Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Regional Field Office No. VII DA-RFO 7 Complex, Highway Maguikay, Mandaue City 6014, Cebu Tel. Nos. (032) 268-5187 / 238-2163; Fax No. (032) 268-3063 email: List of Application Documents for Civil Society Organization (CSO) Accreditation: 1. Accomplished Application Form for the Accreditation of CSO as Beneficiary of Government or Public Funds – see template 2. CSO Data Sheet with Organizational Set-Up – see template 3. Certificate of Good Standing from Local Chief Executive or Head of Agency of a local religious organization where the program/project will be implemented – see sample certificate 4. Certificate of Good Standing from Government Agencies from which the CSO has received public Funds – see sample certificate 5. Notarized Omnibus Sworn Statement – see template 6. Notarized Affidavit of Disclosure by the CSO Directors and its Trustees of other related business, if any, and extent of ownership therein – see template 7. Notarized Secretary’s Certificate that none of its incorporators, organizers, directors or official is an agent of, or related by consanguinity or affinity up to the fourth civil degree to the officials of the implementing agency who are authorized to process accreditation application – see template 8. Valid Mayor’s Permit 9. BIR Registration 10. Certificate of Registration and/or Certificate of Filing from SEC, CDA, or DOLE-BRW 11. Bio-data sheet with recent photo of all officers 12. Articles of Incorporation/Cooperation latest amend by law, showing the original Incorporators/organizers 13. Notarized Secretary’s Certificate for Incumbent Officers – see template 14. Financial reports/statements audited by independent Certified Public Accountant for the past three (3) years preceding the date of application; For CSO which has been in operation for less than three (3) years, report of accomplishment or any equivalent proof certified by its President and Secretary that it had previously implemented similar projects shall be required, Sunset Provision GPPB 17-2016 15. Narrative Accomplishment Report or Cooperative Annual Performance Report (CAPR) for the past three (3) years preceding the date of application