See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Quick look log analysis Poster · September 2021 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22441.52321 CITATIONS READS 0 259 1 author: Behrooz Esrafili-Dizaji University of Tehran 25 PUBLICATIONS 551 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Geological reservoir study of the Permian to Miocene reservoirs in the Zagros area and the Persian Gulf View project Sequence stratigraphy and reservoir characterization in the Mozduran and Shurijeh formations, Kopet Dagh Basin, NE Iran View project All content following this page was uploaded by Behrooz Esrafili-Dizaji on 06 September 2021. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Quick Look Log Interpretation Designed by: B. Esrafili-Dizaji On gauge Mud Cake On gauge GOC Mud Cake OWC Water Phi 6.5 Chlorite Illite 1.70 2.49 (g/cm3 ) Variable with grain size 1.68 variable with salt 1.66 Organic matter On gauge Fresh water 0.36 Salt water 0.81 variable with salt & temp. Solution with mud Anhydrite On gauge 5 High in K salt 4.65 5.06 Caving Effect OWC ɸ Gas Effect Cycle Skipping variable with API Phi=20% Barine & KCL mud View publication stats Salt water Hydrocarbone 50-1000 Ω.m OWC variable with salt & temp. Brine <1 Ω.m 140 µs/ft Barite off scale 266.8 25% 60 µs/ft 2.8 1.2-1.5 (g/cm3 ) 2.03 (g/cm3 ) off scale -3% 100-140 µs/ft 66.7 µs/ft 50 µs/ft -1% 2.95 2.4 (g/cm3 ) Caving Effect Caving Effect 2.4 Increasing with Salt water Tight Dolomite 42.5 µs/ft 80 µs/ft W 16% variable with water content 75% with Siderite up to 6-8 Caving Effect (Washout) Oil 2000 Tight Limestone 47.5 µs/ft variable with H2 index 2 (g/cm3 ) >200 API U/hot /black shale 0.18 Coal Salt GOC 2000 Fresh water ɸ Gas Effect 0.2 LLD LLS 52-55 µs/ft variable with compaction 2.68 Gas variable with API Oil 0.12 variable with water content & compaction 10% 18% variable with Pressure 40 ɸ 0% 1% 1.70 (Microsecends/ft) 6.5% 2.54 (g/cm3 ) 3.05 Phi -2% 2.71(g/cm3 ) 3.14 0.2 130-175 µs/ft variable with water content 2.65 (g/cm3 ) (Ω.m) Sonic 3 140 2.71 2.4 (g/cm3 ) 37% 1.80 4.90 Phi High with Shale Shale (g/cm ) 3 Poorly compacted Compact 3.5 2 5.08 gS Oil High with Heavy mineral Glauconite Feldespar Mica Mud Cake Gas shales 6 Density 3 Resistivity -15 2.87 Mud Cake marine continental shales Lo Porous, ɸ>20% Dolomite On gauge 200 0 0 (%) 2.32 ɸ= 10% ɸ= 0% Limestone ɸ= 10% ɸ= 0% Sandstone ɸ= 10% ɸ= 0% (smectites & mixed-layer illites) 0 (barns/electron) Kaolinite 16 Shale Baseline (in) (API) Neutron 45 PEF Gamma Ray Swelling Shale Shale Sandstone CAL 16 pe 6 (in) ha Lithology Bit Size Sandstone Baseline 6 NPhi Increasing with increase porosity (shale) Increasing with increase porosity (shale) >10000 Ω.m off scale >1000 Ω.m