ORAL MEDICINE 1. Preponderance of evidence indicates that anug: a. Endogenous infection and it is not communicable b. Infection is exogenous c. Caused by systemic diseases d. is acute coccal infection 7. The virus which belong to Herpes group: a. Herpes simplex virus b. Varicella zoster c. Epstein barr virus d. All of the above 2. Oral herp angina is Caused by: a. Herpes simplex b. varicella zoster c. cox sacxie d. Papilloma virus 8. Behchets disease was described as a triad of symptoms including a. Burning mouth, genital ulcer, eye lesion b. Oral lesions, oral bleeding, oral halitosis c. Genital ulcer, eye lesion, bleeding mouth d. Recurrent oral ulcers, recurrent genital ulcer eye lesion 9. Pemphigus is a. inflammatory disease b. ulcerative disease c. Auto immune disease d. Collagen disease 3. Hand,foot and mouth disease most investigators as a. cox sacxie A6 virus b. HSV c. Papilloma virus d. Pox virus 4. Target lesion in skin occurs in a. Pemphigus b. Erythema multiforme c. Psoriosis d. HSV 5. Oral allergic reaction to systemically administered drugs is called a. Allergic stomatitis b. Stomatitis medicamentosa c. Stomatitis venninata d. Fixed drug eruption 6. One of the most common side effects of anti cancer drugs is a. Excess salivation b. Multiple oral ulcers 10. In Pemphigus the characteristic sign of the disease is that pressure to an apparently normal area will result in the formation of a new lesion This phenomenon is called: a. Auspitz sign b. Nickolsky’s sign c. Bell’s sign d. Kobner’s sign 11. In Bullous pemphigoid the initial defect causing bulla is in a. Intra epithelial b. At basement membrane c. Sub epithelial d. Superficial epithelium c. White patches in oral mucosa d. Oral bleeding 12. Nickolsky’s sign is absent in: a. Pemphigus vulgaris b. Pemphigus vegetans c. Bullous pemphigus d. Pemphigus folliaceous 18. Oral carcinoma is associated with a. Reticular LP b. Bullous LP c. Pigmented LP d. Erosive LP 13. Cicatricial pemphigus is also known as: a. Bullous pemphigoid b. Benign mucous memberane pemphigoid c. Pemphigus vulgaris d. Mucous memberane pemphigoid 19. If a drug come into contact with oral mucosa and produces allergy it is called a .Allergic stomatitis b. Fixed drug eruption c. Stomatitis medicamentosa d. Stomatitis vennata 14. Desquamative gingivitis is not a disease but a sign of a. Erosive LP b. Pemphigus vulgaris c. Cicatricial pemphigoid d. All the above 20. Varicella zoster causing herpes zoster a. DNA virus b. RNA virus c. EBV d. HIV 15. The most common cause of a single ulcer in the oral mucosa is: a. Infection b. Idiopathic c. Allergy d. Trauma 21. Leukoplakia is a a. Inflammatory disease b. Keratotic lesion c. Malignant lesion d. Syphilitic lesion 16. Immmunosupressed patients may develop a. Acute herpes b. Recurrent herpes c. Chronic form of herpes infection d. Herpes zoster 22. Fordyce’s granules in buccal mucosa is due to incorporation of: a. Mucous glands b. Serous glands c. Sebaceous glands d. Mixed glands. 17. Idoxuridin is a drug of choice for a. Herpes b. Vincents disease c. Oral cancer d. Oral lupus erythematosus 23. Oral burns are due to: a. keratinization b. Precipitation of tissue proteins of oral mucosa c. Injury caused by heat d. Inflammatory exudates 24. Pizza burn in palate is caused by a. Melted cheese and hot sauce b. Hot drink c. Asprin application d. Clove oil application d. Excess bleeding 30. Chronic oral hyperplastic candidiasis may cause a. Ulcerated growth b. Erosions in mucosa c. Squamous cell carcinoma 25. Measles virus cause 31. For oral fungal infection the following anti fungal drugs is administered systemically as: a. Mycostatin ointment b. Ketaconazole c. Gentian violet a. Cafe au lait spots b. Koplik’s spot c. Fordyce’s spot d. Beauty spot d. Hexidine 26. Candida infection is associated with: a. Keratotic white patch b. Non keratotic white patch c. Both a and b d. White patch caused due less vascularity 32. Stomatitis nicotina is a specific lesion that developes on the: a. Palate b. Buccal mucosa c. Tongue d. Gingiva 27. Acute pseudo memberanous candidiasis is called a. Thrush b. Atrophic candidiasis c. Hypertrophic candidiasis d. Candidial granuloma d. Candidial white patch 28. Candidia species in oral cavity are a. Transmitted from other individual b. Normal inhabitants of oral flora c. Associated with bacterial infection d. Developed as pathogenic organism in the mouth 33. An isolated area of white patch in the oral mucosa associated with chronic irritation of sharp tooth is called: a. Homogenous leukoplakia b. Speckled leukoplakia c. Frictional keratosis 34. Intra epithelial micro abscess called monro’s abscess is found in a. Pemphigus b. Psoriasis c. Pyostomatitis d. Erythema multiforme 29. Predisposing factors for oral candidiasis 35. White spongy nevus is a a. Vascular lesion a. Denture irritants b. Steroid therapy c. Immunosuppresant d. All of the above b. Genodermatosis c. White patch that is scrappable d. Multiple ulcerated white lesion 36. Leukoedema is a a. Variation of the normal mucosa b. Non scrappable white patch c. Swelling in the oral mucosa d. A true pathological condition 42. Oral candidiasis is caused by a. Yeast like fungus b. Saprophytic fungus c. Mycosis fungus d. Dimorphic fungus 37. Warty or cauliflower like growth is a. Papilloma b. Fibroma c. Lipoma d. Hemangioma 43. Denture stomatitis is a. Chronic atrophic candidiasis b. Acute candidiasis c. Chronic hyperplastic candidiasis d. Denture irritation 38.Horizontal streak on the buccal mucosa at the level of occlusal plane a. Frictional keratosis b. Reticular plannar c. Linea alba d. Early leukoplakia 44. Median rhomboid glossitis is now considered as a. Developmental abnormality b. Chronic candidiasis c. Nutritional deficiency d. Acute candidasis 39. Tobacco pouch keratosis occurs due to a. Smoking tobacco b. Smokeless tobacco c. Betel nut d. Pan masala 45. Oral candidiasis is the most frequent opportunistic infection associated with a. Immunocomprimised patients b. Diabetic patients c. Hormonal deficiency d. Gastro intestinal problem 40. Numerous elevated papules with punctate red centers that are red in color in palatal mucosa a. Erythro leukoplakia b. Erythroplakia c. Nicotina stomatitis d. Siladenosis of palatal mucosa 46. Mucous patches occurs in a. Primary syphilis b. Secondary syphilis c. Tertiary syphilis d. Latent syphilis 41. Oral hairy leukoplakia 47. Thick white lesion with papillary occurs in tongue due to a. EBV b. Herpes virus c. HIV d. Papilloma virus surface in oral mucosa is a. Homogenous leukoplakia b. Speckled leukoplakia c. Veruccous leukoplakia d. Preleukoplakia 48. Bright red velvety plaque or patch which cannot be characterized clinically is a. Erythroleukoplakia b. Erythroplakia c. Carcinoma d. Erythema 54. Para neoplastic pemphigus is a. variant of pemphigus associated with non hodgkin’s lymphoma b. Variant of pemphigus vegetans c. Sub epithelial dermatosa d. A benign neoplasm 49. Oral lichen planus is a a. Chronic immunological inflammatory mucocutaneous lesion b. Dermal lesion c. Drug reaction d. Due to diabetes 55. Actinic chelitis is a. Malignant lesion b. Mucocutaneous lesion c. Potentially malignant lesion d. Due to excessive heat in food. 50. Lichenoid reaction is a. Variant of lichen planus b. Drug induced lesion c. Chronic irritation d. A type of burn c. Frictional keratosis d. White spongy nevus 56. A white patch on oral mucosa non scrappable not attributed to any diagnosable condition a. Leukoplakia b. Mono nucleosis 51. OSMF is associated with a. Burning sensation of mouth b. Formation of vesicles c. stiffening of oral mucosa d. All the above 57. A 3 cm squamous cell carcinoma of the retromolar trigone invading mandible & medial pterygoid muscle is at what TNM stage a. Stage III b. Stage I c. Stage IV d. Stage II 52. Hemangiomas are a. Hamartomas b. Teratoma 58. The clinical sign of OSMF is a. Vertical fibrous bands in buccal mucosa b. Horizontal fibrous bands in buccal mucosa c. Choristoma d. Neoplasia c. Vertical fibrous bands in labial mucosa d. Horizontal bands in labial mucosa 53. Patchy melanosis of oral mucosa occurs in a. Addison’s disease b. Brown’s tumour of hyperparathyroidism c. Hypothyroidism d. Hyper pituitarism 59. Wickham’s striae is present in a. Reticulate LP b. Bullous LP c. Ulcerated LP d. All of the above 60. The triad oral lichen planus, diabetic mellitus and hypertension called a. Plummer syndrome b. Patterson Kelly syndrome c. Treachercollin syndrome d. Grinspan’s syndrome. 66. Giant cell epulis in oral cavity is a. Inflammtory hyperplasia b. Neoplasia of gingival c. Dysplastic growth d. Metaplasia 61. Circumoral pigmentation with intestinal polyposis occurs in a. Crohn’s disease b. Ulcerative colitis c. Lead poisoning d. Peutz jegher’s syndrome 67. Hamartomas are tumour like lesions of a. Tissue native to the site with particular histological tissue b. Tissue not native to the site c. Different types of tissues d. Only vascular tissues 62. In carotenemia,excessive levels of carotene in oral mucosa shows a. Orange to yellow color b. Black blue color c. Mild yellow d. Red color 68. Angiomatous lesion in the face in the trigeminal area is found in a. Angiomatous syndrome b. Osler weber rendu syndrome c. Sturge weber syndrome d. Von hipple syndrome 63. Grey black lead line in gingival is seen in a. Bismuthism b. Plumbism c. Mecurialism d. Argyria 69. Congenital macroglossia occurs in a. Hemangioma b. Lymphangioma c. Amyloidosis d. All the above 64. Auric stomatits is due to the use of a. Lead 70. Granular cell myoblastoma in child is: a. Fibrous epulis b. Giant cell epulis b. Bismuth c. Silver salts d. Gold salts c. Congenital epulis d. Myloid epulis 65. The outstanding symptom of phosphorous poisoning a. Stomatitis b. Excessive salivation c. Osteomyelitis of the jaw d. Burning sensation of the mouth 71. Inflammatory gingival enlargement is caused by a. Poor oral hygiene b. Accumalation of calculus c. Malposed teeth d. All of the above 72. Hyperkeratosis palmoplantaris, premature exfoliation of teeth occurs in a. Hypophosphatasia b. Papillon lefevere syndrome c. Struge weber syndrome d. Cross syndrome 78. Lesions of herpangina in mouth occurs a. All over the mouth b. Palatal mucosa c. Pharynx and posterior portion of oral mucosa d. Dorsal mucosa 73. Dilantin sodium for the treatment of epilepsy causes a. Inflammaory gingival enlargement b. Fibrotic gingival enlargement c. Soft,smooth bleeding gingival enlargement d. Multiple gingival growths 79. Acute lymphonodular pharyngitis occurs due to a. Cox sacxie virus b. Zoster virus c. EBV d. Virus that has affinity towards lymphnode 74. Cervicofacial actinomycosis is caused by a. Bacteria b. Fungus c. Virus d. Protozoa. 80. Erythema multiforme appears with a. Several types of skin and mucosal lesions b. Develops with vesicles and bulla c. Associated with erythema and edema d. All of the above 75. Multiple sinuses associated with pigmentation of skin in cervico facial region occur in a. Pyogenic osteomyelitis b. Tuberculo osteomyelitis c. Syphillitc osteomyelitis d. Actinomycosis osteomyelitis. 81. Borellia vincenti and fusobacterium causes a. Acute gingivitis with vincents infection b. Acute gingival enlargement c. Ulcerative gingivitis d. ANUG 76. Epithelial elevation in skin or mucosa containing clear fluid over 1cm is a. Cyst b. Nodule c. Inflammatory swelling d. Bulla 77. One of the following viruses belong to Herpes virus a. Cox sacxie virus b. Paramyxo virus c. EBV d. CMV 82. Pediadenitis mucosa necrotica recurrence is a. Major aphthous ulcer b. Minor apthous ulcer c. Herpetiform ulcer d. Recurrent apthous ulcer 84. Pemphigus vulgaris results from destruction of a. Intercellular substances in Prickle cell layer of epithelium b. Basal cell destruction c. Superficial epithelial cell destruction d. Suprabasilar cell destruction 89. Diagnosis of mucormycosis in histopathology is the presence of a. spores b. Septate of hyphae c. Non septate hyphae d. Multiple hyphae 85. Nickolsky’s sign is associated with a. Lichen planus b. EM c. Pemphigus vulgaris d. Psoriasis 90. Uremic stomatitis is a. Keratotic white lesion b. Non keratotic white lesion c. Pseudomemberanous white lesion d. Pale mucosal white lesion 86. Tzanck’s test is a. Histopathological study b. Cytological study c. Immunological study d. Biochemical study 91.Bullous pemphigoid is a. Pigmented lesion b. Supraepithelial lesion c. Subepithelial lesion d. Intra epithelial lesion 87. Bullous pemphigoid can be treated with a. Anti allergic drug b. Antibiotic 92. The most common sign of mucormycosis is a. Ulceration of palate b. Ulceration of tongue c. Ulceration of floor of mouth 83. Oral mucosal involvement is of little consequences in the a. Pemphigus vulgaris b. Pemphigus vegetans c. Pemphigus foliaceous d. Pemphigoid c. Corticosteroids d. Sulphonamides d. Ulceraton of buccal mucosa 93. Chemical injuries of oral mucosa 88. Blastomycosis is caused by a. Histoplama capsulatum b. Saprophytic fungi c. Blastomycosis dermatidis d. All of the above organisms occurs as ulcers due to a. Asprin b. Silver nitrate c. Sodium hypochlorite d. All the above 94. Linear white lesion on the dorsolateral tongue among non tobacco chewers a. Idiopathic leukoplakia b. Galvanic reaction leukoplakia c. To tell the patient about the disease d. Hairy leukoplakia 101. The importance of diagnosis a. To identify the signs and symptoms of the disease b. White hairy tongue c. To plan treatment for the disease d. To get more knowledge to doctors 95. The majority of the acute oral candidiasis infection responds to a. Topical mycostatin b. Systemic ketoconazole c. Anti fungal mouth wash d. B complex therapy 102. Identification of disease by clinical signs and symtoms a. Clinical diagnosis b. Provisional diagnosis c. Differential diagnosis d. Final diagnosis 96. Ectopic geographic tongue occurs a. Dorsum of tongue b. Ventral surface of tongue c. Lateral border of tongue d. On buccal mucosa d. Differential diagnosis 103. Rapid and immediate diagnosis of disease based on minimal data is a. Provisional diagnosis b. Therapeutic diagnosis c. Spot diagnosis 97. Pachynochia congenita has a. Thickening of finger nails and toe nails b. Palmoplantar and follicular keratosis c. Leukor keratosis d. All the above 104. Physical appearance of patient includes a. Height and weight b. Speech and anxiety c. Gait and deformity d. All of the above 98. Retenoids are used for a. Candidiasis b. Leukoplakia c. Chemical burns d. Thermal burns c. To satisfy the patient d. All of the above 99. Carcinoma in situ is a. Mild dysplasia in epithelium b. Moderate dysplasia of epithelium c. More severe grade of dysplasia d. Severe hyperplasia of epithelium 100. Fibroelastic changes of lamina propria of oral mucosa occurs in a. Lupus erythmatosus b. Bullosa dystrophica c. OSMF d. Degeneration of fibrous tissue. 108. Secondary hyperparathyroidism develops due to a. Kidney disease b. Parathyroid disease c. Bone disease d. Liver disease 105. Review of organ systems in oral diagnosis is necessary to a. Identify the oral disease due to systemic disease b. To eliminate the systemic disease 109. Osteitis fibrosa cystic in jaw occurs in a. Hyperparathyroidism b. Basal cell nevi syndrome c. Multiple cystic cavities d. Hypothyroidism 115. In gigantism a. 50% of individual have macrodontia b. Few have microdontia c. Malformed teeth will be present d. Size of teeth not affected 110. During development of teeth if hypoparathyroidism develop,it causes a. Hyperplasia of teeth b. Hypoplasia of teeth c. Discolouration of teeth d. Mobility of teeth 116. In acromegaly, one of the following will be absent a. Macrodontia b. Macrognathia c. Macrochelia d. Macroglossia 111. Children with hyperparathyroidism has a. Premature loss of deciduous teeth b. Delayed exfoliation of teeth c. Delayed formation of deciduous teeth 117. Cushings disease occurs in a. Hyperadrenocortisum b. Hypo adrenocortisum c. Diabetic 106. Osteomalacia is a bone disease due to a. Vitamin A deficiency b. Vitamin B c. Vitamin C deficiency d. Vitamin D deficiency 107. Hypercalcium occurs in a. Hyperparathyroidism b. Hyperthyroidism c. Hypoparathyroidism d. Hypothyroidism 114. Recurrent and multiple paradental abscess occurs in a. Poor oral hygiene with suppuration b. Diabetes c. Advance periodontitis d. Periodentoelasia d. Absence of deciduous teeth d. Osteoporosis 112. In cretinism a. Delayed eruption of teeth b. Early eruption of teeth c. Early loss of teeth d. All of the above 118. Oral pigmentation is a sign of a. Addisons disease b. Cushings syndrome c. Acromegaly d. Cretinism 113. In cretinism patient will have a. Macroglossia b. Microglossia c. Aglossia d. Ankyloglossia 119. Pregnancy gingivitis occurs a. All pregnant women b. 90% of pregnantwomen c. Pregnant women with dietary deficiency d. 35 to 50% of pregnant women 120. The important clinical sign of menopause gingivitis is a. Desquamation of gingiva b. Necrotic ulcer of the gingiva c. Enlarged gingiva d. Receeded gingiva d. Osteoporosis 125.Toxic manifestation of body structure in excess fluoride ingestion of more than 3ppm a. Dental fluorosis b. Skeletal fluorosis c. Both dental and skeletal fluorosis 121. Post menopausal chronic desquamative gingivitis is caused by a. Estrogen deprivation b. Androgen deprivation c. Both estrogen and androgen deprivation d. Steroid deprivation 126. In dental fluorosis the following cell is disturbed a. Osteoblast b. Ameloblast c. Cementoblast d.osteoclast 122. Wearing away of tooth structure in incisal and occlusal surface due to mastication is a. Abrasion b. Destruction c. Erosion d. Attrition 127. Scattered multiple small sized whole spots or flecks are seen in a. Mild dental fluorosis b. Moderate dental fluorosis c. Severe dental fluorosis d. very severe fluorosis 123. Loss of labial surface of enamel due to abnormal mechanical force is a. Attrition b. Abrasion c. Erosion d. Destruction 128. The color changes from moderate to severe dental fluorosis is a. White b. Yellow c. Brown d. Yellowish white 124. Loss of tooth structure in the cervical Part of enamel a. Attrition b. Abrasion c. Erosion d. Destruction 129. Dental fluorosis is a. Pandemic disease b. Epidemic disease c. Endemic disease d. Endemic and pandemic disease 130. Clinical appearance with bulbous crown of teeth with opalescent hue and bluish brown color are features of a. Amelogenesis imperfecta b. Dentinogenesis imperfecta c. Osteogenesis imperfecta d. Odontogenesis imperfecta 131. Dentinogenesis imperfect associated with blue sclera and bone deformity is called a. Osteogenesis imperfect b. Odontogenesis imperfect c. Osteitis cystic fibrosis d. Paget’s disease 137. Amalgam tattoo appears a. Mass of amalgam b. A solitary or focal pigmentation in the oral mucosa c. Blackish red patch d. Brown discolouration 132. Necrotic punched out ulceration in interdental papilla of gingival occurs in a. HSV infection b. HZ infecton c. ANUG d. Gangrenous stomatitis 138. Oral pigmentation may be a. Focal b. Diffused c. Multifocal d. All the above 133. Periodontium manifestation in AIDS a. linear gingival erythema b.NUG c. NUP d. All the above 139. Hamartoma are cellular proliferation of cells a. Native to that site b. Other tissues c. Multiple tissues d. Pigmentation blood vessels 134. Cancrum oris in children is a. Fulminating form of ulcerative stomatitis related to ANUG b. Chronic suppurative lesion c. Necrosis and gangerene due to fungus d. Chronic gangrenous stomatitis 140. Suprabasilar acantholysis with cleft in epithelium is diagnostic feature of a. Pemphigus vulgaris b. Mucous membrane pemphigoid c. Bullous pemphigoid d. Cicatricial pemphigoid 135. The most common neoplastic process to accompany HIV infection is a. Squamous cell carcinoma b. Squamous papilloma c. Kaposi’s sarcoma d. Fibrosarcoma 136. Characteristic mulitiple round or oval purple papules measuring less than 0.5 cm in diameter is a. Melanotic freckles b. Heamorrhagic vesicles c. Hereditary heamorrhagic telengectasiasis d. Multiple nevus spots 143. Lichen planus with small pin head sized hemispherical raised glistening white spots a. Reticular variety b. Papular variety c. Plaque variety d. Annular variety 144. Allergy may manifest itself in the mouth in the form of allergic stomatitis which occurs as a. Allergic chelitis b. Allergic gingivitis c. Allergic glossitis d. All the above 141. Large purpuric lesion is called a. Petechiae b. Ecchymosis c. Hematoma d. Hemorrhagic vesicle 145. Angineurotic edema is a. Developmental swelling of the blood vessel b. Developmental swelling of 149. Post herpetic neuralgia is found in a. Herpes simplex b. Herpes zoster c. Herpangina 142. Viruses that are known to cause oral mucosal lesions are a. HSV1 b. HSV2 c. Varicella zoster d. All the above 147. Lab tests are useful in diagnosis of primary herpes infection a. Cytology b. HSV isolation c. Antibody titre d. All the above 148. Unilateral vesicles along the course of nerve in orofacial region occurs in a. Herpes simplex b. Secondary herpes c. Herpangina d. Herpes zoster blood veeels and nerves c. Allergic swelling with fluid accumulation d. Traumatic swelling with fluid accumulation d. Herpetic gingivitis 150. Herpes zoster of geniculate ganglion 146. Recurrent herpes will develop in with bells palsy occurs in a. Individual suffering from viral infection a. Melckerson rosanthal syndrome b. Ramsay hunt syndrome b. Individuals with recurrent aphthous ulcer c. Freys auricular syndrome c. Individuals who have experienced primary d. Eagles syndrome herpes d. Individual with immune suppression 151. Steven Johnson syndrome is due to a. Allergy b. Infection c. Acute inflammation d. Acute drug reaction 152. Denture sore mouth is a. Chronic atrophic candidiasis b. Acute atrophic candidiasis c. Hypertrophic candidiasis d. Candidial granuloma d. Mikulicz disease 153. Reiters syndrome is a triad of a. Stomatitis,dermatitis,conjunctivitis b. Urethritis,conjunctivitis,arthritis c. Dermatitis,conjunctivitis,urethritis d. Stomatitis,conjunctivitis,dermatitis d. Sarcoidosis 154. True abberent salivary glands are more frequent reported a. In cervical region near parotid gland b. In submandibular region c. In sublingual region 159. A systemic granulomatous disease that affects the parotid gland is called a. Sialadenosis b. Sialometaplasia c. Sarcoidiosis 160. Non neoplastic ,non inflammatory, salivary gland enlargement is called a. Sialadenitis b. Sialometaplasia c. Sialdenosis 161. Sjogren’s syndrome is included in the list of a. Autoimmune disease b. Genetically determined disease c. Immunosuppressive disease d. In palatal region d. Degenerative disease 155. Sialolith occurs most frequently in a. Submandibular duct b. Parotid duct c. Sublingual duct d. Ducts of minor salivary glands 162. Ranula is a large mucocoele found in a. Floor of the mouth b. Base of the tongue c. Edge of the tongue d. Swelling of the duct 156. Mucocele is a swelling caused by a. Chemical injury b. Accumulation of blood c. Pooling of saliva due to injury to minor salivary glands d. Salivary gland swelling seen at the base of the tongue 163. Necrotizing sialometaplasia is a a. Reactive inflammatory disorder of the salivary gland b. Necrosis of salivary gland c. Degenerative disease d. Neoplastic disease 157. Necrotising sialometaplasia is an inflammatory swelling tha affects a. Minor salivary glands b. Major salivary glands c. Both a and b d. Ectopic salivary gland d .Toxic sialdenitis 158. Mumps affect a. Salivary gland b. Gonads c. CNS d. All the above 166. Premature exfoliation of anterior primary teeth occurs in: a. Hypophosphatasia b. Hyperphosphatasia c. Hyper phosphatemia d. Hyper calcemia 164. Exposure to various drugs causes enlargement of salivary glands with itching is called: a. Suppurative sialadenitis b. Allergic sialdenitis c. Degenerative sialdenitis 167. Small white lesions along the mid palatal raphae in the new born can be diagnosed as a. Epstein pearls b. Epithelial pearls c. Torus palatinus d. Hyperplasia of mucosa 165. Mumps is caused by: a. Pox virus b. Para myxo virus c. Myxo virus d. CMV 172. Geniculate neuralgia affects a. Cranial nerve V b. Cranial nerve VI c. Cranial nerve VII d. Cranial nerve IX 173. Paroxysmal pain is felt in the ear, tonsils,side of tongue,lateral wall of pharynx in a. Trigeminal neuralgia b. Geniculate neuralgia c. Hypoglossal neuralgia d. Glossopharyngial neuralgia 168. Migrane is: a. Neural origin b. Dermal origin c. Vascular origin d. Intracranial origin 174. Post herpetic neuralgia is presented Clinically as a. Intermittent pain b. Chronic pain c. Continous burning pain d. No pain 169. Paroximal pain of neuropathic origin may affect cranial nerve a.V b.VII c. IX d.all the above 175. Altered taste and diminished taste sensation is a. Partial anesthesia of tongue b. Injury to the nerve c. Dysgeusia d. Dysphagia 170. Pain is limited to the anatomic distribution of the affected in a. Tic doloureux b. Herpes zoster c. Migrane d. Injury to the nerve 176. Orofacial pain that does not confirm to nerve recognized anatomic pathway in distribution is called a. Pain due to herpes simplex b. Atypical orofacial pain c. Pain due to physical injury d. Pain due to herpes zoster 171. Most cases of tic doloureux respond to the treatment of a. Carbamazipine b. Brufen c. Steroids d. Tranqulizers 177. Dysphagia is caused in plummer Vinson syndrome due to a. Inflammation of pharyngeal mucosa b. Esophageal web c. Carcinomatous growth d. Narrow esophagus 178. The oral manifestation of hepatitis is a. Bad breath from mouth b. Icterus of oral mucosa c. Reddish erythematous mucosa d. Frequent vomiting d.EBV 179. Oral granulomatous lesion occurs in a. Crohns disease b. Intestinal disease c. Peutz jeghers syndrome d. Gastric disease d. Plasma cell in bone marrow 185. Burkits lymphoma is the human cancer that is most commonly linked with a. Papilloma virus b. HIV c.CMV 186. Multiple myeloma in the bone is the malignant neoplasm of : a. Osteoblast of the bone marrow b. Osteocyte of the bone c. Osteoclast of the bone 180. Ammonia cal taste and smell in oral cavity occurs in a. Stomach disease b. Lung disease c. Liver disease d. Kidney disease 187. Kissing’s disease is caused by a. HIV virus b. Herpes labialis virus c. EBV d. Varicella zoster virus 181. Oral manifestation in renal transplantation is a. Metallic taste b. Odour of urea in blood c. Dry mouth d. All of the above 188. Pharyngeal and intra oral carcinomas are common among the patients with: a. AIDS b. Plummer vinson’s syndrome c. Ramsay hunt syndrome d. Papillon levefre syndrome 182. The most common oral sign of neutropenia is a. Burning sensation of oral mucosa b. Multiple growths of mucosa c. Ulceration of oral mucosa d. Pigmentation of mucosa 189. Papillary squamous cell carcinoma is a. An exophytic papillary lesion b. An endophytic growth c. Papillary projection of rete pegs d. Consists of multiple papillomatous growths 183. Oral manifestation of leukemia is a. Gingival bleeding and enlargement b. Burning sensation c. Localized gingival growth d. Mild gingivitis 190. Treatment of oral carcinoma includes a. Radiotherapy b. Chemotherapy c. Surgery d. All the above 184. Hodgkins disease is a. Benign neoplasm of lymphnode b. Malignant lymphatic tissue c. Developmental abnormality of lymphnode d. A disease that will spread to the brain d. Melano carcinoma 191. Sun exposure is considered the principle etiological factor of a. Squamous cell carcinoma b. Basal cell carcinoma c. Veruccous carcinoma 192. Post radiation complication in oral carcinoma is a. Inflammation of bone b. Thickening of bone c. Osteoradio necrosis d. Osteo porosis memberane 198. Carcinoma in situ in oral mucosa have a. Severe epithelial hyperplasia b. Intermittent dysplasia c. Dysplasia in the entire thickness of epithelium d. Dysplasia with break in basement 193. Osteosarcoma in the mandible 199. Squamous cell carcinoma is is characterized by: a. Formation of bone on osteoid tissue by tumour cells b. Proliferation of fibroblasts c. Neural involvement with loss of Sensation d. Fast proliferating with bleeding tendency charcterised by a. Dysplasia of epithelium b. Broad rete pegs with dysplastic cells c. Disruption of basement memberane by nests of abnormal cells. d. Peripherally spreading dysplastic cells 194. TNM classification means: a. Size of the tumour b. Node metastasis c. Distant metastasis d. All of the above d. All the above 195. The potentially malignant condition of oral mucosa is : a. Pemphigus b. Psoriaisis c. Aphthous ulcer d. OSMF 200. Gingival enlargement due to poor oral hygiene and food impaction in a. Chronic hyperplastic gingivitis b. Acute hyperplastic gingivitis c. Subacute hyperplastic gingivitis 196. Oral carcinoma is one of the most prevalent cancer and is one of the: a. 5 most common cause of death b. 10 most common cause of death c. 20 most common cause of death d. 30 most common cause of death. 197. In advanced oral cancer the lymph node is a. Soft and movable b. Hard and movable c. Hard and fixed d. Enlarged and tender 204. Most common malignancy in Males in India is a. Lung cancer b. Prostrate cancer c. Oral cancer d. Brain cancer d. Lichen planus 202.Treatment with calcium channel blockers cause a. Inflammatory gingival enlargement b. Fibrotic gingival enlargement c. Soft gingival enlargement d. Bleeding gingival enlargement 203. Severe gingival enlargement can also take place in a. Papillon-lefever syndrome b. Struge-weber syndrome c. Plummer-vincent syndrome d. Idiopathic gingival enlargement 210. White lesion that involves oral mucosa that cannot be classified as another lesion both clinically and histologically a. Leukoplakia b. Idiopathic keratosis c. Frictional keratosis 205. The risk factors of oral and 211. An immunologically mediated 201. Fibrotic gingival enlargement occurs during treatment with a. Phenytoin b. Cyclosporine c. Nifedipine d. All the above oro-pharyngeal carcinoma a. Tobacco b. Tobacco and alcohol c. Smoking tobacco d. Smokeless tobacco mucocutaneous lesion is a. Leukoplakia b. Lichen planus c. White spongy nevus d. Psoriasis 206. Morphologically altered tissue in which cancer is more likely to occur is a. Pre cancer b. Pre cancerous lesion c. Pre malignant condition d. Pre cancerous condition d. Sessile papilloma 212. Vertically folded white patch most frequently seen on the lateral border of the tongue is a. Oral hairy leukoplakia b. Papillomatous growth c. Papilloma 207. Lesion in which abnormal cells involve only the entire epithelium is a. Hyperplasia b. Dysplasia c. Severe dysplasia d. Carcinoma in situ 213. The consistency of lymph node in oral squamous cell carcinoma is a. Soft b. Firm c. Firm to hard d. All the above 208.TNM classification T denotes a. Tumor b. Size of tumor c. Shape of tumor d. Site of tumor 214. The common fungal infection in AIDS is a. Squamous cell carcinoma b. Candidiasis c. Tuberculosis d. Herpangina 209. High risk of progression to squamous cell carcinoma occurs in a. Verrucous leukoplakia b. Proliferative leukoplakia c. Diffuse leukoplakia d. Leukoerythroplakia 215. Calcified stones that lie within the blood vessels is a. Pleolith b. Phelbolith c. Haemolith d. Vascularlith 216. The most common site for involvement of sialolith 80-90% is in a. Submandibular gland b. Parotid gland c. Sublingual gland d. Mucous salivary gland 222.Osteoarthritis of TMJ joint is a. Degenrative condition b. Degenarative condition accompanied by secondary inflammation c. Condition due to occlusal traumatism d. Collagen disorder 217. Swelling caused by accumulation of saliva a. Odema of salivary gland b. Cyst c. Mucocele d. Abscess in salivary gland 223. In TMD nocturnal bruxing is thought to aggrevate a. Pain symptom b. Jaw movement restriction c. Jaw deviation d. Jaw sound 218. Necrotising sialometaplasia of salivary tissue a. Self limiting disease b. Requires chemotherapy c. Requires radiotherapy d. Requires surgery 224. Intracapsular disorders of TMJ joint a. Anterior disc displacement with reduction b. Anterior disc displacement without reduction c. Posterior disc displacement d. All the above 219. Pilocarpin HCL is approved specifically for the relief of a. Xerostomia b. Ptyalism c. Sialorrhea d. Sialolithiasis d. Steroids 220. Sarciodosis is chronic granuloma causing destruction of tissue with association of a. T lymphocytes and mononuclear phagocytes b. Tuberculous bacilli c. B lymphocytes d. Monocytes d. Dislocation 221. In TMJ joint the space between the condyle and mandibular fossa are separated by a. Fibrous capsule b. Synovial membrane c. Articular cartilage d. Articular disc 225. Degenerative disease of TMJ can be treated better by a. Non- steroidal anti-inflammatory medication b. Anti spasmatic drug c. Antibiotic drugs 228. Orofacial pain is a. A disease b. Sign of a disease c. Symptom of disease d. Both sign and symptom 234. Burning mouth syndrome is reffered for describing oral burning due to a. Nutritional deficiency b. In neuropathy c. Glossodynia 226. If condyle is positioned anterior to the articular eminence and cannot return to normal position it is called as a. Subluxation b. Ankylosis c. Fracture condyle 227. Fusion of the head of the condyle to the temporal bone is a. Ankylosis b. Arthrosis c. Dislocation d. Fracture with malunioun d. That has no detectable cause 229. Pain in trigeminal neuralgia is characterized as a. Continous throbbing pain b. Brief episodes of shooting electrical shock like pain along the course of nerve c. Localized pain aggrevates and intermittent nature d. Continuos pain reffered to other parts 235. Facial pain can develop from a. Vascular structure b. Nerves c. Muscular structure d. All of the above 230. The nerve that rarely affects trigeminal neuralgia is a. Mandibular narve b. Maxillary nerve c. Opthalmic nerve d. All the above 236. The artery involved in giant cell arteritis that cause inflammation and pain is a. Maxillary artery b. Facial artery c. Temporal artery d. Opthalmic artery 231. Drug of choice for trigeminal neuralgia a. Brufen b. Paracetamol c. Carbamazepine d. Tranqulizer 237. Cluster headache is a. Unilteral haed pain around the eye b. Bilateral throbbing pain c. Continous headache d. Headache due to intracranial lesion 232. Trigeminal neuralgia is otherwise called as a. Atypical facial neuralgia b. Idiopathic neuralgia c. Tic doloreux d. Psychogenic pain 238. Migraine headache with pain in face is due to damage of a. Neural structure b. Vascular structure c. Muscular structure d. Cranial structure 233. Facial pain is triggered by stimulating the pharengeal mucosa in a. Trigeminal neuralgia b. Glossopharengial neuralgia c. Geniculate neuralgia d. Hypoglossal neuralgia 239. Drugs that are useful in aborting migraine include a. Ergotamine b. Tegretol c. Migril d. Ibuprofen 240. Migraine is caused by a. Pressure on nerves by tumor b. Vasoconstriction of intracranial artery 246. Multiple intestinal polyposis with circumoral pigmentation as in a. Basal cell melanotic syndrome c. Muscular spasm of facial muscles d. Intracranial lesion d. Melanotic freckles 241. Erosion of teeth occurs in a. Gastric disease b. Intestinal disease c. Colon disease d. Rectal disease d. Kidney disease 242. Pyostomatitis vegetans is a. A varitant of pempighus vegetans b. Stomatitsis due to drugs c. Due to ulcerative colitis d. Due to crohn’s disease d. <100mg/dl 243. Oral mucosal growth with cobblestone appearance occurs in a. Ulcerative colitis b. Pyrostomatitis vgetans c. Crohn’s disease d. Peutz-jegher’s syndrome b. Albright syndrome c. Peutz-jegher’s syndrome 247. Ammonia like taste and smell in mouth is due to a. Gastric disease b. Intestinal disease c. Diabetes 248. Changes to kidney disease occurs when BUN level is a. >150mg/dl b. >60mg/dl c. <140mg/dl 249. Giant cell lesion of the jaw to occur in a. Osteporosis b. Osteomalacia c. Renal osteodystrophy d. Osteodysrophy in hormonal disturbance 244. Oral mucosa shows yellowish discoloration in a. Jaundice b. Anamia c. Cynosis d. Keratoanemia 250. If renal disease starts in young age the child will have a. Ulcerartion in mouth b. Delayed eruption of tooth c. Dental caries d. Enamel hypoplasia 245. Cardinal oral manifestation of eating disorder in a. Severe erosion of enamel on lingual surface b. Food accumulation causing halitosis c. Fermentation of food causing bad taste d. Irritation to gingival with bleeding 251. The major oral sign of iron deficiency anemia is a. Pallor of mucosa b. Pallor and atrophy of epithelium cells c. Redness of tongue d. Redness and burning tongue 252. Dysphagia occurs in iron 258. The most common oral sign of deficiency anemia due a. Oesophageal ulcers b. Oesophageal webs c. Oesophageal bands d. Oesophageal muscle spasms neutropenia in oral mucosa is a. Ulceration b. Bleeding c. Paleness d. Burning sensation 253. Plummer Vinson syndrome is associated with a. Microcytic hypochromic anemia b. Macrocytic hypochromic anemia c. Aplastic anemia d. Polycythemia 259. Oral manifestationof leukemia includes a. Gingival bleeding b. Gingival enlargement c. Oral ulceration d. All of the above 254. Sickle cell anemia is due to a. RBC reduction b. Heamoglobinopathy c. Iron deficiency d. Erythrocyte enzyme deficiency d. Neutropenic leukemia 255. Bimaxillary protrusion and other occlusal abnormalities are present in a. Thalassemia b. Sickle cell anemia c. Megaloblastic anemia d. Aplastic anemia 260. Oral infection is a serious potentially fatal complication in the blood disorder a. Heamophilia b. Purpura c. Anemia 256. Tongue is beefy red and inflamed with erythematous area on the lip in a. Pernicious anemia b. Iron deficiency anemia c. Thalassemia d. All of the above 262. In Hodgkin’s disease involvement of one lymph node region or single extranodal site a. Stage 1 b. Stage2 c. Stage3 d. Stage4 257.Aplastic anemia is a normochromic normocytic anemia caused by a. Aplasia of red cells b. Absence of haemoglbin c. Bone marrow failure d. Toxicity of bone 263. Non- Hodgkin’s lymphoma arises from a. B or T lymphocytes b. Lymphoblasts c. Lymphotrophic cells d. Lymph nodes 261. Lymphomas are malignant,solid tumor that develop a. From lymph node b. Involving cells of lymphoreticular or immune system c. Lymphocytes d. Lymphatic vessels 264. In multiple myeloma mandible is more involved because it contains a. More vascularity b. Contain more plasma cells c. Greater content of marrow d. Teeth bearing area 270. Oral lesions of lupus erythmatosis is confused with a. Leukoplakia b. Erythroplakia c. Vesicular lesion d. Lichen planus 265. The disease that affects the males carried by females is a. Purpura b. Leukemia c. Agranulocytosis d. Hemophilia 271. Tight lips, narrow opening of mouth, loss of skin fold around face occurs in a. Oral submucous fibrosis b. Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica c. Sceloderma d. Actinic chelitis 266. Oral mucosal bleeding in the form of ecchymosis occurs in a. Platelet deficiency b. RBC deficiency c. WBC deficiency d. Stem cell deficiency 272. In scleroderma radiographically we can see a. Narrowing of PDL space b. Widening of PDL space c. Alveolar resorption d. Mucosa is thickened 267. Higher incidence of oral disease occurs in a. B lymphocyte abnormally b. T lymphocyte abnormality c. Lymphocyte abnormality d. All of the above 273. Zidovudine or AZT is a. Antiviral drug b. Antiretroviral drug c. Antilymphocytic drug d. Anti immunosuppressive agent 268. Sarcoidosis is a. Systemic granulomatous disease b. Local granulomatous disease c. Tuberculous disease d. Connective tissue disorder 274. The oral fungal infection in HIV patient a. Pseudomembraneous candidiasis b. Erythmatous candidiasis c. Hyperplastic candidiasis d. All of the above 269. Systemic lupus erythmatosis is a. An auto immune disease b. Immunodeficiency disease c. Genetic disease d. Endocrine disease d. HSV virus 275. Oral hairy leukoplakia in AIDS is caused by a. Cytomegalovirus b. Epstein barr virus c. Papilloma virus 276. Altered wound healing occurs in oral injury in a. Vincent infection b. Suppuration c. Hormonal disturbance d. Diabetes 282. Systemic disease associated with headache and orofacial pain is a. Osteopetrosis b. Osteitis fibrosa cystic c. Paget’s disease d. Cledocranial dystosis 277. The most common diabetic emergency in dental office is a. Hypoglycemia b. Hyperglycemia c. Delayed wound healing d. Prolonged bleeding 283. Formation of convex ramus on affected side occurs in a. Condylar aplasia b. Condylar hypoplasia c. Condylar ankylosis d. Condylar hyperplasia 278. Facial myxedema,magroglossia, hoarse voice are observed in a. Hyperthyroidism b. Hypothyroidism c. Hypoparathyroidism d. Hyperparathyroidism d. Antianxiety agents 279. Unilateral paralysis in facial region occurs in a. Injury of nerves b. Trigeminal neuralgia c. Post herpes zoster implication d. Bell’s palsy 284. In valvular heart disease patient should be treated for dental procedures with a. Anticoagulant therapy b. Antihypertensive therapy c. Antibiotic therapy 280. Patient who are taking anti convulsant drugs are subject to a. Gingival bleeding b. Gingival desquamation c. Gingival overgrowth d. Gingival fibrosis 286. Deviation of the mandible to affected site occurs in a. Ankylosis b. Agenesis and hyperplasia of condyle c. Fracture condyle d. Disc displacement 281. Cleidocranial dyostosis consists of a. Absence of clavicles b. Colobama eye with micrognathia c. Intestinal polyposis and supernumerary teeth 287. HAART for treating HIV is a a. Immune modulatory therapy b. Anti virus therapy c. Anti retroviral therapy d. Resistance to immune suppression 285. Post herpectic neuralgia develops in a. Primary herpes b. Secondary herpes c. Herpangina d. Herpes zoster d. Intestinal polyposis 288. Haemochromatosis is endogenous pigmentation resulting from the deposition of a. Melanin b. Iron as melanin c. Iron d. Porphyrin 294. Presence of basophilic stippling of red cells is the diagnostic feature of a. Erythroblastic anemia b. Plumbism c. Bismuthism d. Mercuralism 289. Carotenemia is a condition that results from a. Excess level of carotene pigment b. Excess in take of carrots c. Excess in take of beetroots d. Excess in take of eggs 295. Argyria is the permanent discolouration of the skin and mucous membrane caused a. Silver compound b. Gold compound c. Lead compound d. Mercury compound 290. Jaundice is caused by increased levels of a. Bilirubin in blood b. Biliverdin in blood c. Both bilirubin and biliverdin in blood d. Porphyrin and biliverdin n blood 296. Auric stomatitis is due to the use of a. Silver salts b. Gold salts c. Flouride salts d. Arsenic salts 291. Grey black lead line is seen in gingival margin of a. Plumbism b. Bismuthism c. Mercurialism d. Arsenism 297. Chemical that produces osteomyelitis leading to necrosis a. Arsenic b. Phosphorous c. Lead d. Bismuth 292. Mercurization is a. Inflammatory disease b. Occupational disease c. Industrial disease d. Allergic disease 298. Giant cell reparative granuloma is a. Benign neoplasm b. Variant of hemangioma c. Inflammatory hyperplasia with osteoclasts d. Giant cell fibroma 293. Acrodynia is a symptom complex of a. Lead ingestion 299. Hemangioma is a. Malignant tumor b. Hamartoma b. Ingestion of bismuth c. Ingestion of mercury compound d. Metallic allergy c. Teratoma d. Choriostoma 300. The oral mucosal lesion that develop due to prolonged steroid therapy a. Non healing ulcer b. Atrophic glossitis c. Erythematous lesion with burning sensation d. Thrush 306. Herpes whitlow an infection of fingers when virus is inoculated in the skin in a. Contagious infection b. Direct infection c. Occupational hazard d. Are sensitive to the skin 301. Sideropenic anemia shares the features of a. Atrophic glossitis and angular chelitis b. Pale mucosa with burning sensation c. Mucosa with loss of sensation d. Mucosal ulcers with bleeding 307. Recurrent HSV should be used to refer to actual ulcer caused by a. Primary infection b. By reactivated virus c. Transmitted virus from nerve d. Virus spread from others 302. Vitamin b12 defeciency causes a. Pernicious anemia b. Sideropenic anemia c. Cooleys anemia d. Aplastic amemia d. Soft palate mucosa 303. Interstitial glossitis occurs in a. Congenital syphilis b. Primary syphills c. Secondary syphilis d. Tertiary syphilis d. Ciprofloxacin 500mg thrice for 5 days 304. Cancer chemotherapy causes oral lesions as a. Acute multiple oral lesions b. Chronic multiple lesions c. Recurring oral mucosal lesions d. Continuous multiple lesion 308. Intra oral recrudescent HSV occurs chiefly on mucosa of a. Hard palate,gingival and dorsum of tongue b. Tongue,ventral mucosa.labial mucosa c. Buccal mucosa 305. Herpes viridae family of viruses contain 311. Cytomegalovirus in mouth of immunocomprimised persons 309. One of the following treatment is not proved affective in treating herpes zoster a. Acyclovir 800mg 5 times per day b. Valacyclovir 1000mg 3 times per day c. Famcyclovir 500 mg 3 times per day 310. Post herpetic neuralgia in herpes zoster cannot be treated with a. Gaba pentin b. Opioid analgesic c. Tricyclic antidepressant d. Anti viral therapy a. 7 different viruses b. 8 different viruses c. 9 different viruses d. 10 different viruses c. Multiple ulcers d. Multiple necrotic ulcers tends to present a. Single large necrotic ulcers and less often multiple ulcers b. Recurrent ulcers 312. A variant of herp angina is a. Lymphadenitis of the throat b. Lymphonodular pharyngitis c. Acute pharyngitis d. Acute pharyngitis and tonsillitis d. Erythema multiforme 313. Plasma cell stomatitis is a. Plasma cell immune disease b. Hypersensitive reaction c. Immunosuppressive disease d. Allergic stomatitis c. Pemphigus foliaceous d. Bullous pemphigoid 314. Amlexanox paste is used to decrease the healing of a. Herpetic ulcer b. Herpangina ulcer c. Necrotizing ulcer d. Aphthous ulcer d. Doxicyclin 315. Clinical manifestation as diagnostic criteria for Behcet’s disease a. Recurrent genital lesions b. Eye lesions ,uveitis or retinal vasculitis c. Skin lesions,erythema nodosum and papilllopustular lesion d. All of the above 318. One of the following disease belongs to subepithelial bullous dermatosis a. Pemphigus vegetans b. Bullous pemphigoid c. Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica 316. Pathergy test is indicated for a. Allergic lesions b. Autoimmune disease c. Behcet’s disease d. TB d. Ulcerative lesion 322. Necrosis of oral epithelium which may also be perceived as a. Suppurative lesion b. Gangrenous lesion c. White lesion 319. Desquamative gingivitis has also been reported as most common oral manifestation of a. Pemphigus vulgaris b. Pemphigus erythematosis 320. One of the following drugs is immunosuppressive drug used in pemphigus group of diseases a. Clobetasol b. Azathioprine c. Dapsone 321.The disease that also manifests has a rhino cerebral form a. Histoplasmosis b. Blasto mycosis c. Phycomycosis d. Candidiasis 317. In pemphigus vulgaris oral lesion develops as a a. Classical ulcer b. Classical vesicle c. Classical bulla d. Classical erythema d. Anti depressants 323. Oral candidiasis develop from patient who takes prolonged treatment of a. Antibiotics b. Analgesics c. Antihistamine 324. The type of candidiasis that is associated with malignant transformation is a. Pseudomemberanous candidiasis b. Atrophic candidiasis c. Erythematous candidiasis d. Chronic plaque type and nodular candidiasis 329.White spongy nevus that occurs in oral mucosa can also involve extra oral site such as a.pharynx b.larynx c.esophagus d.bronchus 325. CD4 + T lymphocytes in hairy leukoplakia appears on a. High level b. Low level c. Normal level d. Variation level 330.Pigments that result in discolouration of dorsal tongue can be produced by a.melanogenic bacteria b.spirochetes c.chromogenic bacteria d.bacterium fusiform 326. The white lesion of oral mucosa that cannot be characterized as any other lesion is a. Spongy nevus b. Frictional keratosis c. Linea alba d. Leukoplakia 331.One of the following sarcoma of mucosa can cause discoloration a.fibrosarcoma b.liposarcoma c.myosarcoma d.kaposi sarcoma 327. The lesion that produce white radiating striae resembling oral lichen planus is a. Systemic Lupus b. Discoid Lupus c. Erythroleukoplakia d. Marked hyper keratinization 332. Melanotic macules develop more frequently in a.children b.males c.females d.both a and b 328.To obtain relief of symptoms from oral mucosal Lupus erythematosis the treatment is a.clobetazole propionate gel b.hydrogen peroxide c.warm saline d.immunosupressant drug 333.Well circumscribed tan or brown coloured macular develop in facial and perioral skin is called a. freckle or ephelis b. melanoma c. circum oral pigmentation d. patch pigmentation 334.The chief drugs implicated in drug induced melanosis is a.antimalarial b.anti carcinogenic c.anti fungal d.anti depressant 340.Peripheral ossifying or cementifying fibroma is found exclusively in a.gingiva b.alveolar mucosa c.palate d.anywhere in the oral cavity 335.Acquired symmetric melanosis develop on sun exposed area of skin particularly is called a.melanoma b.melasma c.melanotic maccule d.metonic spots 341.Gingival enlargement occurs in a.crohn’s disease b. amyloidosis c. lymphoma d.all of the above 336. Hemochromatosis is a chronic progressive disease that is characterized by deposition of a.excessive melanin b.excessive copper c.excessive iron d.excessive porphyrin 342.One of the following condition causes congenital macroglossia a.acromegaly b.hyperpitutarism c.lymphangioma d.myoma of the tongue 337.Epulis in gums is a a.benign growth b.congenital growth c.developmental growth d.inflammatory growth d.primodial cyst 343.The cyst that is associated with nevoid basal cell carcinoma is a.dental cyst b.dentigerous cyst c.odontogenic keratocyst 338.Inflammatory papillary hyperplasia of mucosa in hard palate is due to a.smoking irritation b.food accumulation c.pipe smoking irritation d.denture irritation 344. Patient using bisphosphonate may develop a.ulceration in oral mucosa b.dryness of mouth c.osteonecrosis and osteomyelitis d.cancrum oris 339.Pregnancy epulis developes when a.circulating estrogen is high b.circulating estrogen and androgen is high c.circulating androgen is high d.circulatng estrogen is low c.hepatitis C d.hepatitis D 345. The virus that cause sialadenitis, xerostomia and salivary gland enlargement a.hepatitis A b.hepatitisB 346. Symmterical lacrimal,parotid and submandibular enlargement occurs in a. Sjogrens syndrome b. Heerford syndrome c. Mumps d. Granulomatous condition 352.Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania is a.neuralgia b.myalgia c.headache d.vascular pain 347.One of the drugs is a systemic sialogogue a.cevimiline HCL b.bromohexine c.anetholetrithin d.thalidomide d.matrix formation and mineralization 348.Pain at the angle of the left side of the mandible brought on by exertion and relieved on rest suggest a.cardiac ischemia b.myositis ossificans c.thyroid inflammation d.TMJ disc displacement 353.Rickets is failure of a.mineralisation of endochondral new bone formed b.mineralisation of organic bone matrix c.matrix formation of bone 349.Temporal artery swelling, severe throbbing,severe pain,transient visual abnormalities occurs in a. Migraneous neuralgia b. TMJ disc displacement 355. In hyperparathyroidism there is 354.Rickets and osteomalacia is due to abnormalities of a.vit A b.vit B c.vit C d.vit D a.hypercalcemia b.hypocalcemia c.hyperphosphatemia c. Atypical facial pain d. Temporal arteritis d.hypophosphatemia 350.Systemic disease associated 356.Facial myxedema and enlarged With skull enlargement and ocular disturbance tongue are features of a.acromegaly a.hypothyroidism b.paget’s disease b.hyperthyroidism c.metastatic carcinoma c.hypopituitarism d.gasteritis d.hyperparathyroidism 351.Gamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery is the new technique to treat a.vascular lesion b.early malignancy c.ulceration of foliate papule d.trigeminal neuralgia 358. In diabetes mellitus the signs and symptoms are a.xerostomia and parotid gland enlargement b.ptylism with burning mouth c.parotitis d.dryness of mouth 357.Growth hormone deficiency causes a.delayed eruption of tooth b.retarded eruption of teeth c.uneruptted teeth d.burried teeth 359. Spasm of muscles of mastication increases until the jaw is finally locked in a.fracture of condyle b.fracture of maxilla c.myostis ossificans d.tetanus 365.Neutropenia occurs in cyclic neutropenia as a.an acute onset b.chronic pattern c.intermittent d.cyclic pattern 360. Mucous patches and snail tract ulcers are common in a.primary syphilis b.secondary syphilis c.tertiary syphilis d.congenital syphilis d.hypothyroidism 361. Rigid lip ,narrow oral aperture, loss of skin folds around the mouth occurs in 366.Multiple impacted supernumerary teeth associated with intestinal polyposis occurs in a.cleidocranial dystosis b.gardners syndrome c.osteopetrosis 364.Gingival hyperplasia in acute myelogenic leukemia is due to a.inflammatory exudates b.fibrosis of c.leukemic cell infiltration d.epithelial proliferation 367. Yellow pigmentation may be observe on oral mucosa in a. Carotenemia a.radiation fibrosis b.OSMF c.scar of burn d.scleroderma b. Allergic condition c. Uremic stomatitis d. Liver cirrhosis 362. Cell mediated immunity is brought out by a.T cell b.B cell c .both a and b d.none of the above d. Lung infection 363.Long term intravenous bisphosphonate therapy causes a.osteopetrosis b.osteonecrosis c.osteitis d.osteoporosis d. TMD 370. Oral diskinesias are a. Severe,bad odour b. Abnormal,involuntary movement of tongue,lip and jaws c. Biting of teeth and closing of mouth d. Tremors of tongue 368. Erythematous macular lesion on soft palate and enlargement of lingual tonsillar tissue occurs in a. Upper respiratiory viral infection b. Viral infection lymphoid tissue c. Acute glossitis 371. True bony ankylosis of TMJ involves fusion of a. Head of the condyle to zygomatic bone b. Condyle to temporal bone c. Condyle to articular disc d. Head of the condyle to glenoid fossa of temporal bone 376. Rheumatoid arthritis of TMJ is a. Inflammatory b. Degenerative c. Suppurative d. Immunological 372. Condyle is positioned anterior to articular eminence and cannot return to glenoid fossa is a. Dislocation b. Subluxation c. Concussion d. Malposition 377. Chronic alcoholism is associated with parotid gland dysfunction in the form of a. Parotitis b. Ptyalism c. Sialolith d. Salivary gland enlargement 369. Nocturnal bruxism is thought to aggrevate or contribute pain symptoms associated with a. Gastric disease b. Oral malignancy c. Oro facial neuralgia 375. Deviation of the mandible to the affected side and facial deformity occurs in a. Fracture condyle b. Agenesis of condyle c. Displacement d. Fibrous ankylosis 373. Condyle moves anterior to the eminence during opening and is able to return to resting positon is a. Concussion b. Hypermobility c. Subluxation d. Dislocation 378. Dehydration has been demonstrated to result in salivary gland with a. Excess output of salivation b. Diminished output of salivation c. No salivation at all d. Diminished purulent salivation 374. Clinically a deep depression can be felt in pretragus region in a. Condylar hypoplasia b. Condylar fracture c. Condylar concussion d. Condylar dislocation 379. An acute and sudden onset of a swollen salivary gland with pain is a. Acute bacterial sialedinitis b. Acute viral sialedinitis c. Acute allergic sialednitis d. Acute fungal sialedinitis 380. Hypoplasia of parotid gland occurs in a. Ramsay hunt syndrome b. Melkerson rosenthal syndrome c. Frey’s auriculo temporal syndrome d. Sjogren’s syndrome 385. Oral non-hodgkin’s lymphoma is seen in a. Multiple myeloma b. Histiocytosis c. HIV/AIDS d. Wegwners granulomatosis 381. In salivary gland disease to differentiate between cyst and solid mass the best investigation is a. Ultrasonography b. MRI c. CT scan d. Radionuclear imaging 386. Diagnosis of major salivary gland masses can be made without open biopsy by a. FNAC b. Aspiration c. Radiograph d. Clinical findings 382. Limited opening of mouth has been related to a. Tetanus b. Radiation fibrosis c. Scleroderma d. All the above 387. Multiple osteoma’s occur in a. Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia b. Gardner syndrome c. Multiple ostosis d. Albright syndrome 383. Cytotoxic chemotherapy and radiation therapy for oral cancer affect a. Connective tissue b. Vascular tissue c. Mucosal epithelial tissue d. All the above 388. One of the following maxillary cyst is not a bony cyst a. Nasopalatine cyst b. Median cyst c. Nasolabial duct cyst d. Hemoharragic cyst 384. Prior to radiotherapy of cancer infected tooth,root stump and periodontally involved tooth should be removed a. To prevent osteoradionecrosis b. To provide better radiation treatment c. To prevent mucositis d. To prevent soft tissue necrosal gangrene 389. Foliate papillitis is a painful lymphoid aggregate occurs in tongue in the a. Dorsum b. Base c. Posterolateral part d. In the tip 390. The drug that causes pigmentation in the teeth is a. Oxy tetracycline b. Tetracycline c. Chloromycin d. Tetracyclin d. Analgesics and corticosteroids 391. Oral mucosal pigmentation occurs in a. Amalgam tattoo b. Graphite tattoo c. Ornamental tattoo d. All the above 396. Combination of therapy to reduce pain and decrease size of ulcer in apthous stomatitis is a. Antibiotics b. Analgesics and antibiotics c. Steroids and anti-histamins 392. Oral contraceptives will produce a. Oral ulceration b. Oral burning sensation c. Oral bleeding d. Oral melanosis d. Patients with nerve disorder 398. Varicella zoster viral infection are more severe in a. Adults with prolonged antibiotics b. Patients with systemic disease c. Immunocompromised patients 397. Bullous pemphigoid and mucous membrane pemphigoid are a. Epithelial bullous lesions b. Sub epithelial bullous lesions c. Only mucosal lesions d. Suprabasilar lesions 393. Vitiligo a depigmented lesion is a. Congenital disease b. Inflammatory disease c. Autoimmune disease d. Developmental disease c. Gaba pentin and lidocaine patch d. Antiviral therapy 394. Diffuse or patchy melanotic pigmentation in oral mucosa is associated with a. Chewer’s mucosa b. B complex deficiency c. Tertiary stage of syphilis d. OSMF 399. First line of treatment in post herpetic neuralgia is a. Vit B12 and analgesics b. Opioid analgesics and tricyclic antidepressants 395. Hairy tongue is characterized by projections of 401. Steven johnson syndrome is a. Varient of herpes virus infection b. Less severe variant of toxic epidermal necrolysis c. Mucocutaneous lesion d. Prone for malignancy a. Fungiform papillae b. Filliform papillae c. Circumvallate papillae d. Foliate papillae 402. Recurrent aphthous stomatitis has a. Major apthous ulcer b. Minor apthous ulcer c. Herpetiform ulcer d. All the above d. Fibrous dysplasia 403. In hereditary gingival fibromatosis a. Gingiva bleeds b. Delayed eruption of teeth c. Alveolar bone not fully formed d. Multiple exophytic growth occurs d. FNAC 404. The teeth are red or purple in colour in a. Internal resorption b. Congenital porphyria c. Gangrene of tooth d. Dental fluorosis ` 400. The microbe that is likely to play an important role in progression of ANUG to cancrum oris is a. Borellia vincenti b. Bacillus fusiformis c. Fusobacterium necrophorum d. Camphylobacterium 408. One of the following conditions in fibro-osseous lesion a. Fibroma b. Fibrous epulis c. Giant cell epulis 409. Diagnosis of primary syphilis can be made by a. Blood examination b. Dark ground field microscopy c. Blood culture 410. Specific test such as FTA-ABS is indicated in a. Tuberculosis b. Syphilis c. Leprosy d. HIV infection 405. Hutchinson’s incisor is present in a. Congenital syphilis b. Primary syphilis c. Secondary syphilis d. Tertiary syphilis d. Spirocheteal infection 406. Internal resorption is a uncommon condition in which dentin is resorbed within the pulp this is also called a. Pink tooth b. Cafe-au-lait spot c. Koplik’s spot d. Melanotic spot 411. Supression of normal flora of the mouth by anti bacterial drugs causes a. Viral infection b. Fungal infection c. Protozoal infection 407. Premature loss of deciduous tooth especially in incisors is a manifestation of a. Hypocalcemia b. Hypothyroidism c. Hypoadrenalism d. Hypophosphatasia 413. Glossitis with angular stomatitis is characteristic of a. Thiamine deficiency b. Riboflavin deficiency c. Ascorbic acid deficiency d. Retenoids 413. Glossitis with angular stomatitis is characteristic of a. Thiamine deficiency b. Riboflavin deficiency c. Ascorbic acid deficiency d. Retenoids d. Radiotherapy 414. Amyloidosis causes a. Microglossia b. Aglossia c. Ankyloglossia d. Macroglossia c. Radiation therapy d. Brachytherapy 415. White patch can be caused in oral mucosa due toirritation of sharp 419. Radiotherapy is carried by implantation of radioactive material in and around oral cancer is called a. Teletherapy b. Radiation therapy c. Brachy therapy 412. Hydrocortisone hemisuccinate 2.5mg pelletes allowed to dissolve in mouth 3 times a day is a treatment to a. Herpetic ulcer b. Traumatic ulcer c. Reccurent apthous ulcer d. Pemphigus ulcer 420. Oral cancer treatment by exposure of beams of xray from xray generator or radioactive isotope is called a. Teletherapy b. Radiotherapy 421. One the following drugs causes xerostomia tooth a. Leukoplakia b. Linea alba c. Frictional keratosis d. Lichen planus a. Fluconazole b. Atropine c. Ciplofloxicin d. Paracetamol 416. The leukoplakia frequently shows dysplasia a. Homogenous leukoplakia b. Pre leukoplakia c. Speckled leukoplakia d. Idiopathic leukoplakia c. Parotid stone d. Sialolithiasis 417. White lesion of the floor of the mouth and ventral tongue with wrinkled appearances a. Sublingual leukoplakia b. Homogenous leukoplakia c. Speckled leukoplakia d. Sublingual keratosis 422. Sialogram shows the typical snow strom appearance of blobs of contrast media that have leaked from the duct system in a. Sjogren syndrome b. Sialometaplasia 418. Cervicofacial lymphadenopathy is particularly common in a. Tuberculosis b. Sickle cell anemia c. Agranulocytosis d. Thrombocytopenia d. Ricket 424. Failure of normal proliferation of cartilage in epiphysis and base of the skull is a. Cleidocranial dystosis b. Osteogenesis imperfecta c. Achondroplasia 425. In one of the following condition delayed eruption of permanent teeth or embedding of permanent teeth occurs in jaw a. Hyperthyroidism b. Cleido-cranial dystosis c. Achondroplasia d. Cherubism d. Cherubism 426. Broadening of growing ends of bone,skull with wide fontanelles with frontal bossing,defective calcification of teeth are clinical 429. Clinically symmetrical swelling occurs in the angle of the mandible and in severe cases in maxilla producing fullness of the cheek causing eye to appear turned upwards the condition is a. Maxillary tumor b. Leontiasis ossea c. Paget’s disease 423. Osteogenesis imperfect is a disease in which defect of biosynthesis of type 1 collagen causes a. Osteoblast failure to form bone b. Osteoblast fail to resorb the bone c. Failure of calcification d. Cartilage formation is affected 430. Secondary hyperparathyroidism is due to a. Adenoma of parathyroid b. Hyperplasia of parathyroid c. Stimulation of parathyroid by pituitary findings in a. Rickets b. Osteomalacia c. Achondroplasia d. Myxedema b. Melkerson-rosenthal syndrome 427. Elevation of plasma calcium,reduction of phosphorus level with increase of plasma alkaline phosphate occurs in a. Rickets b. Hypeparathyroidism c. Hyperpitutarism d. Osteomalacia b. Thiamine and riboflavin c. Vit B 12 d. Folic acid 428. Symmetrical enlargement of maxilla with great deepening and broadening of alveolar process,with biochemical elevation of alkaline phosphatase occurs in a. Fibrous dysplsia b. Paget’s disease c. Caffe’s disease d. Osteopetrosis 434. The tip and lateral margin of tongue become red ,swollen and ulcerative with stomatitis in a. Nicotinamide deficiency b. Vit B12 deficiency c. Folic acid deficiency d. Riboflavin deficiency 435. Swollen bleeding gums and delayed wound healing with purpuric spots in oral mucosa and skin are features of a. Vit A deficiency d. Chronic renal failure 431. Sexual precosity,pigmentation of skin polyostotic fibrous dysplasia is a. Albright syndrome c. Addison’s disease d. Gardner’s syndrome 432. Successful treatment of keratotic flecks in leukoplakia is being carried out with a. Retenoids 433. A peculiar form of glossitis in which tongue becomes magenta coloured and granular in appearance due to flattening of papilla.This occurs in a. Nicotine amide deficiency b. Vit B 12 deficiency c. Folic acid deficiency d. Riboflavin deficiency 440. Dyskeratosis congenita is a rare heritable recessive or dominant trait with white lesion in the oral mucosa that shows microscopically a. Hypertrophyof epithelium b. Metaplasia of epithelium c. Hyperplasia of epithelium d. Dysplasia of epithelium 441. The habit of snuff dipping or tobacco chewing in the labial and buccal mucosa gives rise to a. Burning sensation b. Vit B complex deficiency c. Vit C deficiency d. Vit D deficiency b. Ulceration c. Keratosis d. Hyperplastic growth 436. Dental erosion and parotid swelling sialadenosis may occur in a. Diabetes mellitus b. Alcholism c. Acid mouth wash d. Anorexia and bullemia 442. The typical sequelae to syphilitic Leukoplakia is the development of a. Chancre b. Snail tract ulcer c. Gumma d. Carcinoma 437. Sharply circumscribed lesion in skin recurring intha same site each time when a drug is taken in a. Stomatitis medicamentosa b. Stomatitis venenata c. Fixed drug eruption d. Allergic dermatitis 443. Verrucous carcinoma in oral mucosa is slow growing a. Spreads deeply to the tissues b. Spreads as an exophytic growth c. Spreads laterally d. In any direction 438. Drugs that produce antimuscuranic Action such as tricyclic antidepressant causes a. Allergic stomatitis b. Ptyalism c. Dry mouth d. Ulceration in oral mucosa 439. Patient with anticoagulant therapy will have a. Gingival hyperplasia b. Hypotension c. Ulceration in mouth d. Risk of post operative bleeding d. Epithelial polyp 446. Clinically a white spiky or cauliflower like surface in oral mucosa is suggestive of a. Irritation fibroma b. Speckled leukoplakia c. Veruccous carcinoma d. Papilloma lymphoma 447. Extra nodal lymphoma associated with EBV virus 444. The development of giant cell epulis may be related to a. Eruption of permanent tooth b. Eruption of deciduous tooth c. Resorption of deciduous tooth d. Irritation of osteoblasts 445. Red speckled strawberry gums associated with respiratory,renal signs are called a. Uremic stomatitis b. Pyostomatitis vegetans c. Wegner’s granulamtosus 452. Most frequent malignant tumor in AIDS is a. Squamous cell carcinoma and Hodgkin’s lymphoma b. Hodgkin’s lymphoma and Kaposi sarcoma c. kaposi sarcoma d. kaposi sarcoma and non- Hodgkins 453. The Rheumatoid arthritis is associated with a. Hodgkin’s lymphoma b. Non hodgkins lymophoma c. Burkit lymphoma d. Malignant lymphoma 448. Fall in number of circulating neutophils at regular intervals of 3 to 4 weeks with oral ulceration is a. Leukopenia b. Chronic leukemia c. Cyclic neutropenia d. Drug induced leucopenia 449. Purpura is a clinical sign of a. Platelet disorder and relatively, rarely vascular defect b. Platelet disorder c. Bleeding disorder d. Coagulation dirsorder a. Scleroderma b. Granulomatous lesion c. Sjogren’s syndrome d. SLE 454. Palmar plantar keratosis is associated with a. Trecher collin’s syndrome b. Scleroderma c. Papillon levefere syndrome d. Chronic dermatosis 455. In general examination abnormal Nail kolionychia suggest a. Raynauds phenomenon b. Long standing anemia c. Skin disorders d. Cardiac condition 450. Haemophilia is the most common and severe clotting disorder and heamophilia is due to a. Clotting fctor VIIdeficiency b. Clotting factor VIII def. c. Clotting factor IX def. d. Clotting factor X def. 456. Clinical test to distinguish benign from malignant neoplasm can be done with a. Biopsy b. Patch test of skin c. FNA biopsy d. Dermal scrapping 451. Dental extraction can be carried out safely to the patents with anticoagulant therapy a. An INR 1-2 b. An INR 2-3 c. An INR 3-4 d. An INR 4-5 458. Dental flurosis will develop to those individuals who consume a. High fluoride water during development of teeth b. High fluoride water after 20yrs c. High fluoride water after 25yrs d. High fluoride water after 30yrs d. Alveolar osteitis 457. In blood examination serum alkaline phosphatase is lowered in a. Hyperparathyroidism b. Paget’s disease c. Hypophosphatasia d. Osteogenesis imperfeca 463. Low grade chronic periapical or perifollicular infection causes reactive subperiosteal new bone formation in young individual a. Osteomyelitis b. Garre’s osteomyelitis c. Chronic specific osteomyelitis 459. In dental fluorosis if the enamel is grossly defective,opaque,pitted and brown stained- the grade of this condition is a. very mild b. mild c. moderate d. severe 464. One of the following carcinoma can matasize in the jaw bone a. Bronchogenic carcinoma b. Gastric carcinoma c. Pancreatic carcinoma d. Carcinoma of the bladder 460. Persistance skin sinus extraorally in the midline of the lower border of the mandible associated with lower incisor rendered non vital is a. Chronic periapical infection with extraoral sinus b. Acute periapical infection with extraoral sinus c. Periapical granuloma with exrteraoral sinus d. Periapical cemental dysplasia with extraoral sinus c. Spreads to other parts d. Parasoxysmal and very severe 461. Crater shaped punched out ulcer formed initially at the tip of the interdental papilla is the sing of a. Mixed infection of the gingival b. ANUG c. Gangrenous stomatitis d. HIV gingivitis 465. Middle third of face is retrusive in one bone disorder and this is due to the deficient growth of skull bone this disorder is a. Cleidocranial dysostosis b. Treacher-collin syndrome c. Achondroplasia d. Hypoplasia of the base of the skull 466. Pain in the trigeminal neuralgia is a. Throbbing and lancinating b. Killing and pricking 467. Clinically in cervicofacial region if a firm sweliing with a group of matted nodes is found is a. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma b. Tuberculous lymph nodes c. Leukemic node d. Syphilitic node 462. The treatment of hyperbaric oxygen in osteomyelitis of jaw is mainly of value in a. Pyogenic osteomyelitis b. Tuberculous osteomyelitis c. Osteoradionecrosis d. Phossy jaw 468. Widespread and persistant lymphadenopathy including cervicofacial lymph node is a feature of a. Leukemia 473. Macroglossia and fissuring of tongue occurs in a. Cretinism b. Heamangioma c. Myxedema b. Syphilis c. Cat-scartch disease d. AIDS d. Down’s syndrome 469. Blowing the nose may force air into the mouth or causes frothing of blood from socket is a clinical finding of a. Maxillary sinusitis b. Allergic sinusitis c. Root or tooth displacement into the antrum d. Oronasal fistula 470. Dental implication of drug nifedipine use is a. Stomatitis b. Bad taste c. Gingival hyperplasia d. Gingival desquamation 474. In myocardial infarction pain may be referred to a. Left maxillary region b. Left mandibular region c. Left submental region d. Right and left mandibular region 475. Pain is localized in migranous nueralgia a. Frontal region of skull b. Orbit and temple c. Preauricular area d. One side of face 471. The virus that gives chief risk to dental personnel and can be readily transmitted during dentistry is a. Hepatitis B b. Hepatiis D c. Herpes d. HBV 476. Prolonged anesthesia and paresthesia of lip caused due to a. Injury to lip b. Growth in lip c. Injury to nerve by inferior dental block d. Injury to mental nerve 472. Oral changes in Down’s syndrome a. Mandibular retrusion,unerupted teeth,wide palatal arch b. Maxillary protrusion with spacing in teeth c. Crowding of teeth with cleft d. Underdeveloped maxilla,protrusive mandible,class III malocclusion,anterior open bite 477. Bell’s palsy is the common cause of facial paralysis due to a. Cerebral tumor b. Trauma to the base of skull c. Compression of the facial nerve d. Injury to the nerve due to malignant tumor 478. The mandible is enlarged due to elongated ramus and increased obliqueity of the angle in patient of 24 yrs old in 484. Gangrenous infection outward from the mouth causing extensive facial destruction occurs in a. Mucormycosis a. Condylar hyperplasia b. Mandibular prognathism c. Cherubism d. Acromegaly 479. Von willebrand’s disease is characterized by a. Oral bleeding with prolonged bleeding time b. Deficiency in cioagulant factorVIII c. Normal coagulation time d. Prolonged bleeding time and deficiency of factor VIII 480. Multiple keratocysts of jaw occurs in a. Ameloblastoma b. Osteitis fibrosa cystica c. Gorlin- goltz syndrome d. Eosinophilia b. Pyogenic osteomyelitis c. Gangrenous osteomyelitis d. Cancrum oris 485. Cyst develop from non odontogenic epithelial along the mid palatine raphe measuring few mm in diameter in a. Nasopalatine cyst b. Epstein pearl c. Epithelial pearl d. Mid palatine cyst 486. Rheumatoid arthritis of TMJ is a. Inflammatory disease b. Degenrative disease c. Autoimmune disease d. Immunological disease 481.Dermoid cyst develops a. In the midline of the mandible b. In the tongue c. Posterior part of the palate d. Immediately beneath the tongue 487. Reccerent apthous ulcer measures a. 1cm b. Less than 1cm c. 1-2mm d. 5mm 482. Pemphigus vulgaris will have good response to prolonged treatment of a. Antibiotic b. Antiallergic c. Immunosuppressive drugs d. Gold therapy 488. Dilated tortuous veins may be seen along the ventral surface of the tongue is called a. Heamangioma b. Angiomatous lesion c. Mild aneurysm d. Lingual varicosities 483. One of the following diseases cause ptyalism a. Myasthenia gravis b. Cerebral palsy c. Parkinsons disease d. Bell’s palsy 489. White patch that can be caused by prolonged irritation of sharp tooth is a. Frictional keratosis b. Cheek bite c. Leukoplakia d. Chronic non healing ulcer 490. Necrotising sialometaplasia is a tumor like lesion that mainly affects 496. The clinical lesion in the oral mucosa a characteristic white warty appearance a. Parotid gland b. Sub mandibular gland c. Sublingual gland d. Minor salivary glands c. Speckled leukoplakia d. Verrucous carcinoma 491. Long term tobacco chewing habit gives rise to change in buccal mucosa as a. Extensive white thickening and wrinkling b. Erythema and mild ulceration c. Discolouration of mucosa with gray colour d. Mild leukoplakia forming well circumscribed mass, raised along the mucosa a. Papilloma b. Wart 497. Residual cyst is a. A cyst in the residual infected portion b. A persistant radicular cyst c. Cyst left in the bone after enucleation d. Cyst in the apex of tooth 492. Important side effects of long term use of corticosteroids a. Bacterial infection b. Fungal infection c. Opportunistic infection d. Viral infection 498. Parotid sarcoidosis and facial paralysis Are clinical features of a. Ramsay hunt syndrome b. Melkerson rosanthal syndrome c. Frey’s syndrome d. Heerfords syndrome 493. Crops of 1-5 ulcers on non-keratinizing mucosa heals in 7-10days a. Erythema multiforme b. Minor aphthae c. Herpes zoster d. Herpes ulcer 499. Clinically the presence of multiple osteomas in mandible occur in a. Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia b. Multiple exostosis c. Gardners syndrome d. Multiple myeloma 494. Leukoplakia like plaque have soft, corrugated surface with symmetric distribution is seen in mouth a. psedomembraneous candidiasis b. white spongy naevus c. long standing renal failure d. lichen planus 500. A soft rounded bluish swelling over a tooth abort to erupt is a. Mucocele b. Pigemented swelling c. Hemangioma d. Eruption cyst 495. White lesion consists of white flecks of fine nodules on a. Atrophic erythematous base b. Psedomembraneous candidiasis c. Candidial leukoplakia d. Speckled leukoplakia d. Mucous membrane pemphigus 501. Vesiculobullous lesions of oral mucosa resembling pemphigus vulgaris but with intra cellular IgA is a. Para neoplastic pemphigus b. Pemphigus vegetans c. IgA pemphigus RADIOLOGY 1. Radiation is a. Heavy heat b. Light c. A form of breeze d. Energy c. Primary radiation d. Secondary radiation 2. Electromagnetic radiation is the movement of energy through space with a. Electric field b. Magnetic field c. Both a and b d. Electrically charged particles 6. The sudden stopping or slowing of high speed electrons by tungsten nuclei in the target produces a. Bremsstrahlung radiation b. Characteristic radiation 7. The quantity of radiation produced by an xray tube is called a. KVp b. mA c. half value d. Gy 3.X ray machine has a. X ray tube b. Supporting arm c. Control panel d. All the above tissues d. To determine the quality of radiation 4. X ray tube is composed of a. A cathode b. An anode c. cathode & anode in an evacuated glasstube d. A mere vacuum chamber 8. Collimator is a metallic barrier which is used to a. Increase the size of x ray beam b. To regulate the size of x ray beam c. To regulate the amount of irradiation to the 9. Beam attenuation is obtained in dental x-ray beam by a. Coherent scattering b. Photoelectric absorption c. Compton scattering d. All of the above 5. A tungsten target in xray tube is present in a. Anode b. Cathode c. Both a and b d. Tube window 10. Study of the effects of ionizing radiation on living tissue is a. Radiochemistry b. Radiobiochemistry c. Radiophysics d. Radiobiology 11. The effect of radiation on oral mucous membrane is a. Mucosal growth 16. Radiation causes cancer by a. Modifying the cell structure b. Modifying the cytoplasm content b. Mucosal burning c. Mucosal bleeding d. Mucositis c. Modifying the DNA d. Modifying the RNA 12. Effect of radiation on salivary gland is a. Drooling of saliva b. Hyposalivation c. Hypersalivation d. Irregular salivation 17. The philosophy of radiation protection is often reffered to as a. Principle of justification b. Principle of optimization c. Principle of dose limitation d. Principle of ALARA 13. Patient receiving radiation therapy to oral structures have increased in a. Streptococcus mutans b. Strep. pyogenes c. Strep.viridans d. Staphylococcus 18. Operating potential of dental xray machine must range between a. 30-50 kilovoltage peak b. 50-100 kilovoltage peak c. 60-80- kilovoltage peak d. 10-30 kilovoltage peak 14. Osteoradionecrosis occurs in osteomyelitis due to a. Action of microbes in normal bone b. Decreased vascularity in the bone following which infection occurs c. Toxins of organisms causing necrosis d. Blood supply is cut off due to thrombosis 19. Leaded glass window is used for protection from radiation to a. Patients b. Attenders c. Nurses d. Operators 15. Radiation effect on muscle is a. Destruction of muscle b. Inflammation and fibrosis c. Atrophy of muscles d. Hypertrophy of muscles 20. Film badges are used a. To prevent radiation hazards b. To identify the staff of radiology department c. To record the occupational exposure d. To reduce radiation effect on operator 21. A conventional radiograph is a. A two dimensional projection image b. Single dimensional projectional image c. 3 dimensional projection image d. Only lateral dimension projection 26.The x-ray film has a. Emulsion b. Base c. Emulsion and base d. Plastic 22. In bisecting angle technique of 27. Dot in the corner of each dental x-ray film intra oral Radiograph the film placed as close as to the teeth but a. It is parallel to the long axis of the tooth b. It is not parallel to the long axis of the tooth c. It is perpendicular to long axis of the tooth d. The film is from incisal edge to cervical edge and not parallel to the long axis of the tooth. a. Bite and occlusion 23. In bisecting angle technique after keeping the intra oral radiograph the central ray is passed a. Parallel to the long axis of the tooth b. Parallel to the long axis of the film c. Perpendicular to the film d. Perpendicular to an imaginary plane that bisects the angle between the teeth and the film a. Panaromic view 24. In paralleling technique of intra oral radiograph film is placed a. Parallel to the imaginary line from angle of film and tooth b. Parallel to long axis of tooth c. Away from long axis of tooth d. Perpendicular to long axis of tooth c. Occlusal view d. Panaromic view 25. Tube shift technique is used to identify a. Spatial position of the object b. Superior position of the object c. Inferior position of the object in localization d. Anterior position of object in localization d. Area of soft tissue is a. Handling dot b. Developing dot c. Identification dot d. Holding dot 28. Bitewing view of intra oral radiograph is used to record the 32.Radiograhic contrast is a general term that describes a. Specificty of radiograph b. Densities on radiograph c. Darker and lighter area d. Only lighter area d. To dissolve the emulsion 33. Using intensifying screen in extraoral radiograph has a. Beneficial effect of image b. Adverse effect of image 37. The primary function of fixing solution is a. To brighten the images b. To dissolve silver halide crystals c. To dissolve and remove the under develop silver halide crystals from the emulsion b. Coronal portion maxillary teeth c. Coronal portion of mandibular teeth d. Coronal portion of maxillary and mandibular teeth 29. Screen films are used to take radiograph of b. Cephalometric view c. Skull view d. All of the above 30. Intensifying screens are not used in a. PA view skull radiograph b. AP view skull radiograph 31. Processing an exposed xray film causes it to become dark in the a. Whole area b. Exposed area c. Unexposed area 38. In sufficient contrast of the radiograph is due to a. Under developed film b. Over developed film c. Dimnished effect of image d. Excess effect of image c. Over exposure d. Less KVp 34. A grid is composed of a. Strips of radioopaque material b. Strips of radiolucent material c. Pure plastics d. Alternating strips of radio opaque and radiolucent material 39.Blurring of radiograph is due to a. Double exposure b. Less exposure c. More exposure d. Prolonged exposure 35. Film processing a. Helps to form latent image b. Chemically changes photosensitive silver halide solids c. Converts the latent image into one that can be visualized d. All of the above 40. Digital imaging a. Helps quick radiographic processing b. Give clear landmarks c. Eliminates chemical processing d. Is less expensive 36. Primary function of developing solution is a. To make the film radiopaaque b. To get images c. To wash out all silver halide salts d. To convert exposed silver halide crystals into metallic silver grains 41. Crowns of teeth and adjacent alveolar crest are seen in a. Extra oral radiograph b. Intra oral radiograph c. Bite wing radiograph d. Panaromic radiograph 42. Full length of root with 2mm periapical bone must be seen in a. Periapical radiograph b. Bitewing radiograph c. Occlusal view radiograph d. Topographic occlusal view radiograph 47. The width of the PDL in radiograph varies from a. Patient to patient b. Tooth to tooth c. Location to location d. All the above 43. Parameter influencing density and contrast of radiograph a. mA b. KVp c. Exposure time d. All the above d. As straight line 44. Most appropriate technique for 48. Inter maxillary suture in intra oral Radiograph may terminate at the alveolar crest as a. Y shaped widening b. Oval widening c. V shaped widening 49. In the periapical radiograph an digital imaging is a a. Short cone technique b. Paralleling technique c. Bisecting angle technique d. All the above d. Lower end of the nasal cavity 45. The lamina dura is wider and more dense in heavy occlusion a. In cervical part of the root b. In middle third of the root c. Around the roots of the teeth d. In the apical third of the root ovoid radiolucency between the roots of central incisor is a. Nasopalatine canal b. Incisive foramen c. Periapical abscess 50. Naso lacrimal canal is commonly seen as ovoid radiolucency in a. IOPA of upper third molars b. Bitewing radiograph c. Mandibular occlusal projection d. Maxillary occlusal projection 46. Alveolar crest in the posterior region in intra oral radiograph appears a. Horizontal b. Angular c. Vertical d. Flat d. Maxillary premolars and molars 51. In the IOPA ,the inferior border of maxillary sinus appears as a thin radioopaque line near the apices of a. Maxillary premolars b. Maxillary molars c. Maxillary third molars 52. Mental foramen in intra oral radiograph appears as an oval radiolucency near a. Apex of 1st premolar b. Apex of 2nd premolar c. Between the apex of 1st and 2nd premolar d. Between canine and 1st premolar 57. For lateral cephalometric radiograph the patient placement should be a. Film parallel to canthomeatal line b. Film parallel to mid sagittal plane c. Film in contact with cheek d. Film perpendicular to mid sagittal plane 53. Panaromic imaging is beneficial Because a. Covers the maxillary and mandibular dental arches b. Broad coverage of facial bone and teeth c. Low patient radiation dose d. All the above 54. Distortion in the panaromic radiograph can be avoided by 58. Submento vertex radiograph should be taken with image receptor a. Is positioned parallel to patient transverse plane and perpendicular to mid saggital plane b. Perpendicular to patients transverse plane c. Parallel to mid saggital line d. Parallel to coronal plane 59. The most superior point of external auditory canal is a. Moving tube slowly b. Reducing the radiation c. Chin and occlusal rest must be properly positioned d. Head should be positioned a. Sella b. Basion c. Porion d. Pogonion 55. Intensifying screen are repeatedly used in panaromic radiographs because a. They give clear pictures b. They reduce the time of exposure c. They reduce the amount of radiation d. They give proper density 60. The most anterior point of symphysis is a. Gnathion b. Menton c. Gonion d. Pogonion 56. Cephalometric and skull view requires the image receptor atleast a. 6 X 8’’ b. 8 X 10’’ c. 10 X 15’’ d. 13 X 18’’ 61. Fronto nasal suture is a. Nasion b. Basion c. Gorion d. PNS 62. Menton is a. Mental foramen region b. Mandibular canal region c. Most inferior part of symphysis menti d. Midline of the manible 67. The most radio opaque structure is a.bone b.cementum c.dentin d.enamel 63. For Waters position of skull radiograph image receptor is placed a. In front of the patient and perpendicular to mid saggital plane b. In back of the patient and perpendicular to mid saggital plane c. Film as to be kept touching the nose d. Film is placed in front of the patient and opening of the mouth a.amount of bone loss in furcation 64. Conventional dental radiograph produces images in two dimensions usually a. In mesio distal direction b. In bucco lingual direction c. In labio lingual direction d. In mesio occlusal distal direction 68. Widening of periodontal space with intact lamina dura occurs in a.hperparathyroidsm b.orthodontic treatment c.malignant lesion d.benign lesion 69. Radiographs are specially helpful in the evaluation of periodontal condition b.new bone formation c.cemental dysplasia in apical bone d. root resorption 70. In radiograph the periodontal space is slightly wider in a.around cervical portion b.around middle portion of root 65. The first step in image analysis is a. To identify whether image is good or not b. Identify the side of the image c. Identiy all the normal anatomy present in the image d. Identify radiolucent and radiooapaque areas B.initial periodontal disease 66. A radioopaque mass associated with the root of the teeth with prominent radiolucent periphery is a.hypercementosis b.cemental dysplasia c.osteoma d.beningn cementolastoma 72.Radiographic appearance of bone loss in localized aggressive periodontitis consist of a.horizontal defect b.deep vertical defect c.superficial vertical defect d. all of the above c.around the apical portion d.around interradicular portion 71. Loss of cortical density and roundening of junction of alveolar crest and lamina dura suggest a.widening of interproximal c.initial caries d.pocket formation 77.Radioopaque structure within the pulp a. pulp polyp b.pulp growth c.pulp stone d.foreign body 73. In radiograph if a tooth appears larger than normal it suggest a. taurodontism b.odontome c.dilated odontome d.macrodontia d. sclerosing osteitis 74. The radiographic appearance of radioopaque inverted tear drop outline in angular area is a.talon cusp b.evaginaton c.dens invagination d.enamel pearl 78. Bone formation emanating from the floor of maxillary antrum that arise from apical inflammation is a. condensing osteitis b. rarefying osteitis c. periosteitis 75.Intraoral radiograph shows bulbous crown, short root,obliteration of pulp chamber and root canal in a.amelogenesis imperfect 80.Radioopaque line in the periapical cyst is a.epithilial lining of cyst b.destruction of bone c.condensation of bone 79. A well defined radiolucency surrounded by radioopaque line in apical end of non vital tooth a.periapical abcess b.periapical granuloma c.periapical cyst d.periapical rarefraction b.dentinogenesis imperfect c.odontogensis imperfect d.odonto dysplasia Crown of tooth projects is 76.Localised radiolucent round or oval elongation in the pulp of crown and root is a. dental caries b.fractured tooth with destruction c.internal resorption d.pulp stones d.cortical border 81. A radiolucent area in to which the a.odontogenic tumor b.tooth in carcinoma c.odontoma d.dentigerous cyst 82. Radioopaque mass in the lingual aspect of premolar region in mandible is a.osteoma b.torus mandibularis c.enostosis d.ossifying fibroma 87. Ground glass appearance of bone in radiograph occurs in a.ossifying fibroma b.fibrous dysplasia c.hyperostosis of bone d.early osteomyelitic change 83. Radioopaque lesion consists of tooth like structure are seen in a.odontome b.complex compound odontome c.compound composite odontome d.odontogenic tumor d.cementoblastoma 84. Radioopaque lesion consists of irregular mass of tooth structure in a.compound odontome b.calcifying odontome c.calcifying tumor d.complex odontome 88. Multiple radioopaque masses in the mandible with cotton wool appearance is seen in a.paget’s disease b.osteopetrosis c.fibrous dysplasia 85. Radiographically a very defined uniformly radioopaque lesion containing bone trabaculae with well defind border a.osteoma b.osteofibroma c.ossifying fibroma d.osteoid osteoma 90. Excessive growth of mandibular bone with prognathism occurs in 29yr old male in a. Acromegaly b. Gigantism c. Paget’s disesase d. Fibrous dysplasia 89. Intraoral radiograph shows in multiple area loss of lamina dura occurs in a.hyperparathyroidsm b.hypoparathyroidism c.hypoadrenalism d.hyperadrenalism 86. Multifocal area of bone destruction And widening of portion of periodontal Ligament space characteristic of Infiltration into mandible is seen in a.metastatic carcinoma b.leukemia c.tumor infiltration from oral mucosa d.lymphoma 91. Radiographic appearance of bone in cushing’s syndrome a.widening of trabaculae b.loss of lamina dura c.generalised osteoporosis d.granular appearance of bone 92. Radiographically the bone in osteopetrosis shows a. increased density b. decreased density c. increased deformity d. decreased deformity 97. Transcranial projection of radiograph is indicated a.to see lateral part of cranium b.identify the cranial extension of facial lesion c.to visualize mastoid and auricle d.to study TMJ 93. Radiograph of patient shows thickened diploic space and thinning of skull cortex in a.sickle cell anemia b.aplastic anemia c.thalassemia d.cooley’s anemia 98. The radiographic projection to study view of skull base and condyle in a.lateral skull cephalometry b.occipitomental view c.submentovertex d.town’s projection 94. Skull radiograph of patient shows granular appearance and thickening of diploic space in a.sickle cell anemia b.thalassemia c.aplastic anemia d.haemolytic anemia 99. For radioopaque band parelleling the contour of the maxillary antral floor in intraoral radiograph is a.chronic maxillary sinusitis b.growth in maxillary sinus c.bony exostosis of floor d.thickening of sinus mucosa 95. Visualization of TMJ in various planes can be seen better in a. Lateral oblique view radiograph b. AP view skull radiograph c. Occipitomental view d. Transpharyngeal view 100. Radiographic finding of reduction in size of mandible occurs in a. hemifacial microsomia b. hemi hypertrophy of face c. hemi condylar fracture d. hemi ankylosis of jaw 96. The imaging technique of choice for soft tissue of TM joint in a. Magnetic resonance imaging b. Arthrography 101. radiography is a. Film showing an image b. Use of radiation c. The technique involved in producing c. CT scan d. Angiography radiographic image using ionosing radiation d. A diagram drawn with a radiogram 102. X-rays are produced a. by coverting the cathode rays to anode b. when current is passed against tungsten c. when high speed electrons bombard a target material and are brought suddenly to rest d. cathode rays are converted in a vaccum tube 107. Assessment of presence and position of unerupted tooth by a. bitewing radiograph b. lateral skull radiograph c. periapical radiograph d. PNS view 103. Oil in the x-ray tube helps a. to hold the internal apparatus b. to help to pass the radiation c. facilitate the removal of the heat d. gives cooling effect to the tube d. 3.5x7cm 104. Radiation exposure to the unborn child causes a.congenital abnormality b.breathing trouble c.blood cell destruction d.organ function affected d.lateral oblique 105. Aluminium filteration in a x-ray tube helps a. to minimize leakage of unwanted x-rays b. to facilitate the heat removal c. to remove harmful low energy soft x-rays d. helps to direct x-ray beam a. sub mento vertex 106. Screen film is a.wrapped or packet film b.film with intensifying screen c.film with direct action d.film coated on both side 108. Film packet of occlusal radiograph is measuring a. 2x6 cm b. 5.7x7.6cm c. 6x4cm 109. The film and the saggital plane of the patient are held parallel and the x-ray film is perpendicular in a.true lateral positioning b.oblique lateral positioning c.bimolar 110. Standard occipitomental view radiograph is indicated in a.investigation of maxillary antrum b.leforte I,II , III fracture c.coronoid process fracture d.all of the above 111. Fracture zygomatic arch can be diagnosed b.occipitomental view c.lateral oblique skull view d.cephalometric 112. Radiographs showing only a section or slice of a patient is a.tomography b.panaromic radiograph c.sections of panaromic radiograph d. CT scan 117.Radiograhic contrast studies for joint is a.arthroscopy b.arthroradiography c.arthrography d.arthroangiography 113. The ability of the film to define an edge is called a.contrast b.sharpness c.image quality d.image geometry 118. Angiograph is a contrast study of radiograph to a.vessels b.blood vessels c.lymphatics d.all of the above 114. Overdevelopment of x-ray film is due to a.excessive time in the developer solution b.developer solution is too hot c. developer solution is too concentrated d.all of the above a.conventional tomography 115. If the developer solution is too cold and dilute it causes a.underdevelopment b.overdevelopment c.foggy film d.overexposure a.Thyroid collar 116. Poor stock control and film used after expiry date causes a. darkness of film b. haziness in the film c. dots in the film d. fogging of the film 119.Radioactive isotopes used for thyroid a.technitium 99m b.gallium c.iodine 123 d.krypton 122. Monitoring the progression of dental caries can be done a. periapical radiograph b. occlusal view radiograph 127. Technique very comfortable for the patient particularly for radiographing posterior teeth in whom gag reflex is present is 120. Radiographic film is replaced by very sensitive crystal or gas detectors in b.computerised tomography c.MRI d.bone scan 121. The most common form of personal monitoring device currently in use is b. Ionization bleeper c. Dosemeter d. T.L.D film badge c. children’s radiograph d. bitewing radiograph c. parelleing technique 123.Large intraoral film packet for adult measures a. 31x41mm b. 22x35mm c. 25x40mm d. 50x25mm b.bitewing technique 124. The radiograph to ascess the relation of the teeth to the jaws and the jaws to the rest of the facial skeleton is a.OPG b.cephalometric radiograph c.bitewing radiograph d.PA view skull radiograph d.OPG 125. The most anterior point of the alveolar crest in the premaxilla usually between the upper central incisor a. prosthion b. nasion c. pogonion d. none of the above a. restrainer 126. All the teeth and their supporting structures are shown on one film in a.skull radiograph b.full mouth radiograph c.cepalometric radiograph d.OPG 132. Aluminium chloride fuctions as a. harderner b. preservative c. acidifier d. solvent d.hypercementosis 133.The radiograph of choice for preoperative evaluation of a. bitewing technique b. bisecting angle technique d. occlusal view 128. Coning off or cone cutting may result if the central ray is not aimed at the center of the film in a.occlusal view technique c.bisecting technique d.parelleing technique 129. Assesment of a condition of the antral floor can be made with a.upper oblique occlusal radiograph b.skull radiograph-water’s view c.paranasal sinus view 130. Radiographic technique for TMJ a.transcranial b.transpharangeal c.transorbital d.all the above 131. Hydroquinone in developing solution functions as b. Reduce silver halide to metallic silver c. activator d. preservative 137. Diffuse,radioopacity in the apex of chronic low grade inflammation a.periapical granuloma b.periapical cementoma c.sclerosing osteitis 138. Radiographically moth eaten appearance is seen in skeletal and soft tissue patterns is a. lateral view skull radiograph b. cephalometric radiograph c. OPG d. occlusal view radiograph a. chronic gingivitis b. Osteomyelitis c. moderate periodontitis d. interproximal food impaction 134. The technique that generate image from non-ionizing radiation is a.digital radiograph b.ultrasound c.CT scan d. all the above d.periapical granuloma 135. Circumscribed well defined radiolucent area of bone at the apex of tooth surrounded by dense sclerotic bone is a. chronic periapical abscess b.periapical cyst c.chronic periapical granuloma d.infected cyst with superimposed radioopaque 136. Diffused,ill defined area of radiolucency at the apex is a.periapical periodontitis b.periapical abscess c.periapical granuloma d.periapical cyst 139. Well defined periapical radiolucency with the loss of lamina dura and periodontal space is seen in a.periapical periodontitis b.periapical cyst c.periapical abscess 142.Pear shaped radiolucency suggests a.dental cyst b.globulomaxillary cyst d.nasoalveolar cyst d.incisive canal cyst d.ameloblastoma 143.Rounded radiolucency at the apex of root with radioopaque border is seen in a. radicular cyst b.follicular cyst c.dental lamina cyst 147. Multiple root resorption occurs in jaw tumour a.osteoclastoma b.metastatic carcinoma c.sarcoma mandible 140. Onion skin appearance occurs in radiograph in a.Garre’s osteomyelitis b.Suppurative osteomyelitis c.Sclerosing osteomyelitis d.Radiation osteomyelitis 141.Heart shaped appearance of radiolucency line is seen in a.nasopalatine canal cyst b.median alveolar cyst c.median mandibular cyst d.mid palatine cyst 148. Well defined,unilocular radiolucency with multiple opaque foci associated with unerupted tooth occurs in a.dentigerous cyst b.ameloblastoma c.keratocyst d.enamel organ cyst d.adenoid odontogenic tumour 144. Unilocular radiolucency suurounding Crown of impacted tooth a. dentigerous cyst b. dental cyst c. keratocyst d. radicular cyst 149. Soap bubble appearance of radiograph is seen in a.ameloblastoma b.myxoma c.haemangioma d.all the above 145. A circumscribed smoothly contoured, roundened radiopaque mass in jaw bone is a.exostosis b.enostosis c.dysostosis d.hyperostosis 150. The jaw tumor that shows sun ray appearance in radiograph is a.osteochondroma b.osteoblastoma c.osteosarcoma d.osteoclastoma 146.Multilocular small radiolucency with honey comb appearance seen in a jaw lesion is a.keratocyst b.ameloblastoma c.fibrous dysplasia d.multiple cyst 151. Radiographic appearance may simulate ground glass appearance in a.ossifying fibroma b.osteomyelitis c.fibrous dysplasia d.cemental dysplasia 152. Bullous shape of root apex Separated by radiolucent space of periodontal membrane is a.cementoma b.hypercementosis c.cementoblastoma d.odontoma 157. The primary radiographic feature of cushings syndrome is a.bone formation b.generalized osteoporosis c.lamina dura lost d.marrow space increased 153. Lincoln beard appearance in Bone scan occurs in a.paget’s disease b.ossifying fibroma c.fibrous dysplasia d.osteosarcoma 158. An increased width of the pdl space occurs in a.progressive systemic sclerosis b.progressive destruction of alveolar bone c.progressive destruction of pdl memberane d.bone loss in periodontal disease 154. Greatly increased density of 159. Skull radiography shows thickened bone with the trabecular pattern of medullary cavities are unrecognized in a.multiple myeloma b.paget’s disease c.fibrous dysplasia d.osteopetrosis dipolic space and thinning of cortices in a.sickle cell anaemia b.aplastic anaemia c.cooley’s anaemia d.iron deficiency aneamia 155. Loss of lamina dura of alveolar bone is seen in a.hyperthyroidism b.hypothyroidism c.hyperparathyrodism d.hypoparathyroidism 160. Hair on end effect of cortices of skull occur in a.multiple myeloma b.sickle cell anemia c.apalstic anemia d.thalassemia 156.In lateral skull radiograph significant changes in sella turcica occur in a.hyperpituitarism b.hypopituitarism c.hyperthyroidism d.hyperparathyroidism 161. Thickened trabecular plate and enlarged marrow space occur in a.cooley’s anemia b.sickle cell anemia c.aplastic cell anemia d.myeloid leukemia 162. Sudden appearance of widening of periapical pdl space occurs in a.dental concussion b.chronic apical periodontits c.scleroderma d.acute peripapical periodontitis d.myeloma 163. Supernumerary teeth and multiple uneruptted are seen in the radiograph in a. cleidocranial dysostosis b. crouzon’s disease c. dentigerous cyst d. osteopetrosis 169.Ivory osteoma shows in radiograph as 164. Widening of pulp chamber with radiolucency in dentin with intact enamel a.chronic hyperplastic puplitis b.extensive caries 167. Radiographic appearance of very large marrow spaces and thinning of lower border cortex occurs in a.sickle cell anemia b.thalassemia c.aplastic anemia 168. Total opacity with in the maxillary antral cavity suggest a.acute sinusitis b.bony tumour of sinus c.odontoma in antrum d.paget’s disease a.well defined round or lobulated homogenous densly opaque mass b. thick radioopaque mass c.radioopaque mass surrounded by radiolucency c.taurodontism d.internal resorption 165. Multiple small well defned radiolucencies without sclerotic border, punched out defect occurs in skull bone a.osteitis fibrosa cystic b.metastatic carcinoma c.malignant lymphoma d.multiple myeloma 166. Ewing’s sarcoma of the mandible radiographically appears as a. onion skin effect b.orange peel appearance c.moth eaten appearance d.ground glass appearance d.radioopque and radiolucent mass 170.Multilocular radioluscent lesion a.ameloblastoma b.odontogenic myxoma c.aneurysmal bone cyst d.all of the above 171.Compound odontome radiographically appears as a.as a homogeneous radioopaque mass b.as a radiodensity with the miniature teeth shape surrounded by radiolucent line c.radiodensity with calcified mass d.large radiolucency with opaque mass 172.Florid cemento osseous dysplasia shows radiographically as a.radioopacities b.radiolucencies c.radioopaque and radiolucencies d.radioopacity surrounded by radiolucent line 177.Radio opaque mass at the apex of the root with golf ball appearance is a.osteoma b.cementoblastoma c.cementifying fibroma d.hypercementosis 173.Bitewing radiograph detects a.foreign body b.proximal caries c.enamel thickening d.restoration 178. Standard silver halide emulsion is sensitive to a. red light b. blue light c. ultraviolet d. green light 174. Radiolucent anatomical landmark in the mandible a.mental foramen b.lingula c.mylohyoid line d.genial tubercle 179.Generalized skeletal bone resorption in primary hyperparathyroidism leads to a.osteoporosis b.osteoplasia c.osteitis d.osteopenia 175. Radiolucency with evidence 180.Decreased bone density in skull vault of faint random internal trabeculations a.nasopalatine cyst b.aneurysmal bone cyst c.odontogenic keratocyst d.median palatine cyst 181.Radiographic features of skull and jaws 176.Radiolucency in early stage then numerous scattered radio opacity an appearance of driven snow a.CEOT b.AOT c.gorlin cyst d.all the above 182.Fibrous dysplasia in the jaw shows a localized, round zone of relative radiolucency containing fine trabecular pattern is described as a.ground glass,finger print or orange peel b.ground glass c.finger print d.orange peel b. CT scan 183. Copper beaten appearance of cranium resulting due to craniosynostosis occurs in a.multiple myeloma b.osteopetrosis c.crouzon’s syndrome d.trecher Collin syndrome b.CTscan 184.Multiple odontogenic keratocyst are a feature of a.gorlin’s syndrome b.polycystic ameloblastoma c.multicystic keratocyst d.osteitis fibrosa cystic b. ductal dialatation caused by associated 185.Stafne’s cyst appears as a radiolucency described as pepper pot skull occurs in a.cooley’s anemia b.osteopetrosis c.sickle cell anemia d.hyperparathyroidism shows frontal bossing, grossly enlarged and prognathic mandible with increased obliquity of angle in a.paget’s disease b.condylar hyperplasia c.cruzon’s disease d.acromegaly 186. Sub periosteal deposits in radiograph suggests a.osteopetrosis b.osteogenesis imperfect c.osteomalacia d.osteomyelitis 187.In one of the following technique ionizing radiation is not used a. digital radiograph c. conventional tomography d. MRI 188.The technique is excellent for differentiating between solid and cystic mass a.ultrasound c.radioisotope imaging d.MRI 189.Sialographic appearance of calculi includes a. filling defect in the main duct sialodochitis c. the emptying film usually shows contrast a.at the angle of mandible b.at the body of mandible c.at the angle of the mandible before the inferior dental canal d.at the angle of mandible above the inferior dental canal medium retained behind the stone d.all the above 190.The radiographic projections for parotid and submandibular gland a.oblique lateral b.PA view skull c.zygomatic view d.transphyrengeal view 194.Multilocular bilateral radiolucency in ramus with internal radioopaque septa occurs in a.ameloblastoma b.cherubism c.aneurysmal bone cyst d.myxoma mandible 191.Radiographically flattening of the head of the condyle with erosion and destruction of the articular surface of the condyle with hollowing of glenoid fossa occurs in a.rheumatoid arthritis b.suppurative arthritis c.osteomyelitis d.tuberculosis of TMJ but small opacities of snow flakes with 192.Fusion of the head of the condyle in glenoid fossa with little or no evidence of joint space occurs in a.ankylosis b.arthrosis c.arthritis d.artifact of TMJ neck region because 193.Dental injury can cause a.fracture of teeth b.luxation of teeth c.fracture of alveolus 195.Jaw lesion shows initially radiolucency but in more advanced stage contain variable amount of radioopacity is a. periapical granuloma b. Ameloblastoma c. keratocyst d. ossifying fibroma 196.Jaw lesion shows initially radiolucency with in the radiolucency may be seen peripherally as the lesion matures in a.AOT b.CEOT c.gorlin cyst d.fibrous dysplasia 197.Ultrasound has limited use in head and a.sound waves are not transmitted well b.sound waves are absorbed by the bone c.sound waves cannot pass through both bone and soft tissues d.all of the above tissue d.sound waves are absorbed by the vascular 198.The radiograph of choice for the ankylosis of TMJ is a.CT b MRI c.ultrasound d.bone scan 204. Radiation is 199.Reverse towne’s view is indicated to investigate a.articular surface of the condyle b.disease within the joint c.fracture condylar head and neck d.all the above d.invisible rays 200.Transpharyngeal view of radiograph is indicated for a.detection of pharyngeal growth b.for tonsillar growth c.to find out styloid process d.TMJ pain dysfunction syndrome 203.The atom consists of a.central nucleus and orbiting electrons b.protons and neutrons c.electrons d.electrons and neutrons 201.The science or study of radiation energy is a.radiology b.roentonology c.imageology d.radiograph 207.Small amounts of radiation absorbed 202.The father of x-rays who discovered the early potential of an xray beam in 1895 a.Robert m jones b.william Conrad roentgen c.eric whaite 206.Radiation effects on skin causes a.carcinoma b.sarcoma c.toxicity of skin d.chronic dermatitis a.emission and propogation of energy through space or a substance in the form of wave and particle b.certain unstable atom or element c.a beam of energy that has power to penetrate 205. Radiation effects on heamopoitic tissue causes a.anemia b.leukemia c.polycythemia d.thrombocytopenia over a long period of time causes a.acute radiation effects b.chronic radiation effects c.long term effect d.short term effect d.william d.coolidge 208.Genetic effects of radiation a.do not affect the health of the exposed individual b.affect health of exposed individual c.affects the entire tissue d.affect the person who exposed the radiation to the patient 214.The placement of aluminium disc in the 209.One of the following cell is most radio sensitive a.epithelial cell b.lymphocytes c.myocytes d.plasma cell d.total filtration 210.One of the following cell is Radioresistant a.muscle cell b.lymphocyte c.reproductive cell d.fibroblasts d.aluminum disc are used 211.The traditional units of radiation measurements a.The roentgen(R) b.the radiation absorbed dose(rad) c.roentengen equivalent d.all of the above 212.A special unit of absorbed dose that is equal to deposition of 100Ergs of energy/gm of tissue is a.rad b.rem c.sivert d.Roentgen(R) 213.The dental xray tube head must be equipped with a.appropriate aluminum filter b.lead collimator c.PID d.all the above path of xray beam between the collimator and the tube head seal in the dental xray machine is a.simple filtration b.inherent filtration c.added filtration 215.In intra oral radiograph to restrict the size and shape of x-ray beam and to reduce patient exposure a.collimation is used b.filteration is used c.Kvp is adjusted 216.Lead apron is used to protect scatterd radiation to a.heart b.reproductive and blood forming cells c.immunological cells d.skin 217.The single most effective method of reducing the patient exposure to x-ray is by a.using PID b. using proper collimation c.using fast film d.using proper film holding device 218.All exposure to radiation must be kept to a minimum or as low as reasonably achievable, this is a.MPD concept b.MAD concept c.ALARA concept d.all the above 224.To take radiographs of crown,root,tip 219.Film badge is used for a.personal monitoring b.radiation monitoring c.equipment monitoring d.Xray room monitoring 223.Lead foil sheet in the xray film packet is used a.to give thickness to the film packet b.to shield the film from back scattered radiation that results in film fog c.to reduce radiation d.to prevent leakage of radiation 220.Control panel of xray machine is a. to suspend xray tube head b. to allow the dental radiographer to regulate the xray beam c. to hold central device d. to hold exposure button 226. Extra oral cassette is a special device that 221.Dental xray film base is a flexible piece of a.cardboard b.lead sheet c.plastic d.polyester plastic 227.Radiographs lack density and permit 222.The main advantage of using double emulsion film is a.easy manipulation b.double exposure c.it requires less radiation exposure to produce image d.for better quality of image 225.Intensifying screens are coated with a.silver halide b.phoshorous c.calcium salts d.film emulsion 228.Structures that resist the passage of xray beam shows a.radioopacity 232.One of the following chemicals in developing agent a.hydroquinone of the root,the film used is a.bitewing b.occlusal view c.periapical film d.children film is used to hold a. Sensor b.intensifying screens c.unexposed film d.both b and c the passage of xray beam appears a.radioopaque b.foggy c.black with grains d.radiolucent b.foggy c.white with black d.radiolucency b.sodium sulphite c.sodium carbonate d.potassium bromide 229.The capability of the xray film to reproduce distinct outlines of the object is a.contrast b.sharpness c.density d.magnification 234.Photographic image produced on the film 230.Target film distance is the a.distance between target to the tip of the cone b.distance between anode and cathode c.distance between the source of xray and the film d.distance between xray film to the mouth b.an instrument to hold and read the film 231.The process of converting the latent invisible image into visible image a.rinsing b.developing c.fixing d.film processing 233.Fixing chemical agent in the fixer composition solution is a.sodium thiosulphate b.sodium sulphite c.potassium alum d.acetic acid 236.Hemostat with bite block is a.surgical clamp to control bleeding b.used in prosthetic bite registration c.a film holder to stabilize the film d.used to raise the bite in tmj problems d.cephalometric film 237.Crowns and roots of the 2nd premolar of the mandible including the apices must 241.The level of alveolar bone can be examined in a.periapical film b.bitewing film c.vertical bitewing film by the passage of xray through the teeth is called a.periapical film b.dental radiograph c.intraoral xray film d. x-ray of the teeth 235.A film holder is a.a clip to hold the film to develop and fix c.a device that is used to position the film to exposure d.to hold and preserve the film 242.Intraoral occlusal radiograph the film used for adults is a.size 3 intraoral film be seen in a.mandibular premolar exposure b.mandibular canine c.mandibular canine and premolar exposure d.mandibular premolar and molar exposure 238.During film placement posterior films are placed a.vertically b.horizontally c.tilting the film mesially d.tilting the film distally a.the cassette is kept along the outer 239.Elongated images refer to images that appear too long due to a.incorrect horizontal angulation b.insufficient vertical angulaion c.excess vertical angulation d.incorrect vertical angulation 240.Foreshortened images refer to images of teeth that appear short due to a.incorrect horizontal angulation b.insufficient vertical angulation c.excessive vertical angulation d.incorrect vertical angulation 246.The intensifying screen which requires less xray exposure and emit green light is a.calcium tungstate intensifying screen b.silver halide intensifying screen c.rare earth intensifying screen d.plain screen film 252.The skull radiograph to evaluate the 247.Frankfort plane is an imaginary plane from the a.angle of the mouth to the tragus b.alae of the nose to the outer part of the eye b.size 4 intraoral film c.size 2 intraoral film d. size 1 intraoral film 243.The occlusal projection used to examine the palate and the anterior teeth of the maxilla is a.topographic projection b.lateral projection c.cross sectional projection d.pediatric projection 244. In panaromic radiography surface of the jaw b.the film is kept alone in the rotating machine c.tubehead alone rotates around the patient d.film and the tubehead rotates around the patient 245.The collimater used in the panaromic xray machine is a lead plate a.with small round opening b.with small round and rectangular opening c. with the opening in the shape of a narrow vertical slit d.with the circular shaped slit 251.Multiple cyst like radiolucent osteitis fibrosa cystic occurs in a.hypoparathyroidism b.basal cell nevi syndrome c.multiple myeloma d.hyperparathyroidism maxillary sinus area ,frontal and ethmoidal sinus and orbital and nasal cavity a.anterior posterior projection b.posterio anterior projection c.that passes through the top of the ear canal to the bottom of the eye socket d.a line from the angle of the mouth to the lateral part of the eye lid view 248.The images seen on the panaromic radiograph are a.really sharp b.are not sharp as intra oral radiograph c.more sharp than intraoral radiograph d.sharpness equal to intraoral radiograph to estimate the joint space and to 249.The advantage of panaromic radiograph is a.field size and simple b.image quality c.distortion d.focal trough limitation 250.The indication for reverse towne projection for extra oral radiogarph is a. to evaluate base of the skull b.to identify position of coronoid c.to identify the fracture of the condyle and ramus area d.to locate tumor in the base of the skull 256.CCD is a.video camera b.fax machine c.a device to collect Xrays d.image receptor used in dental digital radiograph d.internal resorption 257.A ring shaped radioopacity below the apices of mandibular incisors is a.midline of the mandible b.genial tubercle c.periapical infection d.torus mandibularis d.periapical periodontitis 258.A radioopaque band extending downward and forward from c.sub mento vertex d.water’s projection 253.Fractured zygomatic arch can be visualized in the skull radiogaraph in the a.water’s proection b.reverse towne’s projection c.submento vertex projection d.posterioanterior projection 254.To study the bony components of TMJ, evaluate the extent of movement of condyle the following radiograph is indicated a.lateral view of skull radiograph b.transcranial projection c.TMJ topography d.orthography 255.The method of capturing image using sensor without Xray film is called a.digital substraction b.digital radiography c.indirect digital imaging d.CCD 261.A round to ovoid radiolucency in the mid crown or mid root of a tooth involving the pulp is a.extensive dental caries b.external root resorption c.failure to close the pulp chamber 262.Widening of periapical periodontal space and appears as a round or ovoid radiolucency with loss of lamina dura between the root apex and apical lesion a.periapical granuloma b.periapical cyst c.peripaical abscess 263. Neither the Xray film is used nor the the processing procedure is followed in the anterior border of ramus of the mandible is a.lower border of mandible b.mylohyoid line c.external oblique ridge d.inferior dental canal 264. Reverse towne’s projecton- this 259.The outer most radiopaque layer of crown of the tooth is a.cementum b.dentin c.alveolar bone d.enamel one of the imaging techniques a.extra oral radiograph b.bite wing radiograph c.occlusal d.digital projection of extra oral radiograph helps to identify a.base of the skull b.paranasal sinus c.foramen magnum and ramus area d.fractured neck of the condyle 260.Which alveolar crest radiographically appears flat and smooth a.alveolar crest of incisors b.alveolar crest of canine c.anterior alveolar crest d.posterior alveolar crest 265.The differences in degree of blackness between adjacent area on a radiograph is a.distortion b.density c.contrast d.elongation 266.Well defined radio opacity below the apices of vital tooth is a.condensing osteitis b.cementum c.idiopathic periapical osteosclerosis d.early ossifying fibroma 272. Supernumerary tooth that erupt 267.Radiolucent area above the mental ridge in panaromic radiograph is a.mental foramen b.mental fossa c.lingual fossa d.lingual foramen 273.Fusion of adjacent 2 tooth germs 268.Radioopacity anterior to mandibular foramen in panaromic radiograph is a.coronoid process b.retromolar area c.anterior part of coronoid process 271.Supernnumerary tooth distal to 3rd molar a.mesiodens b.distodens c.peridens d.paramolars ectopically either buccal or lingual to normal arch a. mesiodens b.distodens c.peridens d.paramolars develop and calcified as a.fusion b.gemination c.concrescence d.dilaceration d.lingula may be more hazy than anticipated 269.Radiolucent band outlined by two thin radioopaque lines representing cortical wall in panaromic radiograph is a.mandibular foramen b.mandibular canal c.mental foramen d.mental ridge a.exostosis 270.Supernumerary tooth between or just posterior to central incisors a.mesiodens b.distodens c.peridens d.paramolars 274.A cyst shows radiolucency which a.infected dental cyst b.keratocyst c.dentigerous cyst d.a cyst associated with odontome 275.Radiographically a circumscribed smoothly contoured somewhat rounded radioopaque mass in the jaw is b.enostosis c.hypercementosis d.dyostosis 276.Jaw lesions in which a single isolated radioopaciy well defined or diffused within trabeculae of normal bone is called a.exostosis b.hypercementosis c.enostosis d.hyperostosis 281.Multiple small well defined radiolucency without sclerotic border like punched out defect occurs in a.hyperparathyroidism b.eosinophillic granuloma c.multiple myeloma d.hand- schuller –christian disease 277.An odontoma in the jaw bone is a a.odontogenic tumor b.hamartoma c.choriostoma d.teratoma c.exostosis 278. Radiographically spoke wheel Appearance is seen in a. Ameloblastoma b. CEOT c. Central hemangioma of bone d. AOT b.osteitis deformans 279.Primary radiographic carcinoma of jaw shows irregular radiolucent destructive disease with ill defined irregular erosion of bony margin 282. A thin radiolucent capsule surrounds the radioopacity and seperates it from adjacent normal bone is a.condensing osteitis b.periapical cemental dysplasia d.sequestrum in osteomyelitis 283. Rdiographically multiple roots seen with hypercementosis in advanced stage of the following disease a.cleido cranial dysostosis c.osteopetrosis d.osteomalacia 284.The disease in which all the bones and erosion of alveolar bone occurs in a.ameloblastoma b. central giant cell granuloma c.multiple myeloma d.primary carcinoma d.osteopetrosis 280.The malignant tumor of jaw that show sun ray appearencve in radiograph is a.metatstaic carcinoma b.osteosarcoma c.fibrosarcoma d.ameloblastic carcinoma 286.Dense opacity slightly raised on Palate in maxillary occlusal radiograph is a.osteopetrosis of the maxilla b.multiple osteoms c.condensing osteitis d.torus palatinus show increased density that the trabecular pattern of medullary cavities are virtually unrecognized in a.paget’s disease b.skeletal fluorosis c.osteogenesis imperfecta 287.In occlusal radiograph radioopaque Homogenous knobly protrubernce from the lingual surface of the mandible suggest a.supernumerary tooth b.impacted canine c.sialolith d.torus mandibularis 292.Following traumatic event of the central incisor,widening of the PDL space in the apical portion occurs in a.periodontitis b.concussion c.subluxation d.luxation 288.Radiographically as a radioopaque infolding of the enamel into the tooth pulp chamber is a.pulp stone b.evagination c.dens-in denti d.talon’s cusp 294.Vertical radiolucent lines that appear in 289.Periapical radiograph shows loss of lamina dura in a.hyperparathyroidism b.hypoparathyroidism c.hyperthyroidism 293.Radiographically intruded tooth with obliteration of the lamina dura occurs in a.developmental disease b.unerupted tooth c.tooth pushed by tumor d.traumatic injury 285.Radiograph shows dense alveolar bone and embedded poorly formed teeth in a.osteopetrosis b. cleido- cranial dysostosis c.skeletal fluorosis d.osteogenesis imperfecta 291.Loss of density of the alveolar bone and lamina dura occurs in a.osteomalacia b.diabetic periodontitis c.osteopetrosis d.malignancy mandibular periapical radiograph suggest a.fracture of the mandible b.fracture alveolus c.mid line suture d.nutrient canal d.hypothyroidism 295.Compared to conventional radiograph 290.Radiographically thinning of lamina Dura delayed dental eruption and short tooth root is seen in a.hypothyroidism b.hyperthyroidism c.hyper pitutarism d.hypopitutarism 296. To capture radiographic image of teeth in digital radiograph a. sensor is used b.pixel is used c.CCD is used d.xray film is used d.panaromic radiograph 297.To locate foreign bodies or salivary stones in the region of the floor of the mouth the choice of radiograph in mandible is a.IOPA b.topographic occlusal projection c.cross sectional occlusal projection d.all of the above 298.To locate foreign bodies and lesions in posterior maxilla, the radiograph is maxillary a.periapical radiograph b.topographic occlusal radiograph c.lateral occlusal projection d.all of the above the digital radiography requires a.less x-ray radiation b.more x ray radiation c.same x-ray radiation d.no x-ray radiation 299.The radiograph not indicated to evaluate caries,periodontal disease and periapical lesion is a.intraoral radiograph b.occlusal radiograph c.bitewing radiograph 300.A radiolucent area located above the apices of maxillary premolar and molar is a.orbital cavity b.nasal cavity c.maxillary sinus d.ethmoidal sinus