agag Physical examination Glasgosdddssdasd gasd fsd ssd fw’s consciousness Meningeal irritation AMBOSS coma scale -> asses Speech Pseudobulbar dysarthria - - - - - Bilateral UMNL of corticobulbar tract Slow harsh strangulated speech Difficulty pronounce consonants Brisk jaw jerk Emotios ganal lability sdags g Stiff tongue Bulbar dysarsdathria - - Bilateral LMNL (cranials 9,10,11,12) Tongue weakness-> difficulty sound with lingual Dysphonia - Laryngitis - Vagal nerve damage - Inability abducting one of sdg sdf g ‘bovine’cough. vocal cords leads to - Palatal weakness -> nasal quality of speech Cerebellar dysarthria - Slow slurred(alcohol like) Fatiguing speech ->MG fgas asgasg - Dysarthria,dysphonia, low volume , monotonous voice, festination speech , marked stuttering Dysphasias Dyslexia-> supramarginal gyrus Dyscalculia Dysgraphia Gerstmann’s syndrome combination dyscalculia, finger agnosia (inability to recognise the distinguish left from right. the left parietal lobe in angular gyrus. Lobes isons Occipital lobe field defects le - Visual (contralateral hemianopia,scotoma) - Visual agnosia - of dysgraphia, fingers) and inability to It localises to the region of the asdfgagag