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Purposes and Functions of Law: An Overview

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What Are The Purposes And Functions Of Law? - Law Corner
What Are The Purposes And Functions Of Law?
September 4, 2020 by Law Corner
Table of Contents
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1.1) 1. Maintaining Order:
1.2) 2. Establishing Standards:
1.3) 3. Resolving Disputes:
1.4) 4. Protecting Liberties and Rights:
[1]Through law, the information is passed regarding the system to the citizens
of the country in several ways. It is reflected also in various branches of law.
For instance, contract law quotes that the agreements are supposed to
exchange services, goods, or something which is of value in the eyes of law.
Therefore, it involves everything i.e. from purchasing a ticket to the trading
plans in the market.
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What Are The Purposes And Functions Of Law? - Law Corner
In furtherance to that, property law explains the rights and duties of each
individual towards the property. This may involve real estate along with their
respective possessions. Additionally, it involves intangible property like stock
shares and bank accounts. Several offences against state, federal, or any local
community appeared as to be a subject matter of criminal law.
Henceforth, it gives the government a significant system in which offenders
can be punished. There are numerous kinds of purposes which are served by
law. Out of many, there are four main which is as follows:
1. Maintaining Order:
The law is said to be an offshoot for the establishment of the standards. The
resembling nature is necessary for a civilized kind of society. Thus, a similar
thing is reflected upon the law. Further, the law when being enforced provides
a diligent consistency with the guidelines of the society. In addition to that,
wildlife management laws were passed in lieu of the game to be conserved
and so that it gets protected for future generations in the years to come.
2. Establishing Standards:
The law is a manner in which it shows a way to the minimum accepted
behaviour in society. There are few activities which are a crime for the society
to determine whether it will tolerate behaviours that may damage or injure
the person or their respective properties. For instance, it is a crime to injure
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What Are The Purposes And Functions Of Law? - Law Corner
an individual without the justification factor being met. Therefore, committing
the same can lead to the constitution of the crime i.e. assault.
3. Resolving Disputes:
Disputes are not supposed to be ignored in a society at large that consists of
people with several kinds of wants, needs, values, etc. Additionally, the law
gives a formal means to resolve the disputes which are under the court
4. Protecting Liberties and Rights:
The constitutions and the statutes of India give various rights and liberties in
their states. In addition to that, one of the functions of law is to protect
numerous rights and liberties from unreasonable kind of violations or
intrusions by organizations, persons or government. Henceforth, if an
individual believes that the freedom of speech has been forbidden by the
government then the respective individual can pursue the remedy through the
platform of bringing the case in the courts.
[2]The idea of the elements of law is critical. It is expected to clarify the idea
of law, to clarify disciplines related to law, to effectively decipher and apply
law, to pinpoint the cooperation of law with accepted practices and
establishments, to figure out which general standards to which the law ought
to adjust or go amiss, and to clarify the law inside the setting of regularizing
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What Are The Purposes And Functions Of Law? - Law Corner
reasoning. This part plans to add to the elaboration of the thorough
contemplated plan of the elements of the law. In it, the inquiries of the social
elements of law are recognized from the topic of grouping lawful standards
into particular standardizing types.
The four essential elements of law – forestalling unfortunate conduct and
making sure about attractive conduct which is acted in criminal law and torts;
giving offices to private courses of action between people, which is found in
private law, criminal, and tort law; arrangements of administrations and the
redistribution of merchandise found in legitimate frameworks; and settling
unregulated questions found in courts and councils – are talked about in the
section. It likewise handles the auxiliary and aberrant elements of the law. The
auxiliary elements of the law incorporate the assurance of methods for
changing the law and the guideline of the activity of law-applying organs.
Salmond’s supposition with respect to the capacity of law gives off an
impression of being sound and coherent. The expression “law’ indicates
various types of rules and standards. Law is an instrument that manages
human direct/conduct. Law implies Justice, Morality, Reason, Order, and
Righteousness from the view purpose of the general public. Law implies
Statutes, Acts, Rules, Regulations, Orders, and Ordinances from the
perspective of the council.
Law implies Rules of court, Decrees, Judgments, Orders of courts, and
Injunctions from the perspective of Judges. In this manner, Law is a more
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What Are The Purposes And Functions Of Law? - Law Corner
extensive term which incorporates Acts, Statutes, Rules, Regulations, Orders,
Ordinances, Justice, Morality, Reason, Righteous, Rules of court, Decrees,
Judgment, Orders of courts, Injunctions, Tort, Jurisprudence, Legal
hypothesis, and so on. Since the time the down of human development,
humankind has had a type of decide or that they used to govern itself in the
public arena laws set the standard wherein we should live in the event that we
need to be a piece of society.
Law set up rules and guidelines for society with the goal that we can
opportunity, offers Justice to the individuals who were wronged, and it set up
that it shields us from our own government. In particular, the law likewise
gives a system to determine debates emerging from those obligations and
rights and permits gatherings to uphold guarantees in a courtroom. As
indicated by Corley and Reed (1986), the law is a group of rules of the activity
or direct prescribed by controlling position and having lawful restricting
powers. Laws are made on the grounds that it keeps bedlam from occurring
inside the business condition and just as society. In business, the law sets
rules with respect to work administrative, consistency, even official guidelines.
[2] Joseph Raz, The Authority of Law: Essays on law and morality, OXFORD
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What Are The Purposes And Functions Of Law? - Law Corner
This article is authored by Jahnvi Pandey, First-Year, B.A. LL.B student
at University of Petroleum and Energy Studies.
Also Read – The Sentencing Policy – Process And Approaches
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