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EXTENT OF CONTRACT .......................................................................................................... 3
SYSTEM PARAMETERS ........................................................................................................... 3
ACCESS TO SITE ..................................................................................................................... 3
RIGHT OF WAY AND MARKER POSTS ..................................................................................... 3
SCOPE OF WORK ................................................................................................................... 4
EXTENT OF WORK ................................................................................................................. 5
SAFETY AND SECURITY .......................................................................................................... 5
FIRST AID .............................................................................................................................. 6
ACCOMMODATION AND TRANSPORTATION ......................................................................... 6
SITE OFFICE FOR CLIENT AND CONSULTANT ................................................................................................6
TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATION FACILITIES ...............................................................................7
ELECTRICITY AND WATER SUPPLIES ..................................................................................... 11
DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION AND STANDARDIZATION .............................................................. 11
COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS ......................................................................................... 12
INTERPRETATION OF THE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION .......................................................... 12
STATUTORY REGULATIONS .................................................................................................. 12
LANGUAGE, WEIGHTS AND MEASURES ............................................................................... 12
CORRESPONDENCE.............................................................................................................. 13
ERECTION AND CHECKING AT SITE ....................................................................................... 13
TRANSPORT TO SITE ............................................................................................................ 13
CONTRACTOR’S WORKING AREAS ....................................................................................... 13
CONTRACTOR’S EMPLOYEES................................................................................................ 13
CONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES ...................................................................................... 14
CONTRACTOR’S PLANT AND EQUIPMENT ............................................................................ 14
PACKING, NAMEPLATES, MARKING SHIPMENT AND STORAGE ............................................ 14
LINE TERMINATIONS ........................................................................................................... 14
CASTINGS ............................................................................................................................ 15
WELDING ............................................................................................................................ 15
GALVANISING...................................................................................................................... 15
GENERAL .....................................................................................................................................................15
GALVANIZATION LAYERS ............................................................................................................................15
MINOR DEFECTS .........................................................................................................................................15
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DEFECTS AND MAJOR DAMAGE .................................................................................................................15
SUB CONTRACTED PLANTS AND MATERIALS ....................................................................... 16
PLACES OF MANUFACTURE AND ACCESS TO THE WORKS .................................................... 16
DRAWINGS TO ACCOMPANY BIDS ....................................................................................... 16
WORKING DRAWINGS ......................................................................................................... 17
PROGRAMME OF WORK .............................................................................................................................18
DRAWING SCHEDULE..................................................................................................................................18
SHIPPING SCHEDULE...................................................................................................................................19
ORDER PLACEMENT STATUS ................................................................................................ 19
SUBMITTALS FOR BID .......................................................................................................... 19
PROGRESS REPORTS AND MEETINGS ................................................................................... 19
QUALITY ASSURANCE, TESTING AND INSPECTION ............................................................... 20
TRAINING FOR THE EMPLOYER ............................................................................................ 21
OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................ 21
CROSSING ........................................................................................................................... 21
TRANSPOSITIONS ................................................................................................................ 22
DATES FOR COMPLETION .................................................................................................... 22
DETAILS OF OFFER AND VARIATIONS FROM SPECIFICATION ................................................ 22
DEFECTS LIABILTY PERIOD ................................................................................................... 22
SPARES, TOOLS AND APPLIANCES........................................................................................ 22
FINAL RECORDS ................................................................................................................... 22
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The Employer intends to evacuate power between Masaka (West) and Mbarara (South) through 400 kV DC (Double Circuit)
TL Masaka West – Mbarara south, the length of the line is 132kms.
This specification includes the design, manufacture, supply, testing, galvanizing, painting (where specified), insurance,
packing for export, shipment ,port clearing, delivery to site, unloading at site, survey, construction of access roads, soil
investigation, foundations, tower erection , stringing, commissioning and any other work necessary to deliver the project
as per the technical specifications and international quality standards.
Line Voltage
Type of Circuit
: 400kV
: Double Circuit
: AAAC Rubus
: 48 fiber, diameter 15mm
Earth wire
: ACS 117 mm2
Nominal voltage (kVrms)
Highest voltage (kVrms)
Frequency (Hz)
System grounding
Basic insulation level (kVp)
1050 kV peak
Power frequency withstand voltage (wet) (KVrms)
Lightning impulse withstand voltage
effectively earthed system
1425 kV
Short circuit level for 1 sec (kA)
63 kA
Corona extinction voltage (kVrms)
RIV at 230kVrms (v at 1MHz)
The Employer will assist the bidder to reach the project site(s) of interest to him for site visits before submission of the
bid(s). The detailed information on access to the site(s) will be made available to the Contractor(s) in due course.
Right of way ‐ General
Upon completion of the line route survey by the Contractor, the Employer will obtain the necessary right‐of‐way of the
Works in accordance with the right‐of‐way widths required for the Works. During the performance of the work on the
right‐of‐way, the Contractor shall:
Confine all activities to an area within the boundaries of the right‐of‐way.
Make good any damage caused by himself at his own cost to property outside the right‐of‐way including buildings, roads,
drainage systems and fences, etc.
Market posts – General
Once the right‐of‐way is set, the contractor shall source and plant marker posts at intervals of 150 metres, arranged
Market posts – Specifications
The marker posts shall be made out of well vibrated reinforced concrete grade 30, without honeycombing, or repair of it.
Only machine crushed grey granite aggregates shall be used/allowed.
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The cast posts shall not be transported until after the age 28 days. The contractor shall ensure the concrete grade is
achieved before planting. A Schmidt rebound hammer test shall be done by consultant to confirm concrete grade.
The contractor will be expected to survey the corridor boundaries using available survey data.
d) Marker posts – schematics
This specification sets the requirement that the Contractor’s scope includes survey (preliminary survey, detailed survey,
tower spotting, check survey etc.), geotechnical investigation, design, proto type testing, assembly at works, fabrication,
trial assembly at works & supply of fabricated towers, supply of all line material ,construction, testing, commissioning and
final inspection of 400 kV transmission lines, including the procurement of all materials inclusive of all accessories as
specified herein.
The Scope of works also includes all works and services necessary for the crossing of the 400kV transmission line and the
existing 132kV Masaka‐ Mbarara transmission line.
The work includes the following:
Preliminary / Alignment/ Detailed Check Survey
Right‐of‐Way width determination with calculations
Right‐of‐Way clearing and access roads
Plan and profile production
Preparation of all schedules (listed under submittals)
Sag tension calculations and Tower spotting
Geotechnical investigation
Testing of Construction Materials and concrete mix
Design, fabrication, type testing, assembly of towers, body extensions and leg extensions at works, shop drawings,
bill of material, supply and erection of towers.
Design, supply, erection of tower signs and accessories.
Supply and installation of conductor and line accessories.
Supply and installation of Optical fibre ground wire (OPGW) and their accessories including joint boxes and
termination boxes, etc.
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Calculation of the OHL line parameters for System Protection.
The overhead line (OHL) contractor connects to the gantry and Substation Contractor would make the
last jumper that connects the line to the substation. For the OPGW the OHL contractor terminates the
OPGW in a splice box in the Substation. The splice box (Terminal Box Type B) will be mounted on the
substation gantry. The OHL contractor also supplies and mounts the splice box on the gantry. Connections
from the Splice box towards the substation are not included.
Design, supply of material and installation of foundations.
Supply of insulator and hardware sets and installation of insulator strings.
Supply and installation of transmission line tower grounding.
Supply of spare parts and maintenance tools
Final inspection, testing and commissioning, reinstatement and clean‐up of site.
Maintenance of the line until the completion of the defect’s liability period.
As built drawings and electronic record.
The foregoing is indicative and by no means limiting; it is understood that the object of the contract is the handing over of
the line completely finished to the minutest detail, in workmanlike manner, in full operational state, providing desired
service, all necessary work and supply being at the Contractor’s charge.
The Contract Works to be supplied shall include all works incidental thereto whether specified in details or not and shall
be carried out by the Contractor in accordance with the Specification and Conditions of Contract and shall comprise the
Definite Work
Work at fixed schedule prices: ‐
The design, testing, manufacture, supply, delivery to and off loading at the Site, erection, starting to work,
completion and maintenance of the following plant and materials and of the other work incidental thereto included
in the Specification. The overhead transmission line having the technical particulars set out in the schedules
attached to the Specification, at the prices stated under Schedule 'H'.
Work at Time and Material rates: ‐
If and when required to do so by the written instructions of the Engineer and work / rates not covered by Schedule
Work at the option of the Employer
The manufacture, supply, testing and delivery (but not maintenance) to stores, spares and tools as specified in
Schedule for Spare Parts, as the Employer shall order from the Contractor at any time or times before the expiration
of the maintenance period of the Definite Work, at the prices stated in Schedule H.
The maximum safety, consistent with good erection practice in the case of work above ground, must be afforded to
personnel directly engaged on this Contract, or who is in the normal course of their occupation find it necessary to utilize
temporary works erected by the Contractor or frequent the working areas. Reasonable measures should be taken to afford
adequate protection against material falling from a higher level on to the personnel below.
Particular care must be taken during work at places where the line runs parallel to other lines which may be energized. The
operations of or connections to any items of equipment once made live shall be subject to a “Permit to Work” system in a
form agreed between the Engineer’s representative and the Employer in accordance with Employer’s / ISO 45001 Standard
for Occupational health and safety regulations for such work.
The Contractor must ensure that all such persons mentioned, the Employer, his representatives, other visitors and workers
provided with adequate protective headgear, footwear and other safety equipment as the need arises.
Erect and maintain fences around all open excavations, and other areas where necessary to ensure safety and security.
Make adequate provisions to prevent the straying of, or injury to livestock during the execution of the works. Provide
protection to prevent livestock from falling into open excavations.
Ensure that special care is taken in the prevention of grass or bush fires.
Maintain security checks and surveillance in all areas where work is being carried out and, in all areas, where Plant and
Contractor’s Equipment is stored and around all living quarters, offices and stores.
Ensure at any stage of construction that the works and plant are made secure when left unattended.
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Install and maintain adequate lighting to provide sufficient light at all areas where work is being carried out during darkness
(where approved) and all areas where light is requires for security reasons.
Provide and maintain properly constructed tanks for the storage of fuels, oils and other hazardous materials. Locate such
tanks at a safe distance from all work and living places, buildings, storage areas and vehicle parks.
Prevent any fuel or oil or other hazardous or polluting substance from entering any stream, river or water course.
Store the explosives in a properly constructed compound with anti‐blast walls all around. Lock and keep these stores
guarded at all times and illuminate at night for purposes of security warding.
Provide and maintain first aid facilities at all places where workshops, offices, stores, living accommodations, maintenance
facilities, etc. are situated, and ensure that personnel trained in first aid are available in an emergency at all such places.
Ensure the maintenance of a high standard of sanitation throughout the camp areas and elsewhere on the Site.
Provide sanitary conveniences for the use of all persons engaged on the Site at such locations as may be necessary. At the
main working sites, the sanitary conveniences are to be in accordance with the applicable Government regulations.
Nominate one experienced staff member to be responsible for ensuring the safety and protection against accidents of all
labour and personnel. This person has to be sufficiently qualified, and to have the Employer to issue instructions and take
protective measures to prevent accidents to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
Following the immediate treatment of the injured and within 24 hours of the occurrence of any accident at the Site or in
connection with the execution of the Works, report such accident to the Engineer’s Representative. Also report such
accident to the competent Employer, whenever such report is required by law.
Take the necessary precautions at all times to protect all staff and workpeople employed on the site from insect nuisance,
snakes, bats and other pests and reduce the dangers to health and the general nuisance occasioned by the same. Make
available at the various working sites, suitable supplies of anti‐snakebite serum and provide employees with suitable
medication for the prevention of malaria.
Comply with all regulations of the Medical and/or governmental Authorities in these respects.
The climate of the country is essentially tropical with the following general features:
Design Wind Speed (m/s)
Max. ambient temperature
Average daily temperature
Min. Ambient temperature (°C)
Relative humidity
0 – 100 %
Seismic requirement
Peak ground acceleration
Based on the information provided by Meteorological Department, Uganda
Isokeraunic Level (strokes/ year)
1450 m
Correction for altitude should be made for each line. All costs thereof shall be deemed to be included in the price
(vii) Annual rainfall average (maximum)
Site Office for Client and Consultant
2100 mm
Provide within two months of receipt of onshore advance payment and maintain throughout the contract period Site Office
for the use of the Client, Consultant and their staff during the period of the contract. This shall be appropriately located
along the Transmission line for ease of supervision of the Construction works. The building shall have at least three rooms,
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each room having a minimum floor area of 14 square meters. The building shall be weatherproof, well ventilated and each
room shall be fitted with a room unit air‐conditioner of not less than 1.5HP capacity. If the room size is larger suitable
number of air conditioner is to be provided. The office building shall be of approved construction and shall be fitted with
toilet facilities and wash‐hand basin. All rooms shall be decorated and equipped with essential facilities which are defined
but not limited to in Schedule G.
Transportation and Communication Facilities
Transportation for the Engineer and the Client:
The Contractor shall inform himself fully of all available transport and transportation facilities, rails highway geometries,
permissible axle loads, headroom limitations and shall ensure that equipment as packed for transport to site shall conform
to all relevant transportation regulations while also taking reasonable steps to avoid damage to highways and bridges by
his traffic.
Purchase, for the use of the Client the following type of vehicle, which shall be new, maintain it in mechanically roadworthy
conditions throughout the duration of the contract and until the end of the maintenance period, provide the services of
one Mechanic/Driver per vehicle, provide fuel, oil, lubricants, license, and comprehensive insurance cover at all times for
the vehicle and Driver for unlimited Third Party Claims.
Quantity and Types of vehicles to be provided under the transmission line scope of works:
Type 1: one (1) Station wagon
Type 2: two (2) Double‐cabin Pickups
Specifications for each type of vehicle
Both vehicle types shall be supplied with all accessories, heavy‐duty tires, spare parts and a tool kit.
Vehicle Type 1: Station wagon
Item Description
(Hardtop Station wagon)
Technical Specification required including applicable
Heavy duty 4WD Station Wagon latest model
Windshield glasses
5 doors (4 at sides and 1 at the rear)
Seating capacity
Minimum of 4
Overall length (mm)
Minimum of 4700
Overall width (mm)
Minimum of 1600
Overall height (mm)
Minimum of 1950
Wheel base (mm)
Minimum of 2700
Ground clearance (mm)
Minimum of 230
Gross Vehicle weight (Kg)
Minimum of 3000
Mounting position
Diesel, 4 stroke cycle, naturally aspirated, direct injection
Number of Cylinders
6 in‐line
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Item Description
(Hardtop Station wagon)
Technical Specification required including applicable
Capacity (cc)
Minimum of 3800 & Maximum of 4500
Fuel supply
Injection pump
Fuel tank capacity (Litres)
Minimum of 90
Electrical system
12 volts
Cooling system
Water cooled with heavy duty tropicalised radiator
Manual floor shift
5 forward speeds & 1 reverse
Transfer case
Part time 4 wheel drive
Power assisted, Right Hand Drive
Rim Size (front & rear)
Diameter 16 inch
Wheel with tyre size
750 R 16
Number of wheels
4 & 1 spare wheel
Rigid axle, coil springs
Rigid axle, semi‐elliptic leaf springs
Pads with ventilated discs
Shoes with drums
Parking brake
Mechanically hand operated mechanism
Dry single plate
Hydraulically activated
Roof Top
Roof rack covering full length of the roof
Heavy duty bull bar, headlamp & indicator guards, Electric
Powered WINCH, bumper, towing pintle hook
Towing hook & rear lights guards
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Item Description
Technical Specification required including applicable
(Hardtop Station wagon)
Air conditioner, driver’s and front passenger air bags, two
door mirrors, free wheel hubs, fuel tank protector, head rests,
CD‐player, MW/SW/FM radio, standard set of tools including
wheel nut spanner & proportional jack, all seat belts, Portable
carbon dioxide fire extinguisher
Operator manual in English
Vehicle Type 2: double‐cabin pickup
Item Description
Technical Specifications required including
applicable standards
(Double Cabin Pickup)
4WD double Cabin Pick up latest model
Windshield glass
Laminated glass
Seating capacity
5 (with separate front seats) with adequate leg space
for passengers in the back seat
Wheel base (mm)
Minimum of 2900
Overall width (mm)
Minimum of 1700
Overall length (mm)
Minimum of 5000
Overall height (mm)
Minimum of 1700
Ground clearance (mm)
Minimum of 200
Gross vehicle mass (Kg)
Minimum of 2700
Door glass
Powered windows glass raise/lower and central door
locking system
Engine mount position
Diesel, four stroke cycle, naturally aspirated or turbo
charged, fuel injection
Number of cylinders
4 in line
Capacity (Lt)
Minimum of 2.5 & maximum of 2.8
Electrical system
12 volt
Cooling system
Water cooled tropicalized radiator
Engine underneath
Guarded with strong steel plate
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Item Description
Technical Specifications required including
applicable standards
(Double Cabin Pickup)
Tank capacity (Litres)
Minimum of 70
Manual floor shift with high/low transfer gears
Gear box
Minimum of 5 forward speed & I reverse
Transfer gear box
4WD transfer gearbox
Front control, Right Hand Drive
Power assisted
Rim size diameter (inch)
Minimum of 15 and maximum of 16
Number of tubeless tyres
Spare wheel
One complete spare wheel
Coil spring or wishbone plates, over telescopic shock
Semi elliptic leaf springs with telescopic shock
Antilock Brake System (ABS)
Ventilated disc with pads
Leading & trailing shoes with drums
Dry single plate
Hydraulically activated
- Heavy Duty front bull bar
- Rear step bumper
Standard Features
- Digital quartz clock
- Front and rear mudguards
- Rear body guard frame
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Item Description
(Double Cabin Pickup)
Technical Specifications required including
applicable standards
- Air conditioner
- Air bag at front seats
- Two door mirrors
- Side steps
- Head rests on front seats
- Towing hook
- Rear cargo cover (tonneau cover)
- CD-player, MW/SW/FM radio with speakers
- Set of standard tools including wheel spanner & 2 ton
hydraulic jack
- Seat belts for all seats
- Floor carpets
- Portable carbon dioxide fire extinguisher
- 2 Triangle reflectors
- Well equipped First Aid kit
Operator manual in English
All vehicles details will be submitted for the approval of the Engineer.
The vehicles are to be provided within one month of receipt of the onshore advance payment.
In the event of unavoidability due to repairs or overhaul, the Contractor shall provide equivalent substitute acceptable to
the Employer. After the said project completion, the vehicles shall become the property of the Employer. They shall be in
sound technical conditions; with new tyres including spares, complete set of tools, engine overhauled if the mileage
covered exceeds 99,000 km for petrol and 120,000 km for diesel engine. All damages shall be repaired and full technical
service performed to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
Communications for the Engineer and the Client:
Radio telephone equipment
The Contractor shall also inform himself of available telecommunication facilities to make all necessary arrangements
(including statutory) for provision of radio telephone equipment with fully transistorized transmitter/receivers for the use
of the Client whose approval shall be obtained before purchase and suitable installation on each of vehicle types here
below described, and identical fixed station sets complete with dipole serials for each allotted frequency, the
transmitter/receiver operating on 4 channel frequencies within the band 2‐15 MHZ with a minimum output of 100 watts
peak effective power.
Hand Held GPS
A set (4) of handheld GPSs as indicated in the schedule of rates and prices shall be supplied and handed to the
The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for electricity and water necessary for constructional purposes and all
expenses shall be deemed covered by the several rates contained in the price schedules. Any apparatus and provisions
necessary for the distribution and use of such electricity and water must also be provided by the Contractor at his own
expense. The Contractor shall also make his own arrangements direct with other Contractors for any such services, which
they are prepared to provide.
All materials used under this Contract shall be new and of the best quality and of the class most suitable for working under
the conditions specified and shall withstand the variations of temperature and atmospheric conditions arising under
working conditions without distortion or deterioration or the setting up of undue stresses in any part, and also without
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affecting the strength and suitability of the various parts for the work which they have to perform. No repair of defective
parts will be permitted without the sanction in writing of the Engineer.
The works shall be designed to facilitate inspection, cleaning and repairs, hot line maintenance and for operation where
continuity of supply is the first consideration. All apparatus shall also be designed to ensure satisfactory operation under
the atmospheric conditions prevailing within close proximity to the steelworks, and under such sudden variations of load
and voltage as may be met with under working conditions on the system, including those due to faulty synchronizing and
short circuit.
The design shall incorporate every reasonable precaution and provision for the safety of all those concerned in the
operation and maintenance of the Works and of associated works supplied under the Contract.
All corresponding parts of all materials shall be made to gauge and shall be interchangeable. When required by the Client
the Contractor shall demonstrate this quality by actually interchanging parts. As far as possible all insulators, fittings and
conductor joints and clamps should be interchangeable with the equivalent items of the existing transmission system,
details of which are obtainable from the Engineer.
Unless another standard is specifically mentioned in this Specification, all materials used and provided under the Contract,
must, where such standard exists, be in accordance with the Standards of the International Electro‐technical Commission
or the British Standards Institution last published standard prior to the date of closing of Bids or in accordance with such
other authoritative standard appropriate to the country of manufacture as in the opinion of the Engineer ensures to be
equivalent or higher quality.
At the Bid stage, the standards to which the equipment is manufactured and to which materials conform must be clearly
stated if it is different from the standards of the IEC or BS.
If the Contractor offers materials or equipment which conform to standards other than those published by the
International Electro‐technical Commission or the British Standards Institution, full details of the differences between the
proposed standard and equivalent British Standard, in so far as they affect the design or performance of the equipment,
are to be supplied by the Contractor to the Engineer for approval. In this case a copy of the standards in the English
Language shall be provided to the Engineer.
All the applicable codes and standards are listed under each material.
Publications, standards and codes referred to in this Specification form part of this Specification to the extent specified
herein. Work on this Contract may comply with standards and codes other than the ones specified, provided that all of the
following conditions are met:
They are listed in the Contractor’s bid.
- A copy of alternative standards and codes including a comparative statement of salient design features duly certified
by the respective country’s Chamber of Commerce and their national standards organisation in the English language is
submitted within four weeks after Award of Contract.
The detailed technical requirements of these Specifications are met.
In the event of there being any inconsistency / conflict between the provision of this Specification, Standards defined under
this specification and the Conditions of Contract, the provisions of this specification shall prevail and shall be considered
as incorporated in the Contract.
Two sets of latest standards referred to / used in design, fabrication, testing of material and construction of transmission
lines shall be supplied at no extra cost to the Employer/Engineer at the respective stages of work on demand by the
The Contractor shall be responsible for any discrepancies, errors or omissions in the technical particulars, whether such
particulars have been approved by the Engineer or not.
The works and all plant, equipment and materials forming part of and employed on this contract shall comply in all respects
with all relevant aspects of the "Laws of Republic of Uganda, Bye Laws and Orders currently in force and also be complaint
with the above laws in the event they are amended.
The English language shall be used in all written communications and any documentation required for the contract,
between the Employer, the Engineer and the Contractor with respect to the Employer, the Engineer and the Contractor
with respect to the services to be rendered and with respect to all documents and drawings procured or otherwise agreed
by the Engineer.
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The design features of all equipment, all quantities and values which are required to be stated in the Schedules and all
dimensions on drawings whether prepared by the Contractor or not shall be stated in the International System of units (SI).
Angular measurement shall be in degrees, with 90 degrees comprising one right angle.
All correspondence on matters arising out of the Contract is to be addressed by the Contractor to the Engineer (one issue
per letter).
All work at site shall be carried out in such a manner as not to obstruct operations of any other Contractor on any Substation
or the operation of any existing Grid Substation.
The carrying out of all work included in the Contract shall be supervised by a sufficient number of qualified representatives
of the Contractor and full facilities and assistance shall be afforded by the Contractor for the Engineer to check the Works.
The supervisors shall have a good command of the English Language and any instruction given to them by the Engineer
shall be interpreted as having been given to the Contractor. The supervisors shall be well qualified by long training and
experience in the installation and operation of equipment of the charter covered by the specification. They shall supervise
and assist in installing, testing and placing in operation of the line complete with ancillary apparatus. For all purposes the
English language shall be used. The qualifications and experience of the Contractors proposed supervisory staff shall be
communicated to the Engineer for approval.
The Contractor shall obtain the details of the parts which the Engineer wishes to inspect, but such inspection shall in no
way exonerate the Contractor from any of his obligations. The Contractor, if requested by the Engineer, is to open up for
inspection before re‐erection any equipment which has been delivered to the Site partly assembled.
The Contractor shall keep the Site, on which he erects or stores plant, reasonably clean, removing all waste material
resulting from the Works as it accumulates and as reasonably directed. On completion of the Works the Site shall be left
clean and tidy to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Any damage done to buildings, structures and plant or property belonging
to the Employer shall be made good at the Contractor’s expense
The Contractor shall be responsible for satisfying himself as to the correctness of the electrical and mechanical connection
to all plant supplied under the Contract before such plant is brought into commission.
If at any time it appears to the Engineer that the Contractor will be unable to complete any section of the Works in the
time stipulated, then the Contractor shall, if required by the Engineer, carry on such outside normal working hours and
shall not make any claims for any extra expense thereby incurred unless, in the opinion of the Engineer, the delay is due
to causes for which the Contractor would be entitled to any extension of time under the Conditions of Contract.
If the Engineer shall certify that defects have shown themselves in the Works, the Contractor shall, for the purpose of the
maintenance after the completion of the Works provided for the Conditions of Contract, keep on Site a supervisory staff
of such numbers and for such periods as the Engineer may require.
The Contractor shall bear all expenses in connection with the importation ( except where exemption is clearly stated ) and
transportation to the Site of all plant, material and things needed for the purpose of the Contract including warehouse
rent, handling and other charges.
The Contractor shall observe any regulations which limit loads on the roads and bridges over which material may be
The handling and storage of any plant at the Site are to be at the risk of the Contractor and without responsibility to the
The Contractor shall arrange for the protection, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, of all material against corrosion and
mechanical damage during storage and erection at the Site. All damaged material will be replaced by the Contractor at his
own expense.
Locate main construction and site office within boundaries of the (project specified) area, at which location provide tool
crib and/or workshop, and also set aside and prepare areas and/or facilities necessary for the safe storage of material and
The Contractor shall fulfil all his obligations in respect of accommodation, feeding and medical facilities for all personnel
in his employment, in accordance with the responsibilities imposed on him or as necessary to ensure satisfactory execution
of the Contract.
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He is also to comply with the requirements of all local Statutory Employment Regulations. The Contractor shall be
responsible for the behaviour on Site of all personnel employed by him including his subcontractors.
Unless stated specifically to the contrary in the Bid with full supporting explanations, the Contractor will be deemed to
have concurred as a practical manufacturer with the design and layout of the Works as being sufficient to ensure reliability
and safety in operation, freedom from undue stresses and satisfactory performance in all other essentials as a working
The Contract shall include the whole of the Works which are described in or implied by the Contract document. All matters
omitted from the Contract document, which may be inferred to obviously necessary for the efficiency, stability and
completion of the Works, shall be deemed to be included in the Contract Price.
Works shown upon the drawings and not mentioned or described in the Specification and works described in the
Specification and not shown on the drawings shall nevertheless be held to be included in this Contract and execution shall
be covered by the Contract Price in the same manner as if they had been expressly shown upon the drawings or described
in the Specification.
The Contractor shall in conjunction with the Engineer to set out terminal tower positions from which the Contractor on his
own responsibility shall duly set out all other Works, but under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Engineer and
according to the drawings supplied or approved by the Engineer, and the Contractor shall also find all labor, stakes,
instruments and other things and do all other things necessary for the use of the Engineer for checking such setting out
and also for the periodical measurement of Works executed and materials supplied.
The Contractor’s representative on the Site or his nominated deputy shall be given full responsibility to enter into
negotiations regarding points arising out of erection, so that the work may be expedited with as few delays as possible.
The carrying out of all work on the Site included in this Contract shall be supervised throughout by a sufficient number of
qualified representatives of the Contractor who have had thorough experience of the erection and commissioning of
similar works.
Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor shall supply the whole of the labor and equipment required for the completion
of the Works.
Until each section of the Works has been taken over or deemed to have been taken over under the Conditions of Contract,
the Contractor shall be entirely responsible (as is provided in the Conditions of Contract) for such section of the Works,
whether under construction, during tests or in use for the Employer’s service.
During the period of maintenance, the Contractor shall make such arrangements as to ensure the attendance on the Site,
within a reasonable time of his being called upon to do so, of a competent representatives for the purpose of carrying out
any work of maintenance for which the Contractor shall be liable and during such part or parts of the said period as the
Engineer shall deem it necessary, the said representative shall be continuously available on the Site.
Any work, which may be necessary for the Contractor to carry out in pursuance of his obligations under the Conditions of
Contract, shall be carried out so as to interfere as little as practicable with the normal operation of the generating station
or substations. Work on the Site shall be carried out at such time and during such hours as the Engineer may require.
Safety and security of all works as defined in the contract is the responsibility of the Contractor until final taking over.
At the conclusion of the Contract, should it be desired to retain possession of all or any of the Contractor’s plant or
equipment the Employer shall be at liberty to do so upon paying for the same such price as shall be fixed by the Engineer,
in case of difference, as shall be fixed by Professional valuer.
All equipment shall be carefully packed for transport by sea, rail and road, and in such a manner that the packing provides
adequate protection against all climatic conditions experienced in transit and storage on site during the construction period.
Refer to Section VI‐1, General Technical Requirements.
Contractor to be ensure that the equipment storage areas are located away from ecologically sensitive areas including
Wetlands, Central Forest Reserves, among others, and that these areas are fenced off to discourage idlers and
unauthorized persons from accessing the sites.
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This specification includes the provision and erection of slack spans between the terminal towers and substation structures
or ground anchor blocks. T‐connectors fixing to slack span conductors, jumper conductors and connectors suitable for
fixing to substation equipment shall be supplied and erected. The scope of doing the down lead conductors from the Gantry
to the line bay equipment shall be with the Substation Contractor Information regarding the size of those substation
connectors shall be obtained from the Employer.
All castings shall be as free from blowholes, flaws and cracks as is practicable. No welding, filling or plugging of defective
parts shall be done without the sanction of the Engineer and then only with his approval in writing.
All cast‐iron shall be of close‐grained quality approved by the Engineer.
In all cases where fabrication welds are liable to be highly stressed, such as may be the case in parts subject to reversal of
stresses in operation, the Contractor shall supply the Engineer with a general arrangement drawing of the fabrication and,
at a later date, but before fabrication commences, a detailed drawing of all proposed weld preparations on the fabrication.
Before such welding commences the Contractor shall satisfy the Engineer that the welders or welding operators are
qualified in accordance with the requirements of the appropriate section of BS 4872 or other relevant Standard
Specification approved by the Engineer. After scrutinizing the general arrangement and welding detail drawings the
Engineer shall inform the Contractor of the stages at which inspection will be required. It shall be the Contractor’s
responsibility to notify the Engineer when one or more of the inspection stages will be reached and no further work shall
be carried out until the specified stage has passed the Engineers inspection. In addition to the above, the Engineer reserves
the right to visit the Contractor’s Works at any reasonable time during fabrication of the items of plant and to familiarize
himself with the progress made and the quality of the work to date. In the event of the Contractor wishing to make an
alteration to any part of the weld preparation, he shall first submit to the Engineer a copy of the revised drawing showing
the amended preparation in detail and await confirmation of its acceptance or non‐acceptance.
All important welding that, according to the Employer, may be subject to excessive efforts or do not seem to comply with
the standards, may be x‐rayed at his request.
All the small pieces such as: washers, bolts, screws, nuts, counter‐nuts (if they are not made of stainless) and steel supports
shall be hot‐dip galvanized.
The material including: bolts, nuts and counter‐nuts, unless otherwise indicated, shall be corrected and galvanized, once
the manufacturing work is completed, in accordance with Standard.
All the steel presenting defective galvanization or important imperfections shall be galvanized once more. In cases of major
defects or damages, no repair shall be permitted either at the plant or at the site. Repair procedures such as metallic
outpouring, welding or similar methods shall not be permitted either. In case of steel being rejected because of defects or
major damages on the galvanized surface, such steel must be treated with acid, corrected and properly prepared for hot
dip re‐galvanization.
The zinc coating must be clean, smooth, of even thickness, with no defects and firmly adhered to the metallic surface. The
Supplier must replace a galvanized piece which is imperfect or presents important defect. All the holes in the galvanized
pieces must be free from knots and/or zinc concentration.
The defects of lesser importance in well located places, may be considered as minor if the bare metal is not exposed in
these places. The surface must not present any trace of rust or lack of adherence of the original coating.
Repair on the previously mentioned minor defects shall be permitted using touch‐ups performed with special paint
according to a method proposed by the Supplier which must be accepted by the Employer.
These defects include non‐adherence of zinc on the steel, galvanization excessive thickness variations, thick zinc deposits,
excessive roughness or any other defect showing that the galvanizing was not applied according to applicable standard.
Such defects, caused by defective application of acid dip, presence of grease, lamination, inadequate draining and handling
of the vertically immersed steel or any other factors that result in a defective galvanization, shall constitute cause for
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Also, the thinning of the zinc coating to the extent of exposing the bare metal shall be considered a major defect.
Consequent damage caused by abrasion during shop handling when loading and unloading will be cause for rejection.
The Contract must obtain approval for all suppliers prior to order placement. Copies of all sub‐contracted plant and
material orders, including revisions thereto, shall be submitted to the Engineer at the time any such order is placed. The
Contractor shall also provide details and obtain approval from the Engineer local sub‐Contractors before such subcontracts
are placed. The Engineer reserves the right to withdraw his consent to local sub‐contract arrangement if such are
considered unsuitable, but consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Please note that the Contractor shall provide the
list of reputable suppliers only, the Employer has the right to reject any manufacturer proposed by the Contractor in case
the manufacturer does not have sufficient international and local supplier record. The Contractor to ensure only reputable
suppliers will be included in their bid. In case of rejection of supplier, the associated cost if any to the Contractor shall be
borne by the Contractor.
The manufacturers and the places of manufacture, testing and inspection of the various portions of the Work shall be as
stated in Schedule ‘E’
A detailed programme of tests which shall be carried out at the works during manufacture shall be submitted. A short
description of facilities and equipment of the testing stations are to be mentioned in the relevant schedule.
Access to the Contractor's and sub‐Contractor's Works shall be granted to the representatives of the Engineer for the
purpose of inspection, testing and ascertaining progress.
The following drawings which must be of a sufficient standard to indicate clearly all manufacturing and structural details
must be prepared by Contractor and accompany each Bid. Failure to submit the drawings will lead to bid rejection.
Sag tension calculations
Outline and general arrangement for all basic types of towers or supports, with main dimensions, steel qualities,
design spans, body and leg extensions. Wire clearance diagrams for each tower type, for specified swing angle.
Tower weight schedule for each type of tower along with body and leg extensions
Details of types of foundations for the above
Foundation excavation, concrete and back fill volumes along with reinforcement weight.
Layout of one tower earthing system.
Conductor dead‐end assembly with jumper terminals.
Conductor mid‐span joints.
Conductor repair sleeves.
Conductor Spacers
Vibration dampers.
OPGW dead‐end assembly with jumper terminals
OPGW mid‐span joints
OPGW suspension and Tension clamps general arrangement.
All other fittings of OPGW not specifically mentioned above.
Polymer Insulator 120kN & 160kN
Suspension insulator strings and clamps with all fittings.
Tension insulator strings and clamps with all fittings.
Jumper Suspension insulator strings and clamps with all fittings. Light Duty Tension insulator strings and clamps
with all fittings.
Conductor final tension charts.
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OPGW final tension charts.
132kV underground cable and accessories
Drawings and/or other data indicating the method of tension stringing to be adopted.
Drawings need have leading dimensions only. Tower and support drawings should have provisional dimensions of main
members and should indicate the necessary clearance dimensions for structures for still air and maximum swing of
insulator and jumpers called for in this Specification.
The conductor and OPGW tension charts are to show final sags and tensions for a range of equivalent spans between
approximately 50 % and 200 % of the basic span in still air at maximum, every day, and minimum temperature, and the
tension at minimum temperature under full wind.
The successful Contractor will be required at the time of the letting of the Contract to supply additional copies of such
drawings submitted with his Bid as may be selected by the Engineer. These drawings together with copies of the drawings
originally issued with the Bid documents will then be bound up either in the Contract document or in a separate folder and
will be signed both by the Employer and the Contractor for purposes of identification.
Working drawings of all the materials to be used shall be submitted in one original, three copies and one soft copy to the
Engineer for approval before the work is put in hand, and at an early stage of the contract. The following essential drawings
shall be submitted for approval;
Preliminary survey map.
Check/Profile survey/designs and drawings.
Detailed wire clearance diagrams for all towers showing any special equipment required e.g. insulator set extension
linkages, weighted pilot suspension insulator sets, etc.
Tower design calculations and stress diagrams, or computer input and results printout together with calculated
foundation loading data should be provided. In addition to this, hand design calculations should be provided for a
suspension tower if computer printouts are provided.
Tower loading diagrams and tower outline diagrams.
General arrangement drawings, erection diagrams and material lists for each type of tower, tower extension,
auxiliary cross‐arm, cross‐arm extension and any other special supports, extension and parts of supports (as required)
giving total weights of steel work above and below ground and showing all types of foundation stub steel work,
details of insulator and OPGW clamp attachment, and buried earth wire connections to the tower base, complete
with all necessary information, stub setting templates.
Tower accessory drawings and details
Foundation / Pile foundation design calculations for each type of foundation used together with detailed foundation
drawings, reinforcement schedules and stub setting template drawings.
Sag templates
Access route maps
Material schedules and line schedules. These schedules may be combined.
Wind span/angle of deviation charts for each types of tower.
(m) Each type of complete insulator set including all fittings and component parts.
Each component of complete insulator sets.
Each conductor and OPGW fitting e.g. vibration damper, armour rods, mid‐ span joint, jumper terminal, OPGW
suspension and tension clamping arrangements and components, etc.
Design/final conductor and OPGW sag and tension calculations and charts. Creep calculations and creep
compensation proposals for the conductor together with erection/initial sag and tension calculations and erection
Conductor and OPGW drums.
Tower Identification Plates.
After approval of drawings by the Engineer, the Contractor shall supply further or revised copies. Further copies of
particular drawings shall be provided if required. Except as otherwise specifically approved, all drawings shall be of size not
greater than A0 (namely 841 x 1189 mm) nor smaller than A4 (namely 210 x 297 mm).
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If the Contractor requires early approval of any drawing to avoid delay in the delivery of the Contract Works, he shall advise
the Engineer to such effect when submitting the drawings. However for each design review the Engineer has 28 days. After
receipt of the comments, the Contractor should return the drawings within 10 days.
It is to be understood, however, that approval of the drawings shall not exonerate the Contractor from any responsibility
in connection with the work.
All drawings submitted by the Contractor or by a sub‐Contractor shall have the following particulars in the lower right‐
hand corner in addition to the Contractor’s name, date, scale, number and title of the drawing, contract number and plant
Revision details are to be clearly and comprehensively recorded. Reference to the revision shall be made by a suffix to the
drawing number. All prints shall be folded to A4 size and the title, drawing number and revision suffix shall remain visible.
Maintain at each office and site office a complete set of updated drawings and design briefs.
Any submittal not signed as checked and approved by the Contractor will be returned without review or comment.
Any work done before the Engineer’s review shall be at the Contractor’s risk and any necessary design changes to comply
with the requirements and objectives of the documents comprising the Contract shall be made by the Contractor.
The Engineer has the right to require the Contractor to make any changes to the drawings and designs which may be
necessary, in the opinion of the Engineer, to make the Works conform to the intent of the Specification.
Every drawing shall have adjacent to the title block an outlined clear section not less than 75 x 75 mm in size for the
Engineer’s use and stamps.
All the above mentioned drawings and design reports submitted to the Employer and approved by the Engineer shall
become the sole property of the Employer. The Contractor shall transfer all the rights with respect to the above designs
and drawings to the Employer so that the Employer can use them without any restrictions and conditions for his use in
A detailed programme of work in MS Project or Prima Vera, resource schedule and detailed organization chart must be
enclosed along with the Bid. The programme should also be submitted in soft copy in MS Project or Prima Vera along with
the Bid.
Within 1 month of the contract award, submit to the Engineer in four copies for review and approval a Line of Balance
diagram covering the complete phase of the work, detailing the plant manufacture, delivery and erection programme for
the transmission lines.
Ensure dates are compatible with deliveries of materials and equipment as indicated in the Critical Path Network and
clearly indicate on the line of balance diagram the interface with these and other necessary items.
Updated and submit monthly to the Engineer the Line of Balance diagram which reflects progress up to the report date.
An approval given in such circumstance shall not be considered as consent to an extension of the period of contract.
On all updates, clearly differentiate and indicate the actual work progress for each item. If requested by the Engineer,
prepare and submit within 3 weeks for review and approval a Detailed Line of Balance diagram in which all the various
aspects of the work are shown on a per crew or per gang basis.
The Contractor shall monthly furnish the Engineer's site representative a summary of construction work he proposes to
carry out during the following two weeks including exact locations, name of gangs leader, number of gangs involved, time
of start and completion. If these are not provided then the Engineer will use his own best estimate to determine the same
at the time of any claims.
Submit to the Engineer for review and approval within 6 weeks of the contract award the drawing schedule:
An estimate of the total number of drawings to be submitted for the Engineer’s review and their rates of submittal
on a month‐to‐month basis.
A drawing schedule, Include all design briefs and calculations.
Include but not be limited to the drawing, brief or calculation number, title, revision number, dates of submission, current
status, dates of approval and dates of issue to the Site.
Upon review, update the drawing schedule and submit to the Engineer monthly. Ensure the current status and progress of
all drawings, briefs and calculations are clearly shown. Ensure the Drawing Schedule allows one month exclusive of mailing
time for the Engineer’s review.
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Send two copies of packing lists for each shipment to Engineer’s Site Office and two to Engineer’s Head Office.
Prepare and submit monthly to the Engineer an order placement status which shows the status of all orders covering all
the materials for the Work.
Ensure the first submission is within four weeks of the contract award. Include un‐priced copies of all requisitions and
purchase orders. Indicate the actual progress as well as the scheduled progress. Include but not be limited to a brief
description of the equipment or material, the vendor, the order number the start date and the finish date.
The Bidder shall provide as a minimum the following technical information, in the English language, at the time of
submitting his proposal:
(a) Drawings (refer Clause 32)
(b) Work control schedules
(c) Completed technical data schedules
(d) Type test reports
(e) Quality assurance program
(f) Complete set of catalogues
(g) Manufacturer’s authorization and qualification documents.
The successful Bidder shall provide the following additional information before proceeding with the manufacturing of
equipment or during that period:
(a) Drawings schedules
(b) Assembly drawings, list of materials, etc.
(c) Instruction and service manuals
(d) Paint samples, if requested by Purchaser
(e) Test reports and certificates
(f) Program of shop tests
(g) Packing drawings, if requested by Purchaser
(h) Marking models, if requested by Purchaser
(i) List of tests required for commissioning
(j) Detailed guide for installation
(k) Detailed guide for commissioning
(l) Work control schedules
(m) Progress report
The Contractor is responsible for any discrepancies, errors or omissions in the submittals whether these have been
reviewed by the Engineer or not, provided that such discrepancies, errors and omissions are not due to inaccurate
information or particulars furnished in writing by the Engineer to the Contractor.
Prepare and submit to the Engineer monthly a Project Progress Report commencing the first month after the signing of
the contract.
Ensure each Report contains information on the preceding month’s progress, the current status and the expected trends
of the Work. Progress and trends shall be illustrated by means of charts, diagrams, drawings, photographs and tabulations
on format acceptable by the Engineer.
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Ensure the whole of the work is covered by a summary chapter or section. Ensure individual aspects or groups such as
engineering, procurement, manufacture, factory and field testing, delivery, construction, commissioning, maintenance,
and staffing and equipment are covered by separate chapters or sections.
Ensure the section on staffing and equipment includes but is not limited to summaries of the number of gangs for various
aspects (concreting, stringing, etc.), the number of persons in various classifications (labourers, foremen, surveyors, cooks,
engineers, etc.), and the total number of people, all on a monthly and cumulative basis. Also ensure a listing of major
equipment (trucks, cranes, etc.) is included on a monthly basis and purchase and usage of local materials (cement, etc.)
are included on a monthly and cumulative basis.
Ensure the inclusion of all identifiable problems, crises and achievements, movements of labour, equipment personnel,
and qualitative and quantitative information on the progress.
Develop and use a standard format that is acceptable to the Engineer.
If during execution of the Contract the Engineer considers the progress position of any section of the work to be
unsatisfactory, he shall be at liberty to call such meetings, as he deems to be necessary. If required by the Engineer, a
responsible representative from the Contractor’s works shall attend such meetings.
Access to the Contractor’s and sub‐Contractor’s works shall be granted to the Engineer at all reasonable times for the
purpose of ascertaining progress.
In general terms, the manufacturing quality assurance program must be in compliance with ISO 9000 standards. The
Purchaser reserves the right to verify the document pertaining to the manufacturer’s quality assurance program, as well
as the application of the same in the manufacturing plant.
In general the assembly of all the equipment components shall be carried out in the manufacturer's workshops so that it
shall possible to perform inspections, tests, etc. that will ensure a subsequent satisfactory operation. The exceptions to
this rule will only be possible upon Purchaser's consent.
The Purchaser's authorized representatives shall have the right of access to the plant and to inspect and verify the quality
of materials used in the manufacturing process.
All materials used in the Contract Works are subject to inspection by all Engineers and it is the Contractor’s responsibility
to advise the Engineer when equipment and materials are available for inspection.
The Contractor shall carry out the tests stated in Schedule ‘F’ in accordance with the condition thereof and such additional
tests as in the opinion of the Engineer are necessary to determine that the Works comply with the conditions of this
specification either under test conditions (in the manufacturer’s works, on the Site, or elsewhere), or in ordinary working.
Type tests may be omitted at the discretion of the Engineer if satisfactory evidence is given of such tests already made on
identical equipment.
All materials used shall also be subject to and shall withstand satisfactorily such routine tests as are customary in the
manufacture of the types of plant or material included in the works.
All tests shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the Engineer and, if required, in his presence at such reasonable times as
he may require.
As many tests as in the opinion of the Engineer are possible shall be arranged together. Six copies of the Contractor’s
records of all tests shall be supplied to the Engineer no later than two weeks of completion of the test.
Measuring apparatus shall be approved by the Engineer and if required shall be calibrated at the expense of the Contractor
at an approved laboratory.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the proper testing of work completed or plant or materials supplied by sub‐
Contractor to the same extent as if the work, plant or materials were completed or supplied by the Contractor himself.
The Contractor shall supply suitable test pieces of all materials as required by the Engineer. If required by the Engineer
test specimens shall be prepared for check testing and forwarded at the expenses of the Contractor to an independent
testing Employer selected by the Engineer.
The costs of all tests and/or analysis shall (except so far as otherwise provided by this Specification) be borne by the
Contractor, but the cost of check tests and/or analysis effected elsewhere than at the manufacturer's works or on the Site
and the results of which are approved will be refunded to the Contractor by the Employer. Costs incurred by the Engineer
and/or the Employer in attending repeat tests brought about as a result of a failure shall be borne by the Contractor.
No inspection or passing by the Engineer or work, plant or materials whether carried out by the Contractor or Sub‐
Contractor, shall relieve the Contractor from his liability to complete the Contract Works in accordance with the Contract.
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If type tests have been performed on identical material or equipment, within a period not exceeding 8 years from contract
date, the results may be accepted provided that the reports of the tests are submitted within the following 30 days after
signature of the contract.
The Supplier must submit to the Purchaser a detailed program of tests for review, at least two months before the tests
take place.
The Contractor shall provide onsite training to the Employer's staff during all stages of the installation works.
In addition, the Contractor shall provide specific training as follows:
Training for four (4) Civil Engineers in their main design offices.
Training shall be specific to this Project and shall include, but not limited to:
Foundation design,
Tower design and detailing,
Use of PLS‐Tower or similar tower design software and
Use of the PLS‐CADD or similar profiling software, both of which shall be provided as part of the Contract
Training for three (3) Electrical Engineers in their main design offices.
Training shall be specific to this Project and shall include, but not limited to:
New transmission line design considerations
Insulation coordination
Conductor selection, thermal ratings and ampacity
Wind‐induced conductor and insulator motions
Electrical environmental design criteria: Radio signal interference, Television reception interference, Audible
noise, Electromagnetic fields, Corona performance,
Clearances (switching overvoltage, lightening overvoltage, minimum approach and working distance)
Transmission line earthing, lighting protection and short circuit analysis.
Components design, ratings
The Contractor shall submit for review/approval by the Engineer/Employer the course content one month before
the commencement of the training. Each of the Employer's Engineers will be required to spend a minimum of
four (4) weeks at the Contractor’s design offices for training purposes.
The Contractor shall provide for each UETCL staff, the following:
Economy class return air ticket (from Kampala to places of training).
Visa expenses, airport taxes and other travel expenses as required plus local transportation.
Coverage of hotel accommodation (full board) and all additional project‐related expenses.
Training material and manuals.
The Cost of the training shall be deemed included in the Contract price
The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval fully detailed operating and maintenance instructions for
compressors and the method of making compression joints and any other working equipment before commencement of
the conductor stringing. They shall be as simple and clear as possible, fully illustrated with drawings and diagrams as
necessary and detailed with part numbers for ordering of replacements. Two copies shall be supplied for the use of the
Engineer during erection work.
A further six copies shall be reproduced as a book or books of approximately A4 size and bound into strong black durable
imitation leather covers inscribed upon the front generally in the form of the title page to this document except that the
references to Specification, Conditions of Contract, Drawings, etc., shall be replaced by “Operating and Maintenance
The finished books shall be handed over to the Employer not later than one month before the Taking‐over Certificate is
issued for the last transmission line on this Contract. All submissions must also be in soft copies.
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Prior to carrying out erection of conductors and/or ground wires along or over power lines, telecommunication lines, public
roads notify the appropriate authorities of the day and time at which the work will be carried out and ensure adequate
safety measures are taken to avoid damage or injury to public property, private property or citizens.
Where the transmission line crosses over a railway, cradle guards shall be fitted. Similar guards may be fitted at crossings
over telecommunication lines as directed by the Engineer where the guards are required during the course of contract.
Guard wires shall be adequately earthed.
The angle of crossing over railways shall be not less than 60° degree.
For clearances please refer to schedule under Section VI‐3, Material Specifications.
If required, the overall balance of electrical characteristics of the system will be established by suitable phase connections
at substation terminals, and by phase transpositions midway between substations, or as approved by the Engineer.
The dates of testing, manufacture, delivery and completion of the Contract Works shall be as stated in Schedule C which
also sets out the dates by which the Contractor shall require access to the site. The required completion date is stated in
Clause 34. The power given to the Engineer to vary any of the work shall include the power to vary from time to time the
dates stated in Schedule F for the execution of the work detailed in the Schedules or part thereof. Any costs occasioned by
such variation shall be certified by the Engineer and added to or deducted from the contract Price as the case may require.
The Bid is to be accompanied by any necessary additional detailed specification of the various items of plant and equipment,
which are offered and the Schedules in the Specification are to be completed. Notwithstanding any description, drawings
or illustrations which may be submitted with the Bid, will be deemed to be in accordance with the Specification and the
standard specifications and codes referred to therein. No departures from the Specification, excepting those shown in the
tabulated statement and approved by the Employer, are to be made without the written approval of the Engineer.
The Contractor shall guarantee the efficient and good working of the Plant supplied under the Contract for a period of one
year from the date on which the Employer takes over the Plant in accordance with the General Conditions of Contract.
Any spare material shall be strictly interchangeable with the parts for which it is intended, packed or treated in such a
manner as to be suitable for storage in the climate at the site for an indefinite period and each part is to be clearly marked
for identification purposes, outside the package where applicable. Spare tower or support material shall be delivered in
sets for each individual support. In addition, a selection of plain, undrilled, rolled steel angles in 6 m lengths together with
plates, bolts and nuts are required as specified in Schedule H. This material shall be galvanised and be a representative
selection of the sizes and thickness used for the contract and shall be equal in strength to the highest grade of steel used
for the equivalent tower components. All packing remains the property of the Employer.
Spare conductor and earth wire are to be provided in continuous lengths of 2.5km on, non‐returnable steel drums
protected as specified and treated in an approved manner to resist termite and fungus attack during long term storage
and it should be transportable. Conductor supplies in short lengths will be rejected. Spare material so provided shall be
delivered into such stores as may be nominated by the Employer and delivery will not be deemed to be complete until
packaged material has been checked by a representative of the Employer and a receipt obtained. A copy of the receipt
must accompany the invoice when requesting payment. Prior to the handing over date for contract spares the Contractor
shall be responsible for all security arrangements and the safe custody of the spare materials.
The Contractor shall also be required to supply and deliver to the Employer as advised tools and equipment necessary for
maintenance of the lines. The Bider shall accordingly complete appropriate schedule and give detailed characteristics of
the proposed tools and appliances with drawings and descriptions.
The Employer reserves the right to order within three months prior to taking over certificate of such items of spares, tools
and equipment and in such quantities as it deems advisable.
The “As Built” submittals shall comprise a complete record of the transmission line for immediate and future record.
Records shall be on paper and electronic format.
They shall be submitted in a format acceptable to the Engineer before the Takeover Certificate is issued. Each transmission
line shall be treated separately and to this extent, drawings, shall be duplicated as required.
All drawings shall be suitably grouped and bound into book‐like formats. Each book shall have its own Title page and
drawing index, as well as the master drawing index. Suitable groupings are: Towers; Foundations, Overhead Ground Wires
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and Conductor attachments; Air craft Warning Spheres, Sags and Tensions including templates; Route maps and plans and
profiles; Structure lists.
The following records shall also be submitted as above:
Details of access roads
Detailed Foundations records: Foundations Selection Criteria, and correlation data, details of each foundation, soil
description, penetrometer readings or other soil test data, height of water table, special measures taken, details of anti‐
corrosion precautions, descriptions of imported backfill and borrow pit locations, pile records, other relevant data.
Detailed grounding records: details of grounding and ground resistance measurements for each structure.
Stringing and sagging record sheets: ruling span, control span, check spans, sagging spans and details of temperature and
actual observed sags. Indicate approximate position of each conductor and overhead ground wire joint.
Spacer damper and vibration damper record sheets showing the actual sub‐span length between spacer damper units in
each span, distance between conductor clamp and vibration damper and between vibration dampers.
OPGW splice boxes location, tower Nº, installation scheme, repeater stations etc.
Material list of Towers
All the drawings should have the stamped as “AS BUILT”.
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