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Life is a Highway Song Analysis Essay

Life is a Highway Song Analysis Essay
“Life is a Highway” is a renowned country rock song written by Tom Cochrane
in 1991. Cochrane’s inspiration for this international hit emanated from a trip
to Eastern Africa with the World Vision famine relief organisation. During the
trip, Cochrane was shocked by the poverty he witnessed and was left
emotionally grieved by the experience. Upon returning home, he penned the
catchy anthem that reflects on the highs and lows of life. I chose this song
because it motivates everyone to make the most of their journey through life,
regardless of the hardships and challenges they face.
The target audience for this song is very wide as people of all ages can relate to
the song’s message and enjoy the tune. This is because the song uses an
upbeat rhythm and catchy lyrics like, “we won’t hesitate, to break down the
garden gate. There’s not much time left today, yeah!” Therefore, the lyrics in
this song have uplifted people of all ages to enjoy their life journey. This is why
I believe “Life is a Highway” appeals to a wide range of people including
younger and older generations.
One language feature used to convey the song’s main message is metaphor.
The key metaphor repeated in the chorus is, “life is a highway.” This metaphor
helps listeners to understand that just like you can’t stop on a highway, life is a
long journey that keeps moving regardless of whether you want it to stop.
Therefore, the song’s metaphor is used throughout the song to reinforce
Cochrane’s view that we should all value the journey called life.
Another language feature utilized throughout the song to emphasize the main
message is repetition. One example of repetition in the song is the use of
sometimes in the lines: “Sometimes you bend, sometimes you stand.
Sometimes you turn your back to the wind.” The songwriter repeats the word
“Sometimes” to help the listener recognise that life is constantly changing.
Thus, “Sometimes” is effective at emphasising the challenging yet everchanging voyage of life.
Overall, this classic seize-the-day anthem has made a great impact on me and
has encouraged me to make the most of every day. It has always been a
powerful song for me from my childhood when I first heard the song on the
Disney movie “Cars” to later in life when I would enjoy belting this song at the
top of my lungs on a road trip. Each time I listen to this song I am reminded
that life's a journey, "when there's one day here, and the next day gone."