Kenneth link 6/2/2022 4.01 Conservation Mrs. Beccaagel Darnold 1. in Community conservation they talk bout how tourist coming to Rwanda, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo to catch a glimpse of gorillas it also states that with tourist coming means money and more jobs and a better standard living for the people and it helps the gorillas population grow because the animal is an important resource to the environment. In Using forests wisely, it states that what if the tale you use in Ur home would you use it if you knew if they we dying and kicking the indigenous people where it came from. 2. well in Community Conservation the social problem would be that over the years people have destroyed the gorilla's habitat and poaching has had a big toll on them but the solution would be that instead of trying to change the problem by yourself having your local community starting a protest could help the point bout the gorilla's habitat Community Conservation the economic delay for scientist could be because “26% - increase in the mountain gorilla population in the Virunga volcanoes since 2003, up from 380 to 480” so either way there earning benefits from the situation and in Using Forest Wisley the reason scientist had an economic Dely was because it was basically the same thing in the other passage “1.4 million sq km – area of forest certified by the FSC. That’s an area more than twice the size of France.81 – number of countries with FSC-certified forests.40% – forest area of Europe and North America certified by the FSC.US$73bn – annual sales of forest-based products by members of our Global Forest & Trade Network” either way the scientist was benefited both passages they both had people/communities come together to raise money, food, soil, natural resources, etc. Doing this people were able to help tribes, the forest, animal population. In the end standing together to help fix something is better than standing by yourself.