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Free Public Domain eBooks: Where to Download Guide

Where to Download Free Public Domain
Many people are purchasing e-readers, tablets, and smartphones with the intention of
amassing a large collection of ebooks. Not everyone can afford to purchase books from
Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Kobo on a regular basis and so they turn to free books on
the internet. Public domain books are free because the copyright on them has expired. If
you are looking for a great place to get free ebooks, we will list the best sources.
The main format of ebooks in the public domain are EPUB, which is the format of choice
on 95% of all reading devices. Amazon uses its own proprietary format, but a number of
Public Domain sources have them available in MOBI, which is the version you want if
you have any model of the Kindle. If you find a great source of ebooks and they are only
available in EPUB, you can use a free program like Calibre to convert them from one
format to another. We have filmed over 40 different video tutorials using Calibre that
will teach you how to do this. Watch them HERE!
Feedbooks – Requires no registration and you can easily browse by author or title.
eBooks are available in EPUB format and do not have DRM.
Books Should be Free – Public domain ebooks and audiobooks abound on this site. It
has a great layout and genre specific categories that make discovering content quite
easy. The audio content is delivered in MP3 format, which should work well with most
players and readers. The one great aspect of this site is the ebook formats that are
supported. You can get them in EPUB, PDA, Mobi, and TXT files. This ensures you can
get books and not have to worry about converting their formats.
eBooks@Adelaide – The University of Adelaide in Australia has amassed a fairly
respectable collection of ebooks. Some of the books are only viewable in your webbrowser and others can be downloaded to your PC. The books are available in the MOBI
and EPUB formats, and the site also supports “Read it Later” or has a print option! It has
a blog style layout and it’s not too terribly intuitive, but if you know what you are
searching for, it is a viable solution. It is important to note that Australian copyright law
is different from the USA and the rest of the world.
Protect Gutenberg – Considered by most people to be the most definitive website for
public domain ebooks. People tend to like this website because they have over 30,000
different books and support many different e-readers. All of the books listed tend to
have pages integrated at the beginning of everything you download, so you don’t forget
where it came from.
MobileRead – The Mobile Read forum community is a solid source to find public
domain ebooks. It has a different layout then most of the other stores on this list,
because it runs forum software. People dig this website because you can request
specific books not included in the main list and people will try and dig them up for you.
This helps with obscure open sourced books that stem from other countries. One great
thing is it supports the mainstream formats as well as old Sony and Microsoft
Google Books – Google not only has a paid bookstore that is a part of the Google Play
ecosystem, but it also offers millions of free books. The company has partnered with
academic libraries all over the world to digitize their entire archives. This ensures that
books from all over Europe are available for the entire world to download. You will find
one of a kind books here. Google has even converted the Dead Sea Scrolls over to
ebook format!
eBooks by Sainsbury’s – There are over 1000 public domain books available as eBooks
to be downloaded. This amount will continue to grow as they add to the classics already
listed in their collection.