Guidelines for week 5 assignment For Week 5 assignment you will develop 2 assessable activities based on oral or written discourse which will be placed into your future unit lesson plan for key assessment. 1. Two assessable activities (oral or written discourse) 2. Rubrics 3. Rationale (1-2 pages) 4. Justification Design 2 assessable activities based on oral or written discourse. Each assessable activity should contain: a) Target learners; b) Task type; c) Task specifications; d) Task (materials: DCT, role-play prompts, letter…) Create a rubric for each of the two assessable activities based on I&C Ch. 15. Choose from the list: a) Holistic rubric b) Analytic rubric P.S: Place the rubrics just after the related activity. Write a summary description with rationale for your methods of assessments and rubrics: a) What are your assessment tools? b) How did you choose them? c) Why do you think they are suitable for your learners & your speech act? a) Justify your decisions with evidence by citing I&C b) Include a Reference list in APA format Assignment Rubric Below 13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20 One or two activities are missing; the activities are not assessable or not related to pragmatics Includes two activities that may allow some form of assessment; the activities are somewhat related to pragmatics Develops or redevelops two assessable activities that relate to the lesson and that provide practice for the pragmatic strategy Develops or Develops or redevelops two redevelops two assessable activities innovative directly related to assessable the lesson and that activities directly provide appropriate related to the practice for the lesson and that pragmatic strategy provide realistic practice for the pragmatic strategy Rubrics 14-15 16-17 18-19 20 Provides two rubrics that properly assess each activity; each Provides two rubrics that properly assess pragmatic skills in Provides two rubrics that properly assess pragmatic skills in Assessable Activities Rubrics are Provides two missing, unclear, rubrics that assess or do not address each activity pragmatic skills rubric relate to some aspect of pragmatics; each rubric is clear each activity; each each activity; each rubric will allow for rubric will allow ease in grading for ease in grading and allow learners to understand what is expected 18-19 Rationale 14-15 16-17 20 Reasons for choices are not given or are too general Comments on reasons for choices made in assessments Provides some good Provides a strong reasons for choices rationale for the made in developing methods used to assessments assess Provides a convincing rationale for the methods used to assess (including multiple details) Justification 14-15 16-17 18-19 20 More justification is needed Provides some Justifies decisions justification based made based on on the concept of course content pragmatics for decisions made Justifies decisions made based on target population and their pragmatic needs; supports decisions with course content Justifies decisions made based on target population and their pragmatic needs; supports decisions with strong use of course material (properly cited) Overall Redeveloped Lesson 14-15 16-17 18-19 20 Not enough redevelopment has been done; the lesson is not cohesive; some elements are not related Most elements appear to relate to the topic of pragmatics, but not necessarily one central pragmatics topic Most lesson elements relate to one central pragmatics topic The new lesson and assessments are unified by one central pragmatics topic The new lesson is cohesive and innovative; the lesson focuses on one pragmatics concept with wellordered components and effective assessments