Soil and Water Conservation (SWC) Chapter 4++ Effectiveness and challenges of SWC in Ethiopia Compiled By: Teshome B. Email: January, 2021 Samara University 2 Effectiveness and challenges of SWC in Ethiopia 3 Related articles 1. Alemu, W. G., & Melesse, A. M. (2020). Impacts of longterm conservation measures on ecosystem services in Northwest Ethiopia. In ternational Soil and Water Conservation Research, 8(1), 47–55. 2. Haileslassie, A., Mekuria, W., Schmitter, P., Uhlenbrook, S., & Ludi, E. (2020). Changing Agricultural Landscapes in Ethiopia: Examinin g Application of Adaptive Management Approach. Sustainability, 12(8939). 3. Hailu, W., Moges, A., & Yimer, F. (2012). The Effects of ‘Fanya juu’ Soil Conservation Structure on Selected Soil Physical & Chemical P roperties: the Case of Goromti Watershed, Western Ethiopia. Resources and Environment, 2(4), 132–140. e.20120204.02 4. Herweg, K., & Ludi, E. (1999). The performance of selected soil and water conservation measures - Case studies from Ethiopia and E ritrea. Catena, 36(1–2), 99–114. 5. Matere, S. J., Mbatia, O. L. E., Nzuma, J. M., & Nyamwaro, S. O. (2016). Financial Benefit-cost Analysis of Terraces in Maize-pigeon pe a Intercrop in Semi-arid Areas of Kenya. Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, 5(1), 140–148. 14 6. Mekonnen, M. (2021). Impacts of soil and water conservation practices after half of a generation age, northwest highlands of Ethio pia. Soil and Tillage Research, 205(104755), 1–10. 7. Saiz, G., Wandera, F. M., Pelster, D. E., Ngetich, W., Okalebo, J. R., Rufino, M. C., & Butterbach-Bahl, K. (2016). Long-term assessment of soil and water conservation measures (Fanya-juu terraces) on soil organic matter in South Eastern Kenya. Geoderma, 274, 1–9. h ttps:// 8. Subhatu, A., Speranza, C. I., Zeleke, G., Roth, V., Lemann, T., Herweg, K., & Hurni, H. (2018). Interrelationships between terrace devel opment, topography, soil erosion, and soil dislocation by tillage in Minchet Catchment, Ethiopian Highlands. Land Degradation and Development, 29, 3584–3594. 9. Sultan, D., Tsunekawa, A., Haregeweyn, N., Adgo, E., Tsubo, M., Meshesha, D. T., Masunaga, T., Aklog, D., Fenta, A. A., & Ebabu, K. (20 18). Efficiency of soil and water conservation practices in different agro-ecological environments in the Upper Blue Nile Basin of Et hiopia. Journal of Arid Land, 10(2), 249–263. 10. Teka, K., Haftu, M., Ostwald, M., & Cederberg, C. (2020). Can integrated watershed management reduce soil erosion and improve liv elihoods? A study from northern Ethiopia. International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 8(3), 266–276. 16/j.iswcr.2020.06.007 11. Wolancho, K. W. (2015). Evaluating watershed management activities of campaign work in Southern nations, nationalities and peo ples ’ regional state of Ethiopia. Environmental Systems Research, 4(6), 1–13. 12. Wolka, K. (2014). Efects of soil and water conservation measures and challenges for its adoption: Ethiopia in focus. J Environ Sci Tec hnol 7:185–199. DOI:10.3923/jest.2014.185.199 13. Wolka, K., Mulder, J., & Biazin, B. (2018). Effects of soil and water conservation techniques on crop yield, runoff and soil loss in SubSaharan Africa: A review. Agricultural Water Management, 207, 67–79.