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12 Simple Secrets of Happiness Book Summary

Finding Joy in Everyday Relationships
Author: Glenn Van Ekeren
Publisher: Prentice Hall Press
Date of Publication: 2000
ISBN: 0735201390
No. of Pages: 195 pages
Wisdom in a Nutshell
If you are looking for a guide to human relationships, this is the simple and
wonderful way to discover how we can enhance our joy in other people. If you
are looking for a way to manipulate others into doing your bidding, this is not
the book for you. The 12 Simple Secrets are outlined with clarity, they are:
! Generosity
! Hope
! Kindness
! Friendship
! Empathy
! Love
! Forgiveness
! Acceptance
! Understanding
! Encouragement
! Communication
! Gratitude
If you are seeking more out of life and your relationships, this is the book for
you. Become the person everyone loves to be around. Loaded with useful
advice to help you in nurturing friendships, marriages, family, and work
relationships, in easily digestible chapters, 12 Simple Secrets of Happiness is
a life manual stemming from the universal rules of unconditional love and
respect. Learn to accept people for who they are, identify what people need to
feel good about themselves, make your relationships blossom, get along with
difficult people, effectively deal with conflict, develop a sincere interest in
others, build on people's positive qualities, encourage, and forgive.
Published by BestSummaries.com, Building 3005 Unit 258, 4440 NW 73rd Ave, Miami, Florida 33166
© 2003 BestSummaries.com. All rights reserved. No part of this summary may be reproduced or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, without prior notice of
BestSummaries.com. Copyright © 1997 by Colin Rose and Malcolm J. Nicholl.
12 SECRETS OF HAPPINESS by Glenn Van Ekeren
The joy of a giving spirit
What kind of person can selflessly give up his or her
own success so someone else can reach his goal?
In this modern dog-eat-dog world, few people step
off the track and allow someone else to receive the
glory. Sacrifice something so someone else can be
Practice random acts of kindness. "Kindness is the
oil that takes the friction out of life." You can never be
too kind.
Don't waste time on gossip. If you have nothing
good to say about another person, then keep your
mouth shut! People tend to indulge in gossip
because they want to look better than the person
being spoken of. Learn to speak of others graciously
as you would want to be spoken of.
How do you make people feel?
People tend to avoid those who make them feel
Be somebody that people simply love to be around.
How? By encouraging and supporting their dreams,
appreciating their efforts, celebrating their
achievements as if they were your own. When we
encourage our friends and family to be the best they
can be, we nurture them inside and build hope.
Giving hope to people will make you a social
Don't think that merely donating some time or
money to your charity of choice is the answer. You
need to give to people who have absolutely no way
to repay you, without ever expecting anything in
return. They don't even have to know that you are
their benefactor. Give unselfishly and you will see
that what you sow today is exactly what you will reap
at the end of your days. People will love you
because they know you gave of yourself unselfishly.
Send a letter of encouragement to someone today!
Thank the person for something she or he has done
recently. Thank that person for being uniquely
herself. Tell her something positive about herself
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and brighten up her day. Make a sincere compliment
and offer your support in her current project or
congratulate her on a job well done.
Every year you have 365 chances to make a
profound difference in somebody else's life. It may
be so easy to find fault in others, but how often do we
pick up that pen or write that email that makes
somebody's day? When was the last time you told
your kids how proud you are of them?
Fault Finding is a Bad Habit!
Hard to swallow but true, "Our worst fault is our
preoccupation with the faults of others" - as Kahlil
Gibran wrote. Before you begin finding fault, why not
start with yourself? What is there to improve in your
character? How about your general appearance?
Criticize yourself as harshly as you would criticize
others. We put down others to make ourselves look
better in comparison, but when you actually
compare yourself to that person you despise, you
may just discover something scary: The truth about
yourself. Perhaps you need to take a good long look
in the mirror before you open your mouth to criticize
"You can make more friends in two months
by becoming really interested in other people
than you can in two years by trying
to get other people interested in you."
-Dale Carnegie
If you really want to help others, start with a spirit of
affirmation. Here are some pointers:
! Uphold people's self-esteem. Be gentle and
kind. If you must give negative feedback,
start first with offering positive affirmation.
! Focus on abilities rather than
vulnerabilities. Find something that person
is good at and praise him for it.
! Check your motives. If you take the slightest
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12 SECRETS OF HAPPINESS by Glenn Van Ekeren
pleasure in criticizing someone -hold your
tongue. If it is painful for you, proceed with
Keep your attitude in check. Just because
you had a terrible day at work or the boss
yelled at you doesn't mean you should yell
at your subordinates too.
Offer to help.
Tell yourself to meet one new person each
Step out of your comfort zone and introduce
yourself to someone new. You'll be
surprised how easy it is to strike up a
conversation when you show you are
genuinely interested in meeting this new
person. Some people make it a point to
travel to a new place each year. Expand
your circle of influence and see how much
you grow as a person.
Be the first to say hello and the last to stop
Always say "please" and "thank you”
"A warm smile is the universal language of
Allow people to go in front of you in the
grocery line, or let others change lanes in
heavy traffic.
Open the door for others.
"Never lose sight of the fact that the most
important yardstick of your success will be
how you treat other people- your family,
friends, and co-workers, even strangers you
meet along the way." -Barbara Bush
Your best friend is the one who brings out the best in you.
Success and fulfillment in life are in direct proportion
to the investment we make in people. If somebody
spent one whole day with you, would he feel filled up
or sucked dry?
! Show your gratitude
! Encourage and give positive reinforcement
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Have faith in people
Express your love
Light up any room you enter
And what about marriage?
These relationships require a healthy amount of
independence from both partners. Spouses must
seek to complement each other. The danger lies in
one partner becoming too dependent on the other. As
much as you need to make a date to spend quality
private time as a couple once a week, you also need
to book quality time for yourself.
Reach out and touch someone, corny as it sounds. It actually works!
You can tell a great person by the number of people
who come to mourn at his funeral. How many days
would go by before anyone noticed you were
missing? When you reach out and invest time and
energy in helping others, being kind to others and
simply welcoming others, you will see a profound
difference in the quality of your relationships, and you
will have gathered around you people who truly love
you because of how well you treated them.
On getting even. When someone deals you a harsh
blow, dumps trash in your backyard, or shows you
cruelty, repay him with a noble gesture. Give him
something he needs or speak well of him. That
person will feel embarrassed by how he has
behaved, while you walk away looking like a class act.
Collaborate. It takes two people to make a marriage
work. It takes a team effort to win a championship. It
takes a staff to bring in bigger profits. Life is about
collaboration. In anything you do, you will have to deal
with people. Human beings have evolved as social
animals. We were designed to help each other out to
"The purpose of life is not to win. It is to
grow and to share. You will get more satisfaction
out of life from the pleasure you have brought
into other people's lives than you will from the
times you outdid and defeated them."
-Rabbi Harold Kushner
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12 SECRETS OF HAPPINESS by Glenn Van Ekeren
There will always be problems in a marriage. The
way you handle these problems will show the test of
your commitment. Nourishing a relationship takes
work; there will always be problems and IT IS
WORTH THE EFFORT to work through these
! Say, "I love you" often.
! Kiss and hug often.
! Compliment your spouse sincerely.
! Always treat each other with respect.
! Go on weekly dates and vacations, without
the children.
! Husbands, do that extra household chore.
With other human beings respect and courtesy
apply, as well as:
! Be persistent in showing your love.
! Don't expect a return.
is right, at least until the air is calm. Wait until you can
both discuss the matter rationally. When you think
about arguing back, is it really worth it to disrupt the
wonderful Friday evening you reserved for her? Give
in. Take up the subject when she is no longer agitated.
A gentleman always allows the woman to win the
And if you can't let it go, think again, is it really worth it
to make such a fuss and cause disharmony? Will it
matter tomorrow?
! How to create a relationship masterpiece:
! Give more than you get
! Allow people to have their space
! Maintain confidentiality
! Give supportive and positive advice
! Be loyal
! Listen!
! Treat others with dignity
! Say "please" and "thank you"
! Be agreeable
! Accept other people's opinions
! Forgive wrongs committed
Keeping bridges in good repair
If you cannot forgive, you cannot move on.
It takes a bigger. stronger type of person to
Be the first to ask forgiveness.
Don't dwell on the hurt.
Write a letter and show a desire to resolve
the conflict
Focus on the future
Replace selfishness with unconditional love
Make time to keep relationships in good
Be willing to say "I'm sorry" without
To mutilate a child's spirit is a grave sin. ·
Let go.
Forgiving an enemy puts you above
everyone else. Revenge puts you at par
with the enemy. Being the first to strike
makes you less admirable.
"Some people ask the secret of our long
marriage. We take time to go to a restaurant
two times a week. A little candlelight dinner,
soft music, and dancing. She goes Tuesdays.
I go Fridays." – -Henny Youngman
Speak their language
No amount of intelligence, talent or education will
replace the gift of being able to understand the other
People will do things for their own reasons, not for
My wife is always right
When you listen, practice staying silent until the other
person finishes speaking.
Sometimes you need to say perhaps the other party
See things from the other person's point of view. The
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12 SECRETS OF HAPPINESS by Glenn Van Ekeren
child is different from the adult. A woman sees things
differently and feels things differently from a man. An
Asian has a different experience from a European.
Consider how others might be feeling in order to
reach a clearer understanding.
Create high expectations for people and let them
know you believe in them more than they believe in
themselves. Rent the movie Stand and Deliver, it's a
true story about how calculus teacher Jaime
Escalante motivates the high school kids to prove
their value.
The next time you hear criticism hurled at you:
! Consider the source. It is the person who
can't dance who complains about the
uneven floor. A frustrated person likes to
pick on others.
! Smile. Disarm your critic.
! Expect it but don't accept it. The best way to
silence your critics and not waste energy is
to agree with them and get on with life.
! Don't take it personally.
! Ponder the benefits. Maybe that critic hit a
button that needs to be addressed.
For men only!
A doctor marked a distinct difference in the listening
skills of men and women. Women are wired to listen
and can hook into another person's emotions and
needs. Men are not wired that way. They can't read
subtle signals. Messages have to be spelled out for
! Develop a willingness to listen
! Be open-minded
! Be attentive, think about what she is saying,
not what you want to say when she's done.
! Maintain comfortable eye contact. Don't
! Don't guess what she'll say next.
! Refrain from interrupting.
! Be patient.
! Listen for the unspoken message.
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Keep an open mind.
Be silent.
Take notes.
Prepare your reply only after the person has
Nod, smile, agree and lean forward.
Ask questions to clarify.
Don't allow how something is said to distract
you from the essence of the message.
Paraphrase to see if you have an accurate
picture of the message.
Conflict Resolution 101
! Strive for mutual benefit
! Seek understanding
! Focus on the facts
! Avoid insults
! Find a point of agreement
! Generate solutions
! Determine a win-win plan of action
Show it!
Here are some phrases to get you started:
! I appreciate the way you…
! I'm impressed with …
! You are terrific because…
! Thanks for…
! One of the things I love about you is…
! I admire your…
! Great job with…
! I really enjoy working with you because…
! Our team wouldn't be successful without
! Thank you for your…
! You made my day when…
! I am proud of you and how you handled…
! You did an outstanding job of…
! I like your…
! You deserve a pat on the back for…
! You have gift for…
! I believe you can do it
! I enjoy being around you because…
Value your friends
! Your friends will support you through failures
and celebrate your successes
! Your friends will love you no matter what an
idiot you made of yourself when you drank
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12 SECRETS OF HAPPINESS by Glenn Van Ekeren
too much
Choose your friends well because you will
become like them
A true friend knows everything about you
but loves you just the same.
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