The Hayling College Assessment General Classroom Risk Risk assessment template written LMN 07/07/2020 This Risk Assessment is written for GENERAL CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES- including Lesson Planning, Preparation of Classroom, Curriculum Lessons and supervision of Pupils. This includes lessons requiring little or no practical element, taking place in a standard classroom environment. It takes into account our current situation in relation to Covid-19. You will need to read and amend to fit your classroom, please check, sign and date Hazard who might be harmed and how? what are you doing already? do you need to do anything else to control this risk? Action: Who? Action: When? Done Covid-19/ Bio hazard ENTERING CLASS ROOM THC Staff, Pupils and Visitors cross contaminat ed · · · · · Corridors/Outside ‘Holding’ area marked with safe waiting spaces, Each space leading to the class room is 2m apart A plan of the room showing the position of the workstations and social distancing displayed on the door and around the waiting area Under the direction of the teacher, students enter the room individually in an orderly fashion and make their way to their allotted workplaces, Furthest from door first. Under the direction of the teacher, students leave the room individually in an orderly fashion at the end of a lesson. All areas need to be marked out All areas need to be marked out Need to be completed SLT By the end of term SLT All Staff By the end of term By the end of term All Staff From 03/09/2020 When students return Once students return 03/09/2020 All Staff · Covid-19/ Bio hazard SOCIAL DISTANCIN G THC Staff, Pupils and Visitors cross contaminat ed · · · · · · · No staff/pupil exhibiting symptoms can take part in session and should be sent home. 2 metre social distancing measures in place. 2 metre safety area around Staff desk, must not be crossed by pupils All staff/pupils wash hands and use sanitizer before and after session. Pupils who cannot follow safety rules are not permitted to take part in sessions. Teachers will have to plan and take into account requirements for each activity (e.g available equipment) and decide whether it can be safely managed as a class activity (pupils working individually not in groups). Clearly demonstrations cannot involve pupils crowding around a desk, however they will still be needed for many activities. They can still be done by making use of data projectors and digital cameras / visualizers to project what is being demonstrated. Teachers will need to practice beforehand if they are not already experienced in using this equipment. Teachers must keep their distance when observing Class Teacher · There must be time allocated at the start and end of lesson for setting up/clearing up. GR GR IT facilities:Keyb oards, Mice and Power buttons to be wiped down in between users. Movement around the room will need planning in advance, things to consider eg, the locations of the door, sinks & emergency equipment By the End of Term By the End of Term Class Teacher By the End of Term By the End of Term By the End of Term Class Teacher · By the End of Term Class Teacher Class Teacher · By the End of Term the pupils as they work through the activity. and routes between these and the workstations & teachers’ table; routes to and from fixed equipment and workstations; ability of the teacher to supervise work effectively; ability of the teacher to respond to an emergency; procedures to summon help if needed and procedures if pupils need to leave the room during a lesson. Class Teacher By the End of Term · Covid-19/ Bio hazard THC Staff, Pupils and Visitors cross contaminat ed · · CLEANLIN ESS · · Room cleaned in advance of practical with all sides cleaned with antibacterial spray Where possible separate socially distanced hand washing facilities with soap and water In addition, alcohol-free hand sanitizer available for each student Each student will clean their hands before and after practical work timed for 20 seconds or more. Writing Equipment- if child does not have their own, Take from Green Pot, then return to Red Pot for cleaning for example. · · There must be time allocated at the start and end of lesson for setting up/clearing up. Anti Bacterial wipes to be provided by THC IT facilitie :Keyboards, Mice and Power buttons to be wiped down in between users. Class Teacher Class Teacher By the End of Term By the End of Term Slips and trips THC Staff, Pupils and Visitors may fall over Pupils are instructed to keep chairs tucked away when not sitting on them Trailing wires for permanent equipment (e.g. computers) to be taped down and covered GR Trailing wires from temporary equipment (e.g. projector) tucked away securely after use Class teacher By the End of Term When necessary Coats and bags are placed on hooks, not left on floor Gangways are kept clear of objects By the End of Term Damaged linoleum to be replaced GR Falls from height THC Staff, Pupils and Visitors falling as they create classroom displays Chairs and desks aren’t used while making displays Certified Step ladders to be provided for making displays DY/GR Class teacher THC Staff, Pupils and Visitors falling from windows Windows at a height are opened using a pole or opening mechanism Everyone to be regularly reminded not to lean out over high drops to open/close windows By the End of Term When necessary Fires THC Staff, Pupils and Visitors can be subject to burns, smoke inhalation and face serious injuries or death Whole-school fire risk assessment carried out and reviewed regularly Regular checks from site manager that emergency exits and firefighting equipment are unobstructed and functioning Put more regular drills in place to ensure pupil familiarity with evacuation procedures Ensure any unnecessary material is removed and ensure good house keeping CR By the end of term GR By 11/09/2020 All Staff All staff to complete ELearning Staff are trained to follow the evacuation procedure GR Smoke detectors checked regularly Electrica l Equip ment THC Staff , Pupi ls and Visit ors All electrical equipment, plugs , sockets to be visually checked before use for correct operation and undamaged. Staff to supervise use of all electrical equipment e.g computer, printer Visual checks to be carried out by all staff Alert GR if issues All Staff By the end of term Personal Safety THC Staff , Pupi ls and Visit ors Ensure adequate supervision for the number of pupils- teacher/student ratio. Ensure Staff member can manage any poor behavior. Any problems should be dealt with in accordance to College policy. Pupils to be encouraged to adhere to behavior policy, especially COVID-19 amendments Control the entry and exit of people from classes. All Staff September 2020 when students return All Staff Pupils to be shown routines once they return Manual Handli ng THC Staff , Pupi ls and Visit ors Asses all manual handling Tasks. Assess any load: consider the task, environment and individual capability. Store heavy/bulky item in easy accessible positions. Split load into smaller parts. If accessed from height use appropriate access equipment. Don’t allow pupils to carry out manual handling tasks. All staff to complete ELearning Manual Handling Training All Staff By 11/09/2020 IT Equip ment Furnitur e Workpla ce conditi ons THC Staff , Pupi ls and Visit ors Projector/Whiteboard: Refer to manufacturer’s instructions when using. Do not look directly into the beam, and encourage back to the beam when stood in the beam. Check Projectors and Whiteboards are working, if not email CM All Staff All staff to complete ELearning Display Screen and assess workstation All Staff Display Screen Equipment: Assess your workstation THC Staff , Pupi ls and Visit ors Furniture and Fittings, Seating and storage: Check positioning does not interfere with circulation routes, entry/exits, fire escapes. Check for damage or instability Faulty equipment should be reported to GR for removal. All Staff Poor positioned items to be moved to a more suitable place All Staff THC Staff , Pupi ls and Visit ors Please ensure offices and classrooms are clutter free, and there is good circulation throughout Staff to tidy and bin clutter. All Staff Books to be stored neatly By the end of term By 11/09/2020 By end of term Injury from Equip ment Injury from Workpl ace Conditi ons THC Staff , Pupi ls and Visit ors Scissors, Compasses, Craft Knifes and kitchen knives to be kept out of reach of pupils when not in use. THC Staff , Pupi ls and Visit ors Carry out visual inspection of all workplace surfaces- sharp edges and rough surfaces Ensure these are stored correctly All Staff By the end of term Identify and report to GR All Staff By the end of term Only round ended scissors to be used. Sharp objects to be counted in and out every lesson