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ICAEW Exam Calculator Policy: Approved Models & Rules

The calculator policy for ICAEW CFAB and ACA Certificate level exams differs depending on whether you are sitting
your exam at a test centre or remotely. However, following feedback from students, the policy has been reviewed for
remotely invigilated exams and will be updated from Friday 22 January 2021.
Exam centre
If you are sitting an exam in an exam centre, you will need to ensure that you bring your own calculator on the day of your exam, they will not be provided by the exam centre.
An on-screen calculator will be available for use should you need it.
The following scientific calculators are permitted:
Casio FX models
Sharp EL531X
Sharp EL-533X
Texas Instruments TI-30X
Hewlett Packard HP 10S or HP 300S+
The following financial calculators are permitted:
Hewlett Packard – HP 10bII
Texas Instruments – TI BA II Plus
Sharp EL733A
Casio FC 100V
Please note the following:
Calculator covers and lids are not permitted in the testing room. These must be stored away in your locker/ storage area with other personal items.
You are responsible for making sure that your calculator works on the day of your exam. Replacement calculators will not be provided.
You will not be able to share a calculator with another candidate during your exam session.
Your calculator will be visually inspected prior to the start of the exam.
Your calculator must remain on your desk in full view throughout your exam session.
Remote invigilation
From 22 January 2021, you will be able to use your own calculator in the exam. You are permitted to use models on the approved list only, which is listed above. For security reasons,
calculator covers and lids are not permitted in the exam and must be stored away. You are also responsible for making sure that your calculator works on the day of the exam.
During the exam, you can also use the on-screen calculator. You can practice using the on-screen calculator before your exam by using this demonstration
(http://vue.com/athena/athena.asp) or by accessing the sample exams.
View the sample exams within the ICAEW CFAB (https://icaew.com/learning-and-development/icaew-cfab/cfab-students/study-and-exam-resources) or ACA Certificate Level
(https://www.icaew.com/for-current-aca-students/exam-resources/certificate-level) exam and study resources.
Please note, if you are taking an exam before 22 January, you only have the option to use the on-screen calculator.
+44 (0)1908 248 250
The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, incorporated by Royal Charter RC000246 with registered office at
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