Uploaded by William Drew

review for random project

My topic is kind of random it’s about how I am starting to get into podcasting, this is an odd
review about my experiences with other podcasts and how they have helped positively or
negatively influence me. One of the better ones I’ve started listening to is one called “Atlantic
Bushcraft” which discusses camping tips and trinkets that you can use at home or in the woods. I
listen to them because they give me knowledge that makes my life easier while I can be doing
other things like schoolwork or during long road trips that I go on probably too often. There isn’t
really a lot I can say about this but the few main topics I do want to go over will be when they
upload, the topics they mainstream about, and some other things I’ll come up with later.
The first topic I want to go over is how and why podcasts are so popular, the statistics I’ve seen
are because the podcaster is interested in the topic enough to keep talking about it over extended
periods of time. This is very important when dealing with a wide variety of people who are all
interested in different topics. If the podcaster is not interested in the topic they are explaining or
reviewing the audience will soon lose interest as well because the content won’t be as including.
Another possible thing podcasters use is the way they present their topic, if it’s just another
review it’s going to be brushed off as being paid by the company or just being biased.
The other big topic I want to go over is when the podcast episodes are uploaded, this may not
seem like a big topic but just wait, there are many things that impact the popularity of the show
including the day the podcaster chooses to upload on. Weekends are out of the question because
that’s the time most of the viewers listen to podcasts, from my personal experience Thursday is
the best day to upload. If you think about it people get off work Friday and probably have
something planned for that night and Saturday so if you upload on Thursday they will have time
to listen to when they’re at work waiting for the day to end on Friday so they have a good chance
of seeing your notification pop up on their device and going “why not I’ve got nothing better to
do” or they will see it and listen to it on their way home from work and depending on your target
audience and your content it might help them have ideas for the weekend and if they find them
fun they will come back.