The steps are executed until the achieved improvements fall below a certain limit.
"Best fit" dialogue box
In CAT1000S
To open the "Best fit" dialogue box, click this button or on the menu bar,
click "Measure", and then click "Best fit".
In GEOPAK / Learn mode
To open the "Best fit for surface" dialogue box, click this button or on the
menu bar, click "Tolerance", and then click "Best fit for surface".
Options in the "Best fit" dialogue box
For the best fit you can determine
• whether CAT1000S can shift and rotate in all directions (this will
result in the smallest deviations), or
• whether only defined axes are allowed.
If only the rotation is allowed, you can also enter the point around which the
rotation takes place.
This point is called the reference point.
This is especially useful if the origin (this is the point of rotation) is located far
from the part. This is mainly true for parts, which are defined in a RPS (car coordinate system).
The results of the best fit are displayed in the graphic report and in the standard
Constrained by tolerance zone(s)
If you select the function "Constrained by tolerance zone(s)", the best fit
calculation is carried out only within the smallest given tolerance zone.
Selected function "Constrained by tolerance zone(s)"
The outlier points that are outside the smallest given tolerance zone are ignored
and do not influence the results of the best fit.
CMM Movements
Calculated line with outlier point
Outlier point
Calculated line without outlier point
If the function "Constrained by tolerance zone(s)" is selected, the
"Settings for best fit" defined in the PartManager "CAT1000 settings" are
Confirm best fit
If you select the "Confirm best fit calculation" check box, the "Accept best fit
results" dialogue box appears after the best fit.
In this dialogue box you can either accept or cancel the results of the best fit.
 If you accept the best fit results, the results of the current best fit are
 If you cancel the best fit results, the current best fit is not stored and the
results of the best fit executed before the last best fit are restored.
The option "Confirm best fit" is stored in the GEOPAK CMM learn mode.
For more information, see "Normal or Extended Precision".
Reset Best Fit Results
This topic is relevant to CAT1000S only
To get to the function "Reset best fit results" go to the menu bar and the menu
When starting the function "Reset best fit results" the corresponding dialogue
If you confirm "Reset best fit results" with "Yes", all best fit results for the whole
measurement are reset.
If you have executed other best fits before, all results are reset.
The reset of the best fit results has effects on
 the result window and
 all outputs that can be printed, e.g. protocol output and graphic report.
CMM Movements
The function "Reset best fit results" does not have the effect that the best
fit is completely cancelled.
Only the results of the last best fit (shift and rotate values) are deleted. The
changed co-ordinate system in GEOPAK remains. Also the shifts of the
measurement points already performed remain unchanged.
Print and File Output
Print and File Output
Table of Contents
Clicking on the topics in the below table, you will obtain the required information
about this subject.
File Format Specification
Standard or Special File Format
Change File Output Format
File Format End
Print Format Specification
Change Print Format
Finish Printer Output
Form Feed
Printing according to Layout Head Start
Protocol Designer
Protocol Archive
External Printing
External Print Format Change
External Print Format End
Output Text
Export Elements
Layout for Surface
Store Contour in ASCII-File
Open Protocol
Change Protocol
Close Protocol
Protocol Output
Print Preview (Page View)
Flexible Graphic Protocols
Flexible Graphical Protocols and Graphics
Flexible Graphic Protocols in the GEOPAK Editor
Tolerance Graphics in the Flexible Protocol
Templates of Graphic Windows
Types of Output
Dialogue for Protocol Output
Export Contour
Compare Points
Scale and Print Graphics
For the "Output" of measured data, GEOPAK always proposes two ways. You
can output the data on a printer, and/or store the measurement results in a file. In
GEOPAK, these functions are accessible with the menu bar and the "Output"
 If you need a printed report, you are going to opt for the printer as output
media e.g. if you need documents for the archives. GEOPAK uses the
printer having been determined as default printer in your Windows system
(see details under "Printer Settings").
• If you want to use a different printer, you first must select this
printer as default in Windows.
Print and File Output
Printing is done page by page.
The format of the data can either be the one predefined by
GEOPAK or your own format. For further details, refer to Print
 The output of data in a file (storing) is always in ASCII. You will prefer this
solution if you need the data for further processing, e.g. in some other
programs. To do so, use the "Open output file" function. However, you
can change the output format via the "Change output file format" function.
It is also possible to print the ASCII-file; however, there is no formatting
You can use both ways, printer output and storage as ASCII file, independently
during the learn mode of the part program. These parallel functions will meet all
your requirements.
Please consider in advance which data you need to be printed or stored
before starting the learn mode. The data are recorded from the moment
you switch the corresponding format on (e.g. "Print format specification").
Open Output File
In this dialogue (menu bar "Output / Open output file") you determine, e.g. the
name of the output file, where to store it and which information it must include
(head data, formula calculation, etc.).
Output File
 In the "Output File" text field, you can enter a complete file name including
drive and path (according to Windows conventions a max. of 255 signs).
• If possible, select "signifying" file names. It will be easier to find
them again. If you enter only one file name, this file will be
automatically stored. You will find the file in the MCOSMOS/exe
directory having been created at the installation of MCOSMOS.
• If you enter one fixed file name, the output file will be
overwritten each time you execute the part program.
• If you want to store all files, you must change the file name
each time you execute the program.
For further information concerning this subject, please refer to
your MCOSMOS-CD-ROM under "Documents", folder
"GENERAL", file "UM_string_code_g(e).pdf.
 If you have already created one or more output files, you can use a list of
suggestions; this list appears when you click the arrow symbol. From this
list, you can choose a file by clicking with the mouse.
If you click on the icon, you get a dialogue window (Windows
conventions) so that you can easily find files in the different directories.
Print and File Output
Also click on the "Append" check box. In this case, the new data are
always appended to the existing file. Otherwise, the file is simply
You can click as many boxes as you want, with the corresponding options. Thus,
you meet all requirements for your output file.
For information on whether and how to choose "Standard" or any special formats
refer to the topic Standard or Special File Format.
Standard or Special File Format
File format
In the "Open output file" dialogue box you can choose between the "Standard"
format and other formats supported by Mitutoyo in the "File format" box. So you
are able to create ASCII files in different formats for several part programs
without having to change the initial setting (standard).
"Open output file" dialogue box with the supported file formats
Clicking "Standard" causes the default setting made in the "Settings GEOPAK"
dialogue of the PartManager to remain unchanged. On the menu bar, click
"Settings / Defaults for programs / GEOPAK" to get to this dialogue. The length of
the format file name is limited to 40 characters.
Special format
In order to get a special format, click the second button. Use the arrow key to
select your format from the list.
This is what you should know:
The list is derived from already existing format files.
The last preceding input is suggested.
After reinstallation the GEOPAK-3 format is suggested.
Print and File Output
The "Mitutoyo GEOPAK-3" and "Mitutoyo GEOPAK" formats
are always shown. They refer to the file GEOASCII.INI and the
sections [GEOPAK-3] and [Geopak-Win] respectively.
The other optional formats are derived from files with the extension GAF =
GEOPAK-ASCII format. The file name without this extension is in each case the
name that is shown in the list. The format has to be described in this file. In order
for this to be implemented, we recommend that you contact the Mitutoyo Service.
The GAF file has to be stored in the MCOSMOS-INI directory.
Change Output File Format
Before starting the output, you must have specified with the part program
command"Open output file" what you want to output in the file.
During the execution of the part program, you can change the items that must be
in the file by the part program command "Change output file format". Thus, you
can add other items to your file or delete.
Activate the partprogram command "Change Output Format" via the menu bar
and the "Output" pull-down menu.
Close Output File
Via this part program command (menu bar "Output"), you finish the data output to
file. Now, you can either use this file for other purposes, or even start a new file
(cf. under Open output file). Thus, it will be possible to place in order the data –
sorted according to "Geometrical Elements", "Tolerances", etc. – in different files
and to store it.
You do not have to finish the output explicitly; when you leave the program, the
output file will be automatically closed. The data are stored.
Print Format Specification
This part program command and the subsequent dialogue box allows a detailed
definition of the contents of your protocol.
Displaying menus
If a part program command is not available in the "Output" menu, you can have
this command displayed in the PartManager. You will find more detailed
information in the topic "Menus".
Protocol settings
 On the "Output" menu, click "Print Format Specification".
 In the description fields, you can define the text for the headlines and
footers. The printed protocol has a headline and a footer printed on every
page. Font and size of type is defined for the whole protocol.
 Notice that GEOPAK writes, in any case, the version number and the part
program term into the headline. The footer includes the current page
 Texts that have once been input are automatically stored. Via the arrow
key, you can activate and use later again the texts that have once been
input. In the protocol, the texts are right justified. To realize your protocols,
cf. under Print Layout.
Print and File Output
 In the logo file description field, input the path and file name of the bitmap
of your logo.
Instead of typing the file name, you can also click the icon. If you
click on the icon, you get a dialogue window (Windows conventions) so
that you can easily find and activate your file in the different directories. It
is supposed that you have stored your logo as a bitmap (*.BMP) file in a
 If you choose a logo, it automatically appears in the dialogue. In the
protocol, you can see how your logo appears above the protocol head.
The file can be in JPG or BMP format.
Content of the print output
 By clicking in the "Head Data" check box, you can have the head data of
the part printed on the first page of the protocol. You can define the head
data in the PartManager via the menu bar "Settings / Head data". These
data may be the drawing number, the part name, the customer
information, and others.
 When selecting the "Formula calculation" check box, the formula applied
are also printed.
 When selecting the "All tolerance comparisons" check box, the tolerance
comparisons are also printed. In that case, the check boxes for the
tolerances out of control limits and out of tolerance limits are not available.
 If you want to print the tolerance comparisons that are out of tolerance
limits, clear the "All tolerance comparisons" and "Out of control limits"
check boxes.
 When selecting the "All elements" check box, the measurement results of
all elements of the part program are also printed.
 You will always get the
• name of the operator and the
• date and time of start printing.
You must know
Recording starts as soon as you confirm the input of the "Print
Format Specification" by "Ok".
The selected data are recorded until you finish the part program
or stop the output with the "Print format end" function via the
menu bar "Output".
A page is printed as soon as it will be full.
If a page is full, it will be automatically printed. You can watch
the percentage in the status bar besides the user name (at the
bottom of the page).
Via the "Form Feed" function (menu bar "Output") you can get
the printout even if the page is not yet full.
Via the "Change output file format" function, you can change
print options without stipulating a new printout format.
You can only use one printout format until activating the "Print
format end" function.
Print and File Output
Change Print Format
This part program command is same as "Change Output File Format".
Print Format End
Via this part program command (menu bar "Output"), you finish the data output to
file. Now, you can either use this file for other purposes, or even start a new file
(cf. under Open output file). Thus, it will be possible to create different protocols –
sorted e.g. according to "Geometrical Elements", "Tolerances", etc. –.
You do not have to finish the output explicitly; when you leave the program, the
protocol output will be finished and the current page printed (even if the page is
not complete).
Form Feed
Via the "Form Feed" partprogram command (menu bar "Output") you can get the
printout even if the page is not completely written.
Printing according to Layout Head Start
MCOSMOS proposes a default layout for your print report. If this format is not
satisfactory, you can create your own report. The layout is realized in another
program (see details under the topic ProtocolManager The structure of the log
heading is stipulated in the layout file and cannot be changed on your own. If you
want, you can have an adjusted layout from the Mitutoyo service.
If you want to use the layout file, you must tell it GEOPAK, this means via the
"Print Layout" (menu bar "Output") function. This function also allows printing out
several reports in only one operation.
The "Print Layout" function is utilised appropriately at the end of the part program
because all nominal-to-actual comparisons will be listed in the report.
As a standard, Mitutoyo delivers several possibilities for the layout, e.g. the initial
sample report according to VDA guidelines.
Proceed as follows
 If you have, for example created several layout files and activated them
already once, you will find these in a list. To do so, click on the arrow key
on the right of the text field.
If you want to make the selection that MCOSMOS offers, click on
the symbol in the following "Open" dialogue window, first search according to Windows conventions - the directory in which MCOSMOS is
installed on your computer.
 Under "*/MCOSMOS/Layout" you will find the files proposed from
Mitutoyo and those you have created.
For further information about the layout, please refer to your MCOSMOSCD-ROM under "Documents", folder "GEOPAK", files "dia_lay_g(e).pdf"
and "UM_user_def_g(e).pdf" and folder "GENERAL", file
Print and File Output
By means of this ProtocolDesigner it is possible to create user-defined protocol
models. Then, you can use them in GEOPAK and CAT1000S for printout. To
create this model, you will not have to start at first GEOPAK or CAT1000S.
Click either
 in the menu bar of the PartManager on "Tools" and then on the function
 in the menu bar of GEOPAK on "Output" and after that on the function.
 The same is valid for CAT1000S.
So, the ProtocolDesigner is a tool to create protocol models or to change them. If
you select the ProtocolDesigner menu entry, first the "Open Protocol Models"
dialogue is opened. In this dialogue, you may - in order to create a model,
 either select an existing model or
 enter a new name in the "File Name" text field.
The models must be located in the LAYOUT sub-directory of MCOSMOS.
If you load a model from CAT1000S in the ProtocolDesigner of GEOPAK or vice versa -, you will get an error message "Expression Error" in the
subsequent window. GEOPAK doesn't support the data that are used in
CAT1000S. This is the same when you proceed this way in the
Consider that you have to use at least 7 head data fields in order to use
our example models.
For further information how to work with the "ProtocolDesigner" in GEOPAK and
CAT1000S, please refer to your MCOSMOS CD-ROM under "Documents", folder
"GENERAL", file "UM_flexprot_e(g,f).pdf".
You will also find a complete user's manual of the "ProtocolDesigner" program
under "protocoldesigner_e(g).pdf" on your MCOSMOS CD-ROM. Click on
"Documents / GENERAL".
The complete online help of the ProtocolDesigner is installed on your computer
depending on the operation system e.g. under "WINNT / system32", this means
under "CMBTL800.HLP" in German and under "CMBTL801.HLP" in English.
Related topics
Protocol Templates under Revision Management
Protocol Archive
In this window (menu bar "Output / Protocol Archive"), you enter the folder in
which MCOSMOS stores all the files relevant for a subsequent protocol. The data
can be administrated or printed via the Protocol-Manager. See details under the
topic ProtocolManager.
External Printing
If you activate this function, proceed in the following dialogue the same way as
explained under "Print Format Specification".
Print and File Output
External Print Format Change
If you activate this function, proceed in the following dialogue the same way as
explained under "Change Print Format".
External Print Format End
If you activate this function, proceed in the following dialogue the same way as
explained under "Print Format End".
Output Text
Click this icon to activate the "Text Output" function or choose "Output"
from the menu bar.
If you wish to output additional information in your protocol (see icon on the
left), click the printer icon.
This is also valid for the ASCII file.
You may enter
 a defined text, which, each time, is the same when you print it or
another text at each part program execution. Then, GEOPAK will
stop at each execution and asks you to enter your text.
You can enter a variable in the text (date etc.). For further information concerning
this subject refer to your MCOSMOS-CD-ROM under "Documents", folder
"GEOPAK", file UM_string_code_g(e).pdf.
The input text will be analysed and prepared. In the line under the description
field is shown, which text will be written into the protocol respectively into the file
after the "Preparation of Data".
Sorting of output data
With the "Position number" or "Position label" text boxes you can assign either a
number or a string (PKN1, PKN2, PKN3, etc.) to text (attributive features).
In output protocols (e.g. initial sample inspection report) you can use the
"Position number" or the "Position label" text boxes to determine the order of the
output data. This is how you can directly position input text in the protocol.
 Activate the "Position number" radio button if you wish to assign numbers
to text.
 Activate the "Position label" radio button if you wish to assign
alphanumerical characters instead of numbers to text.
The position label is sorted as text, i.e. the order of the position labels 1A,
2A,...10A after sorting is 1A, 10A, 2A.
This can be avoided simply by adding a blank before single-digit position
labels (e.g. 1A).
Position number and position label in a part program
When position numbers and position labels are used in a part program and when
the first characters of the position labels are numbers, the position labels are
sorted as follows:
Print and File Output
If you use the position labels, for example "1A", "1B", "1C" and a position number
1 in a part program, then the sort sequence is 1, 1A, 1B, 1C.
Leading zeros in a position label are also taken into consideration. That means,
position labels with leading zeros, for example 001 and 01, are always followed
by a 1, namely in the sequence 001, 01, 1.
Example: The position labels 001, 002, 003 and the position numbers 1, 2, 3 are
sorted in the sequence 001, 002, 003, 1, 2, 3.
You will find more detailed information about the priority of ASCII characters in
the Internet under the topic " ASCII table".
In the case of identical position numbers, first the input text and then the
relevant tolerance comparison are output.
Export Elements
With this part program command, you can export elements in different CAD
formats (DXF and IGES) or in the DMIS format.
 Click "Output" on the menu bar and then click "Export elements",
or click the "Export elements" button.
 The "Export elements" dialogue box appears.
"Output file" text box
IGES "Type of format" selection
 In the "Output file" text box, type a file name to save the exported
Click the "Select file" button to search for and to select an output
 In the "Type of format" text box select a format to export the elements.
Circle as full circle
The CAD programs can import circles as full circles. This is not possible with the
TRANSPAK-Win program. If you want to export full circles, you must set the
parameter "FullCircle" in the INI file "Export_IGES.USR" to 1.
Circle as two semicircles
With the MCOSMOS program TRANSPAK-Win you can import two semicircles
as full circle. This is not possible with CAD programs. If you want to import circles
as two semicircles, you must set the parameter "FullCircle" in the INI file
"Export_IGES.USR" to 0.
Print and File Output
Export settings in the INI file
Depending on the program that you use to edit the output file, you have to make
adjustments to the file Export_IGES.USR. With the adjustments made to the INI
file, you can save the circles in the IGES format as full circles or as two
You must create the file Export_IGES.USR as text file.
Create file Export_IGES.USR
Start an ASCII editor.
In the first line type the section name "[Main]".
In the second line type the parameter "FullCircle=0" or "FullCircle=1".
Save the file to the MCOSMOS INI directory under the file name
After conversion to DMIS, IGES or DXF, all elements are saved to the
cartesian co-ordinate system.
If the part program is generated with the program "Pure DMISPAK", the
"Export elements" function does not provide a correct DMIS format.
Layout for Protocol
This topic is relevant to CAT1000S only
This function serves to store graphic views for the protocol output.
In the menu "Output", click the function "Layout for protocol".
Dialogue "Layout for protocol"
You have two options:
 When activating the radio button "View no.", you can store up to 9 views
with three comments each as a standard. These views are listed in the
"List of variables" and can be activated there. In this case, the list of
measurement points is not stored.
 When activating the radio button "For table", the number of views is
unlimited. Each view is stored with the corresponding list of measurement
points and is shown in a table. These views are listed in the activated
ProtocolDesigner in the "List of variables" and in the "List of fields" and
can also be activated from there.
The ProtocolDesigner then uses these views to create templates. For this, also
refer to the topic "ProtocolDesigner in CAT1000S ".
Depending on the selected option, you need to select a template in the dialogue
"Protocol output" that supports this option. For this, also read the topic "Protocol
"Reset layout for protocol"
In the menu "Output", click the function "Reset layout for protocol".
Print and File Output
This function is only required if you have previously worked with the option "For
You can use this function to delete the previously stored layouts for the protocol.
The next printout will not contain the old layouts.
See also:
"Layout for protocol: hints"
Layout for Surface
The "Layout for Surface" window (menu bar "Output" and then the function) has
to do with the dialogue you originally know from CAT1000S. In CAT1000S, the
different views of the parts or the models will be provided with a name in the
"Labelling" line. In GEOPAK, you can’t edit in this line, although it is the same
dialogue. You only can call the layout commands having been generated in
CAT1000S and change with some options.
If you have opened the dialogue, you will see in the "Labelling" line the names of
the views, which you have already allocated in CAT1000S.
You can ask for a list of the different views of the part, you actually work
with in GEOPAK, via the arrow symbol (see picture below).
 Click on the view you want (in our example "top view").
 You can rotate the part and
 print out the view.
With the different options, you can
 print the graphics,
 print the list of the measured points,
 Stop CAT1000S after having printed and,
 if you have opened the info. windows in the selected view, you may
automatically "Re-sort" these.
In the following description fields
 drawing no. and
 the two comment lines
you can display the default of CAT1000S via the arrow symbol. It is possible
to edit in these lines in contrast to the "Labelling" (see above).
Print and File Output
Archive Measurement Data
This topic is relevant to CAT1000S only
You cannot use this function for saving geometrical elements of GEOPAK.
Only the results are saved for the surface measurement.
You can save your measurement data for later on evaluations.
 This function is learnable.
 You can use GEOPAK variables for the file name. Example: You use the
repeat counter for the repeat mode. Under "Save as" you enter the
following string: C:\cad\data@RC.asc.
 For details regarding text variables in GEOPAK, refer to the document
In GEOPAK: To start the function, go to the menu bar / Output / Archive
measurement data (CAT1000S).
In CAT1000S: To start the function, go to the menu bar / Measure / Measure with
external ASCII data
Time of saving
The measurement result is not calculated at the time of saving the measurement
data. If you have loaded a CAD-model, the calculation is performed on the basis
of the CAD-data. So when archiving the measurement data you need to archive
the corresponding CAD-model at the same time.
Determine measurement results with archived data
 Load an archived CAD-model or use an existing part.
 Load the corresponding archived measurement data in CAT1000S by
proceeding via the menu bar / Measurement / with ASCII-data.
 You get the measurement results
Export Measurement Data
This topic is relevant to CAT1000S only
Start dialogue
To get to the dialogue "Export Measurement Data" use the menu "Output" both in
CAT1000S and in the GEOPAK learning and editing mode.
Current data of CAT1000S (e.g. the output of measurement results in ASCII
format like DMIS, IGESor, VDAFS) can be stored via the GEOPAK part program.
This is a learnable function. If learning is required in GEOPAK, CAT1000S
must be running.
Print and File Output
Export CAD View with Anchor Points as HSF File
This command saves the view of the CAD model including the MeasurLink
information of all measured elements (anchor point, element ID, element name,
characteristic) in a HSF file (HOOPS Stream Format). The anchor point
determines the position where the callout is fixed on the CAD model. The CAD
co-ordinate system contains the co-ordinates of the anchor points. The element
ID is transferred in GEOPAK optionally with the statistics data to MeasurLink.
With this element ID and the data of the HSF file, MeasurLink is able to link the
statistics data with the CAD model. This information can only be displayed in
View of the CAD model saved as HSF file in MeasurLink with linked statistics
You determine the information that is to be transferred to MeasurLink in
the "Statistics" tab of the "GEOPAK Settings" dialogue box. In the
PartManager on the "Settings" menu, click "Defaults for programs" to
open this dialogue box. For more detailed information refer to "Statistics
Calling the command
There are two possibilities to call the command:
 In CAT1000PS, the CMM Learn Mode having started. For more detailed
information refer to "Export HSF".
 In the part program editor, CAT1000PS not having started. For more
detailed information refer to "Export HSF (CAT1000)".
Export HSF (CAT1000)
In GEOPAK the "Export HSF (CAT1000)" command is available only in the part
program editor.
Print and File Output
Calling the command
Click the button in the GEOPAK part program editor.
 Or on the "Output" menu click, "Export HSF (CAT1000)...".
 The "Export HSF (CAT1000)" dialogue box appears.
"Export HSF (CAT1000)" dialogue box
Click the button.
 The "Export HSF (CAT1000)" dialogue box appears.
"Export HSF (CAT1000)" dialogue box
 In the "Export HSF (CAT1000)" dialogue box choose path and name
under which the HSF file is to be stored.
 Click "Save". The "Export HSF (CAT1000)" command is added to the part
Related topics
Export CAD view with anchor points as HSF file
Export HSF
Save Contour in ASCII File
With the "Contour Save" function, you can store contours as ASCII file that
means as a text. Activate this function via the menu bar and the "Output" pulldown menu.
Print and File Output
In the "Contour Save" dialogue window in the list field under "Select Element",
you will find the contours you have measured so far. It is a part of the List of
Elements . Here, the number of contours is not limited.
 Click the contour you want to store. If you do not see it in the displayed
zone, you can use the scroll bar to view the whole list.
 Now enter the name of the file in the "Contour File" field together with the
path where you want to store the contour.
You can also click on the icon and store the file in the following
dialogue window (Windows conventions).
The file names must get the extension <.gws>. Otherwise, the program does not
recognise the special information contained in the file. The three letters g, w and
s come from "GEOPAK-Win Scanning".
Once you have stored the contour in such a file, you can use e.g. Word- or
Notepad to read, print, or modify the data. It is also possible to edit in these text
files (according to Windows conventions).
Open Protocol
To access this function and the corresponding dialogue, go to the menu bar and
the "Output" menu.
This function and the subsequent options "Change Protocol Format" and "Close
Protocol" enable you to control the output of tolerance comparisons and
elements. For initial detailed information refer to "Protocol Output" .
Remember right from the beginning that for the control of the print output you
have always to follow this order:
• Open protocol
• Change protocol format
• Close protocol
Printing, however, is also performed automatically at the end of the part program.
The "Open Protocol" dialogue offers you four options under the heading "Output
It is your decision as a user what print-out option you take:
 all tolerance comparisons,
 the tolerance comparisons outside the control limits,
 tolerance comparisons outside the tolerance limits, or
 all elements.
Using this dialogue you also make your decision for one of the "Output Types".
In contrast to the function "File Format Spezifikation" the option "head
data" does not stand to the decree in this dialogue. So that you can input
the head data, you must use the option "Inout Head Data" or "Set Head
Data Field".
Print and File Output
Change Protocol
This dialogue (Menu bar / Output / Change Protocol Format) allows you to make
changes to the output format previously selected in the dialogue "Open Protocol".
You have four options. It is your decision as a user
what print-out option you take:
 all tolerance comparisons,
 the tolerance comparisons outside the control limits,
 tolerance comparisons outside the tolerance limits, or
 all elements.
Close Protocol
Using this function (Menu bar / Output) you finish the current print output.
After finishing you can, of course, open a new protocol (for details refer to "Open
Protocol"). Thus it is possible to generate various protocols - designated e.g., by
"Geometric Elements", "Tolerances", etc.
When you leave the program, the protocol output is closed and the protocol
printed out.
Protocol Output
To get to the dialogue "Protocol output" in GEOPAK (learn mode, repeat mode or
edit mode), use the menu bar / Output / Protocol output.
By means of the "Protocol Output", you can create protocols. You can select a
template and the type of output.
The template is either a layout or a print template for your protocol.
Enter the path to the template folder into the list box.
Select an available template folder using the button "File name" or
use the input field to enter the path.
 You can create a new template file by saving, for example, own
templates. For this, also use the button "File name".
When creating a new template folder, this folder must be listed in the
directory "Layout". Otherwise you get an error message.
 In the list box "Template", all templates of the selected directory are
After the installation of MCOSMOS is completed, the folders
GEOPAK\Mitutoyo and CAT1000S\Mitutoyo contain some examples of
templates you can use.
 If you select a template, a preview of the template will be displayed.
Print and File Output
Number of Copies
 In the "Number of Copies" list box, you define how many copies you want
to output.
In the list box, you see how many protocols have been requested at
In which form the protocols are printed or stored is explained in the "Types of
Sort order
After you have assigned the position numbers, you can use the list box "Sort
order" to define if and how the tolerance comparisons shall be sorted.
Types of Output
By means of the radio buttons, which are listed under "Output" on the right side of
the dialogue window, you determine the output format. The following radio
buttons are available:
 Printer
If not set before, output is done on the current printer. If, in the
ProtocolDesigner, you have selected another printer for a layout, this will
be used to print the protocol.
For this topic, see details under "ProtocolDesigner". On your MCOSMOSCD-ROM you will find also a complete user’s manual under
"protocolldesigner_g(e).pdf". Click on "Documents" and "GENERAL".
 Print to File
If you select this option, a PRN file (preprint process) will be created. The
condition for this is a postscript printer driver able to create graphics for a
device-independent printing.
 Rich Text Format
If you make this option, a file will be created in RTF format. Then, you can
open this file in a text-processing program and if necessary adapt it.
The RTF documents will be created according to the Microsoft specification
"Version 1.5". Not all software makers comply with this specification. So it may
happen that the created RTF documents will be badly displayed by the textprocessing programs.
But, out of the ..\MCOSMOS\Layout directory, you can select layouts that have
been optimised for Word.
 HTML Format
If you output a protocol in HTML format (without Muli-Mime), several files
will be created by default. For example, the pictures are stored in a
separate file. If you want to send your measurement protocols (e.g. as
email or on CD rom), you should use the Multi-Mime-HTML format.
 Adobe PDF-Format
A PDF document will be created that you can read, print and edit (but
editing is limited) with the free of charge "Acrobat Reader" of Adobe.
 Multi-Mime-HTML-Format
This format is qualified for sending measurement protocols. With MultiMime-HTML format in contrast to simple HTML, only one file will be
Print and File Output
 XML-Format
This format is partially still in the making. XML is meant to offer you
multitudinous possibilities for processing your measurement data.
 Output in Formats of Graphic Data File
• Bitmap
If you make this option, you get one or several bitmap files,
independently to the size of your protocol.
• JPEG graphics
If you make this option, you get one or several JPEG files,
independently to the size of your protocol.
• Metafile (EMF)
If the output must be in the Metafile format, you get one or
several Metafile files, independently to the size of your protocol.
These graphic data files are suitable for a problem-free integration of your
measurement data in presentations.
List Box for File Names
In the list box bottom right, you enter the file name of the protocol.
Print Preview (Page View)
This preview option is a "Real Data Print Preview". This means that there are no
global values displayed such as those shown, e.g., in the ProtocolDesigner. What
is displayed are the values obtained from the measurements you have just
You access the dialogue (picture below) in the GEOPAK learn mode through the
"Menu bar / Output / Protocol Preview".
Print and File Output
So it is possible for you to verify your protocol once more before printing. If your
protocol is alright, you will not have to leave the print preview again. You select
your template from the list and confirm. As a result, you obtain a screen-filling
preview from where you can print directly.
In addition to the above, it is possible to store the print preview or to email it
to your customer. For this purpose, you customer needs only a small program
that he can get from you without paying license fees. You find this "invoice.ll"
program on your MCOSMOS – CD.
All other symbols in this preview window are ballooned, so you can see right on
the spot what function is concerned.
Flexible Graphic Protocols
To open the dialogue window "Store graphic for template" click on the
symbol (left) of an opened graphic window, e.g. "Graphics of elements".
Alternatively you can use the menu bar "Graphic / Store graphic for template".
With this function you can prepare graphics in the learn mode for the printout in
the flexible protocol.
It is not possible to print graphic windows directly out of the GEOPAK
learn mode into the flexible protocols. For this, you need to store the
graphic windows temporarily as a file. The definition as to which files are
printed out, you find in the templates.
In the input field "Names" of the dialogue "Store graphic for template" you enter a
name of the graphic that is as "telling" as possible. You can also dispose of nine
view numbers. Depending on the template with which you want to print, you have
to select the view number. You know these view numbers (picture on the right)
from the ProtocolDesigner. For detailed information on this program and further
directions for use and Online Help refer to ProtocolDesigner.
Print and File Output
The inputs in the input fields "Name" and "Comment" are, subject to a relevant
template, included in the flexible protocol.
In contrast to the GEOPAK edit mode, you need not select a graphic type,
because in the learn mode, the function "Store graphic for template" is
linked to the graphic.
For more information, refer to " Flexible Graphic Protocols in the GEOPAK Part
program editor" and "Flexible Graphic Protocols and Graphic in the GEOPAK
learn mode".
Details for the operation can be found in the topic "Tolerance Graphics in the
Flexible Protocol".
Flexible Graphic Protocols and Graphic
Print Graphic
 Activate the function "View number".
 The "For table" function is deactivated.
 Select view number 1, as the protocol output of Mitutoyo templates is
performed via "view number" 1 as a standard.
 Activate the "Print graphic" function if you wish to print out the graphic
immediately after having confirmed the dialogue with "OK".
 After clicking the "Print graphic" option, the "Protocol output" dialogue box
 In the "Protocol output" dialogue box you select the template you require
for your flexible protocol.
To avoid problems with graphics of older measurements, these view
numbers and the connected data are deleted upon each program
Printing the graphic as a table in the flexible protocol
 Activate the function "For table".
 The "View number" function is deactivated.
Thus, the graphic is not printed in a single frame but is included in a table in the
flexible protocol. The advantage of printing graphics within a table is that any
number of graphics can be printed, i.e. irrespective of whether you wish to print
out 1 or 100 graphics, you can always use the same template.
If you want to print a tolerance graphic as table in the flexible protocol,
make sure that you have selected a template for tables in the
"Protocol output" dialogue box.
Print and File Output
Selection of a template for tables
Positioning the graphic in the flexible protocol
When entering a number in the "Position number" text box, you can position the
graphic in the flexible protocol. We recommend that you reserve position
numbers for this purpose in your part program in order to avoid a doubling of
position numbers in the flexible protocol.
In the "Position label" text box you can enter alphanumeric characters instead of
numbers (e.g. PKN1, PKN2, PKN3, etc.).
The position label is sorted as text, i.e. the order of the position labels 1A,
2A,...10A after sorting is 1A, 10A, 2A.
This can be avoided simply by adding a blank before single-digit position
labels (e.g. 1A).
Position number and position label in a part program
When position numbers and position labels are used in a part program and when
the first characters of the position labels are numbers, the position labels are
sorted as follows:
If you use the position labels, for example "1A", "1B", "1C" and a position number
1 in a part program, then the sort sequence is 1, 1A, 1B, 1C.
Leading zeros in a position label are also taken into consideration. That means,
position labels with leading zeros, for example 001 and 01, are always followed
by a 1, namely in the sequence 001, 01, 1.
Example: The position labels 001, 002, 003 and the position numbers 1, 2, 3 are
sorted in the sequence 001, 002, 003, 1, 2, 3.
You will find more detailed information about the priority of ASCII characters in
the Internet under the topic "ASCII table".
Changing the size of graphic in the flexible protocol
If you activate the function "Define scaling", you can enlarge or reduce the
display size of the graphic in the flexible protocol to scale.
You can use this function to fit the graphic into the frame of the template. In case
that the graphic is bigger than the frame, only that part of the graphic is displayed
that fits into the frame.
 Values below zero reduce the graphic size.
 Values bigger than zero enlarge the graphic size.
Edit Graphic
The function "Store graphic for template" automatically stores all graphics as a
meta file. To edit the graphic with the graphic programs Corel Draw, Micrografx
Designer or AutoCAD, click the "Edit graphic" button.
The "Edit graphic" button is only active when a graphic editor has been set in the
PartManager under "Settings / Defaults for programs / PartManager / Editor Tab".
Print and File Output
Layout of Info Windows in the Learn Mode
You can use the function "Define layout of info windows for print command" to
store the number, position and contents of the info windows in a meta file.
Therefore, the graphic is printed in the repeat mode exactly the same way as it
has been learned in the learn mode. For detailed information, refer to the topic
"Define Layout of Info Windows".
Info windows can only be defined for the element graphics and the airfoil
analysis (MAFIS).
For detailed information refer to "Protocol output" and "Types of Output ".
Flexible Graphic Protocols in the GEOPAK Editor
In order to print-out graphic windows like, for example, "Graphics of elements” in
the repeat mode, the function "Store Graphic for template” is required.
It is not possible to print graphic windows directly out of the GEOPAK
learn mode into the flexible protocols. For this, you need to store the
graphic windows temporarily as a file. The definition as to which files are
printed out, you find in the templates.
To get to the function and the corresponding dialogue use the menu bar and the
menu "Output".
In the part program, this function should always be between the commands
"Open protocol” and "Close protocol”.
In the command "Open protocol”, always ensure that you have selected
the correct template. For detailed information, refer to the topic Templates
of Graphic Windows.
Details for the operation can be found in the topic "Tolerance Graphics in the
Flexible Protocol".
Tolerance Graphics in the Flexible Protocol
Positioning the graphic in the flexible protocol
When entering a number in the "Position number" text box, you can position the
graphic in the flexible protocol. We recommend that you reserve position
numbers for this purpose in your part program to avoid a doubling of position
numbers in the flexible protocol.
In the "Position label" text box you can enter alphanumerical characters instead
of numbers (e.g. PKN1, PKN2, PKN3, etc.).
The position label is sorted as text, i.e. the order of the position labels 1A,
2A,...10A after sorting is 1A, 10A, 2A.
This can be avoided simply by adding a blank before single-digit position
labels (e.g. 1A).
You will find more detailed information about the priority of ASCII characters in
the Internet under the topic " ASCII table".
Print and File Output
Position number and position label in a part program
When position numbers and position labels are used in a part program and when
the first characters of the position labels are numbers, the position labels are
sorted as follows:
If you use the position labels, for example "1A", "1B", "1C" and a position number
1 in a part program, then the sort sequence is 1, 1A, 1B, 1C.
Leading zeros in a position label are also taken into consideration. That means,
position labels with leading zeros, for example 001 and 01, are always followed
by a 1, namely in the sequence 001, 01, 1.
Example: The position labels 001, 002, 003 and the position numbers 1, 2, 3 are
sorted in the sequence 001, 002, 003, 1, 2, 3.
Changing the size of graphic in the flexible protocol
If you activate the function "Define scaling", you can enlarge or reduce the
display size of the graphic in the flexible protocol to scale.
 Values below zero reduce the graphic,
 values bigger than zero enlarge the graphic.
Example: Print tolerance graphic "Flatness" in the flexible protocol
 In the "Open protocol" dialogue box, select the "Flatness" template, for
 Click "Ok" to confirm.
"Protocol output" dialogue box
Selected template "Flatness"
 Open the "Store graphic for template" dialogue box.
 From the "Define graphic type" list box, select "Flatness".
 From the "Reference element" list box, select an element that is to be
represented in the tolerance graphic.
Confirm the "Loop counter", when you want an output of elements
with a tolerance graphic within a loop.
In the "Name" and "Comment" text boxes enter the text to be output in the
flexible protocol.
Select the function "View number".
The function "For table" is unavailable.
Select view number 1, because the Mitutoyo templates regularly output
the protocols via the "View number 1".
Select the "Close window" function when you want to close the graphic
window in the repeat mode.
Example: Print tolerance graphic "Flatness" as a table in the flexible
 In the "Protocol output" dialogue box, select the "Graphic output in a
table" template.
Print and File Output
 Follow the steps 4 to 7 of the above example.
 Select the function "For table".
 The function "View number" is unavailable.
Templates for tables in the flexible protocol
The following templates are valid for the tabular printout in the flexible protocol:
 Graphic output in a table
 Graphic output in a table letter
 Standard report with Graphic
 Standard report with Graphic letter
If you want to print a tolerance graphic as table in the flexible protocol,
make sure that you have selected a template for tables in the "Protocol
output" dialogue box.
Selection of a template for tables
For more detailed information, see "Templates of Graphic Windows ".
Templates of Graphic Windows
For information about which graphic window requires which template, see the
table below:
Graphic window
Graphics of elements
Tolerance graphic
Circular Runout
Axial Runout
Compare Points
Tolerance Comparison Contour
Dialogue for Protocol Output
With the dialogue for the protocol output, it is possible to enter additional data in
the protocol. These can be e.g.
 data concerning the part,
 data concerning the user or
 data concerning the customer.
Via the "Template" list box, you select the layout you want.
Print and File Output
The template is a layout or a manuscript for your protocol.
The selected ProtocolDesigner template must have been related to a userdefined input dialogue (edl file). You can relate a user-defined input
dialogue only in the ProtocolManager program. For further information on
this subject refer to the topic ProtocolManager
An example for a layout with a dialogue is the "Initial Sample Report of 1998" that
you can find in the list box.
For a better orientation, a preliminary drawing of the selected layout is
automatically displayed.
Transfer Contour into an External System
Whenever you export a contour to an external system, you always load an ASCIIfile. In particular, external systems are, for instance ...
• CAD-Systems,
• Programming places,
• Part programs for machine-tools.
You proceed in the following way
You click on the menu "Output" and the function "Export Contour" in
the menu bar within the GEOPAK main window.
 You get to the window "Export Contour".
Using the arrow in the top list box, you select the contour you want to
You specify, in the format type list box, the format of the ASCII-file
you want to export.
 You use the text box "Contour File" to save by ...
• Entering the file name, or ...
...you select a folder via the symbol. You can also
overwrite an existing file.
 In the bottom section of the window you define whether
• you want to accept the driver defaults, or whether...
• the contour data in the ASCII-file is to be available in millimetres
or inches.
Further functions
In case the external systems differentiates between the two contour forms
2D contour or...
3D contour - this depends on the properties of the driver - an alternative
selection is possible. The question is whether the contour output will be
performed in a projected way.
Print and File Output
It is, off course, possible to re-import (read-in) an exported file.
Compare Points
Task: With the comparison of points, you get an overview of the position
deviation of several elements. The elements can either be points, circles, ellipses
or spheres.
Program run
 The elements are designated as actual elements and must be completely
filed in a sequence in the memory.
 Input the nominal positions as theoretical nominal elements. These must
also be completely filed in a sequence in the memory. Nominal elements
must always be of the same type as the actual elements.
 Click on "Compare Points" in the "Output" pull-down menu.
 In the "Compare Points" dialogue window, you define the elements to be
compared and the number of the elements. In this dialogue, you
determine whether the actual points and the tolerance diameter must be
displayed in the graphics. Furthermore, you select here a
• scale factor or the
• auto scale.
 The "Compare Points" graphics window appears.
• The graphics shows the largest and smallest distance of the
actual element(s) to the nominal element(s).
• Furthermore, the text that you’ve input before in the dialogue
window is displayed.
Elements of the "Compare Points" Graphics Window
 Toolbar
 Graphical display in the left part
 Numerical evaluation in the right part
Toolbar in the "Compare Points" Graphics Window
Zoom graphics clip
Reset zoom
Move graphics clip
Display element information
Rotate the graphic
Display Option
Top view (XY-plane, line of sight towards the Z-axis)
Side face (YZ-plane, line of sight towards the X-axis)
Front view(ZX-plane, line of sight towards the Y-axis)
3D view
Print and File Output
Learnable graphic commands: If you click on this icon, you can store in
another window commands in the part program such as
• "Actual Graphics Settings",
• "Print Window" and
• "Close Window".
If you click in the learn mode on the "close window symbol" of a
graphic window, the command "window close" will written into your part
program. If this part program runs off in the repeat mode, then this window
is closed automatically.
Print graphics: If you click this symbol, a printout of the current window
contents with the usual log data is created.
Scale and Print Graphics
The function "Learnable Graphic Commands" enables the settings for the graphic
evaluations of the below items to be stored in the GEOPAK Part Program Editor.
 Element Graphics
 Tolerance Graphics
• Straightness
• Flatness
• Circularity
 Parallelism
 Airfoil analysis
 Circular Runout
 Compare Points
 Tolerance Comparison Contours
You decide whether the print graphics is printed out with an automatic or
adjustable scale factor.
Add learnable graphic command to part program
 Click in the menu bar on "Output / Learnable Graphic Commands".
 Select a graphic type from the list box "Define graphic type".
 In the list box "Reference element", select an element that shall be
displayed and evaluated in the selected graphic.
When several reference elements are possible, always select the current
or the nominal element as the reference element.
All elements are displayed in the element graphics. Therefore the
Element Selection list box is disabled in case you select the element
Print and File Output
Activate the "Print Window" option, when the graphics is to be printed in the
repeat mode.
 Activate the "Print Window" option, when the graphics is to be printed in
the repeat mode.
Only open graphic windows can be printed. In order for the element
graphics to be printed, it is necessary that in the repeat mode the function
"Window / Element Graphics" in the menu bar is activated.
To print the rest of the graphic windows it is necessary that the
diagram symbol is activated in the corresponding nominal-to-actualcomparison.
 Adjust the way your graphics is to be scaled in the printout.
 Activate the "Close Window" option, when the graphic window which was
followed in performing the part program command in the repeat mode,
has to be closed.
 Upon confirmation of your settings the part program command "Learnable
Graphic Commands" will be transferred into your part program.
Programming Tools
Programming Tools
Programming Help Contents
Clicking on the topics in the below list, you will obtain the required information
about this topic.
Programming Help
Measurement Graphic / Measurement Sequence
Variables and Calculations
Definition of Variables
Input of Formula
Global and Local Variables
Input of Variables
Yes/No Variable
Store Variables to File
Store Variable in INI-File
Load Variable from INI-File
Load Variables from File
Transfer Actual CMM Position into Variable
Actual Temperature in Variable
Settings for Temperature Compensation
Check Temperature
Temperature Warning
Definition of String Variables
Input of String Variables
Store String Variables
Load String Variables
Store Text Variable in INI-File
Load Text Variable from INI-File
Formula Calculation
Overview: Operators and Functions
Scale factor
Programming Help
There are some functions designed to make easier for you generating an
effective part program.
Automatic Measurement: If you need the automatic element
measurement, just click on this icon (for example Circle). Then the automatic
element measurement window appears, immediately after you confirm the
element. Thus, it is not necessary to activate this function explicitly. The button
remains pressed if you activate the element again.
Automatic element finished: As soon as the required number of
measurement points has been taken,
• the element is considered to be ready and no more data points
are expected,
• the element is calculated and stored.
Programming Tools
This only makes sense if you know in advance how many points you need.
If you want to keep measuring until you have reached the limits of your
element, you should deactivate this function. In this case, you should use
the icon "Automatic element finished" to tell GEOPAK that the
measurement has been finished.
Measurement Graphic: After you have activated the function, the element
you measure is continuously presented in the window "Measurement display".
Acoustic action: If you want, a voice can tell you what to do next; this is
especially useful for manual machines, or during manual alignment.
Tolerate: this button activates the tolerance-input window immediately after
you have confirmed the element window. In this case, you do not have to activate
the function explicitly.
Loop counter: Within a loop, the element memory number can be
automatically incremented for each execution by pressing this button. If you want
to store the element into the same memory number, do not use this button.
No projection: If you do not want the element to be automatically projected
into the plane it is nearest to, you should press this button.
Measurement Graphic / Measurement Sequence
You have four options for activating the measurement graphic:
Click on both symbols:
The element and the number of the measured and of the expected
measurement points are displayed (see ill.).
 Click on the graphics symbol only:
The element and the number of the measured measurement points are
 Click on none of the symbols:
The number of the measured measurement points is displayed.
 Click only on the symbol "Aut. element finished":
The number of the measured and of the expected measurement points
are displayed.
Programming Tools
Variables and Calculations
In addition to the possibilities GEOPAK offers in connection with the geometrical
calculations, you can define – according to requirements - your own variables
and perform calculations. You can use the variables wherever GEOPAK expects
a numerical value. GEOPAK makes your work easier offering a list of the
variables, which you have defined before.
Activate the "Define Variable and Calculate" dialogue window via
the symbol of the toolbar on the right of screen margin.
 By mouse-click, open the list box beside "Names of Variable".
 Click on "Your" Variable.
 GEOPAK accepts this variable as input value.
Variables generally have three major advantages:
 You can perform calculations, which are not programmed in GEOPAK,
e.g. the calculation of a the area of circle out of the diameter, and ...
 You can use variables (without other calculations) to edit flexible part
programs. This means that you only have to write a single part program
for similar parts that only differ in some measurements
For example, when calculating sealing rings having different diameters:
here, only one part program for different diameters is sufficient if the
diameter is defined as variable.
 Variables can also be read in a file or output into a file. This way, you can
exchange data with other programs
Definition of Variables
In addition to the possibilities GEOPAK offers for the geometrical calculations,
you can define – according to your requirements - your own variables and
perform calculations. You can use the variables wherever GEOPAK expects a
numerical value.
Call the function "Formula Calculation" via the symbol or the menu
"Calculate" and come to the "Define and Calculate Variables" dialogue
 Input the name you want for your variable (maximum 18 characters) into
the line with names of variables.
 An expressive term makes easier finding the correct variable again and
increases the readability of your part program.
You should try to find a method which makes sense (also see topic )
For detailed information, also refer to the topic Global and Local Variables
Decimal Places
As the next step, define in the dialogue window "Define Variable and Calculate"
how many decimal places you need for this variable. The calculation will be done
with the best possible accuracy, but for the
• protocol,
• tolerance and the
• comparison queries
only the number of decimal places you have defined is taken into account.
Programming Tools
You should know
When calculating with decimal fractions, there is always a small truncation
error. This truncation error makes it nearly impossible that a real number
"exactly" accepts a value desired.
If you perform a query of a calculated value for equation with a number, the
computer will always inform you that the values are different because
normally, to make an example, they differentiate around 10*E-18.
However, this difference is not important for a normal application. The
operator however, wants figures with such a small difference to be treated
as "Equal".
You can find details in the topic Table of Operators and Functions .
Variables: Input of Formula
In the next description field, you can input just a number or a complete formula.
 In each case, GEOPAK immediately displays the result on the right
(besides the text field) of the formula.
 If a calculation cannot be performed, the result is shown as "-".
 See which operandi and operators are allowed in a formula in detail under
the topic Table of Operators and Functions
 Upper and lower case letters are of no importance.
For detailed information also refer to the topic Global and Local Variables
Include Element Characteristics
 If you want to include the characteristic of a measured element into the
calculation (e.g. the diameter of a measured circle), first click on the list
box "Elements" (at bottom left) with the elements already defined
 Then, click on the text field "Feature". Here, select the characteristic of
the element.
When clicking on the symbol, this element characteristic is
accepted in the input field for the formula.
 If the calculation is making sense, the result is immediately displayed.
In this dialogue window (top on the right), you find the symbol
can undo as many steps as you want.
. You
Global and Local Variables
You can use the variables as global or local variables. The global variables are
valid in the complete part program, i.e. in the main program and all subprograms.
Programming Tools
You can use the function "Local definition" (see ill. below) to define that certain
variables are only operative in a part of the part program. If, for example, a
variable is defined as a local variable in the main program, this variable is
unknown in a subprogram. Therefore, a variable that has been defined in a
subprogram may have the same name as a variable in the main program and
does not, for example, overwrite a global variable of the main program. It is used,
however, in the sub-program.
This means that the variable locally defined in the subprogram has a higher
priority than the global variable.
Formula Calculation
With this part program command you can assign formulas to a variable. Use this
part program command, for example, to write variable part programs.
Click the "Formula calculation" button.
 Or, on the "Calculate" menu, click "Formula calculation".
 In the "Name of variable" text box, enter the name of the formula
(maximum 18 characters).
 A meaningful name helps to find the correct variable and enhances the
readability of the part program. It is important to agree on a valid system.
Enter formula
To enter a formula, the following possibilities are available:
 In the "Formula" text box, enter the formula or select from the "System
parameter" list box.
Click the arrow button to open the "System parameter" list box.
 Select a system parameter.
Click the selection button.
 The selected system parameter is entered in the "Formula" box.
Undo entries
With the "Undo" button you can undo each action. This is very helpful, for
example, if formula entries have been deleted by mistake.
Programming Tools
For more detailed information about formula calculation, see also:
Define Variables
Calculate with Measurement Results
Define Several Formulas
Global and Local Variables
For more detailed information about the parameters, see also " Table of
Operators and Functions".
Define Variables
If you want to define the variable as a local variable, select the "Local definition"
check box. For more detailed information about the definition of variables, see
also "Global and local variables".
Enter mathematical functions
For the entry of a formula, several mathematical functions are available. These
functions are represented on a keyboard. You can show or hide the keyboard.
To show the keyboard:
 On the "File" menu, point to "Settings".
 Then click "Properties for dialogue selection".
 Under "Formula calculation", click "Full dialogue".
 When you open the "Formula calculation" dialogue box, the keyboard
Use the keyboard, for example, to add trigonometric functions and calculations to
your formula.
 When you click a button on the keyboard, the corresponding numbers or
functions are entered in the "Formula" text box.
 For example, click "sin()".
 The function is entered in the "Formula" text box.
Select a "System parameter" and click the selection button.
 The "System parameter" is entered in the "Formula" text box.
Make sure that the cursor is at the correct position in the "Formula" text
box, as the variable selected from the "System parameter" list box is
always inserted after the cursor.
Calculate with Measurement Results
To create formulas, you can use the measured elements or its nominal values.
Click the arrow button to open the "Element" list box and select an
 Click the arrow button to select a parameter.
When you click the selection button, the element and the selected
parameter are entered in the "Formula" text box.
Formula calculation with nominal values
In GEOPAK you can use the command "Predefine element" to define the nominal
values or to transfer these values from CAT1000. For more information, see
"Input of Nominal Values for Elements".
Programming Tools
If you want to refer to these nominal values in the formula calculation, proceed as
To make the "Nominal value" check box visible, select the "Show button:
Pre-define element" check box in the GEOPAK settings in the
PartManager. For more information, see "Dialogues".
 Select the "Nominal value" check box.
 Under "Element", click "Add feature".
 In the "Formula" text box, the prefix "Nom" is added to the formula sign.
Diameter for "circle 2"
 NomCR[2].D: Nominal diameter
 CR[2].D: Actual diameter
Define Several Formulas
When you click "OK" in the "Formula calculation" dialogue box, the dialogue box
is closed. To define several formulas without having to open the dialogue box
again, proceed as follows:
Click the "Apply and reopen dialogue" button.
 Make the corresponding entries.
 Click "Ok".
 The part program command including your entries is entered in the part
program and the dialogue box remains open.
For more information, see "Global and Local Variables ".
Input of Variables
This function allows you to enter variables in the running part program by means
of a dialogue box.
To open the "Input variable" dialogue box click on this icon or choose
"Calculate / Input variable" from the menu bar.
In the "Input variable" dialogue box, proceed as follows:
Simple input: Click on this icon if you wish to enter one variable
In the Text for dialogue text box enter the dialogue text. The
dialogue text describes the information to be entered in a part
program dialogue.
Make your entries in the Name of variable, Suggestion, Lower
limit, Upper limit and Decimals text boxes. Make sure to use a
significant name of variable.
For detailed information also refer to the topic Global and Local Variables
Programming Tools
Select DialogDesigner files
From dialogue file: Click on this icon if you wish to enter several
variables in a dialogue box.
• In the Filename text box type the file name or...
... click on this icon to choose from the displayed .udl files
that you have created before.
You will find more detailed information in the file "Specifications
for Layout Dialogue Boxes" (dia_lay_e.pdf) on the MCOSMOS
As it is possible to create several dialogues in one file enter the
name of the dialogue in the "Name of dialogue" text box.
You can enter up to 18 characters for the variable name. All letters, digits
and the underline are admissible. The variable name may not start with a
Yes/No Variable
This function is the simple version of the "Input variable" dialogue box. E.g. if you
wish to determine before a measurement that the measuring results are to be
printed, choose "Calculate / Yes/No variable" from the menu bar.
Make your entries in the Text for dialogue and Name of variable text boxes.
For detailed information also refer to the topic Global and Local Variables
Store Variables to File
If you need the contents of the variables beyond the actual program run you
should use the function "Store Variables to file" (menu bar "Calculate / Store
Variables to file"). In the following window, you enter the file for the variables, so
all defined variables at this moment are stored.
Enter name of file for variables
Click the button "Select file".
Select a folder and/or file.
Confirm your selection by clicking the button "Store".
The path with the file name of the file for variables is displayed in the input
field "File for variables".
You can also enter the name of the file for variables manually in the input
field "File for variables".
Programming Tools
Attach variables or overwrite file for variables
When you activate the graphical checkbox "Attach", the variables are
attached to the end of the file for variables. This is useful when the function
"Store variables to file" is used in a loop, as otherwise the file for variables is
overwritten with the variables.
Store filter to variables
With activating the graphical checkbox "Filter for storing", you activate a
filter that allows only certain variables to be stored into the file for variables.
 Enter your filter into the input field "Filter for storing".
 In this input field, you may use these wild cards: star (*) and question
mark (?).
Use in a part program the variable names SCOORX, SCOORY and
SCOORZ, for example, for a start point. To store these three variables,
enter the string "?COOR*" in the input field "Filter for storing".
Define variable name
Make sure that you define meaningful names for your variables. Meaningful
names will allow you to immediately recognise content and task of the variable
and will facilitate the filtering of the variables.
For information about how to define variables names, go to the topic "Input
Store Variable in INI-File
You can store the variables in INI-files. An INI-file is an ASCII-file in a special
format, like for example:
To get to the function, go to the menu bar / Calculate. In the following dialogue
window you can decide
 which variable is to be stored into the file,
 and you select the INI-file.
After selecting this file you can have the existing INI-sectors
displayed by clicking the arrow.
 After selecting the sector you can have all INI-variables displayed.
Non-existing files, sectors or variables are created.
The variables in the text box at the top and the INI-variables may have
different names.
The contents of the variables are assigned to the contents of the INIvariables.
Programming Tools
Load Variable from INI-File
You can load the variables from INI-files. An INI-file is an ASCII-file in a special
format, like for example:
To get to the function, go to the menu bar / Calculate. In the following dialogue
window you can decide,
 which variable shall be loaded from the file.
 Select the INI-file.
After selecting this file you can have the existing INI-sectors
displayed by clicking the arrow.
 After selecting the sector you can have all INI-variables displayed.
Non-existing files, sectors or variables are created.
The variables in the text box at the top and the INI-variables may have
different names.
The contents of the variables are assigned to the contents of the INIvariables.
In this dialogue window you can also opt for the Local Definition of
Loading a String Variable
Using this part program command you can load string variables from a file of
string variables. You can reload all the string variables as they had been stored
Click the "Load variables from file" button.
 Or, on the "Calculate" menu, click "Load variables from file".
 The "Load string variables from file" dialogue box appears.
Programming Tools
Click the "Select file" button.
 The "Load variables from file" file browser appears.
 Select a string variable file.
Two different types of formats can be loaded:
 Format with string variable name
The name of the string variable is separated from the string variable by an
equal sign.
 Format without string variable name
The string variable does not have a name.
The string variable name is always on the left of the equal sign.
Example of a file with string variables
A file of string variables with the following content is available:
 Text1=First text
 Text2=Second text
 InfoOne=First information
 InfoTwo=Second information
Example of a file without string variables
A file of string variables with the following content is available:
 First text
 Second text
 First information
 Second information
Loading a String Variable with a Filter
If you want to load single string variables or groups of variables
only, click the "Use load filter" button.
 In the "Use load filter" box, enter the name of the filter.
Effects of the filter on files with string variable names
The file to be loaded contains the string variable name, for example, InfoOne.
The string variables that match the filter are loaded.
Example for the filter application with string variable names
In the "Use load filter" box, you have entered "Info".
If you click "Ok" to confirm, the corresponding string variables are assigned
during the running part program to the string variable names that match the filter:
 InfoOne=First information
 InfoTwo=Second information
String variable file without string variables
If the file to be loaded does not have a string variable name, these lines are
loaded unfiltered. Each line is assigned to a string variable. The name depends
on the entry in the "Use load filter" box.
Programming Tools
This entry is used as basis for the variable name. A number is added to this
variable name. This number is incremented with each variable name.
If you leave the "Use load filter" box empty, the name of the string variable is
automatically built by "STR" and a consecutive number.
Example of a string variable file without string variables
In the "Use load filter" box, you have entered "Info".
If you click "Ok" to confirm, the following string variables are assigned to the
string variable names during the running part program:
 Info0=First text
 Info1=Second text
 Info2=First information
 Info3=Second information
Loading a String Variable from a File Section
If you want to load string variables from a specific file section, click
the "Load from line number" button.
 In the "Load from line number" box, enter the line number.
 In the "No. of lines" box, enter a number to determine the number of lines
to be read from the variable file.
When using this function it is important to have good knowledge of the
structure of the variable file.
Waiting for File with String Variable
If you want to wait for a string variable file from another program, click the
"Wait for file" button.
To make sure that the program waits for the current information during the
next program execution, click the "Delete file" button. The file is deleted after
If you want to select a variable file only during the program execution, click
the "Ask in repeat mode" button. Then, the part program will be stopped during its
execution and you can select a variable file in the "Load string variables from file"
dialogue box.
See also
Global and Local Variables
Actual Position into Variables
With this command you can transfer the position of the CMM and/or the position
of the rotary table into variables.
Starting the command
 Click "Calculate/Actual position into variables" on the GEOPAK menu bar.
Or click "Actual position into variables".
 The "Actual position into variables" dialogue box appears.
Programming Tools
"Actual position into variables" dialogue box
Enter name of variable
Be careful when typing the name: if you misspell the name, a new (wrong)
variable is created under this name and you will probably use this variable
by mistake.
 Enter the variable name for the CMM position in the "Position X, Y and Z"
 In the "Rotary table angle 1" and "Rotary table angle 2" lists, enter the
variable names of the rotary table position.
 When you select "Rotary table angle 2", the current rotation axis is stored
into the relevant variable.
If no second rotation axis is available or an index table has been
configured, "Rotary table angle 2" is not available.
"Rotary table angle 2" is available if it has already been preselected in the
part program command and if the dialogue box is open in the part
program editor. This is also the case when the rotary table does not have
a second rotation axis.
Select co-ordinate system
Click "Machine co-ordinates" if you want to load the position in the
CMM co-ordinate system.
 If the button is not selected, the position is loaded in the part co-ordinate
 Click "OK" and the current position is stored into the variable.
When you enter a variable name, you can either use an already existing
name or a new name. If you select a new name, a new variable is
Programming Tools
Related topics
Global and Local Variables
Actual Temperature in Variable
To record the workpiece temperature it is possible to connect 1 - 8 temperature
sensors to the control system.
In order for you to record and, if necessary, document temperature variations in
the part program, these variations can be loaded into variables (refer also to the
subject Formula Input). Make the following entries in the "Current Temperature
into Variable" dialogue from the "Calculations" menu:
Name the variable and make your choice which temperature you want to take.
 The calculation temperature is recorded at every part program start.
GEOPAK assumes that temperature remains unchanged while the
program is running.
 The average value from all available sensors is shown in the "Machine
Position" window. This allows the part program to check that the
calculated temperature is still valid.
 You can also make your decision for the average temperature of selected
sensors. In this case one button is active for each connected sensor.
If you want to know the CMM's current temperature values at the three axes, you
will have to click, at your option, on one of the buttons in the lower section of this
dialogue. The CMM will use these temperatures automatically to compensate for
its own temperature dependence.
For information on this subject refer to Temperature Compensation and,
if a manual CMM is of interest to you, to the subject Temperature Compensation:
Manual CMM.
For detailed information also refer to the topic Global and Local Variables
Settings for Temperature Compensation
For a compensation of an expansion or contraction of workpieces, the reference
point is of particular importance. If no reference point is given, the origin of the
machine co-ordinate system is taken as the reference point. So you can see from
the example below that the workpiece is placed against a stop (shaded). An
expansion is only possible in the direction of the arrow. Therefore, the reference
point is at the lower left edge, identified with an X.
Of course, the workpiece might just as well have been screwed on (see ill.
Programming Tools
Basic principle: The reference point is always the point which remains, despite an
expansion or a contraction, always exactly at the position where it has been from
the start.
When rotating a rotary table, it is imperative to use the centre point of the
rotary table as the reference point.
Settings in the Dialogue
To get to the dialogue, proceed via the menu "Calculate" and the function
"Settings for temperature compensation". The dialogue is structured in two
 Settings for Temperature Compensation
 Temperature Control.
Activate Temperature Compensation of the Workpiece
You decide whether to activate the temperature compensation of the workpiece
or not.
Temperature Coefficient
You decide whether to change the temperature coefficient or not. If yes, enter the
coefficient or select the workpiece material.
For more detailed information, refer to the topic Temperature Coefficient:
Selection from List.
Programming Tools
Setting the Calculation Temperature
Use Start Temperature
When the temperature does not change significantly during measurement, you
can work with a constant start temperature. When selecting this option, you
should read the chapter "Select workpiece temperature sensor". You can also
limit the temperature range by using the temperature control. In this case, an
error message is displayed when the temperature is outside the range. See also
the topic "Temperature Control". Part programs created with older versions than
v2.4 use the option "Use Start Temperature".
This option is, for example, suitable for measurements in an airconditioned measurement room with short measurement times.
Periodical Temperature Update
If the workpiece temperature changes during measurement, you can use this
option. Please note that the temperature sensors should be thermically coupled
with the workpiece. When selecting this option, you should read the chapter
"Select Workpiece Temperature Sensors". To exclude significant temperature
changes, you can also limit the temperature range. For more information, refer to
the topic "Temperature Control".
Setting the Calculation Temperature
If the temperature of the workpiece is known and is not changing significantly,
you can enter a constant temperature.
This option can, for example, be applied in the following cases:
 Workpiece Temperature outside temperature range of the sensors
 Working with external thermometers
 Temperature sensors cannot be attached to the workpiece
With this option keep in mind that errors occur when the workpiece cools
down or warms up, as you are calculating with a constant temperature.
When using this option, you cannot monitor the temperature.
Select Workpiece Temperature Sensors
You can select either an average temperature of all sensors or individual
(For detailed information, refer to the topic Actual Temperature into Variable).
Programming Tools
Reference Point for Compensation
For changing a reference point, enter
 either the workpiece co-ordinates, or...
You take on the CMM-position by clicking the symbol. Subsequent
reworking is possible.
 You can also opt for the rotary table position, if available.
(For detailed information, refer to the topic Reference Position ).
Apply Temperature Compensation to CNC Movements
When, for example, you are moving to the same co-ordinates despite an
expansion of the workpiece, this might result in that you are not moving to the
exact workpiece co-ordinates, because the workpiece has become bigger in the
meantime. Thus, you are measuring the workpiece at an unmeant position. To
avoid this, you can select this option. Here, the correct co-ordinates are
calculated and moved to. Example:
In this example, a circle in an XY plane is measured. Before the expansion, the
measurement height is -4.999 mm After the expansion, the measurement height
is -5.000 mm Here you can see that the circle is not measured at -4,999 mm but
at -5,000 mm.
When measuring big workpieces of a material with a large expansion coefficient
and when there are temperature changes of several Kelvin, this might result in
significant errors or collisions if you do not use this option.
For further options for settings in the dialogue, refer to the topic Temperature
Temperature Control
There are three options for controlling the temperature. You control
 the absolute temperature range with upper and lower limit;
 the relative temperature range; this depends on the start temperature;
Programming Tools
 the machine temperature; control temperature of glass scales.
The first two options control the temperature range of the workpiece, the last
option controls the temperature range of the CMM.
You can control the temperature with the options on the right of the
dialogueSettings for Temperature Compensation. This implies that you have
already decided to "Use the start temperature" or to "Periodically update the
Check Minimum and Maximum of Calculation
Activate the option by clicking the button and entering the required temperature
range. To guarantee a safe measurement, you have to select a range of the
specified machine temperature.
After you have entered the range, you can select one of the following two options:
1. Wait until inside limits
With this option, you can enter a waiting time during which the temperature
should have gone back to the required range. By doing so you avoid an
instantaneous error message. You can, for example, enter two minutes when you
know that the workpiece will be cooled down within this time. During the waiting
time, GEOPAK displays a Temperature Warning . If the temperature is not within
the limits allowed after the specified waiting time, then an error is set in the repeat
mode and the part program is stopped.
2. Set error if out of limits
With this option, an error message is immediately displayed in repeat mode when
the limits are exceeded.
If the temperature is outside the specified limits, then the temperature
control starts only when measuring the first point.
In the learn mode, you will get a warning message in both cases. You can
ignore this warning if you want to proceed.
This note also applies for the following two options.
Programming Tools
Check Deviation of Actual Temperature from Start
When working with a start temperature, you can enter a deviation to be adhered
to. By doing so you can ensure that the calculation temperature does not differ
too much from the workpiece temperature. This applies, for example, to a small
workpiece with a small expansion coefficient.
In this section you enter the acceptable deviation from the start temperature. With
regard to the other options, see above.
Check Minimum and Maximum Temperature of Selected
CMM Scales
In this dialogue box you can select the scale temperature to be controlled. This
makes sense when the measurements in one axis must be particularly accurate.
The displayed limits depend on the CMM. Usually this is the range within which
the CMM is specified, e.g. for a LEGEX 776, the range will be 18°C to 22°C. This
option ensures that the CMM is working within the temperature range of the
measurement device. Only in this temperature range it is guaranteed that the
CMM keeps to the specific length deviation.
Although you can see the values in learn mode, the values are not added to the
part program.
With regard to the other options, see above.
If you want to execute the part program without warnings or error
messages but to document the extreme temperatures, you can assign
defined variables to these data. For detailed information, see Other
GEOPAK Values.
Temperature Warning
In the dialogue "Settings for Temperature Compensation" you can assign the
temperature. In repeat mode, the dialogue "Temperature Warning" only appears
when a temperature to be controlled leaves its acceptable range.
This dialogue automatically disappears when
 the waiting time has expired or when
Programming Tools
 the temperature gets back into its acceptable range before.
If the temperature does not reach its acceptable range or if you click on "Cancel",
an error is set and the part program cancels (for detailed information, refer to the
topic "Control Temperature").
Definition of String Variables
This function allows you to change character strings or to "remember them for
reuse", e.g. you can make use of this function if you wish to determine a file
To open the "Define string variable" dialogue box click on this
icon or choose "Calculate / Define string variable" from the menu bar.
 In the Name of string variable text box enter a name to define the variable
(18 characters max.).
 A significant name makes it easy to find the correct string variable and
improves the legibility of your part program (see also chapter Store
variables to file/Load variables from file).
You will find further information in the file "UM_string_code_e.pdf". The file you
find in the MCOSMOS directory "Documentation \ files \ geopak".
For detailed information also refer to the topic Global and Local Variables
Input of String Variables
This function allows you to enter string variables in the running part program by
means of a dialogue box.
To open the "Input string variable" dialogue box click on this icon or
choose "Calculate / Input string variable" from the menu bar.
In the "Input string variable" dialogue box, proceed as follows:
Simple input: Click on this icon if you wish to enter one variable
In the Text for dialogue text box enter the dialogue text. The
dialogue text describes the information to be entered in a part
program dialogue.
Make your entries in the Name of string variable, Input length
and Suggestion text boxes. Make sure to use a significant name
of string variable.
Select Dialog-Designer files
From dialogue file: Click on this icon if you wish to enter several string
variables in a dialogue box.
• In the Filename text box type the file name or...
Programming Tools
... click on this icon to choose from the displayed .udl
files that you have to create before.
For further information concerning the Specifications for Layout
Dialogoe Boxes, please refer to your MCOSMOS CD-ROM
under "Documents", folder "GEOPAK", file "dia_lay_e.pdf".
As it is possible to create several dialogues in one file enter the
name of the dialogue in the "Name of dialogue" text box.
You can enter up to 18 characters for the variable name. All letters, digits
and the underline are admissible. The variable name may not start with a
For detailed information also refer to the topic Global and Local Variables
Store String Variables
You make use of this function if you need the contents of string variables for
further purposes. To open the "Store string variables" dialogue box choose
"Calculate / Store string variables" from the menu bar and enter the file for the
string variables. All string variables defined at this time will be stored.
Enter name of file for variables
Click the button "Select file".
Select a folder and/or file.
Confirm your selection with a click on the button "Store".
The path with the file name of the file for variables is displayed in the input
field "File for variables".
You can also enter the name of the file for variables manually into the
input field "File for variables".
Attach string variables or overwrite file for variables
When you activate the graphical checkbox "Attach", the string variables
are attached to the end of the file for variables. This is useful when the function
"Store string variables to file" is used in a loop, as otherwise the file for variables
is overwritten with the string variables.
Store filter to string variables
With activating the graphical checkbox "Filter for storing", you activate a
filter that allows only certain string variables to be stored into the file for
 Enter your filter into the input field "Filter for storing".
 In this input field, you may use these wild cards: star (*) and question
mark (?).
Programming Tools
Use in a part program the variable names SCOORX, SCOORY and
SCOORZ, for example, for a start point. To store these three string
variables, enter the string "?COOR*" in the input field "Filter for storing".
Define string variable name
Make sure that you define meaningful names for your string variables. Meaningful
names will allow you to immediately recognise content and task of the string
variable and will facilitate the filtering of the variables.
For information about how to define string variables, go to the topic "Define String
Loading a String Variable
Using this part program command you can load string variables from a file of
string variables. You can reload all the string variables as they had been stored
Click the "Load variables from file" button.
 Or, on the "Calculate" menu, click "Load variables from file".
 The "Load string variables from file" dialogue box appears.
Click the "Select file" button.
 The "Load variables from file" file browser appears.
 Select a string variable file.
Two different types of formats can be loaded:
 Format with string variable name
The name of the string variable is separated from the string variable by an
equal sign.
 Format without string variable name
The string variable does not have a name.
Programming Tools
The string variable name is always on the left of the equal sign.
Example of a file with string variables
A file of string variables with the following content is available:
 Text1=First text
 Text2=Second text
 InfoOne=First information
 InfoTwo=Second information
Example of a file without string variables
A file of string variables with the following content is available:
 First text
 Second text
 First information
 Second information
Loading a String Variable with a Filter
If you want to load single string variables or groups of variables
only, click the "Use load filter" button.
 In the "Use load filter" box, enter the name of the filter.
Effects of the filter on files with string variable names
The file to be loaded contains the string variable name, for example, InfoOne.
The string variables that match the filter are loaded.
Example for the filter application with string variable names
In the "Use load filter" box, you have entered "Info".
If you click "Ok" to confirm, the corresponding string variables are assigned
during the running part program to the string variable names that match the filter:
 InfoOne=First information
 InfoTwo=Second information
String variable file without string variables
If the file to be loaded does not have a string variable name, these lines are
loaded unfiltered. Each line is assigned to a string variable. The name depends
on the entry in the "Use load filter" box.
This entry is used as basis for the variable name. A number is added to this
variable name. This number is incremented with each variable name.
If you leave the "Use load filter" box empty, the name of the string variable is
automatically built by "STR" and a consecutive number.
Example of a string variable file without string variables
In the "Use load filter" box, you have entered "Info".
If you click "Ok" to confirm, the following string variables are assigned to the
string variable names during the running part program:
 Info0=First text
 Info1=Second text
 Info2=First information
 Info3=Second information
Programming Tools
Loading a String Variable from a File Section
If you want to load string variables from a specific file section, click
the "Load from line number" button.
 In the "Load from line number" box, enter the line number.
 In the "No. of lines" box, enter a number to determine the number of lines
to be read from the variable file.
When using this function it is important to have good knowledge of the
structure of the variable file.
Waiting for File with String Variable
If you want to wait for a string variable file from another program, click the
"Wait for file" button.
To make sure that the program waits for the current information during the
next program execution, click the "Delete file" button. The file is deleted after
If you want to select a variable file only during the program execution, click
the "Ask in repeat mode" button. Then, the part program will be stopped during its
execution and you can select a variable file in the "Load string variables from file"
dialogue box.
See also
Global and Local Variables
Store Text Variable in INI-File
You can store the text variables in INI-files. An INI-file is an ASCII-file in a special
format, like for example:
To get to the function, go to the menu bar / Calculate. In the following dialogue
window you can decide,
 which variable shall be loaded from the file,
 and you select the INI-file.
After selecting this file you can have the existing INI-sectors
displayed by clicking the arrow.
 After selecting the sector you can have all INI-variables displayed.
Non-existing files, sectors or variables are created.
The variables in the text box at the top and the INI-variables may have
different names.
The contents of the text variables are assigned to the contents of the INIvariables.
Programming Tools
Load Text Variable from INI-File
You can store the text variables in INI-files. An INI-file is an ASCII_file in a special
format, like for example:
To get to the function, go to the menu bar / Calculate. In the following dialogue
window you can decide,
 which text variable shall be loaded from the file.
 Select the INI-file. After selecting this file you can have all existing INIsectors displayed by clicking the arrow in the following text box.
 After selecting the sector you can have all INI-variables displayed.
Non-existing files, sectors or variables are created.
The text variables in the text box at the top may have different names.
The contents of the INI-variables are assigned to the contents of the text
For detailed information also refer to the topic Global and Local Variables.
Operators and Functions
Overview: Operators and Functions
Beginning from Version 2.2, this topic appears in our Online Help in an updated,
re-organised form, sectioned into several parts. For fast access to the chapter
required, click on one of the following titles.
Arithmetic Operators
Relational operators
Logical Operators
Trigonometrical Functions
Arithmetic Functions
Operator Precedence
Basic Geometry Elements
GEOPAK Rotary Table Data
GEOPAK Elements: Hole
Minimum Maximum
Best Fit
Other GEOPAK Variables
Date and Time
Result of Nominal-to-Actual Comparisons
Last Nominal-to-Actual Comparison
Nominal-to-Actual Comparison of Last
Result of All Nominal-to-Actual Comparisons
Measurement Points
Arithmetic Operators
Programming Tools
Relational operators
Less than
Less than or equal to
Greater than
Greater than or equal to
Equal to
Not equal to
Result of logical operations (comparison)
Relation between operand 1 and operand 2
operand 1 is less than operand 2
operand 1 is greater than or equal to operand 2
operand 1 is less than or equal to operand 2
operand 1 is greater than operand 2
operand 1 is equal to operand 2
operand 1 is not equal to operand 2
operand 1 is greater than or equal to operand 2
operand 1 is less than operand 2
operand 1 is greater than operand 2
operand 1 is less than or equal to operand 2
operand 1 is not equal to operand 2
operand 1 is equal to operand 2
Logical Operators
Logical AND
Logical OR
Logical NOT
Result of logical operations (Boolean operators)
Pi (3,14159)
Euler’s constant (2.71828...)
Programming Tools
Trigonometrical Functions
The trigonometrical functions expect the angles to be specified in degrees as
parameters and produce them (inverse functions), in turn, in degrees.
Inverse sine
Inverse cosine
Inverse tangent
Arithmetic Functions
Logarithm (base 10)
Natural logarithm (base e)
Square root
Absolute value
Conversion from radiant to degree
Conversion from degree to radiant
Conversion from °F to °C
Conversion from °C to °F
Gaussian distributed random value in range of ± argument
Operator Precedence
Gaussian distributed random value in range of ± argument
Operator precedence from the highest to lowest
Unary -, NOT
*, /
+, AND
<, <=, >, >=, =, <>
The operator precedence can be changed by ‘()’.
Basic Geometry Elements
Programming Tools
Element components
The values of the element features depend on the unit (inch or mm).
Direction (cosine format)
Direction (α,β,γ)(angles in degrees)
Cylindrical co-ordinate system, radius
Spherical co-ordinate system, radius
Cylindrical & spherical co-ordinate system,
angle ϕ
Spherical co-ordinate system, angle ϑ
Only cylinder, height
Distance from origin (plane & line)
Big radius of ellipse
Big diameter of ellipse
Cone angle (degree)
Half cone angle (degree)
Range (form of element)
Only for angle: calculated angle
Only for angle: projected angle
Only for distance: calculated distance
Highest used element number
Minimum distance from calculated element
Maximum distance from calculated element
Index number of point with minimum distance
Index number of point with maximum distance
Example for element access:
Access the diameter of the circle with the memory number 3 CR[3].D
Access the X component (cosine angle) of the cylinder axis with the memory
number 8 CY[8].I
Programming Tools
In the circle with the memory number 3 access the number of the measurement
point with minimal distance CR[3].PntMin.Num = Number
In the cylinder with the memory number 8 access the maximum distance of
measured points CY[8].PntMax.Di = Distance
Further Element Data
Returns the last handled element number of a kind of
Returns the number of points of the specified element.
This works with each element.
GEOPAK Elements: Hole Shapes
Size of the hole
Width of the square
Width of the rectangle
Length of the rectangle
Width of the slot
Length of the slot
Width of the drop
Length of the drop
Large radius=W/2 of the drop
small Radius of the drop
Length of the triangle
Height of the triangle
Width of the trapezoid
Height of the trapezoid
Width of a hexagon
Width 2 of a hexagon
Like for the Basic Geometry Elements you can also enter the following variable
for the hole shapes.
Cartesian co-ordinates
Cylinder co-ordinates
Sphere co-ordinates
The same applies for the direction of the axis as an angle or in cosine format.
You have access to the data of the active probe tree and of all other probe trees
without having to actually change the probe trees.
Probe components
Angles of rotary probe
Radius of probe
Programming Tools
Diameter of probe
Range (form)
Number of probe tree
Number of actual probe
Returns 1 if a scanning probe is connected
Swivel length
Highest probe number used
Number of defined probes
Master ball diameter
Master ball radius
Master ball X position
Master ball Y position
Master ball Z position
Offset of actual tree in X to tree 1
Offset of actual tree in Y to tree 1
Offset of actual tree in Z to tree 1
Hours since last calibration was done,
Days since last calibration was done, Float
0: Probe in probe tree does not exist
1: Probe in probe tree exists
Scanning probe components
Probe radius
Probe diameter
Range (form)
All access functions which get the scan data work as follows:
If there is no scan data they return the "normal" data, means the data from
the probe calibrated in non scanning mode.
Example for probe access:
Access the diameter of the actual probe
Access the X offset
The following six probes 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 are defined. Probe number 4 und 5 are
The following values are returned:
Prb.MaxNum = 8
Prb.NoOfDef = 6
Programming Tools
Access time since last calibration was done of probe 4 in tree 2
Tree[2].Prb[4].LastCalHours = 132
Tree[2].Prb[4].LastCalDays = 5.5
Check if the probe 3 in tree 6 exists
Tree[6].Prb[3].Exist = 1
GEOPAK Rotary Table Data
Rotary Table
X, Y, Z
A, B, C
I, J, K
Current angle in degree
Alignment position in machine co-ordinates
Alignment direction in degree
Alignment direction (Cosine format)
Minimum Maximum
These values are not available unless the minimum-maximum calculation
function has been performed previously ( Menu bar / Calculation / Minimum<>Maximum).
Minimum maximum calculation
Spelling Description
MinMax Result of the minimum maximum calculation
Minimum maximum features
Average (mean)
Range (form of element)
Element number of the element with the minimum value
Element number of the element with the maximum value
Minimum maximum components
ElI, ElJ, ElK
ElA, ElB, ElC
PhiXY, PhiYZ, PhiZX
ThetaX, ThetaY,
Direction (cosine format)
Direction of ellipse axis (cosine format)
Direction (α,β,γ)(angles in degrees)
Direction of ellipse axis (α,β,γ)(angles in degrees)
Cylindrical co-ordinate system, radius
Spherical co-ordinate system, radius
Cylindrical & spherical co-ordinate system, angle ϕ
Spherical co-ordinate system, angle ϑ
Radius of circle, etc. and large radius of ellipse
Diameter (same as radius)
Programming Tools
DiX, DiY, DiZ
Distance from origin (plane & line)
Small radius of ellipse
Small diameter of ellipse
Cone angle (degree)
Half cone angle (degree)
Range (form of element)
Only for angle, calculated angle
Only for angle, projected angle
Only for angle, projected angle, these terms only exist
for compatibility with the distance terms
Only for distance, calculated distance
Components of the distance calculation
Example for minimum maximum access:
 Access the range of the x co-ordinates
 $$ access the maximum value of the diameter
 $$ access the element number with the maximum vector component in x
Best Fit
These values are not available unless a best fit has been performed previously
(Menu bar / Co-Ordinate System / Best Fit)
Spelling Description
Result of best fit
Best Fit Components
Offsets (translation)
Angles (rotation) (α, β, γ) (angles in degrees)
Angles (rotation) (cosine format)
SQRT [Σ ((NominalPoint-ActualPoint)^2)]
Example for best fit access:
Access the x component of the translation vector
Access the rotation angle β
Other GEOPAK Variables
Unit factor, 1.00 in mm mode, 25.4 in inch mode
Repeat counter
Loop counter
Temperature coefficient
Scale factor
Programming Tools
Safety distance of CMMC
Actual co-ordinate system number
Status (0/1) of IO-Bit no x
x from 0 to 99
If you need a temperature maximum or temperature minimum, you can use one
of the following formulas.
Maximum calculation temperature (of workpiece)
Minimum calculation temperature (of workpiece)
Maximum actual temperature (of workpiece)
Minimum actual temperature (of workpiece)
Maximum CMM x-scale temperature
Minimum CMM x-scale temperature
Maximum CMM y-scale temperature
Minimum CMM y-scale temperature
Maximum CMM z-scale temperature
Minimum CMM z-scale temperature
Maximum of any CMM scale temperature
Minimum of any CMM scale temperature
Date and Time
current hour
current minutes
current seconds
current milliseconds
day of the year
Week-day as per ISO 8601
Week-day as per current user settings
Week-day as per system settings
Week numbers
Week as per ISO 8601
Sys.Date.Wu Week as per current user settings
Programming Tools
Week as per system settings
System Time
Current 'C' time, seconds from 1.01.1970 UTC.
Based on the ISO norm ISO 8601:1988 / EN 28601:1992 / before DIN
In Europe, all three possibilities are identical but in the USA, we have to do
with the following conditions:
The first weekday is Sunday.
The first week is the week of the 01.01 (according to ISO: the
first weekday is: Monday; first week is: the week containing the
Should you wish to register the time required to run your part program,
you are well advised to take the difference between two system time
readings (SYS.CT).
 Calculate the polar angle from circle centre to x axis and assign the
variable "Pangle" to it
 Calculate the area of the circle with the memory number 4
 Assign a value to variable var2
 Calculate double the amount of var2
var3=var2 * 2
Result of Nominal-to-Actual Comparisons
The Version 2.2 offers you a variety of new variables which allow you, for
instance, to obtain information on
 the last nominal-to-actual comparison, or on
 all nominal-to-actual comparisons of one measurement.
You can use the information about the last nominal-to-actual comparison as basis
for your decision as to how to proceed with the part program.
You access the dialogue "Define Variable and Calculate" through "Menu bar /
Calculate / Formula Calculation". This dialogue provides you the selection lists
under the heading "System Parameters (see fig. below).
Programming Tools
You should differentiate between
 a general statement as to whether or not the tolerance values have been
You obtain this general statement through
• the Last Feature (System Variable "Tol") ,
• the Last Element (System Variable "Tol.Cmd") or
• all Nominal-to-Actual Comparisons (System Variable "Tol.All").
 each single value of a feature (current position, diameter, etc.)
However, to get these individual values, you should refer to a single
nominal-to-actual comparison only. From the system variables, you
should choose the option "Tol".
When you use one of the tolerance variables for the "Formula Calculation"
without having performed a nominal-to-actual comparison, the return
value will always be = 0.
Last Nominal-to-Actual Comparison
You can make use of all values calculated as a result of a nominal-to-actual
comparison, using for this purpose the following table with the system variable
Actual value
Actual value of the first co-ordinate of position
tolerance or concentricity depends on the projection
Actual value of the second co-ordinate of position
tolerance or concentricity depends on the projection
Actual value of the third co-ordinate of position
tolerance or concentricity depends on the projection
Lower tolerance limit
Actual value
Value out of specification
Position number
Value type
Programming Tools
Reference value of the first co-ordinate of position
tolerance or concentricity depends on the projection
Reference value of the second co-ordinate of
position tolerance or concentricity depends on the
projection plane
Reference value of the third co-ordinate of position
tolerance or concentricity depends on the projection
Upper tolerance limit
Nominal tolerance
Lower specification (nominal + lower tol)
Upper specification (nominal + upper tol)
Value type
You obtain the general statement in the variables "Tol.TolState",
"Tol.TolUpperState" and "Tol.TolLowerState" as per the following table.
Tolerance state
Actual value beyond upper tolerance
Actual value between upper tolerance and
upper intervention limit
Actual value between upper and lower
intervention limit
Actual value between lower intervention
limit and lower tolerance
Actual value below lower tolerance
Nominal-to-Actual Comparison of Last Element
Should you want to obtain a general statement on all features of the last,
tolerance command you use for this purpose the system variable
"Tol.Cmd.TolStae". In doing this, the results will be presented in accordance with
the table "Tolerance state" (refer to Last Nominal-to-Actual Comparison). In this
case, of all features of this element the worst result (highest number) will be
You have the following possibilities:
Returns the state of the tolerance command.
Returns the state of the tolerance command as TolState ,
but only for the upper tolerance. See also table below.
ce state
ce state
Programming Tools
Returns the state of the tolerance command as TolState, but
only for the lower tolerance. See also table below..
ce state
Result of All Nominal-to-Actual Comparisons
You can use this variable at the end of a part program, if you want to know if all
dimensions of the part are within the tolerance or intervention limits (System
Variable "Tol.All."). In doing this, the results will be presented in accordance with
the table "Tolerance state" (refer to Last Nominal-to-Actual Comparison). In this
case, of all features of this element the worst result (highest number) will be
In addition, you can request summary information in line with the following
Returns the state of all tolerance commands
Returns the state of all tolerance commands as
TolState, but only for the upper tolerance. Cf. table
Returns the state of all tolerance commands as
TolState, but only for the lower tolerance. Cf. table
Returns the maximum deviation value over all
tolerance comparisons
(algebraic signs are observed, e.g. -0.007 is smaller
than +0.006.)
Returns the minimum deviation value over all
tolerance comparisons
Returns the maximum "out of spec." value over all
tolerance comparisons
Returns the minimum "out of spec." value over all
tolerance comparisons
Number of tolerance comparisons
Number of the tolerance comparisons within the
Number of the tolerance comparisons within the
intervention limits
Number of the tolerance comparisons out of the
intervention limits (that is, between intervention limit
and tolerance intervention limit)
Number of the tolerance comparisons out of the
tolerance limits
Number of the tolerance comparisons out of the
upper intervention limits
l value
l value
l value
l value
l value
l value
l value
l value
l value
l value
Programming Tools
Number of the tolerance comparisons out of the
lower intervention limits
Number of the tolerance comparisons out of the
upper tolerance limits
Number of the tolerance comparisons out of the
lower tolerance limits
l value
l value
l value
Tol.Count.InTol + Tol.Count.OOT = Tol.Count.NoOfTol
Tol.Count.InCtrl + Tol.Count.OOC + Tol.Count.OOT = Tol.Count.NoOfTol
Tol.Count.InCtrl + Tol.Count.OOC = Tol.Count.InTol
Tol.Count.OOCUpper + Tol.Count.OOCLower = Tol.Count.OOC
Tol.Count.OOTUpper + Tol.Count.OOTLower = Tol.Count.OOT
Every tolerance comparison is counted, that is, a part program command
"Tolerance comparison" can include more than tolerance comparisons.
Measurement Points
Probe diameter, probe radius
Returns 0.0 if it is no measured point
Probe diameter used for the first
measurement point.
Probe radius used for the first
measurement point.
Probe diameter used for the second
measurement point.
Probe radius used for the second
measurement point.
Actual co-ordinates
The measurement points are not probe
radius compensated.
Returns the X co-ordinate of a
measurement point in actual co-ordinate
system of an element.
Returns the Y co-ordinate of a
measurement point in actual co-ordinate
system of an element.
Returns the Z co-ordinate of a
measurement point in actual co-ordinate
system of an element.
Programming Tools
Probe diameter, probe radius
Returns 0.0 if it is no measured point
Actual probing direction
At scanned elements only the first
measuring point has a probing direction,
because the probing direction in the scan
mode is unknown.
These probing direction is adopt by the part
program command, e.g. at the part
program command "Scan CNC" the "Start
direction" for the probing direction.
Returns the X angle of the probing direction
of a measurement point in actual coordinate system of an element.
Returns the Y angle of the probing direction
of a measurement point in actual coordinate system of an element.
Returns the Z angle of the probing direction
of a measurement point in actual coordinate system of an element.
Returns the X angle cosine of the probing
direction of a measurement point in actual
co-ordinate system of an element.
Returns the Y angle cosine of the probing
direction of a measurement point in actual
co-ordinate system of an element.
Returns the Z angle cosine of the probing
direction of a measurement point in actual
co-ordinate system of an element.
Machine co-ordinates
To get the values in machine co-ordinates
use the same syntax as above but use
"MMP" instead of "MP". For example:
CR[1].MMP[1].X CR[1].MMP[1].A
Scale Factor
During temperature changes shrinkage or expansion of the workpiece is possible.
These dimensional changes depend on the material.
If you know for example that a plastic part, after the injection moulding of
duroplastic material, shrinks by a certain percentage, you should enlarge the form
by this percentile. To compensate this behaviour use the part program command
"Scale Factor".
In GEOPAK choose "Calculate / Scale factor" from the menu bar to open the
"Scale factor" dialogue box.
When the work piece shrinks 5 per cent, enter 0.95.
Entering 1.00 means that the co-ordinates and dimensions remain
Programming Tools
In most of the cases the scale factor is identical for all co-ordinates, for many
freeform surfaces, as well. Due to specific properties of workpieces produced e.g.
by an injection moulding process, it is quite possible that material shrinkage or
expansion is not identical in all directions.
The dialogue box offers five options
Calculation process
For the calculation of the CMM movement the scale factor will be applied first and
afterwards the temperature compensation. For the calculation of the
measurement points or for the element calculation the temperature compensation
will be applied first during measurement and afterwards the scale factor.
The measurement points are saved in accordance with the temperature
Scale all elements (including element point)
Clicking these option causes one scale factor to be entered for all three axes,
including the element point. This option can be used in most of the cases.
Scale only element point
Due to probe radius compensation, setting a different scale for each axis makes
sense only for the element point. Other elements (freeform surfaces) would be
calculated using the scale factor 1.0. In these cases, there would not even be a
The option "Different scale factor for each axis" cannot be used in
calculating formulae.
The "Undo" command is not supported. In the case of an error occurring in
the learn mode you would have to set the scale factor once more.
Programming Tools
Applying the scale factor to CNC movement commands Activating this function
means that all CNC measurement commands and all CNC movement commands
will be calculated with the selected scale factor. If you enter a scale factor of e.g.
0.8 in the "Scale factor" dialogue box the effects on the part program command
"Move" are the following: Entering X=10, Y=20 and Z=30 as target position in the
"Move" dialogue box
means that the CMM moves to the position X=12.5, Y=25.0 and 37.5 as the CNC
co-ordinates are multiplicated with the reciprocal value of the scale factor. The
scale factor will not be considered for the display of the current CMM position.
Set scaling centre into origin
Clicking this option causes the scaling centre to be set into the origin of the
workpiece. This is not advisable for offset-defined co-ordinate systems (RPS
alignment, e.g. automotive parts).
In the present example showing any workpiece (2), the scaling centre (3) is not
located in the origin of the co-ordinate system (1).
Use scale factor for CAT1000S
For the "Scale only element point" option the button is deactivated. The same is
true in case you have not installed the dongle option for CAT1000S.
 CAT1000S can assume the scale factor and the scaling centre only in
case it applies to all axes, i.e. when all elements are to be scaled.
 For points measured with different scale factors for each axis and
required to be transferred to CAT1000S, use Position Tolerance.
Programming Tools
Please note that in this case it is your sole responsibility to define the
nominal values.
Sequence Control
Sequence Control
Table of Contents
Clicking on the topics in the below table, you will obtain the required information
about this subject.
Delete last step
Error While Executing Command
Comment line
Programmable stop
Show picture
Clear picture
Play sound
Send e-mail
Send SMS
Create Directory
Copy File
Delete File
Input Head Data
Set Head Data Field
Sublot Input
Set Sublot
Open/Close Window
Program call
IO Condition (IO Communication)
The loops are used to repeat the same or similar procedures several times in
succession. It happens that your measurement task requires, e.g. to save
measured elements in different element storage areas. For this purpose, we have
installed a counter, which is increasing the number of the element storage by
one at each loop flow.
All dialogues showing the symbol "Loop Counter" (on the left) provide you
direct access to the function "Loops".
 When you want to access the same element at each time the loop is run,
make sure that you de-activate the loop counter.
 When you want to access an additional element at each time the loop is
run, make sure that you activate the loop counter
 If this is the case, the counter will increment by one at any flow in
progress, beginning from the number entered from time to time.
Symbol or Special Character
Via the symbol, the loop indicator can be immediately used in the
dialogues e.g. for tolerance comparisons, in the element storage or for storage of
Sequence Control
It is also possible to realise free inputs via the special characters "@LC", e.g.
 entering file names,
 when entering formula calculation or even
 when you input a text.
You come to the loop functions via the symbols or the menu bar
"Program / Loops (Loop Start / Loop End)".
 In the window "Beginning of Loop", you determine the "Number of
This can also be realised through variables (see details of the topic
"Definition of Variables").
If, in an existing part program, you want to carry out individual instructions only in
certain conditions, you can do that via install "Branches". The branches can only
be created in the GEOPAK Editor.
Cf. details of topic "Branches" in the GEOPAK Editor.
Definition and Types
There are two reasons to apply sub-programs:
 You want to divide up (structure) a long part program into blocks making
sense and giving a clear overview.
 You want to hold self-repeating program runs in a sub-program in order to
use it again. In these cases, especially variables are offered, with which
you adapt an existing sub-program to the actual situation.
Example: Sub-program for bore pictures with rims having four or five
Sub-programs are separated into two program types.
• Sub-programs, which are related to a parts
• Sub-programs, which can be used from several parts (global)
The creation and administration of the global programs is realised in the subprogram management (see details in the PartManager under topic
"Administration of Sub-Program").
Create a Local Sub-Program
At the position where you want to create the sub-program activate the function
 the menu bar "Program / Sub-Program" or via
the symbol of the toolbar in the main window of the GEOPAK
 In the "Sub-Program Start" dialog window, click the "Learn" option and
possibly enter a speaking name easy to recall.
 Immediately, all instructions in this sub-program are stored.
Sequence Control
Quit the sub-program via the symbol.
Using an already existing Sub-Program
Activate the symbol and inform the program via the radio buttons where the
sub-program is located (library etc.).
If you modify variables in the sub-programs you also modify them for
the main program.
To impede this, store the variables at the sub-program start. Before
terminating the sub-program, again load the variables.
Delete Last Step
With this function menu bar "Program (Delete Last Step"), you can remove the
last command of the part program and in most cases undo it. The last command
is displayed once again and you must confirm.
To undo also means:
 You have changed the co-ordinate system.
 You undo this change.
 You will get the co-ordinate system again as before the change.
If you delete a probe change, it is not possible to directly undo this change.
Proceed as follows:
 Make one more probe change for the probe you want and
 delete this one again.
Then, you can continue measuring with the right probe and the unnecessary
probe change will not appear in your part program.
Error While Executing Command
When this dialogue appears - usually unexpectedly - there are four options
 Repeat command: If you select this option, the last used dialogue opens.
In this dialogue you can check again your last entries. The measurements
you have performed up to this stage are still valid.
Sequence Control
 Delete command: If you select this option, the command is neither
executed nor stored.
 Store command: If you select this option, the command is stored despite
a faulty execution in the part program.
 Repeat element measurement: If you select this option, e.g. in the case of
a collision, the last dialogue is displayed again.
However, the number of measurement points is completely reset to 0.
Therefore, this option differs substantially from the option "Repeat
command" (see above).
This fourth option is particularly not recommendable for the scanning of
contours because this would mean the loss of all points already
Comment Line
If you want to include supplementary information to describe the part program
process more detailed in a part program, you can add a comment line.
 In the part program highlight a part program command to which you want
to add a comment line.
Click the "Comment line" button.
 Or on the "Program" menu, click "Comment line".
 In the "Comment line" dialogue box type the comment into the text box.
 When you confirm your input the part program command "Comment line"
is added to the part program above the highlighted command.
In a comment line you can type a maximum number of 100 characters.
Reuse comment line
The last 30 registered comment lines are automatically recorded in the
nomination list.
Click the arrow button to open the nomination list with your last inputs.
 Highlight one input.
 Confirm your selection.
Show Picture
With this part program command (menu bar "Program / Show Picture"), you can
display a picture for your actual measurement course.
Search for the picture via the symbol according to Windows conventions
and confirm. The picture will appear in the "Show Picture" dialogue box.
If, in the following, you call an element and confirm, the picture will be
overwritten as a default setting in the "Measurement Display" window.
You can avoid this in the element window by clicking the button
"Graphics of Meas.".
Sequence Control
If the picture is displayed too small, you can change the size by "dragging"
the frame of the dialogue window.
If you execute the function "Window / Store position and status", the
position and the size of the dialogue window are stored.
Programmable Stop
With the "Programmable Stop" (menu bar "Program / Programmable Stop"), you
can stop the part program run at a position and give some information or
instructions to the user through
 a text,
 a picture or
 an audio file
Proceed according to Windows conventions.
Clear Picture
With this function (menu bar "Program / Clear picture"), you can clear a picture
that you have activated before (see details under "Show Picture"). By clicking on
the function, the picture in the "Measurement Display" window will disappear.
Play Sound
With this function (menu bar "Program / Play Sound"), you can play a sound
during the actual measurement course.
You determine the file by clicking on the symbol according to Windows
Via the symbol above to the right ("Test") in the "Play Sound" window, you
can hear the file to the test.
Send E-Mail
Use this function (menu bar "Program / Send e-mail") to send an e-mail directly
out of GEOPAK.
For this, first install and set-up an e-mail program on your computer that supports
the MAPI interface (message application program interface), e.g. Outlook
Express, Mozilla Thunderbird.
Perform the usual entries:
 Address, copies to further addresses (cc stands for carbon copy) and
subject, of max. 80 characters length each.
 Maximum text length 480 characters.
 Only one attached file per mail is possible.
Sequence Control
Depending on the used e-mail programs (e.g. newer versions of Outlook)
you might possibly need to prefix an "SMTP:" to the actual e-mail
This step is required if the e-mail can not be served despite a valid e-mail
address. Usually you will receive a message that one of your e-mail accounts had
not been able to send the message to this recipient.
Send SMS
With this function (Menu Bar "Program / Send SMS"), you can directly send a
SMS out of GEOPAK. Yet, before starting GEOPAK, the necessary settings must
have been realised before in the PartManager. For details, see the following
 Configuration,
 Log Communication and
 Address Book
 Transmit CLIP
You only can select one receiver from the address book. For the text, you can
use 160 characters.
It is possible that the different providers accept not as much of characters.
Create Directory
With this function, you can create a new directory in a GEOPAK part program.
This is useful, if e.g. tasks are repeated in weekly periods. Certainly, you wish to
file the protocols of the results sorted by the week.
 In this case, first of all define a string variable, which you complete with
the text and the "week" system variable (see example below).
Str1 = Woche_@week
 Use this variable when entering the directory name in this function.
 Also use this variable in the "File Format Specification" function.
If this path does not yet exit, it will be created. Otherwise, nothing happens.
With this command, you also can create sub-directories.
When selecting a name for the directories, you have all possibilities of the string
coding at your disposal.
For further information concerning this subject, please refer to your MCOSMOSCD-ROM under "Documents", folder "GENERAL", file "si_io_comm_g (e).pdf".
Copy File
Call up the function via the menu "Program".
Sequence Control
Use this function to copy the source file under a new name in another or a new
folder. The procedure follows Windows conventions.
 If you use the option "Overwrite existing file ", no error message is issued
if the file already exists.
 You can also use the option "Delete source file after copying".
 A target folder must have already been created before copying.
 Subfolders are not included in the copying.
 Files can only be copied in learn and repeat mode and not in the edit
Use wildcards
For copying, only use asterisks ("*") as wildcards or you will receive an error
You can use asterisks to copy one or more files. To identify the files to be copied
by wildcards, you can use the following combinations:
 *
 *.*
 Name.*
 *.file name extension
It is possible that error messages are displayed. However, these error
messages are self-explanatory (e.g.: "Most probably you have not the
required access rights" or "Invalid target directory").
Delete File
Call up the function via the menu "Program". Use this function to delete one or
more files.
 In case that the files do not exist, no error message is issued.
 As opposed to the repeat mode, you will get a safety inquiry in the learn
mode as to whether you really want to delete the file.
 You cannot delete files in the edit mode.
 If the option "Move to recycle bin" is active, all deleted files are
automatically moved to the recycle bin. If this option has not been
selected the files are irrevocably deleted.
Use wildcards
You may only use asterisks ("*") as wildcards or you will receive an error
To delete one or more file you can position the asterisks at any position within the
file names.
It is possible that error messages are displayed. However, these error
messages are self-explanatory (e.g.: "Most probably you have not the
required access rights" or "Invalid target directory").
Sequence Control
Input Head Data
Some functions automatically ask for head data, when this data has been
selected previously (e.g. "Beginning of File Format" or "Beginning of Print
Protocol").Other functions don't automatically ask for the head data, even if this
information might be required (e.g. the "Flexible Protocol Output" or "Statistics
Output into File"). Therefore, beginning from Version 2.2, the function "Input
Head Data" will be available.
 You call this function (Menu bar / Program / Input Head Data) at the
beginning of the part program and confirm in the following window.
 In this way the part program executed the functions you have entered in
the dialog "HEAD Data Editor" earlier in the PartManager.
 If you proceed this way, no further action will be required later with a
function asking for head data (e.g. Beginning of File Format). The head
data dialogue will not appear again.
The head data required for input is the information defined in the PartManager
with the option "Input Head Data before Printing" (for details, refer to the topic
"Head Data: Definition ", "Editor for Head Data: Overview" and Dialogue Window
"Editor for Head Data" ).
For Example a dialogue of the following type will appear:
If no head data is defined, no dialogue and no error message will show up.
If no head data with the option "Input Head Data before Printing"
is defined in the PartManager, no head data dialogue and no error dialogue will
show up.
Set Head Data Field
This part program allows you to set a head data field (for details, refer to the topic
"Editor for Head Data: Overview "). This is useful in case the head data is
required to be set through a part program functionality, e.g. through a text
To find out which head data field is to be set, the user has to enter the ID of the
head data field which he has set already previously in the PartManager (fig.
below; Menu bar / Settings / Head Data / New or Change).
Sequence Control
You enter the ID and the new contents of the field.
You should know
 If there is no ID, an error message will appear ("Head Data Field not
 In case the data is entered in the learn mode with variables, the result will
automatically be analysed and displayed under the input line.
 The existing ID's you have already set in the PartManager are
suggestions for the ID list field.
 This command does not verify the "input type". If a number is defined as
input type and a character string is set, no error will be displayed.
 Should the length of the input text be longer than the defined input length,
the character string will automatically be reduced to the input length.
 If the "input type" reads "Extend list", the contents of this list will not be
added (for details, refer to Extend List ).
 The new contents of the head data field is stored in the part's head data.
This means: even if GEOPAK is finished, the new contents will be valid
until it is replaced in the PartManager or changed by another command.
Sublot Input
It may be necessary to specify sublot data already at the beginning of part
programs (e.g. for the flexible protocol output or the statistics). Beginning from
the Version 2.2, you can access this function through the "Menu bar / Program /
Sublot Input" and confirm in the subsequent window.
Depending on the sublot already defined in the PartManager (for details, refer to
General information on Sublot and the topics to follow), there will appear a
dialogue where you input the sublot. When in the PartManager a "Structured
Sublot" has been defined, a corresponding dialogue will be displayed (fig. below).
Otherwise only the sublot input with an input field will be displayed.
Sequence Control
The dialogue "Structured Sublot" performs a self-check of its input data. For the
standard input, there is only a check for maximum length. If you enter less than
40 characters, the field will automatically be filled with blanks.
An error message will appear only in case the user has interrupted the input
("Sublot input was interrupted"). In the learn mode, there is no error message.
The command is not learnt.
Refer also to "Set Sublot".
Set Sublot
This function (Menu bar / Program / Set Sublot) allows you to set the sublot as a
whole or only a sublot field of a structured sublot.
If data is entered in the learn mode with variables, the result will automatically be
analysed and displayed under the input line. The remaining characters of every
sublot are filled with blanks.
You should also know
 Structured sublot: In order to identify the sublot to be set, you enter the
number of the sublot field and the new contents of the field. Should the
sublot field to be set no exist, the screen shows an error message
("Sublot not existing").
 Set complete sublot: If the option "Set Structured Sublot" is disabled the
whole sublot will be set.
 Default settings: If a structured sublot has been defined the default
setting of the option "Set Structured Sublot" is enabled. Otherwise this
function is disabled and can not be selected in learn mode.
Sequence Control
Refer also to "Sublot Input".
Open/Close Window
To get to the function and the dialogue, use the menu bar / Program /
Open/close window. You can use the function to accelerate the part program
execution, i.e. you can switch off options to open them again at the end of the
part program.
A typical example would be to switch off the graphics of elements at the start of
the part program. After the execution of the part program you can switch on the
graphics of elements again to view the result.
The first option means that the current condition of the window remains
Use the second option to open windows.
Use the third option to close windows.
To achieve a quickest possible execution of the part programs, it is
particularly recommendable to switch off the graphics of elements and the
part program list.
Call Program
With this command, you can open third-party programs. These programs run
parallel to your part program.
 On the menu bar, click "Program", and then click "Program Call".
 The "Call program" dialogue box appears.
"Call program" dialogue box
Click the "Select file" button.
 The Windows Explorer appears.
 Select the desired program, and then click "Open".
 The program and the path are shown in the "Program name" box.
Sequence Control
To stop the part program while the third-party program is running,
click the "Wait until program finished" button.
If you want to continue with your part program, you have to exit the thirdparty program. This is only the case, when the third-party program is
started directly, for example, Notepad.exe.
If a document name is selected in the "Program name" box, for example,
"Report.txt", then GEOPAK automatically opens the application for the file
name extension *.TXT registered in Windows. In this case, it is not
possible to stop the part program while the third-party program is running.
 In the "Working directory" box, enter the path to be used by the third-party
program. Make sure you use the correct spelling, for example,
 In the "Program parameter" box, enter further parameters if required by
the third-party program.
Make sure you use a blank when you enter the individual parameters.
IO Condition (IO Communication)
Frequently, the IO condition is also called IO communication (Input-Output). It
makes possible that MCOSMOS may work together with other control systems.
To do so, electronic signals are exchanged. The communication can take place in
one or two directions.
Typical examples are
 Automatic process control,
 Pallet feeding device,
 Robot control.
IO Cards
IO cards, also called EA cards, are Input / Output cards. In our case, we call them
digital input or output cards. That means, per signal, there are only two
conditions, logical "HIGH" (for the most part high tension) and logical "LOW" (for
the most part low tension).
To minimise the expenses when selecting IO cards, we offer some standard IO
cards, e.g. the "ME-8100-A".
The "IO_COND.INI" must be available in the "INI" directory of MCOSMOS. You
find the file for the default setting on the MCOSMOS installation CD
(\OPTIONS\IO_COND). In this file, you have to define the name of the control file
(default setting "IO_COND.DAT"), and the type of card that you wish to use.
Furthermore, you will have to write a control file. This must also be available in
the "INI" directory.
Without these files, MCOSMOS will not execute an IO communication.
For further information concerning this subject, please refer to your MCOSMOSCD-ROM under "Documents", folder "GENERAL", file "si_io_comm_g (e).pdf".
Input Instruments
Input Instruments
Possibilities of Text Input / Data Name
It is also possible to enter defined variable information into all boxes in which you
normally make text inputs: Protocol headlines, commentary lines, text lines (e.g.
"Text to Printer"), as well as names of files, elements and variables.
Three important examples
 If you want to output, for example the current time of day you can do that
over the output text by previously entering the text "Now it is @time o’
clock". That leads for example to the output: "Now it is 13:45:48 o’ clock".
 If you want to create your own ASCII-file with the results to each program
run, you can input in the learn mode with the "File Format Beginning"
function as file names for example "Result@RC.asc". That leads after the
first program run to "Result1.asc". Then to "Result 2.asc" etc. RC stands
for Repeat Counter and begins with the number, that you input as an
originally-protocol number namely in the dialogue window directly after
start of the repeat mode.
 If you want to call variables within a loop via the loop indicator you input
as a variable name, e.g. var@LC. This leads in the first loop flow to
variable var1, in the second to var2 etc.
For further information about all possibilities of modifying the texts in the string
coding, please refer to your MCOSMOS-CD-ROM under "Documents", file
Further possibilities of input:
Single Selection
Group Selection
Single Selection
In order to get, for instance, to a connection element, you first have to select the
elements used to build the connection element. You can determine these
elements via the single or group selection facility. Provided the elements are of
one type of elements and arranged one behind each other in the memory, you
are recommended to use the - undoubtedly faster - Group Selection.
In case of single selection, you have to
• proceed step by step, but it is up to you
• determine the sequence and
• to mix the types of elements.
There may, of course, occur situations where single selection is mandatory. This
is the case, for instance, when you use a line and have to pay attention to its
sense of direction.
Change selection
When you change from single to group selection - and vice versa - the following
two symbols are of utmost importance:
With mouse-click to group selection
With mouse-click to single selection
Input Instruments
Our example
In our following example, the line is the connection element.
 In the dialogue window "Connection Element Line", you are presented, on
the left-hand side, all elements build up to now.
Via the horizontal
icon bar ("Available") you can decide by a mouse-click which types of
elements you want to watch and use or not.
You click the elements selected to the right-hand side and
With the connection element calculated using this method, you proceed in the
same way as with any other element.
You should know
 In case of a measured element automatic projection into one plane is
possible, due to the fact that the material side is known.
 In case of a connection element the material side is not known; hence
automatic projection is not possible. So you have to define the projection
For this purpose you have at the left border of the respective dialogue windows
"Connection Element ..." the planes XY, YZ and ZX.
Group Selection
In order to get, for instance, to a connection element, you first have to select the
elements used to build the connection element. You can determine these
elements via the single or group selection facility. Provided the elements are of
one type of elements and arranged one behind each other in the memory, you
are recommended to use the - undoubtedly faster - group selection.
In case of Single Selection you have to
• Proceed step by step, but it is up to you
• to determine the sequence or
• to mix the types of elements.
There may, of course, occur situations where single selection is mandatory. This
is the case, for instance, when you use a line and have to pay attention to its
sense of direction.
Change Selection
To change from single to group selection - and vice versa - you use the following
two symbols:
With mouse-click to group selection
With mouse-click to single selection
Our example
In our following example, the line is the connection element.
In the icon bar ("Available")
you select, e.g., the element "Circle" and decide in the text box "Number" how
many circles you want to use to build the connection element "Line".
Input Instruments
Bear in mind that with the sequence of the circles you define the line's
sense of direction.
With the connection element calculated using this method, you proceed in the
same way as with any other element
You should know
 In case of a measured element automatic projection into one plane is
possible, due to the fact that the material side is known.
 In case of a connection element the material side is not known; hence
automatic projection is not possible. So you have to define the projection
For this purpose you have at the left border of the respective dialogue windows
"Connection Element ..." the planes XY, YZ and ZX.
Special Programs
Special Programs
ASCII files always serve to enable a data exchange between computers when
the exchange between files of different formats is either not possible or not
In particular, our ASCII-GEOPAK Converter serves to create a GEOPAK part
program from an agw-file (formatted ASCII file). The term "formatted" in this
context means that the command structure is prescribed (see example illustration
from the ASCII specification below). You will find this ASCII specification on your
MCOSMOS-CD under "Documentation / GEOPAK / pp_ascii_e.pdf".
The agw-files used in GEOPAK contain all part commands concerning GEOPAK
– but only these and no other internal commands.
To convert an ASCII file to GEOPAK, proceed as follows:
 In the PartManager, on the menu bar, click CMM / ASCII-GEOPAKConverter.
 In the subsequent window, pick the corresponding file following the
Windows conventions.
 After you have clicked the file, GEOPAK generates a part program using
the commands.
 If the part program already exists, a message is displayed and you must
change the name of the part program.
For generating and exporting a part program in ASCII format, that means as an
agw-file, see "Export Part Program".
Special Programs
Export Part Program (ASCII/DMIS)
Export in ASCII Format
Like you can import agw-files with the ASCII-GEOPAK Converter and generate
these to part programs, the reverse way is, of course, also possible for the
purpose of a data exchange. This is how you can generate a GEOPAK part
program and export it in ASCII format from the GEOPAK editor (menu bar / file /
Export / Export …).
 In the window "Save as", select in the line "File type" the type "ASCII
GEOPAK (*.agw)".
 Either confirm or enter another file name of your choice.
 For detailed information about the structure of this file, refer to the ASCII
specification on your MCOSMOS-CD under "Documentation / GEOPAK /
Export in DMIS Format
Apart from the ASCII Format as agw-File you can export part programs also in
DMIS format as a dmi-file. You get to the function and the further dialogue only in
the GEOPAK editor via the menu bar / File / Export / Export.
 In the window "Save as", select in the line "File type" the type "DMIS
 Either confirm or enter another file name of your choice.
Find detailed information about the contents of this file in your DMIS specification.
Settings for Export to DMIS
Before exporting part programs to DMIS (GEOPAK editor / menu bar / File /
Export / Export settings) you can perform specific settings.
When clicking the function, the dialogue window "Set initial environment" opens.
The settings you perform in this dialogue are saved in the file
For Information about the possible settings read the topic "Settings for export
Import GEOPAK-3 Part Program
This function serves to import GEOPAK-3 part programs to, and make them
executable in GEOPAK. The complete process takes place in the background
and, in between, via an ASCII formatting.
Proceed as follows:
 In the PartManager, click in the menu bar on CMM and the function.
 In the following window "Select file", follow the Windows conventions to
activate the file that shall be converted to a GEOPAK part program and
then click "Open".
The file type must always be the type "PARTPRG". The maximum length
of the directory name is eight characters (DOS convention).
After conversion, the part programs are shown in the part list.
Special Programs
In the GEOPAK editor, you get all information about the part programs including
the comments. The comments refer to the settings either you have made in the
dialogue GEOPAK-3 GEOPAK Configuration or to Mitutoyo settings.
For converting further GEOPAK-3 part programs, use the dialogue for conversion
(see picture detail below).
You will find detailed information about this topic, also about its restrictions, on
your MCOSMOS-CD (documentation / GEOPAK) under the title
"si_geo_3_win_g.pdf" (German), "si_geo_3_win_e.pdf" (English) or
"si_geo_3_win_f.pdf" (French).
Repeat Mode
Repeat Mode
Repeat Mode: Table of Contents
Temperature Coefficient in Repeat Mode
Cancel Repeat Mode
Repeat Mode with Offset
Repeat Mode: Start Editor
Repeat Mode
In repeat mode you can run a part program with the CMM.
Starting the repeat mode
 On the PartManager menu bar click "CMM", and then click "Repeat
Or click the "CMM repeat mode" button.
 The initial dialogue box of the repeat mode appears.
Initial dialogue box of the repeat mode
Repeat Mode
Selecting a part program
The topmost text box in the initial dialogue box is available when several part
programs exist for a part.
Click the arrow and select a part program from the drop-down list box.
 In the "No. of executions" text box, type the number of executions.
 If you want to store the data to relearn, select the "Store data for relearn"
check box.
Later evaluation
 If you want to store the data for later evaluation, select the "Archive meas.
data for later evaluation" check box.
 Click "OK".
 A dialogue box appears for the entry of a name for the later evaluation.
 Type a name for the later evaluation and click "OK".
 The repeat mode is started and the measurement data for later evaluation
is stored.
When you start the "Repeat with archived measurement data" mode in the
PartManager, the specified name including date and time is shown in the
"Repeat with archived measurement data" dialogue box.
Display of the archive name of the later evaluation including date and time
If you start GEOPAK from the RemoteManager you can optionally select
to store the data for relearn or not.
This setting is made in the GEOWIN.INI file. Under [RemoteManager] you
change the variable StoreRelearnData (0 or 1). The GEOWIN.INI file
is in the MCOSMOS installation directory in the INI folder.
0: Store relearn data OFF (default setting)
1: Store relearn data ON
There is a possibility to set the values by means of two additional part
programs. These part programs can be named, for example,
"SwitchOnRelearn" and "SwitchOffRelearn" and can also be started from
the RemoteManager.
The offset only applies if you repeat the part program more than once. For more
information, see "Repeat Mode with Offset"
Repeat Mode
Writing measurement points to XML file
The "Write measurement points to XML file" button is only available when
[RecordPoints] ShowRecordOption=1 is set in GEOWIN.INI.
An existing XML file is replaced without warning.
Click the "Write measurement points to XML file" button.
 All measured points are saved to an XML file. This file can be found in the
subfolder of the part.
As each part can have several part programs, the name of the XML file contains
the name of the part program. So you will know which XML file belongs to which
part program.
When you measure a CAD model in the offline mode it is possible to create an
XML file that contains the nominal positions.
The results of the tolerance comparisons can be evaluated statistically.
Click this button to make the "Sublot" text box available.
If one or several features are missing while creating a part program, you can
use the option "Only feature declaration" later (see button on the left). In this case
the statistic button must be selected. When both buttons are selected, no
measurement values are transferred to the statistical program.
You can also make the settings in the "Structured Sublot" dialogue box.
Measurement is either in millimeters or in inch.
Initial report number
The initial report number clearly assigns a report to a certain part. The initial
report number is increased by the value 1 for each multiple repetition of a part
This option is available in this dialogue box for situations where a report should
not begin with "1" but shall be continued at the end of a former series.
See also
Temperature coefficient in Repeat Mode
Cancel Part Program Repetition
Repeat with Archived Measurement Data
Selection of Archived Measurement Data
Repeat Mode M-VCMM
With the function "Repeat mode M-VCMM" you can run a part program or
simulate a part program run. This operation mode enables you to determine the
uncertainty of a CMM.
Starting the repeat mode M-VCMM
 On the PartManager menu bar, click "CMM", and then click "Repeat
mode M-VCMM".
Repeat Mode
Or click the "Repeat mode M-VCMM" button.
 The initial dialogue box of the "Repeat Mode M-VCMM" appears.
Selecting the part program
The text box at the top of the initial dialogue box is available if there are several
part programs for a single part.
Click the arrow button and select the desired part program from the
open list.
 In the "No. of simulation runs" text box enter the number of simulated
executions or accept the displayed value.
Simulation mode
Select the simulation mode you want to use:
 Online measurement with uncertainty calculation
During the first part program run the workpiece is measured. All further
part program runs are simulated. Basis for the uncertainty calculation is
the measurement data of the first part program run.
 Offline measurement with uncertainty calculation
All part program runs are simulated. Basis for the uncertainty calculation
is the nominal data of the first part program run.
Workpiece data
From the technical workpiece data use the following data:
 Roughness (Rz)
 Length unit
 Value of uncertainty of temperature coefficient
 Value of the temperature coefficient or selection from the material list
Starting the repeat mode M-VCMM
 In the "Repeat mode M-VCMM" dialogue box, click "OK".
 During the part program run, a second program is running to simulate the
measurement results.
 The simulated measurement results are saved to the subdirectory
"VCMM_DATA.000" of the current part directory.
 The measurement results are saved to ASCII files. Basis for the output
format is the file "VCMM.GAF".
 After the part program runs with the saved measurement results, the
uncertainty calculation is carried out. The measurement results are saved
to the subdirectory "VCMM_DATA.000" to the file "Uncertainty.txt".
See also
Features of the Repeat Mode M-VCMM
Settings: M-VCMM
GEOPAK Repeat Mode
Temperature Coefficient: Select from List
Features of the Repeat Mode M-VCMM
The execution of the part programs is very time-consuming. With the following
requirements the execution time is reduced:
Repeat Mode
 During the offline measurement, all open windows are closed
automatically. At the end of the repeat mode M-VCMM, all windows are
automatically opened again.
 GEOPAK re-learn mode is not possible.
 Recording of the measurement is reduced to a minimum.
Limited output
During the online measurement of the first part program run, all programmed
commands are carried out.
During the offline measurement, output to ASCII files or printouts are not
The following commands are affected:
 Open output file
 Print format specification
 Open protocol
 Dialogue for protocol output
 Protocol output
 Print layout
 Archive protocol
 Output text
 Export elements
During the offline measurement, the program skips the following functions that
normally require an entry:
 Text to screen
 Programmable stop
 Show picture
 Play sound
 Input head data
 Input sublot
Features of MCOSMOS programs and functions
Revision Management
The function "Repeat mode M-VCMM" is not available in the "Active" and
"Archive" modes of the Revision Management. If you want to run the "Repeat
mode M-VCMM" function you have to change to the "Edit" operation mode.
GEOPAK operation modes
The function "Repeat mode M-VCMM" can only be started in the CNC repeat
mode; it cannot be started in the learn mode and re-learn mode.
When you delete a part program of the "Repeat mode M-VCMM", the related
data is also deleted.
The results of the uncertainty calculation for each tolerance comparison are
displayed as "U=".
Tolerance comparison
Repeat Mode
The uncertainty is displayed with an additional decimal.
Output of the uncertainty is not possible unless data of the uncertainty is
available. It is necessary to repeat the part program in the "Repeat mode
Flexible report
In the flexible report use the token "Uncertainty" to output the uncertainty.
Mitutoyo report
Using the templates "Mitutoyo Standard Report" and "Mitutoyo Standard Report
Letter" it is possible to output the uncertainty for each tolerance comparison.
Existing part programs
You can use your part programs without conversion. Individual templates have to
be adjusted to output the uncertainty.
See also
Repeat Mode M-VCMM
Selection of Archived Measurement Data
To repeat a part program with archived measurement data, proceed as follows:
 If the part consists of several part programs, select a part program.
 In the "Repeat with archived measurement data" dialogue box, select a
data set.
 Make the settings for the statistical evaluations.
 Select the desired unit.
 Enter the start protocol number.
 When you click "OK", the part program is carried out with the selected
data set in the offline mode.
Data security
When you carry out the "Repeat with archived measurement data" function, it is
the same as when you repeat a measurement on the CMM. Older files may be
overwritten, for example, measurement reports or ASCII files. Therefore, an
additional warning message appears.
Behaviour during the part program run
If a part program commands requires the input of head data or sublot data, this
data is taken from the archived measurement data as a proposal.
The generated measurement reports always include the current time and date.
The variable "Sys.RptWithArch" shows the operating mode in which the part
program is repeated. If the value of the variable is "1", the part program is carried
out in the "Repeat with archived measurement data" mode.
Not executable part program commands
Some part program commands, for example commands that modify the probe
data, cannot be executed in the "Repeat with archived measurement data" mode.
Repeat Mode
The following part program commands are not executable:
 Re-calibrate from memory
 Single probe calibration
 Calibrate automatically
 Determine MPP factors
See also
Repeat Mode
Repeat with Archived Measurement Data
Delete Archived Measurement Data
Delete Archived Measurement Data
It is possible to delete archived measurement data that is no longer needed.
 Start GEOPAK in the "Repeat with archived measurement data" mode
and click "Cancel" to close the dialogue box.
 On the menu bar, click "File", and then click "Delete archived meas. data".
 The "Delete archived measurement data" dialogue box appears.
 Select the data sets that you want to delete.
 Click "OK".
 A confirmation prompt appears.
 When you click "OK", the selected data sets are deleted.
See also
Repeat Mode
Repeat with Archived Measurement Data
Selection of Archived Measurement Data
Temperature Coefficient in Repeat Mode
You will consider the thermal expansion of your workpiece by way of setting the
appropriate temperature coefficient. For this, either enter the required coefficient
or pick the material in the list.
You can also redefine the temperature coefficient in the part program by using
the function Settings for Temperature Compensation.
For detailed information also refer to the topic Temperature Coeffizient: Select
from List .
In the part list, you can also activate multiple parts for the repeat mode. The parts
are automatically processed one after the other.
If the number of repeats you have entered is bigger than the number of parts, the
repeat mode can be cancelled at any time.
Further topics
Introduction Repeat Mode
Cancel Repeat Mode
Repeat Mode with Offset
Cancel Part Program Repetition
You have the possibility to cancel your part programs in repetition mode.
Repeat Mode
You have to pause the part program before you can cancel it. To do
so, click the "Pause" button.
Click the "Cancel" button on the toolbar.
 Or on the "Control" menu, click "Cancel".
 The "Cancel part program repetition" dialogue box appears.
"Cancel part program repetition" dialogue box
 In the "Cancel part program repetition" dialogue box you select the
execution you want to cancel. Click one of the three option buttons:
• Only actual repetition
• All executions of part program
• All part program execution jobs
 Click "OK" to confirm and the selected execution of the part program is
Related topics
Introduction Repeat Mode
Temperature Coefficient
Repeat Mode with Offset
Program Jump
Repeat Mode with Offset
A certain number of corresponding parts is measured with only one part program.
For this, the parts are positioned at certain distances (offset), e.g. in a template or
on a pallet.
You must create the part program in a way that the start position of a part
can be reached from the end position of the previous part.
Repeat Mode
Proceed as follows:
 In the upper part of the dialogue, enter the "number of executions" in one
row and the offset between the parts. You will find the offset value in the
documentation (drawings etc.) pertaining to your pallet. Furthermore you
can use the icons at the top left of the dialogue to determine which
machine axis is positioned parallel to the row.
Activate the lower part of the dialogue by clicking the icon. Here, you
enter the total number of rows or columns that shall be measured. Here,
you also enter the offset between the rows.
For more information, refer to the topic Volume Compensation .
Further topics
Introduction Repeat Mode
Temperature Coefficient
Cancel Repeat Mode
Program Jump
You have the possibility to execute your part program step by step in
repetition mode by clicking the "Step forward" button.
If you want to jump more than one step forward in your part program, use the
"Program jump" function.
You have to pause the part program before you can execute it step by
step. To do so, click the "Pause" button.
Click the "Go to" button on the toolbar.
 Or on the "Control" menu, click "Go to".
 The "Program jump" dialogue box appears.
"Program jump" dialogue box
Repeat Mode
 In the "Program jump" dialogue box select the program line from which
you want to continue the part program execution and click "OK" to
 The "Program jump (Status at destination line)" dialogue box appears.
"Program jump (Status at destination line)" dialogue box
 The "Program jump (Status at destination line)" dialogue box shows the
number of probe tree, the number of probe and the co-ordinate system
number valid for the destination line and the clearance height.
 All previous program lines are deleted from the part program list. When
executing the part program, it starts with the program line you selected.
Related topics
Introduction Repeat Mode
Cancel Part Program Repetition
In this dialogue box you define the number of decimals that are assigned to the
graphic display of the machine position and of the last element measurement in
the graphics of elements.
For the machine position, you set the minimum number of decimals. This number
is also used for the graphics of elements. The changed inputs will become
effective after a restart of the repeat mode. This setting has no effects on other
outputs, for example, the ASCII output.
The setting is performed separately for millimetres or inch.
Repeat Mode
Confirm element finished
Manual measurements might entail some inaccuracies due to various reasons.
To protect you against resulting mistakes, we offer the option "Confirm element
finished". By clicking this option, a query is always displayed following the
measurement to confirm that your measurement is accurate.
Repeat Mode: Start Editor
When you are in the repeat mode you can also call up the GEOPAK editor.
The editor starts and you can process the part program. Part program lines that
have already been executed are highlighted in orange. Within this highlighted
area you can process the lines but you can neither delete these lines nor add
new ones.
In the non-selected area you can apply all functions.
When leaving the GEOPAK editor you get automatically back to the repeat mode
and you can continue with the program.
ROUNDPAK-CMM: Table of Contents
Dialogue "Pass Data to ROUNDPAK-CMM"
Analysable Elements
Not Analysable Elements
Error Messages
Learn and Repeat Mode
ROUNDPAK-CMM is a program for the analysis of roundness that complements
the geometry module GEOPAK of MCOSMOS.
For the analysis of roundness usually a special CNC roundness testing
instrument is used in combination with the analysis software ROUNDPAK. With
huge workpieces, however, this combination can often not be employed because
the measurement range is not sufficient.
Therefore we have developed the program ROUNDAK-CMM. The combination of
ROUNDPAK-CMM and GEOPAK allows you to test roundness and cylindricity of
huge workpieces.
For testing the roundness and cylindricity of huge workpieces with ROUNDPAKCMM and GEOPAK, you require a CMM with a scanning probe system.
For the evaluation with ROUNDPAK-CMM you have to create the evaluation coordinate system analogical to the measurement co-ordinate system of
ROUNDPAK. The axis of the element to be evaluated (e.g. cylinder) has to be
the Z axis of the co-ordinate system.
Working steps
 Create your standard workpiece co-ordinate system.
 Measure a circle near the bottom of your workpiece (see picture) and
calculate this circle as Gauss element.
 Measure a circle near the top of your workpiece (see picture) and
calculate this circle as Gauss element.
 Create a connection element line out of the centre points of the two
 Re-align your GEOPAK workpiece co-ordinate system. Use the
connection element line as Z axis of your ROUNDPAK Evaluation Coordinate System (RECS).
 Now the elements to be evaluated in ROUNDPAK-CMM can be
Before you start working with ROUNDPAK-CMM you have to create the coordinate system. See also "Alignment".
Working Steps
ROUNDPAK-CMM and GEOPAK are interacting. In simplified terms, the working
steps can be described as follows:
 You measure elements in GEOPAK. Part program commands are
 If you want to use a filter you work either in GEOPAK or in ROUNDPAKCMM. If you use the filter in both programs the evaluation is incorrect. If
you want to compare the results of GEOPAK and ROUNDPAK-CMM you
have to use the filter in GEOPAK.
 The measurement data (measurement points, elements and part program
commands) are passed to ROUNDPAK-CMM.
 The evaluation of the measurement data is performed in ROUNDPAKCMM.
 The results can be output either in GEOPAK or in ROUNDPAK-CMM.
• Graphics and results of ROUNDPAK-CMM can be used in
GEOPAK for the output. For example, ROUNDPAK-CMM
graphics can be used in the ProtocolDesigner in GEOPAK.
• However, the output of results is also possible in ROUNDPAKCMM without GEOPAK.
To get to the dialogue "''Pass data to ROUNDPAK-CMM" in GEOPAK, go
to the menu bar / Tolerance / Pass data to ROUNDPAK-CMM.
Working steps in the dialogue
 All measured elements are listed in the "available" list.
 Select elements in the "available" list and pass these elements to the
"selected" list.
For this, use the arrow buttons.
By activating the check box in front of "Print the ROUNDPAK-CMM
report", the ROUNDPAK-CMM report is printed out after the elements
have been evaluated in ROUNDPAK-CMM.
Under "Program name", enter the desired name of the ROUNDPAK-CMM
evaluation program. Furthermore define a directory. The evaluation
programs have the file name extension RND.
Confirm with "'OK". All elements in the "selected" list are passed to
The main window of ROUNDPAK-CMM is opened.
Hide element types
You can use the buttons "line", "circle", "plane" and
"cylinder" as filters.
By deactivating the button "'circle"', all circles contained in the "available'" list are
no longer displayed. This option serves clarity when the list contains a great
number of elements. Furthermore, the circles are no longer displayed in the
window "Graphics of elements".
ROUNDPAK-CMM can only evaluate measurement data of elements that have
been measured in GEOPAK by means of a certain measurement strategy.
Related topics
Analysable Elements
Not Analysable Elements
Error Messages
Learn and Repeat Mode
Analysable Elements
ROUNDPAK-CMM can only evaluate measurement data of elements that have
been measured in GEOPAK by means of a certain measurement strategy.
Example of elements that can be evaluated with ROUNDPAK-CMM.
Element Circle; horizontal to basic plane
Element Plane; horizontal to basic plane
Element Cylinder; measured spirally; perpendicular to basic plane
Element Cylinder; measured with circles, perpendicular to basic plane
Element Line; perpendicular to basic plane and parallel to axis of rotation
Element Line; horizontal to basic plane and with reference to the axis of rotation
Non-Analysable Elements
ROUNDPAK-CMM can only evaluate measurement data from elements that have
been measured in GEOPAK by means of a certain measurement strategy.
When using a measurement strategy that cannot be analysed with ROUNDPAKCMM, an error message is displayed.
Examples for elements that can not be evaluated with ROUNDPAK-CMM:
Element Plane, created by multiple points
Element Surface; created by scanning
Element Cylinder; created by multiple points
Error Messages
An error message is displayed in the following cases:
 When the selected elements are not in a coaxial position.
 When a selected cylinder is not in a perpendicular position to the basic
plane of the co-ordinate system.
 When a selected plane is not in a horizontal position to the basic plane of
the co-ordinate system.
 When a selected line is neither in a horizontal nor in a vertical position to
the basic plane of the co-ordinate system.
 When the program ROUNDPAK-CMM does not recognize the material
side of an element.
These two cylinders are not in a coaxial position. In this case you get an error
The two cylinders are in a coaxial position. These elements can be evaluated
Learn and Repeat Mode
Learn mode
When you confirm the dialogue "Pass data to ROUNDPAK-CMM" with "OK", the
main window of ROUNDPAK-CMM opens. For creating an evaluation program,
ROUNDPAK-CMM uses the elements that have been passed from GEOPAK to
Close ROUNDPAK-CMM after you have completed defining the evaluations and
settings for the results and graphics.
Then you can print out the evaluations in GEOPAK with a template that also
supports the output of ROUNDPAK data.
Repeat mode
In the repeat mode, ROUNDPAK-CMM is started in the background with the
evaluation program of ROUNDPAK-CMM that you have created in the learn
mode. GEOPAK passes the elements to ROUNDPAK-CMM and the evaluation
Measurement Methods: Overview
Manual CMM
With Touch Trigger
With Fixed Probe
CNC Scanning
"Automatic Measurement" On The Driving Strategies Scanning in Phi-Z with
Constant Radius Open Contour Start and End Position of a Contour as a Contact
Point With "Automatic Element" Compensation of Radius of Probe (Scanning)
With Measuring Probe Clamp axis with MPP Thread Scanning with MPP10
Element Contur
Start in GEOPAK
Selection of Points Contour
Contour Connection Element
Intersection Point (Contour with Line / Circle / Point)
Contour Import/Export
Import Contour
Export Contour
Technical Specification
DXF Format
VDAFS Format
NC Formats
Special formats
Error Messages
Manipulate Contour
Manipulate Contour
Scale Contour
Edit Contour Point
Mirror Contour
Move / Rotate Contour
Create Offset-Contour
Idealize Contour
Change Point Sequence
Sort Sequence of Contour Points
Fit in Circle with fixed Diameter
Middle Contour
Prepare Leading Contour Activate Leading Contour Scanning with Guiding
Contour Loop Counter
Scanning of a Nominal Contour Define Approach Direction Recalculate
Contour from Memory / Copy
Delete Contour Points
Delete Points of a Contour
Delete via "Single Selection"
Delete with the Co-Ordinates
Delete with Radius
Delete via an Angle Area
Reduce Number of Points
Delete Linear Parts of a Contour
Reduce Neighboured Points
Delete Point Intervals from Contour
Clean Contour
Delete Contour Loops
Delete Reversing Paths from Contour
Delete Double Contour Points
Min. and Max. Point
Automatic Element Calculation
Tolerance Limits
Graphics of Elements
Contour View
Display Sub Elements of a Contour
Circles as Partial Circle Display
Contour Point Selection by Keyboard
Multi-Colour Contour Display
Contour Display as Lines and/or Points
Contours with Tolerance Check
Comparison (Vector Direction)
Bestfit Contour
Degrees of Freedom for Bestfit
Width of Tolerance (Scale Factor)
Form Tolerance Contour
Tolerance Band Editor
Define Tolerance Band of a Contour
Edit Tolerance Band of a Contour
Filter Contour / Element
Dual Flank Scanning
Laser Probe
WIZprobe Calibration The Menu Measurement Course
Scanning with Rotary Table
Introduction Three Kinds Stop Conditions Clamp Axis Manual Scanning by CMM
Scanning with "MetrisScan" (Laser)
Introduction Program Run Elements from Point Cloud Edit Mode / Filter Scanning
with RenScanDC
Save and Export Contour
Save Contour
Save Contour in ASCII File
Select Contour
Transfer Contour into an External System
Load Contour
Load Contour from External Systems
Export to Surface Developer
The option "Scanning" as part of our GEOPAK base program provides the
function that allows you to
 scan contours and freeform surfaces
 realise nominal actual comparisons with contours
 calculate geometrical elements at the contour after scanning
 import contours from or to import them to external systems.
In principle, all the functions comprised by the GEOPAK base program of are at
your disposal, from learn mode via the repeat mode to graphical representation
or output. This online help provides you, in particular, information on the specific
features of scanning. For your guidance, use the table of contents or the index.
Measurement Methods: Overview
Depending on CMM, probing system and the task to be performed, we offer you
a wide variety of methods to record a contour (for the listing of the individual
topics see the Table of Contents).
Manual CMM
 Scanning with touch trigger probe
 Scanning with fixed probe
CMM with CNC
 Touch trigger Scanning
 Scanning with measuring probe
In each of these cases, you have the possibility of selecting between
 Measurement with specified start and end points. Using automatic start
and end, you can assure the repeatability, also in manual mode.
 Measurement without specified of start-end points. This option is
preferably used for single and learn mode. Perhaps you want to get a first
impression of the contour.
In order to start the Scanning function, you have two possibilities
 via the menu bar/Element and the "Contour" function
 By clicking on the symbol (see above)
In any case, you get the "Element Contour" dialogue window.
Measurement and
theoretic element. Activate alternatively one of
the two symbols and confirm.
 With "Measure", you come to the next dialogue window "Manual
Scanning" or CNC Scanning. The decisive criterion is the type of CMM at
your disposal, or whether you have activated the CNC function.
 Via the second symbol, you can load a theoretical contour (nominal
contour). In the following search window, you select your file according to
the known Windows conventions. This can be a file with the "gws"
extension. This is short for "GEOPAK-Win Scanning". To find further
formats, please proceed as follows:
In the "Contour" window, open the file type list via the symbol.
 Select by mouse click from this list the file type required.
 The contour is loaded into the conventional memory. It is recorded in the
element list, in the result box (information such as plane, closed or open
contour, number of measured points) and as a graphics. This nominal
contour is the pre-requisite for a comparison of nominal and actual values.
Graphics of measurement and
measurement with voice comment.
You can support the measurement process graphically and/or with a sound.
Automatic element finished. If you activate this symbol, also the element is
finished upon completion of the measurement.
It could, however, become necessary for you to carry out a probe
change or to interrupt the scanning operation because of an obstacle.
This would mean that you scan the contour in several intervals. In
these cases, you certainly do not want to automatically finish the
Automatic Measurement. Whether this function is switched On or Off, is of
no importance when working with a manual CMM.
Scanning from the toolbar
In the main window of GEOPAK, on the left hand side, you find a toolbar,
comprising, in particular, the symbols.
CNC Scanning with touch trigger-type probe, and
finish CNC scanning.
By a click on these symbols, you can start or finish a measurement.
Manual CMM
Scan manually: Touch Trigger Probe
You measure using a touch trigger probe. For this purpose, you must
activate the symbol in the dialogue window "Scan manually".
Each point measured is stored, the input of a pitch or of a deviation of
chord is therefore not necessary. The foot probe is not required.
If you want to work using a start and end point, you have to activate the
functions with the symbol. You can select between the three co-ordinate system
types (for details see under the topic "Types of Co-ordinate System"), and, in
each case, you
 enter the values in the text fields, or
select the current position of the CMM by a click on the symbol.
Closed Contour
Below the "end point" you can select the "Closed contour" with a click on the
symbol. The first measurement point is automatically used as the end point.
Compensation of Probe Radius
By a mouse-click on the symbol (on the left) you cause the probe radius
compensation to be automatically performed at the end of measurement.
Via one of the three "Plane" symbols - in the present case, the YZ
plane is activated - you set the CMM to the plane in which compensation shall
take place.
The direction of compensation is defined by the probe direction of the first
measurement point.
Scan manually: Fixed Probe
You measure using a fixed probe. For this purpose you must activate the
symbol in the dialogue window "Scan Manually".
The points are continuously measured depending on the pitch set.
Make sure that the probe is contacting the workpiece surface and that it is
evenly guided along this surface during point measurement.
 Start the point measurement with a trigger signal from the foot switch.
 Exit the point measurement with a second trigger signal.
Make sure that the probe is positioned some millimetres perpendicular
above the last measurement point to ensure a secure detection of the
material side.
 Exit the measurement with a third trigger signal.
The two prerequisites for point acceptance apply at the same time.
 The pitch determines the distance after one measurement point is
accepted at the latest.
 By using the deviation from chord, the point densitiy in the contour curves
can be increased. A measurement point is accepted when its distance to
the chord through its direct neighbouring points is bigger than the setting
(e.g.: 0,005mm).
As an alternative to using the foot switch, the start and end point for the
point measurement can be defined with the co-ordinate text fields.
You can either
 input the co-ordinates for the X, Y and Z axis into the text fields, or
select the actual position of the CMM by a click on the symbol.
Closed Contour
Under the item "end point" you can select the "closed contour" with a click
on the symbol. The first measurement point is automatically used as the end
Compensation of Probe Radius
When clicking the symbol (on the left), compensation of probe radius is
automatically carried out at the end of the measurement.
Via one of the three "Plane" symbols - in the present case, the YZ
plane is activated - you set the CMM to the plane, in which compensation shall
take place.
After the point measurement has been completed, the program waits for a trigger
signal from the foot switch. This point serves to determine the compensation
direction (see picture below) and needs to be positioned on the "non material
side" of the tangent through the last contour point.
1 Start
2 Stop
3 Dummy point on the right side
4 Dummy point on the wrong side
CNC Scanning
CNC scanning: "Automatic Measurement" On
This method of scanning the measurement points provides all functions of the
Scan CNC dialogue box. You can, for example, decide in favour of a driving
strategy which best matches your specific measurement tasks. These can be
measurements along the planes or on rotating parts.
You can start the part program command by clicking the "Contour"
button in the GEOPAK CMM learn mode.
In the "Element contour" dialogue box, make sure to select one after
another the functions "Measurement" and
"Measure automatic".
With the "Autom. ele. finish" button you determine if at the end of the
measurement the element is to be finished, too, or not.
 Click "Ok" to confirm.
Scan CNC Dialogue Box
In the CMM learn mode the "Scan CNC" dialogue box appears automatically.
In the part program editor, click the "Scan CNC" button or on the "Machine"
menu, click "Scan CNC" to open the "Scan CNC" dialogue box.
You can, for example, scan left or scan right.
 In the "Scan path control" list box, select one of the three different modes.
Each mode influences the scanning speed and the scan path in a different
 If you determine start and end point, you can work using one of the three
Types of Co-ordinate System.
 For information about how to position the start and end point of a contour
on the workpiece surface, see "Start and End Position of a Contour as a
Contact Point".
Cartesian Co-ordinate System
Cylindrical Co-ordinate System
Sphere Co-ordinate System
For more information, see "Drive Strategies".
Pitch and Safety Distance
The pitch determines the distance between two measurement points. Smaller
pitches have a greater number of measurement points. Consequently, the
measurement operation becomes slower, but more accurate.
As in a scanning operation the pitch is considerably smaller than in the
measurement of geometrical elements, you also need a different safety distance.
The following is valid: as small as possible - as large as required. For more
information, see "Safety Distance".
The scanning speed and "Deflection" applies only to a measuring probe.
For more information, see "Scanning with Measuring Probe".
See also
Drive Strategies
Open Contour
Start and End Position of a Contour as a Contact Point
Probe Radius Compensation (Scanning)
Driving Strategies
By selecting a driving plane, you define your driving
 With the three planes XY, XZ and YZ you determine in work piece coordinates that scanning is carried out parallel to these planes. The third
co-ordinate always remains constant. It is determined from the start point.
 Strategy of RZ: The driving plane is determined through the Z axis and
the angle Phi in the XY plane. This co-ordinate - in the present case the
angle Phi - remains constant and is determined from the start point. This
RZ strategy is particularly used for intersections on rotating parts.
 Strategy of Phi-Z: The driving plane is determined through the Z axis and
a constant radius in the XY plane. So you can scan contours on a cylinder
surface. This co-ordinate - here the radius R - defines the cylinder radius
and is determined from the start point.
When you click the "No projection" button, you can select the driving plane.
Use the direction vectors to determine the probing direction for the X, Y and
Z components.
What you need to know
Activate this symbol only if you work with a MPP 4 or MPP 5. Using the
mouse, clamp an axis. For details, see also "Clamp Axis with MPP 4/5".
If you have selected a closed contour, the start point is equal to the end
point. That is why the co-ordinates of the end point are deactivated in this case
(see also "Open Contour").
With the direction vector you specify the direction where the probing is to
take place.
Scanning in Phi-Z with Constant Radius
The dialogue "CNC-scanning" particularly offers the option "Radius" for
GEARPAK. In addition to the usual PHI-Z-scanning, the radius can be specified
for a scanning probe system. Furthermore, probing from any direction is possible.
With the normal Phi-Z-scanning, the constant radius is calculated from the start
point and the origin of the current co-ordinate system. With worms, however, we
have to work with an inclined probing surface and the program starts with
calculating the first probing point through the normal on the flank line (see ill.).
The resulting radius is established by activating the option in the dialogue.
1: Start point
2: Radius
Despite the varyingDeflection the scan can be executed on a constant radius.
Open Contour
Unlike manual scanning, in the case of CNC scanning you must always work
using a start and end point.
You can, at a time
 input the co-ordinates for the X, Y and Z axis into the text fields, or
select the current position of the CMM by a click on the symbol.
When deciding in favour of an open contour, make sure that the symbol for the
closed contour is deactivated (for details refer to the topic "CNC Scanning:
"Automatic Measurement" On ").
Since, on its way to this axis, the scan can intersect several times the
other axis, but a stop should not be now, the axis must be "ignored". Which axis
must be ignored can be defined via the icons above. In the table below you see,
which axis must be the first or the second.
The symbols for the function "Ignore Axis" correspond
necessarily with your driving strategy (picture on the left), which you also specify
in the dialogue window "CNC Scanning".
Ignore First Axis
Ignore Second Axis
Start and End Position of a Contour as a Contact Point
You can use this function to put the start and end position for "CNC-scanning" in
relation to the probe centre or to the workpiece surface.
The relation to the workpiece surface is useful when the part program is based on
an engineering drawing. If you wish to accept the current probe position as start
or end point, the relation must be established to the probe centre.
The end point of a closed contour automatically results from the first point
of the contour. That is why in this case no input for the end point is
Relate vectors to the workpiece surface
In the section "Start point" and/or "End point", click on the button
"Point on workpiece".
 The button "Probe centre" is deactivated.
Relate vectors to the probe centre
In the section "Start point" and/or "End point", click on the button
"Probe centre".
 The button "Point on workpiece" is deactivated.
CNC Scanning with "Automatic Element"
If you want to determine a contour e.g. with the function "Automatic Measure
 start scanning (for details refer to the topic "Start SCANNING") and
deactivate "Automatic Measurement" (symbol on the left) in the
window "Element Contour".
 You immediately get the window "Measurement Display".
 The toolbar on the left margin of the GEOPAK main window is activated.
 Click on "Automatic Measure Mode" to get the corresponding dialogue
window and continue as usual.
Compensation of Radius of Probe (Scanning)
The compensation of radius of probe calculates from the contour of the
probe centers the contour on the surface of the part, this means independently of
the used probe system. The calculation is realized in the Scanning (driving)
You must know:
 It is only valid for 2D contours.
 The probing must always be realized perpendicularly to the surface of the
 Otherwise, a compensation of radius of probe is impossible because
inaccurate and incorrect results may occur.
 Using of different probes doesn’t influence the calculation of a correct
contour with compensation of radius of probe.
When executing a probe radius compensation for contours with small pitch
in relation to the probe sphere diameter, some contour points may possibly
be deleted.
Scanning with Measuring Probe
The CMM control guides the measuring probe continuously along the contour. In
analogy to the fixed probe used with the manual CMM, you define, by means of
the pitch, at which distance the points are to be recorded.
Scanning Speed
The dialogue "CNC Scanning with Measuring Probe" gives you can also the
possibility of adjusting the scanning speed. For the optimum speed please refer
to your documentation regarding the probing system and CMM. A rule commonly
accepted says that the speed (mm/s) is to be set as low as possible in cases
where pronounced changes of direction are expected to occur frequently.
For details refer to the topic "CNC Scanning: "Automatic Measurement" On".
The deflection can only be entered with a measuring probe. This is necessary
because a certain probing force is required so that the CMM can follow the
course of the contour. The probing force is proportional to the deflection of the
probe. Via the deflection, it is possible to influence the probing force.
With important changes of direction and a high probing force, you can get
problems. The probe can be e.g. too much accelerated (external angle). This
would lead to the error: “Out of Max. Deflection”. This tendency would still be
stronger with a smaller probe radius.
Scan Path Control
The SP25 scanning probe works with a so-called deflection. This is necessary
because a certain probing force is required so that the CMM can follow the shape
of the contour. The probing force is proportional to the deflection of the probe,
that means, if the deflection is changed, the probing force changes, too.
The controller takes care that the deflection which is set in the scanning
command, is maintained at any point of the part.
The function "Scan path control" is only used for the scanning of an unknown
contour or an unknown element. Three different modes are available. You can
select the mode that is best suited for your measurement task. This depends on
the shape of the part and the probing vector.
The target of the function "Scan path control" is to prevent a slowdown of the
scanning speed on inclined or rough surfaces.
Scan path on an inclined surface
without deflection
with deflection
The function "Scan path control" can only be used if a SP25 is installed.
To have this function available in the CMM learn mode, a controller that
supports this function is needed.
In the "Scan CNC" dialogue box you can influence the scanning speed and the
scan path by selecting the mode in the "Scan path control" list box (see table
Priority is
given to
g the
of the
scan path.
The given
and scan
path are
Priority is
given to
attempt is
made to
differ from
the given
speed is
can differ
from the
from the
The scan
from the
speed can
reduced to
1% of the
value. By
this, the
and scan
path is
The ability
to follow
the scan
path is
speed can
reduced to
30% of the
The ability
to follow
the scan
path is
speed can
reduced to
30% of the
speed is
speed is
The ability
to follow
the scan
path is not
as good
as with
the other
Clamp Axis with MPP
You have a probe of the MMP-4, MPP-5, MPP-100 or MPP-300 type. In other
words, you are provided with the function "Clamp Axis". Using this function
causes the CMM not to leave the co-ordinate of this "clamped" machine axis
while measurement is in progress. You must, however, have selected a driving
strategy for the driving planes XY, XZ or YZ. In, it is not possible to Clamping is
not possible with the strategies RZ and Phi Z
 Start Scanning as described in "Start CNC".
In the "CNC Scanning with Measuring Probe" window, the symbol
(left side) is activated in contrast to "Scanning with Touch-Trigger Probe".
You must click the symbol.
Make absolutely sure that the positioning of your part on the CMM is made
in such a way that the driving plane you selected is situated parallel to a
CMM axis.
For details regarding CNC Scanning see under the topic "CNC Scanning:
"Automatic Measurement" On"!
Thread Scanning with MPP10
The MPP10 is a probe
 with an offset at the tip
 and a scanning probe (for more information, see CNC-Scanning:
"Automatic measurement").
The "Scan thread" part program command is primarily used to define thread
lengths (holes and bolts).
To open the dialogue box choose "Machine / Scan thread" from the menu bar.
 To determine the thread length, the input of the nominal data of the
workpiece ("unified thread" etc.) is required. If it is a special thread that is
not indicated in the list you have to choose "Input". In this case the
"Height" text box to enter the corresponding value is active.
 Define the start point, the scanning direction and the approach direction
(for more information, see Measurement with a scanning probe).
In learn mode
• make use of the "Machine position" button as the start point.
• make use of the "Suggest directions" button for the directions,
to ensure that they correspond to the fitting and swilling position
of the current probe. Therefore it is no longer necessary, like in
older GEOPAK versions, to create an adequate co-ordinate
system. The MPP10 settings are made in the "Port settings"
dialogue box. Access to this dialogue is possible in the "CMM
System Manager".
The picture shows the six possible MPP10 stylus directions
 Under "Termination condition" you can define when you want to stop the
scan (input) or whether you want the CMM to automatically find the thread
 If required, read information about "Pitch" and scan speed under the
topics for CNC scanning.
 With the option "Display thread in extra window" you can display the
thread form. In repeat mode the program continues only after the window
is closed.
The results of the thread measurement, for example thread start or thread
length can be obtained via the dialogue "Define variables and calculate"
(see picture below; for more information, see System Variable in Formula
Calculation or Tables of Operators and Functions.)
Element Contour
Using this function, you create a new element of the type "Contour". A
contour comprises a number of points in an ordered array. The GEOPAK
program can use the contour points for calculating an element (for details see the
example shown under Selection of Points Contour).
 You either click on the symbol (see above) or use the menu bar "Element
/ Contour".
 In the dialogue window "Element Contour" there are summarised all the
types of construction of planes allowed by GEOPAK (for further details
please refer also to Elements: Overview).
 For details concerning the first two types of construction see Type of
For further details see under
Contour Connection Element
Type of Construction
Load Contour.
Middle Contour .
Load Contour from External Systems .
For details regarding the topic "Calculation of an Element on a Contour" see topic
Selection of Point Contour
Selection of Points Contour
You have loaded a contour and want to calculate an element on this contour (or
part of this contour). For this purpose you need, as a rule, only a part of the
contour points. This is why you have to make a selection. For the selection of the
points, you use the graphics. Make sure that this is activated.
Example for the calculation of a circle
Click on the element symbol,
in the following window and on the "Recalculate from Memory"
symbol and confirm.
In the "Circle - Recalculate / Copy from Memory" window, you click
on the symbol (contour).
 Select a contour
either from the list or ...
by mouse-click (the mouse changes to a reticle) in a
contour graphic on your screen. You confirm.
 The "Selection of Point Contour" window appears. At the same time, the
mouse pointer again changes to a reticle.
Point selection using the mouse
 With the left-hand mouse button depressed, you select in the contour
graphics all the areas you want to use for calculating, e.g. a circle. You
can click single points, or you summarise points to form blocks (keep
mouse button depressed). The areas selected are shown in colour (in
"red" as shown in the picture below").
 In the window "Select points from contour", the co-ordinates of the points
are shown as blocks. A block number is assigned to each selection.
Select ranges
Sie können bestimmen, in welchem Koordinatensystem die Anzeige bzw.
Eingabe erfolgen soll.
 For this, activate the following buttons:
Cartesian co-ordinate system
Cylindrical co-ordinate system
Spherical co-ordinate system
In the left columns, the start co-ordinates are shown or input.
In the right columns, the end co-ordinates are shown or input.
Below the line "Selected Blocks" you decide via the symbols which
blocks you want to use for the calculation.
Delete a block (selection).
Using this symbol you call up all contour points required for the
calculation of the element in question.
You delete all points (blocks).
Exact point selection
 Activate the function "Point selection".
Click the button "Add block".
 In the left field, enter the number of the contour point at which the
selection shall start.
 In the right field, enter the number of the contour point at which the
selection shall end.
 The graphics immediately shows your selection.
Contour Connection Element
Using the function "Connection Element Contour" you can connect single
contours to form a common contour. This function is suitable also for copying a
contour. You can use this function to your advantage, e.g., in cases where you
create a "Contour with Offset". You would then have the original together with the
"new contour" for comparison purposes. You can also overwrite and existing
Of great importance is the option which allows you to choose between
the Single or Group Selection (for details, refer to the topics "Single Selection"
and " Group Selection").
The general contour is located in the ...
 actual co-ordinate system and in the
 selected projection plane.
You come to the dialogue window "Contour Connection Element" by
clicking on the symbol in the toolbar.
In the window "Element Contour", click on the symbol (picture left).
 Or select via the "Menu Bar / Element / Contour".
 In any case, you must confirm in the "Element Contour" window.
Opened / closed contour: Change status
You can use this function to connect the first and the last contour point of a
contour. The contour is assigned the status "closed contour". In this case, the
button is displayed as pushed.
If the connection between the first and the last contour point is interrupted, the
contour is assigned the status "opened contour".
For details as how to proceed in the dialogue windows "Contour
Connection Element (Single or Group Selection)", please refer to the
"Single Selection" and "Group Selection".
Definition of third co-ordinate
If the contours are positioned in different planes, it is not possible to determine an
overlapping area. In this case you can define the third co-ordinate of all contour
points on a general level.
No changes of the point co-ordinates.
All points are positioned on level 0.0. The co-ordinate axis providing
the level depends on the projection plane of the contour.
The mean level is calculated and set for all points.
Connect contours
Due to the form of the workpieces to be scanned, it is sometimes impossible to
scan a 2D-contour in one single probe position. In this case, the contour needs to
be measured with several scans in different probe positions. Then, the contours
such measured need to be connected into one contour. We recommend an
overlapping measurement of the contours to avoid gaps between adjacent
contours. On the other hand, the areas of the duplicate contour points may
disrupt the subsequent evaluations at the contour. Therefore, the duplicate
contour points need to be deleted.
For further information, refer to the topic "Delete Contour Overlappings".
Delete Contour Overlappings
You can delete overlapping areas of adjacent contours with certain settings which
are described below. When entering a threshold, the function recognises which
part of a contour is lying over a part of another contour. The threshold defines the
distance between the contours which are then detected as one contour. If an
overlapping is detected, half of the overlapping is highlighted. The points
positioned behind the highlighted area of the first contour are deleted. In the
same way, the points of the second contour are deleted that are positioned
before the highlighted area.
You can define the 3rd co-ordinate of all contour points on a general
level. The level may be 0.0 or it may be the approximated 3rd value of the mean
over the complete contour. This is, for example, useful when the contours are in
different planes and an overlapping area cannot be determined.
In addition to the projections XY already supported by the system, the
projections YZ, ZX, RZ and Phi-Z can be selected.
To achieve good results you should adhere to the following conventions:
 Only the adjacent contours within the selection field are checked as to a
joint overlapping area.
 The sequence of sorting the contour points must be the same for all
contours selected. To reverse the sequence of the contour points, use the
function "Change contour/point sequence".
 By activating the button "Closed contour" the check between the last and
the first contour is executed too. This also applies when only one (closed)
contour has been selected.
If the level (3rd co-ordinate) of the connected 2D-contours varies, the
detection of the overlapping areas might not function reliably. In this case
you can adapt the third co-ordinate of the contour points.
Also refer to our "Application Example".
Application Example
You are dealing with a profile of a turbane blade in two contours. The contours
are partly overlapping because the critical areas at the front and trailing edge
have been scanned with a run in and run out for scanning. The measurement
points scanned during the contact of the probe shaft with the workpiece are within
the overlapping area and are therefore deleted.
Measurement of the turbine blade from two sides with different probe
1: Start
2: End
3: Shaft probing
In the "Connection element contour" dialogue box, click the "Delete
overlapping areas" button.
When clicking the "Use automatic threshold" button, the text box is
deactivated and a calculated threshold is used.
If you want to input the threshold yourself, deactivate the "Use automatic
threshold" button. Realistic values are values around 1.00 millimetres.
If no overlappings are detected, increase the threshold. If the deleted
portion of the contour is too big, reduce the threshold.
 The overlapping areas are detected, highlighted and removed.
 The result is an adjusted contour.
Contour Im-/Export / Contour Manipulate
Contents Contour Import/Export
Import Contour
Export Contour
Technical Specification
DXF Format
VDAFS Format
NC Formats
Special formats
Error Messages
The following texts describes a function - meanwhile integrated in GEOPAK which was known before as program "TRANSPAK".
With this function it is possible to take over contours from external CAD systems
to GEOPAK. It's primary task is to read in contours for tolerance comparisons.
Condition for the measuring procedures in GEOPAK is that only the required
contour data (e.g. of any two dimensional contour) are included in the CAD files.
In general, it is only possible to read in formats which correspond to the technical
specifications determined in GEOPAK (for further information please refer to
Technical Specification).
No surface data and no dimensioning lines must be included in the data
file. The dimensioning lines are considered as lines to be measured by the
The function "Import contour" must be activated by an entry in the dongle.
Import Contour
Click on this icon or choose "Element / Contour" from the menu
 Enter the contour name and the memory number in the dialogue window
"Element Contour".
Click on the icon "Import contour" and confirm.
Dialogue window
 In the dialogue window "Import contour" choose the following settings:
 The Type of format, e.g. VDAFS or IGES,
The Contour file (CAD file) by choosing this icon.
 The unit of measurement of the file (default, millimetres or inch).
We recommend to use the default setting. If, however, the determined unit
in the CAD file is not correct you have to change it.
 The pitch: If you do not insert additional points, the initial and end points
of a line or of a sector of circle will be transferred only. The distance
between these two points is normally too large. Use the function "Pitch" to
insert additional points.
In order to obtain exact results for the tolerance comparisons
always activate the option "Set end point". If this option is activated, two
additional contour points are inserted at the beginning and the end of a
line or of a sector of circle. The points are inserted with a distance of 0,01
If a contour contains many small elements, this option is not necessary.
The maximum number of points to be generated is 32 000. If this number
is exceeded, GEOPAK displays the error message "Too many points".
Sort order of points: It may occur that the elements in a CAD file
are not mutually connected. In this case the position of the elements is not
correct (see picture below).
 First of all sort the elements in the correct order.
 The contour is read. This process will take some time.
 The result is shown in the element graphic, in the element list and in the
result field.
 If you wish to sort, a maximum number of 7000 elements can be read.
Further Theme: Error_Message
Export Contour
The specifications of chapter "Import contour" are valid for this chapter except for
the following descriptions.
How to export the measured contour data to an external CAD system:
 Click on menu "Output" and choose function "Export contour".
 Choose your settings for "Select contour", "Type of format" and "Contour
file" in the displayed dialogue window.
 Choose the "unit of measurement" of the file.
Choose the desired contour (2D contour or 3D contour) by
clicking on the corresponding icon.
 Confirm. The output of the contour is protocoled in the result field.
After you have scanned a contour, the data can be output to CAD systems via
different common interfaces e.g. VDAFS or IGES.
Technical Specification
General conditions for data exchange
Attention must be paid during the design with the CAD system that the end
positions of successive design elements coincide with the start position of the
next element (e.g. in AUTOCAD set OFANG to END).
 The maximum sequence of polynomial curves is 22.
 Only the contour lines may be used in the data output.
If the option "Sort order of points" is activated, the maximum number of geometric
elements to be read is 7000. If this option is deactivated, up to 31999 elements
can be read in. It is possible to create contours with a maximum number of 31999
This specification is only valid for the exchange of contours between CAD
systems and GEOPAK.
DXF Format
DXF format: ASCII, based on AutoCad V10.0 Autodesk
Convert DXF into GEOPAK
 The contours are output as elements.
 Blocks must be resolved before the output.
The following elements and group codes are supported:
10, 20, 30 (starting position) 11, 21, 31 (end position)
10, 20, 30 (point) (when using the DXF 'POINT' element no
intermediate points are generated in GEOPAK)
10, 20, 30 (centre), 40 (radius)
10, 20, 30 (centre), 40 (radius), 50, 60 (angle)
10, 20, 30 (location), 42 (bulge)
10, 20, 30 (starting position) 11, 21, 31 (end position)
Group codes not listed here are ignored. In particular, the use of 210, 220,
230 and with POLYLINE 10, 20, 30 with values not equal to 0 leads to
Convert GEOPAK into DXF
Contours are output as DXF element POLYLINE. When interpolation is activated
each point corresponds to a VERTEX element.
VDAFS Format
VDAFS format
: ASCII, V 2.0 according to DIN 66301.
Convert VDAFS into GEOPAK
The contours are output as "sets".
The following VDAFS elements are supported:
Start identifier of the file
Start of a set
End of a set
Point co-ordinates (when using this element, no intermediate
points are generated in GEOPAK.)
Point sequence
Point vector sequence; the direction vectors are not evaluated
Curve from segments; the polynomial sequence may not exceed 22
Using language elements not listed above may lead to errors.
Convert GEOPAK into VDAFS
Contours are output as the VDAFS element PSET.
VDAIS is a subset of IGES V3.0.
Convert VDAIS into GEOPAK
Typ Form
Geometric elements
Circular arc
100 0
106 1
106 2
Straight line
110 0
Par. Spline curve
112 0
Types: linear, quadratic, cubic *
Point (--> composite curve) 116 0
Transformations matrix
124 0
Structuring element
Composite curve
102 0
402 1,7,14,15
PD pointer only on geometric elements *
Subord Sw PD ptr. Matrix ptr.
* General restriction compared to IGES.
Convert GEOPAK into VDAIS
Contours are output as the VDAIS element 110 (straight line).
NC Formats
NC programs are generated and read according to DIN 66025.
Reading NC data into GEOPAK
The following G commands are interpreted:
straight line interpolation
circle interpolation in direction to the right
circle interpolation in direction to the left
XY plane selection
ZX plane selection
YZ plane selection
 the circle in commands G2 and G3 must be defined via the midpoint (I, J,
 the co-ordinates can be specified both incrementally and absolutely;
 the commands G1, G2, G3 can also be programmed permanently.
Output of GEOPAK in NC formats
 The data are output via G1 commands.
 Initial and end sequences can be defined specifically for each control
Special Formats
In addition to the above-mentioned formats several special formats for programs
such as PC-DRAFT, PERSONAL DESIGNER, etc. are available.
In these formats it is possible to transfer point data only. To a large extent the
formats may be freely defined using control files.
In all cases these formats are ASCII formats. Internal (binary) CAD formats are
generally not supported.
Error Message
If an error Message is displayed, proceed as follows:
 Check the format in the dialogue window "Import contour".
 If necessary enlarge the distance of points.
 Deactivate the option "Set end point".
As described above it may happen that e.g. an IGES file contains elements which
can not be read by GEOPAK.
Manipulate Contour
In this chapter you will find the following topics:
Manipulate Contour
Mirror Contour
Move / Rotate Contour
Scale Contour
Edit Contour Point
Create Offset-Contour
Idealize Contour
Change Point Sequence
Sort Sequence of Contour Points
Middle Contour
Fit in Circle with fixed Diameter Prepare Leading Contour Activate Leading
Contour Scanning with Guiding Contour Scanning of a Nominal Contour
Define Approach Direction Loop Counter
Recalculate Contour from Memory / Copy
Intersection Point (Contour with Line / Circle / Point)
Contour Connection Element
Selection of Point Contour
Delete Contour Points
Delete Points of a Contour
Delete via "Single Selection"
Delete with the Co-Ordinates
Delete with Radius
Delete via an Angle Area
Reduce Number of Points
Delete Linear Parts of a Contour
Reduce Neighboured Points
Delete Point Intervals from Contour
Clean Contour
Delete Contour Loops
Delete Reversing Paths from Contour
Delete Double Contour Points
Min. and Max. Point
Automatic Element Calculation
Tolerance Limits
Manipulate Contour
A mouse-click on the menu topic "Contour" provides you with various possibilities
to manipulate your contour (position, shape, etc.). The manipulation is done to
the original contours, that is, no new contours are created. You can cancel any
changes made. All functions are of the teach-in type to be used for the repeat
For details as to whether and how to use the loop counter, please refer to
the title "Loop Counter".
All contours are processed in the actual co-ordinate system, that is, not
necessarily in the system where they were measured.
This is what you can do with the contour:
 Scale,
 Mirror,
 Move,
 Create Offset-Contour.
You can also "Cancel Points". You activate this function, however, using the
menu "Elements".
Scale Contour
For details regarding general principles see under "Manipulate Contour".
You proceed in the following way:
 You click in the menu bar on Contour/Scale and come to the dialogue
window "Scale Contour".
Using the arrow, you select an already existing contour.
 You enter the scale factors into the text boxes X, Y and Z and confirm.
All points of the contour are multiplied - relative to the origin of the actual coordinate system - by these factors.
Edit Contour Point
You can use this function to change the co-ordinates of an already existing
contour point.
Proceed as follows:
 In the menu bar click on "Contour / Edit contour point" and the dialogue
window "Edit contour point " opens.
Use this arrow to select an already existing contour.
 Confirm.
 The dialogue window "Select points from contour" is opened.
 Set the co-ordinates mode.
 Enter the contour point you want to change.
In the GEOPAK learning mode you can select the contour point to be changed in
the element graphic using the mouse.
 Confirm your selection.
 The dialogue window "Edit contour point " is opened.
In the dialogue window "Edit contour point" you enter the new co-ordinates of the
contour point to be changed.
Mirror Contour
For details regarding general principles see under "Manipulate Contour".
You proceed in the following way:
 You click in the menu bar on Contour/Mirror and come to the dialogue
window "Mirror Contour".
Using the arrow, you select an already existing contour.
 Using the symbols, you select one of the planes relative to which you
want to mirror the contour, and then you confirm.
The order of points is inverted. The object is, in particular, to establish from the
original and the mirrored contour one common contour (in one sense of rotation)
(for details see under the topic "Connection Element Contour").
Move / Rotate Contour
All points of the contour are first moved and then rotated - relative to the origin of
the actual co-ordinate system.
For details regarding general principles see under "Manipulate Contour".
You proceed in the following way:
 You click in the menu bar on "Move/Rotate Contour" and come to the
dialogue window "Move/Rotate Contour".
Using the arrow, you select an already existing contour.
 You enter the "move" figures into the text boxes X, Y and Z, and then you
 If you then still want to rotate the contour around an axis, you use the
symbols to select one of the three axes (X, Y or Z).
 Furthermore, you enter the figure for the angle in the adjacent text box.
"Rotate" first
If you want to rotate first and move after,
 you rotate (as described above), leave the "move" figures at 0 and
confirm. Then ...
 call up the dialogue again and move (as described above). Now the angle
of rotation remains at 0.
Create Offset-Contour
For details regarding general principles concerning the topic contour see under
"Manipulate Contour".
You have scanned a contour in order to generate a CNC part program (e.g. for
wire spark-erosion machines (for details see under the topic Transfer Contour
into External System). What you need for such a transfer is a contour whose tool
radius is increased or decreased. Such a contour is also called an Offset Contour
or an Equidistant. The perpendicular (normal line is formed at each point of the
contour. The point is moved by the "offset" along the perpendicular,.
You proceed in the following way:
 You click in the menu bar on "Contour/Contour with Offset" and come to
the appropriate dialogue window.
In this dialogue window, you select the contour via the list functions,
and then ...
 you enter the offset figure.
Use the option buttons to define in which direction the contour shall
be offset.
Increase / Decrease Contour
To define the direction in which the contour shall be increased or decreased,
imagine a closed contour between start and end point. The option "Increase
contour" moves the contour outwards. For this, the material side of the contour is
of no importance.
Left / Right
The offset orientates at the sort sequence of the contour points. The command
"Left" effects the stated offset to the left side of the contour seen in point
The calculation of the offset contour makes it possible to clip off parts of
the contour (see picture below. Upon completion of the calculation, these
constrictions are automatically deleted. This is the reason why the
calculated contour may possibly provide less points than the initial contour.
These points are recovered by the "Back function".
On the left (above) the original contour, on the right (below) the contour
after the offset.
The "Offset Contour" is shown in the element graphics and recorded in the result
Idealize Contour
The possibility to change a measured contour is important for the creation of a
machine tool part program. A point selection of a contour can be put in relation to
a defined geometric element (point, circle, line, angle). Then, the contour equals
the element in this specific range. This contour range is idealized to the element.
The operation of the function consists of three parts:
 Selection of a contour to be changed.
 Selection of an element to be taken as the ideal element.
 Selection of the contour sections to be idealized.
Proceed as follows:
 In the menu bar, click on "Contour/Idealize contour".
 The dialogue "Idealize contour" opens.
Select contour
In order to be able to work with contours, you must load at least one contour. For
information about how to load a contour, go to the topic Load Contour.
In the list box "Select contour", click on the contour you wish to
For information about if and how to apply the loop counter, go to
"Loop Counter".
Select element
In order to be able to select an element, the required element must be part of
your part program. For further information, refer to the topic Elements: Overview.
Use the buttons
 Point
 Line
 Circle
 Angle
to select an element type with which you wish to idealize the contour.
In the list box "Select element", click on the element with which you
wish to idealize the contour.
For information about if and how to use the loop counter, refer to the
topic "Loop Counter".
Select contour range
Use the buttons "Selected range" to select:
 Point selection contour. You wish to idealize a contour section with a
manual input. For details, go to "Select Points from Contour".
 Defined by element. The contour section is defined by the selected
 Complete contour. The complete contour is idealized after the selected
Change Point Sequence
The function changes the sequence of the points within a contour. The coordinates of the points and the number of the contour points are not influenced.
The function can be applied to a selected range or to the complete contour.
Proceed as follows:
 Click in the menu bar on "Contour/Change point sequence".
 The dialogue "Change point sequence" opens.
Select contour
To be able to work with contours you need to load at least one contour. For
information about how to load a contour, refer to the topic Load Contour.
In the list box "Select contour", click on the contour for which you
wish to change the point sequence.
For information about if and how to apply the loop counter, refer to
the topic "Loop Counter".
Select contour range
Click on the button "Point selection contour" and you can define a
contour range.
 When confirming the dialogue "Change point sequence", the dialogue
"Point selection contour" opens.
 Select a contour range. For more information, refer to "Point Selection
Select complete contour
To select the complete contour, click on the symbol "Complete contour".
For more information about this topic, refer to Sort Sequence of the Contour
Points beschrieben.
Sort Sequence of Contour Points
A correct sort sequence of the contour points is important for many types of
calculations. The sequence can be wrong when, for example, a contour has been
imported by an external system. Also the GEOPAK-function "Connection element
contour" can lead to the connection of points to a disordered contour. The
decision as to which of the following functions is the most suitable must be taken
from case to case.
Smallest projected distance
Smallest distance in the
The points are sorted depending on the distance between adjoining
points. The algorithm starts with the start point (ascending) or the end
point (descending) of the selected range. Then, the next contour point to
the previous one is continuously searched and sorted anew. This is
repeated until the sorting of all contour points is completed. The point coordinates are, depending on the selection, viewed as a projected point
(projected distance) or as a XYZ-point (in the space).
Reverse sort sequence for points
The sequence of the points is reversed. Thus, the start point of a contour
becomes the end point of the contour and vice versa.
Z-co-ordinate The points
are sorted depending on the selected co-ordinate. The start and the end
point of the contour may change.
Radius projected
Radius 3D
The points are sorted against the origin of the co-ordinate system
depending on the radius of each point. The start and end point of the
contour will usually change. The radius is calculated, depending on the
selection, either from the projected point (radius projected) or the XYZpoint (Radius 3D).
Angle range
The points are sorted against the first axis of the contour projection
depending on the angle of each individual point. The angle is always
calculated on the projection plane of the contour. The start point does not
change, the end point may change.
 Ascending / Descending
The sort sequence of the previous settings (except "Reverse sort
sequence for points") can be reversed using these option buttons.
Contour points of a gear are sorted with the option "Angle
A contour parallel to the X-axis could be sorted easily with the
option "X-co-ordinate".
In most cases, the option "Smallest distance in space" is
Fit in Element
Fit in circle with fixed diameter
You can fit in a circle with given diameter in a contour with two touching points.
The result is the circle shown in the element graphics below.
Proceed in the following way
In the toolbar, click on the "Circle" button.
In the following "Element circle" dialog box, under "Type of
construction", click the "Fit in element" button.
 Via the "Fit in Element Circle" and "Select Points from Contour" windows,
you create your circle. See further details to this in the topicsConstructed
Circles and Select Points from Contour .
This function can only be used on contours with a point sequence. The "Inserted
Circle" is a simulation of the customary methods in order to evaluate spindle and
screw parameters. The starting points must exist shaped as a contour.
Circle with fixed point
In technical drawings rounded corners are dimensioned as radius without centre
or as circle segment of 90°. If a corner is measured as element "circle", the
accuracy is not high.
Proceed in the following way
Click the "Circle" button on the toolbar.
In the following "Element circle" dialog box, under "Type of
construction", click the "Fit in element" button.
 Click "OK" to confirm.
 The "Circle with prefixed diameter" dialog box appears.
Click the "Circle with fixed point" button.
 The "Circle with prefixed point" dialog box appears.
 In the "Point" list box select a point on the radius.
 In the "First line" and "Second line" list boxes select a tangential line of
the circle segment to be determined.
 Click "OK". The circle is calculated.
This part program command does not carry out a measurement. For the
circle measurement already measured, created or calculated elements
are used.
Middle Contour
A Middle Contour is calculated, for instance, in cases where the mean for
correction is to be calculated from a variety of workpieces (nests or forms). A
situation where a new contour with a defined pitch or defined pitches is to be
produced from a single contour is regarded as a special case. Thus, the Middle
Contour becomes necessary in case of a tool correction where the nominal, the
actual and also the tool contour must each have the same number of points. Only
if this is the case, a correction can be performed.
You proceed in the following way:
You either click on the symbol or use the menu bar with the
functions "Element/Contour".
 Using the dialogue window "Element Contour", you allocate a name and a
memory location to the contour you still want to calculate.
You click on the symbol and confirm.
 In the window "Middle Contour" under "Avail.", you select the contours
you want to use for the calculation.
Clicking on the double arrow you move the contours under the
heading "Selected" (or also back).
 Additionally, you enter the pitch (the spacing between the points) to be
used for calculating the new contour, and then you confirm..
Loop Counter".
 The new contour is displayed in the element graphics and recorded in the
result box..
In the window "Middle Contour" you can, of course, select just one
contour with a different pitch.
For details regarding general principles see under "Manipulate Contour".
Prepare Leading Contour
A leading contour can be provided, e.g. by a CAD system. Upon completion of
the measurement, an actual / nominal comparison can be made with the scanned
You proceed in the following way:
Scanning following a leading contour requires the following actions to be done
On the toolbar click the button "CNC on/off" or on the "Machine"
menu click "CNC on/off" and then activate the function "CNC on".
You see in the GEOPAK status line a yellow dot next to the CMM
On the toolbar click the button "Contour" or on the "Element" menu
click "Contour" and...
de-activate in the following dialogue window "Element Contour" the
function "Automatic Measurement".
For details as to whether and how to use the loop counter, please
refer to the title "Loop Counter".
You click on the symbol and confirm.
Upon completion of the above, the part program command "Scan by leading
contour" in the menu "Machine" is activated.
For details regarding general principles see under "Manipulate Contour".
Activate Leading Contour
Before the part program command "Scan by leading contour" is activated, you
must perform a series of steps. For details see under the topic Prepare Leading
This is what you must know
The points are established by probing.
For this purpose, every single point of the leading contour is
Moreover, it is necessary that a probe is defined.
You proceed in the following way:
 In the menu "Machine" you click on the part program command "Scan by
leading contour".
 You select the leading contour in the window "Scan by leading contour".
For details as to whether and how to use the loop counter, please
refer to the topic "Loop Counter".
 Using the known symbols you specify the plane along which scanning is
to take place.
In addition to the selection of the plane you choose a
probing direction.
 A graphical sign in the dialogue window on the right shows you the plane
where and the direction from which probing takes place.
Clicking on the symbol you specify that traversing will take place
using "Probing Direction of the Leading Contour".
 You enter the safety distance and measurement length.
The probe radius compensation, if necessary, will be carried out by you at a later
time, requiring a separate step.
Scan by Leading Contour
If you want to scan according to a leading contour, you must consider the
following items:
 The points of the leading contour and the measured points are treated as
probe centre points. The probe radius cannot be compensated because
when working e.g. on vaulted surface, the exact point on work piece (P) is
not known (see picture below).
 In order to avoid a crash, enter the required safety distance.
 The measured nominal length limits the search in the probing direction.
This way, you avoid a crash with the probe shaft (see also the related
subject Enter Z Offset).
In the first scanning with leading contour, you should reduce the
movement speed of the CMM.
Specify measurement direction (fixed measurement direction)
 If you have selected e.g. the X/Y plane, you measure in the +Z or-Z
 If you selected, like above, the X/Y-plain, the probing direction in the X/Y
plane is automatically calculated. It passes vertically to the contour,
namely to the inner or outer side. (see picture below [outer side]).
Measuring Direction specified through Leading Contour
If the contour of CAT1000S has been generated, also a probing direction exists
that you can use (see picture below).
Loop Counter
For saving and exporting contours, you also can use "Loop Counters".
The procedure for "Saving".
Via the symbol, click in the list field on the contour, with which you
want to begin in the loop, respectively you want to save as first contour.
Activate the loop counter via the symbol.
 When saving, the loop counter is not automatically registered.
Click on the symbol.
 In the window "Save Contour as" you must enter the special characters
"@LC" at an independent place (see example below).
At each m loop flow, a file is (example above) created: contour1.gws,
contour2.gws, .., contourN.gws
For the export of contours with the loop counter the above mentioned
steps are analogously valid.
Basics: Scan by known Contour
Using this parts program command, you scan
even surfaces such as sealing surfaces of cylinder heads in the
surface mode.
In the edge mode, you can scan a known contour at high speed.
You can include three-dimensional contours in the 3D mode.
The probe swivels according to the selected measurement mode
during the scanning. The probe positions are obtained from the known
contour in the 3D mode. CAT1000 can generate the probe positions from
the CAD model data. The probe can only be swivelled during the
scanning using the two following measuring heads:
• Renishaw GYRO™
• Renishaw REVO™
Active scanning increases the robustness of 3D scanning regarding
deviations in form and position. The continuous control of the probe
deflection guarantees a consistent low measuring pressure. A maximum
deviation of ±1,5 mm between the part surface and the known contour is
The following measuring heads must be used for the surface, edge and 3D
 MPP100
 SP25
 SP80
 SP600
Single point scanning, e.g. using a TP200, is not possible.
Scanning a known contour in the surface mode functions like Phi-Z scanning.
However, a contour is used instead of a circle as guide geometry.
More detailed information can be found under:
Scan by known contour
Specifying approach direction
Scan by known Contour
 On the "Machine" menu, click "Scan by known contour".
 Select the leading contour in the "Scan by known contour" dialogue.
Whether and how you use the loop counter can be found described
in detail under the title "Loop counter".
 Specify the scan mode.
Add probe radius offset to the guide contour.
The loaded leading contour is either on the workpiece surface or in the
probe middle point. Activate the button if you are using a contour which is on the
workpiece surface.
In case of the known contour was generated from CAT1000, you need to
activate this button.
Add the probe radius offset to the measured contour.
The measured contour can be compensated for by the probe radius. In this
way, you obtain a contour on the workpiece surface. This button is only enabled
in the edge mode.
Displaying error message during scanning
If the deflection is less than 0.080 mm, the measuring points measured in
this area during scanning will be deleted without an error message. If you activate
the button, the scanning is aborted with an error message.
The probe must not lose contact with the workpiece during the scanning.
Therefore, an offset is added to the known contour. This offset is the
deflection which is added to the approach direction.
More detailed information can be found under:
Basics: Scan by known contour
Specifying approach direction
Specifying approach direction
The material side is specified by the approach vector of the first point of the
known contour. The probing direction of the first contour point is used if you press
the button. The vector of the input fields for the probing direction is specified if
you do not press the button.
Automatic adjustment of the deflection and deviation
If you press the button, the deflection is placed in the middle of the permitted
range and the deviation for the contour conversion is calculated from the
The deviation is a measure of how precisely the probe follows the known contour.
The known contour contains points, however the CMM controller only accepts a
set of geometric elements (straight line or circle). The deviation value is
necessary for this conversion.
The "Deviation" input field is then deactivated in this case.
The value entered for the deviation is used if you do not press the button. The
deflection of the probe from the inputs of the CNC parameters is used. CNC
parameters You can change the default CNC parameters for this measurement
task using the input fields "Increment" and "Scan speed". More detailed
information can be found under: Scan by known contour Scanning known contour
Recalculate Contour from Memory / Copy
For your measurement task it can be necessary that an already saved contour
must be recalculated (e.g. in a new co-ordinate system). This can be useful if two
contours must be calculated being of two different co-ordinate systems.
In the toolbar, click on the symbol ...
and in the following window "Element Contour" on the keypad.
 You can also select via the "Menu Bar / Element / Contour".
 A window "Recalculate from Memory / Copy: Contour" is displayed.
In the list field "Select Contour", click the contour, which must be
recalculated (copied).
 In the "Storage" list box, you enter a no. already existing or a new no. for
your contour.
 On principle, you can select
• a whole contour or a
• section of it (also selectable with the mouse).
If and how to use the loop counter, is fully shown in the topic
"Loop Counter".
Via one of the symbols (here the Phi Z plane), you decide in which
plane the contour must be projected.
Via the symbol, you determine whether the contour must be
recalculated as an open or closed contour.
Delete Contour Points
Working with contours makes it necessary to change (delete, move) contour
measurement points. The explanations provided for the following functions show
how geometrical elements can be calculated from contour points and, e.g., how
you evaluate only parts of a contour.
Click on "Contour / Delete Points" in the menu bar in order to open the "Delete
Points" dialogue.
Select contour
In order for you to work with contours, you have to load, at least, one contour. For
information on how to load a contour refer to the topic Load Contour.
 Decide whether you want to use the loop counter.
The topic "Loop Counter" provides information as to whether and
how to use the loop counter.
Use contours
For details regarding the practical use of contours refer to the following items:
 Delete Points of a Contour
 Reduce Number of Points
 Clean Contour
Delete Points of a Contour
If, for instance, you wish to evaluate only parts of a contour, or to delete not
desired contour points, the "Delete Points" window gives you four options with
regard to the "Delete Points" function.
 Delete via Single Selection
 Delete with the Co-Ordinates
 Delete with Radius
 Delete via an Angle Area
For the following actions, you must know that the reference point is
always the origin of the actual co-ordinate system.
Delete via "Single Selection"
In cases where you have to delete single points from a contour, you will use this
Click on the symbol.
 Confirm the "Delete Points" dialogue.
 The "Selection of Point Contour" window opens.
 With the mouse cursor (reticule), you mark in the element graphics the
points you want to delete.
 The area is marked in another colour (see Fig. below marked in red).
 The number of the selected groups and their co-ordinates are transferred
to the "Selection of Point Contour" window.
Delete with the Co-Ordinates
For cases where you have to delete contour areas from the contour, you will use
this function.
 You decide whether you want to use the X, Y or Z co-ordinate for the
selection of the contour points.
"X-Y-Z Co-Ordinates".
 Use the check buttons to determine whether you wish to delete the points
above or below the co-ordinate or between two co-ordinates.
 The area where you wish to delete the contour points is to be entered into
the text box adjacent to the co-ordinate symbols. You can input negative
 For the example shown in the picture below, we activated the option "X
Co-Ordinate" and "above".
 The result is shown in a graphics and in the "Select Points from Contour"
Delete with Radius
For cases where you have to delete contour areas from the contour, you will use
this function.
Click on the symbol "Radius - 3D"
or on the symbol "Radius - projected".
 Use the check buttons to determine whether you wish to delete the points
above or below the radius or between two radii.
 Enter the radius or the radii (in the present case 10) into the text box.
 For our example (see picture below), we activated the "below" option.
Delete via an Angle Area
For cases where you have to delete contour areas from the contour, you will use
this function.
Click on the "Angle Range" symbol.
 Enter the "from" angle (e.g.. 50°) into the first input box, and, into the
second box, the "to" angle (e.g. 50°).
"From" angle 1, "to" angle 2
 Upon confirmation of your entries you get the following contour in the
element graphics, Fig. 2.
Contour with deleted points
Reduce Number of Points
You will reduce the number of points of a contour if you intend to...
 speed up calculation,
 clean the contour,
 process contour data to suit a CAD system or a machine tool.
To this end, there are the following functions available for you:
 Delete Linear Parts of a Contour (Deviation from chord)
 Reduce Neighboured Points
 Delete Point Intervals from Contour (Keep points by intervall)
Delete Linear Parts of a Contour
This function ensures that contour points located inside the run of the contour are
kept within the contour; points, however, located in areas where the contour is
linear, are deleted.
In the contour shown here (Fig. 1), points not required are to be deleted from the
linear run of the contour. Points deviating less than 0.01 mm from the ideal
contour run are deleted.
Contour with not deleted contour points.
Perform the following steps:
Click on the symbol "Deviation from Chord".
 Indicate in the "Maximum Deviation" input box the width of the gap
determining which points are deleted, Fig. 2.
The points shown in red are deleted from the contour.
 Enter e.g. 0.01mm into the input box designated "Maximum Deviation".
 The element graphics has shown you that the linear portion of the contour
run is 3 mm.
 Enter the value 3 mm into the "Max. Pitch" input box.
 Upon confirmation of your entries you get the following contour in the
element graphics, see Fig. 3.
Contour with deleted points.
Reduce Neighboured Points
This function enables you to delete contour points located close to each other.
This is the case mostly with runs of curves or small radii.
Perform the following steps:
Click on the button "Reduce Neighboured Points".
 Enter a figure, e.g. 1 mm, into the input box "Lowest Pitch".
 Points located within this distance are deleted.
Points shown in red are deleted from the contour.
The distance is calculated from every point which was not deleted.
Delete Point Intervals from Contour
This function enables you to delete point intervals from contours. By entering a
figure of your choice into the input box "Take every xth Point" you determine the
points which are not to be deleted.
Click on the button "Keep Points by Interval".
 Enter a figure, e.g. 3, into the input box "Step of Points to save".
 The first contour point and every third contour points will not be deleted,
see Fig. 1.
Points shown in red are deleted from the contour.
 Upon confirmation of your entries you get the following contour in the
element graphics, see Fig. 2.
Contour with every third point.
Supposing the contour consisted of 1000 contour points and you entered
1001, the contour would be deleted, except the first point.
Clean Contour
A contour consists of measurement points arranged in the order of measurement.
The contour should include no points of the same position (double points), no
loops and no reversing paths.
Using the following functions you can:
Delete Contour Loops
Delete Reversing Paths
Delete Double Points
Delete Contour Loops
The reason for contour loops can be the functions "Contour with Offset" and
"Probe Radius Compensation" in the scanning dialogue. Performing the function
"Delete Contour Loops" causes the crossing point of the loop to replace the
contour points of the loop, see Fig. 1.
The crossing point is shown in green and the loop points in red.
Click on the symbol "Delete Contour Loops".
 Enter the max. number of points into the input box "Biggest Loop".
The time required for calculating this function depends on the number of
loop points which you have entered.
 Upon confirmation of your entries you get the following contour in the
element graphics, se Fig. 2.
Contour with no loop
If a contour contains several loops, all these loops will be deleted.
Delete Reversing Paths from Contour
Reversing paths are formed as a result of the connection of two contours with
each other and the superposition of contour points.
Contour with reversing paths.
Click on the symbol "Delete Reversing Point Sequences".
 Enter an angle, e.g. 10°, which covers the reversing paths, into the input
box "Reversing Angle".
 The origin of the angle is, in this case, the point 5.
The function recognises reversing paths, provided they are located within the
entered angle. This function recognises also the end of the reversing paths and
deletes the points not required (shown in red).
 Upon confirmation of your entries to get the following contour in the
element graphics, see Fig. 2.
Contour with no reversing paths
Delete Double Contour Points
In order to delete double contour points, click on the symbol. Double
contour points (same position of single meas. points) cannot be used for contour
Neighboured points whose distance is less than 0.0001 mm are regarded as
double contour points.
Min. and Max. Point
If, e.g. for fabrication of eyeglasses, you want to know which size must have the
blank, you can use the min-max function in GEOPAK. The function is used,
among other things, to evaluate the greatest extension of a contour in the minus
and plus values of X, Y and Z.
With this function, you also can – for alignment of a co-ordinate system – set the
part on "0" (origin) at an extreme value. All subsequent positions are relative to
this extreme value.
The extreme values are even evaluated (interpolated) if the point itself has
not been measured.
You proceed in the following way
Click on the point symbol in the toolbar because the extreme values
will be stored as point elements.
In the following "Element Point" window, click on the "Min/Max of
Contour" symbol in the "Type of Construction" line and confirm.
 In the "Min/Max of Contour" window, select at first a contour.
In the symbol boxes of the adapted contour, you see that
it is also possible to evaluate the extreme values outside the contour (see
red points).
With this function, you determine the point on the contour, which is
the nearest to the origin.
With this function, you determine the point on the contour, which is
the farthest to the origin.
If you will choose specifically the first or the last point of a
contour you click one of the symbols.
 Click on one of the symbols (optionally) and confirm.
 The point is displayed in another colour on the graphics.
Position of the Point
In the picture below, we have evaluated e.g. the extreme value outside a
gearwheel (above right side).
To locate the co-ordinates already shown in the picture, you continue as follows:
Click in the element graphics on the symbol (left side).
Via click on the green point, you first get the point no. in
a rectangular box.
 Through click on the right mouse button on this rectangular box, you get a
list from which you can, e.g. call your information (picture below).
 Through click e.g. on the Y co-ordinate, you get the requested value
(picture below).
Automatic Element Calculation: Introduction
The aim of this functionality is to output contour data in DXF-format to a CAD
system in a manageable file size. You get to the dialogue via the menu bar /
Contour and the function.
Introduction: Example
A measured 2D-profile consists of 3795 points. The profile shall be transferred to
a CAD system in DXF-format. The CAD system, however, works better with
geometric elements than with many single points. Therefore, the points that are
positioned on joint lines and circles should be combined into such elements.
The above illustration represents single points of the contour, however with a
reduced number of points.
Before the transmission, the contour is idealized with automatically calculated
lines and circles. This changes the form of the contour within a tolerance zone of
max. +- 0,010 mm (find detailed information under the topic Tolerance Limits). No
discontinuity occurs in the transitions between the calculated elements. Thus, the
transitions are continuous and the DXF-output can be executed. The number of
output elements is below 100, the file size is now 6 KByte compared to 215
KByte for an output of single points.
Single points have been combined to circles and lines.
For more information, read the topic Tolerance Limits and Permanency.
Tolerance Limits
For the Automatic Element Calculation you first specify the contour in the
dialogue. Next, the following line shows the input fields for the elements line and
The line or circle element currently to be calculated is expanded on the contour
until one contour point is positioned outside the specified tolerance limits. Then,
the element is sorted into the list of elements in a way that those elements that
include the most contour points are automatically listed at the top of the list of
The smaller the tolerance limits, the more lines or circles you get.
The result of the tolerance comparison of the original contour with the Idealized
Contour (offered as an option in the dialogue) must not show a deviation that
exceeds the specified tolerance limits (e.g. 0.100 mm / 0.100 mm; see ill. below).
In the dialogue, you can enter the corresponding start memory number for the
lines or circles.
In the lines "Maximum number of lines (circles)", you enter the values you
consider to be the optimum. For this topic, find detailed information under
Idealize, in this case in connection with the automatic element calculation.
The points of the contour are locally fitted to the calculated element. The result is
a contour that is ideally fitted to the calculated lines and circles without a
spreading of the measurement points (ill. below, right contour).
The question as to how many lines or circles shall be calculated can be
explained in an example:
When dealing with a contour that can obviously be defined by three
circles, you should leave it at those three circles. In the list of memory
numbers, the circles including most of the new points are anyhow
positioned at the top. These circles would also be decisive for the
idealized contour.
The end point of a line or circle element to be calculated is positioned on the start
point of the following element which results in small gaps between the elements.
The connections between the following elements need, however, not be
tangential (see ill. below).
A: No permanency
B: The end point of the circle and the start point of the line are in one point,
the lead angles are different.
C: Permanent, the lead angle in the point of intersection is the same for
both elements.
For how to export the contour in DXF-format, refer to the topic "Export Contour".
Graphics of Elements
Contour View
This function allows different contour-related views to be adjusted in the graphics
of elements. For instance, you can have displayed a single contour including all
elements created within this contour (so-called sub elements).
This is how you get to the "Contour View" window:
Click on the "Contour View" symbol in the graphics of elements
icon bar.
Or use the menu bar:
 Click into the graphics of elements, in order to activate the "Graphic"
function in the menu bar.
 Click on "Graphic / View Contour" in the menu bar.
This window offers you the following possibilities:
 Contour Selection
 Display Subelements of a Contour
 Partial Circle Display ON and OFF
 Point Selection by Keyboard
 Multi-Colour Contour Display
 Display Contour as Lines and/or Points.
The settings you make in the " View Contour" window are for all or single contour.
These settings enable you to suppress or show parts of contours in the graphics
of elements.
Display Sub Elements of a Contour
To change the display of contours, follow these fundamental steps:
 First find out whether you want to view a specific contour or whether all
contours are to be displayed.
 Then adjust whether and which further geometrical elements are to be
Display contour and its sub elements
Of a contour you wish to view, in the graphics of elements, only the contour itself
and its sub elements, in other words, the elements which were created by means
of this contour (fitted-in circle, etc.).
 Activate the check box "Only Active Contour".
 Choose a contour from the list box.
 Above the contour selected, there appear the number of points the
contour contains, the plane in which plane the contour was created and
whether it is an open or closed contour.
 Activate the check box " Only Contour Subelements" within the area
"Geometric Elements".
Selecting "All" causes the contour and all geometric elements (circle, line, etc.) to
be displayed, irrespective of whether or not these elements have been created by
means of the selected contour. If "None" is selected, only the active contour will
be displayed.
Circles as Partial Circle Display
Larger part programs containing numerous elements may cause the graphics of
elements to become unclear and complex. Moreover, sometimes you may
require only partial information on elements (e.g. only on that part of the circle
which runs through a contour) for the graphic view.
To generate an inlaid circle, use the button "Fit in Element" in the "Circle
Element" dialogue.
Using the "Partial Circle Display" function it is possible to display only that part of
a circle which runs on the contour. The part beyond is masked out. This is based
on the premise that the circle is a sub element of a contour.
Mask-out circle elements of contours
Activate the "Partial Circle Display" function, in order to mask-out those parts of
circles which do not run on the contour. This is generally based on the condition
that the circle in question is a sub element of a contour.
You get the following graphics of elements:
Contour Point Selection by Keyboard
A contour consisting of many points located close to each other makes it difficult
for the mouse to catch the desired contour point. When selecting a point with the
mouse, you always get the point located closed to the mouse pointer, when you
have pressed the left mouse button.
Click on the "Contour View" symbol in the graphics of elements icon
Or use the menu bar:
 Click into the graphics of elements, in order to activate the "Graphic"
function in the menu bar
 Click on "Graphic / View Contour" in the menu bar.
 Activate the function "Point Selection by Keyboard".
To select contour points using the keyboard, it is necessary that the
"Point Selection Contour" window is open.
To open the "Point Selection Contour" dialogue, you use, for instance,
the "Element Circle" dialogue with "Fit in Element" activated. You confirm and
the dialogue "Fit in element Circle" will be opened. After your inputs in the
dialogue "Fit in element Circle" you confirm again.
 Click with the mouse into the graphics of elements to make sure that the
following keyboard inputs do not apply to the open dialogue, but to the
graphics of elements.
This action has to be repeated, whenever you click with the mouse
into the dialogue, for instance, to undo the last point area selection, as all
subsequent keyboard inputs would again be related to the dialogue. At
the beginning, the mouse pointer is always positioned onto the first
contour point.
 Use the arrow keys to move the mouse pointer to the desired contour
 Operate the Enter key to define the selected contour point as the starting
point of an area selection.
 Use the arrow keys to move the mouse pointer to the contour point which
you wish to define as the starting point of the point area to be selected.
 Operate the Enter key to define the selected contour point as the starting
RH arrow key,
Mouse pointer movement
Moves mouse pointer to the next contour point
Arrow key above
LH arrow key,
Moves mouse pointer to the previous contour point
Arrow key below
Ctrl + arrow key,
Page up,
Page down
Pos 1
Enter (first time)
Enter (second time)
For fast mouse pointer movement on the contour
Moves mouse pointer to the first contour point
Moves mouse pointer to the last contour point
Start of selection
End of selection
In the "Point Selection by Keyboard" mode, you can use the mouse for an
additional functionality, e.g. for zooming into the graphics. That would provide you
a more detailed view while selecting points.
Multi-Colour Contour Display
Within the graphics of elements, contours are always shown in white colour. If, for
instance, a measured contour is required to be compared to its nominal contour,
it might be difficult to distinguish these two contours in the graphics of elements.
The "Multicolour Mode" enables several contours to be shown in different
Click on the " View Contour" symbol in the graphics of elements
icon bar.
Or use the menu bar:
 Click into the graphics of elements to activate the "Graphic" function in the
menu bar.
 Click on "Graphic / Contour in the menu bar.
 Activate the "Multicolour Mode" function.
In the multi-colour mode, the contours are shown in five successive colours
(white, green, blue, cyan and magenta). If more than five contours are displayed,
the series of colours repeats cyclically in the specified order, beginning with
Deactivate the multi-colour mode for contours
Deselect the "Multicolour Mode" in the "View Contour" using the check box. Then
all contours will appear in the default colour white.
Contour Display as Lines and/or Points
By default, contours are shown in the graphics of elements as a polygon. This is
an array of lines connecting the individual point co-ordinates of the contour. The
contour points co-ordinates themselves are not shown in this type of display.
Show Contour in Points Display
Perform the following steps if only the points of a contour are to be shown in the
graphics of elements:
Click on the "View Contour" symbol in the graphics of elements icon
Or use the menu bar:
 Click into the graphics of elements to activate the "Graphic" function in the
menu bar.
 Click on "Graphic / Contour View" in the menu bar.
 Activate the "View Points" function in the "Contour Display Mode" area.
This type of view is advisable in conjunction with the function "Point Selection by
The points - lines view is automatically activated during the selection of
points, irrespective of the setting in the "View Contour" dialogue.
Contours with Tolerance Check
Contours: General
With the "Tolerance Comparison Contours" function, check the geometrical
deviation of an actual contour from a nominal contour. Nominal and actual
contour must be stored in the GEOPAK working memory before the comparison
itself is realized. Moreover, the contours must be available in the same projection.
As a rule, the nominal contour is provided by a CAD system.
Tolerance Comparison Contours
Clicking on the symbol in the icon bar, you come to the "Tolerance
Comparison Contours" dialogue window.
In the text boxes, "Nominal" and "Actual", select from the lists your
contours which are, in fact, already available. The nominal contour can
already be a measured contour (for details cf. Load Contour ). Or load
your contour from an external CAD system (for further details regarding
this topic cf. "Load Contour from CAD System").
 Enter into the input field "Number of act/nom pairs" a "1", if not already
Tolerance comparison of multiple contour pairs
If you want to execute tolerance comparisons with multiple contour pairs, enter
into the input field "Number of act/nom pairs" a number bigger than "1".
If you want to compare, for example, three nominal contours with three actual
contours, then enter into the input field "Number of nom/act pairs" a "3".
Similar to the loop mode, the memory numbers are counted upwards and the
memory number of the selected contours is used as the start number
According to the input example, the following pairs are created.
Pair 1: (4)act1 / (1)nom1
Pair 2: (5)act2 / (2)nom2
Pair 3: (6)act3 / (3)nom3
In order that the tolerance comparison of multiple contour pairs can be
executed, all contours must be existing with the relevant memory
numbers. Furthermore, all used contours must be positioned in the
same projection plane.
Your further action is divided into the following sections
 Pitch
 Comparison (Vector Direction)
 Best Fit
 Tolerance Width
By using this symbol you control the functionality "Loops" (see details of this
By making inputs in "Pitch"...
 you first of all define the points from where measurement must take place;
 in the next step, by Vector Direction, enter the direction along which the
distance from the opposite contour is measured.
The pitch specifies the distance where the individual comparisons are carried out.
The points at which the nominal and actual comparison is carried out are, in most
cases, not identical with the contour points of the actual respectively the nominal
contour points. This is why they are interpolated (cubic curve). This means that
even the areas between the points are calculated. According to your task, you will
opt for one out of six "pitches".
Constant pitch: Uniform distance on the nominal contour.
Comparison only at nominal points: A comparison is realized at each
point of the nominal contour.
Comparison only at actual points: A comparison is carried out at each
point of the actual contour.
This form is not recommended, as it takes a great deal of time. It is
because of the vector direction that the program has to calculate the point
through which the perpendicular goes to the actual point (see picture
1 = Actual contour
2 = Nominal contour
Constant angular pitch: The comparison takes place in a constant angular
pitch relative to the co-ordinate system origin.
Constant pitch (1st co-ordinate): Here, use a uniform distance on the
nominal contour, to be more exact, in the 1st co-ordinate
In the ZX projection, you obtain a uniform distance in the Z-component
with this setting.
Constant pitch (2nd co-ordinate): Here, use a uniform distance on the
nominal contour, to be more exact, in the 2nd co-ordinate
In the ZX projection, you obtain a uniform in the X component with this
Except for nominal and actual points, enter a constant value in the respective text
box below the symbols.
Comparison (Vector Direction)
Between nominal and actual distance is calculated. Four possibilities are
available (see below). The most frequent application is the "Comparison
Perpendicular to Nominal Contour". This is the comparison that Mitutoyo offers in
the default.
Comparison perpendicular to nominal contour: A perpendicular on the
contour is formed using the comparison point.
Comparison through origin: A line through the origin of the co-ordinate
system is using the comparison point.
Comparison along first axis: This comparison makes available the
following possibilities:
• YZ-Contour parallel to Y-axis
• ZX-Contour parallel to Z-axis
• XY-Contour parallel to X-axis
RZ-Contour parallel to R-axis (radial plane of section)
Phi-Z-Contour parallel to Phi-axis (completed representation)
Comparison along first axis: This comparison makes available the
following possibilities:
• YZ-Contour parallel to Z-axis
• ZX-Contour parallel to X-axis
• XY-Contour parallel to Y-axis
• RZ-Contour parallel to Z-axis
• Phi-Z-Contour parallel to Z-axis
Circles between nominal and actual contour: A perpendicular to the
nominal contour is created through the reference point. Then, the biggest
possible circle is created with its centre located on the perpendicular. The circle
diameter is then limited by two contour points.
In certain cases, the circle centre may leave the perpendicular in order to
allow the creation of a bigger circle. In this case, three contour points limit
the expansion of the circle (see ill. below).
Bestfit Contour
Definition and Criteria
The best fit function rotates and shifts a set of co-ordinate values (points of the
actual contour) in such a way that it fits "best" into another group of given coordinates (points of the nominal contour).
 The best fit follows the Gaussian criterion requiring that the sum of the
distance squares is minimal.
 This means that the distances of the actual points are calculated from
their respective nominal values, and then are squared and summed. The
"best" location is reached when this sum is as small as possible.
The best fit is based on the nominal-actual comparison. Should the latter not be
possible, the best fit is possible neither.
For further information, refer to the topics
Degrees of Freedom Bestfit ,
Bestfit within Tolerance Limits and
Use Bestfit Values .
Degrees of Freedom for Bestfit
The deviations in the tolerance comparison are composed of the position
deviation and the form deviation.
The actual contour may be turned and moved into a new position to eliminate the
position deviation, if the function of the measured workpiece permits doing so. In
the following tolerance comparison, a statement as to the form deviation is
possible without the original position deviation influencing the result.
Click either on one of the three symbols, or on two or even all three symbols. The
best fit will be automatically made. The result can be seen from the graphical
If only one rotation is allowed, said rotation is carried out around the origin of the
actual co-ordinate system.
In the window "Tolerance comparison contours", the results are represented
graphically and numerically. Abbreviations: UD for upper difference, LD for lower
difference and MD for mean difference. This window contains several symbols for
additional possibilities.
In particular via the information symbol, you have the possibility to set
information flags.
 Click on the symbol
 The mouse changes to a reticle.
 Click on the position in the graphics where you want to set the information
or flag.
 With a further click on the flag (keep the mouse button pressed) you can
drag the flag to a different position.
 Clicking with the right mouse button on the flag, you can, among other
things, delete the flag.
Using the "Learnable Graphic Commands" symbol, you can preset that the
windows are printed out or applied in the repeat mode. You must activate this
function already in the single mode, since, being in the repeat mode, you will
have no more influence.
Also see the topics:
Bestfit within Tolerance Limits
Manual Bestfit
Width of Tolerance (Scale Factor)
Definition and Representation of Tolerance Band
The tolerance band is defined by the upper tolerance and the lower tolerance. To
allow correct interpretation of the signs, the material side is taken into
consideration. The material side is defined by the probing vectors of the nominal
or the actual contour.
If the material side is known, the tolerance line is inside the material with a
negative sign and it is outside the material with a positive sign.
Upper tolerance limit (positive)
Lower tolerance limit (negative)
Material side
Deviation between actual and nominal contour
Definition of the material side
 If the nominal contour has probing vectors the material side is determined
by the nominal contour.
 If the nominal contour does not have probing vectors but the actual
contour, then these are used to determine the material side.
 If both contours do not have probing vectors, the material side is not
known. According to the definition, the positive tolerance line as seen in
scanning line is on the left of the nominal contour.
Definition of tolerance band by nominal contour
Click this button if you want to use the tolerance band defined by the
nominal contour. The nominal contour with the tolerance band has already been
defined with the "Tolerance band editor" or Tolerance band contour" functions.
The "Upper tol." and "Lower tol." boxes appear dimmed because they are
unavailable. Entry of the tolerance limits is not possible.
The signs of the tolerance band are interpreted in the same way as
described in the section "Definition of tolerance band".
Scale for error display
To show the deviations from the actual contour to the nominal contour more
clearly, these are displayed with a scale factor. So, the deviations are shown in a
scale larger than the scale that shows the nominal contour.
Both scales can be seen in the printed result graphic. The scale factor results as
product of both scales.
Example: The scale for the nominal contour is 1:10 (1000 mm in DIN A4 format),
the "Scale for error display" is 300:1. This results in a scale of 30:1. So, the
lengths of the printed deviations have to be divided by 30 to obtain the actual
deviation values.
All entries under "Scale for error display" affect the representation of the
graphic, however, they do not affect the numerical result of the tolerance
Relative magnification
The "Scale for error display" results as product of the percentage of the "Relative
magnification" and the relation of width of the tolerance band and extension of
the contours.
So, the scale adjusts automatically to the extension of the nominal and actual
contour. The advantage is, you set the "Relative magnification" once to 3%, for
example, and you will always have a clearly visible tolerance band with a width of
circa 6 mm in DIN A4 format, independent of the contour deviation.
 The nominal contour is a circle with a diameter of 1000 mm. The width of
the tolerance band is 0,2 mm.
 Under "Width of tolerance", type 0.100 in the "Upper tol." box.
 Under "Width of tolerance", type -0.100 in the "Lower tol." box.
Click the "Relative magnification" button.
 Under "Scale for error display", type 3% in the "Width tol." box.
 This results in a scale factor of 300. In DIN A4 format, this will be a clearly
visible tolerance band with a width of circa 6 mm. The result graphic
shows a scale bar with indication of the length (width of tolerance band).
The nominal contour is a circle with a diameter of 5.0 mm. The width of the
tolerance band is 0.1 mm. A width of tolerance of 3% results in a scale factor of
1.5. In DIN A4 format, this will be a tolerance band with a width of circa 6mm.
Fixed magnification
Contrary to the "Relative magnification", the scale factor for error display is set by
default and is not calculated for "Fixed magnification".
When representing different tolerance comparisons with the same scale, the
deviations can be directly compared in the graphical printouts.
 The nominal contour is a circle with a diameter of 1000 mm. The width of
the tolerance band is 0,2 mm.
 Under "Width of tolerance", type 0.100 in the "Upper tol." box.
 Under "Width of tolerance", type -0.100 in the "Lower tol." box.
Click the "Fixed magnification" button.
 Under "Scale for error display", type 300 in the "Scale" box.
 In DIN A4 format, this will be a tolerance band with a width of circa 6 mm.
In the result graphic the "Scale for error display" shows a scale factor of
Illustration of deviations
Use the "Non linear magnification" function when there is a great difference
between narrow and wide tolerance band and therefore a fixed "Scale for error
display" is not sufficient for a detailed representation of the complete comparison.
With this function the scale varies according to the width of the tolerance band.
Thus, it is no longer possible to calculate the deviations by means of the diagram.
However, you can see the positions where an exceeding takes place or
recognise the trend of the deviations within the tolerance band.
Contour with narrow and wide tolerance band
Identical contour with non-linear enlarged tolerance band
Under "Width of tolerance", click the "Tolerance band defined by
nominal contour" button.
 The "Upper tol." and "Lower tol." boxes are made unavailable and the
"Non linear" button is made available.
Click the "Relative magnification" button.
Under "Scale for error display", click the "Non linear" button.
 Type the percentage of the tolerance band in the "Width tol" box.
An overmeasure contour around the nominal contour is created with the offset.
Then, the calculated deviations no longer refer to the nominal contour but to the
overmeasure contour. The reference direction is not influenced by the offset.
A slot is limited by the inside and outside contour. The distance between the
contours (slot width) is 52 mm. The tolerance comparison shall be used to
examine the deviation of the slot width from the nominal measurement 52 mm +2.025 mm.
The inside contour serves as the nominal contour, the outside contour as the
actual contour.
When carrying out the comparison with an offset (overmeasure) e.g. of 52 mm
and a tolerance of +-0.025 mm, a significant deviation is visible.
Compared with that, no deviation is visible in the graphic when applying the
onesided tolerance of 51.998 mm and 52.032 mm.
The result of the numerical evaluation shows no difference between the two
Form Tolerance Contour
The form tolerance of a measured contour to a reference contour is determined
according to DIN 7184 in connection with DIN ISO 1101 as follows:
 First, the maximum deviation between both contours is determined (see in
the illustration below the radius of the red circle as a dotted line).
 This radius amount is doubled (diameter of circle).
 The value of the diameter includes all deviations when the centre of the
circle is moved on the reference contour.
• Reference contour (black)
• Nominal contour (green)
• Ideal circle (blue; part of the constructional drawing)
• Circle with biggest deviation (red)
Use the function "Line form tolerance" to calculate this value.
Determine line form tolerance
 A prerequisite for this function is that you are already using contours in
your part program.
 Load a measured contour (nominal contour).
 Load an ideal contour (reference contour).
Use the symbol "Loop counter" to control the functionality "Loops" (for
detailed information, refer to this topic).
The symbol "Further tolerance options" offers further possibilities, for
example, how to perform transfers to a statistical program or how to abort a part
program when the measurement results are outside the tolerance limits, etc. (for
more details, also refer to the topic Further Tolerance Options).
If you activate this symbol you can have a form tolerance chart displayed.
Enter the value of the tolerance limit into the input field "Tolerance width".
The best fit is carried out prior to the evaluation of the line form tolerance. The
best fit position of the contour is calculated only temporarily and is not stored. For
details, refer to the topic Best Fit Contour.
Tolerance Band Editor
The tolerance band editor makes it possible to specify various widths of tolerance
ranges within a nominal contour.
Every contour point can be assigned a lower and upper tolerance limit, which can
be stored in the GWS file. In case a contour nominal-to-actual comparison is
performed, the measured contour can be compared to the nominal contour and
its tolerance limits.
The tolerance band editor can be called only in the learn mode.
Define tolerance range of a nominal contour
 Load a nominal contour.
 Click in the menu bar on "Tolerance / Tolerance Comparison Elements /
Tolerance Band Editor".
 Select a nominal contour.
 The Tolerance band dialogue is shown.
 Define the contour tolerance range.
For details refer to the topic "Define Tolerance Band of a Contour" and "Edit
Tolerance Band of a Contour".
Define Tolerance Band of a Contour
Define uniform tolerance range
Your intention is to define a uniform tolerance range, i.e. all contour points have
the same upper and lower tolerance limit.
Click on the "Constant Distribution" symbol.
 Enter the "upper and lower limit" in the area "Start of Tolerance Range".
 Now no entries are possible in the "End of Tolerance Range" area.
Mark tolerance range
 Use the mouse cursor to mark the contour point where the tolerance
range is to start.
 Press the left mouse button.
 A blue cross is shown.
 Keep the left mouse button pressed and drag the mouse pointer to the
contour point where the tolerance range is to end.
 While dragging with the mouse, a second blue cross is shown.
 Release the mouse button at the end of the tolerance range to be
 The defined tolerance range is shown marked with a red frame in the
graphics of elements.
Define proportional tolerance range
You wish to define a tolerance range having a tolerance range start width and a
tolerance range end width. This means: the tolerance width continues changing
from the tolerance range start to the tolerance range end.
Click on the "Proportional Distribution" symbol.
 Now it is possible to make entries in the areas "Start of Tolerance Range"
and "End of Tolerance Range".
 Enter the "upper and lower limit" in the areas "Start of Tolerance Range"
and "End of Tolerance Range".
 Continue as described under "Mark Tolerance Range".
For further information on this topic refer to Tolerance Band Editor and Edit
Tolerance Band of a Contour.
Edit Tolerance Band of a Contour
Relate tolerance range to the whole contour
Click on the selection symbol in order to relate the entries from the areas
"Start of Tolerance Range" and "End of Tolerance Range" to the whole contour.
Delete defined tolerance ranges of the whole contour
Click on the dust bin symbol to delete your tolerance ranges of the whole
Enter tolerance limits using the mouse
Click on the pipette symbol to take the tolerance ranges by means of the
mouse into the input boxes of the areas "Start of Tolerance Range" and "End of
Tolerance Range".
 Click with the mouse cursor on a contour point within a tolerance range.
Once the "Proportional Distribution" symbol is activated, the upper
and lower tolerance limit of a contour point are entered into all input
Once the "Constant Distribution" symbol is activated, the upper and
lower tolerance limit of a contour point are entered only into the input
boxes of the area "Start of Tolerance Range".
Once you have entered the required values, press again the pipette
symbol in order to switch this function off. Should you click, by mistake,
into the graphics of elements, the values entered would be changed.
Show all elements in the graphics of elements
While defining a tolerance band of a contour, only the current contour is
shown enlarged in the graphics of elements. If you wish to watch all elements,
click on the symbol "Show Elements in Background".
For further information on this topic refer to Tolerance Band Editor and Define
Tolerance Band of a Contour.
Filter Contour / Filter Element
When filtering a contour in GEOPAK a smoothing effect is realised. We offer you
a Gauss low-pass filter with which the high frequency parts will be suppressed.
To open the "Filter element" dialogue box, click "Element" or "Contour" on the
menu bar.
It is possible to filter the following elements:
 line
 circle
 plane
 sphere
 cylinder
 contour
Depending on the element that you select, the adequate filter type is
recommended. However, if you have measured a contour as circle, you can
choose the "Gauss filter (circle)" from the filter types instead of the proposed
"Robust spline filter". Contours of Geometrical Elements
Depending on the application, you should distinguish:
 For round contours use the "Gauss filter (circle)",
 for oblong contours use the "Gauss filter (line)".
 Select the filter from the list in the "Filter element" dialogue box.
Drop-down filter list in the "Filter element" dialogue box
Gauss filter
 The Gauss filter can be applied to contours consisting of one or more
 The streams can be closed or open.
 An equal pitch of the measurement points within the streams is required.
 If it is not possible to measure an element, it is not possible to filter the
element either.
For the input of the "Run in / run out" value, use the preset value by default. General contours
For contours to which it is almost impossible to assign a "Gauss filter" due to their
irregular forms, you will select the "Robust spline filter".
Selected filter "Robust spline filter"
As this option makes the filtering of general contours possible, it can always be
applied to all geometrical elements. Therefore the "Robust spline filter" can be
found in both, the
 Automatic Circle Measurement and the
 Automatic Line Measurement.
If the "Robust spline filter" is selected, the "Run in / run out" text box is
SCANPAK Automatic Circle Measurement
For the automatic circle measurement a filter can be selected when the scanning
button is active (see illustration below).
The "Robust Spline Filter" is not suitable for the evaluation of circles
and should therefore not be used in practice.
Scanning button activated
Filter choice
In a circle the cut off wave length is calculated within GEOPAK by means of the
following formula:
Cut off wave length = π * circle diameter / UPR (Undulations per revolution)
You can change the cut off wave length by selecting a Gauss filter with a different
UPR size. The following Gauss filters are available:
 Gauss filter 15 UPR
 Gauss filter 50 UPR
 Gauss filter 150 UPR
 Gauss filter 500 UPR
 Gauss filter 1500 UPR Automatic Line Measurement
For the automatic line measurement (illustration below) the "cut off wave length"
must be entered.
Input of the cut off wave length
The "Gauss filter" and a "Cut off wave length" of 1.0 are preset. The
measurement unit is limited to millimetres.
Further information
 For detailed information about what must be observed when filtering
peaks of a measured contour, refer to the documentation "Filtering of
peaks of a measured contour" in your MCOSMOS installation folder /
 The file name is "SI_contour_filtering_g.pdf"
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