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English Lesson Plan: Verbs & The Legend of the Pineapple

A Detailed Lesson Plan
in Teaching English 5
I. Objectives
A. Identify what is a story and a verb.
B. Answer the questions taken from the story.
C. Show appreciation in Philippine literature.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Verb/The Legend of the Pineapple
Reference: https://www.scribd.com/document/230024432/The-Legend-of-thePineapple
Materials: Manila paper, marker, printed copy of word boxes, tape, laptop,
powerpoint presentation, copy of the story, projector, pictures
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity
A. Preliminaries
1. Review
Pupil’s Activity
Kids, can you still remember the story
that we’ve discussed yesterday?
Yes ma’am.
What does the story all about?
It is all about the monkey and the turtle
Correct! What character does the monkey
Greedy and selfishness ma’am.
Great! What character does the turtle also
Kind ma’am.
Very Good! What was the conflict of the
The conflict in the story is when the
monkey climb the banana tree that the
turtle which bears a banana fruit but the
greedy and selfishness monkey cheated
the turtle and never share the fruit even
though the turtle is begging to give him.
Bravo! What is the moral lesson that the
story has?
The moral lesson that the story has is that
don’t be greedy, it is better to give than to
Excellent! My pupils are very smart. You
really listened carefully yesterday. Clap (The pupils clap themselves.)
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
Kids, before we start our discussion for
today, let’s have a short game play first.
Yay! That would be enjoyable ma’am.
Sure, all of you would enjoy at this game. Oh! I love to play puzzles.
This is a word game. It consist of five So do I.
words to be solved in a puzzle type.
I will be grouping you into four and the
group who will be the one to finish Wow! Hoping that my group will be the
answering the word game will be having one to have that points.
twenty points as their reward. You will Me too.
answer it in five minutes.
Are you ready?
Yes ma’am.
(The teacher grouped the pupils into (The pupils joined at the group that their
teacher assigned them.)
I will be giving a short description on the
words so that you will have a clue in
Okay ma’am.
(The teacher pasted the manila paper that
contains the word puzzle with their (The pupils get the piece of paper from
description on the board. She also their teacher and started to study what
distributed a copy of the printed word might be the right words for the puzzle.)
puzzle in a bond paper at each group.)
1. A kind of fruit that has a leathery skin 1. A kind of fruit that has a leathery skin
and spiky leaves on top.
and spiky leaves on top.
2. The name of the girl in the Legend of 2. The name of the girl in the Legend of
the Pineapple.
the Pineapple.
3. The one that Pina called Nanay.
3. The one that Pina called Nanay.
4. An action words
4. An action words
5. A thing you do to have a breakfast, 5. A thing you do to have a breakfast,
snack, lunch. and dinner.
snack, lunch. and dinner.
You may now start.
Are you done?
Okay, take your time kids.
(The pupils began thinking the best word
that is fitted in the word boxes and write
their answers on their answer sheet.)
Not yet ma’am.
Yes ma’am.
Group B is done ma’am.
Very Good! Pass your paper now and we
will check your answer later.
(The leader of the Group B passed their
(After few minutes all the remaining
groups passed their paper too.)
(The leaders of the Group A, C and D
passed their papers too.)
Did you enjoy the game kids?
Yes ma’am, we enjoyed much.
All of you have cooperated with each (The pupils clap themselves.)
other. Clap yourselves.
2. Presentation
Today we are going to study verbs with
the story entitled The Legend of the (The pupils agree to their teacher by a
thumbs up.)
3. Unlocking of Difficulties
To further understand the story that I will
be reading, I have here a sentences with
underlined words. You will be reading
these and determined the meaning of the
underlined words through context clues.
Okay ma’am.
(The teacher presented the sentences
through the projector.)
1. Pina! Pina! Come over here anak.
2. What do you want, Nanay?
In the first sentence, what do you mean
by anak?
A daughter or son ma’am.
Great! In the second sentence, what do
you mean by nanay?
A mother ma’am.
Brilliant! Clap yourselves.
(The pupils clap themselves.)
4. Discussion
Kids, what is a story?
A story is about an events happened in
one siting ma’am.
Great! A story is a connected series of
events told through words, imagery, body (The pupils listened carefully.)
language, performance, music, or any
other form of communication.
Do you know the parts of the story?
The parts of the story are the characters,
setting, plot, conflict and resolution
Correct! What are the characters in a
The characters are the person in the story
Very Good! What is setting in a story?
Brilliant! What is the plot in a story?
Bravo! What is the conflict in a story?
Great! What is the resolution in a story?
It is the place where the story happens
It is the sequence of events in the story
Is is the clash between the two opposing
character ma’am.
It is the end of the story ma’am.
Now, I have here the story entitled The
Legend of the Pineapple. Sit erect and
listen carefully as I read the story so that Yes ma’am.
you can answer my questions later.
(The teacher started reading the story.)
(The pupils listened very well as their
teacher started reading the story.)
(The teacher finished reading the story.)
Okay. Since all of you have listened
carefully a while ago, I’m sure that all of
you can answer my questions.
Who are the characters in the story?
Correct! Where did the story happened?
Great! Who is Pina?
The characters in the story are Pina and
her mother ma’am.
The story happened in the village ma’am.
Pina was a lazy, spoiled kid who liked to
play in the backyard all day ma’am.
Very Good! Why does Pina became a
Because during that fateful day, Pina’s
mother cursed her that she would grow a
thousand eyes all over her head ma’am.
Bravo! What is the moral lesson of the
The moral lesson of the story is that we,
the children should be obedient,
hardworking and honest because making
lies will create consequences ma’am.
Excellent! Now, did you know that the
story that I’ve read is a Philippine
Yes ma’am.
Great! What are the ways that we show
an appreciation to our own literature?
Through reading and understanding what
it meant ma’am.
Correct! What else?
Very Good! What else?
Brilliant! Is there anymore answers?
By expanding our minds and providing
information to other people who don’t
know it ma’am.
By encouraging others to further expand
their thinking about the literature that we
have ma’am.
No more ma’am.
Okay! Now kindly study the picture that I
will be presenting at the board.
(The teacher presented the picture at the
(The pupils studied the picture that was
presented at the board.)
What do you think the picture depicts?
The picture that is presented at the board
shows that a boy is running ma’am.
Correct! What kind of word does running
Great? What do we mean if it is an action
Running belongs in an action words
It is all about a verb ma’am.
Very Good! Verbs are words that
describe actions, whether physical or
mental. It also describe a “state of being”,
like the verbs be, become, or exist. There
are two types of verbs and these are the (The pupils listened carefully to their
dynamic verbs and stative verbs. A teacher.)
dynamic (action) verb describe a physical
action or activity, something external that
can be seen or heard. It can also be called
action or event verbs. On the other hand,
a stative (state-of-being) verb describe a
subject’s state or feeling, including things
they like and don’t like.
An example of dynamic verbs are
running, dancing, walking, singing,
swimming, skiing, climbing, guessing,
growing, and etc.
For the stative verb, its examples are the
wants, needs, prefer, likes, dislikes, know,
involve, love, hate, and etc.
Now can you give other examples of
Correct! What else?
Great! What else?
Very Good! What else?
Brilliant! What else?
Amazing! You’re very smart kids. Clap
Yes ma’am. Talking ma’am.
Jumping ma’am.
Driving ma’am.
Waving ma’am.
Discussing ma’am.
(The pupils clap themselves.)
5. Generalization
To sum up our lesson, kindly make a
graphic organizer about a story and a Yes ma’am.
One graphic organizer for the story and Noted ma’am.
one graphic organizer for the verb.
Wow! Very creative kids. And, by seeing
these outputs, I can see that you already
understand our lesson. Clap yourselves.
(The pupils clap themselves.)
6. Application/Exercises
To test your knowledge about our lesson,
answer the following questions:
1. What is the title of the story?
2. Who are the characters in the story?
3. Where did the story happened?
4. What is the moral lesson of the story?
The Legend of the Pineapple.
Pina and her mother.
In the village.
We, the children should be obedient,
hardworking and honest because making
lies will create consequences.
5. What is an action word?
6. What is a connected series of events
told through words, imagery, body
language, performance, music, or any
other form of communication?
7. What do you call the characters,
setting, plot, conflict and resolution?
Parts of the Story.
IV. Evaluation
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. What is the title of the story?
A. The Legend of the Grapes.
B. The Legend of the Pineapple.
C. The Legend of the Lemon.
2. Who are the characters in the story?
A. Pina and her mother.
B. Pyona.
C. Princess.
3. Where did the story happen?
A. In the river.
B. In the road.
C. In the village.
4. What is an action words?
A. Verb.
B. Story.
C. Plot.
5. What is a connected series of events told through words or any other form
of communication?
A. Conflict.
B. Story.
C. Resolution
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. B
V. Assignment/Agreement
In a bond paper, draw a big pineapple. Color it and pass it tomorrow during
our class time.