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Basic Electronics Assignment #1

Assignment # 1
Due Date: 22nd April 2022
Total Marks:
Please provide a complete solution.
Assignment must be Handwritten. Do the Assignment on Assignment papers / A4 page. Don’t tear
pages of registers and diaries.
Plagiarism or Cheating is not allowed. Even if you cheat in only one question, you will be marked
zero in the entire assignment.
Title page of Assignment must include:
Course Name, Assignment no., Your Full name, Your Full Roll no., Your Section, and Teacher’s full name.
Strictly Follow the instructions, otherwise Assignment will not be graded/accepted.
Write down the names of type of Switches and how they work? (5 marks)
Write down the working and symbols of thermistor, photoconductive cell, and strain gauge?
(5 marks)
The potentiometer connected as a rheostat in Figure is used to
control the current to a heating element. When the rheostat is adjusted
to a value of 8Ω or less, the heating element can burn out. What is the
rated value of the fuse needed to protect the circuit if the voltage across
the heating element at the point of maximum current is 100 V and the
voltage across the rheostat is the difference between the heating element
voltage and the source voltage? (5 marks)
A 6 V source is connected to a resistor by two 12 ft lengths of 18-gauge copper wire. The total
resistance is the resistance of both wires added to the resistor. Determine the following: (5 marks)
(a) Current
(b) Resistor voltage drop
(c) Voltage drops across each length of wire
Note: The resistance values of wires are given in the table-3 page 52.
A 120 V lamp-dimming circuit is controlled by a rheostat and protected from excessive current by a
2 A fuse. To what minimum resistance value can the rheostat be set without blowing the fuse? Assume a
lamp resistance of 15Ω. Repeat Problem for a 110 V circuit and a 1 A fuse. (5 marks)
Answer all the 14 questions in the application Activity on the book (starting at the page no. 63.)
(15 marks)
Answer all the 10 questions in the application Activity on the book (starting at the page no. 94.)
(10 marks)