01. Replace all 0's with 5 02. Third largest element 03. Max and Second Max 04. Minimum distance between two numbers 05. Rotate Array 06. Max sum path in two arrays 07. Remove duplicates in small prime array 08. Max sum in the configuration 09. Sorted subsequence of size 3 10. Find duplicates in an array 11. Mountain Subarray Problem 12. Wave Array 13. Equilibrium Point 14. Stickler Thief 15. Product array puzzle 16. Maximum Index 17. Subarray with given sum 18. Kadane's Algorithm 19. Trapping Rain Water 20. Container With Most Water 21. Three Sum Closest 22. Max Circular Subarray Sum 23. Rearrange an array with O(1) extra space 24. Frequencies of Limited Range Array Elements 25. Union of Two Sorted Arrays 26. Intersection of two arrays 27. Binary Array Sorting